BENGHAZI, LIBYA (BNO NEWS) — A U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle crashed in the northeastern region of Libya, but the two crew members were able to eject safely, officials said Tuesday.
The U.S. Air Force confirmed that the aircraft had experienced equipment malfunction while flying over northeast, Libya on Monday at approximately 10:30 p.m. CET. The fighter jet was later found near Benghazi.
The aircraft, based out of Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England, was flying out of Aviano Air Base in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn at the time of the incident.
The cause of the incident is under investigation, and no further details were available.
The crew members will be identified after their families have been notified.
Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn is the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution1973, which authorizes all necessary measures to protect civilians in Libya under threat of attack by Qadhafi regime forces.
A poster by the name of M wrote that ‘All dictators will get theres” his statement is very inaccurate. The dictators who will get theirs are the ones who don’t bow down to America. Tell me if the dictators of Tunisia, Bahrain, Jordan, Oman, Yemen, Kuwait, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia will get theirs. No the ywon’t. They all are killing protesters but are not being asked to leave because they have been bought by America. The entire world is aware of the fact that innocent Palestinian men women and children are being murdered by Israel and their houses destroyed? We rarely see that on TV.
Based on interantional law the military intervention in Libya is illegal. Listen to Germany, India, China, Russia and many nations in Africa and Asia. They are all condeming the operation. Even in America it is being condemned by senators and congressmen. Libya has not attacked any country the government is only fighting to put down an armed insurrection. It is an internal matter for Libyans to solve. The UN could have looked for a peaceful solution.
For example when North Korea sunk the South Korean Submarine and fired rockets into South Korea that destroyed houses and killed innocent people the major world powers including America called for a peaceful solution to problem.
With all what is being said about the slaughter of civilians in Libya we are yet to see any images to verify the claim. Look at the images being shown on TV. We saw the images of all of Gaddafi’s tanks destroyed by the French on the road to Benghazi. We were shown the wreckage of the “downed” US figher jet. We saw the images of Libyans standing on the wreckage. Why aren’t we being shown the pictures of the civilians that Gaddafi have murdered.?
If Gaddafi was a US puppet he would not have been accused of anything you would not even be seeing images of what is happening in Libya. How many times have you seen imgaes of Isreal army killing innocent Palestinians? Now that information is at our fingertips and there are many independent news organizations around the world. People must use the power of the internet and google the independent and unbiased news sources around the world to get the real facts about what is really taking place in Libya and other areas oy unrest.
I agree on everything except the Korean situation. North Korea is being treated unfairly, The was an article last year that showed evidence that North Korea did not sink the South Korean ship. The ship actually sunk my accident. And the South Korean president ran with the North Korean story in order to gain support against the north.
All dictators will get theres, thanks for the internet, facebook and other social networks that allow for quick distribution of information, propaganda experts and loyalist will not poison the people. The informed members of society won’t stand for nonsense, they will get organised. After 42 yrs libyans tired, 30 egyptians tired… its just a matter of time before people had enough.. DOWN with those pieces of SH who are just greedy for power.
thank god they safe
MOTS go read this article named: Obama taking heat from all sides for Libya action
Then what i want you to do next is just read a few of the comments so you can get a feel about how Americans feel about this war.
While you and the other uninformed or too biased to see the truth are spewing ignorance, the American public is a lot more enlightened about, and less accepting of this attack on Libya than you all are.
A quote:
“American liberals who gravitated to Obama because he was the most plausible anti-war candidate broke sharply with him this weekend for projecting U.S. force into a corner of the world where it’s traditionally unwelcome, humanitarian intervention doctrine be damned.”
Here’s another:
“Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, on Monday called the U.S. involvement in Libya an “impeachable offense.”
One last one:
“Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., whose apprehension has matched McCain’s eagerness, offered a damning indictment of American intelligence on the ground, one with special resonance in the wake of Iraq. “But we really have not discovered who it is in Libya that we are trying to support.”
MOTS because one rebel is quoted by the biased Western media saying that Ghadaffi is killing civilians doesn’t mean that it is true. Your party the UWP are not the only persons who engage in spreading propaganda to try to get people on their side.
And in any case, how exactly do you differentiate between a civilian and a soldier, when many of the rebels are armed civilians?
They don’t wear uniforms to identify themselves as soldiers yet they fling grenades and fire AK47s. So if you see someone not uniformed dead it doesn’t mean that the person wasn’t a combatant.
You really need to start making some sensible points and stop kissing America’s azz. You sound like someone who is desperate for a visa or something. U think u can go to the embassy in Barbados and say I used to kiss America’s azz on DNO so don’t only give me six months even though I am unemployed and don’t really have anything to contribute to the US?
American citizens are angry over their tax dollars being spent on a war which doesn’t concern them, yet here you are talking about ‘God bless America’
Dude you sound so pathetic.
As an american citizen you are rude to speak for us, we are human beings and will protect those who crave for the democracy we enjoy, you seem to be criminally minded person like gadaffy, are you denying that this mad man is butchering his people, did you hear the warning that went out from him today telling the people that they will not be spared, what does that mean, we will put him down once and for all and we will be coming for chavez next.
I am an American citizen myself and Anti-Hate is right!!! Only people that are brainwashed by the media talk like you.
Anti Hate is not just an accomplished barbaric being, but he seem to be losing his common sense if at all he had any.Nowhere in his inhume comments he mentions that the mad man Ghadafi was slaughtering his people but instead implictly he is condoning his actions with vituperations and insults..Poor Fellow…Dr Benjamin is alive and waiting for you….
I understand that Gahdaffi needs to go but, he did not start this civil war the “rebels” were that ones that started it. When the rebel take over Libya(Which is gonna happen sooner or later) what is going to happen to the innocent pro-Gahdiffi supporters. Another thing ever time I turn on the new news, “rebels are claiming that Gahdaffi is killing innocent civilians, yet we haven’t seen any proof.
God bless the USA. I can’t understand why our people try to put down the US to side with Castro and Chavez and Ghadaffi when 50% of our Dominican live and work in the US… many illegally.. draining the people’s money because they not paying taxes and yet they want to bring down the Good Old US of A for Chavez and Castro. Stupes! America anyday. God Bless America! Ghadaffi is a mad man. His interview on BBC is living proof that the man is mad.
I hope you know the US kill more people than all this countries combine. I support Castro, Chevez and Gahdafi, because these men are not puppets unlike most of the leader around the world. Its time for Gahdaffi to go I am not going to deny that, the only reason that the US and Nato is showing so much intrease is for Libya’s oil fields. I they cared about civilians then why ignore Sudan, Sub Saharan Africa? Saudi Arabia.
God bless the U.S.A,,, who vex well lost
“I hugged him and said, ‘Don’t be scared, we are your friends,'” witness Younis Amruni told the Telegraph
“We are so grateful to these men who are protecting the skies,” Amruni said. “We gave him juice and then the revolutionary military people took him away.”
“Gadhafi is killing civilians inside Ajdabiya,” said Khaled Hamid, a rebel who said he been in Gadhafi’s forces but defected to the rebels. “Today we will enter Ajdabiya, God willing.”
i wonder what people have to say now,,, ghadaffi forces are actually killing civilians in cities the rebels DON’T occupy but yet anti-hate n others keep spewing lies that it’s rebels the gov’t army is fighting,,,,,
Dude do me a favor, shut the hell up turn off fox news and find an independent news source. The rebels started this war, Sooner or later Gadhafi is going to fall, I want to know that they are going to do when the rebels start kill the civilian that was supporting Gadhafi. And you always praising the USA I hope you is a US citizen. Why is the US and not protecting the citizen in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, the Palestinians?
malfini, if you dont like what you are seeing, you will have to live with it for a long time, thats the way it has to go to liberate the libian people, we will do this any time, and anywhere, chevez will be next mark my words
You always coming on here talking about Chevez will be next. Please explain to me what Chevez has done to be next. Is it because he want he country to be one of the major players in the world? Or is it because he is one of the few leaders that don’t jump when the US tells him too?
it is because you are not listening to your news and reading thats why you are not aware of what is taking place in chevez countr, pl do not allow yourself to be told what is going on read, read, read and you will see the people of venezeula are are being oppress by chavez making rules by presidential decree,to remain in power, did you not see how in 2010 he try to crush the opposition, and the oposition leader had to go in hiding, i will end chevez will be next, he is too close in our back yard, we got to pin him down and we will soon
I am sure I read more news than you. And the only thing that Chavez in doing is changing the Venezuela constitution so that he could keep running for president. And every time he runs he wins!!!
Equipment malfunction my a**!