Miss Caribbean USA pageant hits stage November 2

Miss Caribbean USAThe Baruch Performing Arts Center in New York will explode with lights, camera and Caribbean flavor on November 2 as 10 young ladies from across the United States with West Indian roots will be competing in the Miss Caribbean United States pageant for a go at the crown.

Talia Thomas from Antigua (Miss Antigua), Stephanie Marie Miles from Jamaica (Miss Atlantic City Carnival), Marsha Thompson from Barbados (Miss Barbados), Gabrielle Previlon from Haiti (Miss Haiti), Ashley Clarke from Jamaica (Miss Jamaica), Damaris Canales from Puerto Rico (Miss Latina Caribbean), Tasheika Scott from Jamaica (Miss Caribbean New Jersey), Stephanie Reyes from Dominican Republic (Miss Pennsylvania), Bianca Baez from Puerto Rico and Colette Nicole Stapleton from St. Kitts (Miss St. Kitts and Nevis) will be contending for the title.

The show will begin at 6 pm with the introduction and talent round. According to a press release, every year young ladies from around the United States compete for the title and the chance to represent the USA at the Miss Caribbean Hibiscus, Miss Caribbean World, and Miss Jaycees pageants. It stated further that “Throughout the year, our title holders participate in events across the country promoting the culture and beauty of the Caribbean, Central and South America”. They are expected to make appearances at major Caribbean Carnival, venues, parades, concerts and charity events; at which queens and sponsors are seen by over 12 million people during their one year reign.

The release also stated that the pageant is dedicated to key areas of health and education and participates in breast cancer awareness programmes, among others. “With our dedication to health care and education in the Caribbean, Central and South America, we have touched the lives of youth with our yearly tour of inner city schools where our title holders stress the importance of a solid educational background as a way of achieving their dreams. Each year our title holders participate in events such as breast cancer awareness, AIDS walk and food drives for the poor and homeless. We stand by our belief that we all can make a difference,” it said.

“They can boast of being the only Caribbean themed pageant in the United States that sends its winner to the international pageants to represent the USA and they are ‘uniquely positioned not only in the pageant world, but, in the Caribbean, Central and South American community, making our title holders not just visible but true ambassadors”.

Tickets for the show cost US$20 for the first segment and finals tickets cost US $60. Combo Tickets to both events cost $40.

Dominica News Online will be streaming the event live.

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  1. Hmmm
    November 1, 2013

    Whoop, whoop, the show will be held at my school Baruch…..Baruch for life.

    So many Dominicans in the USA, we could not get a representative?

    • Really!
      November 1, 2013

      its at your school, couldnt you have represented? So tired of people trying to pass responsibilities to others, if you didnt do it for whatever reason, why are you expecting others to do it.

  2. Justice and Truth
    November 1, 2013

    Surely there are some attractive women of Dominican heritage in the USA and some Dominicans for that matter. Probably they were not interested. In addition, they must also be sponsored.
    Those who help others, ensure that our Supreme God Almighty is at the forefront of your assistance with emphasis on His Ten Commandments and the religious teachings of the Church.
    Too many assist without even giving him a thought, who gives us health, strength, intelligence, effort and means to do so also enlightening others to assist.
    Keep in mind, do not compromise your faith. The Word of the Lord and His teaching are unchanging. They do not change with the times and to suit ideological myths and teachings of certain people. Only then you will be successful and fruitful.
    Our Lord said, “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” Everything else is only a band-aid; only temporary.

    • November 1, 2013

      Justice and Truth: You have written an excellent word. I hope people will take you seriously and and follow this guidance. :-P

      Too many people undertake great things for their own benefit and leave God out of their plans and activities. 8-O

      The Bible says “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.” The way to succeed is to honor God and seek to please Him. Offer the entire trip and pageant to Him. :-o

      Here in Canada we see so many rallies, parades, demonstrations, conventions, contests, shows, and pageants to promote human interests. Not that these things are nesessarily wrong in themselves. But when people forget God and forsake His commandments to have a good time they are in trouble. :cry:

      Too often large public gatherings for a good purpose turn out to be a place for people to indulge their fleshly desires. What follows the event is frequently worse as people depart to smaller venues to continue their quest for carnel pleasure. :twisted:

      A young lady from a God fearing family in a sheltered Caribbean community suddenly finds herself in New York City among multitudes of people from around the world. These are people from many walks of life. Many do not hold “the faith” and have lifestyles not compatable with a Christian upbringing. It is hard not to be influenced by this kind of bombardment. But if a Christian woman is strong and is resolved to let her light shine she will be the one who is influencing others. :idea: Some will return home with a testimony of how real God was in her life. She will be able to share a story of how God used her to touch another life for Him.

      When I read of all the good causes that will be helped by the pageant and those taking part I thought “Wow! 8-O Who would not want to make this happen?”

      For those who are participating in the the MISS CARIBBEAN USA PAGEANT I encourage you :idea: to enrich your devotional life each day by taking time to read the Bible and pray.

      Our prayers are with the Caribbean girls and of course with all the others. Everybody attending such an this event should remember the fact that the ten commandments and the teachings of your church are not suspended during the pageant nor afterwards!

      Please visit my website http://www.livinghopeministries.ca

      Click onto SERMONS.

      Listen to my sermon THE NEW BIRTH.


      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist. :lol:

  3. Anonymous
    October 31, 2013

    One of those Jamaicans could have represented Dominica we.

  4. DA Soil
    October 31, 2013

    Why ms.Dominica is not DERE!!! Do you expecy us to go? Ahhhhhh!

    • hmmmmmmm
      October 31, 2013

      if u would read, it is for people who were born in the usa with parents who have caribean roots………so ms dominica cannot participate

      • Anonymous
        November 1, 2013

        Is not that the person asking because I can bet you they can read. They’re asking about a representative for Dominica (hence ms. Dominica) .. smh

  5. bad taste
    October 31, 2013

    I just saw miss wob dwiyet USA in the creole day national wear parade in boom boom shorts, that left a bad taste, so I good with those want to be americans, who are just doing things for show and not necessarily for the betterment of our culture

    • VWAY DEN!!!
      November 1, 2013

      8-O 8-O 8-O VWAY DEN!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
      IS not that alone she should put on her!..she should just wear a swimwear! lol

      That is because She is not the real winner!!! Those who were at the show knows who the REALLLLLLL WINNER FOR THAT SHOW WAS and the JUDGES ..I shall say no more, i doh have lawyer!!

  6. Fond Cole
    October 31, 2013

    So what happened to Miss Dominica? She holds the most Caribbean title and she not part of this show… Chupes… All you not respecting the Caribbean queen or what? Chupes man

    • zon machaste oui
      October 31, 2013

      Oh my goodness….Read…don’t even go far. Just read the first two sentences in the article and you will see how much of a fool you just made of yourself with that comment. cha

  7. me
    October 31, 2013

    no Dominica no show for me, plus the streaming is always poor, waste of my money

  8. gwaj
    October 31, 2013

    I don’t get it. No D/a woman, so what is the point?

    • Alex Bruno
      November 1, 2013

      The point is, it is a Caribbean show and since Dominica is part of the Caribbean Archipelago, we have aesthetic interest in it also.

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