OECS consultant to conduct needs assessment on island for WTO investment agreement

Mathan Walter


Director of Trade Matthan Walter has announced that the Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Secretariat has funded the engagement of a consultant to conduct a needs assessment for Dominica from June 12-16, 2023.

He said the idea is to assess Dominica’s readiness to implement such an agreement and to establish areas where financial and technical assistance are required to implement it.

He stated, in September 2020, Dominica was one of the only two OECS- Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states who joined the discussions towards an agreement with the World Trade Organization (WTO) to deal with investment facilitation for development.

“At that time Dominica deemed it necessary from a multilateral trade perspective to be part of discussions which would lead to greater ease of investing within and among WTO member states, all 164 of them,” Walter explained

He continued, “We also envisioned that those discussions would develop into an agreement which would improve and preserve relationships between investors, potential investors, and our national investment authority, thereby averting or curbing escalation of investment-related disputes if they were to rise.”

Furthermore, he stated that these discussions have developed into a draft agreement supported by more than 100 WTO member states, “and the expectations that we could have a finalized agreement by mid-July 2023.”

Walter went on to state that the implementation of the finalized agreement aims to create a more transparent and inclusive environment for investors and improve the business environment in Dominica.

According to him, the agreement includes; provisions to treat international investment agreements, most favoured nation treatment, transparency of investment measures, no fees imposed for access to information, and special and differential treatment for developing countries such as Dominica among others.

While in Dominica the consultant will meet with the following government and non-governmental investment stakeholders to include;  the Financial Services Unit, The Companies and Intellectual Properties Office, DAIC, the ICT Unit, Ministry of Environment , Ministry of Legal Affairs, The Environmental Health Unit, The Secretary to the Cabinet, The Financial Secretary, The Ministry of Housing and Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, The Customs and Excise Division, Dominica Hotel and Tourism Association, The Registrar of Titles, the IPO and local and foreign investors.

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  1. Janet
    June 15, 2023

    Only Skerrit could find a hollow vessel like Walter. It’s amazing!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 0
  2. Pat
    June 13, 2023

    WTO is a big fat weapon used by the rich. It really is a crippling factor in World food production. They have weaponized phrases like free trade and fair trade that’s neither free nor fair for poor people of the world.

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  3. Juanita
    June 13, 2023

    Perhaps the assessment conversation with the “consultant” should examine whether there is a link between the policies and practices of the man “in-charge” who has been mortgaging Dominica for the past 23 years and the country’s investment climate. Dominica is becoming more and more investment conducive but only to a certain cadre of “fly by night investors.” For example all the international banks have packed up and left. Meanwhile, the list of questionable financial entities licensed by the authorities continues to grow. When Dominica declared independence in 1978, the economy was diverse and bananas and coconuts were the main exports. Now, per a late MP for Portsmouth, the main exports are now Dominicans.

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  4. Ibo France
    June 13, 2023

    This fact finding mission is slated to meet exclusively with the organs of government which are strictly controlled by an imbecile. The information collected will be tainted, twisted, specious and downright farcical.

    No initiatives in Dominica under this incumbency, no matter how promising or crucial to the overall development of the country, ever redound to the benefit of the masses.

    Dominica needs a reset with people of integrity, industry, foresight, critical thinking skills and authenticity at the apex of government. We will continue to under-achieve with Roosevelt and his shady characters manning the affairs of the country.

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  5. If we knew better
    June 13, 2023

    hilarious. Why do we keep asking for consultants when we already know exactly what we need and how it can be achieved. the government has been dragging its feet on too much. We need new industrial sites with their own ports, storage, research and product development to name a few amenities needed. We need proper venues for doing business as Roseau is too congested. Venues that compliment the products and services that we propose to the public., thus adequately placed, designed and constructed commercial locations are needed. we need a better freight port. we need a lower cost of electricity to name a few of our issues. Why do we need another consultant to ask us the same questions to only write a report that the government will use as kindling. The government seems to do what it wants, when it wants at the time it suits them most. Meanwhile the people suffer as we watch them waste money they cannot account for.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 0

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