Close to 14,000 receive COVID vaccine in Dominica; others urged to take the jab

Close to 14,000 people in Dominica have taken advantage of the COVID-19 vaccine, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has stated. However, he says he wants to see many more Dominicans vaccinated.

“We need to see this doubled,” the prime minister said during his Annou Palé talk show on Sunday. “We have enough vaccines for a wide cross section of the society with the AstraZeneca vaccines and of course the Sinopharm vaccines from China…we are fortunate to have them, let us make use of them.”

“We have been advised that the Sinopharm vaccines can be administered to anyone, 3 years and above,” he said adding that the Ministry of Health was looking at a roll-out for the use of the Sinopharm vaccines for that particular age group.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit continues to encourage the public to take the vaccine in order to combat the spread of COVID-19.

“I want us to avail ourselves to be vaccinated,” he said. “This is not an ideological debate, it is not a physiological debate, it is not a debate in futility. This is a serious matter; this is about an effort at combating the spread of Covid-19.”

He stressed the importance of combatting COVID-19 to ensure the economic survival of the nation, the region and the world and said it would help to get us to bring back some level of normalcy.

All 0f us, the prime minister said, have been hampered in one way or the other by all of these restrictions caused by Covid-19, “and so we have an opportunity in Dominica to get vaccinated, let us go out and get vaccinated.”

Skerrit also called on people in the wider Caribbean to get vaccinated.

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  1. Roger Burnett
    March 17, 2021

    Vaccines apart, almost a year ago National Epidemiologist, Dr. Shallauddin Ahmed, said the next step in combating the COVID-19 outbreak in Dominica is the implementing of community-level testing through random selections of asymptomatic cases.

    Since the announcement there has been very little mention of how, when and where these tests are conducted even though, as of today’s date, the total recorded tests stands at 12,325 for a given population of 72,112.

    Is Community Testing still on the agenda? I am referring to random community testing as against testing arrivals from overseas.

  2. Legion
    March 16, 2021

    The number of Dominicans the PM stated who got the vaccine so far seem to be inaccurate to say the least. 14,000 represents almost quarter of the population of Dominica. So the PM is saying that in less than a month a quarter of the population has been vaccinated yet the general attitude among most Dominicans is that they don’t trust the vaccine. Also there has been no visible increase in traffic at health facilities where the vaccine is given. The logistics of giving 14,000 people vaccines in such a short space of time is near impossible given the limitations of our facilities and the general skepticism by the people. I think that a number of 1400 would be more realistic. It seems that the number has been inflated to serve a marketing purpose to get more people to take the vaccine.

    • VereTere
      March 16, 2021

      Same old, same old. Speaking the truth is not this man’s forte.

  3. Ibo France
    March 16, 2021

    Mr. Skerrit gets on his Sunday evening radio program and calculatingly touts what he wants to consume the news media and the general public for the upcoming week. Most local media houses and stenographers (journalists) play right into his hands. What about holding real press conferences where any media house could ask pertinent and burning questions such as these?

    1) When is the country going to get an update on the resident who recently died in police custody ?

    2) You publicly promised to account for the $1.2 missing from the CBI funds, what taking you so long?

    3) Why bring the Chinese vaccine to jab Dominicans when it has not being approved by any reputable, international, medical institute?

    4) Aljazeera reported that you are the real owner of the $29 000 000 palace at Moan Daniel, are they mistaken?

    Your administration, Mr. Skerrit, is infected with scandals, corruption and lying viruses, sunlight is the best disinfection.

  4. Go to Hell
    March 16, 2021

    Make no mistake about it. The only damn Covid-19 that is affecting and destroying Dominica is the man Roosevelt Skerrit. The man is far worse than the threat of covid-19 and somehow we have not been able to get a vaccine to get rid of that virus. Skerrit the only vaccine I will take is one that is designed to to offer 100% protection from you and the one that will lead to ensure that you are no longer in charge but be placed in your rightful place in the US. Until such time let me quote you verbatim here: ” Go to Hell” back

  5. click here
    March 16, 2021

    Meanwhile, a number of European countries have haulted the vaccine due to significant health risks posed by the AstraZeneca vaccine. Same one our dear PM supposed to have taken and is encouraging other to as well.

  6. AWAHH
    March 15, 2021

    “vaccines can be administered to anyone, 3 years and above”…put your kids up for the jab.

    • Managua
      March 16, 2021

      No way Jose. My children, nor anybody else in my family will be vaccinated with that Chinese rubbish. They haven’t even published the test result for stage 3. I do not trust the Chinese, I do not trust anything that originated from their and I most certainly don’t trust Skerrit!!! So he is welcome to use our share for himself.

  7. My little take
    March 15, 2021

    Here is my little take: During the last US presidential election debate the moderator asked Me. Biden if would take the vaccine if one became available. Mr Biden responded by saying if the CDC recommends it he would have no problem to take it. However, if it is Donald Trump is the one behind it he wouldn’t take it. I feel the same way about Skerrit. I want to take the vaccine but the fact that we have two health ministers, in the persons of Dr. Mc Intyre and Dr king and they are both medical doctors that were bought to run, yet they are not the ones pushing or encouraging the vaccine, but somehow it is Skerrit who has no background in health apart from being raised with a nurse. That to me is very troubling and worrying. Look now we are hearing of the European countries placing a ban on the AstraZeneca vaccines, because it is not safe, is even more worrying and disturbing especially the fact that Skerrit said it’s one of the vaccines he gave to the 14,000 Dominicans.

  8. RastarMarn
    March 15, 2021

    So this is what Marn found when asked Google about the ChinaMan Vaccine,,,

    “Unlike their Western counterparts, Chinese vaccine makers Sinopharm and Sinovac have not published Phase III trial data in peer-reviewed medical journals or released much information about their vaccines beyond press releases and headline efficacy figures, even as Beijing touts the vaccines as a source of national pride and uses them as a means of diplomacy. Sinopharm says its vaccine is 79% effective in preventing COVID-19 infections. Sinovac has not released its own efficacy data, but partners in Turkey, Indonesia, and Brazil have reported efficacy rates ranging from 50% to 91%”

    Question: Why should people take something that them people who make it is not Open about what they used to make it, and is not open about how their test results were,,,

    Allyou remember dem little black Shoes dem ChinaMan Dem used to sell us right???

    Seems like everything from Dem ChinaMan have minimal Durability!!!

    • Ibo France
      March 16, 2021

      Thanks for making the effort to do the research and then for sharing the facts that you gathered to the public.

      Way to go RastarMarm, bringing the people the objective facts.

  9. Made In China
    March 15, 2021

    Under Skerrit, his own minister Reggie told us Dominica is last in everything and I should add last in everything that is for our good. So the fact that he was so busy to get the vaccines, to the point that he had to give Antigua and Barbados had me wondering if he was on a destructive mission like Jim Jones. Now that he is telling us that he already got 1400 Dominicans to take his vaccine, especially the AstraZeneca vaccines that most European countries have banned because of safety concerns, I am now begining to wonder if Jim Jones did not rush to give our people his unsafe vaccine, just as jim Jones gave his followers the red juice. People, don’t rush to take whatever Skerrit is promoting because he works for the same China Trump said gave birth to covid 19.

  10. The bigger picture
    March 15, 2021

    While I am not altogether against vaccine I must say that I have a problem jumping on anything PM Roosevelt Skerrit is pushing because by now Dominicans should know that he doesn’t have our best interest at heart. In fact I want to say more than just that but I know DNO will not publish what vI want to say so all I will say is, Skerrit is an agent of his friends and he can do anything they want his to do. On the other hand, right now European countries have put a ban on AstraZeneca vaccines because of safety and my God, Skerrit rushed to put it on Dominicans that didn’t even have covid. I just pray to God that Skerrit’ s rushed vaccine is not going to cause more virus and more deaths than covid 19.

  11. AstraWhaaattt
    March 15, 2021

    Should Dominica pause it’s use of AstraZeneca? It seems like the Europeans are taking precautions:

    Germany’s health minister said the decision to suspend AstraZeneca shots was taken on the advice of the country’s vaccine regulator, the Paul Ehrlich Institute, which called for further investigation into seven cases of clots in the brains of people who had been vaccinated.

    “Today’s decision is a purely precautionary measure,” Jens Spahn said.

    French President Emmanuel Macron said his country will likewise suspend shots until at least Tuesday afternoon. Italy’s drug regulator also announced a temporary ban, as did Spain, Portugal and Slovenia.

  12. %
    March 15, 2021

    This man Skerrit lies so much, but i’ll still ask the question.
    Skerrit where will i get pricked?
    On my arm or on my PAMPALAM?

  13. Ibo France
    March 15, 2021

    The Skerrit-led administration has dealt with the Corona virus reasonably well but there is another intrusive virus causing havoc throughout the government-LIES.

    The Ministers of Cabinet, all without exception, use verbal gymnastics in an attempt to consecrate their multiplicity of LIES.

    This LYING VIRUS presently has the Minister of Education, Teacher Bonnie, blaming a virtuous, morally upright daughter of the soil, Teacher Ernie, for her vulgar and uncultured conduct. It’s like a murderer pleading not guilty before a judge and claiming is the DEVIL made him do it.

    You (the government) have fought COVID-19 fairly well now you must totally exterminate the lying bugs in high office. All the offices of the Ministers of Cabinet need sanitizing.

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