Vermont governor in hot water for secret trip to Dominica

Governor Peter Shumlin. Photo credit: The Huffington Post

MONTPELIER, Vt. — Sun-kissed and amused by the brouhaha, Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin returned from a Caribbean getaway with no apologies for keeping his vacation destination a secret or for going there without his security detail.

The first-term Democrat’s whereabouts became the subject of speculation and news reports after staff members said they either didn’t know where he was or wouldn’t say after he left Thursday.

Adding to the public interest in his whereabouts, Vermont got walloped by its biggest-ever March snowstorm, which dumped more than two feet of snow in places and closed schools and some state government offices.

Shumlin revealed Wednesday that he had been to the island of Dominica in the West Indies and that he had purposely asked his staff not to disclose it – so he could be a private citizen and so the island wouldn’t be subjected to the hubbub of a visiting dignitary.

He defended the secrecy of his four-day vacation and his decision to wave off his security detail – plainclothes Vermont State Police troopers who shadow him wherever he goes in Vermont.

He said he took the advice of former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter, who told Shumlin and others at a recent training for new governors how to get along in their new roles.

One suggestion was that “occasionally, when you take a vacation in a stable democracy where they don’t know who you are, go without security and really take a vacation,” Shumlin said. “I took his advice. We thought it was best that the little island of Dominica didn’t know that I was the governor. They didn’t. … It was great to be an ordinary citizen for a few days.”

He said he would never go without security if he was on state business, but that it was appropriate in this case.

“The people in Dominica and the small communities where I were had no idea who I was, and there’s no better security than that,” he said.

But Vermont State Police were concerned about Shumlin’s safety even before he left, according to an e-mail message obtained by The Associated Press through the state Public Records Act.

“Can you give me an update as to the Governor’s status while he is gone?” wrote Lt. Michael Macarilla, assistant staff operations commander, to Shumlin chief of staff Bill Lofy on Feb. 28. “Just an idea where he is God forbid there is a natural disaster or civil unrest etc…. in that area.”

Lofy, in turn, forwarded the message to Shumlin scheduler Shana Trombley, who later provided the details of Shumlin’s travel and where he was staying. That information was blacked out in the copy provided to the AP on Wednesday.

Shumlin’s stance is a departure from that of his predecessor, Republican Jim Douglas, who took his security detail with him everywhere – even on vacation.

“I always felt that a governor surrenders a certain amount of privacy. And I came to accept that,” Douglas said.

The former governor recalled a 2009 agricultural trade mission to France, during which he and his contingent encountered a person with a gun on a Paris street.

“France is a pretty stable democracy, but incidents occur. And I was pleased to have police accompaniment,” Douglas said.

Patricia McDonald, chairwoman of the Vermont Republican Party, was among those who’d criticized the handling of the absence.

“The bottom line for me is that, when asked by the press, his key staff – his press secretary and secretary of administration – said they did not know where he was. That, to me, was not an acceptable answer.

“If they didn’t want to share where he was, I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t need to know where the governor is on vacation. But his staff should’ve said `The governor is on vacation’ and when asked where, they could’ve said `We’d like to protect his privacy’ or something along that line,” she said. Home to about 70,000 people, Dominica is located between Guadeloupe and Martinique.

While Shumlin was there, the big winter storm was rendering Vermont roads and highways nearly impassable.

Lt. Gov. Phil Scott, who was in charge in Shumlin’s absence, gave the order to close government offices, but Shumlin said he was in regular touch with state Public Safety Commissioner Keith Flynn and emergency management officials.

“If I’d have made the judgment that my being here would’ve made a difference, I would’ve been on a plane in a heartbeat,” he said.

Or maybe not. Burlington International Airport, the state’s main commercial airport, was closed from 8:30 p.m. Sunday to 9 p.m. Monday because of the storm.

“I seriously don’t think he could’ve gotten in here,” said interim airport director Bob McEwing.

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  1. Wongping
    March 21, 2011

    Governor,thank u for choosing a democratic and stable country: DA

  2. President
    March 11, 2011

    I really wish the world was not seeing some of these comments. You could just see how some Dominicans mentalities are. hmmmmm

  3. Hon Chief Justice
    March 10, 2011

    Well I am just about the only person who knew the Governor was in Dominica and took pictures of him there at the black sand beach and by the river, I had to keep it low till he left.

    Those pictures will be available to the right media at the appropriate time when all documents are complete with my legal team on payments for copyrights.

    • nn
      March 11, 2011


  4. Aaaaa
    March 10, 2011

    P.S: Did they just change he location of Vermont? Because I swear its located on the far north atlantic end of USA and it always have raging snowstorms during winter. Nothing those people up there aren’t accustomed to? Men just stay at all you home and don’t driving in snow to kill more people. See I solved the problem… roll eyes :)

  5. Dominicans unite
    March 10, 2011

    The Governor was in love with the nature isle long before he became Governor. He sure understands what it means to enjoy nature without too many restrictions. Freedom is sweet…not sure if Dominicans understands the freedom they still enjoy, but this could change if we are not smart enough to discern creeping dictatorships.

  6. Aaaaa
    March 10, 2011

    They just need to live the bloody man alone. They just want to be critical thats it. Alot of weak and pathetic people who have nothing better to do with their time than bother other people. The man probably saved taxpayers a whopping amongst of money for not taking extra security detail. Tell these a**holes to mind their business. Ther’s no political unrest. Just social unrest in nthe name of carnival and partying.. lol I hope he had some black pudding for real. Anyways come back shumlin and bring more governors!

    • nn
      March 11, 2011

      love the social unrest part

  7. Way to GO!!
    March 10, 2011

    If all you were to know what mister go and do Dominica and who he was with, all you would never invite him back. Watch this news space..

    • hmm
      March 10, 2011

      something seems queer about that!!!!!

    • nn
      March 11, 2011

      noticing you want. idiot!!!!

  8. nature isles
    March 10, 2011

    Dominica is truly blessed and this just proves how anyone can enjoy true freedom on our lovely island… come again Mr. Governor..

  9. wow
    March 10, 2011

    i live vermont havn’t been there in a while. church street alwyays busy.

  10. de caribbean change, BBA, MBA, CPA
    March 10, 2011

    Lovely Dominica, land where the rivers flow, everywhere you go, wouldn’t you come and stay a while, in beautiful Dominica. By the way, Mr Governor, traveling incognito, would you please tell Jerry Brisbane how paramount it is to demolish your old residence on Victoria Street and replace it with a 27 million dollar palace as your secret hide-out,Your Excellency? For dinner, your cooks will serve you mountain-chicken and pepper-pot. It’s amazing how our great PM always comes up with such grandiose ideas that seem to ALWAYS work. Well done, Mr. PM.

  11. concern dominican
    March 10, 2011

    Thanks for the complements dominicans but your country infrastructure need some improvement. thanks again the governor

    • TeteMorne I from...
      March 10, 2011

      Your grammar needs some infrastructure. The word is COMPLIMENTS!!!!!!!!

      • SMA Graduate
        March 10, 2011

        I laughed for the first time today. That was good.

      • justice
        March 11, 2011

        hahahahahaahahahahahahahaha u so right..wanna talk bout our infrastructure and his/her grammar well need some.

      • Dominican in the BVI
        March 12, 2011

        For true.I hate people with grammatical errors who want to correct people’s mistakes.take the beam off your eyes man.tonne .That fool must have looked up infrastructure in the dictionary but forgot to check COMPLIMENTS..Now we have the last laugh. FOOL

    • Charmer
      March 10, 2011

      You fooling yourself LOL.

  12. nervous rex
    March 10, 2011

    Look i even hear dat de governo was liming in possie.

  13. crystal
    March 10, 2011

    Mr Governor just tell them you were having fun in the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force Jouvert Band….. where the security was tight, tight, tight.

  14. TeteMorne I from...
    March 10, 2011

    Perharps I am unable to read and understand, but, I do not see the “hot water” he is in? some nosey people were wondering but they sated that it is non of their business anyway.

  15. political correctness
    March 10, 2011

    It makes me feel proud to be a nature isle resident, thanks for coming Governor, please tell the other members of ur team about our beautiful, virgin country, we are a loving and friendly ppl. Who knows maybe one day the President of the USA will visit quietly.
    Waw thats good PR for us in the nature isle.

  16. Just Giving My Two Cents
    March 10, 2011

    This is a testament to the PEOPLE of Dominica. Let’s take it as it was given. We got some free publicity, some high praise and I’m betting a few recommendations to go see Dominica.

    So Dominicans, remember, we as a people must ALWAYS represent for we know not who is watching.

    Let’s continue being the friendly people which we are known to be and let’s always somewhere where anyone can freely “lose him/herself” with no worries.

    Find yourself in hot water, take a secret trip!
    Discover Dominica!

    March 10, 2011

    PLEASE COME BACK AGAIN!! You will always be safe here in Dominica!! The most Tranquil Island in the Caribbean 8)

  18. Truly Dominican
    March 10, 2011

    I sure is somebody from Bense send him to DA! Watch out, Bense coming out with some international people these days eh?

    • Dominiq
      March 10, 2011

      Yes we are coming out.We have to let every Dominican know where Bense is the map.Look out for more next year 2012 reunion (July)

  19. warma
    March 10, 2011

    DNO admin – thanks for taking my suggestion and re-posting. The article has engendered all what I thought it would when I first read it on Huffpost – primarily pride in our country, but I also suspected it would bring out detractors.

    I think we should all take away from this the fact that a major political figure in the US determined that our country was a stable democracy and that it was totally safe to come to it without security. People also need to know that these politicians don’t just get up in the morning and stick a pin on the map and decide to go anywhere without considerable preparation; they have people who delve into the details, scope out the place, in order to make the proper determination as to whether to go or not and if yes, whether or not they need security, what precautions need to be taken. This governor made that determination, and he came out on top, and consequently, DOMINICA came out on top. We ought to be proud of that and we should not hesitate to repeat the line that the governor chose to travel to a country that is a “stable democracy” where a person of his stature can “go without security and really take a vacation” in private. He also interacted with “the people in Dominica”, and he visited “small communities” where he felt “great to be an ordinary citizen for a few days”. In his own words, the governor said that “the people of Dominica had no idea who” he was and as a result he felt that “there’s no better security than that”.


    • Charmer
      March 10, 2011

      Yeah, bouquets to DNO

  20. Naive Dominicans
    March 10, 2011

    All you Dominicans gullible eh!!!

    I want to know why the governor asks my father whom is a taxi driver

    D man get d shock of his life to see how free we are in DA and trust me they not going and give those Diaspora people any more money for campaign and to cause any more trouble.

    D man realize that Chavez have no big influence and impact on Dominicans much less for Kaddafi and all his promises.

    On his way back home d man on his phone saying how he wish Congress and his own legislature would adopt Dominica’s opposition tactics of getting Calypsonians to highlight issues that affecting them and still have a party while at it.

    • DrSmash
      March 10, 2011

      Nice post….

    • TeteMorne I from...
      March 10, 2011

      You are the naive one and stupid too. How are we gullible? So, he had some discussion while on the phone. I do not see any negativity in that. sheez!!!

    • Charmer
      March 10, 2011

      You too lie

  21. All dat good!
    March 10, 2011

    Boy I swear I saw the Gov. eating some black pudding and fashin in Lagon a Sunday morning. I swear. Is that same face. :lol:

    • qstorm78
      March 10, 2011


  22. pooh pah gahd oh
    March 10, 2011

    Undoubtedly this story is a big plus for DA, and any true Dominican would be happy for the publicity our little “dot” would get from it. This however, should increase our awareness of the need to continue to improve our services. I do not think that any would disagree, that we do not have a culture of a service-oriented industry, and work needs to be done on the front end. Our country’s image is of paramount importance,( it must be nurtured very carefully, as it is very fragile and easily destroyed) in our drive try to develop the tourism industry. It shows that you might not know who you are providing service to, so you should always offer their best!! I hope that he met our nice people, and was properly taken care of, and that he would recommend Dominica to his family, friends and acquaintances as a place to get away and relax. Big-up DA, we are not at the stage that we would like to be, but keep on trudging!

  23. de caribbean change, BBA, MBA, CPA
    March 10, 2011

    Come to my island, where you’ll be free, come to my island, just you and me, come on up, come on down, Mr Governor. Oh, by the way, we are demolishing the old Governor’s residence on Victoria Street, making way for a 27 million dollar mansion. In the meantime, you can overstay at Fort Young, which is rght across.

  24. Piper
    March 10, 2011

    Is a good thing the governor did not visit Wesley, because he would certainly have needed his security detail.

    • Powil par
      March 10, 2011

      Ah fuss some of allu chopit an doh ha no kinda damn sense… Stupes

    • DVT
      March 10, 2011

      you must be a real dotish to take a positive big up of your island and say crap like that… damn sot

    • Wesley massive
      March 10, 2011

      u are such an A$$. y u dont keep your mouth shut if u do have nothing to say. This is about Dominica. I cannot understand some people. u are just so dotish. Stups

      • Piper
        March 10, 2011

        You see how I have maleh? Allu Wesley people committing all de crime in DA. When I highlight it, is me allu want to beat up.

        Why don’t allu Wesley people clean up the crime problem in your village? Why didn’t I mention Ville Case or Castle Bruce? Allu always blaming de messenger.

        • TeteMorne I from...
          March 10, 2011

          Piper, soon you will need your security detail if you keep being so sacarstic wi. LOL

  25. kiki
    March 10, 2011

    Among all the Caribbean countries, the governor chose Dominica as his get-away destination.As a Dominican, i feel very proud..
    Do come again Governor and bring your associates with u..AND PLEASE tell your friends about our beautiful country Dominica..

    I really wonder where he stayed..I guess Rosalie Bay Resort, cuz sometime ago This Resort was on CNN as one of the top 10 Caribbean Resorts..

    One more thing, we need to market our country more to the outside world..i see commercials about St.Lucia, Barbados and few more Caribbean islands on TV..Y not Dominica? Tourism Minister u need to look into that..We do not have they white sandy beaches, but our country can be marketed as the number adventurous island in the Caribbean..

    We have the waterfalls, the rain forest, the lakes, second largest boiling lake in the world, the sulphur springs, the fresh organic fruits..Trust me not every tourist wants to be on a white sandy beach, there are lots who just wants to enjoy NATURE..And that’s what Dominica has to offer..NATURE>>
    Take Note, Minister of Tourism

    • fuke-chilott!
      March 10, 2011


      I live in ny and I look at Pix news everymorning and evening, yet I see St. lucia almost every day on commercials and about it being a tourist destination. I have yet to see Dominica.

      This should be taken into consideration Hon. Ian Douglas

    • Anonymous
      March 10, 2011

      Yes iandoglas needs to look into that instead of wasting time getting rid of his PS because she shared her opinion.

      March 10, 2011

      Man I back you up on what you said but let me give you a little insider on the other islands you see on TV

      The gov of these islands have nothing to do with the tv ads you see.. what you see is the 5 star hotels adds. They pay to have their ads on tv so they promote their hotels on that island.. Thats why You always see Sandals in St.Lucia its not the lucian gov that pay 4 the ads. all this helpoing them out yess.. We need more investors like that to build resorts and promote them. The island gets a promotion form the ads as well..

      I saw this on the news and I thought they said Dr but when i heard Dominica I was like AA lol

      reminds me of when JFK brother was in Dominica too and no one knew

      Even Mick Jagger used to come here and relax in nature.. no one knew till he had his pictures up.. Thats how it is. We keep it a secret u can come here and no one will bother u. trussssss.

    • Homegirl
      March 10, 2011

      kiki, we do not need White Sandy beaches. Our beaches are just as beautiful. All of our beaches are beautiful. From the river to the ocean and vice versa. You choose how you want to enjoy our waters. I do agree that we need more promotion and more publicity. I believe publicity will bring revenue to our nature Island. I hope that the Minister of Tourism take note of that.

      To those who prefer to promote crime, nowhere in the world has more crime than USA. Crime in Vieille Case is minimal. Don’t you think the Governor did his research before taking his trip. He had no concerns, he was safe and he did enjoy his stay. Let’s help reduce the crime rate by developing a positive attitude and encourage tourism.

      To those shallow minded people stop being so negative. We have much, much more to offer than your negative remarks. When the Governor or anyone else visits I would like for them to visit Vieille Case.

      Mr. Prime Minister, I hope that you make all the improvements necessary to bring out the beauty in

      Vieille Case in the USA

  26. Its not TV
    March 10, 2011

    “A stable democracy”

    This means that there is no fear in his mind and all of America that Dominica’s democracy is under threat. And i say all of America because when he made that statement it was not refuted by any American.

    This article also points out that we are not seen as violent as some would like us to believe. For a US governor who i am sure did his research before choosing to go to Dominica, felt so safe that he did not only came without security, he mingled with the people.
    So what does that say?

  27. Come Again!
    March 10, 2011

    He needs to make Dca his yearly little secret.

    Hope he went to the falls, by Screw’s, fresh water lake and to the Cabrits.

    Boy, Mr. maybe drink some good caco tea, mastif, bakes and accra and some fresh jelly water.

    Lol, Mr. maybe was liming full time by Melvina’s. lol

  28. Homeboy
    March 10, 2011

    This is more POSITIVE PUBLIC RELATIONS than even the Tourism Bureau could afford. Rest assured the Governor did all his research and chose Dominica. Ge is not the only one, there are people in my Department going on honeymoons to DA, Rosalie resort.

    Only NATURE ISLE.. let’s conserve the natural resources.

    • Homeboy
      March 10, 2011

      Embrace this! At a time in our development when we are puzzled and despondent about the Island’s future, look to this as a turning point and work collectively to Develop this Great Nation..

  29. AP
    March 10, 2011

    Tourism dept, capitalize on this with a promotion campaign:
    Dominica, leave all your security details behind…. or
    The Dominica express vacation, leave your security details behind… or
    Dominica, defy the everyday, even your security staff… or
    A Dominica vacation, just ask the Vermont governor…. or
    Dominica, no shirt, no shoes, no security details, no problem… or
    Dominica, so safe and stable, you can leave your security details behind…
    and many more.
    Mouth of de South, help me here…

    • Anti-hate
      March 10, 2011

      MOTS is busy trying to think of how he could spin this into a negative.

      You can know when someone is poisoned by politics when they can’t even feel proud for their country of birth because the news contradicts their political propaganda.

      • What dat!
        March 10, 2011

        Very well-said!!

      • mouth of the south
        March 10, 2011

        did u read my first post anti-hate,,,, i guessed u didn’t,,, i promote my country whenever i get the opportunity to do it,,, in fact i logged in early this morning b4 dno broke the news n went into a blog on the huffington post n posted sites n youtube links of dominica,,,, so not only the gov. can enjoy they all can too,,,,, so i was not stirring no pot but stating the obvious that mr skerrit left us when a hurricane was approaching n when we asked for him we were told ‘none of ur damn business’ lol but here is a gov. being held responsible to answer where he was and for what reason lol,,,,, i only state the obvious,,,, u doing more spinning than the senior counsel mr hate,,, so much spin u jus do to justify ur unfactual opinions lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

        • TeteMorne I from...
          March 10, 2011

          What is “unfactual opinions?” Bondieh Oh, explain this one. :?:

        • mouth of the south
          March 10, 2011

          tetemorne no explanations necessary,,,, ok it means opinions with no facts to prove it lol

      • John Brown
        March 10, 2011

        true say

  30. your a fool
    March 10, 2011

    Looks like the US maybe assessing Dominica. Wonder if the CIA or DEA have agents in the island.

    • qstorm78
      March 10, 2011

      Your name says it all

      March 10, 2011

      What are u afraid of, are u participating in illegal activity?

    • LMAO
      March 10, 2011

      & what if they do. The US is always assessing everyone. It doesn’t change the facts of the article.

    • Powil par
      March 10, 2011

      Smh… Ur name fits u

    • jnc
      March 10, 2011

      yes,also on vacation.

  31. Papa Dom
    March 10, 2011

    Ever the sceptic, so I’m keeping my mind, eyes and ears open on this one.

    • Way to GO!!
      March 10, 2011

      You know how dem man be already. They always up to some Shananigans, and he probably hear everything Irie in Dominica so he hopped on over.

  32. concerned child
    March 10, 2011

    great publicity

    i can’t help but wonder, in which small communities he stayed. i think this may have been a success story for the tourism ministry in their fights to educate the persons who work and interact with tourist.

    i would suggest that we get in touch with him and have him further endorse our efforts in tourism.

  33. DVT
    March 10, 2011

    I am happy that the Governor had a safe trip and he enjoyed himself. Just thinking this is the kind of tourism we should promote “Lose yourself in Dominica”… we not star crazy we doh care who the person is once the person come spend some money. We can alert the security people (have a special tourism branch) but let them people enjoy their self. I remember one year I meet Tom Cruise on de bayfront he come on that Scientology Cruise Ship, de man was walking without shoe, he could have do that nowhere else but Dominica.

  34. Bishie
    March 10, 2011

    I am sure he visited Calibishie.Governor,please come back for another vacation.Dominica awaits you.Did you spread the news to your friends?Do that now.

    • stop the bleeding
      March 10, 2011

      cali to the bone

        March 10, 2011


  35. Anti-hate
    March 10, 2011

    One suggestion was that “occasionally, when you take a vacation in a STABLE DEMOCRACY where they don’t know who you are, go without security and really take a vacation,” Shumlin said.

    Can’t deny that statement filled my heart with pride. That’s an American Senator with no links to any political party here endorsing our democracy.

    So Hector John and the rest of the UWP crew trying to sully the good name of our country, comparing us to Egypt, because you all lost an election….. read it and weep.

    • truth be told
      March 10, 2011

      Its either one of two things (1) You can’t understand the english language and what the man said or (2) You continue to be the crony that you are and twist the truth as usual to suit your own cause. The stable democracy the senator spoke of is that which exists in his country the U.S.A

      • Anti-hate
        March 10, 2011

        lol u just embarrassed yourself….what part of “take a vacation in a stable democracy” you didn’t understand??

          March 10, 2011


      • LawieBawie
        March 10, 2011

        I think that you are the one not understanding the article my friend…“occasionally, when you take a vacation in a stable democracy where they don’t know who you are, go without security and really take a vacation,” Shumlin said. The senator was certainly not talking about vacationing in the US. He was definately making reference to other stable democracy outside of the US.

      • LMAO
        March 10, 2011

        @ Truth Be Told, It’s you, who does not understand the English language!!! Maybe you need to reread the quote….

        One suggestion was that “occasionally, when you take a vacation in a stable democracy where they don’t know who you are, go without security and really take a vacation,” Shumlin said. “I took his advice. We thought it was best that the little island of Dominica didn’t know that I was the governor. They didn’t. … It was great to be an ordinary citizen for a few days.”

        March 10, 2011

        truth be told; you’re unbelievable! Your political views must be clouding your ability to understand what u read. U must have failed comprehension in school. Dominica is stable! We invite all to come visit our beautiful island!!!!

      • Princess
        March 10, 2011

        NO truth be told you are dead wrong!!! The Ritter person gave the governor an advice, about taking a vacation in a stable democracy and leaving security behind. I guess the fact that he came here, says that we are a STABLE DEMOCRACY!!!!!! Boy I tell you reading is not just callng words it’s about comprehension!!!!!! You see how you can cause a war because of your lack of comprehension, be careful truth be told!!!!! read once, read twice then read again!!!!! Then answer your comprehension QUESTIONS!!!!

      • ss
        March 10, 2011

        just reading this news once i understood the stable democracy to be Dominica!!!! lol…you are too funny!!!!!!!! guess your blood pressure was rising when you were reading that news that your thoughts even tripped!!

      • BOOTS
        March 10, 2011

        Truth be told you doh understand the QUEENS ENGLISH.Where they dont know who he was.You mean they doh KNOW him in AMERICA man.MAYSHASTAY.All you will stay so for the next 20 years doh,with the same GOVERNT all you doh like dere.EAT SH&^ AND …

    • John Brown
      March 10, 2011

      Very good, well said, i was going to write the same thing then i said let me see if my friend wrote anything on that and you did, bravo. Let the haters hate, they think because they say DA is not a democracy that makes it so and no one can say different. It seems only the UWP can define democracy.

  36. 40 and loving it
    March 10, 2011

    Governor, do come again and next time, bring all your rich friends with you!

    • justice
      March 10, 2011

      hahahahahahahah GOOD ONE GOOD ONE!!!!!!! Dat one take me

  37. raw dominican
    March 10, 2011

    why allu so stupid then again sir Dominica ppl chat to dam much dem sell u out , if it was a secret trip u should not have come here they always watching what that not concerning them and their pot burning . HE WAS A TOURIST LIKE ANY OTHER ALLU DOES TALK TO MUCH

    • qstorm78
      March 10, 2011

      Where in the news story did they make mention of Dominicans selling him out?

    • WEH
      March 10, 2011


      • BOOTS
        March 10, 2011

        It burnin you eh hater,it have more to come.You will have to leave dca to doh.This is for the next 20 years.All you doh have a choice,just sit back and watch DOMINICA MOVE FORWARD.

  38. justice
    March 10, 2011

    YYAAHHH!!! Governor its ok you didnt tell no one where u were going. I jus over excited that you chose dominica. Hope u had a great time there and you will keep coming even though is in secret. :-D

    • justice
      March 10, 2011

      P.S: I hope is round carnival time u was deh…maybe we will c u on the more sewo dvd…lol

      • En Ba La
        March 10, 2011

        lol @ justice

      • mouth of the south
        March 10, 2011

        awa pah lah,,,, cuz u know he might be stroking on a woman dere n dat not good publicity for the man nah pal lol

        • justice
          March 10, 2011

          “mouth of d south” wen mister well under a mahaut whiskey (red cap) they give him is camera he can c? lol……

          And DNO will have to give 2 of us an award u knw…..we ALWAYS DERE to put our 2 cents…d 2 of us…hahaha

        • Way to GO!!
          March 10, 2011

          u know what I mean.

  39. Anonymous
    March 10, 2011

    why would the Governor have chosen Dominica………. because,its one of the most peaceful stable country in the world. God bless Dominica.

    • John Brown
      March 10, 2011

      Praise God

  40. Cassandra
    March 10, 2011

    Our much lamented isolation also has its advantages. Here you can be an anonymous visitor without anyone minding your business and escape the stress of 24 hr. scrutiny.Imagine, a U.S. governor can move around here more freely than mr. Skerritt at any time in the U.S.A. I’m sure some confidant in the governor’s entourage would know where to locate him if necessary. I’m glad the gentleman enjoyed his break with us. Come back again soon Sir, benveni!

  41. mouth of the south
    March 10, 2011

    i hope allu see how the people were adamant to know where their governor was,,, so when we ask where is skerro,,, his whereabouts etc,,, u all cannot tell us is none of our damn business,,,,

    • Ca Kway Tonae!!
      March 10, 2011

      Trust you MOTS, to pursue a political slant and a veiled attack on Skeritt – and Dominicans broadly.

      We counted three persons (in the article) expressing concerns about the governor’s whereabout. And we certainly did not get the idea that they pulled out all the stops (“adamant”) to find the governor.

      You need to stop being alarmist. It is as if, for you, everything related to Dominica (good, bad, or in between) is a calamity in the making.

      No, MOTS, the sky is not falling in Dominica. Stop your hate-mongering.

      • Anonymous
        March 10, 2011

        my fellow contrymen enjoy this news, god is looking out for us where one door closes another door opens. this will bring about much needed exposure, we must run with it. all the negative blue beards need to take a rest. always playing politics with peoples lives.

    • BOOTS
      March 10, 2011

      Mouth of the SORT.Jump hi,jump across or in between,you have alot of NEGATIVE comments and post to show your HATE for SKERRIT for many years to come.Just keep that in mind.

  42. Mahgs
    March 10, 2011

    Nice move Governor. Even you desserve some privacy, rest and relaxation. Do come again to our lovely island, peaceful island!

    Cherish this, Dominica!

  43. Dread!
    March 10, 2011

    People grow tired of that media circus. I am sure the man was relaxed! Do come back governor, we appreciate having you!!!

  44. Chakademus
    March 10, 2011

    Good publicity. I hope this scandal explodes, more exposure.

    • John Brown
      March 10, 2011

      They say “No Such Thing As Bad Publicity” so i support your Statement.

    March 10, 2011

    WOW. And we do not even have an International Airport. Makes one think.

    • William McLawrence
      March 10, 2011

      Makes one think if we had an International Airport the number of high profile people who would be visiting the island. Isn’t time we put the mechanism in place for the construction of an INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. If Saint Vincent and the Grenadines with one third our landmass can build an international airport, why can’t we. It will only serve to improve our tourism more…