NJAM to hold virtual election reform rally; to pursue draft electoral reform legislation

The National Joint Action Movement (NJAM) will this evening convene a Virtual Electoral Reform Rally themed “Electoral Reform Now 2022”.

Invitations for the event, which is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m., have been extended to the Electoral Commission, all elected parliamentarians, political parties, civil society groups, leaders of religious organizations, the general population, and leaders of media houses.

NJAM has appealed, through a press release, to all Dominicans at home and abroad to join the initiative for action towards the achievement of Electoral Reform Now 2022.

“ A special appeal goes out to all Dominican attorneys at law to join the campaign for Electoral Reform Now-2022, to bring their legal expertise to bear on the development, preparation and submission of a body of draft legislation, based on best practice laws already existing in jurisdictions such as Jamaica and Barbados,” the release stated.

NJAM said it is hoped that when the developed body of legislation to bring about electoral reform is tabled, presented, debated and passed in Parliament and assented to by His Excellency the President of Dominica, that Dominica would become the envy of CARICOM member states as well as the Commonwealth and other nations of the world.

“Electoral reform is to the benefit of all Dominicans especially the youth,” NJAM declared in the relaese.

Deputy Chairman of NJAM, Severin McKenzie, told DNO that although expert jurist Sir Dennis Byron was invited, he will not be participating but plans to engage with the organization later.

The rally will be held from 6:30 this evening and will be broadcast live on KAIRI FM and Q95 radio stations and social media platforms: Facebook and You Tube as well as Dominica News Online (DNO).

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  1. Lin clown
    February 8, 2022

    If this Dominica Labour Party,led by Roosevelt Skerrit EVER pass resolution in favour of NJAM or UWP we removing them from office
    The election observers said the 2019 election was FREE and FAIR and FREE from FEAR.

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  2. Money god
    February 7, 2022

    If Money god can have his anou mati anou palay sort every Sunday, what is preventing Lennox Linton from hosting his “Between you and me program? I am just so fed up with this lazy opposition that has caused people to get so afraid of Skerrit Stupes. Boy let me stop eh because I am so upset with their no show no presence on the ground

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    • Gary
      February 8, 2022

      I wonder if you really think, remove that box over your head meaning your political partisan beliefs then you will be able to see why, and what is preventing Lennox Linton from hosting his Between you and me program. Have you not thought of his loose tounge, would you be willing to bankroll him. Why are you stressing yourself over something that can be understood. Lazy in not a word to describe the Opposition led by Linton, incompetence, period.

      As to the no show, no presence on the ground, how can you get people to follow you if you are an incompetent leader surrounded by others which are complacent and by extension the followers like you. You got to watch your tolerance of being upset, do not make it part of your daily life in support of incompetence.

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  3. Money god
    February 7, 2022

    If my party was putting pressure on Money god with a community presence I believe Money god would be forced to give us election reform. But he knows this present group of UWP is lazy and are strangers in their own constituencies. All they want to do is jump on Q95 not realizing that Q is no longer a popular station with no Angelo, no Let’s talk with Linton, no lofty and besides, not too many people have Wi-Fi home and people don’t want to use their phone data to listen to q95. I for sure stop listening to Q95 like before, when they always had some breaking news and the hosts were well informed. So they need to get up now and start to hit the road…start to trouble Money god because money god likes to keep the people in darkness. Imagine that Money god is so boring with his lies, yet on Sundays people are forced to listen to him because UWP has lost their voice on radio and their presence on the ground. If you guys want to criticize me for challenging my lazy party to action it’s ok

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
    • Gary
      February 8, 2022

      Why are you blaming people and making silly observations, about quote “not too many people have Wi-Fi home and people don’t want to use their phone data to listen to q95” is this a rational statement used to protect someone who is incompetent to be a leader of a Political Party, wow. I do not know what you mean by INFORMATION, in politics such word can be disguised into propaganda, so you got to be astute as a listener.

      This is not about challenging your lazy party to action, it is about looking at your Party, it’s leader, and strategy, results do not lie, what else can I tell you.

  4. Money god
    February 7, 2022

    I am a UWP supporter so I will not criticize NJAM because they are not a political party. However, let me once again tell my party leadership in particular that Election reform is important but building a presence in the communities is far more important. Look, if Skerrit calls election and UWP decides to NOT participate Skerrit will be in power for 5 more years! If they participate Skerrit will still be in power with or without reform because my party doesn’t have a presence on the ground. I know it’s covid but I feel they can still keep educational meetings on the block without an audience! The Adventists are still keeping open air meetings . A young man is still preaching on the streets of Roseau on Saturdays without a crowd! I challenge my party to go back to the people. Go sympathize with people when there is a dead in the communities. Go every constituency should ensure that the caretaker attends funerals and services regardless of their religion. Get up and meet the people

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  5. Ibo France
    February 7, 2022

    Electoral Reforms or lack thereof, is a very vexing issue in Dominica. Evidently, the last two or three recent elections cannot be considered a true reflection of the will of the electors. The Electoral System is fraught with corruption and totally skewed in favour of the ruling autocracy.

    I want to applaud the members of NJAM for taking the bull by the horns and not leaving this most important issue to the parliamentary Opposition alone. I also hope that all honest and right-thinking citizens will lend their wholesale support to this pivotal effort.

    Two of the many reasons that a concoction of shady characters, thugs and dimwits occupies the highest seat of government this long, are the inertia of the people and the thunderous silence, the covert and overt collusion of the media houses. What a huge difference if the local media would grow a spine.

    We Want Electoral Reform. When Do We Want It? NOW!!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 5
  6. It’s my damn business
    February 7, 2022

    1Now the gates of Jericho were tightly shut because the people were afraid of the Israelites. No one was allowed to go out or in. Joshua 6:1
    So we come, Jericho again. Our new norm of fear

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  7. Voice of fear
    February 7, 2022

    Virtual rally just for FEAR of Skerrit. Where has Fear no more gone to?

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  8. Hide and seek
    February 7, 2022

    All these people can do is hide. They hide behind a microphone , behind Q95 or behind Face book. Abe we I must give PM Skerrit credit for getting Dominicans scared of breaking law and using covid to his advantage. Its time we stop hiding. Its time to stand up for our right! Its time we say like Esther if I perish I perish but I going to see the king. As for me I not into that uwp or njam virtual nonesene. If Rosie was alive we would not be having no virtual rally. Lord send us some men and women with the spirit of Rosie Douglas please.

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  9. I not afraid
    February 7, 2022

    Election reform rally to be held virtually? But what I hearing there nou. Joke that man? No wonder Skerrit has Dominica like that because he realized is hungry jokers we have. When thousands were dying from covid supporters of Trump turned out in the million on January to try to get their own Vice President to over turn the election results, and to rally for election results at a time covid is nothing more than a mild flu all you talking about virtual rally? All you didn’t see the massive protests in Guadeloupe and Martinique when thousands were getting sick and dying man? When will Dominicans rise up and say jail me or kill me if you want but I standing up? They can’t arrest all of us or jail all of us or kill all of us. Here is a verse I like in Rev 12:11 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2012%3A11&version=KJV. A simple translation of the above verse is, they were not afraid to die to stand for their faith

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 2
    • Gary
      February 10, 2022

      “When will Dominicans rise up and say jail me or kill me if you want, but I standing up?” my answer, when the Dominican people see a legitimate reason, not what you, the UWP and NJAM think. I will also tell you, not every belief or conviction a man is willing to die for is true or worthwhile. Why are you using some bible verse to suite what you believe without examining your belief. Then you must also watch for people misleading you for their own Political ambitions. Philippians 2:3 do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves.

  10. Lin clown
    February 7, 2022

    The government should designate NJAM a terrorist organization.The election observers said the 2019 election in Dominica was FREE and FAIR.I have never supported election reform in Dominica.The UWP formed the government in 1995 with 34.86% of the votes,less than half of voters,voted the most corrupt party to ever be formed in Dominica.If this government implement any reform in favour of UWP,we are taking DLP out of office.Just like we did in 1979.

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    • Ibo France
      February 7, 2022

      Want horse manure anyone? Lie Clown has tons to give away.

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    • Yea
      February 8, 2022

      You should have mentioned that DLP got 29.75% and DFP 35.81% and independents 0.08%.

      Also, you should say why it is that the DLP MUST bring in persons to vote each time. Why they must sit and CALCULATE how many persons are needed.

      “just like we did in 1979” says you are one of those freedomites turn labourite … how much were you purchased for?

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    • Eagle-Eyed
      February 8, 2022

      NJAM, UWP, all the same suspects, wolves in sheep clothing. That’s all they can offer Dominicans, while Skerrit and his government building homes for Dominicans, hospitals and other locally based health facilities, five star hotels and resorts, sports facilities, roads to drive on safely and now the international airport, jobs and better standard of living. All while dealing with a pandemic. I think these guys are running scared that they will never again get back in office so they continue doing what they do best. All hot air. Branding them a terrorist organisation would be just playing their silly games.

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