Murder victim’s daughter calls for review of decision to release murderer from prison

Mislee Rolle, the daughter of the late Deirdre Raphael, who was killed by her boyfriend Bally Sheng Balson, is calling on the authorities to review their decision to release Balson who was serving a life sentence, just days short of the December 12th, 16th anniversary of her mother’s death.

At the time of her murder, Deirdre Raphael was living in the village of Bellevue Chopin with Balson, who was her boyfriend, and her three children, Marshall Rolle, who was thirteen years old, Mislee Rolle,  aged ten and Russell Michel, nine. Raphael was also seven months pregnant. She was killed in her bedroom sometime between the late evening of Thursday December 12, and the early hours of Friday December 13,  1996. Her neck was broken and she was asphyxiated.

Balson was, on March 17, 1998, convicted of the crime and sentenced to death. He appealed the decision and on October 26, that same year, the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC) dismissed his appeal and affirmed the conviction and sentence.

He went to the Privy Council in London who on December 6, 2004, dismissed the appeal against conviction, allowed the appeal against sentence, quashed the sentence of death and sent the case back to the High Court in Dominica for re-sentencing.

In reviewing the facts of the case, the law lords of the Privy Council agreed that “the evidence that pointed to the appellant’s guilt was very strong, even without the evidence of the police interview,”

However, they concluded that “the Constitution of Dominica requires that each case must be examined on its own merits. The culpability of the accused must be assessed by the sentencing judge in the light of his own particular circumstances. The appeal against sentence must be allowed on the ground that the imposition of the mandatory death penalty was unconstitutional.”

Mislee Rolle says the decision by the authorities is “inhumane, unfair and unjust” and that Balson should never be released from prison. “He has left me without a mother, he killed two people, I went to see him at the prison as part of my counseling and he has confessed to the crime saying he was sorry, but he does not deserve to be back in society,” she told listeners of QFM’s Hot Seat.

She is calling on the authorities to review the situation since she and her family “are still hurting.” “I knew that he would have been out sometime this year since I was told so by Mr. Blanc (Prison Superintendent) but it has now hit me.” Rolle stated. “I told Mr. Blanc that to release him (Balson) was inhumane since he innocently killed my mom who was also pregnant for him, he is a wicked man,” she said.

DNO is attempting to get more information on the process that was used in releasing Balson and we will bring you that information in a subsequent report.

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  1. deidre raphael
    April 19, 2013

    Every body has a right to their own opinion.I am only taking time to read these comments now so excuse me if u find I’m a bit late. On dec 13 96 deidre raphael the mother of 3 and 7 months pregnant at the time was murdered. Hard working and a loving mother are the two most frequent lines used to describe her. For those of u are unaware of the personality of bally I would appreciate it if u stop acting like u lived in the home or home circle. The few years bally spent in that family he cause a lot of tension and fueds and ill treat the children of the victim. Bally tried to murder the daughter of the victim at the tender age of 8. I read a comment someone made that she cheated on him so he cut her head off… People don’t make these kinds of comments About something they know nothing about. These kids were raised without guidiance and disiplie they nEed. Bally shows no remourse whatsoever. Deidre was dedicated to him gave him all what he needed and wanted. Even put him before herself and cried his child how did she deserve what he did to her? The daughter of the deceased first son was born at 6 months and a couple weeks which means that the baby of her mother could have survived. For years after bally murdered deidre he swore it wasn’t him. And ask the family to search for deidre’s killer and a few months before he was released he could tell the daughter it was him after he wrote her a letter pleading his innocence just to call her later to confess! Ballys own lawyers the late don christopher apologized to the daughter before his death because in his own words ” represented such a cold hearted killer.” I wonder how would some of u feel if u were placed in their Position. I really wonder.

  2. AHA
    December 7, 2012

    The Mercy Committee has no mercy!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous
    December 7, 2012

    This man is my cousin and he should stay in in prison for the rest of his life he has a brother in st , croix doing life also.

  4. no face
    December 7, 2012

    wait noone blaming skerrit yettttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!

  5. Justice and Truth
    December 6, 2012

    Some judges are not always fair. This is the reason why it is stated the Justice System is not fair. You never know that some judges know some people, whether close relatives or friends who committed crimes/murders and they sympathize with people of likewise reputation.
    Judges and lawyers will surely answer to God for this. They care more about murderers rather than victims and the victim’s children as in this case. My heart goes out to the children, even though they are older today. Years do not take away their pain and grief of what occurred to their mother and her loss for life.
    Life in prison for murder and he is already released? How do the government and prison authorities determine a prisoner should be released especially one as this man? What criteria do they utilize to determine this?
    Is there not a Panel who interviews prisoners for possibly parole and/or release? Close family members of the victims are invited to this interview. They will voice their feelings and concern pertaining to the murderers and their eligibility for parole. Is this not done in Dominica? Based on his conduct in prison and responses to the questions they ask, he would be either approved or disapproved.
    The mother was pregnant. The man broke her neck. He asphyxiated her. Left her three children without a mother and he is now released? How unfair?
    The daughter has a right to call for a review of this decision. Let us consider their grief when they were younger and to this day, to experience and recall such an atrocity and murder committed against their mother which left them motherless. Having lost a mother and considering the manner in which she died, it is a lifetime grief for all of them. Who, if they were in their position would be happy and complacent about that?
    The man is indeed a wicked person and a murderer. He has no conscience. He knew the children would be without a mother. He knew their mother was pregnant, what would have caused him to commit such a grievous crime? There is no reason to take a life and no excuse for it.
    A petition should be signed by all law-abiding Dominican residents that he be returned to prison and to serve a life sentence without parole. He does not deserve to be released.
    He acknowledged that he murdered the mother. Yet he and his lawyer had the audacity to go to the higher Courts to obtain a lesser sentence. I am so angry with this ruling. You murder one person, it is hanging and/or life imprisonment for you without parole. Worst yet, to murder a pregnant mother with three young children.

  6. bee
    December 6, 2012

    I feel this young woman’s pain. This guy took two
    lives he deserved the death penalty this act was heartless. I know letting him out might be a big
    mistake because who knows if he won’t commit the
    same crime again

  7. Dominique qui belle
    December 6, 2012

    You see whose goods they start stealing? Soon these same murderers will instill fear into their angels of justice. It’s only a matter of time.

  8. December 6, 2012


  9. Anonymous
    December 6, 2012

    those who live by the gun shall die by it his turn will come just a matter of time ill hear about him doe worry :( :( :( :( :(

  10. Anonymous
    December 6, 2012

    See the Privy Council Decision -

  11. Trolol
    December 6, 2012

    Some people going prison just for food and to come out buff and tough. lmfao!

  12. Smile
    December 6, 2012

    I don’t know y some Dominicans feel the need to minimize victims feelings and pain. My heart goes out to this young lady her brothers and family.. This was a gruesome unspeakable crime against a woman, her unborn baby, her other children and the rest of her family. It is a crime against all of humanity. He deserves and should have gotten the death penalty. The end. You may be forgiven by whoever wants to but justice has to be carried out. You shed innocent blood by your own hands then padna your blood should be shed too. Fullstop.

  13. D/can in the U.S.
    December 6, 2012

    So why sentence him to life and he now has a chance to be parolled?! This is rediculous! This is a slap in the face of the victim’s family especially her precious children that were left motherless.
    Come on my wonderful and brilliant D/cans. Somebody on the island has got to start a petition to help these children keep that monster where he needs to be.

  14. Hmmmm
    December 6, 2012

    You Dominicans are a bunch of hypocrties.

    Getting mad because i wrote another view, MY VIEW, on the story; just because it’s not in keeping with yours. Get real – i’m do not based my opinions on feelings.i’m not flip floppy in my beliefs. I do not rant and rave hypocritically.

    Who ever said that she is not entitled to her feelings?
    On one hand allu preach about God and the bible, yet on the other hand – allu do not follow the principles he has placed before you.

    So..i’ll say it again…if he has gotten probation: what is wrong with that?

    I am in no way condoning his actions – it happened..he did it, he got convicted, now he is being released.

    I sympathise with her. If I were in her shoes, perhaps i’d think with hatred and anger. But i’m not, so i’m able to think not just about her anger but to ask myself…is his probation unjust?

    Who determines the consequences of our actions? He’s was tried and convicted and he is being given a second chance. Can he be redeemed? Is it you or I who are to determine whether he has been punished enough?

    what is jsutice? What is forgivesness? What is humane and inhumane?

    I stand by my first post. She is entitled to be mad, pissed, angry, miserable..but who says that he is not entitled to live in society?

  15. Anonymous
    December 6, 2012

    understand what you all are being going through, but its 16 years,let you all mom and baby brother or sister rest in peace, she would want this to be over, you guys have grown in to lovly young man n woman,just continue living your life, he has dne his time and he will answer to god. just let it be. it have other murders all you having walking on the streets smiling laughin, drinking with them. we dont kno what happen the evening only them and god knows. so forgive and move on. am sorri am not someone who judge. every one deserve a secound chance inn life,

    • December 6, 2012

      Everyone do deserve a second chance. These children along with their mother and unborn sibling had NO chances. You are right no one knows what happened that evening, but there were other ways to handle the situation. Murder is murder. Of course, that mother would want her children to continue living; however, releasing the person who killed their mother to roam the streets is a reminder of what happened. Yes, they should forgive and move on, but forgiving do not mean forgetting. These children have been hurting and will continue to hurt, and knowing that the person responsible for their hurt is out there in unimaginable. Help these kids avenge their mother’s memory.

    • Taylor
      December 7, 2012

      The woman and the man come from england and she cheated with another man THAT IS FOR THOSE WHO LIKE TO TAKE MAN ON THERE MAN he never told her nothing when she cme back so he jus cut of her neck. now he is outside leave him alone

  16. commentator
    December 6, 2012

    Just talktalk talk and blajay. That is all you guys do. Do something positive if you want to change things. get a petition going. There are rules for doing these things but you let the authorities and those in charge trample allover your rights and then come here to blajay about justice and fairness. Wake up and do something about it instead of just giving alyou lang shen. :oops:

  17. taffy
    December 6, 2012

    anyone who kills should be killed.. simple

  18. Not a herd follower
    December 6, 2012

    tHAT’S HPW MURDERERS ARE TREATED IN Dominica. They are spared the death penalty, sentenced to prison, spend a few years in jail and then inexplicably released by the authorities who don’t even have the decency to find out how the family of the victim is feeling.

  19. Muslim_Always
    December 6, 2012

    If this land implemented Islamic law (sharia) this man would have been executed years ago. Why should a man spend 16 years feeding off tax payers money? Do you know how many millions of dollars spent on a murderer? This money could have been put into better use.

    I urge the people of Dominica to inquire into Islam. Our people need to open their minds instead of simply listening to hear say or the media. May Allah guide our people. Amen

    • Christian_Always
      December 6, 2012

      I agree with you that this murderer should have been executed years ago, however, we do not have to change our core beliefs to make this agreement. WE ARE CHRISTIANS HERE IN DOMINICA AND DO NOT WANT OR NEED SHARIA LAW. WE ARE A FREE PEOPLE AND DO NOT WANT NOR DO WE ACCEPT THE LIMITATIONS THAT IS PLACED ON SOCIETY BY SHARIA LAW. I WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME A DOCTOR UNDER YOUR DOCTRINE. and i wish that you muslims would stop lying about who you really are. because according to your koran nobody who believe anything other what you do deserve to live…not even other muslims that do not support sharia law…so please try to sell your bull elsewhere. that is why you guys are killing christians in nigeria and in other african countries.

  20. Anonymous
    December 6, 2012

    If a man can kill a woman who is seven months pregnant with his child with his bare hands since he was a karate expert, why would the authorities think of releasing this man from prison where he will indeed be a continuous threat to Dominican society.

  21. neutral
    December 6, 2012

    Dont worry the blood of the woman and the innocent child he killed is on him. Wait and heart. This man can never find peace. A criminal is a criminal. What is this heartless animal doing in the midst of people. I wonder if a woman in her right mind would put herself with that dog? There are so many women out there who dont care I just hope his handsome face does not fool them. That man should be hung upside down. Lyndhurst has space. Hang him. That girl was such a friendly girl in the community and did not deserve that death now the criminal is free. I hate the justice system in this land. It is sick.

  22. Robyn
    December 6, 2012

    This is OUTRAGEOUS. There are no laws in Dominica or so it seems.

  23. Grand Bay
    December 6, 2012

    DNO I am just wondering how is it that I posted my comment since last evening and it is still awaiting moderation

  24. Calli Salli
    December 6, 2012

    Dominica has a problem!!!!….Our Constitution needs an intervention!!!!

      December 6, 2012


  25. justice
    December 6, 2012

    so what is the true meaning of “life sentence” in dominica? Stups…if you ask me life in prison means u suppose to die in why is he being released after such a horiffic crime? no justice system in DA…its jus a BIG JOKE!

    • rasta 4 i
      December 6, 2012

      get the facts he wasing doing life he was doing 25yrs sentence. which he serve 2/3 of that sentence. less the time he spend on remand @ the state jail. now do the maths. the man jail done.

  26. Homeboy
    December 6, 2012

    As most of the readers rightly state. There is something seriously wrong with the justice system in Dominica!!
    We complain about the increase in crime and lawlessness on the island yet we choose to be lenient on criminals.

    Where there is no justice there is no peace and while I am not an advocate of vigilante justice, these lawyers that continue to release those perpetrators, will ( yes I say WILL), cause families of the victims to seek their own justice.

    I am of the belief that if you kill once, it is easier the second time around. There is no REHABILITATION in Dominica so these animals come right back out and the chances that they will kill again is very high.

    But let us give ears to the family members of the loved ones who are the true victims. They have to contend with seeing the criminals as they go about their daily lives.

    Domnichen lèvée

  27. I remembered
    December 6, 2012

    Oh boy this was so sad, this was my school mate and she did not deserve to go by that means. A beautiful young woman, hard working and loved her kids. Tell me something after the high Court in Roseau, the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (ECSC) and the Privy Council in London found the man to e guilty as charged how on earth he has to be released, this is insane. Justice must be served in this case which will be a deterrent to others, is nonsense that!!!!

  28. lord put a hand
    December 6, 2012

    feeling ur pain mislee no amount of tears or talk can take away that nightmare nor bring back ur mom my girl frogive this animal and move one for the sake of ur kids dont let this wicked system make u re live dis terrible night and cause u to get angry and depressed look to God he will see u through be strong for ur kids and ur brothers

  29. Sushi
    December 6, 2012

    Life can be so unkind … even cruel. But man to man is so unjust! This man, on his own admission, viciously snuffs out the life of a woman at her most vulnerable and tender moment of life … carrying an unborn child. He also totally disregards the fact that she is the parent of three other children, still in their formative years. In my books, this man is no higher than an animal. YET THE KEEPERS OF OUR LAWS find it inhumane to mete out justice to this man. Instead, they congratulate him and set him free to seek out his next victim, while the pain in the hearts of the affected children intensifies. Right now, SOME EQUALLY ANIMALISTIC LAWYER IS GLOATING THAT HE IS SUCH AN ACE AT WHAT HE DOES! He is boasting to his wife and daughters how great a lawyer he is, at BEING THE CHAMPION OF A MAN WHO CAN KILL A PREGNANT WOMAN – he can set such a man FREE! What a great husband and father to have! No wonder “it repented God that he had made man”!(Genesis 6:6). God help us!

    • Justice and Truth
      December 7, 2012

      Those poor children. What they went through and continue to go through at the loss of their mother.
      You know, St. Paul said, “Whoever boasts should boast in the Lord”, the giver of life, health and everything else. His day will come. God is aware of man’s inhumanity to man and the atrocities which are committed on this earth. The mother’s blood is still crying to Heaven for vengeance. Our patient God will deal with such a type of lawyer and his likes including that murderer in His time. As I always say, this is our consolation.

  30. RASTA
    December 6, 2012

    This family is still feeling the pain. The justice system is actually the one propeling the increase of crime on the island.Sawil Bruney was killed in cold blooded murder in the kalinago territory yet the family never got justice to reign. The officer even got promoted afterwards. Stanton was also mudered and is yet to get justice. Nurse dyrample is crying everyday. not justice. One day the pain that the victims are going through will take a new twist and those nmurders life will be hunting them to death. God bless the soul of deceased Rossie Douglas that that night he prevented the kalinago people from taking the polices offices who were hiding the murderer. keep strong fellow victim. one day insha-allah the justice master will come and eveyone will give their account

    • Justice and Truth
      December 7, 2012

      Believe in God and that He rewards the good and punishes the wicked. Everything takes time but justice will be meted out in the nether world.

  31. Hmmmm
    December 6, 2012

    So what’s the reason for not releasing him, if he has served his time or gets probation?

    Are the authorities going against some law in releasing him? If he is being released on probation because it is felt that he is remorseful, what is so wrong about that?

    I feel for the young woman who lost her mother…i just pray that she ask God for the strength to deal with the situation and remember that his life and fate are in God’s hands.

    She should forgive him… and continue living her life.

    • Sushi
      December 6, 2012

      @Hmmmm You are just as sick as the murderer and the lawyers who have engaged in this travesty of justice!

      • Hmmmm
        December 6, 2012

        well…. i do not have a twisted idea of justice nor am i hypocritical. Being in the legal field i’m not blinded by emotions.

        I do not say that i don’t understand how she feels…but at the sametime the justice system does offer probation!!!

        so who’s more cruel…you or me? Who’s more hypocritical you or me? I’m nto blinded by emotions, i do not preach the bible…i gave my opinion within my observation of the law. If he was granted probation does that mean that justice is not served?

        what is justice, and is there a price to justice?

    • Homeboy
      December 6, 2012

      This comment is for hhhmmmm

    • rescue 911
      December 6, 2012

      we talk like that till these thing come home or close enough to home .just pray that you never have to deal with a situation like that .this young adults have to face their mothers murderer on the street .they had to grow up without their mother .(remember they were children at that time) only time will tell

    • Tri-State Beauty
      December 6, 2012

      Are you for real HMMMMM? he served his time? really? she should forgive him? She doesn’t owe him anything and she is entitled to her feelings. He robbed her and her siblings out of a mother who loved and cared for them, he robbed them of a brother/sister. He destroyed an entire family and they should simply forgive and accept he did his time? If this were you or your family would you forgive or accept he did his time? Who tell you he remorseful?

    • X
      December 6, 2012

      He has to be your family. U need to shut the hell up. He murdered a pregnant woman. They should have hung his sorry axx a long time ago. I hope his next victim is related to u so u could feel the pain that the family went through.

      • Justice and Truth
        December 7, 2012

        Women should be ‘beware’ of that murderer. They should fear him. He is still a murderer and always will be to eternity.

    • Hmmmm
      December 6, 2012

      you guys are all blinded by hatred, negativity and hypocrisy.

      all the questions asked are done on a what if …i have no where stated that he is remorseful, he has served his time etc. I have asked questions as to the reasons for releasing him.

      My advise to the daughter is not about him or his peace of mind. It’s about hers. She won’t ever forget, i’m not asking her to. She won’t ever get over it, i’m not asking her too. I’m asking her to move on with her life and be stronger because it happened to her. To not let him, his presence in society deter her from living.

      Instead of you guys giving her sound advice, you’re trying to criticise my reasoning.

      Each man is idenitifable to by by his own soul..worry about yours. Some of you guys need to find peace in your minds. Too much hatred and negativity keeps being bred in you guys.

      • Justice and Truth
        December 7, 2012

        Remember, the majority voted for the rating, thumbs up and down? In this case, those who comment and are upset and disappointed that due to his atrocious crime, he was released; that he did not serve enough time and should have been executed, given the nature of his crime, the mother being pregnant and having three young children, the majority is correct. The majority counts. They have won this round. If it were in their power, that man would be hauled back before the judge and back to Court to serve additional time and for the duration of his life. This is how I strongly feel.

      • Sushi
        December 8, 2012

        I see that you are brave enough to be still talking and even admitting that you are one of these vultures called LAWYERS who prey on the rising crime rate. It is no secret that the great upswing in criminal activity on the island is directly related to the wave of hungry, greedy lawyers invading our society. You should be just a bit braver and give your address and that of your relatives so the criminals can know where they are welcome to come and plunder and kill at will, and will surely find mercy. The rest of us still value our lives and property, and cry for justice. We are not filled with hatred, as you seem to think. We simply want justice. But what is justice to scum like you? To you, the violation of the lives and property of others is of no consequence. What matters is that you find some lame loophole to make your “client” “win his case” so you can get the glory and his money. Too bad for the victim, if her lawyer lost the game. This is why lawyers, to me, are the lowest of the low … the dregs of the earth.

  32. Reader
    December 6, 2012

    I feel ill physically reading this article – as in my stomach is in a big knot. What are the reasons for releasing Balson? I remember getting the news that morning and watching these young kids hurt. Does their mother’s life mean nothing at all to those in authority? If I am hurt and upset by this, then God only knows how Mislee and her brothers are feeling. SMH in disbelief!!

  33. .
    December 6, 2012

    is so we is so..from the top is crime so it is filtering down.

  34. out of south city
    December 6, 2012

    Why should a murderer be released from prison? A person who commits such a crime should not even see daylight.
    As some people have mentioned, where are the laws of the land?
    Is this justice for the family? The laws of the land need to be upheld so that others will think twice before they commit a crime. I personally believe that the death penalty should be put into place once more. No one has the right to take another life.

    • Justice and Truth
      December 7, 2012

      If only the Court would take the comments of those who are angry at that man’s release into consideration and seriously for the sake of the children and send this man right back to prison if only for life without parole. What is awful, the mother was pregnant and she had three small children. The last judge did not take the children, his living victims into consideration. This man should never be released.

    • trev
      December 8, 2012

      muders are relased evert day wat bot kurt james all have swimin through the streets, and all you talkin bout a man who has serve his time,4 somethin that happen 16 years are go. yes i kno you hurtin cause you grow with out your mom,but you mom is with her maker, she is ok she is not sufferin. forget bout this man and go on,wen u see dont have nothin to say.

  35. A
    December 6, 2012

    We need to see a photo of Bally

    • junior
      December 7, 2012

      dno we need a photo so the women in dominica and by extension the world will run when they see him.
      he got released a first time, i think he is capable of striking again

    • trev
      December 8, 2012

      why you need a photo, they cant get his foto with out his approval,and he can sue the authoriy n the family

  36. Jahsen-jah
    December 6, 2012

    i understand where she is coming from and the reason why all this anger is now surfacing is because they never got the help that was need after the incident when they were children which is reflected by their lives today. after 16 years there should not be that strong lingering anger surrounding this issue yes feelings are expected but not as strong as the anger expressed by this girl.the convicted has already served time unlike alot of murderers in Dominica like . which i believe is enough for the given crime. I’m sure if the society in 1996 was like today in his sentence would have been even less. i sympathize with miss rolle and i hope she see’s the need after all this is over whether he is sent back to jail or not to get professional help deal with this mentally and emotionally and move on with ur life. i don’t think the counseling u received was adequate

    • cha cha
      December 6, 2012

      I truly wonder what you would have said if it was you own blood….smh

  37. Rastafari
    December 6, 2012

    WOW! This has got to be a joke! He committed a double homicide and there are talks about letting him out of the PEN after just 16 years? 8-O

  38. observer
    December 6, 2012

    This country is a big joke. Alas, I can imgaine how that mother is feeling. If u had money and name u would be recognised, this country has no respect for the poor. Is so it is!!!

    • Zor
      December 6, 2012

      What do you mean by: “I can imagine how that mother is feeling.”
      According to the report the mother is dead, and when someone is dead they can’t feel. you know… I’m just saying.

  39. sorry!
    December 6, 2012

    ok so that about 15yr he is in prison… im sure he wasnt a child when he went there,i’m surprised he hasn’t died yet.soooo. him being out soon, i don’t see the threat.this man is very old i would believe. DNO ccan you get the age of this man for us please. thank you. THOU SHALL NOT KILL. those words go for other the killer and the people who convicted him. remeber that

  40. Malgraysa
    December 6, 2012

    Tell us, what common good is being served by releasing this convicted murderer from a life sentence? Seriously, what purpose does this serve and what message does this send?

  41. Anonymous
    December 6, 2012

    This is the time for criminals in Dominica. Never in the history of Dominica has the environment been so nurturing of criminals. Here is another example. He admits to butchering 2 humans beings and only serves 16 years. Yes I. Dominica at its finest. Lets see what happens, if anything at all, to the 2 animals who butchered that elderly woman in Giraudel.

  42. Lougaoo Mem
    December 6, 2012

    This is nothing new. An individual in Grand Bay brutally killed his girlfrend, and spent less than 10yrs in prison. Undoubtedly, D/ca has a long way to go with respect to its judicial system. Those who should uphold the laws of the land, are the ones who blatantly violate… And when one is found guilty of heinous crimes such as first degree murder, they are rewarded with short term jail sentences. What a joke eh!

  43. Sandy
    December 6, 2012

    Dominica is indeed a lawless country.So why bother? hummmmmmmmm

  44. Have No Fear....
    December 6, 2012

    There is a God….leave it up to the almighty Father

  45. Anonymous
    December 6, 2012

    This is disgusting

  46. the eye.
    December 6, 2012

    Let him out! he just there wasting our tax money..That nigger going to die sooner or me…

  47. Girlie girl
    December 6, 2012

    My God ! ! ! why do they want to release this heartless criminal…. he deserves jail time for the rest of his life for murdering such a wonderful and loving lady… i remember Dedire quite clearly…. such a nice person ! God will forgive but for Heavens sake people MUST bear consequence for those types of crime !

  48. Anonymous
    December 6, 2012

    ARE YOU SERIOUS?????!!!!! THIS COUNTRY HAS JOKE LAWS….. TSC TSC TSC….. And the authorities expect the crime rate to decrease when people can be freed after they commit murder….

    • Peeping Tom
      December 6, 2012

      This happens not only in «this country».

      • Malgraysa
        December 6, 2012

        Tom, is this copuntry we are talking about and concerned with. Other countries have to sort out their own problemxs themselves.

      • Reader
        December 6, 2012

        Peeping Tom don’t get me started with that foolishness. Every time you check in this place, another murderer is out on bail or released from jail. Taking a life in this country means absolutely nothing. Our legal system is a absolute and complete shame!!

      • Peeping Tom
        December 6, 2012

        Well, Reader, the story is incomplete. We do not yet know under what circumstances the decision to release the prisoner was taken.

        DNO has said that it will update us. So, as bad as it may seem now, i think we should just wait for an understanding of the basis for the decision before we throw stones or cry down every institution in the country. I mean, how do you make a judgement on a decision without knowing the facts pertaining to that decision? Facts matter.

      • Anonymous
        December 6, 2012

        @Peeping Tom, I know is not Dominica alone it happens but Dominica is my home. Is not because the rest of the world is doing Foolishness that we should follow, we should at least try to save ourselves. But you sound like the type to just follow others even though you see them dragging you down to hell….

    December 6, 2012

    When you kill, just expect to be killed soon or later.

    • Jayson
      December 6, 2012

      just a matter of time…

    • Jahsen-jah
      December 6, 2012

      that is the kind of ignorance that exist among Dominicans. that’s what u want to teach ur kids

    • Peeping Tom
      December 6, 2012

      Well, BRAIN DAMAGE, how does your kind of reasoning help build a civilized society that respects laws? Or, BRAIN DAMAGE, maybe you are one of those who are not interested in a civilized and law-abiding society?

  50. December 6, 2012

    Sweetheart, I feel your pain, DO NOT STOP FIGHTING for JUSTICE for your mother. People that commit crimes such as this should NEVER be released to allow them to commit crimes again. I hope that those in authority see the necessity of keeping this whatchamacallit behind bars, where he belongs.

  51. b
    December 5, 2012


  52. December 5, 2012

    He has left me without a mother, he killed two people, I went to see him at the prison as part of my counseling and he has confessed to the crime saying he was sorry, but he does not deserve to be back in society<<<<News Aeticle

    I wouldn't say that he does not belong in society, people can change by the Will of God. However, it is much, much, too soon to release him, if that is happening this year.

    At least he needs to remain behind bars for 25 years and with good behaviour as well.

    Yes, I agree with you Mislee, if indeed they release than from prison this year–that would be unfair, very, very unfair!

    Therefore, in this case, you need to call out steadfastly, sincerely, faithfully, and loudly, for the fair justice of God Almighty–yes indeed, God's justice is fair, for the sake of those He loves and who loves Him.

    • December 5, 2012

      If indeed they release him from prison this year

      • Tri-State Beauty
        December 6, 2012

        Lizavier4Jesus …”If indeed they release him from prison this year..”

        Lady you have a serious problem, you must learn the FACTS of situations before commenting. The man was released from prison on Friday December 7th 2012!

    • December 6, 2012

      Tri-State Beauty December 6, 2012

      Lizavier4Jesus …”If indeed they release him from prison this year..”

      Lady you have a serious problem, you must learn the FACTS of situations before commenting. The man was released from prison on Friday December 7th 2012!

      @whoever you are!

      Read yourself again and come back to tell me who has the serious problem. The man “was” released from prison on “Friday, December 7th”?

      You even have the guts to write down the day, and you decide that I have a serious problem–not knowing the “FACTS”! Well look at the date on which you responded to me and tell me who is the real “LOONEY” or “CRACKERS” here!

      You are the one who should stop and think, before you respond, negatively, to my comments, otherwise you will make a fool of yourself–just as you have done above–and I will not hesitate to point you out.

      Today is Thursday December 6th, for me; so don’t use your insulting ideas on me, just because you are living whatever number of days ahead of the rest of us–for according to your own information that man is still in prison. If his days should come to an end anytime between now and 12 midnight, Thursday, he will have died in prison.

      “I knew that he would have been out sometime this year” Here is the information that I went by from the news article; where did you find yours?

    • Homeboy
      December 6, 2012

      The person that saying he was released
      From prison on Friday Dec 7th 2012. Today is Thursday 6th December 2012. So he has not been released as yet. Leave Liz Alone!

      • December 7, 2012


        Thanks to you. I hope you are a boy, because I don’t think I have luck with girls, except my seven sisters :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  53. Peeping Tom
    December 5, 2012

    «DNO is attempting to get more information on the process that was used in releasing Balson and we will you that information in a subsequent report.»

    I am most interested in this «subsequent report.» I think the public needs to know on what basis the decision makers decide to pardon convicted prisoners or reduce their sentence. No need for any big speech; just lay the facts…«Prisoner X was released based on findings 1, 2, and 3.»

    • Hmmmm
      December 6, 2012

      SOmeone with a clear head!

  54. Huh!!
    December 5, 2012

    The judicial system in Dominica is a joke. It is absolutely appalling, the number of people responsible for taking another person’s life, who are walking our streets. We have more murderers out of prison than in where they belong. You have a greater chance of being imprisoned for having a joint than for killing someone; in this case two people. SHAME!!

  55. rescue 911
    December 5, 2012

    he should be put to death but my dear you still lucky at that time we had a law with at least some merit.if it was a day like today he wouldnt even take jail time

  56. baby
    December 5, 2012

    :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( sad

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