Opposition leader’s brother granted $75k bail on charge of incitement to commit treason

Linton emotionally reunites with his fiancee after being granted bail

Brian Linton, brother of the Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Lennox Linton, has been granted bail in the sum of $75,000.00 following a charge of incitement to commit treason preferred against him by the police.

Linton, who was arrested at his home in Marigot in the early hours of February 23, 2022, appeared before Magistrate Michael Laudat on February 24, 2022.

According to the charge of the police, it is alleged that on October 13, 2020, Linton did unlawfully incite to commit treason in the Commonwealth of Dominica by uttering to the public on a radio talk show namely Talk on the Block hosted on Q95 Radio Station in Roseau.

The charge quotes Linton as saying, “Matt, what the other Police Officers need to seriously consider at this time, Matt is to be making a coup, Matt. And I said that with no reservation. The other Police Officers need to take a decision to arrest this situation that is developing in Dominica. Because they are aware how the police force is being politicized and weaponized Matt against the people of Dominica. And we know that the majority of them are not for that. So the majority of Police Officers need to organize themselves Matt. And remove the current leadership, the current stogy leadership of the Police Force Matt. Remove them from office forcibly Matt. Take over the Force. Bring order to the Force. So we know Matt, the reality of the Police Force, the nature of the Police Force, the gang, the Skerrit gang that we are dealing with. So it is the duty now of the Police Officers who decide to stay there Matt, to act up physically, forcefully Matt to remove those gangsters from the leadership of the day. Crank up your 45. Do what you have to do, my brother, remove them boss. Because they destroying you, they destroying your profession, they destroying the country and you have all the proof that you need to act accordingly. Get rid of these thugs and the rogues my brother.”

At the court hearing, Acting Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Sherma Dalyrample, did not object to bail, however, presiding Magistrate Laudat maintained that the defense must satisfy the court under section 7 (2) of the bail act as to why Linton should be granted bail.

The matter was briefly stood down and upon return to the court, attorney for the accused David Bruney, called Linton to the witness stand.

Under examination, Linton said  he could not identify any reason why he should be denied bail for his own safety and he was not acquainted with any of the police witnesses, hence, ruling out fears that he would interfere with them.

“Apart from severe illnesses or a disaster, I see no reason to not attend the hearing for this matter if I am granted bail,” he further averred.

Linton said while he understood the grave public interest in the matter, he gave his commitment not to participate in media discussions of the case and said that for months he had not partaken in any radio discussions and had no intention to do so.

Magistrate Laudat then stated that the defense had satisfied the court that bail should be granted to Linton and set the bail sum at $75,000.00.

Bail was then granted to the accused on “special condition” until March 3, 2022, as his surety Fabierre Adler Hamlet was unable to present all the required documents requested by the court.

As part of his bail conditions, Linton is to surrender to the jurisdiction of the court on March 3, 2022, and any other date set by the court. He was also ordered to surrender all travel documents to the Magistrate court  and is not permitted to leave the state without first obtaining permission from the court 72 hours in advance.

The accused  was also asked to leave an honest and industrious life and not interfere with any of the state witnesses involved in the matter and prohibited from discussing the case in the media either directly or indirectly or through any agent or third party.

He is to report to the Marigot Police Station between 7:00 a.m and 7:00 p.m every Tuesday.

Breach of any of the bail conditions will result in the revocation of his bail.

A record of Linton’s signed statement is below:


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  1. Weighing All Matters
    March 1, 2022

    Constructive political discourse on the parliamentary floor is good for our country. Likewise, This DNO forum is good for readers who agree or agree to disagree without maligning each other.

    Contrarily, inflammable public comments are wreckless and can be potentially damaging; however, an over-reactive and heavy handed approach by the state in response to the irresponsible statements of a high profile citizen is highly questionable and unwarranted.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      March 1, 2022

      One can only assume that you have insinuated that the comments made by Brian in your opinion are irresponsible!

      You know, in every democracy, there is something known as freedom of speech, which in Dominica people like you term treason or as you stated, “irresponsible statements.”

      I do not know how you can say what Brian spoke in that discussion is irresponsible!

      Look at this: “When they come to you pour boiling water on them.” (Roosevelt Skerrit Prime Minister of Dominica).

      “Boycott Brisbane business.” (Charles Saverin President of Dominica).

      Let’s take the latter, Brisbane is, or was an entity operating in Dominica, importing merchandize, paying tariffs, generating revenue into the treasury, and employing people. When one suggests boycotting a business, they are telling the public do not support the company by buying their product.
      You are saying put the company out of business, suggestion is highly stupid, and irresponsible.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        March 1, 2022

        When Roosevelt Skerrit, the supposedly Prime Minister of Dominica, told his supporters to “poor boiling hot water on the UWP supporters, and candidates if during election time they visit their homes soliciting votes; how do you term that?
        Would you term that an irresponsible request!

        Dangerous as that request may be, I classify it as his freedom of speech although it is very stupid hateful, and spiteful.

        That may well be his freedom of speech, while some of his idiotic supporters may not realize that, and follow his stupid advise, and act upon it may well land them in jail for a fair amount of time!
        You see it is one thing to try to spin things which seems to favor the one we like, but I will tell you there is nothing Brian said which remotely resembles treason or irresponsible.
        Roosevelt uses the stooges of the police to Harras the Linton but note; we are not a people who are easily broken.
        And by that, I mean I am a Linton too.

        Add: Telemaque, Dods, Alfred!

  2. Tt
    March 1, 2022

    Dominica self self self is tooo far gone. This is madness. Bringing in people to vote, locking up those who against you. But dictators beware. This is for a time. Even your own supporters will want you out.

  3. Bwa-Banday
    February 28, 2022

    Well if you believe that Matt and Q95 should be charged go right ahead. I urge the said Insp. JJ and the rest of the manicou gang to go arrest Matt. Everytime the Zefan-boot-sham thinking of calling an election or doing something stupid like making himself President the police becomes very active in their suppressive and abusive tatics.

    But I hasten to remind those police officers in the manicou gang (yes not all are part of it) that Dca is very very very small and everybody knows somebody that know somebody and their immediate family. Do not allow yourself to be used in the DLP’s abusive process because karma can be a real BIT*H .

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  4. Lang sal
    February 26, 2022

    Stupes that is news den??

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    • PRO
      February 28, 2022


      Soon you will not be able to say anything in Dominica. The DLP Regime has been turning in to an totalitarian regime and give it time . People already fraid to talk. Imagine now when its $75,000.00 to speak your peace?!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
  5. RastarMarn
    February 25, 2022

    But wait nuh!!!

    There is all sorts of ways this complaint has no merit and should be thrown out of Court for lack of Form and Order,,,

    First of, what is the definition of Treason and what is its context in Dominica’s Constitution???

    Dem Police cannot just come and accuse people just so nuh???

    BossMan you can come with a counter claim yeh for damages,,,

    According to Bouvier’s Law Dictionary: TREASON, crim. law. This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance. 4 Bl. Com. 75.

    Based on that definition there is a whole bunch of people before mista, to be tried for Betrayal and breach of Allegiance to Dominica,,,

    All mista did was uttered some ramblings on a nationally syndicated radio show, he wasn’t on no pulpit in front of a whole bunch of people whom had stones, cutlass and guns ready to march up to Government house or Offices,,,

    With that said: didn’t the now current president of Dominica Insight a successful campaign to overthrow Patrick…

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  6. Jonathan Y St Jean
    February 25, 2022

    This Tontonmakoot is showing itself to be a one-sided affair. Roosevelt Skerritt told his supporters in St Joseph to get in the faces of the opposition in the church, in the supermarket, in their vehicles, wherever they maybe and terrorize them, and what did the faux police do? Nothing. This statement was incitement to violate the rights of those who don’t support the ruling regime. This arrest and trumpedup charges and harassment of Brian is a clear indication that the cabal is trying to subjugate the Linton family. The police killed a young man in their custody who they are sworn to protect and serve, and the matter was hush-hush until public outcry forced an arrest. Am I to believe that the police are afraid of Brian and his influence on the rank and file in the force? If so then the citizenry must be concerned. I’ll be watching to see how the judiciary conducts itself during this charade. Power to the people.

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  7. The Eyes Have It
    February 25, 2022

    What is really troubling the police and the Cabal is, they know there is a criminal out there that is at large and the people of Dominica know that! Furthermore they know we know who that wanted criminal is but instead of apprehending him they choose to guard him because if he is apprehended many of them would go down with him. They know Brian Linton was not seen with NG Lap sent, who was arrested and jailed in the US weeks after their criminal activities. They know it was no damn Brian Linton that was seen on government vehicles with Aliriza Monfared when they were committing their crime with him and hiding him from international law officers when he was wanted. They knew it wasn’t Brian that was involved in the alleged Chocksi kidnapping. They know it wasn’t Brian that sold a diplomatic passport to Diezani Maduke in exchange she bought them a building in Manhattan Ny. They know damn well that Alex Saab, who is now in US custody, did not operate offshore banks in the office of Brian

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 3
  8. Dominican
    February 25, 2022

    This could possibly be a case of sedition. However, the boundaries of free speech are wide and that is why such a charge is rarely brought. It is a very serious charge in this case severely weakened by the lapse of time, more than a year, since the alleged offence took place.
    There is a suspicion that it was timed to provoke a reaction, to provide the authorities with a pretext to institute restrictive public measures, up to and including martial law.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 3
  9. LifeandDeath
    February 25, 2022

    Dominica has become so divided that it’s difficult to have different opinions on same political sides.
    That said, the statement from our dear brother Brian is ridiculous and definitely damning and if we want to hold others responsible then we must first hold our own accountable.
    All the ridiculous statements from Skerrit and Reggie does not legitimize the incitement of bad behavior in the public. I’m very sorry but if we cannot see straight then we’ll only be perpetuating nonsense and Dominica continues to go down the drain. You do not call the radio and ask police to pose a coup regardless of which side you’re on. So, choose your words wisely ’cause those hypocrites will play Satan correcting sin and you’ll be on the receiving end. Two wrongs don’t make it right!

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  10. mine
    February 25, 2022

    He should apologize to the bishop and Archbishop for the way he treated them. He has no respect no one is above the law.

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    • dissident
      February 25, 2022

      De issue is about de police department it has nothing to do with de bishop.
      De bishop deaf to de filth and disrespect that comes out of DLP members mouth?

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 31 Thumb down 7
      • mine
        February 27, 2022

        The sins of the fathers follow their children.

        • George
          February 28, 2022

          Tell skerritt that!!

  11. Mark
    February 25, 2022

    If Mr. Linton really said what I just read in the article, that was not being very smart. He played right into the hands of the DLP, in other words, he gave them a gift. Talk of a coup is never a good idea and to repeatedly mention it on radio is simply not thinking before speaking.
    Loose words have consequences and this time, it sure landed him in hot water.

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    • Me
      February 27, 2022

      We should not cower before bully boys if we value liberty.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
  12. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    February 25, 2022

    You know Dominica is a Banana Republic where I was once told that words utilized in the English language in Dominica does not mean the same as using the same word in the rest of the world!

    In Dominica the term treason appears to have a different definition in the English than anywhere else: As a Wesley King, I never learnt how to speak or communicate in Patios, nevertheless, I believe I am quite fluent in the English language even if I did not major in the English language and did not find anything in what is written in this article spoken by Bryan which remotely resembles treason.

    The notion of treason implies; the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

    It would appear to me the conversation revolved around the police, and I take this opportunity to support the comments made by Brian; and I will add my bit to it and if I had the opportunity, to do some damage, my priority would be to open quite a few…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 5
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      February 25, 2022

      Yes, indeed if I had the opportunity, my number one priority would be to open some heads; and I don’t have to explain that because in Dominica the meaning of opening heads has a different mean in America.

      In America, when I say opening one’s head, I could mean opening the head surgically, (I doh know) what it means in patios, or in Dominica English, but if there is going to be a riot in Dominica, I will return to fight, and ensure this little ole man here open quite a few heads, commencing at the very top of the plateau.

      These people the police, and Roosevelt are picking on my relatives Lennox, and Brian!

      If this man made seditious, or treasonous comments last October, approximately four months ago, if the government had a legitimate case why it took so long to arrest him?

      This is a frivolous arrest, over freedom of speech, this of all should incite a riot to overthrow this corrupted government operated by corrupted thieves!

      • Facts not Fiction
        February 26, 2022

        The date is OCTOBER 2020.

    • February 26, 2022

      “The notion of treason implies; the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government”.

      Telemaque, are you saying that you did not perceive any of what you stated here, in that long passage that was written in quote above? Come on man! Your problem is that you have failed to read between the lines, all of the time. Ayelass!

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      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        February 28, 2022

        To be honest Liz, there is nothing I read, in that article based on Brian comments which can be deem treasonous!

        Please, don’t value my definition of the word; nevertheless, anybody who has a Merriain Webster Collegiate Dictionary go to page 1257-1258 where one will read treason is defined as:

        ” 1: the betrayal of trust : treachery 2: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family.”

        Now the the corrupted police and Roosevelt Skerrit are not kings or sovereign’s in our country!

        Without the people, there would be no police never mind corrupted Roosevelt Skerrit, and furthermore Brian nor I or any other Dominican owes allegiance to Roosevelt Skerrit, that little black wet back river rat eh!


        Anyway Liz, I am going to my place in Los Angeles, perhaps for the rest of the week, I will contact…

    • Man bite dogs
      February 27, 2022

      Francisco, if you know Dominica is a Banana Republic, why the f*** you always making a fuss about it!

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 8
      • Jonathan Y St Jean
        February 28, 2022

        @Man bite dogs, even if Dominca is a banana republic now, it doesn’t have to remain that way. Didn’t you see how quickly China moved from a third world country to now rival the USA for economic superiority? Wake up from your slumber, Man bite dogs.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        February 28, 2022

        You see the problem with a dog is that dogs don’t know if they are naked, or if they are cloth eh!


        Hence they do not have any shame, that is why they bark in profanities, unaware they lack manners or discipline.

        On the other hand what can be expected from certain people originating from a Banana Republic?

        I mean we UWP and Red Devils people born in the Banana Republic, (but uses, wee’s) UWP people are decent civilize calm people, while the DLP people act uncivilized; they are corrupted specimens; tainted by Roosevelt Skerrit corrupted red blood!

        You see the the red shirts, and dresses the red devils given to you all soak in Skerrit blood that is how they get red oui!

        You and Clown don’t have any manners eh!

  13. Jey Jey
    February 25, 2022

    In my balance/Scale I’ve been weighing my own suspicion of the whole matter. I have already arrived at my own conclusion in the absence of any willful bias. And the matter, my fellow patriotic people is this: The head of Dominica labor government; the prime minister of our beloved country; The minister of finance (minister of our money); The one who “run things” once said, “To Hell with the Constitution.” Now, he is not the “ordinary” guy out there saying what he pleases and doesn’t have the responsibility of leading a country, or the responsibility to be an example and to show some form of decency as a head of state. Yet, with such reckless disregard for our constitution, the same constitution by which this creature became a prime minister, his reckless and negligent statement of our constitution was buried. My thing is..if there is freedom of reckless speech for one party, then there should be the same for all parties. I’ve known Laudat for a very long time and he is an honest man.

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  14. weh
    February 25, 2022

    How come the Pm was not charged with incitement, when he told his supporters to throw hot water on opposition members?

    I guess freedom of speach really depends on what party you belong to in this country.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 55 Thumb down 11
  15. FBI Agent
    February 25, 2022

    Well good try Jim Jones and your gangster government. I will not say much except three observations:
    1. Look it’s carnival weekend plus month end and on top of that Jim Jones gave his kind of carnival and Dominicans are upset. So the gangster government tried to see if they could incite a civil war to blame the opposition

    2. Russia is a close friend of China and off course Jim Jones and Russia 🇷🇺 Invaded Ukraine and so far many innocent Ukrainians have been killed. So the gangster government tried to incite a civil war but UWP supporters, especially the opposition leader didn’t take the bait

    3. Jim Jones knows that Alex Saab is now in US custody for money laundering, and entered into a plea deal with them and has revealed many of his co conspirators and only a matter of time before some bigs boys are arrested. So people put everything together and you will see why this very bogus arrest took place

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 34 Thumb down 6
    • February 25, 2022

      Total rubbish. You UWP operatives continue to spread foolish propaganda.

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    • Jey Jey
      February 26, 2022

      @FBI Agent… Mr. Alex Saab’s “Co-conspirators” would most likely be folks from the Venezuelan/Maduro government. Could some person (s) here at home be a “Co-something”? Just asking. “Where there’s smoke.”

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  16. Zandoli
    February 25, 2022

    The DLP is using the police to harass the opposition. Does anyone really believe the police force will take up arms against the government on the strength of what Brian said?
    They prosecution knows they will lose that case, but they will drag it in the court to make sure Brian is out of pocket on legal fees. This case is without merit.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 36 Thumb down 9
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      March 1, 2022

      “This case is without merit.”
      That is actually term a frivolous arrest design to draw away to the Roosevelt Skerrit corruption.
      Zandoli, I don’t know what it will take to trigger an insurrection against Rosevelt and the puppets who kiss up to his behind!

      I don’t know what it will take for those who votes this guy in power eyes to open and discover that Roosevelt handouts has and is causing more damage to their welfare than good.
      I see people on social media literally crying tears, complaining about their suffering in the country, yet such suffering seems not enough for the people to rise up against this government of tyranny, and overthrow these people.

      I mean I know that is a harsh thing to say, but it seems to be the only alternative. Some of our people residing in America, and elsewhere aid and abate the crap, by going home to vote: Some live off welfare here:

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        March 1, 2022


        Indeed, many of them in the United States, the Virgin Islands live of the welfare system, the amount of money they get from welfare, in addition to food stamps amounts to more than the average civil servant makes per month in Dominica.

        But these are the type of scum of the earth people who accepts a ticket to fly home to vote for Skerrit, helping to set the country backwards: after the vote they return here living like a louse on welfare.

        There is another pile in places such as Antigua, who yearns for the free ride home. If these people had any ambition, Antigua, would not have become their utopia, they should demand that the powers that be develop Dominica to meet the standard of Antigua, and the rest of the Caribbean.

        In any event, backwardness is our history, it will take another generation after all the labor party supporters are dead, comes along to change the status quo in our country!

  17. lmckoy
    February 25, 2022

    “— how the police force is being politicized and weaponized Matt against the people of Dominica —” Brian has made some very serious allegations but can he prove them to be true, especially when the the incident of the Hutus killing 1 Million Tutsis in Rwanda is still fresh in people’s minds. For those who are not convinced of the seriousness of the Brian statements, they could check and see how that Rwandan massacre started.

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  18. Man bite dogs
    February 25, 2022

    I am sick and tired of that lot ugly Lenny, and his Skippy mad brother we can’t have that type of Mafia criminals organisation and enforcement in our community, I am also asking the minister of state and security to pull his socks up and keep a close eyes on the so-called opposition criminals organisation, I will be willing to help and advice before it is too late!!!!

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  19. Eagle-Eyed
    February 25, 2022

    Way Papa! These Linton brothers like to run their mouths wee. Did Brian not learn from the mistakes of Lennox on how running your mouth loosely can get you into plenty trouble? UWP supporters had to dig their hands deep into their pockets every time Lennox was sued for saying things he couldn’t substantiate. This time is treason his brother facing for trying to incite police to stage a coup within the police force. Could you imagine if these guys ever get into power, what they could get up to?
    I say, lock him up like PJ was locked up when he tried to stage his own coup. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 12 Thumb down 60
    • Bwa-Banday
      February 25, 2022

      Hmmmmm…Dca is a very small place so we must be very careful what we wish for others when we are on the other side. We should never celebrate or applaud the political harassment and imprisonment of those in opposition. Just be mindful that the attempt to curtail or suppress Brian’s free speech is a subtle message sent to all Dcan’s, you included, that no one cant or should say anything against the regime, its gangs and close supporters. This is straight of of Xi Jing Ping’s book :twisted:

      Those who continue to support this autocratic behavior must be reminded that nothing lasts forever and NO leader will lead Dca forever. My old Grannie always said: “laire-barb- kahmawad-ou- kah-bweelay- woozay-sawu”. Like King Bob just said: “Kama coming!”. And yes, it will come like a thief in the night. Remember I said that here :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: .

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 35 Thumb down 9
  20. Kevin
    February 25, 2022

    One day this vindictive government will meet it’s untimely demise.Picking on opposition forces in order to suppress free speech is the Hallmark of a dictatorship.Dont worry Brian we the true patriots of Dominica stand with you and your family at this very difficult time.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 41 Thumb down 11
  21. Ibo France
    February 25, 2022

    This is purely for distraction purposes. NJAM has turned up the pressure for electoral reforms and is making progress in galvanizing public support. The corrupt, straw- weight maladministration has resorted to an innocuous interview that happened backk in 2020 to drag a law abiding citizen before a magistrate and charged him with treason. Really?

    Any time it comes to a serious issue against this ruling autocracy, Hard-Head-Harry (Skerrit) either uses his Death Squad, make a fantastic announcement or has a grand ceremony for distraction and to bamboozle the populace. This arrest and bogus charges after nearly two years ago is just mischievous and farcical.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 37 Thumb down 9
    • February 25, 2022

      Here you are defending Lennox and his brother for treason. If it were Skerrit’s brother you would have had a lot to say. Now you say it is just a distraction to deflect from what the NJAM is talking about and its BS electoral reform. Who cares about Kent Vital? What is good for the gander is good for the goose. Brian should be tried in a court and if convicted, the judge should lay it out on him. Punish him to the fullest extent of the law. The Lintons believe they own Dominica. I don’t know who they thought Mishak was. Brian is just another bum in the Linton family. And here is IBO condoning the garbage these two brothers have been disgorging on the streets of Roseau. Lennox Linton will never be the PM of Dominica, not on this earth, not on the next one. Mark my words.

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      • Lin clown
        February 25, 2022

        NJAM have no teeth they cannot bite..Even if they could bite,we Labourites would extract their teeth.Which one is Brian Linton?hope is not the half dead scarecrow with the pushing.The one that look stone to the bone,with the large ears and deep eye sockets,hope not.

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        • Jey Jey
          February 28, 2022

          @Little Clown… I have stopped responding to your rubbish comments and beginning to pity you. You are so far gone from anything honest, truthful, just and righteous. You are (no doubt) one of these lazy parasites in the parasitic labor government who has sucked the resources of our country, and continues to do so. The curse for such disregard for fairness in this diabolical labor movement will be felt in due time. Such curse and punishment will include: Walking up and down the streets of Roseau aimlessly; Begging for a dime; Eating the leftovers of Dogs 🐕 in trash bins; Having your nakedness exposed for all to see; Being scums of the earth; Being extremely disgraced. When you have entangled yourself with a servant of Lucifer/Satan, and refused to align yourself with what’s right. Then you’ll find out (if you’re still able to reason) whether it was worth your precious time holding up the hands of Evil. Love your country rather than worshiping a man whom you know is a blasted TEEF.

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
      • Ibo France
        February 25, 2022

        “The Lintons believe they own Dominica.”
        *Who uses the CBI money, which belongs to Dominicans, as his own?
        *Who gave Crazy Coconut and his other enablers combined,millions of the people’s money as loans and have not recouped it?
        *Who lives in a Castle at Morne Daniel at the expense of poor tax pagers?
        *Who, using a corrupt electoral system, gkthis uneducated, blank-slate wife into parliament and is paid handsomely for doing nothing?
        *Who controls the court, DPP, the Speaker, the police, the Permanent Secretaries?

        Ponder on those questions. The Lintons get not a cent for free from the government coffers.Your idol is raping the country.

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      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        February 25, 2022

        ds, take some time out and in your own way and words not using any dictionary; define the term or word treason!

        Then read the article again and tell me what in Brian comments you deem constitute, treason.

        Somebody need to get not only their head open, but their nasty belly also!

        Boy the kind of Linton the powers that be dealing right now is a different bread, than the ones originating in Barbados and migrated to Dominica many moons ago; we have changed, but there was a time when they would not have messed with anybody named Linton in Dominica.

        It is they take pleasure in harassing Lennox, and Brian, but hope when the tables are turned those of you who encourage this sort of thing today will not be singing another tune!

        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          February 27, 2022

          “It is they take pleasure in harassing Lennox, and Brian, but hope when the tables are turned those of you who encourage this sort of thing today will not be singing another tune!”

          The above should read:

          “They take pleasure in harassing!”

  22. Worried
    February 25, 2022

    “treason”? Is such an offense reflected in the laws of Dominica? When was it introduced?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 7
  23. dissident
    February 25, 2022

    Is he charged with incitement or treason or both?
    I really thought that just because de word treason is in the charge that de bail would be at a ridiculous figure that he wouldn’t be able to afford…..so he would stay in the cell?
    It appears like is now they get de recording of what Brian said…….but I firmly hold that when de statement was made back den they could have arrested him for de same offense…..but they didn’t. Why?
    I think some outside influence is forcing de police hand.
    For a charge of incitement to treason we should be hearing more about de grievous nature of de crime , de damage it can cause to de state or engender lawlessness against dis sitting scaredy cat government Leader….s

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 8
  24. Bwa-Banday
    February 25, 2022

    While Magistrate Laudat is one of those in the judiciary I admire, it is my opinion that some of the conditions are B* Sheet. A case of such magnitude requires the public to be fully informed. How can you have the man on such a charge and have the audacity to say to him that he and any other third party must remain moomoo about it? I guess him merely talking about it will also be “incitement to commit treason”! :twisted: :twisted: Pretty soon you all will shut down DNO too :twisted: .

    Never did I ever believe that the said Insp. JJ would have allowed himself to be used for filing political charges against a Dcan citizen. Such a promising and hard working cop should never allow himself to be politically tainted. Just because they finally gave you the Inspector position you rightfully deserve should not be an incentive to be like the others. God is watching :twisted: :twisted:


    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 10
    • Lin clown
      February 25, 2022

      Isn’t that the same David Bruney,who was ALLEGEDLY involved in a conspiracy case with Brian Linton’s brother to launder more than $2,000,000 into Dominica disguised as humanitarian aid?These guys should stop disrespecting the police,for that level of disrespect he should pay.Magistrate Laudat know,incitement,conspiracy to commit treason and treason is the highest crime in Dominica.I never thought Brian Linton would be so cool.Matt Peltier and Q95 should also be charged with aiding and abetting.The police should look into it.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 9

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