PAHO Director believes unvaccinated should pay for testing

Dr. Carissa Etienne speaking on Annou Pale program with PM Skerrit

While Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Carissa Etienne, has made it clear that PAHO holds the view that mandatory COVID-19 vaccination should be a sovereign decision, she personally believes that the unvaccinated should be made to pay a fee for testing.

Her comments came over the weekend on the Prime Minister’s Annou Palé programme where she was a guest.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit sought advice from the Dominica-born PAHO Director on whether his government should mandate vaccination, a decision he initially stated he would refrain from making.

In her response, Dr. Etienne withheld her personal view on mandatory inoculation but reiterated PAHO’s position.

She pointed out that based on statistics where mandatory vaccination has been deployed, the coverage has risen especially among health care workers.

“There are some businesses that have imposed either you get vaccinated or you can’t work here, while others say the unvaccinated must bring in a test every week but that is one of my concerns,” she stated. “I find when I look at the figures in Dominica, instead of going and getting vaccinated, people are going to test. You know how many thousands of tests people are taking? Testing is not going to prevent you from getting COVID; what you should be doing is getting vaccinated. So at some stage, you have to consider letting people pay for those tests,” Dr. Etienne advised the Prime Minister.

She suggested that the cost incurred by the government in most instances to purchase test kits, could be used in other areas in the fight against the coronavirus.

“So if your business place says that you must provide tests weekly because you’re unvaccinated, then you should go and get the test commercially because the government has provided you with vaccines…if you want to go and expose yourself, then pay for it,” Dr. Etienne contends.

The PAHO official acknowledges that the vaccine does not prevent one from contracting and spreading the virus but she insists that transmissibility to a vaccinated person is much less than to an unvaccinated person.

“So if there are sufficient numbers that are vaccinated the virus will stop having susceptible people and so it will stop the transmission. As long as transmission is occurring, then we can have the emergence of other variants,” Dr. Etienne explained.

As it relates to medical conditions which may prevent someone from getting vaccinated, PAHO’S Director said that based on studies from health experts, there is a limited amount of illness which someone may suffer from which will result in their inability to get vaccinated.

She encouraged medical practitioners to educate themselves first prior to advising their patients.

“…Doctors as well as nurses need to understand the virus and understand vaccines as well as what are the contraindications for those vaccines and what are the side effects for vaccines.”

She added, “If you have cancer, well, except that you are on immunosuppressive therapy, you should get vaccinated, if you have diabetes, hypertension DVTs (Deep Vein Thrombosis),  liver disease once it’s controlled you should get vaccinated. People on renal dialysis, all of you should get vaccinated. So saying I have a medical condition so I can’t get vaccinated, that’s just stalling and vaccine hesitancy.”

Additionally, Dr. Etienne further revealed that since the onset of the pandemic, there has been a decline in care for other illnesses.

She said since COVID-19 care now accounts for more than half of healthcare resources, a notable increase in death for other illnesses was also recorded.

“What we saw was a total reduction in access to primary care services so our immunization coverage dropped, our coverage for antenatal care, for chronic diseases and mental health…also cancers dropped because much of the care had been postponed because the ICU beds and the hospital beds were all taken up with severe covid cases.”

Dr. Etienne highlighted the impact of the pandemic not only on the healthcare system but on the entire economy.

She reported that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to decrease by about 6.8% for this year while poverty is expected to increase by up to 33% in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The PAHO Director identified worsening inequity as another effect of the pandemic citing an increase in informal labour and the heightened suffering of women, the poor and indigenous populations.

She expressed concern for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) ability to provide adequate care and protection for their citizens.

“I think it is important that Dominicans recognize that no government has an unending source of income and if we want our economy and our social way of life to improve and to get back to where we were, we are going to have to make some changes in our way of life,” Dr. Etienne declared. “We are going to have to accept what are some of the measures that will reduce our COVID rates, if not we are going to remain a stagnant economy for a long time.”

She warned that based on the trajectory of this pandemic, it may become endemic if all citizens do not get vaccinated and follow health protocols as the figure for herd immunity has not been determined.

Dr. Etienne pointed out that in some countries such as Chile and Uruguay, spikes in cases are still being reported despite their 70% vaccination rate.

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  1. Ibo France
    November 22, 2021

    The covid vaccines don’t offer immunity, that is, you can still contract the virus after taking a jab or two. How then can you ever achieve herd immunity? Herd immunity is a myth using the present experimental vaccines. The vaccines just lower the severity of the illness.

    The effectiveness of these vaccines begins to wane after six months hence the booster vaccine. Vaccinated people contract and pass on the virus as easily as the unaccinated. This fact is deliberately being downplayed by medical fraternity.

    I have little confidence in our health official. They are not completely forthright. They march to the drumbeat of their political bosses. Their narrative is geared to demonize and ostracize the unvaxxed to make their lives hellish inorder to compel them to take the vaccine.

    in effect, these health officials are aiding politicians to ignite fires, violence, upheavals and anarchy throughout society. The whole world is going up in flames.

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    • November 23, 2021

      Why don’t you start manufacturing your own vaccines and make this world a better place to live in. You are always criticizing and never has anything better to offer. That is exactly why you have the world going up in flames. I am sick of your criticizing and negativity. We don’t need all that hogwash from you. You have nothing to offer from your bankrupt mind. You need to be ostracized from society for good.

      • Channel 1
        November 23, 2021

        @ds – I noticed in your response above that you seem to have a problem with the presentation of real world truth regarding the vaccines.

        Why is that?

        Are you a lobbyist for Pfizer or Astrazeneca?

  2. Perplexed
    November 22, 2021

    STFU Carrisa with this contradiction you spewing in the form of responsible communication. Poverty expected to rise to 33% in our region and the vaccine doesn’t prevent the spread or one ability to get it yet you recommend the non vaccinated pay for testing in the absence of any kind of a stimulus package of any kind. My advise to you is to transfer your position at PAHO to work at one of the morgues in Dominica. The herd immunity you speak off don’t even have realistic percentage cause 70% figure in more developed countries shows no efficacy. Stop your murderous mandated agenda and speak the truth if you can or STFU puppet. A house slave and field slave are still slaves and evolution is a must.

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  3. Papa Met
    November 22, 2021

    It is absolutely appalling to read the discrimination and biasness towards unvaccinated people coming from professionals, health officials and organizations. No one prepares for illness, not cancer, diabetes or covid. The fact is that at some point some of us become affected and infected. Would you be okay with someone saying, I think you ate too much sugar and that is why you became diabetic and so you should be responsible for all your testing? Would you be okay with telling someone with HIV its because of your neglect you are sick so you should pay for your own testing? This is ridiculous! People do not choose to become infected with covid. Vaccination is one of the defenses available but we all know it is not full proof. As a medicaal personnel, you should also admit that there is not enough data to prove the effectiveness of the vaccine or its long term consequences. Instead of using more education, you are pushing to mandate vaccines. Why not mandate free insulin? Educate!

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  4. Ibo France
    November 21, 2021

    Did anyone expect the goodly lady to go on Skerrit’s Dog & Pony circus show and say otherwise?

    Dr. Ethienne, why encroach into the political realm? You are now fanning the flames of medical Apartheid. Your discriminatory mutterings are unhelpful and only add another layer of division to the already severely fragmented society.

    Most people have this fallacious notion that the covid vaccines offer people full immunity from contracting the virus. They must be disabused of this misconception. This war between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed should be halted now. People should be reminded to do the three(3) W’s:- 1. Wash hands 2. Wear masks 3. Watch their distance. Also, eat healthy, be hydrated at all times, exercise regularly. To take or not to take the vaccine is someone’s inalienable right.

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    • Zandoli
      November 22, 2021

      “Most people have this fallacious notion that the covid vaccines offer people full immunity from contracting the virus.”

      The medical establishment has already declared that being vaccinated might not prevent one from being infected with the virus. That has been demonstrated daily by the number of fully vaccinated people who get infected. Some vaccines do prevent infection, many blunt the effect of the virus and reducing one’s chance of having a severe outcome. That has also been established. All you need to do is look at the rate of hospitalization and death in countries where there is high vaccine uptake. Although there have been resurgences of infection, the death rate among the most vulnerable is very low compared to the spring and fall of 2020, although this variant is more transmissible and deadlier. These are facts supported by data.
      Someone else can argue the politics.

      • Ibo France
        November 23, 2021

        Zandoli, thanks for your strenuous efforts to educate us about the efficacy of the Covid19 vaccines. However, we are very cognizant with all you have said.

        This is my point. Governments and the health officials often bends the truth when speaking about the virus. They often attack the unvaxxed for spreading the virus and seldom disclose that vaccinated people are susceptible to the virus and spread it just as much as the unvaxxed.

        They should tell the unvarnished truth and refrain from distorting , withholding or downplaying it.

  5. dissident
    November 21, 2021

    It’s a pity that you can’t offer a personal opinion even when Dominica is the country of your birth……I take from you that you are a professional first and where you were born is secondary to that…. understood.
    Anyway this looks like economic warfare against the unvaccinated. Are you targeting the unemployed unvaccinated people?
    Our economy won’t guarantee them a job. They still won’t be able to contribute to the tax revenue of the state. They have no income…. De finance minister can’t honestly boast of any stimulation of the economy. The only thing that making money now seems to be covid-19…so people have to be charged for a test….. is there some money tree that all you seeing in dat?

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  6. Concerned
    November 20, 2021

    This lady is crazy! If you have underlying conditions You YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE THE VACCINE. So many people in Dominica have died after taking the vacinne. Is anyone taking note and informing the public of numerous sudden deaths of persons who have been fully vaccinated? This lady has a hidden agenda and she not being truthful. She is being paid to say that. Dominicans you are smart people. Don’t be deceived by Satan.

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    • lmckoy
      November 22, 2021

      “So many people in Dominica have died after taking the vacinne.” You should not make statements that are misleading or untrue. To date 35 Dominican deaths relating to Covid have been reported. Do you have any idea how many of those 35 were vaccinated? How does that constitute ‘so many’? Take a look at world Covid data of vaccinated vs unvaccinated Covid deaths and you will see that your statement is misleading, at least.

  7. Concerned
    November 20, 2021

    Dr? There are 39 side effects including death #1. The vacinnated are spreading the covid. The vacinne is NOT protecting you. People are paralyzed from the vacinne. Now, why should we pay for testing? Where is the covid money government received? The vacinnated also has to be tested. Mandate? What happened to our freedom? Are we now living under dictators? Gays have rights we have none.

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  8. Dr Clayton Shillingford
    November 20, 2021

    Interesting that there are no comments at this time on what Dr Etienne states here.. The facts are clear The majority must get vaccinated otherwise we shall not see an end to Covid 19 for a long time plus the associated disasters of congestion in hospitals depriving other patients or urgent care, negative effects on social life and the economy

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    • November 22, 2021

      And Clayton, it must be that the unvaccinated are keeping their ears and eyes closed about everything that is not on their side. They fail to hear that the testing device is a cost for the government–but they are getting them for free–that is what the Dr. Doctor is pointing out.

      Yes, there are businesses who are allowing unvaccinated employees to continue working, but not without a condition, in that those employees have to provide a negative test every Monday; but who pays for those testings, and it must continue until that virus is done away with, but who knows when will that be?

      Right now, in some parts of the World–I am sure that I read it is happening in the USA. People have to pay $100.00 for an antigen test

      The Toronto Transit Commission has decided to send all its workers home without pay, if they are not vaccinated, for as long as they remain so. Why suffer this predicament instead of getting vaccinated? Toneh!

      • Ibo France
        November 23, 2021

        LizforLucifer, you are always on the wrong side of every issue. Your thoughts come from a dark, God-forsaken place in your deranged mind. Go seek out a psychiatrist.

      • Annon
        November 23, 2021

        Covid pcr tests do not test for a virus, only DNA fragments. They are invalid. To test for a virus is expensive and it takes at least a week to get the results.

    • Worried
      November 22, 2021

      Vaccination ensures that the virus will be endemic the same as the common cold or flu, only prevention of infection will prevail. The answer is in masking, sanitizing and social distancing” the only sure way. Let the virus die in the last infected person so there can be no more spread. Problem solved.

  9. make it make sense
    November 20, 2021

    ” Testing is not going to prevent you from getting COVID”. According to the data we have neither is getting vaccinated. Some of the countries in the world with the highest vaccination rates are experiencing outbreaks to the point that they have to go into lockdown again. I know Dominica is always last kakarat with information but at some point we will catch up

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    • Righteous
      November 22, 2021

      @Makeitmakesense what is your solution? Testing is a tool to curb the spread of the virus. If someone test + then measures can be taken to avoid them from infecting others. So while it is true that it does not prevent one from getting COVID, testing can mitigate the spread of COVID. Are you willing to allow the virus to spread rampantly and ravage Dominica with deaths as was evident worldwide in the early stages of the pandemic? Lord Help Us! What the data also shows, is that the vaccinated are less likely to end up in the hospital, less likely to require going on a ventilator and less likely to die. Vaccination do not prevent infections 100%, but it curbs the severity of the disease. The data will also show that COVID-19 is fast becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated. I am not sure what you want to propose, but let us hear it. Getting vaccinated or not is an individual choice, but one can’t complain if there are restrictions place on the unvaccinated. #OneLoveDominicans #OLD #NousMem

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      • Channel 1
        November 22, 2021

        @Righteous – If COVID is fast becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated, why at this time is there a maddening rush to give boosters shots to the vaccinated in some of the highly vaccinated countries in an effort to help curtail their current high covid rates?

        If it was truly a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, then booster shots to the vaccinated at this time would definitely not help lower the current high covid rates in these countries where the percentage of persons vaccinated is higher than the percentage of persons unvaccinated. Right??????


  10. Waiting For Airport
    November 20, 2021

    We the unvaccinated believe that PAHO and all these organisations should engage in some honesty. Why not educate people about the true history of vaccines? Tell us the truth about the way vaccines have been used in such a sinister way all over the world.

    Then be honest about the people who have died or suffered severe reactions after taking this thing!

    Then be honest about the true intentions of those paying you and our leaders to trick unsuspecting citizens into taking this shot.

    Explain the correlation between Bill Gates (one of the main men behind vaccines) speech where he says “we can decrease the world population through a vaccination program”, the fact that him and his friends did a COVID simulation only a few months before the ‘SCAMDEMIC’ started and the on going death spike we are seeing worldwide since the vaxx program has started.

    Is it also coincedental that Bill Gates orginates from a bloodline of eugenicists?

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  11. ?????????????????
    November 20, 2021

    Dr. Etienne alluded to the fact that in some countries such as Chile and Uruguay, spikes in cases are still being reported despite their 70% vaccination rate.
    And Dr. Etienne may I ask why the trend is even after 70 % vaccination. So no herd immunity or perhaps the vaccine not working and also many vaccinated are still getting covid?

    So in your right sensible mind, what do you think?

    Put the thinking engine on. Don’t you see something wrong.

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  12. RastarMarn
    November 20, 2021

    According to the data, Gibraltar is at 118% vaccination this is a Place that is fully vaccinated and some people get vaccinated more than once!!!

    Answer these: All these are according to the experts so please be mindful of that
    If Vaccinated people will only get mild symptoms,,,
    Won’t be hospitalized and die from their infection,,,
    Will recover in less that No time,,,

    Why force unvaccinated people to go through a gene therapy that is not certain, and is willing to deal with the ailments once they come,,,

    but then again is allyou that want the unvaccinated people to do all these testing if it was up to the unvaccinated people they would live happily ever after,,,

    So why the bother and why do you think those people should pay for testing that allyou want them to take???

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  13. Make it make sense
    November 19, 2021

    She says getting tested doesn’t stop you from getting Covid as if vaccination does. Then she had to admit jab does not stop Covid either. These people don’t have a proper foot to stand on, they know they don’t and yet they trying to control people.

    And I think telling someone with Cancer to go take a drug made the other day is insensitive. Like covid is anything comparable. The person body literally killing itself already, is covid they checking? I know you cannot mistake cancer for a cold, but you telling people take the money they maybe all need for chemotherapy / meds and pay for test. shame

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  14. William
    November 19, 2021

    I agree 100% with the Director of Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) that everyone should get vaccinated for Covid 19. I am vaccinated for Covid 19. I got the Oxford Astra Zeneca Vaccine. And everyone should follow the Covid 19 Health Protocols :- Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with clean soap and water and dry with clean towel or Sanitize hands thoroughly and regularly, sneeze or cough into a clean towel, social distance where feasible staying 3 to 6 feet apart, wear a face mask or face covering to cover your mouth and nose. Go test for Covid 19 then take the Covid 19 vaccine. It’s the right thing to do.

    While regular testing is important, it is better to be vaccinated. I support the call for the unvaccinated to pay for their tests. Testing should not be free.

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  15. D/can to d bone
    November 19, 2021

    Of course you will say that. Papa skerro say, so you must say. Deep down you know it shouldnt be. Doh worry time will tell.

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  16. Good girl
    November 19, 2021

    Sometimes it sicken me how these health officials releases statements that don’t makes no sense to me.The way they behave its like when you get vaccinated that’s it you prone free from covid.

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  17. Worried
    November 19, 2021

    After all has been said, she leaves me confused. On the one hand, she gives the impression that the unvaccinated should pay for tests, suggesting that only the unvaccinated should be tested or that they should be discriminated against. On the other hand, she is admitting that the vaccinated can and do get infected and spread the virus. This, to me, is an indication that there is a hidden agenda that time will eventually disclose. We already have a hint from “Seeds of destruction” by F. William Engdahl, 2007.

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    • November 22, 2021

      @Wooried, I noticed that you said: “she gives the impression” that the unvaccinated should pay for tests, “suggesting that only the unvaccinated should be tested”

      What do you mean by “impression”. She said in many ways that people should either get vaccinated or pay for the test because “the cost incurred by the government in most instances to purchase test kits, could be used in other areas in the fight against the coronavirus”.

      She said “So if your business place says that you must provide tests weekly because you’re unvaccinated, then you should go and get the test commercially because the government has provided you with vaccines…if you want to go and expose yourself, then pay for it.” Bottom line!

      It is you who is saying that only unvaccinated should be tested. I don’t see that in her writings, and you are not making any sense either.

  18. Jonathan Y St Jean
    November 19, 2021

    I fully endorse the view expressed by Dr Etienne that those hard headed, misinformed individuals who don’t have a legitimate medical excuse for not being given the vaccine, should pay for the tests. It’s time to make the loud talkers who prefer to get their information from YouTube instead of from credible news sources and medical journals pay for their ignorance. There should also be a cutoff time for them to get vaccinated and those who aren’t should have to pay for the vaccines too. The minority unvaccinated cannot be allowed to hold the rest of society to ransom. Enough is enough, they have had their chances.

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    • make it make sense
      November 22, 2021

      So the minority unvaccinated is putting the majority vaccinated at risk? Even though the vaccine is safe and effective? Do you people even think about the things you say or just regurgitate what ever you hear on your official news sources?

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      • Calibishie Warrior
        November 22, 2021

        It seems like St. Jean is not the one regurgitating whatever they hear … The risk that the unvaccinated pose to the vaccinated is the overwhelming use of health resources upon hospitalization form COVID. and it is preventable use. This is a problem for society as a whole. Increasingly I (careful vaccinated Peter) am not inclined to pay for you (careless unvaccinated Paul) .. including your ability to just go get free tests willy nilly as an excuse indulge in non scientific self indulgent practice. Frankly we have better things to do with the money

      • November 22, 2021

        Yes, they are putting the vaccinated at risk, because they are keeping the virus alive in the community, country, and the World for that matter.

        In my community Shopping Mall in Toronto, where I now live, there is a designated sitting, eating, and socializing area, but only for people who are fully vaccinated. Why do you think the unvaccinated are kept out. Because the vaccinated must remain clean and clear–or else they can still get the virus, depending on the strength of their immune system and other factors of their body

        I am fully vaccinated, but I don’t go out without wearing a mask, not even in our laundry room. I don’t group up with all kinds of people who are not protected themselves. Even if we are vaccinated we still need to follow all protocols for as long hardheaded people like you are roaming around carelessly and unvaccinated.

  19. WCA Cangee
    November 19, 2021

    Stupidity knows now bounds. How is it that someone who isn’t using the data and facts speaking such nonsense can even assume such a high position in such an organization? If vaccinated people have been getting infected, carry the virus and can get sick and even still die, why isn’t she demanding that vaccinated people pay for their tests too? Or just have all citizens no matter what their vaxx status is, pay for 1/2 the cost of their tests? The only difference between the two groups is that one is vaccinated and the other unvaccinated and (supposedly) the vaccinated have a lesser chance of severe disease and as a consequence dying BUT they still get severely ill and still die. Fact.

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    • make it make sense
      November 22, 2021

      No its even worse than that. See the so-called “vaccinated” give a false sense of security that they are immune to the virus. So they go around and are probably the ones spreading it uknowningly to other people. Meanwhile if you’re not vaccinated you have to take tests which means you always know if you positive or negative. So if anything unvaccinated people with a negative test are MUCH SAFER than vaccinated people who have not been tested. I don’t see how anybody could deny that.

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  20. Roger Burnett
    November 19, 2021

    Dr. Clarissa Etienne states: “Testing is not going to prevent you from getting COVID, what you should be doing is getting vaccinated.”

    But likewise, vaccination is not going to prevent you from getting COVID and neither will it prevent you from spreading the virus to others.

    I agree: “We are going to have to make some changes in our way of life.” and this must surely relate to a healthier lifestyle.

    It is a healthier lifestyle that we should primarily be promoting.

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    • Zandoli
      November 22, 2021

      A healthier lifestyle will not protect you against being infected if you come in contact with the virus. And yes being vaccinated will give you a much better chance of not being infected than if you were not vaccinated. Also, being vaccinated will give you much better chance of not being severely ill than not being vaccinated. These are the facts.

      Where I live, we have a 75.5% vaccination rate amount the entire population and the non-vaxxed comprise more than 50% of new infections. In other words, 25% of the population accounts for more than half the new infections. Yet, you are trying to downplay the effectiveness of the vaccines.

      You can choose not to take the vaccine. That is a personal choice, but the facts are there for everyone to see.

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      • Roger Burnett
        November 22, 2021

        But a healthier lifestyle will help to ward off many of the “pre-conditions” that appear to have caused the serious illness and death of many who have contacted the virus.

        Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle contributes to the body’s natural immune system.

        • Zandoli
          November 23, 2021

          I am in total agreement regarding a healthier lifestyle. It need not take the risk of a severe outcome from exposure to the covid virus to promote a healthy lifestyle. The point I was making is that despite living a healthier lifestyle, one’s risk of a severe outcome is elevated compared to those who are vaccinated against the virus.
          My argument was not against living a healthier lifestyle.

      • November 22, 2021

        Zandoli, I don’t think we can succeed to speak sense into these people because they have decided to remain foolish (I would even prefer to say stupid). May God have mercy on them!

      • Worried
        November 22, 2021

        The vaccine gives you NO chance against being infected. It only prevents severe illness. At the rate the booster shots are coming, I would rethink the effectiveness of the vaccine altogether. Prevention of infection only comes with masking/sanitizing/social distancing: the only proven method. By the way, you have a very interesting approach to interpreting statistics: Over 50% sounds marginal to me.

      • Gary
        November 23, 2021

        The people of Dominica did not give Dr. Carissa Étienne a mandate to govern them. The PM was elected by the people of Dominica, Dr. Carissa Étienne was selected to play a role. Dr. Carissa Étienne is calling on the Medical Professionals to educate themselves about the Vaccine well what about the asking the people of Dominica to do the same, is education good for just one set of people for indoctrination. I would like to ask Dr. Carissa Étienne is there data from clinical trials done with the vaccine on people taking immunosuppressive therapy, people with diabetes, hypertension DVTs (Deep Vein Thrombosis), liver disease and renal dialysis.

        Suggesting that unvaccinated people should pay for the test is just another despicable method of intimidation. Why the playing field is different between Vaccine makers and the suppliers and makers of PCR and Antigen testing kits in terms of purchase agreement, isn’t the testing kits used in the frontline for fighting the Virus.

  21. Channel 1
    November 19, 2021

    These people are ludicrous. The sole goal of these measures is to make life as uncomfortable as possible for unvaccinated people. These various Covid ‘vaccine’ mandates have very little to do with genuine health science.

    Who gave these people the right to oppress others?

    Austria recently attempted a stunt of placing restrictions & lockdowns measures on unvaccinated persons only. Surprise, surprise, that ABSOLUTELY DOTISH move backfired spectacularly as Covid cases continued to rise there despite the lockdown of the unvaccinated.

    Austria has now decided to implement a full lockdown for everyone (both vaccinated & unvaccinated) starting this coming Monday –

    No matter how much unjust stunts all you these ‘experts’ try to inflict on unvaccinated persons, this whole thing is going to get exposed spectacularly.

    It would be interesting to find out who is the pied piper that plays the tune for Dr. Carissa to sing.

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