Lockhart-Hypolite sees tourism potential in village launch of Miss Dominica contestants

Chekira Lockhart-Hypolite

The Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, International Transport and Maritime Initiatives, Chekira Lockhart-Hypolite, has highlighted the tourism potential for Dominica, of the village launch of the various Carnival Queen contestants.

The Roseau South MP’s comments came while addressing the launch of Miss Dominica Pageant contestant, Elnarrah Emmanuel, on Saturday.

Hypolite said the standard of the Carnival Queen show has been improving over the years.

“I want to say that we need to take these launchings of the Queen show very seriously, I believe it is a tourism product and we must do all in our power to ensure that every contestant is on a level playing field,” she stated.

She said she will be speaking to the Dominica Festival Committee and Discover Dominica Authority to thank them for their hard work over the years.

She said the standard of the Queen show is improving in terms of the production and selection of the contestants.

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  1. Kim
    January 9, 2020

    It has been less than 30 days since these new Parliamentary Representatives have taken their oath of office and appointed as Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries in the new Cabinet.
    The Cabinet Secretary and Senior Adviser to the PM and Cabinet Mr. Lambert needs to organize a retreat for these new Cabinet members to understand their role and the impact of their utterances in the public.
    As a Nation we are in the last six months of the 2019/20 Budget and a new budget year is quickly approaching in July 2020. Now should be the time for these rookies to understand the importance of cross cutting issues within the various ministries ; have discussions with key stakeholders including their constituents to secure buy-in for proposed projects in 2020/21 and projects that will be implemented over a three to five year period and appreciate the need for concept notes or Cabinet Note/ Papers and to dialogue with their Cabinet colleagues to secure approval in principle before facing the…

  2. viewsexpressed
    January 9, 2020

    “Chekira Lockhart-Hypolite, has highlighted the tourism potential for Dominica, of the village launch of the various Carnival Queen contestants.”
    Chekira, I strongly feel that your heart is in the development of Dominica. However for the ffirst time to be engaged and responsible for the queen`s Carnival competition appears to be a mistake. if you have not had exposure and participated in previous Queen competition them yo are n the wrong track, because as a former member of the COC, we have had mature people who themselves were queen contestants at the forefront months earlier to address the specifically the Queens` competition, that went exceptionally well, from the planning with a highly mature competent team executing the Carnival Queen`s Competition.
    Chekira, who are the people on your team (if there is one) advising and supporting you. You do not come across as a media and PR person to be upfront in the public unable to sell this product. Its confusing. Please get help…

  3. %
    January 7, 2020

    Very empty piece by of nonsense.
    Why you all people can’t prepare yourselves before going to events and talk foolishness.
    How can it be a tourism project?
    Your empty vessel!!
    Whey is di money?
    Whey is di money?
    Whey is di money?

  4. viewsexpressed
    January 7, 2020

    This statement makes absolutely no sense to me.:
    “She (Chekira Lockhart-Hypolite), said she will be speaking to the Dominica Festival Committee and Discover Dominica Authority to thank them for their hard work over the years.
    She said the standard of the Queen show is improving in terms of the production and selection of the contestants.”
    So, will both these organisations who has been engaged in this activity for years will be kicked out, or will be working in partnership with Chekira? What’s going on? “thank them for their hard work over the years.” This reds to me that the current DFC and DDA, have been ceremoniously have been kicked out?
    Ebe, mi debar. Good luck people.

  5. jackarie
    January 7, 2020

    i also want to be able to land in Dominica at any time

  6. Dominican Citizen
    January 7, 2020

    The headline reads “Lockhart-Hypolite sees tourism potential in village launch of Miss Dominica contestants…” But i not seeing anything she said to support the headline… LOL!!!

    DNO did you all forget to highlight the Tourism Potential in the Village Launch of the Miss Dominica contestants that the Parliamentary Secretary in the MInistry of Tourism, International Transport and Maritime Initiatives spoke about at the village launch?

    Is that a sign of things to come… Just asking?

    • Anthony Paul
      January 8, 2020

      It is funny how she wants level playing field for queen contestants, but no level playing field for contesting general elections.

  7. Frank N Stein
    January 7, 2020

    A tourism product how? Please expound Miss Parl Rep

  8. Ibo France
    January 7, 2020

    Dominica, because of its natural beauty, remarkable physical features, rich cultural heritage, abundant rare species of animals and plants should be the most sought after tourist destination in the Caribbean probably the world. But, sad to say, its poor infrastructural development will continue to deprive it from becoming a competitive player in the tourist industry. Antigua & Barbuda, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Grenada and St. Lucia are light years ahead of Dominica in terms of tourist arrivals. This would never have happened if Dominica had a leader with foresight and was morally upright. The CBI money was there to invest in an international airport, modern cruise ship facilities, roads to inland tourist attractions, international and regional marketing of the country, etcetera. Due to one man’s poor vision and severe corruption the tourism sector is under water.

  9. Kalinago Justice
    January 7, 2020

    :?: It’s something else when some people can open their mouth! What tourism can that cattle market contest attract! :?: Just because a constituency of eyes and head closed slaves voted for you doesn’t mean that you are able to do anything developmental!!! That one-man corrupt rogue regime slave mentality island will continue to be a fools paradise!!!

  10. Eddy A
    January 7, 2020

    Every time that woman opens her mouth she confirms to me that she doesn’t know what she is talking about. One wonders where Skerrit finds all these empty vessels…?

    • Pipo
      January 7, 2020

      I don’t think she was selected on her brain power because if she thinks tourists would come here for the miss Dominica show she does not know the real world outside Dominica. Why would I want to come here for that, especially with the difficult and expensive access we have. Yes, we do have lovely girls but so does every other country in the world.

    • Frank N Stein
      January 8, 2020

      You are wondering where Skerrit get these people? Birds of a feather. You can stop wondering now :mrgreen: .

      • Toto
        January 8, 2020

        Well my boy, he don’t want anyone to question him even In the cabinet. Just sit there, praise him but not challenge him if you know what is good for you.

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