Nude cruise coming to Dominica

A cruise company that is promising the ultimate nudist adventure is set to charter its first nude cruise out of Florida and Dominica is on the itinerary. But don’t expect to see naked visitors walking through Roseau when the ship is visiting the island on February 8, 2025, because nudity is allowed only on the ship.

The au naturel cruise, aptly named “The Big Nude Boat,” leaves Miami on February 3, 2025, for a 10-day trip through the Caribbean with stops expected in the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, Dominica, Martinique and St. Lucia.

The cruise is organized by Bare Necessities Tour & Travel in association with Norwegian Cruise Lines.

“We’ll be sailing aboard the lovely Norwegian Pearl, a 2,300-passenger ship with loads of entertainment, lots of open deck space, and multiple dining options,” the cruise website reads. “Her specialty restaurants and a large buffet area for nude outdoor dining will easily accommodate a wide variety of culinary tastes.”

According to Bare Necessities Tour & Travel, clothes-free experiences are planned throughout the trip but proper nudist etiquette and other rules will be strictly enforced for guests. There will be a self-serve buffet that serves a clothes-free area but clothes are required in the dining rooms. Guests are expected to sit on a towel when naked or in a
thong in their staterooms, on the pool deck, in the buffet area, or on excursions.

Taking photos of nude guests on the cruise without consent is prohibited and “no photo zones” are located throughout the ship. Additionally, fondling and inappropriate touching are prohibited, and being naked at port is not allowed. Lingerie and fetish wear are also prohibited.

“When the ship is at sea or anchored in a port, passengers can be nude unless announcements have been made to the contrary,” the cruise’s website reads.

Guests who fail to follow these rules will be kicked off the cruise, the travel company said. To go on the nude cruise, guests will need a valid passport and pricing begins at $2,000 per person, though the more upscale cabins can cost over $33,000.

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  1. Portus
    April 28, 2024

    I guess the Archbishop will be preaching in DA that day.

  2. RastarMarn
    April 25, 2024

    Doh mind dem nuh allyou already see dose people dat does be on dem Ships,,,

    A whole bunch of wrinkled up and Boodooop-Booodooop people dat going to be on dat,,,

    Not gonna be as fun as dem people trying to make it sound!!!

  3. The Crow
    April 24, 2024

    Strictly saloptay that there.

  4. Bwa-Banday
    April 24, 2024

    Man please tell them stay on the darn boat if they are not going to disembark naked :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . I want to see some naked ladies walking the streets of Roseau and shaking their pampalam but NO naked malmama. Naked men will empower them bullas more.

  5. Concerned citizen
    April 24, 2024

    Some Dominicans just damn hypocrites. They are afraid of their children seeing naked people but behind closed doors their relatives sexually abusing each other and even their own children and they keeping it a secret! What a nation! Those children of today know more than us!

  6. Nudibranch
    April 24, 2024

    Some things, once seen……can never be un-seen.
    It’s not like they’ll be nude whilst doing tours. Remember the ignorant and narrowminded nonsense regarding the first gay cruises.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
  7. Skerro
    April 23, 2024

    salop outside what can of example to our children lord what this world is coming to

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 13 Thumb down 18
    • April 23, 2024

      But my lady is only inside the boat they will be naked. Plus the cruise line / company setting boundaries. In certain ports you cannot be nude outside. Have you not read anything? 🤦🏽‍♂️

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 2
  8. Roger Burnett
    April 23, 2024

    I have always wonder why, as the “Nature Island of the Caribbean”, we do not make provision for naturists.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 8
    • smh
      April 24, 2024

      This has nothing to do with nature. This is perverted fetish nonsense right up there with the LGBT crap. We don’t need that here. If we say we are a civilized christian country we should have certain standards. We’re not on the african plains anymore and we are certainly not open to the type of degenerate lifestyles of godless europeans.

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