Lennox Linton cautions police following the arrest of his brother

Lennox Linton

President of United Workers Party (UWP), Lennox Linton, has issued a word of caution to the police following the arrest of his brother, Brian Linton. Linton accuses the police of “unrelenting evil and injustice against law-abiding citizens who have done nothing.” He also alleges that the police are concocting charges against these Dominicans, “so their lives can be made miserable.”

The matter began on Wednesday, February 21st, when Brian Linton, the brother of the UWP leader, initiated a WhatsApp chat group with the intention of sharing information about an upcoming National Assembly event and other party-related matters. Participants engaged in discussions, posting messages back and forth.

However, a couple of posts in the chat room caught the attention of law enforcement. One individual mentioned stockpiling gasoline and hinted at burning down roads. Another participant cryptically wished luck but distanced themselves from any involvement. These statements, made shortly after 1 o’clock on Wednesday the 21st, raised alarm bells within the police force.

Less than 24 hours later, on Thursday morning, Lennox Linton found himself summoned to a high-stakes meeting with the police high command. Alongside fellow organizers, including Nicholas George, Linton sat down with police deputies to discuss crowd control and traffic management for the National Assembly event scheduled for February 25th.

During that meeting, the police presented evidence from the WhatsApp chat group. They pointed to the earlier incendiary posts as proof of a plot to wreak havoc in Roseau. Authorities allege that the group discussed burning down the city and engaging in acts of lawlessness during the National Assembly gathering.

The police made their first move to apprehend Brian Linton on Saturday. However, their efforts were thwarted by unknown factors, leaving the situation unresolved.

On Sunday, the National an event proceeded as planned, with no disturbances. The police maintained a presence but observed no untoward incidents. The police revisited the home of a Marigot resident, successfully apprehending the gentleman’s sister’s boyfriend. Simultaneously, they searched for Brian Linton but failed to locate him.

Brian Linton faces a previous charge of incitement to commit treason. In compliance with his bail conditions, he dutifully reported to the Marigot Police Station but a critical misstep occurred when the Marigot police remained unaware of the Roseau police’s actions. Consequently, they missed the opportunity to apprehend Brian during his reporting.

Brian Linton later attempted to present himself to the police, but the investigating officer was unavailable, further complicating the situation. He was subsequently arrested by Marigot police on Tuesday and handed over to Roseau police. Brian Linton was ultimately released without charges.

The police say they are continuing to investigate the matter, emphasizing their commitment to maintaining national security. Subsequently, the Roseau police took custody of him and transported him to Roseau.

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  1. If we knew better
    March 7, 2024

    Meanwhile, while they busy chasing and being overly concerned with Brian, thieves have reportedly stolen from the National Bank in Portsmouth among other ACTUAL crimes that the police should be investigating.

    Secondly, All you must be careful who you invite to your chat groups. Not everyone smiling with you is your friend. Figure out who sent that to the police and deal with him privately. Dominica have too much twet running around the place.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 5
  2. March 7, 2024

    Oh Lennox, your brother Brian is a no less than a vagabond and evil minded. He keeps having run-ins with the police. That alone should tell you and everybody else who your brother is and what he stands for. Your brother is evil and should be arrested by the police to set an example. Who does Brian think he is? Another uneducated, lowlife Dominican monster. The Lintons are a bunch of bad apples who will do anything to get their own way and, they should be stopped by all means. He is just like you who will do anything evil to get power and attention, but it will not work.

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    • Lin clown
      March 7, 2024

      Rasta pastas,the phone number in the group chat belong to Brian Linton.And Retarded if you want to know what happen to the child in Warner ask Earl Bruno the photo UWP from Warner.He was the first person on the scene.The constitution does not make provision for a person to say what they want,where they want and how they want.Those things have to be done according to law.Read section 1(1) of the constitution.Take the case of Murphy Sye Jno Jules,Abel Seco Jno Baptiste and Carlisle Jno Baptiste.You cannot libel and slander people.You cannot have any meeting in a public or public gathering without the permission of the police.That is the law and the constitution always say obey the law as long as it is in the interest and benefit of the people.UWP is the enemy of the people and a threat to national security.

    • me
      March 7, 2024

      You simply can’t understand english.He is arrested then released without charge. Your pinhead why english is so difficilt for you to understand. That’s shameful.
      This is harrassment!

  3. Ibo France
    March 7, 2024

    Dominica under Roosevelt guardianship is now a police state.
    *Keep a public meeting and the police show up armed to the teeth with army fatigue.
    *Peaceful civilians walking in Roseau and automatically the police show up dressed for war.
    *Peacefully sleeping and police and foreign armed forces pepper your community with teargas in the unholy hour of darkness.
    *Police stormed the parliament while in session brandishing weapons and treating to shoot.

    The evidence is lucid. Dominica is now not much different from a dictatorship
    bordering on quasi fascism.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 8
    • March 9, 2024

      All you want to see happen is that all UWP gangsters including you and Telemakak break the law and police cannot and should not do anything. That is what I call a police state. Let us do our own thing and you police sit down and watch and do nothing. Sorry, it will not happen on your terms. Take a hike, you three stooges including Brian and Lennox. The man is so stupid he cautioning the police about his brother being arrested. He needs to caution his brother first, to stay out of trouble and “Let it Be”, according to the late John Lennon and the Beatles.

  4. March 7, 2024

    thanks to paster Randy. i guess this is what he want in Dominca. STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 6
    • March 9, 2024

      Dem pastors are evil men all over the world. Just think for a moment about the heinous crime they commit. Some will even steal your wife in church. Why would you thank an evil man like yourself?

  5. RastarMarn
    March 7, 2024

    What is goinh on dere nuh!!!

    Garçan Marn have the right to say what dey want wi!!!

    Soh much nonsense people does put on DNO how comes dey doh come yet for people posting stuff on here!!!

    MistaDem really looking for people to REVOLT man!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 7
    • Bwa-Banday
      March 7, 2024

      Yes sir….they pushing the people’s button but I hope they can handle the presshaa when pipe finally burst. You don’t throw gasoline on a raging fire as a means of putting it out. I pray that those with ears will listen, not hear to those with a likkle brain and whispering voice. We are at a critical cross road! :twisted: :twisted:

  6. Darkness versus light
    March 6, 2024

    Known money launderers are friends of the police and the government of Dominica
    Drug dealers are friends of the police and government of Dominica
    Criminals locally and internationally are friends of the police and government of Dominica. However law abiding citizens are enemies of the police and government of Dominica. They (law abiding citizens) are wanted at all costs by the police and government of Dominica. Why?
    At my age I have seen a lot from the days of EO Leblanc all the way down to all prime ministers before Skerrit. But NEVER have I seen the country where known criminals are friends of the police and government while law abiding citizens are wanted by the police and government. So is this there way of saying that if you are a good law abiding citizen you are wanted since is criminals they like? If so quite a few of us are in trouble because we still have quite a few law abiding citizens that will say no to crime even if it costs us a lot

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 5
  7. Mark
    March 6, 2024

    Mr Linton could have avoided a whole lot of confusion if he had come clean when he reported on the meeting with Mr Valerie and referred to it as rubbish.He is now admitting to the existence of a plot and says, “Acouple of posts in the WhatsApp chatroom caught the attention of law enforcement. One individual mentioned stockpiling gasoline and hinted at burning down roads. Another participant wished them luck but distanced themselves”. This is what raised alarm bells resulting in messrs Linton and George being called in for the meeting.
    What say you now Francisco, Ibo and all those individuals who said Mr.Valerie was not telling the truth? The posts were shown to Mr. Linton but he neglected to mention that he had seen the posts resulting in a whole lot of speculation about the meeting. This was a deliberate attempt by Mr. Linton to deceive his supporters.
    How can people have confidence in Mr. Linton if he can’t truthfully report on such a simple matter?

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  8. Rasta Pasta
    March 6, 2024

    Wouldn’t it be interesting if it turned out that the alleged mal-intended WhatsApp messages came from moles for the purpose of providing “probable cause” for the arrest?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 2
  9. LifeandDeath
    March 6, 2024

    there goes the limits of your “end to end” encryption.

  10. Retarded
    March 6, 2024

    those police academy…need some real hard work to do….it have so many unsolved cases….skerrit acolytes…..up to now the young child from Warner was never found….y not go and look for her….

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  11. magway ca
    March 6, 2024

    my broda allu have a SNITCH in allu organisation. somebody in your group is a RAT for the government and police . thats the only way they get transcripts of the group chat
    and you notice the SNITCH doh tell them who was the person that make the statements about gasoline, the SNITCH send them straight behind you and your brother.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
  12. Ibo France
    March 6, 2024

    When will Roosevelt’s foot soldiers halt the persecution and harassment of law abiding citizens? There is a limit to how much one can take.

    These gang bangers outfitted in military fatigue are nothing more than Gestapo forces — Roosevelt’s political police. They can’t solve murders and other crimes. So, their primary duty is to ruthlessly eliminate anyone who is even perceived as an adversary of the Roosevelt led kleptocracy.

    Instead of elevating the living standards of the thousands of the unemployed poor in Dominica by creating livable paying jobs, Roosevelt main objective is to monopolize political power while enriching himself and his unlearned wife.

    No matter how long it takes payday is coming as God doesn’t like ugly. It’s not going to be pretty.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 5
    • March 7, 2024

      Oh please, Ibo, get some rest and behave yourself. Everything for you is about this government harassing and persecuting people. You are full of it. The bottom line is, if anyone commits a crime, regardless of who it is, he or she should be confronted and arrested by the Dominica police. You believe in anarchy and not justice. That is who you are. Man, take a hike and find work to do, your bum.

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    March 6, 2024

    Who do you think you are Mr big stuff?! You like to talk about concocting. To you and your party followers, you all do no wrong. Everything is always concocted against you ALL. You all like to set fire and when it becomes ablaze you all call out foul and ask for help pretending you are the victims. Mr CONCOCT, please caution your brother and yourself instead so Dominica can rest in peace.

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