U.S. Navy fires missiles at Libyan air defenses

The destroyer USS Barry launches a Tomahawk missile at Libyan targets at the start of Operation Odyssey Dawn on Saturday. Photo credit: MSNBC

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) — The U.S. Navy on Saturday evening fired several Tomahawk cruise missiles at Libyan air defenses, U.S. media reported, and President Barack Obama is expected to make a statement soon.

NBC News, Fox News and CNN reported that the U.S. Navy had joined French forces in carrying out attacks on Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi has violently cracked down on anti-government protesters.

Few details about the U.S. attacks were immediately available, although there were reports of several loud explosions being heard east of Tripoli. Balls of fire could be seen on the horizon, media reports said.

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  1. wisdom
    July 4, 2011

    mis ya say a swa quay marco

  2. yes
    March 21, 2011

    that wat he wanted so fire all on him!

  3. Jayson
    March 21, 2011

    The West claims to promote democracy, but bear a few of these facts in mind:

    The first democratically elected leader in the Middle East, the Iranian, Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953. Why did they do this? Because Mossadegh wanted the oil revenues from Iran to benefit the Iranian people!

    The first democratically elected President of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah, overthrown by the CIA for being a socialist and Pan-Africanist.

    Patrice Lumumba the first democratically elected Prime Minister of the Congo, overthrown and murdered by the CIA.

    The President of Chile, Salvador Allende, overthrown and murdered by the CIA.

    More recently in Haiti,in our own backyard, the democratically elected President, Aristide, overthrown by the CIA.


  4. 2 & 1/2 Men
    March 21, 2011

    Many people commenting here pay very little attention to all the information going around about Libya and other countries.

    Some Vilify the PM for his relationships in these countries.

    If anyone wants freedom, he has to be willing to fight for it.

    Libya is no different than Iraq.

    Or Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, Or Saudi Arabia….none of these rulers were elected…not one of them. The only difference with these rulers and Muammar Gaddafi was that he is not a western puppet or can be controlled.

    In Bahrain where the US has troops and Ships….they recently fired on protesters who were demanding free and clear elections and many people died.

    The US did not intervene. All they had to do was the leave the barracks to do so.

    The leaders are close allies (Puppets) of America and therefore they remain silent.

    The Germans are the ones who I support. They abstained from military involvement and America should look to the Germans on this. As we know Sarkozy in France is on his way out and he is trying his best to raise his poll numbers by joining this cabal.

    Libya should solve their differences by themselves…not by America.

    When America got involved in Libya, they should get involved in Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.

  5. mouth of the south
    March 20, 2011

    didn’t the arabs give the coalition forces permission to bomb libya n take off the gov’t forces,,, why are they upset all of a sudden hhhhmmmm,,,,, these people don’t know what they want,,,, the coalition forces acted upon the blessings of the arab league,,, the europeans n arabs have put no-fly zones on libya,,, bear in mind it’s not the u.s who decided to just enter libya air space,,,, this is just to bring the rebels n gov’t to even playing field,,, obama have vowed to not engage in war with libya but said the rebels or people will have to take their force on their own,,,,

    • Mr Sout City
      March 20, 2011

      The Arab league wanted a no fly zone over Libya. What the US/UK/France is just out right hypocritical and illegal.

    • Anti-hate
      March 21, 2011

      When will you stop kissing USA behind dude?

      Since you read a lot of news, you are fully aware that Ghadaffi wasn’t the only one in the Middle East who suppressed an attempted revolution. They put a total ban on protests in Saudi Arabia, and they are killing unarmed protestors as we speak in Bahrain and Yemen.

      The leaders of those countries are just as brutal as Ghaddafi but they are firm US allies so they are allowed to repress their people using their militaries which are mostly FUNDED BY THE US.

      Can’t you see the blatant double standard here dude? Ghaddafi isn’t even killing unarmed protestors like in Yemen, the rebels have guns, rocket-launchers even helicopters, because there are defected soldiers fighting alongside the rebels.

      It’s more of a civil war, both sides are armed. Why is the US and UN taking sides in a civil war and allowing slaughter of unarmed persons in countries they are allied to?

      Just like with Saddam, the US only opposes dictators they can’t control. That’s fact not opinion.

  6. Always Concerned
    March 20, 2011

    Muammar Gaddafi is not thinking rationally. He should have escaped Libya and gone into exile a long time ago. He may still have a chance but it’s not looking good for him right now. I hope he at least try to save his family to include his sons. Send them into hiding.

    If his speech that was most recently heard on US television is real, then Muammar sounds pretty bad. He sounds somewhat suicidal to me, and it can only get worse. Now the bombs are falling, they won’t stop until Muammar is captured or killed. I am sure he knows that.

    I was hoping that he would have learned from Saddam Hussein. It’s amazing how one can become intoxicated with power.

  7. A Voice
    March 20, 2011

    I myself not one that doubting Gaddafi have to go, nor will I feel sorry for him, but saying all this… there is just too much damn hypocracy and double-standards going on in this world.

    It seems is Gaddafi fence that more low, because where were all these tomohawk missiles when Iran was cracking down heavy on the protesters for the stolen election? Where are the tomohawk missiles when the Saudi king was wiping out his protesters who saw what was happening in the rest of the middle east and decided to stand up and be counted too?

    Where are the tomohawk missiles for the government of Bahrain, who is currently cracking down on its protesters with the help of Saudi troops, mind you?

    So you mean to tell me that the youths of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain don’t deserve the same democracy and accountability as the youths of Libya.

    Man, you just have to stand aside and watch wicked people burn….all of them.

    I watchin’ still!!!

    • Anti-hate
      March 21, 2011

      I see there’s at least one informed person here. I share your sentiments.

      Other countries which are allied with the US, took the same action Ghaddafi took against protestors, the US didn’t do a thing, yet in Libya where the protestors are actually ARMED to the teeth and doing their fair share of killing themselves, the US and other countries involve themselves because of their hatred for Ghaddafi.

  8. Mukhtar Ahmed
    March 20, 2011

    what ever is this if Ghadaffi is right are wrong military operation is not a solution………………….!

  9. Lougaoo Mem
    March 20, 2011

    That’s what I’m talking about. I know what it’s like to be a target in the open desert; kill all the thugs who think they can kill the innocent with impunity. Then, let’s capture Maummar and sons so that we can charge them for crimes against humanity, send them to the Hague for trial and electricute each and everyone. Lougaoo gets flashback whenever he thinks of wars in the open deserts. Love to blow up the wicked extremist Arabs. Feels real exhilarating to see your target while sitting in the cockpit. Boom, boom, boom! They’re history.

  10. team
    March 20, 2011

    What is the embassadore to lybia saying. No more money to put in their pockets as sooner or later kadagfi will be gone .
    Plan is afoot to use the ssu on demonstrators but the world will be watching. That is not here say by the way

  11. Sout Man
    March 20, 2011

    MOTS et al, it’s ok to gloat about the NATO imperialists’ attack on the sovereign nation of Libya? What about the brutal crackdown on protesters in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia? What about the invasion of Bahrain by Saudi troops? If you are pro USA, your human rights violations are overlooked and those protesters are labeled trouble makers, insurgents and communists. If your regime is anti-USA or even non-aligned, protesters wielding AK-47’s are labeled freedom figters.

    The UN has had several resolution asking Israel to stop building settlements on Palestinian occupied territories. The UN supported the independence of British occupied and racist Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). The UN supported the struggle to abolish apartheid in racist South Africa. In every instance, the USA opposed and supported the racists instead. Obama is only a rubber stamp for the military industrial compllex. He mistakenly thinks that they will support his re-election to a second term if he does their dirty work. Every tomahawk and cruise misile launched in Libya costs over one million dollars. How is he going to pay in this economic crisis? Oh, I forgot: like Dominica, he is going to borrow from China.

    • Mr Sout City
      March 20, 2011

      Great minds think alike.

  12. hmmm
    March 20, 2011

    they are now preparing to take sides for the next world war. Everything is so obvious. The end of “Religion” is near.. not Mankind. The earth is going through some changes and yes, many people will perish but doe let them make allu panic. Them greedy ones are the ones who will suffer. Live life to love and hurt no one, your place is paradise (whatever religion you may belong too) is there for you. Keep strong, hold on to whatever you believe in.

  13. Fair is Fair
    March 20, 2011

    Why target Colonel Gaddafi and not King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalif of Bahrain and President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen. All of them are killing their own people. The difference between Gaddafi and the two others are: In Yemen and Bahrain the government are killing unarmed innocent protesters whereas in Libya the government forces are killing armed rebels burning and destroying governmnet buildings while trying to overthrow the governmnet by force of arms.

    I am very surprised at President Obama. He forcefully condemmend Gaddafi by stating that any governmnet that kill its own people have lost the legitimacy to govern and that Gaddafi must go. Tell me what did he say in the case of Yemen and Bahrain. Even the US media are keeping the slaughter of innocent civillians in Bahrain and Yemen a secret. What double standards.

    Please tell me why the US and its other allies are not calling for the same action against Bahrain and yemen?.

    March 20, 2011

    Darfur is bleeding and crying, but alas they have no oil. You think them fellas care about some muslim guy dont have democracy (There is no democracy in muslim countries).

    But there is genocide in sub saharah Africa and none of these leaders will send their troops to stop the slaughter of innocent civilians.


  15. belbagay
    March 20, 2011

    Hugo Chavez next, hope it will be very soon

  16. Puzzled
    March 20, 2011

    The Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, still has a chance to get himself and his family out of this alive. I hope he does not allow himself and his family to end up like Saddam Hussein and his sons. That would not be smart.

    If the speeches reported on American TV are really coming form Mr. Gaddafi, I must say that he does not sound good. He does not sound like a person that is in touch with reality. In fact, some may even describe this as suicidal.

    The US and UN have deemed him unfit to rule Libya. Now the bombing has started. He should know by now that his best chance of survival is to leave and go into exile. In fact he should have done that over a month ago when the uprising started. Now, the bombing won’t stop until he is captured or killed.

    What a shame. I find it hard to believe that one can become this intoxicated with power.

  17. ROCKSY
    March 20, 2011

    So why when Ruwander had their issues they never interfered?? Because they have no oil and they BLACK??

    Sets of Hypocrytes!!!!

    Watchout for another recession in the world…….

  18. malatete
    March 20, 2011

    Your comments please, Mr. Nantan!

  19. Jayson
    March 20, 2011

    The media has been very deceptive in the way they have been portraying this whole event. They have made it appear as if these protests are simply ripple effects from Tunisia and Egypt earlier on this year.

    The majority of people out there now will be thinking that the US and allied countries are on a mission of liberation for Libya , exactly the same as what they told us with Iraq but this could not be further from the truth.

    A very clever and intelligent propaganda campaign that as usual could never have been sold without the cooperation and complicity of the Western media who peddled the lies and are stage managing the results.

  20. Brain Damage
    March 20, 2011

    Teach Gaddafi a good lesson. It’s not his potato field. Chavez next.

  21. sounds
    March 19, 2011

    squeeze the guts out of Gaddafi….dead or alive!!

    we will turn to Venezula next to back the opposition there too..

    lets those fools of skero in Dominica not take notice!

  22. Despecialist
    March 19, 2011

    Have there been any statement from our government denouncing what the Libyan leader is doing to his people? If one don’t speak up against such actions then we can come to a conclusion that….
    God is not a security guard and everything happens in it right time, “be not afraid”!!!

    March 19, 2011


  24. SueQ
    March 19, 2011

    Its all about equality. Human beings should not be treated that way . Somebody turn is coming.

  25. Anti-Dictatorship
    March 19, 2011

    Another one is going down.

  26. M
    March 19, 2011

    Finally the world is taking a stand on Dictators. The people are not happy they stood against 42yrs of b.s Step down, Hope Bahrain, Cuba, Venezuela and all those other countries take note… socialism is for a time long gone.. People cannot take dictatorship no more.. dictatorship is corruption. Find these leaders, weed them and their supporters out and punish them to the fullest extent of the law…

  27. JIM
    March 19, 2011

    All corrup leaders, corrupt leaders, dictators, budding dictators irrespective of where they live should take note.. You cant use your military, on your own people. else the world owe it to the citizens of the country to defend them. !!!!!

    • chemist
      March 19, 2011

      Totally agree with you!! What kind of craving for power is this…..I am no fan of war or intervening in other countries’ affairs but how can you attack/ kill off your own people just so you could stay in control??

      • really
        March 20, 2011

        I rather doubt that Gadafi was “killing” off his own people the way that the media states it. It was just a reason that tthe govt. controlled media gave to invade Libya, just like the reason for going after Saddam was the non-existent “weapons of mass destruction.” There is always a “made up” reason.

        The globalists want control of that oil. That is the bottom line. Gadafi has been a hold out, not that he is such a great guy to begin with. You have two devils fighting each other right now, Gadafi and the globalist elite who are financing this war (the bankers) and making the money as usual.

        Obama doesn’t give the orders. He is just a puppet. The orders are given to him to carry out. And as usual, this is another illegal war because Congress is the entity that has to declare war and authorize invasions.

    • Jayson
      March 20, 2011

      British and U.S. warships and submarines launched more than 110 Tomahawk missiles. Where was the concern for civilians that they talked about?

      I have no sympathy for Gadaffi and his regime, but in the same breath, Africa should be very concerned, for it was just a matter of time before western military intervention happened in Africa to secure it’s resources as a result of the insecurity of the oil in the Middle East, and China’s threatening expansion throughout Africa.

      You think Obama is any different just because he’s black? As is the case with any US president: US interests first!

      • really
        March 21, 2011

        Actually it is the globaists interest first. They are the ones behind the scenes running things. And boy are they greedy and deceptive.

    • Sout Man
      March 20, 2011

      Exceptions: Our oil-supplying friends in Saudi Arabia; our anti-terrorist friiends in Yemen and our no vital interest blacks in Ivory Coast. These regimes have carte blanche to repress, torture, murder, massacre detain indefinitely without trial or simply make the “troublemakers’ disappear.. That’s not double standards; it’s US standards. We reserve the rights to make, break or bend the rules.

      • unknown
        March 21, 2011

        this war is all about oil .. if liyba didnt have oil .. nothing would happen ..

  28. mouth of the south
    March 19, 2011

    ha ya yi,,, the eagle has gone into action now,,, we will see who is boss,,, obama not even gonna wage war,,,, this is just to put an even playing field between rebels n gov’t,,,, it’s up to the arabs n europeans to take more action,,,, so don’t say is oil mr obama after,,, if he did nothing u all would complain,,, now he do allu still gonna complain,,, but ghadaffi have to go,,, the man had the guts to laugh to international news correspondents when they asked him how he felt when the secretary of state asked for his resignation,,, fool thought these were hillary’s words,,, it came from the top,,, bama or bam bam not gone play,,,, the noose has been made tighter

    • Mr Sout City
      March 19, 2011

      Well I hope your mighty Obama does the same in Saudi Arabia and Braham.

    • Jayson
      March 20, 2011

      I wonder why we have not seen any resolutions passed to sort out the issues in the Democractic Republic of Congo?

      We ‘only’ have had the ‘small’ matter of around 5 million people killed there in the past 10 years! I guess it doesn’t register on the western media’s moral compass :-x

    • Sout Man
      March 20, 2011

      When the TEA Party Republicans defund and shut down his government, you will see who is boss. He is betting that they will not shut down his government if, like Bush, he goes on a wreckless military adventure. I am disappointed that a Black President is reluctant to protect the civilians in Dafur despite the attrocities committed by the government of Sudan on the black African population. The military hawks in the USA said that it was not in their vital interest. Now that Sudan, and Darfur in particular, has the potential to become a major oil-producing nation, they are all scrambling to give lip support in the face of bloodshed, torture and massacre.

  29. Steve
    March 19, 2011

    Mr.Skerrit please take note–The longest rope of a kite comes to an end.

    • LawieBawie
      March 19, 2011

      Shut up your rear end.

      • DA man
        March 19, 2011

        why do you hate the truth so much,and you just love skerrit lies the truth will always offend dumb a@@ like you for sure the longest rope have an end his day will surely come

      • good grace
        March 20, 2011






        GO FIGHT IN LYBIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • postage
      March 19, 2011

      steve u too sot

      • sexy girl
        March 19, 2011

        VERY SOT INDEED!!!

      March 19, 2011

      yes this rope would have had an end if it had not gone up your **s

    • re: steve
      March 20, 2011

      when u ready for the war check me . u jack.

    • sigh
      March 20, 2011

      In many Dominicans’ desperation to feel important to the rest of the world, they search for scapegoats–things or people that they think will make their situation more relevant to the rest of the globe, despite the fact that many people unfortunately do not know where Dominica is, if they’ve heard of the island at all. The easiest scapegoat right now is Skerrit. The man has likely done corrupt things, yes. But to compare him to the dictators of the present and recent past, as I’ve seen on here and on Dominica Diaspora, is nothing more than ignorance or a sad plea for attention. I have seen Skerrit compared to Ghadaffi, Hitler, Pol-Pot, Duval, Pinochet, and others, all comparisons of which are ultimately absurd and, in some cases, deeply offensive. How dare anyone compare Skerrit to people who massacred hundreds and/or thousands of people, as well as causing widespread famine and disaster? Skerrit may be responsible for bad things, possibly, but not things anywhere close to what the worst of humankind has done. On a small island, it is tempting to magnify things, since an island can easily feel like the entire world, especially for those who have never left it. Skerrit, in this sense, may seem like an Obama figure, or the figure of some dictator, but, in reality, though he wields comparable power in terms of controlling a nation, he is not the same as those people AT ALL.

      So, Steve (and anyone else guilty of this), regardless of your politics, please learn some sense of tact when comparing people, directly or indirectly. No Dominican leader, from Patrick John to Skerrit, has done anything comparable to Hitler or the worst leaders of our globe’s history. And while Ghadaffi is not on the scale of Hitler and such, he is still not really comparable to Skerrit.

      • Anonymous
        March 20, 2011

        @ sigh.

        This is comming from soneone who is not pro or anti Skeritt.

        Your reply to Steve’s comment is spot on. I’m sure that many of the 29 who gave thumbs up know deep down that Skeritt is not in the same league as Hitler, Amin, Ghadaffi etc, but they’ll never admit it because all they see is blue.

        I hope that the 32 who gave thumbs down did so because they know that Steve’s comment is extreme, and not because they only see red.

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