New scientific study says genetically modified corn causes tumours in rats

Eating genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming trace levels of Monsanto’s Roundup chemical fertilizer caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death. That’s the conclusion of a shocking new study that looked at the long-term effects of consuming Monsanto’s genetically modified corn.

The study has been deemed “the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats.” News of the horrifying findings is spreading like wildfire across the internet, with even the mainstream media seemingly in shock over the photos of rats with multiple grotesque tumors… tumors so large the rats even had difficulty breathing in some cases. GMOs may be the new thalidomide.

From the Daily Mail: “The animals on the GM diet suffered mammary tumors, as well as severe liver and kidney damage. The researchers said 50 percent of males and 70 percent of females died prematurely, compared with only 30 percent and 20 percent in the control group.”

Here are some of the shocking findings from the study:

• Up to 50% of males and 70% of females suffered premature death.

• Rats that drank trace amounts of Roundup (at levels legally allowed in the water supply) had a 200% to 300% increase in large tumors.

• Rats fed GM corn and traces of Roundup suffered severe organic damage including liver damage and kidney damage.

• The study fed these rats NK603, the Monsanto variety of GM corn that’s grown across North America and widely fed to animals and humans. This is the same corn that’s in your corn-based breakfast cereal, corn tortillas and corn snack chips.

“This research shows an extraordinary number of tumors developing earlier and more aggressively – particularly in female animals. I am shocked by the extreme negative health impacts.” – Dr Michael Antoniou, molecular biologist, King’s College London.

“We can expect that the consumption of GM maize and the herbicide Roundup, impacts seriously on human health.” – Dr Antoniou.

“This is the first time that a long-term animal feeding trial has examined the impact of feeding GM corn or the herbicide Roundup, or a combination of both and the results are extremely serious. In the male rats, there was liver and kidney disorders, including tumors and even more worryingly, in the female rats, there were mammary tumors at a level which is extremely concerning; up to 80 percent of the female rats had mammary tumors by the end of the trial.” – Patrick Holden, Director, Sustainable Food Trust.

Read the full article at:



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  1. Justice and Truth
    September 25, 2012

    The Media has a right and reasons to report such information. It is for the benefit of those who read them who should pass the information on to others.
    We are residing in an era of generic products, genetically modified and Omega products. I am not unduly concerned about these matters and I do not rush to purchase them.
    From time to time we hear that certain products are not good for us and then hear that they are good. At one time, it is cheese; another time it is eggs; chocolate, milk and now rice from Texas. What are we to believe and take seriously?
    I feel, if one does not kill us, another will. :) Seriously, I eat all of these and in moderation and hope for the best.
    I hardly ever purchase processed products, those in tins or packages. I love natural resources even though I do not know whether they were genetically modified. Consumers should be told about them.
    Dominican nationals who reside in DA should not bother too much about that. The produces as well as fruits are home-grown. As I have stated, you are fortunate. You should try not to purchase tin stuffs.
    We, who reside in bigger countries, are not as fortunate. Nevertheless, we should try to avoid them.
    We must take care of our health, eat well (not a lot) but nutritiously, drink ample water and take supplements. I take supplements.
    In this era nearly every TV program – talk shows provide information on health and health foods. We should embrace this opportunity and take note of what we should be eating for our health.

  2. concerned
    September 25, 2012

    What foods have GMO in Dominica? The cornflakes we buy both the cheap and the expensive have GMO. The instant powdered soya drink mix in packets have GMO.
    We need to follow the 40 countries worldwide who require labels on all GMO foods so that customers can know whether they are buying GMO food or not.

  3. JIM
    September 24, 2012

    OMG!!!!!…….More cancer cases.

  4. September 24, 2012

    Oh really! I for one never thought that there’s much good in genetically modified foods (GM), especially corn & rice. I always believe it’s more for ecomomic purposes. And as for the herbicides, In my opinion, it has been the #1 culprit in stomach cancer causes in D/ca. I firmly believe that the herbicides used in the farming industries and also sold to the Third World countries, are one of the major contributors that causes cancer and other ailments in the world. Soon, we all will have relatives in the G/Bay district/communuty who know or have someone sick w/cancer if we do not stop the use of such herbicides, and start growing & eat healthy foods. Things have changed, but remember we changed things.

  5. Be rational
    September 24, 2012

    2 clues that this story is nonsensical propaganda:
    1) It links to some site called “Natural News.” I’ve never heard of Natural News, but it’s clearly not a major, media outlet and the name suggests it may be little more than a mouthpiece for “organic”, anti-technology propaganda;
    2) I checked the stock price of Monsanto (MON). At 10:42 EST, MON is down 0.37%, while the broader US stock market is down about 0.3% (the Dow index is down 0.23%, the S&P 3500 index is down 0.32% and the Nasdaq index is down 0.67%). In other words, MON is trading roughly in line with the broader market. If there was a scintilla of truth in this report, MON would be down by more than 20%. That’s good enough evidence for me that the report does not even deserve further investigation.

    • Gary
      September 24, 2012

      Two clues about you, one, you are ignorant and two you are not well informed.Why is it you need a major media outlet to tell you something is true, that is very sad.Why are you proud to show your ignorance. The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.Do you know the mainstream media has become increasingly dependent on advertising revenues for support that news reporting has been compromised.

      When you make reference to the stock market as an indicator for supporting your ignorance it tells me that you know very little as to how the stock market works,it also shows how brain washed and naive you are into believing that if the stock value of a company is high then it means that their products are safe.There are many companies listed on the stock market that make products that are harmful to humans and destructive to the planet which we all know, and still their stock value is not affected, so what makes you think Monsanto is no exception because it is the leading manufacture of GMO seeds.

      You need to educate your self and stop being ignorant. You were born with a thing called the mind use it, do not let it be hijacked by so called mainstream Media The Mainstream Media is not there to enlighten you, that is not their job. Truth, when not sought after, rarely comes to light.

      • Be rational
        September 24, 2012

        Brilliant Gary,
        You are so astonishingly intelligent that I’m not sure this common sense will penetrate your thick cranium and register within the vacuum inside, but I’ll make a brief attempt nonetheless. First, I hope no one needs any media, let alone the mainstream media, to identify the “truth.” It’s just the way the modern world works that major news items (such as a legitimate report that GM foods cause cancer) are invariably broadcast by the mainstream media. If you were not so brilliant, you might have recognized the modus operandi of the media.
        Second, it is irrelevant whether companies on the stock market sell products that are harmful or unsafe. It’s just the way the stock market works that if the major product of a company, aggressively promoted by the company as being safe, appears to be actually unsafe (as a result of, say, a legitimate report that Monsanto’s GM corn causes cancer), investors will rush to sell the stock of the company and the price will immediately plummet. So those of us who are not as astute as you have to rationally decide which reports require further investigation and which can be left for the brilliant people to ruminate on. I simply explained why, to an ignoramus like me, this report did not require further investigation. Hey, you are so brilliant, I suspect you really understood the way these things work — I’m sure you were just having fun pretending to be an imbecile.

      • Anonymouse
        September 25, 2012

        @Be rational: Never mind ‘Gary’s’ use of words like ignorant to describe your view, it’s over kill. You tried to make points but GM food is patented by monsanto etc., meaning you owe them a royalty just using ‘their’ seeds or food made from them. So when you eat GM food you are in essence ripping Monsanto them off. Well, they will rebut by financing a study to the contrary, using the same ‘mainstreem media. It will go back n forth for a while, so we really need to research and educate ourselves on the topic, so that we don’t just buy what they ‘feed’ us. Truss me, Monsanto et-all are very powerful. They own some media, have been credited with the rise in diabetes, high blood pressure, onesity etc. all thanks to their Genetically eng seeds/foods.

    • Soldier
      September 24, 2012

      I agree with your concerns and yes we must filter information we get but if one goes to Youtube and look up Monsanto .. you will be shocked.

      • Anonymous
        September 25, 2012

        @Soldier — I can imagine the horror stories told about Monsanto on Youtube. Genetically engineered foods are very controversial in some parts of the world, and not only is Monsanto the clear leader in this field, they have also been very aggressive in enforcing their patented technology, which I’m sure does not go down well in many quarters.
        @Anonymouse — I happen to be convinced that genetically engineered foods/seeds are perfectly safe (and am prepared to engage in respectful discussions about this), but I’m open to any credible evidence to the contrary. I don’t know if you are aware that in the US, some 93% of soybean, 86% of corn, 80% of papaya, 93% of canola, and 95% of sugar beet consists of genetically modified varieties. Since the Caribbean imports much of its foodstuffs from the US, we have been consuming a lot of GM food products, whether or not we realize that.

    • Gary
      September 25, 2012

      To Be rational

      What is all that gibberish with your reply to my comment.I will tell you this. Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of reality.The morden world you accept with it workings as you describe believing that for something to be major news it has to be brodcasted by a major media oulet shows how naieve and ignorant you are, you need to wake up.

      Your comment quote “it is irrelevant whether companies on the stock market sell products that are harmful or unsafe. It’s just the way the stock market works” You portry yourself to be someone who has intelligence and you are accepting something like that as the norm and giving it legiamacy.Do you know why it is like this, it is because people like you sit and be passive into accepting these ills as the norm,very sad indeed.You need to be awaken.

    • Anonymouse
      September 27, 2012

      @Anonymous: The percentages you noted may just be credible evidence enough to explain the role of GM foods in the rise of diabetes, high blood pressure/heart deasese and obesity over the last 10-15 years, including…yes you said it…in Dominica.

  6. too hard too long
    September 24, 2012

    The story is interesting. On the one hand, the researchers
    – are known opposers of GM crops,
    – used rats which are prone to tumors,
    – allowed the rats to eat as much of the roundup tainted food as they wanted,
    – allowed the rats to live two whole years under a study,
    – used only 10 to 20 rats as a control group out of the total 200

    and the list goes on an on. Their results seemed pre-ordained. It’s like they found out what they expected to find out.

    On the other hand, those criticizing could be the supporters of GM foods and so maybe they care more about putting on a good face.

    Who do we believe? In Dominica, undoubtedly, we are experiencing a rise in the number of persons known to have cancer. We have to question:
    – Is it the food?
    – Is there something in the water?
    – Could lifestyle changes alter our bodies so much that we become prone to cancer?

    I personally, want to know.

  7. mouth of the south
    September 24, 2012

    in layman’s term…. what examples can we find on the shelves in dominica?

    • Jahknow
      September 24, 2012

      Let’s see where would we start…if much of the Roundup ready corn is being used for food instead of fuel (ethanol),you can assume it is in much of what you eat. Besides the obvious such as corn based cereals and breads, corn is used as a sweetener in many of those much loved soft drinks, candies, mass produced foods and ready made sauces. Cornstach is used as a thickener in the preparation of many ready to serve foods (soups etc). Then there is the issue of animals (pigs, chickens or cows and to a lesser extent fish) raised on the diet of….that’s right GMO corn. These foods have been on the market in North America and imported to D/ca for human consumption for years now.

  8. Choice X
    September 24, 2012

    Dominica government must let its people know what food is GMO. In the European Union you all GMO’s are labeled as such.

  9. Valley Girl
    September 24, 2012

    Eat what we grow! and grow what we eat! and that is the bottom line. consume locally produced foods without all the added chemicals and growth homornes.

    • Justice and Truth
      September 24, 2012

      Natural resources are the best. Dominicans are very fortunate. Some of them can also grow them in their yards if they have ample space.

  10. Kicks
    September 24, 2012

    :lol: :lol: Good thing is Weetabix I like. :lol: :lol:

    • Justice and Truth
      September 24, 2012

      What about Cream of Wheat and Oats? We call them hot cereals which must be boiled only for a few minutes.
      These are two of my primary favorite cereals including Shredded Wheat and Wheat Germ, the latter which could be placed in other cereals. For years I have been making those for breakfast. Occasionally, I will eat Weetabix, Cornflakes, Shreddies and Weetabix. I decided not to purchase these. I will stick to my preference. You can also put raisins in them. I read that an apple could be grated as well and put on the cereal but this would also be better on dry cereals.
      I hope you read the health websites. There is a load of information about various uses and other matters. Keep healthy!

  11. Jackie Brown
    September 24, 2012

    Dominican’s will now start to dig the soil and plant like the elders used to in the good old days. The new generation in Dominica are lazy when it comes to organic farming they want the latest gear but will not dirty their hand to buy it.

  12. ummmm
    September 23, 2012

    everyone knows Monsanto is killing us slowly but no one is doing a thing about it

  13. %
    September 23, 2012

    I have heard the name ‘Roundup’ in Dominica, especially by those in the farming community. Is it the chemical used to spray/kill weeds? I AM JUST ASKING, BECAUSE I DO NOT KNOW!

    • Roz
      September 24, 2012

      Is that self. And we wonder what causing the higher incidence of those cancers we didnt used to hear about before

    • Anonymous
      September 24, 2012

      Roundup is the trade name for the herbicide containing Glyphosate as the active ingredient. Monsanto is the Agribusiness firm the markets the herbicide internationally.They have also trademarked genetically modified crops such as corn and canola that have resistance to the mode of action by glyphosate. Thus one may apply Roundup to these crops and they would not be killed but weeds “should” be killed. Mosanto has sold Roundup since the seventies and currently reports are surfacing of certain weeds developing resistance to it.

  14. Lilly
    September 23, 2012

    Unfortunately, the method used and interpretation of the finding of this study has encountered much criticism. It always pays to critically analyze before accepting what you read. Here is one report on the skepticism surrounding this study titled “GM CORN-TUMOR LINK BASED ON POOR SCIENCE” at

  15. Boldaz
    September 23, 2012

    Its amazing that this is not worthy of comment from Dominican people……….If its not gossip its not important, right!

    • September 23, 2012

      what you mean, Boldaz.. But this is not worthy of comment! The only thing I can say is, if scientific study says genetically modified corn causes tumours in rats well just give it to all rats to kill them and chapter closed….

  16. September 23, 2012

    please explain is that the same roundup that the farmers use in their farm?

  17. Hate ignorance
    September 23, 2012

    thats why we need to stick to our local foods more specifically organically grown foods. we need to start buying our locally grown chicken and not those from america which seems to be cheaper as sold by the river side super market. these animals are fed GM corn based feeds ( cheapness really kills literally). Back to our farine and toloma ease up on the cornflakes no wonder cancers are so rampant on our island we are importing it innocently ,What about our poor farmers working and spraying roundup without any protective wear .

    • Jayson
      September 23, 2012

      So what do you think they feed those broilers and layers we raise here? Same corn based feeds.

      Mostly all commercial farmers here use imported fertilizers. Those who go natural know that they’ll be at a disadvantage because while they’re still growing their first crop their fertilized neighbour is on his third.

    • Roz
      September 24, 2012

      What you dont read, might kill you. Many farmers dont read and follow the product instructions. The farmers are informed on safe practices for use of Roundup. But tell me when last you see a farmer with the proper gloves, or respiratory gear when spraying.

  18. lol
    September 22, 2012

    Rats? EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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