Unprofessional approach to journalism must stop says Jamaica’s Information Minister


Jamaica’s Minister of Information, Daryl Vaz wants media practitioners to take on what he calls a more professional approach to reporting and to stop what he  is descrining as the practice of speculative and sensational journalism.

He made specific reference to  reports carried in the  media yesterday regarding the indictment of a prominent Jamaican politician by United States authorities and the  matter of his impending extradition as reported by the  local media.

Mr. Vaz,  who was  speaking at yesterday’s post cabinet press briefing at Jamaica House, said the  media reports of the  extradition  of politicians  has been driven by a particular source  and lawyer aided and abetted by journalists and talk show hosts, who give ample time for speculation and rumour  to be discussed as news.


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  1. October 14, 2011

    al a we are journalist” pway kaie” the truth shall set you free.

  2. Anonymous
    October 13, 2011

    Why is it so difficult to believe what politicians say. Let us wait and see what the same politician says next week.

  3. ineedfree
    October 13, 2011

    ti garcon;

    where are you?

    why dont you want to hear of negative news. Journalist dont make negative news… they report them.

    the news makers must not be negative, dishonest, tricky, and still try to hide behind technicalities.

    Otherwise the unassuming public will be in a fools paradise enjoyed only the trisksters. In the meantime all the people do is pay taxes to the tricksters.

    Open your eyes to the realities of the order of the day in this system of confusion and distortion…let your light shine

    • Ti Garcon
      October 13, 2011


      You did not disagree with me that the local “journalists” particulalry those operating in the mainstream media report and find extreme pleasure in reporting only the bad news – especially if Skerrit say so and so. Even when Skerrit report on good thatis happening here even his tone of voice,the number of words used, the length of the voice insert etc is twisted to reflect aq negative. Thatis what I mean Sir. The good news is left to the the government run medium.

      Journalists if they are worth the paper on which they write their story have a responsibility based on the ethics of the profession to report on both good and bad. Can we truly say that the mainstream media here has practiced that kind of work and professioanl ethic. Or is it true that a certain section of local the media has built its name, programming on the DAILY – 365 DAYS finding of dirt about each and every government leaders and government institutions? Or is it that they take extreme pleasure in reporting on the bad news but simply ignore the ggod news? There are good things happening in Dominica too. Let us be balanced. When our politicians (seemingly that is where certain sections of the media spend thier time on)do bad, by job report what they said or did. Conversely, when thet news is good involving the same politician, report it as well. That is all Ti Garcon is saying.

      • Anonymous
        October 13, 2011

        Good news does not sell newspapers, or gain radio stations advertisement revenue. We all love to hear the bad news especially about politicians.

  4. ineedfree
    October 13, 2011


    you hold the purse and control the string… you take the power to talk down to men like you….one day you will want them in your corner….

    let the truth be told and stand behind what is right….

    allow peace and justice and dont enter into the space of the journalists who expose truth and choose righteousness….

    they are mostly known to enlighten the world with info only they can do….

    dont buy them.. some will not be bought

    dont slaughter them….you wont escape judgement

  5. Wait A Minute
    October 13, 2011

    Journalism to some journalist in the region these days equates to ‘terrorism’ since many of these folks believe they and do and say as they wish with impunity. It is no longer about facts, but mainly about getting and bigger viewership, listenership and readership and putting forward personal agendas. Then they try to hide under the curtain of ‘freedom of speech and expression’. Imagine head of the Caribbean Media Group wanting governments to remove from the clause where individual can seek legal redress for defamation from unscrupulous media hatchetmen? If this was ever to occur, then that would surely be the end of the road for protecting basic rights and freedoms of individuals such as you and me from being maligned and crucified by these media hounds whenever they decide to go after someone whom they are determed to take down at all costs.

  6. Steve
    October 13, 2011

    Politicians only like journalist when the news are in their favor. We need to realize the news is more than saying this minister said… Very often our news are based on some clip from what a politician said. It’s them journalist job to follow up on what the politician said and research the facts then report. When a selected few journalist report and point out the facts the politicians chastise them.

    • 1979 LIVES!!!
      October 13, 2011

      I concur….

      • executive command.
        October 13, 2011

        The FACTS are the protection and they are in Black and White in my desk drawer. I am just waiting for my rights to be infringed upon so that I can let the world know what the FACTS are…..When you at the table with HIGH ROLLERS always hold the ACE card up your sleeve and never play it prematurely. Soon enough we will SEE so MANY FACTUAL AND CERTIFIED DOCUMENTS the politicians will be begging for some gossip tabloids to be established…

      October 13, 2011

      I hear those journalist say quite a bit of negative story about Obama…what should I believe.

      I hear alot of negativity about Chavez and Cuba…Oh Lord

      90% of them are just lies and the 10% you have to try to decipher what is really going on.

      Everyone of the media outlets has an agenda

    • Ti Garcon
      October 13, 2011

      Steve, A jopurnalist, has a responsibility to report acurrately and factually on developments. he must not make up a story based simply on what he surmises or suspects. Opinions are not facts and must be cited just that way, even italicized to emphasize that this is an opinion. What we have in Dominica, particularly on Q95, is a form of journalism. These journalists see everything in the negative. They do not spare a moment to twist and turn every news item originating from government to reflect a negative perspective. Can you remember the report of military exercises in the Melville Hall area (by the Venezuelans) where Amphibious landing training was taken place? That was repoprted as a fact by a gentleman who is still held up as a journalist of class. To this day there has not been a retraction of the story even when it remains oen of the bigggest journalistic lies in the history of journalism in Dominica. Do you remembver the Layou River Hotel saga when for more than ten years there were reprots of criminal wrongdoings with the project?. Note the Layou River issue was not reported as allegations, but rather as irrefutable facts. When the time came in the court to prove the reports it was duly revealed that due diligence to establish a criminal wrongdoing was never done, in fact the person who perpetrated the crime had abbsolutely no training in finance or even in journalism. But some people’s reputation were fed to the dogs. This is not to say that a journalist cannot act on suspicion. But when such is the case it must be established/stated as just that – a suspicion or rumour. When the facts are estblished, then of course the reporting must go forward and say just that. Have you also heard that NOTHING GOOD, POSITIVE or DEVELOPMENTAL is Happening in Dominica? Is that a fact? But our media keep reporting the same as just that – unproven facts even in the face of damning evidence to prove otherwise. In Dominica astleast all these are happening because a poor man form Veille Case (country boukie) is Prime Minister andhas been able to capture the admiration f the vast majority of the PEOPLE – note the capital letter

  7. tom tom
    October 13, 2011

    Copy to Q95.

    • ?
      October 13, 2011

      And Kairi and DBS.

    • Piper’s son
      October 13, 2011

      lol :mrgreen: lol!!

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