The Green and Orange Economies can be beneficial to Dominica and the economy, that is according to Prime Minister Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit who was a guest on Creole Heartbeat Program with Leroy “Wadix” Charles on Wednesday.
“In the Green Economy, People believe because [it] is a forest reserve we should not seek to make use of it to benefit the economy.”
However, “we hope to protect it so that which it offers we benefit from it,” Prime Minister Skerrit said.
The idea is to use the environment and look at the economy where this is concerned.
He further added, “ You go to many national parks around the world, where you have accommodation that is blended with the national park and so we have to look at how do we take advantage of the resources which the environment has and translate it into money, into assets for people and also jobs.”
Prime Minister Skerrit explained, “If you have a piece of land and you have nothing planted on it, it is not used as security in the bank to take a loan or do something else, it is of no value to you. If we have 45 plus percent of our environment protected by law how do we use it? So that the man who is living close to a forest reserve is not forced to go and illegally extract wood/lumber from the forest or he destroys the forest because he has to go around the law to make a living.”
In terms of the Orange economy, Prime Minister Skerrit said “That is where you are talking about real export industry of our artist. Artists of all forms such as bele dancers, creole singers, cadance singers, bouyon, calypso, and people in the performing arts. A wide range of areas where I do not believe that we in the Caribbean, we have not seen this as an export industry and huge foreign exchange earner.”
The Prime Minister stated that when a Dominican artist goes out to perform and brings back $10, 000 us dollars and it is deposited into his bank account this is foreign exchange, it is money that we did not have in the economy, that is being added to the economy and helping grow the economy.
“I think even [in] the national statistics, we do not capture that as a contributor to the economy. This is why I am saying Dominica’s economy is way larger than what is being reported, because there are so many elements to consider.”
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister announced that Honorable Cozier Frederick has been designated to lead the Orange Economy in Dominica.
“So we are working now with the OECS on two projects, which we will benefit from to bring trade and policy which we can implement to facilitate taking advantage of the opportunities in the Orange Economy. And also getting the artist and stakeholders within Orange Economy to better appreciate their role and contribution in respect to economic activity,” Prime Minister Skerrit added.
Hi DNO please ensure my comments are published. Why are you selective with the. Comments that you published?
Now, can skerrett see it necessary to be transparent with the people and publish all the MOU with china and all foreign countries so the people can dissect themselves.
Also, if this man really cares about the people then why haven’t he not seen it necessary to provide the monies to ensure Dominicans benefits and become self sufficient?
Let’s have town hall meetings with this man so he can answer to the people whom he should be servant too.
Instead he has made himself master by insulting, disrespectful and abusive to persons who are much older than him
One element of the “Orange Economy” that could have proved to be a “real export industry” is Dominica’s jewel in the crown. That being, the Sixth Form Sisserou Singers.
Duh…Are Parrots in three green economy or orange? I still wonder what happened am I late?
Your name is wrong,it should be Jacka.Every national park in the world have roads for the use of tourists and visitors.Look at the national parks in Africa,if you look at YouTube you will see and learn about roads in parks.You can only fool people more foolish than you.You have never been to Central Park in New York.As for you MEME go tell your stupidness to the PEOPLE,see if they will believe you.You have been trying for 24 years.
PM I agree with your statements contained herein. Nonetheless, you must remember that it’s under your watch for the past 22 years that nothing has been done in the areas enunciated. You were too hell bent on selling passeports. Further, you did not give a timeframe within which these new areas will be incorporated to grow and expand the economy we all desire. By way of example, how many trees have been planted and maintained after Erica and Maria ? It’s time we start doing things with proper planning and mesurable indicators to attain anticipated outcomes. I sincerely wish you and the country success.
Too many wanted criminals in high places hiding and unless we put the head where it belongs, in some cell till death, we will have no green or orange economy. Right now we have a colorless economy or no damn economy at all maybe for those involved in the CBI and or drug trafficking economy, who go out dressed in rich man’s suits and return with briefcases of undeclared cash and without being searched in their VIP lounge . Sacwe Modi , volere and potance
I wonder who sells these guys those silly concepts, the WTO and those foreign NGOs walking around Roseau with briefcases at lunchtime? Is the good ole “economy” a thing of the past, and like accepting defeat by big countries, we’re reliant on their AID?
Dominica has become congested with too many ships. There is not enough space navigate the turbulent waters. There are dictatorSHIP, hardSHIP, misleaderSHIP, bad relationSHIP, censorSHIP, partisanSHIP, brinkmanSHIP, foxSHIP, gamesmanSHIP.
The essence of the so called “Orange Economy” is creativity in all its various forms, whether in art or innovation. It is certainly not limited to “bele dancers, creole singers, cadence singers, bouyon, calypso, and people in the performing arts”.
It thrives best in countries where creativity plays a key role in education.
Go figure!
Skerrit you must leave your throne because you loseing it, you lying and confusing you supporters , Skerrit you talking about national park around the world and you have one in Roseau and you destroying it, man listen to your self. You have a highway going through it, the emission from the vehicles destroying every tree in there , i visited many parks all over i travel never see a highway going through any park many of them we have to pay before we go in. Where i live every park have its parking lot ,you park and walk , skerrit with your nonsence get people in that place and plant trees flowers beautify the place alot of countries wish they had a park like gardens in the middle of there city ,and short down that stupid highway you have going through that gem of a place. Skerrit you need proper rest rooms, in that place you need benches tables and must charge a fee to enter the garden thats for maintenance ,you need a zoo to showcase our national birds.
All of this is soundbite nonsense, which lacks any real purpose for Dominica’s economic advancement. It’s given mileage because ONE MAN has his eyes on it, his hidden agenda that’s sneaky and self-serving.
Water! Water! Water! Water! Water! Water!
We are said to have WATER (a world’s scarcity) in abundance….. what are we doing with it, opting to import WATER instead.
Half of the world’s largest cities experience water scarcity. There are 2.3 billion people who reside in nations with water scarcities, which means that each individual receives less than 1700 m3 of water annually. However, 380 billion m3 of municipal wastewater are produced globally each year.
Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh water, and two-thirds of that is tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable for our use. As a result, some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and a total of 2.7 billion find water scarce for at least one month of the year.
Dominica has the largest cabinet per capita in the world. All of these ministers of government are ghost workers. Meritoriously, none of the ministers deserves a cent from the purse of taxpayers.
Roosevelt hogs all credit for everything he conceives to be good, and takes no blame for any adversity that be falls this country. He is the lead spokesperson on all the ministries (agriculture, finance, health, national security, tourism, housing)et cetera. The ministers responsible for these portfolios are sidelined by the narcissistic, avaricious attention grabber.
For twenty (20) years, Dominicans have been fed with toothsome and glorious promises by this misleader. Still, Dominica remains at the bottom round of the ladder in the English -speaking Caribbean.
If you can trust anything said by Roosevelt, you can also believe that an astronaut once accidentally fell from the moon to the earth and live.
24 years of Red economy stagnation marred by an underground economy, and still fiddling and diddling about how to make the economy work. Sometimes, maybe the answer is in the blue economy, other times maybe the pink economy? No one ever works, so in a word salad, maybe we can try the green and orange economy? When will we get to the yellow economy?
Not even if Roosevelt invents a rainbow economy it will work. The problem is obvious. The leader cannot lead. Under his stewardship, Dominica is like a rudderless ship.
Blue, Green, Orange economies. I wonder how many more colors he will add to it. Next we will get pink, purple, yellow…..who knows.
Zandoli, you see Roosevelt and that creature he’s talking to who possessed a face that only his mother can love?
All they are doing is talking crap with no significant meaning!
It’s the same as the crap when he woke up one morning and said “Dominica is the first and only resilient country in world.”
Now he’s once again talking bull about an industry known only to Roosevelt, and again first and only place on the planet!
That guy is the most uneducated person to ever hold the office of Chief minister, premier, never mind prime minister of Dominica. He’s the dumbest in the entire Caribbean!
He exists with a curse.
A word he picked up from Charles, after the hurricane which devastated the country; said “the people of Dominica are a resilient people.”
And so the crook Roosevelt whose English vocabulary is limited, picked up the so called then prince Charles word and ran with it!
LAZY leader. Just leave our forest alone.
It’s only a very LAZY leader that can have passport selling as the backbone of its economy. You must ask big belly Ralph how he manages the Vincy economy.