NOVEMBER 1st-Daily Update from Dominica

The Hon. Rayburn Blackmoore, Minister for Justice, Immigration and National Security kicked off the press briefing from Dominica today addressing the plans to reestablish the Justice system in Dominica.  In addition, the minister confirmed the participation of the armed forces in the Independence Activities slated fro Friday, November 3rd.

With security being underscored as an issue of major importance after any disaster, the commanding officers of the various regional military groups now operating in Dominica were present to outline their continuing work in the country.  Along with Dominica’s Chief of Police Daniel Carbon, officers from the Jamaica Defence Force, the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force as well as the Regional Security System and other Military and Police Personnel addressed the press members.

Permanent Secretary of  Ministry for Justice, Immigration and National Security Ms Jo-Anne Commodore and Registrar Ossie Walsh provided updates about the progress being made to secure housing for the resident Judges and courts of Dominica.

Full video here:

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  1. viewsexpressed
    November 1, 2017

    “The Hon. Rayburn Blackmoore, Minister for Justice, Immigration and National Security kicked off the press briefing from Dominica today addressing the plans to reestablish the Justice system in Dominica.”

    Good news ..very good news Mr Blackmore. We are impressed to hear that the Justice system awaken by Maria & that common sense will prevail in re establishing long overdue Justice system in Dominica. We are going to investigate the Bin Bobol, the Fertilizer Bobol, The CBI enquiry and investigation, the many ole teeth nefarious questionable people Diplomatically speaking who has been given our passports.
    The many start up hotels that are unfinished as we wonder where all that money go to. The introduction of the Red Clinic, a serious state bobol/abuse created by the Prime Ministers office. That is not development not addressing poverty. The abuse of the ministers office, like discovered in the UK parliament now ministers are beginning to resign, for touch-up women in office. Sad…

  2. ddd
    November 1, 2017

    how can a chief of police say without the foreign officers they would not have contained the looting…hmmm. he has no trust in his own men so u know

  3. A nation in crisis
    November 1, 2017

    As we listen to the daily briefings, no matter who addresses it we seem to be hearing one thing which is, Dominica is in serious crisis and lacks leadership at a time when leadership is badly needed. We had that problem before Maria but just that Maria exposed it. We are so badly off that we have a government that cannot be trusted and flat out cannot manage a ration or food distribution program after a hurricane that left everyone in need. Even more than food the UN and CARICOM must step in to save Dominica by first assisting with the peaceful removal of this bad and corrupt government and put in a temporary government to unite us and prepare us for election in the next 90 days. That should be our independent gift from them and if it means we have to go back to England till next election, let’s do that please to save our country

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