Over 800 students to take part in annual Grade 6 National Assessment

The Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training, and National Excellence in Dominica is all set to conduct the annual Grade 6 National Assessment (G6NA). The exams are scheduled for Thursday, May 23, and Friday, May 24, 2024, and will commence at 7.45 a.m. on both days.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Education, this year, a total of 835 candidates, comprising 412 girls and 423 boys, will be participating in the exams. The assessments will be held across 60 centers scattered around the island.

The Ministry has expressed its enthusiasm about the continuation of the online administration of the national assessments. On the first day, candidates will tackle the Language Arts and Social Sciences papers, with an additional written composition component included in the Language Arts paper. The following day, candidates will face the Mathematics and Science and Technology papers.

The Ministry, in collaboration with educators, administrators, and technology partners, has painstakingly prepared for the successful execution of the national assessments. This includes the online components, comprehensive training, best practices, and practice test runs. The aim is to ensure that both candidates and educators are well-prepared to navigate the online testing environment with confidence and ease.

The Ministry has requested that parents and others not directly involved with the exam or the school refrain from entering the compounds of any of the testing centers while the examinations are underway. Parents are also advised to allow their children some downtime in the days leading up to the exams.

The Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence extends its best wishes to all Grade 6 students for their upcoming assessments.

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1 Comment

  1. Jay Tees
    May 23, 2024

    Good luck to all.

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