OCTOBER 16th- Daily Updates from Dominica

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has admonished authorities at the Port for charging taxes to incoming foreign aid bodies and has promised to intervene with an official letter asking for the removal of these taxes, later today. Furthermore, stated Skerrit, an apology is due to these individuals and organizations who, while attempting to assist during this time of need, had to face such charges. Additionally he mentioned that for the next six months, there will no VAT; no import duty on food and building materials in an effort to ease the burden of the Dominican public.

The PM also addressed the issue of the impending voucher system for supplies and the delay in the recommencement of school due to inclement weather. He stressed that moving forward, there will legislation for safe zoning on the island in order build homes and communities which are able to withstand future disasters.

Full video below:

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  1. LifeandDeath
    October 17, 2017

    Always have a silly smirk on his face, giving Dominicans Ananci Stories..Just talk talk and more talk..Where the actual plans for action?
    Dominicans will suffer a lot more as long as Skerrit is Prime Minister..the USA has Trump and Dominica has Skerrit; cut from the same cloth.

  2. Emile Dominique
    October 17, 2017

    DNO should now call itself DNNO.

  3. jihan
    October 17, 2017


  4. October 17, 2017

    Is there a POTENTATE in Dominica? i asked this question because the prime minister seems to be the face of any and everything during the present hurricane rehab. Mr prime minister, your tour of the bath estate development, showed true nepotism with your interactions, hope you have showed the same courtesy to the rest of the island, even in disaster, the voice of discontent and division seems to be the norm. The GOD’ of both good and disaster continue to hoover over your land. Bob D.

  5. Let The Truth Be Known - Original
    October 16, 2017

    Let us be considerate and broadminded about the present situation. The thought was not given to these taxes. Do not blame the PM. There is so much to do, so much to be instituted after Hurricane Maria, so much to see about that it was not thought of. Under the circumstances, the manager/supervisor could have asked the PM about it. Was that done?

  6. Blood of Rosie & Piero
    October 16, 2017

    What happened to Dominica cannot be real. We say is Maria and Skerrit blames it on climate change; but as far as I am concerned it is far more than Maria. When we look at the events taking place in Dominica from 2000, is one curse after the other. First it was Rosie that died in office -something that never happened before, followed by Piero. Then Christmas day floodings, followed by Erika in 2015. Then some kind of strange deaths and multiple car accident deaths, followed by Maria. Every year, and now every month we mourning for one thing or another. We building highway, airport, bridges, houses and toilets but they all vanishing before we can enjoy them. How could these things be natural? Something is wrong people and it’s time we stop and think. If it’s not a bad curse, it’s a bad judgement and if the series of events that we see one after another, whether in hurricane season or sunny season, are natural, then we have become a very unlucky nation. But pm, they all pointing at…

  7. Barrack
    October 16, 2017

    When can we get real news about specific events rather than the Daily Update?? It has been a month since Maria, we are past this stage…christmas coming .. carnival and maybe elections … let us get back and recover to normal living.

    • UK Dominican
      October 18, 2017

      The news is controlled by the One Party State, just like Pravda (the Truth) in Russia. No news about the sate of our hotel developments, the road system, damage to bridges, availability of health care, food distribution and fresh water supplies, the state of housing in various communities. What became of the much hyped CBI housing development in Bellevue Chopin for instance. Did it survive hurricane Maria. The same goes for the highly praised Petro Casas. How did they survive this calamity.
      Seems to me that the less government divulges about these matters the more we must assume they have got something to hide because things are so dire.

  8. Leroy
    October 16, 2017

    A whole lot of dumping on Prime Minister Skerrit . Whatever happens, good or bad it is all PM Skerrit. When he dead and gone it will all still be him. Hurricane Maria was by him, for him, because of him.. he is the great HIM.

    Jesus is Savior

    • Let The Truth Be Known
      October 16, 2017

      Some Dominicans are as ignorant as they can be. It is evident this is due to UWP supporters. They are the ones who create havoc, disunity and lack of peace in Dominica. They think they are smart and correct. One day they will pay for their words.
      Where God is concerned, wickedness will not always prevail.

      • viewsexpressed
        October 19, 2017

        The truth is that this person is ignorant and know not of the truth that he/she`s name is “let the truth be Known” . What a coincidence, the Truth guy is writing about himself and his inept Skerrit and dangerous corrupt Labour Government. That is the truth….corruption is high.

    • Roseau
      October 17, 2017

      The P.M is the reason why redevelopment is taking so long. he has been doing these petty politics for so long that even after this major disaster he still does not know how to call for unity.
      Why does a man with a backhoe and flatbed truck have to ask DLP Reps in his area for permission to clean and move garbage? This is so ridiculous.

  9. Skerrit Homeless
    October 16, 2017

    In everything Skerrit wants to get praise. He has to be see as the humble servant who always has to intervene as if the suggest is someone else that doing something wrong though they take orders from him. But I don’t blame him because all you said he is Jesus so he has to try to be seen as Jesus. He knows for example, John 11:35 says Jesus wept, so the day after Maria, Skerrit too wept during a press session with ABS media. He knows the verse where Jesus said He has nowhere to lay his head – Matthew 8:20; so Skerrit told the press that he too homeless though he could go to the mansion in Vielle case, the Villas in Savanpile, The Morocan hotel, the Avis ville apartments, the three story building in Roseau, the expensive condo in New York, just to name a few. Jesus fed the multitude – Matt. 14; so Skerrit wants to feed Dominicans all by himself. One thing the real Jesus CALMED the storms but Skerrit, the one they said is jesus couldn’t

  10. Wrong is wrong
    October 16, 2017

    Finally Maria has given Dominica a new fried by the name of Dr. Densil Douglas, opposition Leader of St. Kitts & Nevis. The question is, is he a good friend? Being a close friend of Skerrit I don’t need anyone to tell me that he is a bad and dangerous friend that Dominica does not need at all. One thing I must say is I never knew Dominica was part of St. St Kitts and Nevis. Open the link below to see:
    https://sflcn.com/st-kitts-nevis-government-undermines-recovery-efforts-dominica-antigua-barbuda/. Mr. Douglas made it clear that SK&N cut their CBI in half, making it $150,000. But what disturbs me is the part where Mr. Douglas said by that move St. Kitts, Antigua, and Dominica ALL sell their passports for same $150,000. I thought our was for $100.000. Again information Skerrit does not share with us is being released by his friends.
    Mr. Douglas, DO U HAVE A DA DIPOLMATIC PASSPORT? If so when and how much?

    • Wrong is wrong
      October 16, 2017

      Seems like Denzil Douglas is taking his post seriously and is fighting for Dominica. The only thing is, Skerrit NEVER told us Denzil Douglas is one of our diplomats and did not tell us when he made him a diplomat, how he became a diplomat and since when the man became a citizen of Dominica. If it is true that the man is a diplomat and citizen of Dominica, could he be next in line to become Skerrit’s next Prime Minister?

      • Malgraysa
        October 17, 2017

        This is not as far-fetched as one may think. By virtue of being a national of St. Kitts & Nevis he is also a Commonwealth citizen and eligible to stand as a candidate in Dominica’s elections without having to adopt A separate Dominican citizenship (provided, of course he does not also have a second citizenship from a non-Commonwealth country).

  11. Trying to help
    October 16, 2017

    Trying to send relief supplies from UK.Geest line are not shipping because they cannot have assurance from the Dominican GOVERNMENT that the goods will be received and delivered to the NAMED RECIPIENTS.

  12. REAL!!!!!!!
    October 16, 2017

    Maybe I am wrong but I am getting the feeling base on Skerrit speech that we will not be getting the influx of capital we need from the donor countries to rebuild Dominica….Therefore a heavy pledge for Self-Help!!!

    1. Are the donor countries asking for financial reports from DA passport sales?
    2. Base of passport sales are the donor countries convinced that over the last 5yrs the DA Treasury should have enough money to start and do 50% of the re-building process before they start funding?

    • October 16, 2017

      Not only that but all the donor countries from Ericka did not see anything done so they are reluctant to help.Colihaut is flooding again and the river is following the same path it did during Maria

    • Pas toutes D'cen aveg
      October 17, 2017

      Lol ,SMH & LMAO real loud.
      For yrs I have been saying when a real Gov’t pops up as the old cliché goes. Leaders rise from the ashes.””
      We are at this moment and since independence yet to see a real one. When will it happen?
      How many 1000’s have left the island? I recall the exodus post David and how it was the style in the 80’s. we lost maybe our greatest generation, Some never even look back on their properties. Many are still in ruins everywhere. Squatters have taken over some, many have merged with the surrounding vegetation.
      Will they come back/return now that the devastated are looking to move out? Real it would be interesting to learn of the # Real D/cans passport applicants since Maria.
      Skerrit et AL might soon be a gov’t of 20K people. Then the UN will be voting if it can be considered a real country? See how quickly he’ll join Popons in NY or Miami

  13. Vernon
    October 16, 2017

    I cannot blame the port staff because they were doing their jobs. They cannot take on their own and don’t collect the country’s revenue.

    The Minister of Finance should have put things in place to take care of such situations. If this government was operating as it should, maybe the Financial Secretary or the Acting Prime Minister could have taken that decision but they were not empowered to do so, much less for the port workers.

    That is what happens when you have a one-man government and it’s just another example of “passing the buck” to make himself look good – his trademark Modus Oparandi.

    In summary, I see this as poor leadership and power hungry. He always wants to be in control but this is not the time for showmanship. It’s time to put frameworks, systems and policies in place to deal with such and/or similar situations.

    I am afraid we will not see the last of these situations taking place during our recovery period.

    I wish I am proven wrong!

    • UK Dominican
      October 18, 2017

      You mean that nobody, including Minister of Government has executive powers but Skerrit and Skerrit alone? Why the h*ll then dow we have such a bloated army of Minister, Private Secretaries and so on? This epople must feel so frustrated and are only holding on to their jobs so they can a salary every month, little as it is. I see a serious brain drain befalling our country with only those remaining that depend on Skerrit’s handouts. But he does not mind, these people will vote for him and that is all that matters to him to stay in power. This is sick!

  14. Shameless
    October 16, 2017

    Let me see if he will fire the incompetent DASPA boss. You see, it has been “ALLEGED” that these guys will tax the hell out of you if you don’t GREASE the wheel. So the PM coming like a Knight in shining armor on his white horse in defense of these agencies is simply a rouse to deflect the presshaa. His Port Acolytes got busted by the aid agencies so he running infront like he had no idea…….remember he get mad when people started talking about what was happening at the port with rashans? He even say he doh eat sardine and corn beef. Hmmmmmm 8) 8) 8) 8) . More to come Mr. PM for god is not a Dcan Police Commissioner.

    Assertive like hurricane Maria :twisted: :twisted: !

  15. Daily Lies
    October 16, 2017

    Instead of daily briefing we might as well refer to it as daily Lies of Skerrit. The man needs to go if Dominica is going to get out of this. He wants to have his hands on everything happening in the country so he could conveniently lie to us. How could PM Gaston Brown report that Dominica is making $50, 000,000 a month on passports $600,000,000 a year, and after Maria he has to go begging everywhere, and doesn’t want us to ask questions? Who can he hide his lies from? The world has all of his secrets and folks if the man remains in office, Dominica finish for good!!!

    • Pas toutes D'cen aveg
      October 17, 2017

      How young are you Vernon ? It will take another generation or two to arrive where we were prior to Sept 18 th. Am a realist not a pessimist. remember Vernon Aallyene???? Moreso seeing we have lossed a lot of the best. Look at the behavior of those left on island since 1979 & those SOBs born since. those who think milk comes from the supermarket likewise orange juice. Yeh those johnny comelatelies with 2-4 cell phones & begging sugar daddy for top ups.

    • Shameless
      October 17, 2017

      The PM has become a darn nuisance with all these “daily lies”. He keeps hiding behind “addressing the people” rather than presenting himself for questioning and giving people tangible answers. Under DRL of 1961, Cap;53 (Summary offenses act) he should be charged with the offense of “Nuisance”. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: . Hope the police taking note here :twisted: .

      Assertive like hurricane Maria! :twisted:

  16. Danziger
    October 16, 2017

    Ok PM thats good news for us so i’ll be able to buy more food to share for my family, friends and neighbours Merci beaucoup PM.

  17. UK Dominican
    October 16, 2017

    At the same time he may ask those insensitve morons why they charged desperate passengers departure tax when leaving Dominica in the days following the hurricane. They had to pay tax and no receipt was given. It is not even so much the money but the attitude. Typical Skerrit style.

  18. Roseau
    October 16, 2017

    P.M Skerrit should announce his resignation due to incompetence and ineptitude .

    • Let The Truth Be Known
      October 16, 2017

      . . . And you will be elected PM. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  19. anonymous2
    October 16, 2017

    Better late than never. Now to just abolish the taxes and downsize government.

  20. Anonymous Reader Two
    October 16, 2017

    What about No Importation Charges on Replacement Cars or Trucks for Hurricane Damaged vehicles. I believe the Ministers get duty free for their goods

  21. Not An Easy Road
    October 16, 2017

    PM you have to be real and STOP playing your game. In Dominica, we know for sure that no one does anything without your approval so stop acting like they did it and you now have to jump and right a letter to stop it. You just like to be seen as the nice caring man when we all know you are the alpha and Omega of everything, especially everything bad in Dominica. If you are so sincere why don’t you return every penny to those that came to help? You are just a fake and people must be aware

    • Keep it simple
      October 16, 2017

      You really gave it to del good my boy

  22. Zandoli
    October 16, 2017

    Why would Skerrit admonish the staff at the port for doing their jobs. A directive should have been issued spelling out what they should do during that period.

    • UK Dominican
      October 18, 2017

      You are confirming that they are not allowed to use their common sense and are powerless in from of Skerrit.

  23. Jonathan St jean
    October 16, 2017

    What a blatant display of lack of leadership by the known incompetent Skerritt,PM of Dominica and it’s Minister of finance.Leadership is much more than the ability and propensity to disrespect and blame others but to give clear,timely instructions and directions to others in your chain of command.To run ahead of a marching band and when you look back the band is behind you then claim that they are following you is not leading but fantasy of leading.Skerritt has to,as Prime Minister give clear parliamentary directives to those who are charged with the responsibility for collecting revenue for the country at it’s ports, especially at a time of dire need, and not talk of admonishing them,he must admonish himself and his lack of leadership.

    • D/can to d bone(F)
      October 17, 2017

      Why you do not try replace him as leader . Wonder if you would do a better job. Silly Dominican you are

  24. kalaloo
    October 16, 2017

    6 months boss?? the country décalé oui my padner, should at least 2 yrs.

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