Suspects in Paris massacre killed

suspectA police official on the scene of the standoff between two armed brothers suspected in the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo newsroom says the suspects are dead, and their hostage has been freed.

Security forces launched a major assault on the building late Friday afternoon.

A few minutes later, several people were seen being led from the kosher market in eastern Paris where another gunman had taken hostages.


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  1. J John-Charles
    January 11, 2015

    The Lord Jesus has no rivals, He is second to none and is better and greater than the rest, there will never be another like Him. At the age of 30 we are told He went about doing good.Opening the eyes of the blind.He made the lame to walk the dumb to speak and the deaf to hear. Once a leper came went down on his knees pleading with Him and said
    “If you are willing,You can make me clean”
    Now see the reaction of a true Prophet,we are told ‘Then Jesus moved with compassion,stretched out His hand and touched him and said to him “I will;be cleansed” Mark 1:40-41. Again a woman was taken in adultery and the pharisees told Christ she should be stoned to death but He told the woman neither do I condemn you,GO AND SIN NO MORE.The muslims should behold this Savior. Just before He died for sinner on the cross He asked for forgiveness for those who crucified Him.
    “Father forgive them: for they know not what they do”Luke 23:34.
    This Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.COME 2…

  2. The Facts
    January 10, 2015

    Through the years many of these evil acts have occurred. They were not attributed to a comic strip. Consider 9-11 of all.
    It was stated that the two terrorists who were murdered knew the underwear bomber who is imprisoned in the US for life. Remember him who had the bomb in his underwear which prematurely went off while he was on the plane in mid-air?
    24 year-old male twins were arrested yesterday. One was at the Pierre Trudeau Airport in Quebec, on his way to fight with terrorists in Syria. The other one was arrested in Ottawa, Ontario – Canada’s capital.
    Many dignitaries of some countries as Canada will be attending a rally for unity in France. Let us view this as, we must unite for a better, happy and peaceful world and in our community.
    God is sending us a message and showing us the way to live at peace and in unity with our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ Our Lord. It pays to live a law-abiding life. Blessed are the peacemakers for they will see the Lord.

  3. Rabbit
    January 10, 2015

    It seems that we forgot about the evils commited against African people in the name of Jesus. Not only islam is responsible for terror,all of these religions are guilty of criminal activity perpetrated on the human race

    • The Facts
      January 11, 2015

      The article pertains to what occurred in France. It does not refer to Africans. Most of what occurred to Africans were caused by American men, then the British, French and Spanish. One of their very own African sold them for money. Otherwise, the Africans would never have gone with them. When they were brought over to the US and Caribbean and sold as slaves, their so-called masters, the majority of them ill-treated them. Note South Africa.
      You will have to be specific that the African people were ill-treated in the Name of Jesus.
      If you want to talk about ill-treatment of Africans and prejudice, I can state much more than you. In Canada and no doubt the US, some of the West Indian men and women preferred the white-skinned people to their dark skinned ones. It is as if they suffered from a black-white complex. Some showed downright prejudice against their very own and right in the West Indies where they resided. Therefore, know what you are stating. I can beat you to it.

  4. J John-Charles
    January 10, 2015

    Just because a group or organisation is religious that does not mean it is of God.See what is happening in Australia,England,France,Canada,Germany,the U.S.etc,innocent people are being murdered by cutting their throats in the streets,using their cars to end, innocents lives.Let us go in Africa and the middle eastern countries that are covered with Muslims, they are killing each other like crabs setting bombs in schools,hospitals,buses women and children are being raped some of them are sold into slavery and forced to marry other men.Sunni and Shia (whatever the name) they are both Muslims and are killing each other by the thousands.They don’t tolerate other religions whether you a catholic,Baptist,Seven Days,Anglican,Gospel Mission Hindu just name it according to them you u must convert or. ,,,,,.No wonder the lord Jesus told His followers “BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM” Matthew 7:20.

    I will be back and show you the blessings, wonders and joys of being saves thru…

  5. J John-Charles
    January 10, 2015

    While all muslims are not terrorist but you will agree with me 99.9% act of terror are done by muslims.Again some one will say these people are criminals not muslins.Well, they made it clear that they are muslims.take for example,in France these radical Islamist were shouting.
    “The prophet has been avenged.”
    Could you imagine mortal man defending his god.I thought it was the other way round.When I am weak I pray to God my heavenly Father through Jesus Christ ,because He is strong and I am weak.

  6. The Facts
    January 9, 2015

    This is a sad situation, 12 people murdered in cold blood by those terrorists. This is what to call them. Now they are killed and have gone to their eternal judgment.
    There are no virgins waiting for them or anyone else for that matter in Heaven. Our Lord said, in Heaven, they neither marry or are handed in marriage.
    St. Paul said, “No murderer will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
    Some people are so brainwashed, falsely indoctrinated that they think it is a good thing, OK to persecute and kill others, worst enough in the name of God whom they call Allah.
    Our God is a God of love, peace and unity. This is what Heaven is comprised of. Those who have indifferent and evil tendencies to murder their fellow people because they do not share their views and religious beliefs should take note.
    If we cannot live in peace and harmony with others and accord them their due right, dignity and freedom of also speech, we can consider that we forfeit our right and place in Heaven forever.

    • uwotm8
      January 10, 2015

      So king david is not in heaven?

      • The Facts
        January 11, 2015

        I wonder if you know what you are stating? Let us say King David had the time to repent and make penance and restitution which I am certain he did.
        Some murderers and other sinners will have the time to repent, make penance and restitution. If God sees their hearts are humble and contrite, He will forgive them. This is for God to decide.
        These people premeditated those murders. In other words, they planned it for sometime and knew what they were doing. Note, they also held others captive and murdered some of them. Furthermore, they died during their massacre of additional people. They harbored hatred, exercised it and died in that manner. They may have left some cells behind, a pattern their contemporaries will follow. Do you think God will forgive these people? On Judgment Day we will know who were forgiven and who were not.
        Holy Scripture: “Some people’s sins precede them to eternity. Others are followed by their sins.” Let us try to live a godly life.

  7. police
    January 9, 2015

    Served them right. Any person who can kill innocent ppl deserves to be killed. Wish they was caught and tortured idk why Muslims won’t stay in thier country. They quick to take insult n kill ppl. Thier death was to easy for all the pain the caused the families of the victims

    • The Facts
      January 11, 2015

      Think of what their eternal punishment is like. It gives me the creeps to even think of it.

  8. anonymous2
    January 9, 2015

    I will bet anything that they were set up to take the fall, if they were even involved to begin with in the Paris attack. This was a staged event very similar to the Boston bombing with those 2 brothers.. This is about squashing freedom of speech, the press and expression.

    • E. Manon
      January 10, 2015


      You are a brainless organism. Now please crawl back beneath that slimy rock from which you came from.

    • The Facts
      January 11, 2015

      They have a leader who already proclaimed that they were responsible, at the head of it all who encouraged them. These people are told they will go to Heaven and seven virgins will be waiting for them. They say Allah told them to kill. What false indoctrination and brainwashing. They now know how they were deceived to their eternal detriment.

  9. January 9, 2015

    Very good job ,who ever lives by the sword must die by the sword…

  10. Malgraysa
    January 9, 2015

    And nothing in our media? When Matt was asked this afternoon why that is so he just shoved it aside and said they depend on Caribbean news for that. Matt, you were once a proud investigative journalist, what happened to you? They are French peoople that were murdered, our neighbours right next door with home we have such close ties. What is stopping you from reporting this independently? How can you be so cavalier. You are getting too complacent in your dotage and depending on what others, especially Carlisle tell you? My sincere sympathies with our cousins next doors and all the French nation in general.

    • drone
      January 10, 2015

      I thought this happened in France had no idea it happened “next door’. Why you dont you. ask DBS or Kairi the same? Matt isn’t your museboy. This not even your fight just piggy backing off a caller. You and the caller saw it on tv just like the rest or the world what more do you want Matt to add? You want to bark on Muslims do you’re looking for Matt to start, how come you dont comment about the 100s of innocent people killed by Jews daily on their own land? Or the Africans displaced and murdered by Muslims in Africa?.

      • Titiwi
        January 11, 2015

        I’m sorry Drone but Matt getting lazy. He thinks he is mr. Fine Foods. I respect Fine Foods but I turn my radio off when he comes with an hour of promo and lets the company representative do all the work. That is predictable and boring.

    • The Facts
      January 11, 2015

      And some of us have relatives in France even though we may not know them, you know in those days of slavery – sorry to say.
      I said to a few people I wonder if any were my relatives and if I did not have other plans I would have attended the unity Rally in downtown Toronto. It is cold, cold here – freezing. :lol:
      I said prayers for them.

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