A former spymaster in Afghanistan who was accused of human rights violation, a convicted millionaire and former Libyan colonel, and a former nuclear scientist for Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein are among thousands of people who bought Dominican passports under the island’s Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program. An investigation by 15 international news organisations, in partnership with the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) has revealed that many Dominican passports were brought by people with “dark pasts.”
The findings from the investigation are detailed in a report called ‘Dominica: Passports of the Caribbean.’ According to the investigation, Dominica has the world’s biggest “golden passport” scheme, earning US$ 1 billion since 2009, but the names of the people who bought Dominican passports have been difficult to obtain.
“But, working with over a dozen media partners, OCCRP and the Government Accountability Project, a Washington D.C.-based nonprofit, have obtained the names of roughly 7,700 people who have purchased Dominica passports in recent years,” the OCCRP wrote in a report on the investigation.
“Among the largest groups of buyers were people from Russia, China, Iran, including people of considerable wealth. Among them, for example, are two Russian billionaires of Azerbaijani origin who were later sanctioned after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.”
What makes the investigation rather disturbing is the fact that many people who obtained Dominican citizenship and passport have pasts which has been described as “dark.” Among them was Afghan spymaster, Asadullah Khalid, who according to the report, has been publicly accused of systematic human rights violations.
“In 2009, a Canadian diplomat who worked with him testified at a parliamentary commission that, during his time as a provincial governor, Khalid allegedly operated a dungeon in which he was “known to personally torture people,” the report stated.
“Khalid dismissed the allegations as “propaganda” — only to be featured in multiple subsequent reports by journalists and human rights groups that alleged his involvement in “arbitrary detention, rape, and torture.”
Others who bought passports, according to the report, were Saddam Hussein’s top nuclear scientist— known as the father of Iraq’s nuclear program, and a Libyan colonel who served under Muammar Ghaddafi did so the following year. Many of these people got Dominican passports despite the government in Dominica saying that the process for obtaining them had a “multi-layered” checks and balances system in place that was “handled by top-rated due diligence agencies.”
The report gave the example of Rakesh Wadhwa, who, despite having legal issues in Nepal, was granted a Dominican passport. He got his passport in 2016, which he said was handled through a Dubai-based company called Citizenship Invest, and the entire process took only a few weeks.
“They appointed an American firm to carry out the due diligence on my background and [my] cases in Nepal,” he was quoted as saying.“When I asked [Citizenship Invest] if my legal troubles would be a hindrance … they said not to worry about it, and that the [American] compliance company will not look at the ongoing cases no matter how complicated they may be.”
Based on the report, others who received Dominican citizenship include Jordanian businessman Mutasem Faouri and his father Fayez, who received their passports in 2010. Two years later they were arrested, charged with defrauding investors of tens of millions of dollars, and sentenced to prison terms.
“They are currently appealing these convictions,” the report said.
“But while the elder Faouri is currently serving a sentence on a related case, Mutasem, who also received a sentence, managed to evade prison. He has since set up companies in the United Kingdom, listing his nationality as “Dominica” and his country of residence as the United Arab Emirates. Neither Fayez nor Mutasem responded to requests for comment.”
Another was Spanish citizen, Pedro Fort Berbel, “who bought Dominican citizenship in 2015 —was accused two years later by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of running a Ponzi and multi-level marketing scheme at that time worth tens of millions of dollars.”
The report said attempts to get a comment from the government of Dominica or Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit were futile but he did address the matter at a recent press conference here.
“There continues to be an attempt by some in this country to destroy the [citizenship-by-investment program] and so they are colluding with international journalists and some regional journalists to propagate a lot of mischief, misinformation about our program, all in an effort to destroy it,” he said. “And some people are part of this in Dominica just because they want to get the Labour Party out of government.”
Skerrit added, “We have professed to have a robust system that we go through in different layers of due diligence. If somebody were to become a citizen of Dominica today and tomorrow morning the person goes and does something and finds himself in a problem with the law, you can’t blame the program for that.”
Despite this assurance, Dominica’s CBI program has drawn the attention of the UK, which had previously granted citizens of the island visa-free access. A visa restriction was subsequently imposed on travelers from Dominica due to what the UK government said was “clear and evident abuse” of the program with British Home Secretary Suella Braverman saying that the island had been granting citizenship to “individuals known to pose a risk to the UK.”
The report stated that Dominica’s CBI program has been a success under Skerrit, raising $775 million between 2009 and 2021 for the island, “helping to fund government programs and keep Skerrit’s party in power.”
“The growing sector has attracted more than 70 companies approved to facilitate the country’s private passport business. A number of them have also branched into real estate development on the island,” it said.
“One of the most prominent is Montreal Management Consultants Est (MMCE), registered in the UAE and run by a man named Anthony Haiden. Aside from facilitating passport sales, Haiden’s MMCE also has a development arm in Dominica, MMC Development, which describes itself on its website as the country’s “leading development company.” Among its major projects is the development of a new international airport reportedly valued at $370 million.”
Click on the links below to read more about the investigation.
Where is Mr. Vivian Huasey? You moo moo on that one? Say something, say something, nuh! Your cowboy is in hot water and you are in cold? We are waiting to here from you.
Nice, Nice, and Nice. Very good news of hope for the suffering people of Dominica. We are awaiting the better news with the ultimate results of a pick up.
The more it comes the better the consequences, it’s better not to stand close by to Skeritt as smell is getting worse and worse day by day. PM is official supporter of international terrorism and financial frauds across the Globe. Number 1 Dominican who really went international with his best friend Anthony Haiden aka Mohammed smth. To get attention to whole world media community! Well done!!’ Karma will prevail! And you and your relatives won’t be allowed to choose alias as your criminal crooks!
…and the CM remains tight lipped. Presumably he needs the entire weekend to write a speech of lies to wiggle out of this one. Prepare for a sack full of lies on Monday or Tuesday.
It’s Monday today. Still no word from the Horrible CM. Instead he jetted of to Canada. I guess it’s none of our damn business.
It’s Tuesday and still no am,am ah, ah, am…. What a coward of a PM Dominicans have. Shame on you!
Wait awhile. People with dark past? Add to the list. George Bush, Rumsfeld,, Collin Powell, Condelizza Rice, George W. Bush and the list goes on. Whenever countries are trying to assert their financial independence. These things come up. Is it a crime for people with dark past to travel?
John, you forgot to mention Skerro, with dark past…. may want to travel too, to the United States…
I wonder why they did not investigate the $10,000,000,000 Lennox and his scumbags said Skerrit has hidden in overseas banks.Maybe Trevor Johnson forgot to tell them about it.One is wondering why Trevor Johnson knew about the report weeks before.Another thing is the media whore can get Kenneth Rijock on the phone whenever he want.It is as if Rijock has nothing to do,and is always waiting for a negative call to destroy Dominica from the media whore.
@Man go read a book if you can.You sound desperate in you defence of corruption. Were you not taught from your childhood days to stay away from corruption and corrupt men? So shameless! Just to get US$100.00 to come and vote every 5 years you are bursting your clownish blood vessel? You are really a dam CLOWN!!
@Lin clown, they most likely read the law and realized that these numbers would be impossible to achieve so they just stuck to the old rumors, allegations that the blue drumsticks have been circulating for the past two decades.
Why dont you try addressing the issues and matters before you instead of deflecting like a child asking their parent to punish their sibling too. Or a childish woman who has absolutely ZERO accountability. Why cant you people ever stand up and take ownership of the wrongs, wrongdoers, wrongdoings that you have supported. zero shame
Trevor Johnson can trigger an investigation from Forbes, The Guardian, and 13 other reputable journalists? Had no idea he was so powerful.
Though it’s very encouraging all the leaks and gathered data being published daily, however the information is all old, complete old. It shows the scale, incompetence, and drastically the number of passports issued in 2019 shows exact abuse of program as said by UK. It’s just a matter of time our neighbors will be in the same news years later, believe me, it’s all a circle of caribbean reality, from one crook to another.
So, what should the police commissioner do in this regard? What should the “AG” do in this regard? What should the true patriots of Dominica do in this regard? Just read and post comments? Dominicans are not ready for change.
Lol! What did they do when Aljazeera showed us Lennon Linton’s signature on a letter (allegedly) promising to dole out our diplomatic passports to unknown foreigners in exchange for money to his party that would have been routed as charitable donations? You do remember that signed letter, do you?
So, this is what the semi-literate on Q95 and the nomm beff from Loubere residing in Trinidad were harping on about? This is the bomb they planned to burst? SMFH! The same idiotic and hollow foolishness that no one but Lennox and his gang swallows. The same recycled nonsense that this confederation of heavy-hitting media houses around the globe spent time to regurgitate? Surely, this is not aimed at Skerrit. As I have said before, the UWPwee and its gang fail Dominica even when in opposition, well, in the yard.
You came out of retirement to defend PM Dimples? What a spineless little earth worm you are. Crawl back into that hole where you came from.
Honestly I read this expecting to get some solid facts but it was a whole bunch of hearsay. Nothing concrete. People ACCUSED of things by the media no less which is known to lie and spread misinformation.
AA peeping Tom you alive? You had to come from underneath your rock because some deadly fumes was sprayed down you hole? Your aS.whole, Take that. Enough is enough. Roosevelt is a wanted man. I’d like to see him go on a vacation. Why doesn’t he go on a vacation in Florida or some other US States? They are looking out for him. He has put the world in grave danger with people like you. You will be picked up also.
“Roosevelt is a wanted man.” I have been hearing this since 2005. Time to change the music, the melody, the lyrics…de whole damn orchestra too!
Be patient, Peeper. Your hero will face the music sooner rather than later. Give us your real name, so we can come and look for you too.
@Peeping Tom
Thats not how you account for the nation’s money. You sound like someone with a grade One IQ.
Tell me here is an independent audited statement, review it…But you seem to be one of the greedies benefitting full time from the fetid programme, so whenever unsavoury characters are caught, you poke your head out to defend. You are just an embarrassment to yourself.
“Tell me here is an independent audited statement” and you will still be back here talking like a donkey. Factual information and education cannot help you to think. Stay in your lane and never ask for facts.
We expect that assinine comment from worthless like you. When the USA ban entry to us you will still be in your hole talking rubbish. The phlegm from your mouth says nothing to us except what we expected from you, carry on.
more insults from a group of blue people who are very sensitive to insults even when none exist.
People always like to criticize the US when they take time to move and those same people criticize them when the move too soon and they like to accuse them of disrupting peace in third world countries like us. But I know the US always moves at the right time.
This news about Dominica passport is on major news outlets around the world and is so far out in ten different languages. What does this mean? To me the US has mads a convincing statement to the world about the dangers Dominica through PM Skerrit pose to the world with his currupt CBI program and they (the US) is ready for him. So they are giving Skerrit the opportunity to resign and voluntarily turn himself in and if he doesn’t they are indirectly telling police commissioner Daniel Carbon to arrest Mr Skerrit, or telling the Dominican people to force Mr Skerrit out and lastly they are telling the world that if none of the above is done they the US will act and act very soon. So Mr Skerrit your time is up and please don’t…
@tik tok have you read the rubbish you just wrote? Dominica is not a US territory it is a sovereign independent state. What danger can Dominica pose to the world? I guess Dominica selling passports is the cause why Hamas invaded Israel and murdered women and children, it is the reason behind the continued exploitation of Africa by France and other western nations it is the cause of the Ukraine war. Dominica is really a super power with its army of passports terrorizing the globe!!!
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of Hamas’s top brass are holders of a Dominican passport, worse even diplomatic passports?
As a US citizen that’s very familiar with the strategy of the US, I would not be surprised that this move is to let the world and Dominican people know that the long rope of Mr Skerrit has finally come to an end. So the law agencies through the media around the world are indirectly telling Mr Skerrit that they have piles of evidence against him and time is up. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that they have secured testimonies, voice messages, texts messages and hard paper messages from close friends of Skerrit. If the FBI was able to secure testimonies from close friends and associates of former president Donald Trump , to build a case against him , who am I to doubt the US have not heard from the likes of that Haiden friend of his ?
So my advice to Mr Skerrit is plan a trip to the UN building in Manhattan NY and arrange to surrender to the US before all hell breaks loose on him.
Evidence against him is strong and is circulating around the world in 10 different languages so
Not before time. This guy did enough damage to our country. It will take all of us at least 2 generations to repair all the damage. His enablers better watch out as well. YOU are on the list too, make no mistake.
Hard and honest work is always the best path to take. The easy way is always fraught with problems and peril.
When money comes easily it tends to vanish quickly. When you work hard for your money and assets , you use them with care. The easy billions accumulated from the CBI program have mysteriously disappeared.
Let Dominica return to the days where we owned what we use our ingenuity and the sweat of our brows to earn. Depending on the sale of passports as our main source of revenue is not only ludicrous, it is unsustainable. The RLP cannot govern.
the people who say that someone is bad, not saying they’re good people but the acusers are equally as evil. let’s not forget Europe was ok slavery and atrocities of colonialism. the wmd lie of the west to go into Iraq. I digress, those countries sanctioned the oligarchs of Russia, how? well while u can’t have a bank account without bringing ur birth certificate and a pint of blood and a job letter. they can bypass all those rules and not even have to go to the bank. so the west were openly taking those peoples money. so it’s all hypocrisy.
As usual, desperately looking for excuses! There are NO excuses for Skerrits recklessness, there are NO excuses for the missing CBI funds. Now get out of here!
as soon as his back is to the wall and he’s being held accountable for some underhand or potential scam, he claims “the opposition”.
We have had no opposition for the past decades, you have been caught and your cronies selling passports in Dubai are being asked to give account.
please do so in a transparent manner, using small words, such that your ignorant followers in the dark can understand .
Not much to ask for the people is it?
That Ibo France is such a damn liar,that is not even headline news in the Guardian.If one listen to q95 that news item is nothing new,one Dominican guy living in Trinidad had told Matt about it weeks ago.You are right,the more the enemies of Dominica try to destroy the people of Dominica is the longer they stay in the 🐕 house.Those aholes just do not understand what the CBI mean to Dominica,and for that they will pay,and pay for a very long time.There are 35 agents involved in the CBI programme,that is not a Skerrit thing.The PEOPLE support Skerrit and they support the CBI programme,with that said Jonathan,MEME,Ibo,Juanita and the other blue idiots can go to hell.Call out all you usual demonstration and let’s see all you make fools of all you selves.Go ahead the curse of the poor will live with the wicked ones, sons of Satan.That is why all you UWP supporters will never get anywhere.
But you must agree you cannot have a government, the same government, for 20 – 30 years. How much more time do you need to do well 56 years like those French, U.S, UK coups that created several African countries created by those same European enslavers?
Governments before this one only had a couple million$ to do everything.
Today this government is sitting on several billion$ and we’re still just scrapping by poor & broke so you need 30 more years to be sufficient given your slow performance with billions$?
“But you must agree you cannot have a government, the same government, for 20 – 30 years.” This is for the people to decide, not a clique of power hungry uninspiring and lazy people.
If only it was for the people to decide!!! It’s mainly dead people that decided and then of course those irregularities at election time. You, Russian despot may try as you want, your days of political spin are over. Make out of this what you want.
“It’s mainly dead people that decided and then of course those irregularities at election time.” Lol! And I bet this happened only in those constituencies where Labour won.

The people living in Dominica do not want this government. Where do you live? Is it in Mars?
I agree with both points you made, 👍 this I am hoping to stimulate members of this government to do more even though the public puts you there again. Isn’t more performance expected for the mega bucks, given where we are still swimming in post colonization poverty?
I began reading your post. Couldn’t get pass the first couple of sentences because of the unadulterated gibberish. Anyone who reads your entire post is dumber for doing so.
Roosevelt saw something bad was heading his way, so he made the snail doctor minister of finance. A real Con man. Why his supporters are not able to see that is beyond me.
I am begging my people. I am begging you all come out on Friday and let this be the beginning of the end of this regime. This is not a time for long comments, but rather a time to urge people to act. People, a house and a few dollars a month is not worth your country becoming an isolated state. You all will be stuck on Dominica with no help in times of disaster. China and others will only stay as long as we a beneficial to them but when we are blockaded they will flee. This greedy men and women are doing too much. People stand up. It’s a revolution time.
“I am begging you all come out on Friday and let this be the beginning of the end of this regime.” How many times before have you begged for this?
That’s all you can do remain in hole and look while the crumbs that fall from Skerrit’s mouth are delivered to you. Do you know you can be an independent earner and live a much better life much like people like me and others are doing? That’s not your lot. people the world over are fighting for freedom while backward you is fighting to remain in bondage.
@Peeping Tom
Please give us an independent audit of the programme. Stop being an acolyte of evil? Are you one of the passport peddlers!
Worse, I suspect it’s Skerrit himself commentating under this fake name.
Is the am going to hold a press conference? Am, am, am, am, am, am, am, am, am, when that Big door 🚪 slams all he’ll say is, “am, am, am, am, am, am,😂😂😂😂😂WOY!!!!!! Look ta la la la in my little country.
Maybe am, am, ah, am, ah on Monday am, am, ah…
If you kill innocent people they can give you Bush that could cling to you for the rest of your life. This bush will also cause harm to your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. So here we go. If you steal money from Dominica is as though you robbed the poorest person. And you and all your enablers will be brought down. It’s just a matter of time.
but …q15 has been saying this for a very long time…Lennox has been like the man in the wilderness saying this over and over again…..saying the truth…DBS never read those stories..government mouth piece….waste of broadband space….the uk gave them the first small slap on the hand….st Vincent PM is not interested in selling passports…. but our PM says if not passport ?what ?not creating employment…not letting people feed themselves…but instead lean on me and I will feed u….total rubbish…Dominican have gotten so poor that they cannot work to pay their own loan…but instead skerrit would say wait for your house…your turn will come…to young and working people…playing politics…..people must know freeness always bring forth worryness…..st Vincent PM said there is another heavy hammer 🛠 to come …PM are u ready for this? if not passport what? lazy bunch
Kill the cbi it’s not for the people,but for the guys in power
You mean, the same CBI that builds houses, health and wellness centres, hospitals, pay school/university fees, build hotels so your cousin can find work, build international airport, build marina, rehabilitate roads, and buy emergency supplies after Erika and Maria? You want Linton et al to kill that? Then you are either a non-Dominican or a state enemy, or maybe you are just plain stoopid!
Where is international airport, where is Marina? You mean all those university fees he was supposed to pay, but forgets every year. Are you talking about that. Get out of here man, you are too pathetic.
Peeoing Tom
Can you give the nation an independent audit of the programme?. In your defence of skulduggery, you keep embarrassing yourself.
Believe me with all the measures taken already by incompetent people in power they killed it themselves)) At the moment program is DEAD, COMPLETE DEAD, all same story as with Saint Kitts almost 10 years back. It will clean up, but will take time. But Skeritt and Co shot themselves in own feet making new “Dominican” buddies.
Every Dominican passport issued for the last 20 years and while Skerrit has been PM should be invalidated and new passports issued and the international authorities should be told not to honor the old passports. Skerritt should also be investigated and possibly arrested by INTERPOL. Let all the criminals go to Dominica and demand their money back from Skerrit.
Same what Saint Kitts did, all passports recall, it was suppose to be a partial measure when new passport format was introduced, but seems old passports are still circulating irrespective that government supposed to cancel them!
Can you confirm where in the investigative reports has the below extracts, verbatim, been taken from?
Appreciate you want to write your own story, but context is important.
The report stated that Dominica’s CBI program has been a success under Skerrit, raising $775 million between 2009 and 2021 for the island, “helping to fund government programs and keep Skerrit’s party in power.”
“The growing sector has attracted more than 70 companies approved to facilitate the country’s private passport business. A number of them have also branched into real estate development on the island,” it said.
Long story short: After months of investigations into the tens of thousands of citizenships historically granted by Dominica, the Guardian found:
– 2 individuals who had “allegations” (no convictions or even trials) against them;
– 3 individuals who obtained citizenship many years BEFORE becoming wanted men.
– A single individual who had a prior conviction and therefore should not have received citizenship in Dominica – 19 years ago!
In other words, the investigative reporters found ONE legitimate oversight from among a selection of tens of thousands, and it’s from two decades ago.
investigations that deliberately set out to find and expose “the negatives” in the subject of the investigation to create a certain perception in the public, may end up proving the opposite. The Guardian may have just managed to do that brilliantly
That’s what your understanding tells you..Unfortunately, everyone does not understand things your way! Lots of information out there about that same subject matter. Stop your laziness. Go find them and read.
These red bugs will desperately try to spin things their way. They are world champions at that and major of course corruption. Unfortunately, they are well below par in every other respect. It’s each and every Dominican (minus the few members of the Cabal) that suffers as a result. Don’t all you deserve better? Make it happen, the time has come. All you have Nothing to loose.
Stop try to trivialize the findings. We all know that an international fugitive was hiding out in Dominica ostensibly protected by Starboy of Stupidity and Corruption.
If the infractions of international norms were inconsequential, why so many prestigious international news outlets attached such importance to these numerous corrupt practices?
No matter how much you and the other cult members of Roosevelt try to downplay the seriousness of these corrupt practices, they would leave an indelible stain on the reputation of Dominica. These would possibly caused generational harm to the country.
By the way, have you stopped to question the whereabouts of the billions collected thus far from the program by Merchant of Sleaze?
@Positive, then why did Britain clamp down on the free travel to it’s territory? The investigation can only reveal what was disclosed to the investigation. This secretive cabal stopped publishing the names of the new passport citizens. When a case is preferred and the complainants lose in court it doesn’t mean that wrong wasn’t done. Sometimes it means that the prosecution didn’t prove it’s case beyond a reasonable doubt. Then what about Monfared? You can be giddy now but things will come to light. After saying that the opposition has no friends, how can someone with no friends get media organizations like Le Monde, The Miami Herald etc to open an investigation? Make up your mind because the majority of the free world doesn’t like corruption. Tanto, tanto…time will tell.
You could not have said it better…All this is to try and bring down one man and the entire country going down with the bs..
Once again, for the umpteenth time, Roosevelt and his blind disciples have sucker punched Dominica in the face. Starboy of Stupidity has the dubious distinction of singlehandedly doing more damage to the country and its inhabitants than Covid19.
Leading news outlets in the UK, US, France, Holland, Switzerland and other developed countries around the globe, have made this particular story as their headline. The damage done is irreparable. Because of one man of ill-repute, Dominicans will most likely have a horrid time whenever they travel abroad. They will be looked on with suspicion.
Roosevelt has given God a bad name. This is the same man before elections sponsors mega gospel concerts with famous performers of the cloth. He has even lined up his candidates on stage to get anointed with the holy oil.
By the way, where are the voices of his Cabinet appointees? What about the newly appointed President. Has she lost her tongue?
Ha,Ha,Ha Whatever next ugly Lenny, and his protest party at it once more,these idiots have accused Dominica Skerrit , government for everything under the Sun just because they are too stupid and corrupt to know how to win a game of Domino yet still a general election, they have even written to the Americans Dominica has too many Chinese get them out, my life how stupid is that!! not even a monkey on a tree would think something so simple and idiotic, but so-called workers incompetent vagabonds protest party.
You are so pathetic it baffles me that you actually have a brain. I am not a supporter of the UWP as a matter of fact I am a labourite who have contributed way more that you all who just came aboard because it’s a gravy train, but I know wrong and right. Can Lennox influence what is published on Forbes and these other internationally reputable publications? You need to stop this and put your country, yourself, family and future ahead of party. Shame on you. There should be no support for the government and these other avaricious folks on this one because Dominica stands to lose.
Take it easy. You are not engaging a bright person. This person is an embarrassment to himself. Sadly he thinks that he is hurting someone.
Well, thank you DNO for giving your readers the opportunity to read and peruse the information that the international community is receiving about our “paradise”, although your commenters presented the links a whole day before you. Thank you anyway.
May all the truths come out. Someone needs to question how Jungle Bay, Secret Bay, and Cabrits Hotel using investments gained on the back of CBI, pays back these investments to the consolidated fund. Inquiring minds want to know. How does Dominica get our money back that the “leaders” have given to these people to invest in their businesses? We want to know. DNO ask questions. Media houses, ask questions. That is you all’s job.
I too have heard of people who have dark pasts and got U.S citizenship. It’s the exception not the rule.
We can’t keep letting those acronyms E.U, U.S, UK call all the shots for a bit of ‘aid’ that we could do for ourselves, even though it’s Vince we have representing us. Only if we could be left alone to do for ourselves like all others in Europe.
But you rather prefer that your CM calls his wicked shots and in doing so, ruins our beautiful country completely. He has had over 20 years and look what he gave us, utter chaos and even the lack of the most basic utilities. At this stage I do not even want to mention all the missing state funds. Tell us, how much does that gangster pay you to post this nonsense on this platform. Come on, tell us. You still like his dimples, do you?
The revelation of this level of corruption by the Roosevelt led mal-administration means foreign direct investment is dead. Who will eat t invest in a rat nest, dysfunctional country? Another shock for the anorexic economy.
What revelation of corruption? Why is Dominica targeted for this type of investigation? What about Malta, Spain, St. Kitts, Antigua, Grenada, the US program and the rest who sell citizenship? We live in a world where big countries make all types of clandestine deals in their best interest. How was the US and other western countries able to seize money of Russian Oligarchs after the Ukraine war? How did the money of these criminal(according to the US) Russian Oligarchs ended up in western banks. What this report is implying is that only the EU and its allies are authorized to accept money from criminals. There is no investigation into the programs of the above mentioned countries because there are no willing or eager politicians that would sacrifice their country future for selfish gains.
Desperately looking to defend the indefensible! It’s amazing!
Let’s hope this investigation does not take a sudden turn like that of the Aljazeera Report. Kama is a f…up thing!
Stay tuned!

They already know about the hungry hyenas who loot from the people 90% of what is theirs, and still want their share from the remaining 10%….We see the big houses worth tens of millions, we know about the money laundering by Monfarred, et , etc. Are you ignorant of those things?
You have never failed to amuse. But how could we expect any better from a kid with only a tiny percent of his brain functional(0.001%)? You very much remind of a shell of an abandoned vehicle on a vacant lot partially covered by tall grass and bushes.
A government who is all about money and not the people’s welfare will never be in anything that is good. ALL these alleged monies, and nothing good going on in the country? (And don’t tell me about international airport, because I have yet to see it.) Which country or countries will be banning Dominicans once again? Sit down and talk about how allu love allu PM and continue spouting nonsense. I hope you all see the deep shit that this greedy government is putting you all through; maybe when every country has placed a ban and the only places you all can visit are the villages around Dominica, maybe…just maybe then, you all eyes will open: but by the, it will already be too late. Forget about party politics and think of your children’s future. I will say this again and again and again, that this government underneath Roosevelt Skerrit’s leadership, will be Dominican’s downfall, because they are a very greedy bunch. It’s sickening!!!
Good day
Very well stated, short but right on point. The time has come to say good bye to Mr. Dimples and his corrupt friends.
HEADLINE: Investigation reveals dope with ‘dark pasts’ obtained Dominican passports.
We all knew this but what we did not know was the mind-boggling number of passports sold and the insane amount of money collected by the Roosevelt led kleptocracy.
No matter what great lengths a crook or a crooked government goes to bury the truth, obfuscate the corrupt practices, no matter how long it takes, the TRUTH shall be revealed. It took international journalists to unearth the hidden treasures of corruption of Roosevelt and his henchmen as the local press took the ostrich posture. Shame on them.
Roosevelt has fostered airtight relationships with the world’s most infamous international swindlers – Alireza Monfared, Allison Madueke, Ng Lap Seng, etc. No surprise he has found himself in this compromising position. Show me your friends I tell you who you are.
Skerritt posits that if someone who gets a Dominican passport goes and committed a crime AFTER becoming a citizen of Dominica then he’s not responsible for their run-in with the law. He is right, however, if the person committed crimes BEFORE obtaining a Dominica passport then Skerritt is at fault for not screening that applicant properly. These news items revealed by newspapers like La Monde, and CBS news are of people who were in legal jeopardy BEFORE their applications were approved. Birds of a feather really flock together. Remember the Bin bobol and land transfer fiasco? Most recently it’s accepting a very expensive vehicle as a personal gift matter. Alas Dominica, what have these scoundrels done to your virginity?. Due diligence my as..
Skerritt, the citizen by investment program was started long before you became the “I’m-the-people” leader. You are always quick to mouth that others are trying to kill the CIP when in fact it’s the actions of your cabal and hand picked passport agents and due diligence companies which have made the citizenship by investment program open to scrutiny. You love to play dumb and repeat the the phrase “due diligence ” that the British aren’t being it. Who appointed those due diligence companies, wasn’t it you in charge? Come on man and grow up. You are the leader so the buck stops with you. Stop accusing other Dominicans of trying to kill the program you and your cohorts are running over to the edge of a cliff because you guys are only after accumulating vast wealth at a fast pace. You and Nanton are killing the goose which laid the golden egg with what’s going on. Your lack of effective leadership is the problem. Due diligence my backside.
Ok DNO, you finally came from your hide and seek game with a story that’s been on major news outlets both in the region and international world! Why do we try to hide the mischief, greed and acts of traitors done by Roosevelt Skerrit he can freely refer to our journalists and politicians as “traitors”. The man destroying our country like a cancer but all you there covering him
ADMIN: We wanted to write our own story not just copy and paste the link to the article which takes time with such comprehensive issues.
We understand why the delay would contribute to your view, but we published all the comments about it, we never intended to hide anything.
The reality is we cannot please everyone and will ironically be falsely accused even while maintaining and defending your free speech right to criticize us.
Whatever your politics, this passport selling nonsense must stop now. That’s enough.
The main issue isn’t with selling passport. The real issue is with the corrupt seller of our passports. Quite a few countries have CBI programs and if they are properly administered, restricted and the proceeds are used for the good of the country, nothing is wrong with that. On the flip side, if you have individuals like the CM and his cronies running a scheme like that purely for their own benefit, then there is a big problem. It’s there for everybody to see now.
This report is out dated and has been dealt with by the UK government and the Dominica government.The government depends on the CBI programme to fund government’s programme and keep Skerrit in power.The CBI programme has been a success.There is nothing illegal about the programme,and nobody can tell Dominica who to,and not to grant Citizenship.Every Dominican who try to destroy the CBI programme is a crook and a traitor.But again the CBI is what keeps Skerrit in power.Fix the programme and move.
@Lin clown
Use the tool you have infront of you, and study the meaning of “outdated”. I doubt that you know it!
Day in day out you prove to us that you are a pea brain. Sheer desperation to defend the indefensible.
I don’t think our pm expected it coming, now whole world learned out about Dominica and it’s pride, Skeritt! It will take a while to clean this mess. Karma. Over.
This story reveals little that we don’t already know – perhaps the minute details and names. But broadly speaking, everyone (including Skerrit), knew that the screening process he spoke about was a bunch of BS.
The fact is, there was every incentive to dole out Passports to everyone who had the means to purchase one. Doing otherwise would mean reduced revenue to Skerrit and his boys were stood to make millions from that scheme.
Wait for the Horrible CM’s response: our ‘due diligence’ is robust. That’s all he will have to say. The EU and the US will come after him now. They are not having any of this. This is a matter of their national security now.
Actually, it is far easier to get a US visa than it is to be accepted into the CBI programme. The US and Canadian Governments surely do not conduct the due diligence on visa applicants that Dominica does for our CBI programme. If they did, that dude who is reported to have murdered another from castle Comfort would never have gotten into Canada. So, when you read this hogwash of bad hombres getting D/can passports, take that with a big piece of rock salt. Our due diligence cannot be perfect, but it is indeed robust.
Lawyer, Who will they come after? Ugly Lenny, and you guys Full of S**t as they would say in Jamaica.