Ministry of Health appeals to COVID-19 primary contacts to identify themselves for testing

Dr. Laura Esprit

Failure of some members of the public to comply with the directives given after testing, the refusal of some primary contacts to come forward to identify themselves and to get tested and the lack of adherence by some to the safety guidelines such as the use of face masks and physical distancing, are some of the major concerns which the Ministry of Health says it faces in its difficult battle against COVID-19.

“Some primary contacts are not forthcoming in identifying themselves and getting tested; that’s a major concern,” Director of Primary Healthcare Services, Dr. Laura Esprit said at a press briefing last week, shortly after it had been announced that the number of positive Covid-19 cases in Dominica had increased to 727.

“Some persons are of the view that a negative test is an excuse to behave recklessly and the danger is experienced when the client repeats the test days later to a positive result,” Dr. Esprit added. “By then many other persons would have been exposed to the virus.”

And according to the health official, to add to the challenges faced by the Ministry of Health, many people fail to comply with the directives given following testing while others continue to withhold information or provide inaccurate information for contact tracing.

“For example, we are being given wrong names, wrong telephone numbers, wrong addresses, persons deny being at certain events, inclusive of church, parties or ‘sewo’ as we call it,” she said, pointing out, however, that when such people are traced on social media, their attendance is confirmed.

Dr. Esprit also revealed that the Ministry was receiving misleading information “as to the existence of symptoms of the severity which will require diversion of resources from a genuine symptomatic client who ought to have been given priority.”

Another concern voiced by the Director of Primary Health Care was the continued disregard shown by members of the public for the safety guidelines such as the use of face masks and physical distancing.

“They are living in the now with total disregard for their health and that of others,” Dr. Esprit said adding that it is clear that once strict adherence to health protocols are neglected, then everyone will suffer the consequences.

“Have every single one of us been continuously observing the rules as it relates to the public, health and social protocols?” she asked. “Heartbreakingly the answer is no, we have not. Now what are the consequences of this disobedience or non-adherence to the rules? “

The consequences, she went on to say, mean quicker transmission and spread of the virus, exposure of our vulnerable group, deaths and the resulting overwhelmed healthcare system among others.

“And in these cases everyone suffers,” she stated. ”In other words, if a few irresponsible persons decide to fete like there is no tomorrow, ignoring the established protocols then all Dominicans will face the dreadful consequences.”

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  1. Bwa-Banday
    August 17, 2021

    Hate to say it but I am going to sound like a broken record; “STOP that nonsense you all calling PRESS BRIEFINGS! Hold PRESS CONFERENCES where people can ask tough question to get the answers they need.

    SOMEBODY please tell the ZAFAN-SANS-PAPA to face the people through the open press and answer the questions they have. That press briefing sheat is falling on deaf ears.

  2. Jay prosper
    August 17, 2021

    I have been reading some comment and as a responsible news site, educating people on the virus would be more constructive than what some post. I know dno have their usually people posting but at least be more cooperative to the fight. Educate your audience. Post number which show how many people who are vaccinated get infected, go to the icu, die compared to those who are not vaccinated. All of us have a duty to our family and other citizens. Get vaccinated or if u have doubt, get tested. Seek professional advice and don’t take it from so call doctors who have never do a single research on the vaccine. Ask them to show u the data that the vaccine is not safe. Don’t just take their word for it. I was so fortunate that I was vaccinated because I was in contact with two people during the august Monday celebration who tested positive. I have tested negative but it’s so frustrating to have to go test frequently but if that’s what i gave to do to save my family, them I will. Stay safe all

  3. VereTere
    August 17, 2021

    You are so right. They all afraid somebody would ask an awkward question. One of them is as bad as the other. Skerrit taught them well.

  4. August 17, 2021

    Am not very intelligent but how can the good doctors or Mr minister prove to me without any reasonable dought that what they are getting from WHO and CDC is the truth… awaiting response

  5. Luca Spark
    August 17, 2021

    Stayover visitors are seemingly allowed to visit sites, go on hikes etc even though nationals are being told to ‘behave’ and stick to curfew and semi lockdown rules. This is a gross insult to the people of Dominica by the authorities.

  6. Prodigal
    August 17, 2021

    Reading these responses makes me so sad. It’s amazing how entitled and uncaring we Dominicans have become. One writer would rather choose potential death instead of a late meal or poor food. How pathetic. What happened to the days when we cared about our neighbors well being as much as our own. My people don’t be stupid. Go and get tested, take the vaccine. The lives you save may not only be your own but your children, parents, friends and neighbors. Forget the politics. We are all Dominicans.

    • Kimi
      August 17, 2021

      Explain how you are saving the lives of your children by being vaccinated. If I am vaccinated and get COVID with no symptoms, then I will be carrying on as usual spreading germs to my babies. An unvaccinated person however will have signs and symptoms of exposure and therefore can take all measures necessary to protect their children. The reasons for taking this vaccine makes zero sense to me. It is only beneficial to the one taking it yet they have allu mad at the unvaccinated. Seriously makes no sense.

      ADMIN: It is possible to have asymptomatic cases in both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.

      Statistical analysis out of the US (and other countries) are consistent with the claim that the vaccines are an effective safeguard against serious illness and death.

      However, if you have concerns over the vaccine or your medical condition then seek advice from your doctor (a doctor familiar with your medical history) before making a decision.

      • Prodigal
        August 18, 2021

        You completely ignore my first request “go get tested”. Isn’t that just as important? Admin is correct. Seek the facts before you unintelligently hasten to respond.

  7. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 16, 2021

    “Failure of some members of the public to comply with the directives given after testing, the refusal of some primary contacts to come forward to identify themselves and to get tested”

    Laura; all of that in the quote above, your words; are nonsensical garbage, hogwash; if you ask me! Being there playing high and mighty talking fart, is not going to help curtail the spread of the virus in the country.

    This is not the time to play doctor and talk, as you all are accustom of doing’ there must be leadership; and whereas in Dominica, regarding to the term protocol, right about now the the protocol should demand, mandatory vaccine for the entire population.

    Everybody can continue to play big-shot, talk fart to to see who can speak more eloquently about COVID-19, until the population is overrun by the disease.

    And let me inform you that the virus has killed many doctors, and nurses too!
    Medical degree or no medical degree; people are just people playing different rolls in…

  8. We the People
    August 16, 2021

    First of all, you all need to have respect for the press. This business of press briefing needs to be STOPPED!! Call a dam press conference and allow the press to ask questions.

    Next, take responsibility for not asking for ID’s. I went for testing today and the lady wasted no time in writing down what I told her. I could have been lying through my teeth.

    Next, I see 9 out of 10 people wearing their masks and distancing themselves. So perhaps you need to be more specific with your utterings.

    Next, you are able to identify the liars through social media? Interesting since you don’t ask for ID nor the lowering of masks before taking people’s names etc.

    And to crown it all, the government leaders are a bunch of liars; I guess the population follows suit. A call was made to arrest the organizer of the lot event. What about the one for the Bellvue Chopin event? What about the children of the PS in the supremo’s office?

  9. Lisad
    August 16, 2021

    Test the whole country.
    Complete lock down atleast 2 weeks.
    Keep people at their homes if positve and asymptomatic or with mild symptoms.

  10. August 16, 2021

    Three more cruise ships last week and the number of active cases has more than doubled! STOP ALL CRUISESHIPS NOW!. This MUST must be debated at the highest level. We are all in lockdown whilst cruise shippers roam at leisure. There term “safe in nature” is no longer a reality.

  11. August 16, 2021

    Three more cruise ships last week and the number of active cases has more than doubled! STOP ALL CRUISESHIPS NOW!. This MUST must be debated at the highest level. We are all in lockdown whilst cruise shippers roam at leisure. There term “safe in nature” is no longer a reality.

  12. Ibo France
    August 16, 2021

    Give people the ‘incentives’ to voluntarily come forward. Put proper and adequate accommodations in place for the people who have contracted the virus. Many persons who have been sent to a covid-19 government-run facility have bitterly complained about the atrocious conditions at some of these places. There is a lack of beds, food, medication, information, etcetera.

    The Ministry of Health, needs to make themselves available to answer pertinent and burning questions from inquiring minds in the public. Stop just talking condescendingly to the people. Probably if the Ministry of Health is able to answer some of these skeptics questions satisfactorily just possibly they would be more amenable to taking the vaccine or make themselves available for testing.

    Sometimes we have to pause from talking and listen to the concerns of the skeptics to gain a better understanding as to the reasons for their reluctance to taking the vaccine or to make themselves available for testing..

    • Listen to Wisdom
      August 16, 2021

      Partner, that’s a very stupid thing to say at this time given the gravity of the situation. You have to stop this.

    • Bwa-Banday
      August 16, 2021

      Sorry bro Skerrit and his henchmen/ women will not take questions from those deemed to be beneath them. How dare you disrespect the Lord El Supremo and his people by asking them to take questions from their subjects. Come on man you should know better. Did you not see what happened to the opposition when Lennox dared not to listen to the presentation of the Lord himself in parliament? Go figure!

      Dcans are under a spell and only a revolution lead by a few brave ones can solve the problem.

      ADMIN: “…only a revolution lead by a few brave ones can solve the problem.”

      Please bare in mind that we will delete comments that support violent or criminal behaviour:

      However, revolution can also be defined as “activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation” or “a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something”


    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      August 17, 2021

      lbo; I don’t believe in a situation like this anybody; government or private citizen should have to give any “incentive; or babysit anyone into taking the vaccine. It is a matter of life and death at this time.

      Every human alive are not intellectually inclined, nevertheless, we are all born with commonsense; and should know when to use our God given commonsense, to decide what is best, or what is right from wrong.

      Animals operate off their instincts: Have you ever seen a dog, gets up and commenced smelling certain plants, or species of grass?

      Eventually nay see the dog select some grass or the leaf of a plant and eat it; that is an indication the dog is sick, hence the leaf or grace it digest is medicine or treatment for whatever sickness is plaguing the dog!

      Humans are much more intelligent than animals!

      Even in the United States, they try something like that; not many people fell for such incentive; all I can say those who fail to corporate will suffer.

  13. Dañaron
    August 16, 2021

    I don’t mind the testing if you can quarantine at home or in a suitable and humane environment. Not the awful conditions people have to face at portsmouth. Rude people, late food and poor quality food, lack of information and communication like is pig you dealing with. Nah we still human beings. The quarantine condition turn of ALOT of people.

    Be guide.

  14. MI17
    August 16, 2021

    They have lost control, I knew it would happen sooner rather than later. Another example of incompetence by the Ministry and the entire government by extension.

  15. August 16, 2021

    We need to be updated of how many..727 was Friday..too many but people Still being tested and we are not informed of the numbers.. let us know.we have a right.thanks

  16. Kudos
    August 16, 2021

    Sorry to tell you Doc, but those pleas will fall on many deaf ears. People are scared – of getting sick, of being quarantined, of being vaccinated. Please let’s address create a way for valid fears to be voiced and addressed – to the extent possible. However much you care – and you come across as caring a lot – effective communication in a time of confusion and fear, needs to be 2-way and there are means to accomplish that while sifting out the extreme/distasteful stuff (for example, YouTube comments can be held for approval. DNO itself does a decent job of comment moderating). A survey is limited in what it can accomplish, because the respondents don’t get to frame the questions. Meanwhile maybe 2 weeks complete lockdown would be a quicker and more effective way to stem exponential growth? The math does not allow for delays in curbing this spread. Especially if we’re further down the Greek alphabet than we would like to imagine.

  17. Bobby
    August 16, 2021

    DNO – Why are you reporting last week’s news ?

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