President sympathizes with Belgium, USA after terrorist attacks

The Orlando shooting has been described as a terrorist attack and hate crime
The Orlando shooting has been described as a terrorist attack and hate crime

President of Dominica, His Excellency Charles Savarin has sympathized with Ambassador-Designate of Belgium to Dominica, Guy Sevrine, whose country was a victim of a terrorist attack in March 2016.

He also expressed sympathy with the United States in the recent mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, noting that terrorism remains a major threat to everyone.

He was speaking at a ceremony last week when Ambassador Sevrine presented his credential to him.

“Your Excellency your country was a victim of a terrorist attack in March of 2016 and we sympathize with the families of the victims and with the government and people of Belgium,” the President stated.

He pointed to the threat of terrorism on people everywhere.

“The recent mass shootings at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida resulting in 50 deaths and 53 injured re-emphasizes the fact that terrorism remains a major threat to all peoples everywhere, and we sympathize with the United States and the families of those who were victims in this most recent attack,” he stated.

The Orlando, Florida incident, which took place at a gay night club, has been described as the worst mass shooting in US history with new details revealing that 49 people were killed and 53 wounded. It has been denounced as an act of terrorism and a hate crime.

On Tuesday, March 22, 2016, three explosions ripped through the Belgium capital of Brussels, killing at least 31 people and wounding 270 more. The so-called Islamic State said it was behind the attack.

Meantime, Ambassador Sevrine said Dominica is an active member of CARICOM and it plays a prominent role in the commercial of regional and inter-regional integration, “efforts that are very much appreciated by Belgium.”

He stated also that the visa exemption to travel to the European Union is a tangible result of Belgium’s mutual “trust and respect.”

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  1. Tjebe Fort
    June 20, 2016

    So only niow Charles Savarin wake from his slumber. What the hell is he doing for the country for the salary and perks we pay him?

  2. Deadly
    June 20, 2016

    This is so much of a stupid news article, you need to sympathize with Dominica and the people who have been disappearing in the country recently. Don’t be like puppy and lick those other countries ass, Just for recognition,ok now you make the news so what?

  3. LifeandDeath
    June 20, 2016

    What Savarin fails to realize is that more and more the Dominican population is becoming disgusted with their bare-face eloquent as they sound, his words are a far cry from genuine..just lip service..
    How genuine can a man be to resign as a minister from a sitting government and go become President; a position requiring one to be impartial. As president Dominicans never hear Savarin speak on real issues affecting poor people in Dominica. Instead for a mere difference in opinion, he asks Dominicans to boycott genuine businesses and put bread winners out of work..but he goes on to get a high paying salary with benefits to match on the backs of tax payers..
    These things wouldn’t happen where terrorists are prevalent..Terrorist ideologies are not justifiable but are certainly created by these one sided idiotic decisions..

  4. Favoured
    June 20, 2016

    Guiltiness rest on their conscience: President Charlo please find the time, courage, the good Christian values and God fearing and genuine heart and truthfulness and honesty in extending your empathy and regret to Gon and Gretta Emanuel on the attempted murder through arson on their St Aroma house in December 2010. President Charlo can you please do that? Can you please asked Mano and Gretta for forgiveness for the part you played even as the Minister of National Security in trying to have the public believe that they were the ones who tried to burn their own house. What about the case Charlo what happened to the case since you were then the seating Minister of Justice; Pres.Charlo can you request forgiveness from Jerry Brisbane for encouraging people to boycott his business while you were the Minister of Labour and Industrial Relations to the extent that Jerry was forced to close his business. If you don’t Charlo I believe the judgement to come will be harsh on you.

  5. Big Fish
    June 20, 2016

    I’m yet to see the president sympathize with the people of Venezuela who are facing a humanitarian crisis of their own, almost right under his nose.

  6. June 20, 2016

    As terrible as the Pulse shooting was, it wasn’t the “worst mass shooting in US history”. That was in 1890 when the U.S. Army massacred as many as 300 Lakota Sioux at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. If one needs a more recent example of a greater loss of life from gun violence, in 1993 76 people were killed during the FBI massacre of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas.

    • Dominican
      June 20, 2016

      Worse mass shooting by a single person

      • Problem is, that’s not what he said.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Titiwi
      June 20, 2016

      Steve, in 1952 Albert Forster was hanged for his crime of eliminating the Jews, and other non-Germans in the Danzig (Gdansk) area of Poland, where he was appointed Gauleiter by Adolf HItler, who was also a guest at his wedding.. It is common mistake to try and minimise the severity of one crime by comparing it with one that produced more victims. All are equally horrible. and should be condemned, especially those against humanity

      • Sorry, but it is also wrong to lie about it by saying Orlando was the worst or biggest mass killing in American history.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • Face the Facts
      June 20, 2016

      Well, look at it this way, the worst in this century.
      I wonder where was I in 1890? :lol: And so does everyone else on earth. :lol:
      I have an idea where I was in 1993 and heard of it.

      • He’s trying to be politically correct, PC!

        Remember it was a gay club that was hit.

        The fact that the shooter was gay is not exactly sinking in yet.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  7. Scar face.
    June 20, 2016

    Way Papa. You well late. Like is now the news reach you. Poor president.

    • Face the Facts
      June 20, 2016

      Sarcasm and disrespect! :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

      • scar face
        June 21, 2016

        short you shoe.

      • Tjebe Fort
        June 21, 2016

        He gets what he deserves, no more no less.

      • Face the Facts
        June 21, 2016

        When some people do not support others, it is something else. I have observed, nothing they do is ever pleasing to them. There are all types in the world, the supporters and non-supporters.
        Free to agree or disagree without being disagreeable. This is how we should live and get along with each other, amicably. Will some members of humanity ever learn these godly virtues for happiness and peace?

    • June 20, 2016

      No he had to wait for directives from the Massa .. remember he’s a lame dock President in the pink house.

  8. Trump
    June 20, 2016

    That President is just a hypocrite since they are always blasting and supporting rulers with anti American philosophy. We don’t need your sympathy Savarin you and your labor party are hypocrites. In fact you are not no Laborite you are an opportunistic you no what!!!!!!

    • Face the Facts
      June 20, 2016

      Too late for you. He already stated it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  9. Kingdom
    June 20, 2016

    This is a complete waste of a headline. There are far more important things and issues going on in the world and in our country that needs attention. Like the thousands of nigerians being slaughtered and our people being boxed into a corner in this corruption.

    • Face the Facts
      June 20, 2016

      It is News! Do not try to suppress it.
      Do you really care? If you truly care offer a helping hand in whatever manner you can. You could also do so in fervent prayers for those who are afflicted. Too much criticisms/ talkers and too few doers.

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