Why is China spending billions in the Caribbean?

The National Stadium in Dominica is Chinese funded. Photo by Christopher Junkere

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — After the tiny Caribbean island of Grenada severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 2005, it received a token of appreciation from the mainland Chinese government: a $55 million cricket stadium.

It was part of $132 million China doled out to Caribbean countries in aid and soft loans in the years leading up to the 2007 Cricket World Cup. At the time, the investment was seen as a not-so-subtle reward to countries that had broken off formal relations with Taipei in favor of Beijing.

Ever since, China has made that sum look like pittance.


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  1. Kiesha
    May 1, 2011

    Its anazing that the china is putting its stamp on as much countries as they can. I dont know about whats really going on in DA, and if am not mistaken the last time i was there there were still building the fisheries Whatever its really called in marigot. Has anyone noticed that the chinese never, or rarely hire anyone other than their own chinese people. This is part of the reasons now in countries such as Canada and the U.S there are groups that refuse to buy and support their product and economic growth. Do people no that the products people are so damn happy to buy at a very cheap price is made in china and with very poor quaility materials? Do you no they do not use the same for their people, japan is no different. Whats even worse, is certain class of their own people are suffering,to make all the cheap and affordable stuff that so many people love. Its great that they are willing to dish out money to the Islands, but as one commented earlier,” whats in it for china” and i pray to God those signing on the dotted line representing Dominica, know’s what they’re sighning, and will consult with D
    ominican’s as to whats really going o. The chinese are like a bug they are spreading all over the world.

  2. Ra
    May 1, 2011

    Taiwan and Tibet belongs to China. People from Taiwan and Tibet are Chineese. China should get back Taiwan just like they did Hong Kong. Why are we worried about Chineese taking over when we tolerate the French, British, Dutch, America controlling our borders and customs right here in the Caribbean. Our fishing rights, Aviation rights, Land rights[crown land] are being plundered right before our eyes. Our oil and gas in Trinidad to Aruba plundered by Rockerfrella and shell. These colonialist still continue to hold on to 400 years of free labor in wages of our mothers and fathers before us. Colonialism and genocide. We should’nt blame China China if our representatives sign bad deals,but China is not our master. The sad fact is a divided Caribbean is at a disadvantage in dealing with a large country as China;this goes for Africa as well.

  3. Anthony P. Ismael
    April 30, 2011

    Nice article. It details the diplomatic relations between these two nations, and how Dominica has benefited from China’s new found global supremacy.

  4. doggy for life
    April 30, 2011

    :twisted: dominicans need to export their own resources and stop sittin on their a*s for people on the outside to give them bread bulll*hit.chines,haitians,etc.. to plant n grow to feed you lot kid’s.what next they start complain against them am fed up every lazy dominican should be sent to presion period.

  5. Jude Nicholas
    April 29, 2011

    Jerry Brisbane must read this 5,000 Chinese in the Bahamas to bulid the resort. Are they going to colonise the Bahamas right under the belly of the USA?

    We all must congratulate PM Skerrit on his bold move or else all these goodies and largesse would just pass us by.

  6. stupess
    April 29, 2011

    hear the ignorant pple saying congrads to china …hmmm dont allu know that countries dont give so freely to other countries and cant allu think why is it is the caribbean they are giving so abundantly to why not other countries like australia , nigeria and so on??? the Chinese well have there plan nobody gives so much and then expect no returns from all there givings … keep fooling yourselves the Chinese know all what they are doing and what they plan to get out of it … and they are mainly targeting countries which they know wont ever be able to pay back such large sums of money … china cares about china so they do these generous deeds with their benefits and self-interest in mind.. say good-bye to Roseau soon it will be the next china town local businesses have already start failing due too much competition from the Chinese so GOOD-LUCK TO ALL WHO SAYING CONGRATS USE ALLU BRAINS AND THINK

  7. I'm just saying
    April 29, 2011

    I think I smell a rat…we need to be careful how we accept aid from prosperous countries. After all, the US always claimed to be operating in the Caribbeans best interests back in the 20th century… and they do not believe in colonisation, yet they have Puerto Rico…so there is need to screen seemingly helpful, but powerful allies.

  8. Bushmaninda
    April 29, 2011

    China is destined ti be the world’s leading economic power and as such it will do all it can to promote its interests. As a Dominican I am concerned that our Government do all it can to promote the interests of Dominica and Dominicans when dealing with China or any other nation. When individuals who are legally and morally bound to vie for the interest of Dominica and her citizens sign agreements and refuse to make known the details of the agreement known to the parliament, one must wonder what up.

  9. A Fan of Chinese Rule
    April 29, 2011

    All us Dominicans must thank the Chinese for taking pity on us and helping us. We as a country have NEVER been in credit in our balance of payments. Basically, we have always been a bankrupt state, so we should be thankful to be allowed the opportunity to serve the Chinese, as we served the British and French before them.

    My recommendation to all Dominicans is to prepare to accept the Chinese fully as our masters, learn the Chinese National Anthem, start eating more Chinese food and realise that in our own country we will always be second class to any Chinese person, because, he who pays the piper, must be able to call the tune!

    • Homeboy
      April 30, 2011

      I gathered a sense of sarcasm in your response. But I am also a realist. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Powerful understatement.

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      May 1, 2011

      You are a fan of Chinese rule? Who are you? You are a communist who promotes communism and dictatorship governments. NOT IN DOMINICA I SAY!
      Your comments are not intelligent ones. So because a government of a country helps Dominica, Dominica must bow down to it, relinquish its democratic rights or allow itself to do so and cause itself to be inferior to it.
      This is really selling Dominica, handing it over to the Chinese government and making it lord and master of Dominica and Dominicans. May this never occur.
      I do agree that Dominicans must be appreciative and that is to show their gratitude but this is as far as it should go.
      If you are a fan of Chinese rule then go to reside in China.
      If you are a Dominican, you are a traitor to your country and should be banished and sent into exile, if that were possible.
      If you reside in Dominica and you are not a national, you should be deported. My suggestion would be to China since you are its fan.
      Patriotic Dominicans should pray that Dominica continues to remain a democratic country and retain its power of democratic rule otherwise, woe to Dominica and its nationals. God help Dominica!

  10. Quick Quack
    April 29, 2011

    I’m glad that this article is not UWP or DLP motivated. We can all see that what is happening in Dominica is not magical or “Skerritical”. We are just part of China’s overall plan. The DLP is just lucky to be in government at the same time. That said I’m sure UWP would have done the same thing even when they opposed the “Dump Taiwan up with China “ move.
    One thing that the author did not mention that in certain African states the Chinese are actually setting or have established a system where by billions of dollars of raw material is being shipped from Africa right unto Chinese ship to main land China. Again the corrupt government officials in their quest to serve their own personal interest allow the Chinese to plunder the little that they call their own.
    The important question that we must ask is “ What good is the stadium or the West Coast road when the if the trend continues we will only have 50 thousand people in Dominica; what good is the little Chinese gifts when there is no work in the country and that when there seem to be some job opportunities the Chinese people are the ones doing the jobs.
    Should we say no to the Chinese gifts? We will take and we do need every help we can get however those in power must make decisions that will not compromise the sovereignty of the people. We are fully aware of the dangling carrots that those A****es cant resist only because their sole intension is to become rich quick. The people of Tibet are now questioning the decisions made by past politicians who now enjoy the glory while the people of Tibet have become slaves in their own land.

    • Dominique Le Penn
      April 30, 2011

      Second the emotion.I have written at length and multitude of times of the issues of Tibet( As I fortunately had the opportunity to spend 6 months in Tibet.) on this very site. Unfortunately they claim i will get them in trouble so direct my contribution to the trash as one who analyzes what is post worthy. I have seen this issue as an independent observer and came to my own conclusion.It’s Chinese colonialism. The Chinese are in Africa exploiting their abundant resources Timber, Copper, Oil,to name just three of the natural resources there.Then they dump their Zing zong as the Zambians call their cheap inferior goods.T-shirts which disintegrate after one wash electronic appliances which stop work after leaving their stores( to add to that no receipt) which they will fight you over if you return the Zing Zong and the local courts will support them the police even the ministers will tell you to apologise lol! So i more than comprehend the dangling carrots you speak about. The gov’ts of third ,fourth, fifth sixth seventh and others like our homeland DA accept the BS and get greased in the process.
      After 450 yrs of learning ,living and thinking history we cannot see neo-colonialism is present.
      I read on this site or onthe radio, someone making a very valid point. It was a simple deduction question and one need not have a degree to comprehend the social economic and political process. The person had a simple concern which goes as follows: how can one of these oriental twits rent for x4 the normal renting price ,have two customers a day( as d/cans are still into their broth,juice with jam and bread bakes with cordfish etc)who may consume a General Taos Chicken or lo mein chicken.Point is it’s not sustainable and the only deduction is someone is footing the bill and it’s the gov’t of China as we all may or may not know.Our citizenery continue (how unfortunate) to see people like me/us as haters ,diasporans thosewho left the country too long ago and the list goes on.Just two weeks ago or so i heard the P.M talking about biding of contracts etc. Foolishly stating that globalization was the cause of outsiders being selected over D/cans.fair enough but don’t add insult to injury the D/can workforce is already under/un-employed and are hurting and that’s the best he could come up with? I was not taken aback by his additional idiotic supplimentary comment of that being UNFORTUNATE I was at work with two co-workers they were lisiteningI bowed my head in shame as they ask strangely simultanously is your P.M serious? But as Sporrow said We like it so. I do not see anything changing anywhere near soon. Our people in general get into the comfort of allowing things to slide through insidiously making themselves incapable ofddoing anthing about it when it can no longer be resolved. Is like being raped and keeping it to yourself next thing you know your belly growing next thing you mad at the child.You keep it out of religious dogma and all the shit that goes with such thoughts and positions. One has to nipe it in the bud.DA historically has been known for resistance movements so lets continue our neg marons would not have acted in vain.

  11. may day
    April 29, 2011

    Why does the USA spend Billions +Killing millons of Arrabs.

    • Lugawu
      April 30, 2011

      Maybe because they’ve been killing Americans every chance they get!!!!!
      Remember the USS Cole? The World Trade Center? The twin Towers in Manhattan?
      Maybe you should be asking why the Arabs put on a suicide vest and kill millions of their own people!!!!

  12. i glad for you.
    April 29, 2011

    if they want to help us we should accept it!

    • nou toh sot
      April 29, 2011

      help us my foot – it must have something in it for them

      • woyy
        April 29, 2011

        no doubt. there is no untied aid. all aid donors have an agenda. the chinese agenda is the one china quest and of course if some natural resources can be gained from countries they take that too. Look at how they are spending money in Africa. clearly there is an agenda there.

      • reality
        April 29, 2011

        when u take your man or woman out, it does have something in it for you right :?:
        who gives anything for nothing?

        you all are too negative. that is why the country taking so much time to evolve.

    • country gal
      April 29, 2011

      To those who believe that CHINA is doing all of this just in the name of “help” sorry to disapoint you China is positioning themselves in the Caribbean so when they go to war with USA for the number one position of the world they will be in place to release their weapons and just in case you all do not know the Caribbean is much closer to the USA so people stop do some diging and you will be surprised what you find also you will find it completly different from what the politicians want you to believe so know that they do not anything for nothing.

      • Anti-hate
        April 29, 2011

        No intelligent person thinks that China is doing this just to ‘help.’ Raise your level of debate and stop arguing straw man fallacies…

        Their main motivation was to get countries to reject Taiwan, they basically offered more money to countries which Taiwan had been giving money to for recognition, and the countries took it…

        And where are you going with this crap about China and US war? America is the biggest market for Chinese goods!! If they stop trading with America their economic growth will be halted, their economy might even collapse…

        What nonsense is this about 1 position in the world?? LMAO… Who says that countries need to go to war to be number one…China’s economy is growing while the US is struggling with record debt and unemployment…that’s how China is going to become number one, economic might…

        I would wonder where you came up with this nonsense but I’m pretty sure its from Puke95…

  13. Aha
    April 29, 2011

    I hope you all have seen what happened in Tibet they are slaves in their own place over taken by China
    Now they want us to work on Sundays

    • John Brown
      April 29, 2011

      @ Aha

      what’s wrong with working on a sunday?

    • Mr Sout City
      April 29, 2011

      So is the Chinese is the ones that want allu to start working on Sundays now?

    • DA
      May 3, 2011

      Tibet is absolutely a much better place than ever before, if you don’t believe, you can go and see for yourself.

  14. Mr Sout City
    April 29, 2011

    Second article like this I am reading this week. I hope you all see what happening here.

  15. Anti-hate
    April 29, 2011

    Typical UWP crapaganda and fear-mongering….when will you people stop??

    • Anti-hate
      April 29, 2011

      this was supposed to be a reply to ‘stupes’….

      • Anonymous
        April 29, 2011

        Aunty Hate/Fool Go to night school and educate yourself….Your nincompoop !!!

      • .........................
        April 29, 2011

        Aunty hate/fool Go to night school and educate yourself… Your nincompoop !!!!!

        • Anti-hate
          April 29, 2011

          lol @ your level of debate….it seems that immature children love commenting on DNO too!! smh

  16. Life's Like That
    April 29, 2011

    Will you agree to work under the conditions that the Chinese people work? They have a budget and a deadline, do you think they want to be tied up with your demands for increase in salary, your stay home when you dont feel like working; and even when you are at work it is “SLOW men at work’?

    Sit down and run your mouth and demand that government find work for you to do. Dont go out their and plant if that is what is available for you and sell to the islands that need it. Then watch the Chinese working to their plan, and cast your remarks. We westerners seem to have a dependency mindset, and the only way to work with that is to exploit it. Even our schools prepare us not for work but for jobs.

    We are not responsible for what the Chinese do. We are responsible for what we do. According to the same Christ that is being quoted left, right and centre, get up “take up your bed and walk’.

  17. warma
    April 29, 2011

    @MOTS….what are you talking about? Last year China surpassed Japan as the second largest economy in the world, with a GDP at $10.2 Trillion. At its current rate of growth, it is projected to kick the USA out of its current top spot by 2016. US GDP currently stands at $14.6 Trillion. The UK is currently the world’s 8th largest economy, GDP is $2.1 Trillion. Last year it was the 7th largest in the world but it was displaced by Brazil with a GDP at $2.2 Trillion. India too is rising – last year it displaced Germany as the 4th largest economy in the world.

    What you’re seeing here, my friend, is a global re-alignment of economic power. The traditional “big guys” are being displaced from their perches by countries that were once considered “developing countries”, all thanks to globalization. The fact is that, the days when people felt the desire to migrate to a so-called “first world” country to get a decent job and live a relatively comfortable life, those days are just about over. Thanks to globalization and the internet, those jobs are coming home, so the rates of migration have begun to decrease. Next up – education. The growing trend among universities and colleges to reduce rising education costs is to set-up online classes – mark my words.

    • Lugawu
      April 30, 2011

      Wow!!! One of the few educated ones who graces this forum!!!

    • black
      May 1, 2011

      the stating of statistics does not automatically make u educated. with all this talk about economic power the facts that u have stated is indisputable however u also need to include the facts on standard of living. for example india and china are climbing the economic ladder however what are their rates of poverty as compared to first world country. yes the economic downturn has affected employment in these regions however how soon do u evision dominicans saying that they are going to china to work in comparison to the thousands who are currently employed in the so called first world countries. china and india are still not on the cutting edge of technology merely replicating what have been developed in first world countries. as for education i agree that the trend will be into online courses however with the potential for fraud on the net certification and accreditation is going to be suspect since learning needs verification all in all i think that your post was good just lacking in some aspects. its funny how money changes things for we profess belief in human rights and dignity but sell our fellow brothers for a few pieces of silver. we can make it as an independent nation with independent and innovative thinking instead of waiting for scraps from this and that master table whether it is a white man, chinese, indian or otherwise.

  18. Foreign Power
    April 29, 2011

    it is so refreshing to see that China is assisting other countries in the rgeion and not Domiica alone as soem would have us beleive. Some detractors of the government want the public to agree that China has a specific plan for Dominica that is why so much assistance is forthcoming. The facts do indicate that the Chinese are helping other more affluent Caribbean societies like Dominica. China is right up to the American shores dishing out assistance at a tiem when America has no interest whatsoever (except drug eradication) in the Caribbean.

    China is the new super power and all she needs of us is to keep Taiwan where it rightfully belong as a territory of the greater China. The sooner St. Vincent and St. Kitts get serious about thier foreign policy, the better for them. Unfortunately, St. Lucia took a retrograde step in 2007 when they reverted to Taiwan. I am sure that after the next general elections, commonsense in this regard will prevail.

    • papa dom
      April 29, 2011

      why do you stupid people think that you have the right to create an impression of Dominica and Dominicans for the world to see?

  19. John Brown
    April 29, 2011

    Question to ask is, why are western democratic countries not doing the same as China? In the days of the USSR the US was all over us because they did not want the rest of the caribbean to become communist like Cuba.

    When the Soviet Union fell most all aid from the US cease except for fighting drugs. Drugs are a threat to the US so money is given only to fight drugs, communism was a threat to the US back in the day so money was given for infrastructure Projects so we’d stay away from the Soviet Union.

    China is doing exactly what western countries have done when they seek influence and benefits for themselves overseas. The only differents is that, they have not habitual invaded other countries to steal it resources. So why ask why? is it because it’s not China but RED CHINA?

  20. mouth of the south
    April 29, 2011

    um china will not be the next super power,,, the u.s n britain will not allow that,,, besides i have said after the u.s/u.k,,,, both are super powers together,,, after them is judgement day,,,, i’ve always said this but now reading the AWAKE from the jehovahs witnesses proves my point,,, yep i was given a may issue which i should not have had but since i read those i were offered then the sister had no choice but to issue me the may issue,,, it says

    a little over 1900 years ago,, when those words were written,, five of the seven ‘kings’ or political empires had fallen,, they were egypt, assyria,, babylon,,, medo persia,, and greece,,, the sixth is rome,,, which did not last long,,,, the seventh king took shape when england rose out of obscurity in the northern corner of the roman empire,,,,, however the 1st world war moved the u.k to embark on a special relationship with the united states,,,,, this gave way to anglo american alliance,,, in many respects a dual english speaking world power that has lasted to this day,,,

    here’s what president obama said at a joint press conference with p.m david cameron:
    we can never say it enough. the u.s and the u.k enjoy a tryly special relationship. we celebrate a common heritage. we cherish common values……. above all, our alliance thrives because it advances our common interests…. when the u.s and the u.k stand together,, our people and people around the world are more secure and they are more prosperous. in short the u.s has no closer ally and no stronger partner than great britain…..

    these words my friend shows that the u.s n u.k will never allow china to dominate economically,,,,, and based on the prophecy the u.s/u.k domination is the last of the kings before the return of Jesus Christ….. i’ve always said that to my friends but now i got the biblical fact to prove this,,, people saying china gonna take over like it’s so easy to do,,,,lol china won’t go to war to do that but u.k n u.s will wage war to defend the economics n this is where china will not advance

    • Anti-hate
      April 29, 2011

      wat a load of cr*p…..Read this article


      The IMF is predicted that the Chinese economy will surpass the US in five years. That’s right around the corner…

      The US is borrowing money from China as we speak to fight a war to steal oil from Libya…

      • only
        April 29, 2011

        The bankers are financing all of these wars. They just use the US and Britain forces to accomplish their ends.

    • Mr Sout City
      April 29, 2011

      This is the second time you made a comment that I partially agree with. I don’t believe in those bible mombo jumbo, the West isn’t doing to just sit and make China take over. I have a feeling that nuclear bomb will be flying.

    • The truth
      April 29, 2011

      The us n Britain can avoid nothing. They are both broke. U need to read. The us and Britain spend more than their GDP very year and where do they get money to stay afloat? From the same china that they do not want us to borrow from. Every year. They owe china trillions. they cannot stop china. Most huge business people and project from the us and Britain has been diverted to china. So know what you saying.

      • Mr Sout City
        April 29, 2011

        you remember world war 2?

        • The truth
          April 29, 2011

          u think china is simple? u must be mad… take a look at china today and tell me if they ready. two countries the british and americans cannot mess with. china and russia. these are different times my friend. thats what happened before, its how the world worked then. only the small can lose these days and china too powerful now for that crap. but thats your opinion

    • Gary
      April 29, 2011

      To mouth of the south

      Then your mention biblical Prophesy that is another joke and nonsense. The mighty empires you mentioned that were destroyed, these were destroyed thousand of years before your so called words were written in 1900 ago which you refer to. How can you have something predicted when the prediction is written after it took place you tell me. More of you nonsense regarding the 1st world war, it had nothing to do with bring together the UK and US but all to do with rearranging the map of Europe and creating the league of Nations. The speech in reference to President Obama joint conference with Prime Minister David Cameron Prime Minister of England, that speech was geared primarily to the English people and not Britain or The UK. President Obama talked about the long history the both Countries shared meaning England and the US and not the US and
      Britain. it says nothing about the US and the UK will never allow China to dominate the world economically

      When you say that you have biblical facts, it is to me BS facts. You may be entitled to you opinion which you have a right to have, but you must remember what you think it is based on your biblical beliefs and what it is, are two different things especially when you are dealing with Politics,Money and Governments.

    • Gary
      April 29, 2011

      To mouth of the south

      It is so laughable when you mention reading Awake Magazine and using it as a reference to give credibility to your belief and option saying that the US and UK would not allow China to be the next supper power. First of Britain or the UK is not even considered a supper power militarily, it is not even the largest economy in Europe. Let us not forget the Countries which make up the UK or Britain have different views politically and most of them are broke including England. Why would the US join forces with broke countries to wage war on China which has one of the largest Armies on the planet.

      Then your mention biblical Prophesy that is another joke and nonsense. The mighty empires you mentioned that were destroyed, these were destroyed thousand of years before your so called words were written in 1900 ago which you refer to. How can you have something predicted when the prediction is written after it took place you tell me. More of you nonsense regarding the 1st world war, it had nothing to do with bring together the UK and US but all to do with rearranging the map of Europe and creating the league of Nations. The speech in reference to President Obama joint conference with Prime Minister David Cameron Prime Minister of England, that speech was geared primarily to the English people and not Britain or The UK. President Obama talked about the long history the both Countries shared meaning England and the US and not the US and
      Britain. it says nothing about the US and the UK will never allow China to dominate the world economically

      When you say that you have biblical facts, it is to me BS facts. You may be entitled to you opinion which you have a right to have, but you must remember what you think it is based on your biblical beliefs and what it is, are two different things especially when you are dealing with Politics,Money and Governments.

      • reader
        April 30, 2011

        Excellent response gary to a coonoomoonou. I wonder why anyone would sell a computer to her/him to write non-facts.In addition why would DNO post that crap and refuse sensible posts just because they are too factual and highly political.

      • The truth
        April 30, 2011

        militarily britain has the fourth largest army my friend. i dont agree with the comment but they very very powerful when it comes to fire power. in fact they are considered the world’s best army/ navy/ marines. fact. they very very very precise and well prepared. fourth largest is large.

  21. stupes
    April 29, 2011

    Because, China knows that htese countries believe they are incapable of doing things for themselves without “super powers” and they also know that these small countries will not be able to repay those loans and will eventually become small colonies to the motherland. Duh!

    • Mr Sout City
      April 29, 2011

      IMO you both right and wrong at the same time.

  22. nudibranch
    April 29, 2011

    Nothing is free, the money being spent on projects here is GRANT money, meaning we have to pay it back. The money they are spending on wages is to Chinese labour, going back to China, and in return what do they want of us….

    They make no bones about it, they are after raw materials, China is the only country on the planet where the long term means a vision of 30 or 50 years down the road, not like some who can only see to the next election.
    in Africa they are bankrolling oil drilling, elsewhere they are spending millions in assisting prospecting for minerals, in addition of course to spending lavishly (with their labour), on infrastructural development they are there for a reason. ….What do we have? WATER.
    Our forests are protected so they will go hack down forests elsewhere, but we have water. Natures Water (Chinese run, owned and staffed) is already shipping 20 and 40ft containers of our precious resource out of Dominica every month. Water is more valuable than oil. Wake up Dominica, take control of your water at community level before it becomes a done deal like the state house mistake.

    • only
      April 30, 2011

      China has no shortage of water.

      • The truth
        May 1, 2011

        I think you will find that china has a huge shortage of water. Some crops cannot even grow. They currently have a huge project going in to redirect water from
        South to north or something of that kind. They going to be unable to feed millions I’m about a year because of water shortages. If you don’t believe me check out the BBC Or check this link. Half of china cities are short of water my friend.


  23. Simon Templar
    April 29, 2011

    Those who criticize the economic aid from China must also tell us what plans they have to fill this void.

  24. RC
    April 29, 2011

    They are working toward world domination which is fair enough to understand, I suppose after the US and Japan ruled for decades but my concern is at what cost? With contracts and dues owed and sponsorship by China to the Caribbean and Africa what will happen when they want a ‘return’? They could force us to serve in China, take a stake from our GDP and/or dependence on China. This won’t be immediate but it is worrying because as a Communist state, who knows what they are capable of? In the words of Biggie, “if you didn’t know now you know!”

  25. van
    April 29, 2011

    To get back at the USA

  26. Ian
    April 29, 2011

    Headed to be the World Super power..

      April 29, 2011

      Short and to the point, but so true.

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