COMMENTARY: The Next Revolution

Alex Bruno
Alex Bruno. Photo courtesy of Kendra Alexis

I write at the risk of facing the wrath of the powerful and mighty, but I must write because I rather face scorn at the present, than be frowned upon by the next generation who would have depended on me to have done better.

Now, I have been observing a recent trend of politics in Dominica, and there are issues, which if not addressed, may lead my country back to the past; back to the era of the failed Divine Authority Theory.

Subscribers to the divine theory believe that “a ruler has legitimate authority to govern if and only if that authority in some way comes from the authority possessed by God, whose rule over human beings is supposed to be unquestionable” (Hampton, 1997, p.6).

Well, in some ways, this is exactly what I see in the Prime Minister of Dominica, and heard from him when he said that “I make no apologies for giving the money to the Bishop. I carry out instructions from above and it is not me who gave the church but the Lord who gave the church the money. So those of us who want to criticize a good deed, are not criticizing me but is (sic) criticizing the Lord so be very careful what we criticize.” (as qtd. by DNO). Mark you, there are several instances when a halo of divinity had been placed over PM Skerrit, but this statement was just too brazen. At the time of his statement, the PM was defending his EC$500, 000.00 donation made to ‘the Bishop’ of Roseau.

This is classical Divine Authority, it is ridiculously reckless and it is the festering field for a revolution. I say so on the strength of documented history in the following specific cases.

The Haitian Revolution

The Haitian Revolution was sparked by the hierarchical tendencies of the governing class. Slavery was upheld by the authority as a necessary practice. According to the governing class the people of color lacked the ability to deliberate rationally and effectively, and were devoid of even the most basic human capacities; including the rights to their citizenship. However, this changed when the Haitians, armed mainly with what they were said to be lacking, took on the mighty French regime and defeated them…and declared their freedom. Divine authority was said to have been bestowed on France’s rulers from the descendants of Kings who themselves took their authority from God, but the people toppled that authority with their collective might.

The American War of Independence

The American war for independence or the revolutionary war was sparked by the same phenomena; the control and hierarchical or authoritative rule of the British. The American people revolted, and after much bloodshed, they earned their independence! America broke away from the system of Divine Authority and installed a governing system which receives it ultimate power and authority from the citizens (the people), not God. We will deal with other more contemporary revolutions in follow-up discussions.

The more I analyze Mr. Skerrit’s statement, the more I am convinced either one of two things is true:

1. The PM had been handed a script which he did not take the time to decipher before he deliberated on it, or

2. The PM is perfectly aware that his statements are out of whack with the present realities, but he insisted, hoping that the ‘Divinity Syndrome’ would simply fly-by and miraculously silence the critics.

Well, he is wrong to think that this sort of rhetoric would work in this enlightened era. If, according to the PM, he only ‘carry out instructions from above and it is not [he] who gave the church but the Lord who gave the church the money’, what is to prevent another leader from claiming that the ‘Lord’ has sent him or her to replace the PM? There is no proof to this claim, and even trying to make sense of this makes no sense.

Leaders are called. Those who are called are generally inspired and must be elected or chosen by the people in order that they can rule. That choosing – voting – must be allowed to be done by the ‘free will’ of ‘the people’. All sides in the process must feel that the system for electing their leaders is fair and transparent. When this is done, the people then direct the actions of their rulers. In fact, this is how it has been in our democracy, and this is what democracy dictates. Leaders do not lead in isolation; they lead or rule within a team and that team is the people who are being led.

When a leader begins claiming divine authority and supremacy beyond and above ‘the people’, ‘the people’ are being alienated and they must stop and think. When a people think, they are awakened. When a people are awakened, especially following a series of provocative and questionable leadership issues, revolution ensues or is expedited; we are not strangers to this in Dominica.

Where there is revolution there is change and anyone who tries to force the hands of change is only expediting the very process of change. Revolution is always taking place.

Let it be known that history won’t be kind to those who knew better and failed to do better at the time when it was imperative for them to so do; I choose to be on the right side of history. Let the next generation smile on the dismay which I may no doubt feel because I dare to speak. I speak guided by my God-given conscience, which is everyone’s right to do.

We can disagree about politics without hating and insulting each other.

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  1. Emile Zapatos
    June 27, 2014

    “Return to me ” says the Lord, ”and I will give you peace do not abandon me”. We are straying from God and if we continue the future will be bleak. Dominica is a Christian country and we should be practicing more Christianity, more Christian unity. Instead of preaching violence and revolution we should be focusing on prayer for solutions, for wisdom. Violence and revolution will hurt us, will hurt our families and relatives because Dominicans are all siblings by our heritage and by being children of God. We are all related.

  2. james blunt
    June 27, 2014

    Alex is perfectly right. Dominicans (of all political persusions) should beware of any leader who claims to have direct instructions from God.
    Madness….in 2014….
    Shame on you who believe…

    • July 1, 2014

      The same way Alex is guided by Devine conscience so is the Prime Minister.

  3. keep it Real
    June 27, 2014

    In the morning when I rise give me Jesus you may have the whole world but give me Jesus .Stop attacking the messenger digest the message

  4. Observer
    June 27, 2014

    A nation is a reflection of its people hence the people ought to elect men & women of not only integrity to represent but sensible ,educated and studiated people to use PaulKeens-Douglas palance.
    When our people through ignorance backwardness or whatever tool is used elect such
    low lives what is to be expected?
    We are often reminded by the old adage: You get what you pay for.”
    In our case we elect what we are.
    We are Mascarades.

  5. bomboclat
    June 26, 2014

    Alex I want a piece on adultery

  6. forewarned
    June 26, 2014

    Let the truth reign. Hitler ruled Germany with an iron fist. He became a hated, ruthless dictator. Democratic bodies were dismantled.

    Hitler claimed that he was ordained, sent by GOD to rule the world. He boasted that the Caucasian race was the ruler of the world, since GOD was white.

    Bush, a born-again Christian, also claimed that he answered God’s call in the invasion of Iraq.

    Many muslims carry our outrageous crimes, and prepared to die, believing that they will be martyrs as GOD wanted.

    History repeats itself all the time. Corrupt Leaders align themselves with the Elite, “influential” class and try to find favour with the hierarchy of the religious bodies in subtle ways.

    They mouth biblical sayings, “God is good, and God is good all the time,” but do the complete opposite, engage in illegal, immoral behaviours, bad governance. Good deeds to enrich the poor are not their priority. Allowing the people to participate in their own development is not part of their agenda.

    Some say foolishly, “Is God that choose Skerritt to save Dominica,”

    “Is GOD, is God, is God that tell me to Give away Dominica diplomatic passport and tell people nothing.” Is God?

    Leaders play on the minds of those who do not stop to think and, to analyse things before them. They manipulate, trick, fool the people.

    They pretend to love the people, but in their selfishness and narcissist behavior, they enrich themselves, while the majority remain in poverty.

    Surely, the donation was not given to uplift the spirituality of the people. The economy has been in shambles. Workers can’t get increase. Unemployment rising. the standard of the people have declined. The justice system, institutions, “Independent ones at that heavily influenced.

    Leaders and their ilk who resist Electoral Reforms to ensure FREE and FAIR elections must have a hidden agenda. Why would any Leader or Govt not want to make changes or to assist the Electoral Commission to implement necessary changes, Produce Voter ID Cards and to clean the bloated Voters’ List? Why?

    FREE and FAIR elections would lift the people spiritually and allow them to freely choose their reps. Cheating, stealing, not putting measures in place, or reforming the electoral process cannot be right in the eyes of the righteous GOD.

    “Beware of those bearing GIFTS.” A biblical quote.

  7. Mwen Enkor
    June 26, 2014

    Notable Quotation from George Santayana
    ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’
    Thanks Alex for reminding us. Who have ears to hear, let them hear;

  8. PoKeSa
    June 26, 2014

    Mr Bruno,

    Fear not of any retribution for I’ve read through the lines of you piece and you’re a Gentleman, with the mentality of those who think outside the box and sees the bigger picture – you’re commended. Now this is my take of our PM’s behaviour in recent times:

    What’s vintage PM Skerrit is classic behaviour of dictators.

    “They are usually charming, charismatic and intelligent,”
    “They brim with self-confidence and independence, and exude all energies. They are also extremely self-absorbed, masterful liars, compassionless, often sadistic and possess a boundless appetite for power.”

    • Anonymous
      July 4, 2014

      Ahh boy. I’ve been living outside of Dominica for a few years now but have been following developments throughout. I am not politically inclined and therefore have observed in a non-bias ed manner. With this said, a vast majority of Dominicans have slowly been brain washed into thinking that our pm is divinely appointed. His actions are questioned by very few and those who dare to speak comes under harsh criticism. REMEMBER ANIMAL FARM

  9. Anonymous
    June 26, 2014

    Alex looking for his 15 minutes of fame on dno where he knows that there are a lot of uwp supporters to proclaim him as nothing less than a saint for making such a commentary. It’s a pity that this is all the satisfaction he will get. The people are wiser that this petty politics.

    • JoJo
      June 26, 2014

      Alex is not a saint. He never claim to be one. The man is complex but what we really should ask is what moved him to write this piece when he knows it will attract criticism, which is hard for him as a sensitive soul. He obviously touched a nerve. What is it that divides Dominicans so? What is the real cause of this poisonous atmosphere that stifles initiative and corrodes the soul? One could blame the opposition I suppose but they are not the ones in charge. Change has to come, one way or the other. Such a beautiful country yet such misery.

    • TO
      June 26, 2014

      Anonymouse, the arm of flesh will fail you

  10. June 26, 2014

    As I’ve said before you do not give lots of money to rich people. Would you give $500,000 to Bill Gates? Why would you do that? The Catholic Church is worth more than One Trillion dollars-that is 14 times the wealth of Bill Gates. Why would you then give that money to the Catholic Church? This is so wrong and the money should be given back

  11. Wow,
    June 26, 2014

    Will the revolution be televised?

  12. June 26, 2014

    Oh wow another politically motivated individual..!

    • Is
      June 26, 2014

      moo moo you moo moo Mr Realist. China censorship really creeping into DA and people like you that allowing it.

  13. Anonymous
    June 26, 2014

    Bombshell. Alex, you are spot on.

  14. Emile Zapatos
    June 26, 2014

    Why is there a problem with the development grant to the church in Dominica. The money is from Dominicans to Dominicans. We can be so narrow minded as not to see that half a $m can buy a lot of employment. To my way of thinking it should be more , maybe $m. just think of the economic value in jobs and material. And the circulation of funds in the economy. We should be saying “hats off” to the P M. Good job, well done.

    • June 26, 2014

      We could also say judas iscariot received his 30 pieces of silver to betray jesus.. :!: :evil: so what is your point? It is the timing and implication that is being referred to in this article . :!:
      Think my friend :idea:

    • Francisco Telemaque
      June 26, 2014

      The reason there is a problem Emile, is because every Taxpayer in Dominica is not a Catholic, and they did not approve their money given to a political poppet: according to Crazy T. “our boy!” No Prime Minister has the single authority at will to give away the Taxpayers money.

      The Government should not be in the business of giving, or donating Taxpayers money to any Church, never mind to the Roman Catholic organization which is the wealthiest, the (richest religious organization on planet earth).

      While the Prime Minister gives away half of a million dollars to his boy, the Marigot Hospital is out of commission, closed; it is not serving any purpose at the moment; excepts to accommodate the termites, and other rodents which have overwhelmed the hospital.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • ()
      June 26, 2014

      @Emile Zapatos I thought this Skerrit slave and doormat called Zapato had gone into hibernation we. Emile for your sake, this is our money, and we have a righrt to question how Skerrit spends it. What about the other churches? How can a man just give a church money that was not budgeted for?. What about the civil servants? Should they accept 0%, or a wage freeze?
      I REALLY THINK this incompetent, and inept Sjkerrit and his Labour Party needs to go!

    • >>>>>>>>
      June 26, 2014

      @Emile Zapatos You are so moronic and brailnless that if he gives you a toxic substance to use to your detreiment, you will ask for more instead of rebuking him.

  15. happy
    June 26, 2014

    Alex, don’t you have work to do?? Why are you bent on creating problem in our country?? Why are you so dam heartless? Why are you creating a mountain out of a mole?? Are you a Dominican?? Why don’t you go back to America where you have given your alligence to??? You playing brainny. And you are trying to bite more than u can chew you are trying to make the PM a devil and put linton as GOD, people like u are the onse that put trouble then turn u all backs take ur US passport and leave us in mess. Please American, I beg you in the name of God leave our beloved PM to do his work, all u too wicked!!

    • Dominican
      June 26, 2014

      What really is your problem?
      I have read your comments and have yet to read any analysis of your views on the contents of his commentary. Yet you attack the messenger;

      Alex said it well..”I write at the risk of facing the wrath of the powerful and mighty” and yes.. YOU are not excluded..!

      The man is a Dominican and has every right to comment… Geez man. What is wrong with you’ll people in this country.. ..BRAIN-WASHED!

    • T
      June 26, 2014

      You mean you are so DAM STUPID that you cannot see the man is doing his work as a respoinsible Dominican.? You must be a Labourite writing this level of filth and garbage. Your senseless soul!
      KEEP IT UP ALEX. Good Piece!

  16. Lucy
    June 26, 2014

    ‘I make no apologies for giving the money to the Bishop. I carry out instructions from above and it is not me who gave the church but the Lord who gave the church the money. So those of us who want to criticize a good deed, are not criticizing me but is (sic) criticizing the Lord so be very careful what we criticize’.

    Does any one remembers the Rev. Jim Jones in the jungles of Guyana where his actions caused more than 800 persons to drink poison and die?…. His personality and biblical self prophesy statements like the one by the PM lead to this disaster…Hellooooooo can anyone hear me? Alex I heard you loud and clear my brother !!!!

  17. Malgraysa
    June 26, 2014

    Yes Alex, we are truly on our way back to Africa. Nepotism, cronyism, bobol and fraud. Just make sure you are the absolute leader and life will be good for you, never mind a possible miserable end: Mobutu, Amin, Gadaffi, Bokassa, Mugabe, Charles Taylor, Said Barre, Sani Abacha Sekou Toure… you want any more? if we don’t change our ways and become slave masters to our own people the curse of our forefathers will be forever upon us. We came to foreign lands in bondage, struggled for freedom and will never be enslaved again.

  18. June 26, 2014

    The truth is the mother of all hatred :idea: :!:

  19. portsmouth resident
    June 26, 2014

    While the commentary posted by Alex Bruno is interesting… there is no correlation between the current political climate and political realities in Dominica and the American and Haitian wars for independence; revolutions fought to gain political, social and economic independence from European colonial rulers, England and France, a few hundred years ago. I do not believe that this is the case today since in my humble opinion Dominica enjoys a fairly stable political climate. The social class structure is generally stable and everyone is entitled by law, once they qualify, to benefit from all social services, free and or paid, available to everyone irrespective of their race, class or creed, economic or social status. is the economic situation on the island.
    In terms of politics, I support Electoral Reform:
    1. I believe that access to government operated media houses like DBS and GIS must be available to all political parties on an equal basis.
    2. I believe that elections must be free and fair at all times.
    3. I support a maximum of two 5 year term limits for the office of Prime Minister and President.
    4. I support a standard date for the calling of General Elections every five years.
    5. I support the cleaning of the voters list.
    6. I support voter identification cards but in the absence of voter ID cards, anyone legally qualified to vote should present some form of legal identification such as a passport, CSME Certificate, Dominica Driver’s License, Dominica Social Security Card. And,
    7. I believe that (A) there should be a limit imposed of the amount of money invested by both political parties and individual candidates and that (B) there should be public disclosure of sources of campaign financing from all political parties and individual candidates.
    On the question of donations to churches, I have no problem with any political party or politician making a personal contribution to any church but I do not believe that the Government should be obligated to make any contribution to any church in particular unless they willing to contribute to all churches, after all, every Dominican is a member of some creed or another… what is good for the geese should also be good for the gander… and remember the old saying “rend to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God” meaning people must pay their taxes but those who are members of any church must equally pay their tithes, in that way, I do not believe that there will be any need for the state to use monies needed to provide services to the people to contribute to rebuilding of any church.
    However, it has been done and obviously, none of us can reverse it at this time, and while we cannot reverse it we can only hope such acts are not allowed to be repeated in the future.
    There is also another side to the picture, there are those persons who believe that the gesture, whether politically motivated or not, was a good deed, and so we must also make allowances for those persons… We live in an opinionated world; don’t the other side have a say too?
    As for a revolution, the writer is right, we live in an ever evolving world and so revolutions occur daily… There is however only one GOD and that is my opinion and no man should appear to act like and or declare himself a GOD, and I do not believe that the Prime Minister acted as if he received a divine calling in making a contribution to the rebuilding of the Roman Catholic Cathedral building of Our Lady of Fair Haven but instead acted in the economic interest of the country, recognizing the importance of that structure as a major tourist attraction within the city of Roseau…
    So there are different interpretations to the $500,000 contribution to the church by each and every one of us… Let’s just move on as I am sure that there are so many other political, social, and, economic issues that warrants our attention… that being said, I believe the commentary was an interesting one… :wink:

    • Emile Zapatos
      June 26, 2014

      @ Portsmouth residence………….Your evaluation of Alex comments as “interesting” , and “everyone is entitled to his opinion” is very interesting. The big puzzle is why is Alex advocating revolution on the eve of election? Why is he not putting forward issues for debate like you? So the PM wanted people to know that Christianity is part of his ideology through his policy , What is so wrong with that? With his credibility Alex should display a non patrician programme that encourages Dominica to go to the polls and vote for the party of there choice as a national duty……and that is my opinion.

    • Anonymous
      June 26, 2014

      Pseudo-intellectual waffle. |Go and smoke another joint.

    June 26, 2014

    Much ado about nothing

    • hope
      June 26, 2014

      so aptly said! :-D

  21. dominican Uk
    June 26, 2014

    May God forgive every Dominican. i believe when God was making free speech Dominincans took the blooming lot.
    I would like to see Alex fix Dominica or perhaps the UWP when they were in power what did they fix. They continue to talk about that the international airport was on their genda, where is it, no roads were available schools were practically shanty towns now all of a sudden Dominica moving forward allyou jumping this is not done that is not done.
    People who visited DA recently informed us in the Disaspora that the roads and the generally enviroment has changed for the better, we are no longer called backward. Go skerrit

    • Anonymous
      June 27, 2014

      So what? During the second world war Hitler had the best road network in Europe. What did that do for democracy my friend? But at least he employed Germans to build them. When you are hungry you can not eat road. We need jobs first, second and third.

  22. Intellect
    June 26, 2014

    Do you people even know that the Cathedral is part of history? It is part of Dominica”s historical architecture and a tourist site. Many a times I have been asked by tourists from the cruise ship the directions to the Roman Catholic Church. So that money, as Skerrit, Puts is is not necessarily from the heart, but it is supposed to be part of the budget to preserve artifacts and historical structures. Some of us are too color blind to realize it is not even just about a place to pray and worship.

    The other denominations should not use this as a reason to ask the government for money, unless they can prove that their church is ancient architecture, that must be preserved.

    I guess I am more qualified than Mr. Skerrit’s advisers in terms of justifying expenditure. Because if Skerrit speech about that donation had been built around historical and tourist site preservation as I have mentioned, there would be less uproar about this donation than this ‘it is from God speech’. I am not Anti-Skerrit and I do not agree with how he involved my God in this. However i think UWP supporters are again blowing this one out of proportion…..

  23. km
    June 26, 2014

    Separation of church and state.

  24. A Doubting Thomas
    June 25, 2014

    “I make no apologies for giving the money to the Bishop. I carry out instructions from above and it is not me who gave the church but the Lord who gave the church the money. So those of us who want to criticize a good deed, are not criticizing me but is (sic) criticizing the Lord so be very careful what we criticize.” (as qtd. by DNO

    Mr. Bruno quoted as above as said by the Prime Minister

    And below as quoted by Mr. Bruno himself in his last paragraph

    “I speak guided by my God-given conscience, which is everyone’s right to do.” Mr. Bruno

    Apparently God guides both the Prime Minister and Mr.. Bruno. Now form your own God given opinion. I found that sentence from Mr. Bruno to be very interesting.

  25. Views Expressed
    June 25, 2014

    There was an earlier article on DNO entitled “We building structure NOT Character”…….and I wish to bring a section of this article to the fore which is:
    “Never put a young uneducated and unprepared juvenile under 40 to run a poor country. They will steal the state`s money.”
    Does this ring a bell………??????
    Same concern of these two writers, but be esteemed Dominicans……Thanks for looking out for us.

  26. bel
    June 25, 2014

    REVOLUTION is a very powerful word. Alex you are against the words that God give the money its better than using the word next revolution. You all are against of everthing the PM does hypocrisy is not Good for the soul

    • Ma Moses
      June 26, 2014

      Jesus Christ himself was a revolutionary who was crucified because he was a threat to the vested interests at the time. The miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish is very telling and very symbolic. He wanted to make sure that all shall eat!

      • Anonymous
        June 26, 2014

        I hope by the words revolution you mean change. Remember Jesus Christ asked us to turn the other cheek.

      • Ma Moses
        June 26, 2014

        Yes brother I remember that about Jesus and turning the other cheek. And you know what, they killed him!
        The church is the first one to tell us that so that we become submissive., like the telling us that the meek will inherit the earth .Hmm, does Skerrit inherit the earth by being meek?

    • Papa Dom
      June 26, 2014

      bel you are so right, hypocrisy is not good for the soul. I suggest that you convey that message to skerritt.

      • del
        June 29, 2014

        Papa Dom give donation to a worthy cause tell will time to all of you. Wake ams smell the coffee before its to late.

  27. bel
    June 25, 2014

    God gives people wisdow, knowledge and guidance to do things if the PM said the Lord donates the money I don’t see any wrong in that. You give and the Lord will bless you with plenty. Look at yourself in a mirror before being judgemental. Prevost as for over 3 millions he donated half a millon he is playing moo moo now but the stone that the builder rejected will be the head of the corner stone. Alex be honest with yourself there is a season for everything under the sun..

    • Emile Zapatos
      June 26, 2014

      @bel……….So Prevost did ask for $3m ! And there was nothing wrong with that ! Well well well, very interesting.

  28. ruth
    June 25, 2014

    This is inspirational
    I concur with you alex
    Dominica is about to experience the wrath of GOD
    I feel it ,myself
    I saw it in a vision ,long ago
    I always told people ,that two prime ministers dying one after the other ,to make the way for this which was comming ,is not as simple as we think ,
    we need to study life more,we get too distracted from the real issue
    1, the dictators around this world ,are my mentors
    2, is none of your damn buisness ,GO TO HELL <GO TO HELL< GO TO HELL
    3, IF someone come to me for help,can i send them to jesus.
    4, look upon me ,put your eyes on me.
    5,skeritt didnt give money to the bishop ,but is GOD that gave it, so if you attacking ,you not attacking skeritt ,but you attacking GOD.

    ALL this happened soon after the people compared him to jesus christ,
    so let me remind you people ,that GOD said
    THou shall no other god beside me ,
    HE said ,I am a loving GOD ,but a consuming fire, and my spirit will not always strive with man, because i am a jealous GOD,

    This era we are now facing in dominica ,is compared to ,and considered ,

    THE LAST SUPPER,for GOD's word is true ,HE cannot lie

    • giving
      June 25, 2014

      i am making an appeal to the people whom are asking for wraths revolutions and all those bads things to happen to our god given blessed island because of political differences. children don’t even speak like that anymore be careful what you ask for, prayer bits everything let the almighty do his work dont try to force him.

  29. bomboclat
    June 25, 2014

    That to write about

  30. Novice
    June 25, 2014

    I do not live in DA, therefore, I would like a little enlightenment . Can someone tell me who is the leader of the UWP and his whereabouts? Inquiring minds wants to know. Is the leader a resident of Dominica! Is the leader living off friends generosity of spending my party money?Boy look row row.

    • So
      June 25, 2014

      Novice, you are so right, “YOU DO NOT LIVE IN DOMINICA. So mind your DAMN business!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop asking stupid questions.

    • danger
      June 26, 2014

      Well come back and live in Dominica and then you will be able to ask these question, otherwise, ITS NOT YOUR DAM BUSINESS, oh, this line is your PM own, not mine.

  31. Erasmus B. Black
    June 25, 2014

    Thank you for writing this piece Mr. Bruno.

    “I carry out instructions from above…” This was the snippet from the lips of the Dear Leader to the ears of the people ( those who have ears to hear, anyway!) In effect, Dear Leader has become the Lord’s Emissary. And the truth is, the silence has been deafening but quite clear from members of his party and government who claim to be “born again.” One wonders how folks like the Honourable Member for Laplaine and his namesake, the Evangelist in Goodwill understand this statement. Do they believe that the Dear Leader is divine and has started receiving messages from above? At one point, it was claimed the Honourable Member for Laplaine was the one whom the Lord had allegedly chosen to reveal his plans for the Nature Isle via dreams and visions. What does he think of the Prophet Isaiah lament in Isaiah 9:16: “For the leaders of the people have misled them.” Looking forward to hearing from them soon.

  32. vission man
    June 25, 2014

    I am saying to the gov of dominica they better keep this election fair and dont steal any votes if you try that there wil be a ptotest and a revolution so do the right thing this is a worning

  33. Oh Yes
    June 25, 2014

    This must have been written with much thought and emotion. Alex you have displayed a sense of responsibility to those who listen to you, to those who admire you, and to those who dislike you. I thank you for further exposing potential threats to democracy in our land and bringing some awareness to possibility that the prime minister may be treading unsettling waters in Channel Dominica.

  34. Anonymous
    June 25, 2014

    This is another lame attempt by the opposition forces to incite violence and civil unrest when they lose the upcoming general elections because they know they cannot win by the ballot so they want to force themselves on Dominicans. Majority rules. This is democracy. If you all think that elections are not being conducted fairly in Dominica, even by a show of hands the DLP would win hands down.

    • Sauna
      June 25, 2014

      Anonymouse, why you like stress so nor, if PM win that election unfairly, it’s more stress for you and your family. The man started on the wrong foot and has lost direction, he is grabbing at straws, do yourself a favour and vote DLP out.

  35. wellz
    June 25, 2014

    Only the DUMMIES-IN-THE-CAN will disagree with this piece.

    Dominica is long overdue for a purging…

    • It getting hot
      June 25, 2014

      Yes by fire, remember seven live volcanoes.

  36. Anonymous
    June 25, 2014

    This article shows that you have a limited, if any, understanding of the topic you write on. The two examples you presented do not support your thesis or at least you did not demonstrate support from them.

    Mr. Skerrit is a member of the Roman Catholic, church so your interpretation of his statement should reflect the teachings of the church on giving gifts, especially since the gift was one to the church. The teachings of the church on divine guidance should also be reflected.

    Such an outright condemnation should have been preceded by extensive analysis which is not reflected in the article. You have not demonstrated any accompanying behavioural tendency that would lead to your conclusions. Further you have failed to show any relationship between events in Dominica and that occurring at that time in the countries mentioned in the two examples. As far as I know and can see there is no instance of oppression occurring in Dominica at this time.

    In the interest of time and space I will simply conclude that you are misguided.

    • Aba we
      June 25, 2014

      Skerro member of the catholic church, since when!!!!!!!!! Man if it wrong, say it wrong. That was a waste of money. Right now we in earthquake season, be warned Dominicans!!!!!!!!!

    • Ma Moses
      June 26, 2014

      I am a catholic myself but that does not mean I support everything the church does blindly. My own church has a history of tyrany . Remember the inquisition and the support for slavery? Even in our own church we have intolerant, power hungry people. We should always remember that and guard against it. A lot of evil is perpetrated in the name of God!

    • Anonymous
      June 26, 2014

      It’s the Catholic doctrine to help the poor. They should not be rewarded for doing good deeds.Jesus was never rewarded for doing good. The Adventist church does alot of good also.

    • haiti
      June 26, 2014

      You may be right, but if there are any mental health doctors in Dominica, hurry and get an appointment, i need you to be the first one to be examined

      • Anonymous
        June 26, 2014

        You may have forgotten to state what the Doctor should be looking for…

  37. yow
    June 25, 2014

    I thank you and applaud your honesty.

  38. ZUMA
    June 25, 2014

    Personally I do not see anything morally wrong if the government of any Island/ Country gives financial aid to any religious denomination.

    If I had any kind of money myself I would give to the church if it was to help build a decent place of worship for its people..

    Please stop lambasting on the Govenment about this financial aid. its all in good faith. .. have you all seen the state in which the church was in. did any one of us gave the government any idea as to how we should contribute to the restucturing of the church, am sure the answer is no… so why the gossiping and backbiting and blaspheming.. I say stop this and rally with the government to give more aid to the CHURCH to see its completion so that we can go to worship as we please in comfort….

    • Right now
      June 25, 2014

      These people say they worship me but their heart is far from me, (God’s spoken WORD) typical catholics, only time they know God is during Lent, Christmas and New Years, the rest of the year is SEWO. Hypocrites.

    • Mamizoo
      June 26, 2014

      Is that what you read in the article. Papa god why do we have so much ignorance in Dominica

  39. real possie
    June 25, 2014

    HMMM Pawol I guess next week you will be introduced as the pal rep for your constituency? soon come I guess.

    • Calibishie Man
      June 25, 2014

      And he would WIN clean. In fact I heard he was ask and he declined because of other personal commitments. But had he accepted, he would have unseat labour in Paix Bouches, easily. He would have certainly taken 3/4 of the votes in Calibishie. And you can take that to the bank!

      • Anonymous
        June 26, 2014

        hahahahahahahah :mrgreen: I will take my money to the bank instead we papa I not trusted pawol en bouche. If wishes were horses

  40. Anonymous
    June 25, 2014

    Alex while I agree that the PM set a bad precedent by giving the Catholic church that money (because now all and sundry religious group can make a request to the PM for same and they can use the donation to the Catholic church to support their request) I hope you are aware that America was actually founded on Godly/Biblical principles…do some research on the American Constitution, Abraham Lincoln Benjamin Franklyn etc. and you will see…is only now with the advent of all these varying groups and societal changes that things may now seem different.

  41. DC
    June 25, 2014

    Is that the latest vicious ploy from a few to manipulate the masses who support the PM? Give it a rest already! Alex, you claim divine inspiration for your commentary, whereas, you are disputing the PM’s reason for the generous gesture. Your posting is in vain! We will continue to join hands with our leader as we march on to victory! All hypocrites shall be defeated! DLP, for the continued development of Dominica. We shall not be moved!

    • Bee
      June 25, 2014

      He said he was guided by his conscience which was given to him by God. Don’t you have a conscience of your own?

      • real possie
        June 26, 2014

        But Bee that’s the point, how can Alex be guided by his conscience and the PM cant be guided by his? you all let politics cloud you all mind to often. For a man who writes plays I would think he would see it as an investment with the man belief in his church its the man has to answer to his maker when the time comes as to if he did Dominicans wrong but to sit there and chastise the man on his faith is wrong. PS you have a minister walking around with a big cross around his neck and God knows his HMMMMMM.

    • Jill
      June 25, 2014

      @DC- Well, well can you wait for the election results? Will you be getting a free ticket to head home to vote?

    • Truth Be Told
      June 25, 2014

      DC you are really blind and I know you will regret ever being associated with that government. So you think your PM going down that crooked road will make things better in the future for you. Have you ever heard of a bad tree producing good fruit. Man/woman whoever you are open your eyes, if you want good for Dominica, support change. Haven’t you notice lately, that all the dictators are passed history!!!!!!!!!

      • real possie
        June 26, 2014

        @ Truth be told you are rite it have a dictator not even in power yet jah knows if he gets his way that’s why the people will keep him in the yard

    • Sort
      June 26, 2014

      is God that removing all you, not man!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Anonymous
    June 25, 2014

    There was no need for Mr. Bruno to reference any of those revolutions because there is no real correlation. In Both of the above instances, the countries were governed by monarchial rule; this isn’t the case here in Dominica. We are all given the freedom to vote and choose our fate through the general elections…

    • Francisco Telemaque
      June 25, 2014

      Anytime someone write something that rings a bell, there are your kind who must find something to argue about, and condemned the opinion of the author I am surprise that you did not say he is into plagiarism. The man have the right to convey his thoughts in the best way he deem appropriate .

      Whether you agree with him not just let it slide!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • UWP
        June 26, 2014


    • Ce Sa
      June 25, 2014

      Everybody seeing the writing on the wall except for those labourites, all they seeing is freeness for me, the country can go down to hell in a hand basket, they don’t care, as long as Skerro get them this and that. They don’t care about the huge debt their children have to pay in the future. How will your children take care of you in your old age when things are so rough with them. Think Dominicans, if you sow this DLP government into power you are going to reap a much uglier DLP in the future. Dominica needs a fresh start.

    • Anonymous
      June 26, 2014

      All one can see in Skerrit’s utterings and actions is like a claim to the divine right of kings. He is not subject to the laws of man. He is delusional in believing that he is a “chosen” one. The man is ill and needs help because otherwise we are all suffering.

      • Anonymous
        June 26, 2014

        I’m sorry but we learn that from P.M. Ask Alvin Bernard, such a big fellow letting P.M. dress him down in front of all the cabinet and nobody say anything. You think people don’t talk? P.M. calling the opposition bastards right there in public! The noxious comments on the Kairi programme known as the animal show. Who is it that is getting personal, just asking.

    • warma
      June 26, 2014

      you know, for someone talking about no correlation, I am surprised that you missed the gist of what he was saying. Mr Bruno obviously knows that the monarchy does not exist in Dominica; you ought to have given that some thought. And if you had, you would have realized that the connection Mr Bruno was subconsciously making was to the monarchical manner in which the PM governs – everything is Skerrit. You want assistance? Go to Skerrit. All Labour party T-shirts say Vote Skerrit, no matter who the parl rep is. You want a toilet? Go to Skerrit. Everything is Skerrit. The ironic thing is – like all narcissists, he loves taking credit for things that appear to go well, but when things go bad, he’s no where to be found.

      My point is – try looking past the nose for a minute or two; there’s a whole world out there.

    • Anonymous
      June 27, 2014

      Are you seriously saying that Skerrit is not acting like a self-appointed king or ruler? That is exactly the problem we have.

  43. Anonymous
    June 25, 2014

    Why the personal attacks? That’s why most people rather not voice their opinions.

  44. Man in the Mirror
    June 25, 2014

    And so it begins. Since Roosevelt Skerrit has been in office, no one finds it odd that the intellectual discourse which used to take place in our country is DEAD!!! People open your eyes! One man alone cannot have a people so scared to voice their opinions for fear of retribution. Look at how we turn on our neighbours like rabid animals simply because they do not drink the Skerrit-infected water. When will you realize that freedom of speech should not have a price????

    “Who will hear, let him hear. Who will fight let him go to war, who will dare to step out of line, and live for truth withheld from all. Who will speak, let him speak, who will sing let him say a word, who will challenge the life we live, while trying to forgive?” Tessane Chin said it best. One love

  45. lavirod
    June 25, 2014

    I am a Catholic, and although I question the honest, humble and pious intentions of the EC$500,000.00 donation, I welcome the donation more than that similar amount that was allegedly given to an already well off private institution. However, when apeople is asked by their leader to “criticize “GOD” to justify a donation to a chuch this is tantamount to “blasphemy” and should be condemned by all god fearing persons, particularly the church who received the gift.

  46. Anonymous
    June 25, 2014

    Alas a party has to beg so for demonstation? If DA people wanted to revolt they would be doing so UWP would not have to be begging at all angles alas. UWP if you want a revolution please take the forefront. Lennox and the rest stand in front and your supporters will follow, be brave like Charlo was, doh run away and sending messages and memes expecting people to go infront and get cool wosh while you safe.

    • Ne Ne
      June 26, 2014

      Anonymous, a revolution never begins with a jumpstart!!!!!!

  47. Francisco Telemaque
    June 25, 2014

    “I make no apologies for giving the money to the Bishop. I carry out instructions from above and it is not me who gave the church but the Lord who gave the church the money. So those of us who want to criticize a good deed, are not criticizing me but is (sic) criticizing the Lord so be very careful what we criticize.”

    A host of people in the past have recklessly used the name of the word Lord, or God; also “in the name of Jesus” to justify their deeds, no matter how wicked. Interestingly though they believe that their actions are correct, since they believe that God is working through, or has worked through them to work miracles even when they harm the innocent in the process.

    When we read the book of the The Acts, we find in Chapter 9:1 ” And Saul, yet breathing out threatening’s and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord: the disciples here means Christians. If we continue reading Acts 9:3,4,5: We read “And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

    And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

    And he said Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.” We know Saul later became Paul, the one and the same apostle Paul. It interesting to note, while Saul went about doing his nasty work of killing Christians, he believed he was doing God a favor by killing; he served a false god, then and not realizing that until he actually encountered Jesus.

    So, you see there are many of us who justify our deeds by involving God name in what ever mess you cause, nevertheless, God has nothing to do with our nonsense. I know people who have gone out to steal, and while they are stealing, they are praying to God, to protect them from being caught. Mr. Skerrit may believe God gave that $500,000.00 to the so called bishop, but to those of us who knows how God set up his system so that the Church can function, without having to beg, or accept political gifts knows that God paid no part in that.

    Mr. Skerrit have a right to believe what he wish, but somebody need to remind him that God is not a poor God, for all the resources of this earth was put there by him, and there is a way to get it, not via politics however.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  48. Controversy
    June 25, 2014

    That right their is stirring controversy in itself. You all have been “working” so hard to start a revolution. From the day after election the campaign against Roosevelt Skerrit began, how about you guys put all that effort into doing something constructive for Dominica. Maybe, just maybe we will see some kind of change.

    • Dominican all the wa
      June 25, 2014

      why don’t you and your family do batter for Dominica but the time coming I hope you know that the so call pm maybe your GOD but not all of us GOD so people have the right to talk all i have to say is the time is coming that pm is for people like you so that don’t like to work

      • Controversy
        June 27, 2014

        nobody is talking about PM being a God, you all just oppose for opposing sake whether it’s in the country’s interest or not. SMDH

    • Mighty
      June 25, 2014

      But after corruption comes revolution. Which generation will stand being hungry and unemployed for so long with no hope of relief.

      • Controversy
        June 27, 2014

        You will fight with your family and yourself

  49. Lougaoo Mem
    June 25, 2014

    Nice piece Alex!

    This isn’t calling for revolution to burn and kill. No. It’s calling for you to search your consciences, dig deep within and ask yourselves, is this who you want to continue govern our beloved country? How much more should we take?

    It’s not a joke people. This is serious matters for concern when political leaders consider themselves sent by some Divine power to rule and conquer. And what you are experiencing is a man who believes he’s accountable to no one, not even the constitution. Now he’s using the church to convey that God is in him and that’s who he takes command from. Can you imagine?

    The most frightening thing about the whole thing is many believe that he is a God-sent. Now that is madness.

  50. June 25, 2014

    Wow! That’s reeeaaalllyyy a stretch of your imagination. I’ve concluded that it’s only the people who are disenfranchised in Dominica i.e. because they did not get a job promotion or a business venture/investment from the PM, or the ones who, for some reasons or other, fell out of favor with the PM. Instead, they create machinations of grandeurs like the above discussion, so that they can be the ones people will reference – according to that same discussion – in the event the PM will fall victim to said scenario. Only time will tell…

    • Ba Yo Bwa
      June 25, 2014

      Man/woman, you echo my sentiments somewhat. This is pure grandstanding. Much as we would like to deal with the issue(s) raised in this piece, to do that would be giving the writer too much credit. Suffice to say that this is purely quixotic. Make up the hell that doesn’t exist and then pretend to be the only one who can come in and save the day.

      Good try, Alex.

    • See
      June 25, 2014

      It Matters, WOW you don’t seem to have an imagination anymore, you PM wiped it out with freeness, favours and mucho psychology. Any independent thinker in the age of technology is a threat to you and your PM, good luck under this future dictatorial reign.

  51. LISTEN!!!!!
    June 25, 2014

    Valuable contribution and Dominicans cannot say they were not told……The GOVT can control and oppress us financially but our voices we have control over therefore they will have to kill us to silent our voices.

    Corruption Kills!!!!!!!

  52. MUDD
    June 25, 2014

    What’s wrong with my comment DNO

  53. alameda
    June 25, 2014

    while i agree with u UWP , i hope u realize also that if u are being robbed at the ballot box and the authorities wont mke the necessary changes for a fair election what are the people to do

    • For Real
      June 25, 2014

      A people gets a government they deserve!!!!!!!!!

  54. shart
    June 25, 2014

    Alex Bruno every Dominicans know where your political allegiance lies. Why didn’t u tell Norris Prevost that he looking for a revolution when he went to parliament and asked the government to provide 3.5 million dollars for the same cathedral? the majority of Dominicans voted the Labour Party in office, let me remind u it was 18-3, so wat revolution u talking about. That’s wat people like u want in the country I can inform u that aint going happen because the majority of Dominicans will prove people like u wrong wen the Skerrit is return to office with a overwhelming victory.

    • Voice
      June 25, 2014

      Do you realise that Mr. Bruno never condemned the actual giving but the statement from the PM that accompanied it? Sometimes one really has to wonder about you people. So blind that you wont see… so deaf that you want hear…

    • Ce Se
      June 25, 2014

      And more stress with higher taxes in all you tail. Think things will continue to be rosy. One day you will face reality. Remember we are living in the last days. Matthew chapter 24 read it and enlighten yourself, blind bat!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Men
      June 25, 2014

      The gift was glaring, wrong time, wrong place. Any body with sense in their brain will see that was to score political points, but luckily for some of us CATHOLICS who still have a good conscience, that big gift cannot fool us, WE STILL VOTING UWP. WORKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. Browne,C (Rastafari)
    June 25, 2014

    Well written article, Alex! This is going to ruffle LOTS of feathers and for all the right reasons too. :-D Steer the course.

    • Ba Yo Bwa
      June 25, 2014

      Well written, you say? Do you really know good writing when you see it? Go read the New York Times, or better still, the Economist. See how ALL the elements of sound writing is fused together to make a coherent and cogent argument. Then come and tell us about good writing. That’s the trouble with us in Dominica. We will not hold a mirror to ourselves. We have the grand idea, in this tiny country of ours, that we’re already there. Gosh!

      • Trust
        June 25, 2014

        You seem to have a grand idea that your PM, your god will make Dominica better after he has spoiled and corrupted everything. God not sleeping, it is GOD that set up governments and put down governments and as I see it now, HE is about to dethrone that one. CHANGE IS A MUST NOT AN OPTION.

    June 25, 2014

    “We can disagree about politics without hating and insulting each other.”

    We can also stop writing HOG WASH, ON SOCIAL Media.

    • Dominican all the wa
      June 25, 2014

      my friend thats what you and all the rest DOM-IN-CANS that put the only young man in Dominica to do to our sweet Dominica take a walk in Roseau and look at the people face you all take Dominica people smiles away from them but the time is coming when people will smile

  57. Consumer
    June 25, 2014

    What is wrong with saying that “God”, the Divine and merciful impressed on me to do or behave in a particular way? We hear and see that everyday. We hear politicians say that the people call “me” to represent them and since the voice of the people is the voice of God – I am responding to God – so it is really God that call them. We have heard many people say that is Gid tht send them to chance upon a certain situation and ths render a good deed. Did the PM say that he was God or that he was the Divine one? What I understand him to mean is that was inspired to do the giving and so he responded positively. So its really not him giving, it is the Divine One.

    PM Skerrit is always taken out of context particularly by those who have labored day and night to prevent his election and successive re-elections to government. There was the famous “no constitution” or “no law” statement that continue to surface everyday in our public discuss. But there again the PM was taken out of context. There is no law or constitution that can prevent Alex Bruno from expressing himself in the manner that he has so eloquently done? Is that to mean that the constitution cannot be applied to Alex’s life? Alexis not an objective critic of Mr. Skerrit. He is a well-known defender of the UWP. He remained very silent when Lennox Linton took upon himself the Divine power of removing the “ointment” from Pastor Peter Augustine’s holy “ointment”. At the time Pastor Augustine prayed for the leadership of the country and rebuked those who spare no effort in bringing the country down. Mr. Linton threatened to de-anoint Pastor Augustine if ever he DARED to oppose Lennox. What might and power Lennox assumed to himself. Alex remained dumb and mute. He is talking now.

    • Jill
      June 25, 2014

      @Consumer- you sound like an old fashioned out of touch person who has been living under a rock in the river.
      You do not make any kind of sense.

      You belong to an earlier time and place.

    • Educator
      June 25, 2014

      Every cult leader has followers. As hard as it is to believe, many people believed in Jim Jones, David Koresh and many more like them.

      Once someone starts tell me that God commanded them to do something, or God sent them to say something, I get very suspicious.

      But that is just the skeptic in me talking.

      • JoJo
        June 26, 2014

        You are not a skeptic but a realist.

    • Revolution
      June 25, 2014

      Consumer God is not in all you DLP margee. Fool, you not seeing that money could have been put to more pressing and important use. Are you so blind that you cannot see the bad roads, Marigot hospital, that sickness that stealing the strength of Dominicans – chickengunya whatever!!!!!! Grotto Home, PMH, even the EC Loblack Bridge, that bridge needs a resurfacing, the steel ready to punch people tires. Mr. PM, don’t expect a reward for that gift, it was given out of your head not your heart. You can no longer fool Dominicans.

  58. Educator
    June 25, 2014

    Very balanced views expressed here Alex.

    I too was taken aback by the PM’s statement. The next thing he will utter is that God bestowed the governance of the country onto him.

    Almost sounds like the making of an autocracy.

    • June 25, 2014

      @Educator,go educate your self…..really?? :?:

    • Ba Yo Bwa
      June 25, 2014

      No. The word you looking for is theocracy.

    • Voice
      June 25, 2014

      Monarchy or Dictatorship

  59. Jill
    June 25, 2014

    If this posture continues there is a storm brewing over Dominica and it will come with all its furry and rage. Alex has sounded the alarm bell. We better take heed.

    • We the People
      June 25, 2014

      We the People voted the PM into office!!! :?:

      • Jill
        June 25, 2014

        @We the People on chartered flights…….. is that what you mean…….?

      • Views Expressed
        June 25, 2014

        …..and WE the people will vote him OUT of office. HIS time has expired.


      • We will Win
        June 25, 2014

        We the PEOPLE with the help of GOD will vote DLP out.. All what in darkness must come to light when UWP reach in office.

      • Malgraysa
        June 26, 2014


      • Anonymous
        June 26, 2014

        We the people did, Bur we also have a right to challenge and criticise those we elect to govern us. and change hem when we find all they want is to rule and not listen to us who put them there in the first place.

    • Trust Me
      June 25, 2014

      So Skerrit Cannot Say his Inpiration came From God but Alex’s Commentary Makes Him The Angel of Light…..What Hog wash!!!!

      • Views Expressed
        June 25, 2014

        The answer to your question re Alex is a resounding YES

  60. Really?
    June 25, 2014

    “I write at the risk of facing the wrath of the powerful and mighty, but I must write because I rather face scorn at the present, than be frowned upon by the next generation who would have depended on me to have done better.”

    Alex, everyone knows who you are. You are just politicking. Violence is always used by those who are desperate. Power is really the root of all evil, we seem to say or do anything to get in power. I just cannot understand your thought process when comparing donating money to a church as to a slavery revolution. Quite an imagination, well calculated and deceitful in an attempt to manipulate and sway voters. Is this one of your stories or just a joke? God help us all in DA.

    Surely I believe in the separation of church and Government and as such I do not support the donation since this is just one of the many denominations in DA. However, to write this crap about revolution is down right low and misleading.

    • We the People
      June 25, 2014

      The building is historical , heritage and a tourist attraction . :?:

      • Anonymous
        June 26, 2014

        So all my life I have been wrong it was built, by our own people’s hand for the greater glory of God. Church is a business then? Maybe we should give it to the Discover Dominica to look after?

    • Rebec
      June 25, 2014

      How low has your PM brought DA, how deceptive and misleading has he been since he took up office. Has he done more wrong than right?. Are things worse now than before? You be the judge!!!!!!! You labourites will see, I hope it’s not too late.

  61. Persistent Woman!
    June 25, 2014

    I must say this was well written. I like the last line about the polictics and not hurting each other. If Dominicans were not so naive, and disagree to things but not hurt people, we would be so much more of a positive Place.

    However, since we are not so, nothing that is done by the Prime Minister, pleases no one!! NO ONE! I sure bet if he didn’t give the money, someone would be on MATT in the morning blasting the Pm and saying hurtful things.

    What do we really want in Dominica?
    We don’t need a Workers party, Or a Labour Party, What we need is a WORKING party. Whoever fits the psoition, may the best man Win!

    • Ba Yo Bwa
      June 25, 2014

      You make our point above. In the context of a “Well written” piece, what does the last line have to do with the piece? What does it add to the point(s) the writer is attempting to make with this final sentence, if not to add a disclaimer of some sort?

    • Anonymous
      June 26, 2014

      In a democratic system you can not have just one party. That would be illogical. People must be allowed to express their views and be represented in a governing body that runs the country in the interest of ALL! Good governance is a compromise., just like in a good marriage.

  62. jeezus skrit
    June 25, 2014

    65% illiterate….. what to expect?

    • Anonymous
      June 26, 2014

      yes sir, skritzophrenia rule!

    • eyes open
      June 26, 2014

      you included in the %65

  63. Bull Crap
    June 25, 2014

    we need a sense of civility in this country and this has to begin with the leaders on all sides.. people act ignorantly because they see their leaders being ignorant. if your leaders cant act as mature individuals that respect each others rights and opinions, how can we expect the rest of the country to.

    • Natural Beauty
      June 25, 2014

      Not only do they see their leaders behaving ignorantly, but they see other “responsible” members of society, those who we ASSUME should know better, behaving irresponsibly and acting the fool too during these times. Still, at the end of the day, we’re all adults and should make our own choices and decisions. Not be like monkeys and do what we see!

  64. B Lion
    June 25, 2014

    Being neither catholic nor political I do not subscribe to the teachings of the Vatican neither the bishop or his entourage . It is false. misleading, confused and outdated in the class of the all knowing. It would be better that I disagree with the PM’s decision than prove that the principals of the Vatican did not crucify Yashua the Christ. History relived. Monarchy control and power over the free will concept of God the Father. Bless.

  65. Bull Crap
    June 25, 2014

    well said my friend. now i know their are gonna be a few that will read this and not get the message you trying to convey. all they will see if politics and u bashing the PM. and that their right to do soo. But as someone that feels the way you do, i say Kudos my friend.

    Could not have said it better myself

    • Dominican
      June 25, 2014

      I agree…. well said!

  66. UWP?
    June 25, 2014

    You guys must stop your nonsense about revolution. This Government was elected by the people for the people. There will be a next election where the people will decide. Stop all these foolish politics that promotes violence and fear. We are a God fearing society so please allow Dominica to remain as peaceful as it is. I am Dominican are you?

    • hmmmm
      June 25, 2014

      If you consider what Mr. Bruno said to be foolish, then I feel very sorry for you. I just prayed that God will open your mind and your blinded political eyes

    • CIA on the Watch
      June 25, 2014

      UWP, Since when Dominicans are afraid of Revolution? It was Anthony Astaphan who spoke to the constitutional colwoosh brigade, it was Charles Savarin who on kairi said that “we will go after the opposition UWP like Obama going after al-Qaida with Drones” , was that not instilling fear in the public, were you deaf or out of state, this is just a reminder

    • Not that Dominican
      June 25, 2014

      I not that type of Dominican thanks. I’m the one that believe if something is wrong, its wrong. Corruption is wrong. Only the selected few benefit. And the rest get handouts if at all, when they could have worked and done better. So if you yourself believe that the Government is elected by the people, why is it your Government does not want to remove dead people from the voters list etc. Is it accurate that in a country of less than 70,000, we have a voters list with about 60,000? So only 10,000 can’t vote? I’m asking because I do not know.

      • Oh Come on.....
        June 25, 2014

        you really do not know. You ppl only read what supports ur agenda.

      • Anonymous
        June 25, 2014

        Have you informed the Electoral Commission of the dead people you know on the voters list? If you did so did they refuse to remove them.

        The census reflects the population on island on census night, the voters list reflects the number of registered voters wherever they might be on the planet. It is obvious that there will be a difference in the two numbers.

        You should educate yourself before you start your revolution.

      • UWP
        June 26, 2014

        I guess that we must put guards at the grave sites to inform the commission who has risen from the dead so we all can be on the look out for them. Would love to see my Grandma again. God bless her soul.

    • JoJo
      June 26, 2014

      A revolution need not be violent. Look at the old Soviet Union where a one-party system was cast aside by it own enlightened leaders. One man rule has shown to be evil, time and time again and never helps the economy of such a country.

  67. Gwatelle
    June 25, 2014

    Well..constructed Mr. Bruno. I support you!

  68. Gwatelle
    June 25, 2014

    Well..contructed Mr. Bruno. I support you!

  69. UWP?
    June 25, 2014

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: What a joke.

  70. MUDD
    June 25, 2014

    Everyone wants to be in the lime light

    • afan
      June 25, 2014

      lol at you, still lmao, the dude already in the limelight, the dude is the most visible playwright and contemporary arts practitioner in the country for at least 6 to 8 years….. Alex is only saying what many people are thinking and more and more starting to articulate, those like you who prefer to keep your head buried will be in for shock if the status quo continues, try to be on the right side of history or be those who are most impacted by it

      • Neutral
        June 25, 2014

        All they plays are failures, listen to his calypsos this man cant be taken seriously

      • eyes open
        June 26, 2014

        open you mind and eyes,he meant political limelight

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