Joe Biden projected to win 2020 US presidential election

Joe Biden

The Democratic nominee Joe Biden is projected to win the 2020 presidential election over Donald Trump, according to Decision Desk HQ.

Biden surpassed 270 electoral votes by flipping the battleground state of Pennsylvania on Friday morning.

Biden enjoyed a steady, but ultimately overstated, lead over Trump in polls in critical states in the weeks before the election.


Read full Business Insider story

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  1. Gary
    November 9, 2020

    Trump had 4yrs to drain the swamp, and he didn’t, instead he got drowned in the swamp simply because of his ignorance, not understanding the source of the water in the swamp he was surrounded by is not in Washington. The 4yrs of the Trump Presidency should be analyzed and studied as part of the curriculum in Political Science studies. The turmoil which took place during The Trump Presidency sets a dangerous precedent for democracy as it relates to The Media and Silicone valley, big Tech. Companies. Yes, Trump had terrible policies, Trump flare, style, and personality was not liked and probably not understood, aside from that we must never overlook the forces he had to deal with which in the end demonstrated who controls and dictates who govern The US.

    The big losers are the people who foolishly think Democracy is well and alive in the US. What happened before the American people and the world is a very successful Psychological operation waged against the American people.

  2. Bring back the kidnapped parrots
    November 9, 2020

    There will be no trespassers allowed inside the White House after January 20th. If Trump refuses to leave he will be thrown out into the street where the S D N Y prosecutors will be waiting for him. Trump knows he is in serious legal trouble when he leaves the White House that’s why he is having a fit about leaving and not having the presidency to protect him.

  3. Realist aka Expat
    November 8, 2020

    Where is J JohnCharles ? Do you remember what you predicted ?

  4. Dr A
    November 8, 2020

    care must be taken by countries in acknowledging press announcements rather than official electoral and legal announcements

  5. J.John-Charles
    November 7, 2020

    The person or people who wrote this piece is very deceptive. If you just believe every thing you read, You will be in trouble.
    Re Trump putting a 90 day stay on some Muslim countries.He should also tell us it was Obama who selected them. At that time ISIS was making havoc all over even in the U.S. Now under Trump where is ISIS?
    He mentioned acting A.G was fired. When B.Clinton took office he fired all Bush appointees,Obama did almost the same. So if she do not want to take orders, she must go. Remember this matter reach the highest court of the land and Trump won.
    Trump had nothing to do with Russia,it was Hilary Clinton,the Obama administration and the FBI who tried to bring down his administration. You had about 19 lawyers,25-40 FBI, 500 witnesses,2800 subpoenas,cost about $43.000.000 and dragged Trump’s children and his close assoc. for questioning and jailed some assoc. Mueller from the beginning knew there was no collusion.
    Wicked people

  6. Silver fox
    November 7, 2020

    Congratulation President Biden, and Kamala Harris, well done get that ridiculous monkey off your backs!!

    • Gary
      November 9, 2020

      Wow, wait and see who will be the next monkey on the backs of the American people, the monkey has not disappeared.

  7. Man bites dogs
    November 7, 2020

    Biden and Kamala Harris won it will be the best thing for the USA and the rest of the world, Shut that joker out of the white House! 4 years of that clown was enough,

    • Gary
      November 9, 2020

      Why make such an assumption that Biden and Kamala Harris will be the best thing for the USA and the rest of the world. What that assumption is based on, because they are Democrats, their charming words and smiles. It is irrational to suggest such thing.

      • Man bites dogs
        November 10, 2020

        @Gary, I pray that Trump, goes to jail for unpaid federal tax and corruption!

  8. Bring back the kidnapped parrots
    November 7, 2020

    Some shiny hand cuffs waiting for the current occupant of the White House outside the gate waiting on January 20th 2021.

  9. Man bites dogs
    November 7, 2020

    I am not jumping the gun but I am pleased to say Trump, will soon be kicking stones out of the white House good, good, good that man is a loser and liar just like someone I know in Dominica creating mayhem in America between black and white people, Go Trump Go you are a bloody disgrace!!! Along with your proud boys or kkk.

  10. J.John-Charles
    November 7, 2020

    Biden and democrats have no respect for blacks, and why should they, if of every elections, 90% of their votes goes to them, except the last one. No wonder, he told the co-host of Breakfast Club Charlamagne…. (who is black)
    “If you think of voting Trump, you ain’t black.”
    I think the same guy told him.
    “Every elections we are hearing the same thing. Biden told him
    ” I visit the blacks in the Projects.”1
    The projects in the U.S is equivalent to Ghettos in DA.
    Again the same Biden said, Aug. 6
    “The Latino community is incredibly diverse,unlike the African American community.”
    So he expect all of us to vote 4 anyone since there is a D b4 his or her name.
    August 14,2012 he was addressing a black gathering and he told them.
    “They (Republicans) going to put you all back in chains.”
    Maybe you are too young to remember.But Clinton Crime Bill in 1994, Biden was the one who wrote the Senate version,that put 1000s of blacks in prison.And Trump was the one who came and…

    • Magway ca
      November 9, 2020

      Doh bother telling them the truth. They haven’t remembered that all anti black measures including fighting to keep slavery was supported by the democrats. Everything that’s anti black has only been pushed by the democrats. It’s was even Obama that signed into law the cages Mexican children was held in. And under his regime that those cages were built. Black unemployment skyrocketed under Obama. But no people rather just follow the orange man bad. Yes trump is a chovanist but he is a businessman and ran the states as a business and the economy is booming. Obama was a politician and was there to get people to like him and the American economy suffered. I’m telling all you African Americans to start learning how to suck salt cause it is coming. Look at the state of all the democrat run cities and see the future of the us

  11. Wanna jonas
    November 6, 2020

    Dumbnicans worry about your country . Why this even an article? There’s a lot of things to cover .

  12. J.John-Charles
    November 6, 2020

    This piece is just the continuation of how the media have been shielding Joe.They will print nothing negative about him. But at the same time. They will compose stories of Trump.Any way I will not follow their steps.
    In the 1970s it was still a problem,with black children to travel on the same school bus with whites. Senator Biden joined senator Robert Byrd ( member of the KKK and segregationist) in opposing black & white children traveling on the same bus. He said
    “I don’t want my children,raising up in a racial jungle.”
    He consider blacks and whites on the same school bus…A Racial Jungle.
    Biden called senator Byrd ” My mentor and friend.” at his eulogy.
    Can you remember when Kamala Harris at the Democratic primary debate accused him of racism? She told him on the stage “I was that little girl.” A few days later a news reporter asked her Do you believe Biden is a racist.? She did not say no, he is not. But said “Let him answer for himself.”

    I will continue.

    ADMIN: The complete quote is: “unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions built so high that it is going to explode at some point.” Senator Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in his youth. He later renounced his earlier views and expressed regret over his membership.

    For those interested: here is an article which fact checks (with sources) claims about Biden and Byrd:

  13. Straight Shooter
    November 6, 2020

    Congratulations in advance to Mr. Biden!!!
    Trump will become a by-word in the ensuing years. It is almost inevitable that as we move forward, the mere mention of the name Trump will evoke sentiments of divisiveness, narcissim, racism and dishonesty.

    There is also a very real possibility that the word convicted felon will also apply to Trump once Cyrus Vance and the Southern District Court of New York finishes with him. How ironic that Agent Orange could very well wind up behind bars wearing an orange jump suit. My advice to Trump is please do not bend down to pick up the soap!!!

  14. J.John-Charles
    November 6, 2020

    The Business Insider gives us their opinion of Trump. But we are familiar of the saying.
    “You are untitled to your opinion.But you are not entitled to your facts.”
    You paint Trump as a beast.And Biden, as we often say,like a saint.
    Biden has been in government for 47yrs and out of it 8 yrs as V.President and no one can name what he have done especially for blacks.What do you expect him to for in 4 yrs?
    Do you know in 1999 the leader of Rainbow Push Coalition, Rev. Jesse Jackson ( a fighter for blacks) gave Donald Trump an award,and praised him for his commitment to Minorities,Under–Served Communities.?
    When did Trump became a racist.?
    He spent about 60 yrs of his life as a democrat.Gave them hundreds of thousands of dollars.In his business,he employed so many blacks especially black women and put them in high positions.

  15. RosalieBoy
    November 6, 2020

    One cheating tyrant gone. Next one that clown in Dominica followed by the clown in London. It’s all starting to happen!

  16. Channel 1
    November 6, 2020

    Aye, something ain’t right about these vote counts. I’m seeing in some states where Trump was ahead by over 200,000 plus votes with 60% of the votes having been counted these leads are somehow managing to disappear. So wha happen? Biden getting all of the remaining votes while Trump hardly getting any further votes compared to Biden? Ah wha dis? Statistical magic? Statistical freak show? Statistical anomalies?

    On the other hand, in states where Biden has had a small lead with Trump catching up, the figures are taking sooooo lonngggg to update. Wha happening dere?

    I have a funny-ish feeling something ain’t right.

    Stay tuned…

  17. Bring back the kidnapped parrots
    November 6, 2020

    Trump is looking out the window of the White House and staring at some shiny hand cuffs outside the gate, the law is waiting for him. First stop SDNY prosecutors. That’s why he is in full dictator mode trying to stop the vote count.

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