Money spent in renaming airport could be put to better use – Edison James

The soon to be renamed Melville Hall airport at night
The soon to be renamed Melville Hall airport at night

The Opposition United Workers Party (UWP), says the much talked about airport renaming ceremony which is to get underway from 5 today, is costing in the region of EC$ 260,000; funds which could be used in various areas of need in the country.

Speaking at the party’s weekly press conference held at the Prevost Cinemall on Monday morning, outgoing MP for the Marigot constituency Edison James, said they obtained the budgetary break-down of the event from a source, which they are not prepared to reveal.

He said the ceremony will be a political one and nothing else.

“The Roosevelt Skerrit administration is inviting labour party political supporters to a function at Melville Hall, which it claims is the re-naming of the Melville Hall airport to the Douglas-Charles Airport,” James said. “They are going to be spending in the region of EC$ 260,000 on that activity and that is over a quarter million dollars.”

A copy of the alleged budget obtained by DNO shows that the major areas of expense are catering EC$ 60,000, transportation EC$ 84, 500.00, entertainment EC$ 6,500.00 and Banners/Signage/Billboards $ 83,000.00, among others.

According to the former Prime Minister, he is not aware of any similar ceremonies where so many people have been in attendance, “to any extent, far more to the extent of a quarter million dollars.” He spoke of the hypocrisy associated with the “abuse of public money,” which he said the government was trying to portray as a national activity. He said he turned down an invitation to speak at the function.

“In the meantime while this national immorality is being perpetrated on us,” he said, “a road which runs from outside of the airport fence remains unusable to the farmers and other people who utilize this part of road.”

Mention was also made of an area between the airstrip and the fence, which he said is “in a most deplorable situation in terms of its population of low bush.” He said it is something which he understands for security reasons, must be kept clear so any objects or uninvited activity in the area could be seen from the tower.

“The money cannot be found to clean that very important aspect of the security of aerodrome,” he said, “ at the same time, workers who have worked at the Fairtrade giving service to the banana industry have not been paid for two months and probably will not be paid by the third month.

He continued, “Black Sigatoka ravaging the place because they have not been able to get the oil and in some cases not been able to pay the people who have been applying the oil…”

This is not the first time that James has voiced his displeasure about the matter.

As a matter of fact, Acting Prime Minister, Ambrose George, has said that he is “very much disturbed” by earlier remarks made by James that the location for the ceremony for the official renaming of the Melville Hall airport could be a disaster waiting to happen.

The ceremony will be held at the airport’s car park and James had said choosing the area is “irresponsible, reckless and constitutes a serious danger” to lives of persons who will attend the ceremony.

Recently prime minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, announced that the airport will be renamed the Douglas-Charles Airport in tribute to late prime ministers, Rosie Douglas and Pierre Charles.

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  1. believer
    October 29, 2014

    you UWP party and supporters You can jump High you can jump low DLP ishere for five more years stop dreaming'”:::::

  2. Real Dominican
    October 29, 2014

    Mr. James, can you please justify the use of over 3/4 of a million dollars for both the Sunrise Festival of January 2000 together with the E. C. Loblack Bridge Arc as opposed to the Renaming of our Airport after our 2 fallen Heros, Rosie and Pierro for 1/4 of a million dollars?

    October 29, 2014

    i have nothing against the renaming of the airport i believe it is very much in place, but to make such an elaborate ceremonie, spending thousands of dollars, i agree with eddo for once, this money could be spent on something else, but i believe its total folishness not to attend the ceremonie having been invited, being the parl rep, be serious eddo leave an example for the rough rider to follow

  4. Really?!!!
    October 29, 2014

    well well well, So UWP really want the name of the airport to remain as the name of a past slave master. Hmm, and is thinking like that you all want to run our country?…. bravo

  5. Anonymous
    October 29, 2014

    well well well, So UWP really want the name of the airport to remain as the name of a past slave master. Hmm, and is thinking like that you all want to run our country?…. bravo

    October 29, 2014

    This is obviously a clear declaration from UWP leadership that they lack vision. renaming the airport even is manicou they called it, that would be better than Melville Hall a British colonizer. It sets the president for other people (men & women) in the Dominican country to step up to the plate and do great things and be part of history rather than condemning progress.

  7. gwan granbay
    October 28, 2014

    Sa ki fashay sa say zour all you hate progress always spreading negativity in d world will always have hungry people the money spent can’t feed the world…… stupes we living in a different time get with the program or get out of it

    • kill the beach
      October 28, 2014

      is renaming an airport progress

  8. gwan granbay
    October 28, 2014

    I suspect all u wanted them to name it after edo …..

  9. joe
    October 28, 2014

    To all of you who just take Eddison word for gospel i am saying to you that this foolish piece of paper they have branding around is a fake it is NOT and i repeat it is NOT an authenticated document coming from the Government circle!!!

    There is NO such Documents the cost of the ceremony was much much LOWER than this $260k that eddo is branding as if it was a secret document that they happen to have a Source that leaked it out is PURE coshoney!!!!


  10. PROUD
    October 28, 2014

    Oh Please with the renaming of the airport being a waste of money! Get with the program people. Its simply another stage for something bigger yet to come.
    First night landing, new name…. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT! so then for those that say their ‘friend’ thinks we have the worst airport.. and those that call it inferior will have nothing to say- I HOPE!

    Stupes. Let Edison n his concubines come in Power next election. WE SHALL SEE what is wickedness and corruption. They not in there yet and see how pompous, ridiculous and unproffessional they are. Like Seriously?

  11. Anonymous
    October 28, 2014

    it look like eddison forgot how much money his government spent bringing people to see sun rise

    • A Doubting Thomas
      October 28, 2014

      Interesting how much? Maybe they will tell us.

  12. grell
    October 28, 2014

    So sad and this morning many of them wake up with no money or food for their kids,wasted money.

  13. Anonymous
    October 28, 2014

    For the last 14 years the UWP opposition have been and still is wasting tax payers money by the lack of representation for their constituencies. Walking out of the House of Assembly while receiving a salary every month is abuse of the Dominica’s treasury. We need to get away from those slavery days.

  14. observer
    October 28, 2014

    Waste of my tax money while Public Works Corporation employees are still left suffering without wages and salaries! Where is the care for these people??? I don’t care which party you support when something is wrong it is wrong!!! Deficit expenses is all that is going on, nothing that is bringing some revenue. But don’t worry 99 days for the voler and one for the police. Keep worshiping him and keep upholding the nonsense that he does and when the wrath of God falls on us hope we will be ready too. That man is a disgrace compared to Rossie and Pierre. They both must be rolling in their graves with disgust! Shame on you! Shame on you!

  15. A Doubting Thomas
    October 28, 2014

    It might be below average to you but to me it is our main Airport and a very lovely one at that.

    I guess some people see the glass as half full and others see the same glass as half empty. We have a very good and beautiful Airport, it allows us to travel in and out of our Dominica,

    Good move on the part of the PM and the Government; the renaming after two of our former Prime Ministers who died while in office and whose sudden deaths affected most of us makes the renaming of our major airport very good sense and should be complemented for such a recognition.

    Were any members of our Parliament Opposition there?

  16. Francisco Telemaque
    October 27, 2014

    Behanzin, Sean Douglas, condemn renaming of airport
    “As elaborate plans fall into place for the renaming of Melville Hall airport today, two members of the Douglas family are condemning the Roosevelt Skerrit administration’s decision to”

    Well, at least there are two broad minded Dominicans in the person of Behanzin, and Sean Douglas who openly condemned this ridiculous renaming of the Airport to Douglas-Charles. I do not know about Sean, but Behanzin seems to have a reputation which seem fair. The fact that those are not glorying into Skerrit crap, speaks volume.

    One may have expected them to be happy that their family name was about to be written in stone, instead they of all persons have exposed the hypocrisy of the man Roosevelt Skerrit. Rosie is dead, Charles is dead. Behanzin is yet alive; he was victimized when the government refused to allow him to continue as a magistrate in our country. If Behanzin was still a magistrate in Dominica, the criminals would by now refrain from their criminal activities.

    The man was doing a fantastic job within the judiciary of Dominica; but with all thing equal, whenever someone stands on their two feet without groveling at the feet of the dictators who runs our country, they are victimized, and cast aside as they have done to Behanzin. Now while I am at this I am going to burst this one wide open. I was informed recently that there was someone in Dominica shot by the police, the man was in the hospital with a bullet in him, there is a qualify Dominican doctor who could have taken the bullet out of the man, but even if he may have wonted to, Dominica government lead by Roosevelt Skerrit have not yet given this specialist the opportunity to function to his capacity in our country.

    Here is the doctor background: He attended Howard University; and graduated in 1984, he did his internship in a Dc hospital, and his residency at St. Barnabas Medical Center.

    The man is a specialist in General Surgery, he was board citified in 1991 here in the United States. He treats colorectal Cancer, lung cancer, Peripheral Vascular Disease, and I believe ulcerative colitis. He performs procedures, which includes; Dressing and Debridement of pressure wound therapy. As far as I am concern with a background in General Surgery, he man is more than qualify to remove a bullet from someone body.

    Nut you see that is the crap our educated, and talented people have to deal with in Dominica, I would only hope that he will not bow to the powers that be simply because he would like to function to his full capacity, I would hope that you will not sell your soul and dignity to any dictator, because once there they get their claws on you they will kick, you around like a football. As for you that BEB careful what you say about Edison James cause he is my cousin too, and whereas he will not deal with you, I the kid will handle you!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Anonymous
      October 29, 2014

      Stay in the USA with your rubbish.

  17. Anonymous
    October 27, 2014

    Couldn’t they have just erected a couple of placques or statues/monuments/headpiece of Rosie and Pierro instead at the airport? Heck they could have even erected such on either side of the bridge in Roseau instead of those lions.

  18. listener
    October 27, 2014

    Eddo how much did you spend for the sun worship in delices?

  19. Anonymous
    October 27, 2014

    84 thousand for transportation from where ? maybe they added an extra zero by mistake I hope so

  20. October 27, 2014

    I would not even call that an airport,I took my friend to Dominica and he couldn’t believe that was main port of entry.He said it look more like a sheard.So i dnt kno y they wasting monies on that.Y not wait for the international airport to name it what u want mr. I believe i am the great Savior.

    • A Doubting Thomas
      October 28, 2014

      If you believe your friend and even repeat it instead of correcting your friend; I could not be wrong in believing you have never been to the now Douglas-Charles Airport in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

  21. Tragic
    October 27, 2014

    In the meantime…where are the funds to pay public works staff?? Has all been resolved on that front!

    Dominicans, support whichever party you want, but know that they will all do DUMB, IRRESPONSIBLE things at times, and when they do, YOU should call them on it. Think of how far $250K could go dealing with real issues in the country.

  22. Truth and Justice
    October 27, 2014

    Why did they not name the airport after Patrick John He was the first Prime MInister of Dominica, he fought for and brought Dominica to Independence, So if they were being honest and truly wanted to honour a Dominican politician someone who had actually freed Dominica from the slavery of colonisation they would have called the airport The Patrick John airport.

    • concern
      October 27, 2014

      guess you also forget that patric John sold Dominica to the K k K oh how could you forget.

      • concern
        October 27, 2014

        Hell Mr James you forget you were there and the roads were worse than the way they are you are from Marigot and I guess while you were in power you had a blinders on and I guess its out now I guess once I was blind but now I can see too late my friend your days are done.

    • juliette
      October 28, 2014

      you a right they donot have eny head bobobobo

    • Francisco Telemaque
      October 28, 2014

      Baloney, sometimes before we make erroneous claims, not willfully I may add, where it pertains to our country, we need to research it if we do not know, and get the facts, the truth before we write untrue comments on DNO which may make us look foolish!

      First of all, nether Patrick John, nor any other Dominican politician, Chief Minister or otherwise fought for any form of Independence for Dominica.

      I do not know how young you are, or perhaps if you are old enough your memory might begin to fade, so I will remind you that our former colonial masters in Great Britain, forced our nation first into Statehood, so Dominica became a State in Association with Britain (England), where they retained power over our external affairs, while everything internally was our responsibility.

      Be informed the duration of time the British gave us to prove to them that we were capable of handling our internal affairs was a maximum of five years, we were told emphatically, whether or not we fail to manage our affairs they were cutting us loose, wether we like it or not; at the end of the five years they were giving us our Independence.

      Dominica had absolutely no alternative, than to accept Independence. For your information; from Guyana in South America to Jamaica, all the English colonies was given the same alternative; except Montserrat, and the BVI Tortolla. Even the people of the former British Honduras in central America, (now known as Belize had no option either. If you do not believe me, Patrick John is still living make some effort to contact him, I am sure he will verify and authenticate what I said. It would be misinformation if anyone tells you otherwise, it would be outright criminal.

      Patrick John may be deserving not because of him being Dominica’s first Prime Minister, he done some things which under some circumstance could have given him such privilege nevertheless, when he unleashed the defense force and police on the people that took away from the honor he could have gained, on the other hand Rosie Douglas, is not the kind of character that anything in Dominica should bear his name, so too Charles name should not appear on anything, if the first place: “Douglas-Charles Airport.” We do not know if Skerrit has honored Roosevelt Douglas, or his brother Mike, or the Father Robert B Douglas. In the case of Charles we do not know if he is honoring Eugenia Charles or Pierre Charles both of whom served as prime ministers. He could also be honoring J B Charles Eugenia Charles father who served in the legislative council in the colonial era, long prior to Statehood, finally Independence.

      When people are incompetent, desperate, and politically bankrupt as Mr. Skerrit, they make fools of themselves, and nothing they do makes any sense; and that’s what we are dealing with here.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • sammo
      October 28, 2014

      hi that would be a big mistake why cause Patrick John did more bad than good read the pass about and you go see what i am talking

  23. Barb-Sepant
    October 27, 2014

    How much did ‘Sunrise’ cost? Why was that money not used to repair the Pond Casse/Hatton Garden Road then, instead of having men spread tarish on it in the daytime and have rain wash it out overnight!Eh? Some people just can’t appreciate progress!!

    • Sakway Sot
      October 28, 2014

      Progress?? Progress my brother??? Where is the progress in renaming an airport?? Progress??

      • joking
        October 28, 2014

        lol dominicans wi you hear. them ppl never travel to see how them other countries looking. they don’t even know what is progress. renaming an airport is not progress

  24. Anonymous
    October 27, 2014

    Edo, your criticism of the renaming of the airport is political so what’s your problem

  25. Okay then
    October 27, 2014

    Edison and them do not know what to complain about and oppose again…what else is new.

    • October 28, 2014

      Tell us how do you really feel about those people at Public Works that don’t have money for food for their family especially the children how do you feel Do you like to see our people suffer .
      .Melvill Hall could be rename under either one of the men but not both and it was Skerrit that made the change.

  26. famalay
    October 27, 2014

    I will still call de air port Melville hall
    for me I wood name de air port after one prime minister most air port I no it name after one man ok

    • Anonymous
      October 27, 2014

      Edo, your criticism of the renaming of the airport is political so what’s your problem

    • fedup
      October 27, 2014

      idiot which school did you attend? go learn to spell.

    • Anonymous
      October 28, 2014

      Idiot! Why don’t you do some research before commenting. There are several airports that are named after two individuals or an individual and a state.
      You can call it what you want, but you cannot write what you want…..hahaha!
      Like it or not, when you travel you MUST put on the form, The DOUGLAS-CHARLES Airport……Get it?

  27. .
    October 27, 2014

    The Douglas -Charles airport. I like it. I have come to realize Mr. James that nothing coming from this present administration will please you but this is the best government D/ca have ever had. Deal with it Mr. James.

    • Ryan
      October 27, 2014

      U don’t know what u talking about pls shut up … U call that the best …. Oh pls , Lord help my ppl.. U call that the best …??? I think u need to check the mad house….

    • famalay
      October 28, 2014

      u to donkey stop that garbage

  28. Poison
    October 27, 2014

    Money spent on the sunrise festival in delice could be put to better use…This is why I hate politics…don’t do it let me do it…the slave master name was long overdue..should be removed at any price.

    • BEB
      October 27, 2014

      You also forgot to mention of the over $250.000.00 spent on that delapidated water fountain on the Bay Front by the then lead administration of Mr. James.
      At last Mr. James should accept the last time he would be speaking as Parl the Marigot area

  29. "Go To Hell"
    October 27, 2014

    DNO, I am surprised I did not see a headline like this today: PM Skerrit and his DLP government boycotted CITP. When I think of the words of Ferdina Frampton today “As you know Creole in the Park is an activity that brings all things Dominican in one location and you hardly find that anywhere else”, I am left to wonder why is the government and their supporters not present. Clearly it’s a slap in our face as I remember his words leading to the 2009 elections when he told us “GO TO HELL.” Is he now sending CITP to hell? I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say the reason why he chose to rename our 50 year old airport today, is because he did not remember today is opening of CITP, since he is not a planner as seen in his dealing with Mr. Letang when he arranged to meet with him on August Monday. Anyways, what will be the new code for the airport so I could know what to enter when looking for flights? I know the old code was DOM but effective today I don’t expect it to remain. Visionless team!

    • BEB
      October 27, 2014

      All the forms are already printed out as “DOM”

    • Anonymous
      October 27, 2014

      DOM nah!

    • Barb-Sepant
      October 27, 2014

      Don’t be dumb it’s DOM!!

    • #SMH
      October 28, 2014

      DOM like short for Dominica… I thought they just rename the airport, did they move it to St. Lucia?.. SMH…

  30. Lougaoo Mem
    October 27, 2014

    “Dominica elected a government it deserved.” Remember? Is it really true, or false? Monies for this, monies for that, monies for anyone who wears the DLP colors and hat.

  31. Devoted Dominican
    October 27, 2014

    Edison James, as a Dominican myself, i can honestly say that you are a very selfish person who will not do anything good for Dominican but criticize the one who tries to do something.

    • purelies
      October 28, 2014

      What good does spending that kinda, money to rename an airport do for Dominica. ….ur just an idiot

  32. "Go To Hell"
    October 27, 2014

    I am very embarrassed by my name but as we celebrate our 36th anniversary of independence, I just cannot help but remember the words of PM Roosevelt Skerrit during the 2009 elections. Although he did not literally tell Dominicans to “go to hell” today yet his action seems to be telling us to go to hell. I say this because today is the first day of our annual ‘Creole in the Park’ and somehow Skerrit and his DLP team and supporters, have boycotted it to go to rename an airport after the names of late PM’s Rosie and Piero, whom I sure would be part of the Creole in the park celebration if they were alive. It is shameful and embarrassing to say the list! As I type this comment, I have seen visitors from Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia, Jamaica, USA and others at the park, while our government have boycotted the celebration for political gain, as they think. Surely this thing will backfire because even if he were to use the occasion to announce the election, many will see the lack of leadership and support of culture. How shameful!!!

    • BEB
      October 27, 2014

      They will be attending the other 3 days in full force

  33. labour is working
    October 27, 2014

    no coment

  34. Wise One
    October 27, 2014

    Somebody Have to Pay for THAT!

    $100 000 on nonsense in Lagon on September 11th.

    $260 000 on another nonsense at Marigot.

    Over $360 000 of Dominican’s tax paying money gets wasted for what?

    While road sides look like the edges of the jungle.

    Three students who worked hard in completing law school, cannot get their graduation certificates

    farmers can’t get fertilizer

    the country’s only hospital in missing life saving medication.

    What message are you sending to the execs at LIME, A PRIVATE COMPANY, when you boycott a national event for a stupid party function. Lets see if they will have another Creole in the park next year…. Another thing dies because of Skerrit.

    To those of you left who are right thinking Dominicans this is what you want for your country?

    This is what you allow Roosevelt Communist Skerrit to do to our country?

    When will you let this man answer to what he has done to our Nature Island. Tourist season is about to start, how many ships will be coming to our shores? How will the vendors make money.

    Skerrit you and your band of crooks will pay one day. You all will be guests at the state prison in stock farm!

    And all what you’ve stolen from Dominicans will be seized as state property.

  35. Lapo Layza
    October 27, 2014

    While I agree the money could have been put to better use I would like to ask Mr. James to share with the general public the cost of the so called fountain on the Dame Eugenia Charles boulevard. I cannot in my right mind support spending so much money just to rename the airport. This could have been done without much fanfare. A simple tribute to these two former prime ministers whom I admired very much would have been good. That’s because I happen to be frugal. On the other hand how much would the UWP have spent to do likewise?

    • truth
      October 27, 2014

      back then money was meeting money ,so we could afford a fountain , but not now ,when the cry is high
      Workers had no added tax in four and a half years,, and things was good , FRee tex books , Duty free on building materials , 99 percent on imported vehicles ,, One dollar a pound of bananas,highest paid everand people were working,
      What do we have now? the complete opposite,now its a struggle to survive,
      IF you are poor ,and supporting labor ,you will remain poor and get poorer,
      And if you had money,and supporting labour ,well my friend ,you are on the road to poverty
      this labor party principle carries a curse, Its a highway to poverty, look around you and tell me what you see

  36. Anonymous
    October 27, 2014

    i agree. I don’t believe that the airport should be named after people just because they died in office. If its because of what they did for Dominica, well, they did not have time to do enough. That’s my opinion. Nice people they were, but not sure if they deserve this.

  37. Osanna Mowanga
    October 27, 2014

    Ambrose needs to shut his mouth. Shameless.
    It is time that Skerrit gets out, even if it is by a coup.
    we are fedup.Dominicans are too slack. we need to stop behaving like Dummies.
    He must change the name of the country to Skerrit.

  38. John Doe from the US
    October 27, 2014

    I Agree with Eddie… what a waste of Tax dollars.. Go Team Dominica.. Workers!!!

  39. October 27, 2014

    My Lord, Mr. James, why do you continue to complain when no one is listening? First, your concerns were with regards to the safety of the location for the ceremony. Now, it is about how much money was spent. We, Laborites are kindly asking you to please stop worrying about OUR money! Our great, divine, upright, and blessed Prime Minister is RICH! He can afford to spend millions on an event if he so chooses. This goes to show you how our Lord and Master, Our Alpha and Omega and our Ordained God-King, Dr. Roosevelt Skerrit , treats his loyal subjects. Nothing but the best for loyal Laborites and we adore Him for that. This man is a Dominican Jesus!
    With that out of the way, let me advise you, Mr. James, to stay out of Labor business and start worrying about how your party (United Wicked People) is going to finance your losing Campaign. The Divine Labor Party has unlimited funds and you guys are BROKE! Do you still think you all have a fighting chance? Let the Laborites pause for a moment to laugh… :lol:
    NOW, back to our serious discussion. Mr. James, your party has continuously been rejected by the Dominican Public. They simply do not like any of you. Putting an arrogant imbecile at the helm only made matters worse! Your party is all talk and NO ACTION! You will be rejected again!
    Please, to save face, I would suggest that you quietly retire into obscurity. Get back to your farm and get to planting while you still can, as it is the only way you and your band of fools will be able to eat in Labor Dominica! Dominica has no use for you and your type, or for any of the men and women within your party for that matter.
    Marigiot is like an Island within an Island. No one cares for or about Marigot and its ignorant inhabitants. And that’s just being honest! Stop complaining and whenever you’re ready come crawling on your hands and knees to beg our Lord and Savior, Dr. R. Skerrit for his forgiveness and grace. Maybe then, and ONLY then, we might find a job for you somewhere. Maybe night security at the Charles-Douglas Airport….maybe!!!!

    • October 28, 2014

      I seriously wonder about your level of education. You apparently lack any notion of right and wrong. What make Skerrit so great. The infrastructure projects he initiated provided work for how many DA folks. Tell me what is in the MOU he signed with the Chinese, are you not curious. You guys just blindly follow because i am sure you are gaining some personal benefit from your infatuation with Skerrit. You and your ilk are so sad. Incidentally, I am non aligned to either party, simply a lover of my country.

  40. colombo
    October 27, 2014

    What a Joke!!! What a LAUGH!! HA!! HA!! TAKE DAT!!

  41. Johnny Vegas
    October 27, 2014

    A few examples:

    A few toilets in villages where the bush is being used as latrines
    A few laptops for schools
    A community centre for the unemployed
    A few buses to provide free sight seeing tours for the elderly
    A few lamp posts
    Some free meals for our kindergarten kids
    A few showers for the patients of Princess Nargaret Hospital

    What a waste of a scarce resource

  42. Mahaut talk roro
    October 27, 2014

    James your are so right I am a labourite but cant understand what’s wrong with the PM . Hospital could use that money

  43. john
    October 27, 2014

    So why did Edison not take the money they went to watch the sunset with when they were in power and put it into better use.edison spend half a million dollars paid transportation for people to go and watch sunset in delice now he running his mouth .this politics thing is really killing me.

  44. Xavier
    October 27, 2014

    you can really confirm how small minded many Dominicans are a basic low level airport you would think it’s the end of the world for them..OMG dominica is surely under a evil spell…

    Dominica is trapped it won’t be easy to free them as they are too weak to make the change…

  45. real possie
    October 27, 2014

    Mr. James that’s 10,000 less than what you paid for the none functional fountain in town, while am at it, how much did you spend to go see the sun rise? you will only play in the minds of the unsuspecting supporters of the UWP. This government brought in more money than that without selling people soul to the sun.

    • October 28, 2014

      That too was dumb, but 2 wrongs don’t make a right ‘

  46. love I
    October 27, 2014

    That is definite…a lot of good use….

  47. Homesick
    October 27, 2014

    That money could have been sent on the HOSPITAL

  48. moi
    October 27, 2014

    jarh dominic toe sort tan..never see a set of stupid gullible people,,when u hear i jus canot stand skerit n his adminitration,,everyday i seem to despise dem more..i might jus pop a vesssel

  49. joe
    October 27, 2014

    Mr. James what Fair Trade, a private entity has to do with the Government re-naming the Airport??

    That document you claim you received from a ‘Source’ that you will not disclose, can you at least tell us what proof of authenticity do you have?? as far as i am concern i could have given you this document, that don’t prove anything sir!!!!

    Besides if Spags (head of the Audit Committee) needs information on the cost of the ceremony he can request it from the Accounting Officer, so stop acting as if it’s some secret document we are not FOOLISH Mr. James we know it is a public document!!!!!!

  50. Me Again
    October 27, 2014

    An utter disgrace. Starting with the name which is rediciluous, the timong, in competition with Creole in the Park, and to add salt to injury, the cos.
    Shame on the DLP. You just lost my vote and that of nine others.

  51. Dominican always
    October 27, 2014

    can some one correct me if i am wrong was there a debate or any dialog , consultation between the government and the Dominican people in regards to the name change of the airport how can the government just wake up one morning and decide to change the name of the airport and its a done deal “are the majority of Dominican in favor of the name change? “and if the government are going to build an international airport as proposed then why not save the name for the new airport instead ” what are they going to move the name over if and when the international airport is built “

    • BEB
      October 27, 2014

      They will name the new airport “The Eddison James Int. Air Port”

  52. Orange County
    October 27, 2014

    Mr.James needs to understand that the Majority of Dominicans don’t have a brain, trying to educate a brainless Human being in a place like Dominica will never work..

    Dominicans are interested in allot of High Science and don’t Believe in truth methods…

    the result as it’s leads them to be the Poorest in the Eastern Caribbean chain of islands, with Honors..

    It’s a islands made up of Fools, Mr.James haven’t you notice that over the years…

    • Too Hard Too Long
      October 28, 2014

      Ridiculous comment

  53. stupes
    October 27, 2014

    James forget the ceremony uwp had to go and watch the sun rising in the east??? stupes

  54. Rocky Hills
    October 27, 2014

    Sorry to say Mr. James, Dominicans are showing the entire Globe that they aren’t concerned about issues…

    They love the PM and could care less if he does the
    “Jim Jones” on them, that’s how FOOLISH they are in Dominica.

    • Anonymous
      October 27, 2014

      you are very rude to call Dominican foolish.
      you are just a blue bug that want red blood

  55. joy
    October 27, 2014

    mr James what is really your problem? last week it was about security ,this week it’s about cost. lighten up sir,you had your share of dos and don’ts. stop being a little old ,disgruntled man.. bus drivers will make a little money, resturants will make ,entertainers , printers all according to you. It’s a festive season ,sir, ”all work and no play makes jack a dumb boy”,so since you refuse to come ,go to ‘creole in the park”, and relax a little bit, at your age you need it.!!!!stop being a cry baby,lol!

  56. NY Laborite
    October 27, 2014

    Mr. Opposon!

  57. Doc. Love
    October 27, 2014

    I cannot understand why public servants, their friend and families would want to return the Skeritt led DLP Government to office. I would be even more flabbergasted if the families and friends of PWD employees would want to return this wicked Government to office. When will this cocoonee stop. :mrgreen:

  58. oops
    October 27, 2014

    compare that to $794,000 that Edison spent to flatten a pasture to watch the sun
    compare that to the millions spent in trying to create a business to benefit Edison and his wife with the international airport project. Finance with treasury money too..had to cancel Miami contract fast fast when he

  59. Just blaze
    October 27, 2014

    This is a major waste of money. I’m not saying that the two late prime ministers don’t deserve some sort of recognition but we have to have our priorities in order. Over $250,000 spending on an elaborate ceremony just like that. When so many things in Dominica left undone.

    This is just the typical show off, all flash and no camera nature of Skerrit and the DLP. People of Dominica need to stand up against this. Our hard earned tax money. Skerrit needs to go.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      October 28, 2014

      I am surprised that your eyes can see, and at least further than the tip of your nose!


      Take that you see how I wicked, that’s what you get when you try to insult my intelligence.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  60. Truth
    October 27, 2014

    Why such a lavish party to rename an airport?
    Somebody please explain…………

  61. No Nonsense
    October 27, 2014

    For just renaming a below average airport? Lots of money being wasted here.

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