US marines request bulletproof underwear

British troops model their version of the bulletproof underwear, which U.S. Marines want urgently. Photo credit: UK Ministry of Defense

Usually, when Marines talk about protecting their groin, it involves advice about not having too much fun during shore leave. However, a recent request for 27,500 pairs of “ballistic undergarments” from the Marine Corps looks to hook up leathernecks with something a bit stronger than Trojans — bulletproof underwear.

These ultra-tough BVDs would help protect soldiers and Marines from the low-angle explosions associated with landmines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Since the groin contains so many arteries — and since the need for mobility leaves the groin largely unprotected by traditional body armor — injuries to that area can quickly result in life-threatening blood loss or gruesome infections.

“I MEF (Fwd) [Marine Expeditionary Force] and 10th Mountain Division forces are sustaining significant injuries to the genital, perinea, and femoral artery areas as a result of combat operations and improvised explosive devices,” the Marine Corps solicitation reads. “The loss of forces due to these types of injuries has a significant impact on the unit’s combat effectiveness and their ability to sustain operations. Based on analysis in theater, ballistic underwear will drastically improve casualty recovery and reduce secondary infections.”

Ballistic underwear, such as the type already used by British soldiers, will not stop direct hits from bullets or shrapnel. Instead, the special skivvies mitigate the wounds by blocking out the small particles that cause additional damage in a blast. Additionally, the undies contain antibacterial treatment to reduce soldiers’ risk of wounds becoming infected, allowing for faster recovery.

The underwear is made from special antimicrobial double weave silk. That material actually holds some historic parallels in Afghanistan, as the Mongol horsemen who invaded the country under Genghis Khan also wore silk armor.

The Marines’ order will cost around $2 million, and come from the company Cooneen Watt & Stone, the company that supplies the British armed forces. And, having classified the order as having “unusual and compelling urgency,” it seems they want them yesterday.

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  1. D/ca Lover
    April 15, 2011

    I agree. The Jewels need protection too! :-D

  2. only
    April 15, 2011

    It is also to protect that area from radiation exposure and possible infertility and cancer.

  3. gaynproud
    April 14, 2011

    Protect de coco

  4. Muslim_Always
    April 14, 2011

    It baffles me to see people reveal their ignorance to the world.

    My people these wars do nothing but cost tax payers billions of dollars. This is the main issue that triggered the economic recession. Bush financed two wars which caused this recession.

  5. Aaaaa
    April 14, 2011

    What they need is underwear that stop them from sexually abusing their female soldiers and those females in afghanistan and iraq. Ridiculous the amount of abuse done by US soldiers over there.

    • what the hell are people thinking
      April 15, 2011

      have u been over there?

  6. chen
    April 14, 2011


  7. what the hell are people thinking
    April 14, 2011

    hey people im in the british army and we already get issued what is called bulletproof underwear but its not actually bulletproof ots blast resistant designed for protecting ur groin area in case u step on an explosive device
    and thats a pic of british troops in anti biotic underwear not balistic underwear

  8. Lolo
    April 14, 2011

    Talk about “Balls of Steel”!

  9. *****
    April 14, 2011

    If you’re going to fight for your country then it might as well protect you!

  10. hehehehehe
    April 14, 2011

    Roughly $73 per compared to damages that can be avoided..

  11. Frodo Baggins
    April 14, 2011

    gives a whole new meaning to the term “Package Secured”

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