Journalist’s newspaper article causes controversy

A matter of “who is speaking the truth” has developed between a sports personality and a local journalist.

Sports commentator Joseph Thomas and journalist Carlisle Jno Baptiste have found themselves at loggerheads concerning the publication of an article which appeared in The Sun Newspaper.

The article, written by Jno Baptiste, quoted Thomas making remarks about the naming of stands at the Windsor Park Stadium.

But Thomas said he was shocked when the article was published because according to him, “I conducted no such interview.”

“I really don’t recall giving anybody that interview. I may have spoken to someone one-on-one expressing my concern about the different areas of the stadium facilities which will be named after one of two individuals. This is really something that journalists should practice,” he said.

“It is poor taste for someone to speak to me one-on-one and quote me without letting me know that they were going to publish it,” Thomas stated.

“I don’t like it and whoever did it they need to be warned that the individual may find themselves in trouble later,” he added.

Jno Baptiste claimed Thomas was not being honest about the matter.

“I find Mr. Thomas is being more than dishonest with what really transpired. I called him on March 25, 2010 and I indicated to him that I was following up on a story and he gave me the relevant information and for him to say that he was not aware is further from the truth,” Jno Baptiste said.

According to Jno Baptiste, perhaps Thomas had spoken to many persons, adding “maybe 100 people. But he must be honest and truthful.”

“He may have in retrospect decided that he should not have made these statements but he needs to be honest about the matter,” Jno Baptiste uttered.

– DNO Correspondent

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  1. de caribbean change
    April 5, 2010

    The fact remains that the pavilion should be named The Philip Alleyne Players’ Pavilion. Like it or not.

    • Rooster
      April 7, 2010

      I do not want to belabour the point but let us be objective about this issue.When some structure is to be named after some individual that person to my mind has had to excell in some field.What has Phillip Alleyne excelled in ? I think his greatest claim to fame is having “discovered” Billy Doctrove who has gone on to become without a shadow of a doubt Dominicas’ greatest Sporting Icon. Yes we have to thank him, but to recommend to have a stand or pavilion named after him for being a regional umpire is pushing our luck too far. Let us not thrive on midiocrity and not let the Windsor Park becoming a laughing stock to our neighbours.Leave the names as is.I would only suggest that TK’s name be included in some way.

  2. Popee
    April 5, 2010

    The issue is not who is telling the truth as we will never know. If you express an opinion either privately or publicly you should be able to stand up to that opinion but to my mind Mr Thomas on relection realizes that he has expressed a negative and unpopular opinion about Dominica’s most prominent Sporting Icon, Billy Doctrove and that now his opinion has been made public he is trying to “take cover” and pretend he did not make those comments.The damage has been done and he should be ashamed of himself, in particular as he is a member of the excecutive of the DCA

  3. looking for standards
    April 3, 2010

    I am happy to learn that other people agree. This Jno. Baptiste guy is a mumbling anomaly in the professsional world of journalism. I have never really herad him expressed himself clearly on anything. I saw him one night on Marpin, and I was embarassed for the guy. A complete and utter mess of speech, I am still wAiting for his point. His diction, his pronunciation, his clarity, is far from what journalism requires. I think his colleagues in the field are responsible. They should tell the guy get some proper training, and do us all a favour, because we have to suffer through his reports. AS for his professionalism, why am I not surprised, he tends to play investigative reporter too, so he can get THE BIG SCOOP, poor guy got away with it so many times, he thinks it is ethical. Somebody needs to tell him there ia a wrong way and then there is THE WAY.

  4. steve
    April 2, 2010


  5. April 2, 2010

    … please come on man get real ,just want to know who is telling the truth lol.

  6. Anonymous
    April 2, 2010

    I am following up on a story. Did you clearly state that you would be using the information providing to publish an article? Although someone may have given you inside information, this does not necessarily state that they want to go ON THE RECORD as giving such information.

    It should be good practice for a journalist to communicate their plans with information. Journalists sometimes think they can go on to do whatever they want once you say A B or C to them. It’s a business, treat the customers right.

    Carlisle thinks he is too big to accept that he has made an error in judgement publicly. My statements are solely based on what is reported in this article. If it was made clear that the info would have been used to publish an article, I could understand where Carlisle stand; however there is no indication of such in this article.

    • Kawat hod Bawie
      April 3, 2010

      I disagree with all of you who have already picked one side or the other in this girlish squabble since neither one of them have shown evidence to support their argument. They both need to show some sort of evidence to substantiate their side of their story before we can even begin to process which side is at fault.

  7. we
    April 1, 2010

    I have said time and time again that this guy is not a journalist..

  8. April 1, 2010

    Joseph how comes we think alike? This are my sentiments aboutthese to guys.How did they ever get into the field.Adding insult to injury he CM is head of the DBS newsdesk, give me a break! Was the board drunk when they made the appointment? This is serious stuff. See what jno Baptiste is doing. dominicans are so accepting of BS they have this guy as a court reporter.His presentations send me to sleep. Both Jno Baptiste and curtis Mathew are mis fits. Which school had the balls to give them certification in journalism or are they self made like groovy Bat. The guy with the Woodfordhill american accent. Who speaks of his night vision gorgles to see chavez’s helicopters landed at Melville hall.Where did groovy bat got his accent from? It changes in minutes of starting. lol! Two others who like to hear themselves and have funny accents are the ex-commissioner Blanchard who it is claimed , longest stint away from DA was a six week training for DPF in the 60’s. he suddenly developed a british- american accent and Raco the calypsonian and ex -draftsmanin planning.His accent is out & it is being classified. I wonder if these guys moms had bad deliveries during which their heads were compromised.

    • en ba la
      April 3, 2010

      lol – you hilarious

  9. tm
    April 1, 2010

    Carlisle always in a controversy. If it’s not football is media.

  10. LCM
    April 1, 2010

    Why do you think they invented tape recorders. If there is no recording or any other way to prove he did i give Mr. Thomas the benifit of the doubt. He may or may not have said it. Let it be a lesson. Next time record all interviews.

  11. WTF...
    April 1, 2010

    Who cares!!!!

  12. April 1, 2010

    No news make news….nice

    • missy
      April 1, 2010

      i like that no news makes news……

  13. Joseph canefield
    April 1, 2010

    They have their beef,thats between them ,however this jno baptiste guy is a piece of work.He is not a good fit for jornalism he is far from one as he claims Thomas’s statement is far from the truth.This guy intonation pitch, etc is just not suited for radio nor is his writing. Another one is Curtis mathew. He sound like he is walking up a hill.These guys are not suited for what they found themselves in. Square pegs in wrong holes is putting it mildly. How can domnicans put upwith/tolerate such .Their effort makes modicracy good. get these scumbags of radio.

  14. Jno Charles
    April 1, 2010

    Journalists what Journalists

  15. steve
    April 1, 2010

    whats the issue? whats the story? who is speaking the truth? My interest is in the article.

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