OCTOBER 27th-Daily Updates from Dominica

Daniel and Royer dressed for the occasion at the press briefing on Kweyol Day. Photo credit: GIS

The press briefing from Dominica today was focused on the plans for the Independence season after the devastation of Hurricane Maria. Mrs Helen Royer, Permanent Secretary and Minister, the Hon. Catherine Daniel, from the Ministry of Social Services, Family and Gender Affairs were present in their colourful national wear variations to present the programme for the event.

Full video here:

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  1. Precil Laville
    October 28, 2017

    Hurricane Maria has brought out the true nature of our leaders and those in authority. While we the people of Dominica are grieving, suffering and struggling , you choose to focus on celebrating independence. You have shown us how inhumane, selfish and insensitive you all are. We understand that you need to create a state of normalcy, but the manner in which you are doing it is totally unacceptable. You are now adding insult to injury. Stop playing with the sanity of we the Dominican people. Give us a chance to mentally recover. Why not keep a revival for the healing of our nation? Why not focus on motivating those who have chosen to stay to build back Dominica ? Why not see to it that the basic needs of those living in shelters are met..? It appears that you all have not quite understood the extent to which this country is hurting. Stop dreaming….

    • Me
      October 30, 2017

      Amen! Stop insulting our intelligence, not all Dominicans swallow that cheap propaganda hook, line and sinker.

  2. October 28, 2017

    This move is very un-necessary at the moment. People are still in total distress with no roofs nor a proper meal and the gov’t is focused on Independence festival. I know very well that whoever will speak against it will be considered a” blue” but this isn’t the case for me. I honestly believe that whatever cash that should be spent on this festival right now should be spent on what is a priority for the Dominican people who have lost whatever they had and at this very moment they are still not capable of sleeping on a clean mattress.I have always realized that this gov’t doesn’t know what is a priority for Dominica.Skerrit note well that this devastation might a sign for you to know what is best for the nation or else we will all sink together with you but you’ll not get away with it.

  3. October 28, 2017

    Come on folks I am in favor of a little cheering up miss Daniel and others are doing what I think is right how long are we going to sit in a corner and cry about our loss I am not saying that we should go in the street and jump like nothing happen but lets understand that we must cheer our selves up we know we need food & shelter the people are trying and we must remember that this is our country lets do what we can make the best of it today we are here tomorrow we are gone.

    • Me
      October 29, 2017

      They don’t look very happy to me Wallace. More like two Halloween characters, press ganged into performing against their own better judgement.

    October 27, 2017

    The people who somehow get off on being negative to others, have yet to grow up as adults and realize that the only person you’re hurting is yourself!

    the common element with all these negative people who have negative comments generally focused on people and not ideas is that they are the one’s who contribute the least is at all to a future Dominica!

    the more they complain the less they are actually doing!

    • viewsexpressed
      October 28, 2017

      Why do you have so much negative attitudes on and off Dominicans like you who love their country like you and only ask for accountability and good government. Dominica has a challenge and Skerrit failed to embrace this opportunity 17 years ago, so what is your stress about us Dominicans like you expressing our pain and suffering this country has been lead down to, the gutters.
      You and Skerrit Sir/Madam all UDOHREADYEY….wake and smell that tasteless political corrupt coffee. Every morning we wake up is to the same old stench.
      Skerrit must Go

    • Massacre
      October 28, 2017

      Why are you so scared and seemed worried that the dirty laundry of DLP is being exposed for what it is? The Gov’t is playing politics with much needed relief and people like you want this to remain quiet? When will you hypocrites remove your blinders and speak the truth?
      For the first time I heard some long standing DLP supporters say that Skerrit is failing Dominicans, this goes to show they quickly realized that we are all one family.

  5. anonymous2
    October 27, 2017

    The people need food and supplies not festivals. Why doesn’t the govt. spend the money on something more prudent than festivals at this time. Whatever happened to Linton? Seems like most jumped shipped.

  6. anonymous2
    October 27, 2017

    DA needs money spent on a festivities celebration right now like it needs a hole in a water bucket. A ship loaded with tons of food and supplies paid for by the govt. would be a lot more prudent move. But then again when has this govt. ever exercised prudence? Whatever happened to Linton? Haven’t heard hide nor hare about him since the hurricane either.

  7. Primrosette
    October 27, 2017


  8. Daily Lies
    October 27, 2017

    Hon Catherine Daniel was part of press briefing today? Well, that means we know for sure that at least three out of the 17 cabinet ministers survived Hurricane Maria because since Maria, it became clear that only Skerrit and Mcyntire survived Maria. So where is ambassador Vince Henderson, who left his New York home / office to come help run the press briefing and food distribution here, at a time when we need him in New York more than ever before? DNO here is an observation. The three most powerful offices in Dominica the president, the Prime Minister, and the Police Commissioner, are all seem to be vacant at the same time and someone acting for each of them? It also appears that government Ministers especially in seats the DLP carried by default /close seats, have all vacated their ministries and chose to go in the ministry of FOOD RELIEF to see if they can make a name for themselves come next election? Seats like Mahaut, St Joseph, Castle Bruce, La Plaine, GrandFond

    • anonymous2
      October 27, 2017

      Does that surprise you?

  9. UK Dominican
    October 27, 2017

    Catherine, that is in such poor taste. I know youhave directies from your boss that you must talk things up and not be negative but honestly how can you pretend to be in a festive mood when your costituents are suffering even more now than after Erica? You Guy’s are sick and shoulwear black instead.

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