COMMENTARY: PM qualification in perspective

CommentaryHere are two contradictory or complimentary thoughts about why you should or shouldn`t go to college

“You get exposed to new ideas, new thoughts, and new ways of looking at things.”

“Colleges don’t really teach you success principles. They teach you facts. They don’t teach you how to think.”

I read with total dismay and shock the comments uttered by College President as reported in the New Chronicle 18th October 2013: “Dr, Peters told the graduating class that they should not be misled into thinking that a Prime Minister should not be college educated”. If I recall no one indicated or suggested this sir.  The Chronicle quoted Dr. Peters as further saying, “Don`t believe the people in society who say it is okay in the 21st century to aspire to be Prime Minister of a country without ever going to college….if you want to lead people, you should first educate yourselves”,…”Peters declared”. Well Dr. Peters, the former part of your comments is false; the latter part of your comments is true. As a holder of a doctorate and presumably well qualified and educated we expect better than that from you.

Dr. Peters and many others must understand and be aware that education is NOT a level playing field and some people, among them doctors are blinded by the fact that many people in Dominica and around the world have succeeded without such esteemed college education but have been self taught, engaged in similar work to that of a doctor, a graduate and has held esteemed positions and undertakings in careers thought of years ago to be held only by those with so called college degrees or doctorate.

Well, Dr. Peters you have been fooled and may have used and abused your high offices and the occasion of success of many young Dominicans to caste falsehood, promote ignorance and denigrate those who had not got the fortitude and ability to attend higher education but have achieved the necessary educational competencies and continue to display it.

What therefore is the qualification for or of President of Dominica? What is the qualification of Savarin while a minister of government and now president? Has he got a degree or is he self taught….if it`s the latter, then he needs to be commended for his efforts and thus reaching this far, but I do not hear from the pundits who advocates qualification criteria asking this question of qualification of the president and others like the Austrie’s, and Justina Charles`, St.Jean`s etc….but much time is wasted on Linton.

Many leaders worldwide have occupied the seat of Prime Minister and Presidents without  a college education or a degree and those qualified who have given the opportunity to hold this high office abuse it as we see happening today before our eyes and have been sentenced to prison for fraud, theft etc. Look at Haiti, Italy, China, and Africa. Is Dominica next?

Therefore I dare ask Mr. President what are the competencies one needs to hold such high office?

Trust, honesty, respect for poor people, sense of dignity, ability to be analytical, be your own person and not have others guide you to corruption.  Respect the constitution, declare all assets, declare status of nationality that you are not caused to be serving two-masters, all those are basic honesty grandma taught us. Where do knowledge, experiences and competencies and concern for good governance come into play?

Isn’t someone qualified supposed to be the ultimate holder of the required  prerequisites for knowing how, without fear, favour and malice to function as the trustee for the people of Dominica is upholding the law and constitution? This is what Dr Aaron and Dr Peters the very esteemed and distinguished qualified sons of the soil who profess to know all and lecture us about qualifications but in absentia about how it functions!

Many so called qualified people have the so called qualifications (degree, masters PhD) etc and just cannot perform effectively. The merits of being qualified are honourable and must not be misunderstood but this qualification business only came about because the political leadership in Dominica has shifted and comparing Skerrit with Linton, so lets us put some things in perspective.

Skerrit has the so called qualifications of a degree: but in what??? Is it English, and if so, how does that qualify him or anyone to be prime minister especially when you hear the struggles he has in mastering the English language, his poor delivery and decorum, and lack of any substantive debates on OECS or CARICOM that a university or college student can use as a platform for debate, analysis or for political guidance.

When PM Skerrit reduces himself to the University of the Animal Programme as his only medium to articulate government policy it says how much we are in danger in Dominica. Therefore Skerrit could be seen as functionally unqualified.

Lennox has demonstrated his qualification in research, presentation of cases on matters of the state before the people of Dominica; possess great analytical skills, immense communication and presentation skills. Lennox has also demonstrated great knowledge in assessing the social economic development of Dominica and the Caribbean and ability to undertake comparative studies and present to the people of Dominica. I have not seen or heard skills demonstrated by Skerrit, if this is with whom he is being compared.

The mischievous weekly episodes of Dr. Aaron displayed in the New Chronicle is one of fear, weakness, and that is a challenged to PM Skerrit to step up on the merits of his qualification, honesty, to be accountable of the states resources and his questionable tenure in office. It is a wrap sheet as long as the Roseau River and embedded with innuendoes, fear and rumours. This appears to be the qualification (or lack of) displayed by Dr Aaron and the one he so defends, Skerrit.

Coolidge was “distinguished for character more than for heroic achievement,” wrote a Democratic admirer, Alfred E. Smith. “His great task was to restore the dignity and prestige of the Presidency when it had reached the lowest ebb in our history … in a time of extravagance and waste….”. This is the aim of Lennox Linton, the UWP and Dominicans who care.

Let us rise.

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  1. The Baptiste
    November 11, 2013

    It would seem to me that the undue delay in moderating my posts are a deliberate attempt by the administration to suppress certain information, that does not fit the administrations narrative.
    For example, when I posted two comments to posts there were only 37 comments, now tere are more than 100 yet my posts have not yet been moderated. This is an attempt to approve my comments in particular when all interest has been lost in the particular topic. A very clever way of suppressing freedom of speech that does not fit the narrative.


    • Doc. Love.
      November 11, 2013

      I would not agree with the notion that it is a suppression of freedom of speech, but DNO does have a serious as regards to the moderation time of comments. I have reached a stage, I don’t care anymore whether my comments are moderated or not. Maybe I post to many comments, because their have been times when my comments would take as much as three days to be moderated. As one who have the most comments posted, I would think that my comments would take a minimum to time to be moderated. In my opinion, it is those many comments written by Dominicans which is responsible for the popularity of DNO, eg. compare the amount the advertisements on DNO with that of DaVibes. All news outlets carry the little news coming out of Dominica, therefore,had it not been the comments especially the political comments, DNO would have already folded. My advice to DNO, please fix the problem, you cannot afford in these difficult times to take Dominicans for granted or kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

      ADMIN: We are flooded, literally, by hundreds of comments and we are a small company which cannot hire a large work force like, say the New York Times. So sometimes we get overwhelmed. On average a comment never take three days to be moderated, except on weekends, when we have to look after our families and do our laundries, like everybody else does. So we cannot stay 24 hours in front of computer moderating comments. It would be nice, but is impossible.

      • Doc. Love.
        November 11, 2013

        Typo: DNO does have a serious problem.

        Typo: compare the amount of advertisements on DNO.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 11, 2013

      I observed the same situation with some of mine. I noticed some were moderated before mine. I share your feelings. I wondered why as I thought of similar reasons. However I refrained from saying anything.

  2. ?
    November 10, 2013

    Does Skerrit have a university degree? This is the burning issue there.

  3. anonyme
    November 10, 2013

    DNO is there something wrong with my posts???

    • anonyme
      November 10, 2013

      Thanks Admin.

  4. Eagle-Eye
    November 10, 2013

    I am not sure what message the author of this article is sending to our young people who are striving hard to get a good education to prepare themselves for the challenges of a very competitive local, regional and global job market. If he’s trying to say that you don’t need to make the effort to get a good education because you can just join a political and become Prime Minister (The most prestigious job in the land), Then I fear for the future of our country.
    We might as well close the schools, sack the teachers, and don’t offer scholarships for bright students to pursue University education. I also couldn’t help observing that the author also boasted of his own qualifications but suggesting that we can do with a not very qualified PM.
    Dr Peters is right to raise this issue. It is high time that we should stop seeing ourselves as just a small island but rather as part of the global society.

    • Eagle-Eye
      November 10, 2013

      Typo error. ‘Party’ to be inserted after ‘political’ on line four of first paragraph. Should read as ‘Political Party’ and not just political, in relation to becoming Prime Minister

  5. Off I gone..BOOOOOOM
    November 10, 2013

    Too much education that have us so…..Dominicans all over the planet looking for work cuz our small island has limited EDUCATIONAL work opportunities while the land dere wasting away to which we need no degree but COMMON SENSE.
    Uneducated Haitians will adopt it all just now while we busy behind degree..

  6. Be Honest
    November 10, 2013

    You doubters better accept the fact that Lennox is the leader of the UWP and will be the next PM…..If qualification was sooooo important why wasn’t Edison James re-elected as PM??????????
    He was by far the most qualified PM that Dominica ever had?…UWP is not a one man show….. it is and will have be a team approach..we can see that happening right now…..Don’t look at Lennox in isolation….look at his team…..One man cannot run a country…..that is why this administration has failed the country so miserably…..Forward with UWP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Da shouting
      November 10, 2013

      I concur.

  7. Dry Bone
    November 10, 2013

    Why don’t we just pass a law demanding that a Prime Minister must have a college degree. Otherwise just back-off.

  8. Kriss Waltas
    November 10, 2013



    1994–95 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
    1995–97 University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi, USA


    1997 BA (Hons) Double Major: BSc Psychology and BA English, University of Mississippi, Mississippi USA

    DNO, can you please find out for your readers what are the true qualifications of the Prime Minister?

    • ?????
      November 10, 2013

      These are basic qualifications…They cannot make anyone a successful leader….Soooo many people in DA have so much more qualification than that…..So many highly trained people in DA to build the country…..Honestly I don’t know what the big deal is… A successful leader knows how to harness all the skills and energies available to him…..The question is….Has the PM done that successfully over the years?….The answer is no…so he has failed as a leader…

  9. November 10, 2013

    People are confused. UWP has always presented themselves as the party of educated people. They made formal education a big deal during all their previous elections campaigns. Where is MARPIN to replay the old tapes?? Mr. Linton pushed their agenda heavily on his Marpin shows. What about The Chronicle and old issues of The Independent Newspapers? Where are the media people to call them up on it?

    Even the younger party officials have been diligently educating themselves over the years to meet the standards set by the senior members of the Party. How many times did political critics ridicule Pierre Charles and tried to make him feel less than by comparing his education level to that of the Prime ministers of St. Kitts, St. Lucia and St. Vincent? Whose voices did we hear doing this to Pierre Charles back then?

    Then, lo and behold! Suddenly, they are changing their posture on education to place Mr. Linton at the front of the next general elections. Common! Where is principle here?

    The people who also supported the VALUE of a good liberal arts degree for all government ministers have not changed and most are in fact quite disturbed by this gross inconsistency.

  10. Justice and Truth
    November 10, 2013

    Hear ye! Hold your ignorant and senseless talk about education not required to hold a high position as being Prime Minister.
    We are residing in the year 2013, the twenty-first century. We are not looking back, going back and facing backwards but forwards. The trend today as in the rest of the world is to procure a higher education as a degree, Bachelor, Masters and PhD. Today, a Bachelor degree is not that important to assist one to obtain employment in some positions. A Masters degree is acceptable. The more degrees and higher ones, the better.
    This is where we are in this era. Therefore, you the writer of this article cease your uneducated talk and dispute that education is not necessary. It is a wastage of your time and that of others. You are only projecting a bad example and an un-educating one to especially the youth.

    • side eyes
      November 10, 2013

      Dear Justcice and Truth, Yes we are in 2013? Is it today that Mr. Skeritt should go back to school to acquire the degrees ( Master and PhD.) to come back and assume his functions as a PM? We must learn how not to put blame on other people. Before asking “What the country does/is doing for you” please ask yourself first “what have you done for the country?” Everybody have their mind of their own!!!

      • Justice and Truth
        November 12, 2013

        Education is absolutely necessary in this era. As I stated, “this is where we are” and moving forward just as the rest of the world, as the progressive ones. There should be no doubt about that.
        Those who are already in a position, let it be. In the future, it should be a requirement. Teach that to the school children, the students especially in the high schools.

  11. Shameless
    November 9, 2013

    With all the BS going on about degrees etc, I find it insulting that the PM and DLP in general would try so hard to discredit those without a degree who intend to serve. The sooner that someone in the DLP camp understand that attacking Linton’s education (no degree) for political gain is NOT a good strategy the better off they will be. In effect, they are just saying to a majority of us that we are NOT worthy because we don’t have a degree and my people is very insulting!

    Let us all remember that education is NOT commonsense and Lennox and his team have shown that so far. By all accounts they are already moving their agenda forward which in the long run will transform the political climate in Dca. Having a degree is great but NOT an essential for leadership. Even today we can see what those who have degrees are coin; manipulating our people :twisted: ! But, Change Must Come!

    Assertive, NOT Agressive!

    • Justice and Truth
      November 12, 2013

      Ask yourself, who stated this and this debate?

  12. Student
    November 9, 2013

    I must congratulate the person who penned this piece, to my mind, it captures the core and essence of the entire narrative re this qualification issue. The fact is, qualifications must be separated from wisdom – and wisdom is a very scarce commodity which most political leaders and Phd’s do not have

  13. anonyme
    November 9, 2013

    DNO, where is my response?

  14. facts versus fiction
    November 9, 2013

    By the way, for those of you who want to compare the education of Lenox Linton and that of Hon. Justina Charles, allow me to inform you that Linton did not complete high school and has not attempted to continue his education unlike Mrs. Charles who is a graduate of the Community High School, she is a qualified Nurse and continued her education at the University of the West Indies Mona Campus. IN YOUR FACE. Stop belching bubbles and making your self an open fool that you are.

    • Jay
      November 10, 2013

      Isn’t your “dissertation” exactly proving the point that one does not have to be a graduate to be an effective leader? With the best will in the world Mrs. Charles can not compare with Mr. Linton when it comes to presentation, representation, clarity of expression and simply, dynamic popular appeal. This has nothing to do with the political party either of them represent but merely a statement of fact. If you want to challenge this assertion I suggest we put them on a platform together, for a debate and let the people judge.

  15. facts versus fiction
    November 9, 2013

    I read with disgust the article which has evoked so many reactions. At first I thought the writer was speaking openly with an unbiased point of view. However, the garbage which followed leaves me to wonder how idiotic some people can be and probably not knowing it. (ignorantly stupid) Your open support for Linton and in defense of his lack of a high school education is no more than saying to the reading public that you are indeed less educated than Linton is. Allow me to inform you of just one issue which (if you are opened minded) see through the well spoken idiot that Linton is. Lenox Linton was interviewing a St Kitts Lawyer on the subject of persons who won elections for specific party and cross the floor to the ruling party. He states that in such a case, the sit should be made vacant and new elections called. In the ensuing conversation, he Linton read from a T & T Constitution trying to say to this lawyer that he was reading what the law says. The lawyer tells him that the document from which he was reading was not Kittitian but he continued to read anyhow until he Linton was told the apparently he did not understand English.

  16. Jonathan St.Jean
    November 9, 2013

    Hold up there.Are some people really saying that a university degree is a prerequisite to be an effective leader? I beg to disagree.I believe that great leaders are born although they can be trained.Not everyone who enters a tertiary institution is a leader neither is every leader someone who passes thru a tertiary institution.There are many examples of people eg.Bill Gates who dropped out of college and turned out to be successful whilst on the other hand George Bush with his master’s degree is the worst president the USA has had.
    There is a truth that when the situation is right the leader will arise.Leaders for every situation arise because of a combination of all the key factors and throughout history we see this hapenning.Some of these leaders are university educated others are self taught.The important thing is that they are driven, have a clear vission and can motivate people around them to work towards making that mission successful.Lennox Linton having gone to DGS has the foundation and ingredients to be a great leader if he is the man chosen at the polls to lead.
    To insist on university education as a necessary ingredient sounds elitist to me to say the least.

    • Views Expressed
      November 11, 2013

      Jonathan St. Jean well said, well done……is this the St. Jean from Castle Bruce…brilliant man, hard working agriculturist, son of a great man and a great mother school principal?

      Thanks for your comments, well said

      • Justice and Truth
        November 12, 2013

        The type of education which was acceptable in previous years is no longer acceptable in these times.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 12, 2013

      We are aware that it may not be necessary to possess a degree. You have missed the point that, in this era it is absolutely necessary. It is small minded to think that a degree is not necessary in this era. Today, those who wish to be progressive and successful should possess one or two, if not more. This is the point.

  17. November 9, 2013

    Citizens Of Dominica!

    Lennox Linton is ambitious and would like the opportunity to serve as the Prime Minister of Dominica. Without a doubt, Lennox would do a great job if elected. Unfortunately Mr. Lennox Linton, PM Skero and his team must be re-elected to continue the economic development and progress momentum.

    There is clear evidence that Dominica is developing and progressing tremendously under DLP and any changes in government right now will disastrous. Mr. Lennox should focus on keeping tabs on DLP and assist them in moving Dominica forward.

    God Bless Dominica!

      November 9, 2013

      You’ve got ramgoat diplomacy.

    • MeCamem
      November 9, 2013

      After all these years of Labour, you really believe that another five is going to make a difference? Mr. Rolle. What can you point to as a point or reference.. half a bridge and the other half will be built… just before election. Pave two roads in Possie and cut the grass in Mang …just before election. Put up one side of a retainer wall on the St. Joseph River and the other half will go up… just before elections.

      Please do not confuse evolution with progress. A young man growing beards cannot be considered as making progress; instead it is an evolutionary process…. Which is what has been happening in Dominica for a long time.

    • John Paul
      November 10, 2013

      Ha Ha Ha ! You are free to express Yourself as You wish! So is Lennox Linton,So am I.I want Lennox Linton as Prime Minister because He has character and a clean slate!Even Mr. Austrie will agree .Mr. Skeritt is leaning towards Dictatorship and away from Democracy I will cast my vote against the DLP

    • Papa Dom
      November 10, 2013

      On which planet do you live?

    • ?????
      November 10, 2013

      What is the evidence…..unemployment and despair among youths??? Civil servants living form one paycheck to another?…Farmers loosing hope?….No Hope???????????

    • Views Expressed
      November 10, 2013

      Citizens of Dominica….What are you saying…You are contradicting yourself…
      1. One sentence Lennox would do a great good job, then..
      2.Skerro must be re elected…then
      3.It is clear there is development in Dominica…then..
      4. Changes would be disastrous….then
      5. Lennox should stay where he is and keep tap on DLP government.

      You are admitting that the DLP under Skerro are corrupt and cannot be trusted and have been involved in heavy bin bobol etc…where is our money? Who stole it…? Dominica does NOT belong to DLP or Skerro and you have NOT pointed out where the development is taking place.
      There is :
      1.Widespresad corruption
      2.poverty all over
      3.Increases in red clinic and heavy handouts
      4. If there is development why is it that there are many Dominicans at the Financial Centre begging for handouts….why must our people be brought so low to survive…TO BE BEGGARS
      Please open your eyes…this government is corrupt


    • Justice and Truth
      November 12, 2013

      :lol: :lol: :lol: I agree.

  18. MeCamem
    November 9, 2013

    Please, can someone let me know whether it is true that Charles Savarin, the current President of Dominica made the statement that if any Civil Servant shopped at Breeze Mart they would or should be fired.

    • Indirectly
      November 9, 2013

      He said not to shop there; the end result would be the close of business and the loss of jobs.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 9, 2013

      Your comment is not applicable to this article. Why bring that up? :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

  19. Natiwel
    November 9, 2013

    My Dear “Civil Servant” you ask, ‘When will that hatred of one man Stop?’ Well, the answer is it wont, because hatred like the devil, gets hold of you and eats you to the very core. Pray for those who hate you.

  20. Tell it like it is
    November 9, 2013

    I have commented on this issue before but I am surprised that some people refuse to let it rest. Is it because it has touched them in some very serious ways? Apparently, some people have chosen to interpret Dr Peters´s comments to suit their own biased perspective.
    In this day and age, we should be promoting higher education for all, not trying to justify our lack thereof. It is a fact that Roosevelt Skerritt has a university degree and Lenox Linton does not. Is one better than the other? I shouldn’t think so. The debate should be what kind of future we want for Dominica and its people. I would suggest to Lenox Linton that he enrol in an online programme and pursue a university degree. This would send a clear message to the youth of Dominica that education is an important aspect of our development.

    Let us stop this foolish back and forth play of words in the media and get down to serious work for our country´s sake. Let us stop playing politics with the lives of our youth. We all have our personalities, abilities and aptitudes. Let us use them for the welfare of each and every Dominican and not for our self-serving interests.

    Again, I´ll reiterate, my problem with Lenox Linton is that I honestly don´t believe he has the best interest of Dominica and Dominican at heart. His activities over the past few years are not at all consistent with someone who truly cares about his country but someone who has been pushing his own personal agenda. So no matter how articulate he is and all the analytical skills he possesses, the bottom line is, Lenox is serving Lenox´s interests, and no one else´s.

    This is my assessment of the situation as I see it. But at the same time, I think both parties are at fault and are treating this education/qualification issue wrongly. Therefore, I am calling on both sides: Labour and Workers, to start thinking about Dominica and not their political advancements. Also, I would like to appeal to all parliamentarians to begin educating themselves and be true role models for the young people. There are many educated men and women, with university degrees who would like to contribute to the development of their country through participation in the political system but, the level is so demeaning that they prefer to stay away.

    Let us raise the bar in Dominica! Let us lead the Caribbean as we normally do my changing the political environment!

      November 9, 2013

      i would appreciate if you could enlighten me with the personal agendas mr linton has been pushing for the past few years as you have stated in your article?

    • Degreeless
      November 9, 2013

      You make a lot of sense, and I agree with most of what you are saying. However, it seems that respecting the opinion of others is posing a serious challenge for you. So because you state your views the matter should be put to rest? Who died and made you king?

  21. IluvmyPm
    November 9, 2013

    Dno how come u not reporting on the robbery of Ph Williams, napa, ccd and freestyle business places.

  22. PoKeSa
    November 8, 2013

    What snobbery! The fact that people with no University Degree is unfit to be Prime Minister. A Degree might help sell yourself to the people, but so does a good Image and a robust campaign. As History tells us, people with no degree can be Prime Minister and handle the job reasonably.

    John Major former Prime Minister of England left school at 16 with no qualification. All he needed was his soapbox! Here’s a list of some famous PMs with no University Degree who has gone on to leave a mark on Planet Earth:

    • John Major
    • Winston Churchill
    • James Callaghan
    • Harold Macmillan
    • Lloyd George
    • Disraeli

  23. Concious Party
    November 8, 2013


  24. Truth be told
    November 8, 2013

    I am sick of all these. Is education important to we Dominicans any more. Can any of our young boys and girls get a job in a Govt. office without a piece of paper showing their qualification? I guess it is ok for the PM but not the local people with more trivial jobs. Why spend so much on education? Send our kids out to work instead.

  25. lisad
    November 8, 2013

    I hope the young people are taking note because if education is so down played by the Lennox and the UWP, what emphasis will they place on it when they become the government? Today when we are talking of CSME and globalization, its academic qualifications that are considered first. If you dont have the qualifications, you won’t be considered.If a job asks for a degree in business management, do you believe you stand a chance for consideration by just chatting? I don’t think so. That is why Lennox has been out of a job in Dominica for so long…… (He said so himself).Don’t vote for someone who down plays education.

  26. Doc. Love.
    November 8, 2013

    As soon as Mr. Linton was appointed leader of the UWP , Dr. Aaron took the educational case relating to Mr. Linton as his passion. I asked myself whether he was doing Skeritt a political favour or he was opening avenues for the educational destruction of Skeritt. He reported on the Chronicle dated 20th December that Skeritt had a BSc in Psychology and a BA degree in English. All this was done in an effort to belittle Mr. Linton. It would appear that those comments have backfired, because a Radio Personality has offered tons of cash for someone like Aaron or Skeritt himself to prove that he possesses a BA and BSc Degree, we have not heard from neither. Remember President Obama and Donald Trump. Arron is responsible for putting Skerrit in this calamity, therefore he is also responsible for producing at least one degree in an effort to prevent Skeritt from any further embarrassment.

  27. tatay picken
    November 8, 2013

    An old man said to me studyation is not education, but in todays world you need studyation more than education because is paper that counting.WAY LENNOX PAPER. HE NEED A PAPER AS OUR PM TONNERE

  28. My constituency
    November 8, 2013

    While education is very important, there have always been and will always be, persons who have skills and talents way above the average, and who will perform better than college graduates, even in the field that college graduates specialize. Not that a degree would not enhance that skill or Talent, but life will always be this way, because for everything gained there is something lost. You will usually find more ethics in a non college person, because the more education, the less that person becomes able to accept the simplicity of life, and remember, God is in the simplicity of life, loyalty, Truth humility and honesty are some of life’s other simple goodies. I have seen it in many many educated people i have delt with, Bob Marley thought so too.

  29. side looker
    November 8, 2013

    You see granny always say if you live in a glass house don’t throw stones or when you digging a pit,don’t dig one always dig two.

  30. Objectivity
    November 8, 2013

    Linton the high school drop out – now writes this illogical article under the by line Political Observer.

    Drop out – when you write such a self serving piece of crap such as what is printed above – why don’t you use your real name – Lennox Linton?

    As a political leader of a party you are a public figure. I – as a private citizen can blog under the name Objectivity – but you are a public figure writing a self serving article.

    Take a stand. Show some leadership. Use you name. Lead!

    • My constituency
      November 8, 2013

      Here is a list of a few high school and college dropouts, some of the richest men in the world. They all have hundreds and in some cases thousands
      of college graduates working for them.Worth more than $246 Billion. average 9.4 Billion. There are 3 times as many billionaires without PHD’s as those with PHD’s, go tell them how unqualified they are
      Get the picture?
      1.Bill Gates[4] – US
      2.Mark Zuckerberg[5] – US
      3.Lawrence Ellison[6] – US
      4.Eike Batista[7] – Brazil
      5.Michael Dell[8] – US
      6.Marc Rich[9] – US
      7.Ty Warner[10] – US
      8.Gautam Adani[11] – India
      9.Micky Jagtiani[12] – India
      10.Shahid Balwa[13] – India
      11.Subhash Chandra[14] – India
      12.Vinod Goenka[15] – India
      13.PNC Menon[16][17] – India
      14.Roman Abramovich[18] – Russia
      15.Sheldon Adelson[19] – US
      16.Amancio Ortega[20] – Spain
      17.Kirk Kerkorian[21][note 1] – US
      18.Donald Newhouse[22] – US
      19.François Pinault[23] – France
      20.Jack Taylor[24] – US
      21.Joaquín Guzmán Loera[25] (Mexican drug lord) – Mexico
      22.David Geffen[26] – US
      23.David Murdock[27][note 2] – US
      24.Ted Turner[28] – US
      25.Henry Fok[29] (d. 2006) – Hong Kong
      26.Ralph Lauren[30] – US
      27.Mohammed Al Amoudi[31] – Saudi Arabia
      28.Stanley Ho[32] – Hong Kong
      29.Gabe Newell[33] – US
      30.Dustin Moskovitz[34] – US
      31.Richard Li[35] – Hong Kong
      32.Sheldon Solow[36] – US
      33.Stef Wertheimer[37][38] – Israel
      34.Ted Waitt[39] – US

      See also[edit]

      • Anonymous
        November 10, 2013

        How old are these people? Could they have created their wealth beginning today? Maybe it is who they are employing who are really creating the wealth. Their brilliance must be in whom they hire.

      • Justice and Truth
        November 12, 2013

        They were students of a different era. At that time, the emphasis as today was not on education and especially higher ones.
        Today, students are vying for degrees which are necessary to seek and obtain employment, a stable and good paying job which eventually will assist them in being promoted to higher positions.

    • Abovethefold
      November 9, 2013

      Boss, You are really sick in your head, You should change your pen name to Bias-assity instead of Objectivity.

      Look who is talking about using their real name…you mother made you Objectivity? .. then she must be a… never mind..

      You Just jump out of your hole to attribute this article to Lennox, with no proof. I for one know how Lennox Writes, I also know what words he would use, most writers use the same words to make their point.

      I know more so because I am his family. You are so bent on blasting Lennox, you are even attributing public writing to him without offering any proof.

      Further, Lennox never hides when he has to write, and he can take on all of you all place in the same box any day any time, any where.

      The question I have for people like you is why are you all so afraid of him, so afraid to debate him.

      I know why, because he will wrap you all around his fingers, chew you all up and spit you all out.

      Non of you have the intellectual and practical brains and able to articulate any issue , any where at any time Like Lennox

      He as proven that over and over again, so keep on grasping at straws with all minuscule brain.


      • Sirene
        November 10, 2013

        Apology. Meant to press the thumbs up button. Totally agree with you.

      November 9, 2013

      Lenny is not a coward like u He has always be Honest open and is never afraid to speak truth to power so just becuase u write under fake names to push your untruths Lenny do’nt operate like u and your kind. if you know what He stands for then thats not for him . I must say that was good writing and the truth and your kind do’nt like when truth is spoken. I WISH that u clean u mind of filth and get with good sence.

    • Seccoco
      November 9, 2013

      You are totally wrong that Lennox wrote this piece because I know the writer of this article. Lennox is a leader alright, much more intellectual than the so called leaders that we have today. Yes, he(Lennox) will be our next PM. Like it or not. All of you TREMBLING. Time will tell!!

    • Papa Dom
      November 9, 2013

      That is the problem with you dishonest freedomites, why don’t you present the evidence that mr Linton is a high school dropout. There are persons in the society who went to school with mr Linton, there are school records at DGS and there are former teachers by now I would have thought that matter could be laid to rest. I guess the good ambassador A was correct, there is no truth in politics.

    • Rawlesworth P. Defoe
      November 9, 2013

      How dare u accuse de man without proof??? Is that the same way u gonna teach your kids to operate? Linton has been famous for always calling his name when he is in the media, he never hides and is always speaking truth to Power. You on the other hand is using a cowardly pseudonym, yet have the gall to throw cheap gutter ‘maypwis’ and silly accusations at a man who is so courageous.

    • Anonymous
      November 9, 2013

      If Roosevelt Skerrit was the one who did not go to college and then university and on the other hand his counterpart had a degree; I wonder if Skerrit would be considered UNQUALIFIED? So what is a genuine criticism or support? Hmmm… the power of bias politics makes it so interesting! I respect all Dominicans and we are all entitled to our opinion and choice but in these modern times how can we believe that a LEADER of a political party should NOT have at least a COLLEGE EDUCATION, though not limited to just that.

    • black jumbie
      November 9, 2013

      what difference is the name going to make …..the facts don’t change…smfh

    • T
      November 10, 2013

      @ Objectivity the hater. Don’t refer to him as Linton. I would rather hear you say with all your hatred for him, our soon to be Prime Minister. This man is good! WOW! Smart, articulate,respectful, has a clear understanding of where his party wants to take Dominica, a statesman, a team player, a hater of corrupt government, etc, etc, atc, ……
      I LOVE HIM.

  31. Friend
    November 8, 2013

    I think this thing is being blown out of proportion – no one has ever said ‘education is trivial’…

    The point is that Members of the Labour government has seen it convenient to undermine Mr Linton’s credibility through his lack of a degree – its obvious that Mr Linton is an educated man, that doesn’t mean he has to have a degree – which would make him an academic.

    Education is important however it does not always determine one’s success nor capabilities end of story!

    Children should be encouraged to get an education – by no means will that determine nor guarantee their future. There are lots of people with several degrees who are worst off than a few with non.

    The chances of success – though heightened with a degree or formal education is not guaranteed.

    • Toomatoe Tomato
      November 9, 2013

      I suppose in all what the writer of the piece has written, the writer is misleading the readers by missing the most important point.

      That is – it was Mr. Linton himself who brought the matter of lack of education and degree to the general public in criticizing those who he perceived to have none for the post he now aspire to fill.

      No one did nothing to Mr. Linton but himself.

      If the opposition wants credibility they have to own it; They can’t get it by deliberately ignoring facts or trying to create new ones.

      In this lengthy piece of whatever it is, which repeats itself leaves out the most important reason for this discussion and that is making an even bigger mistake, trying to fool the general public will not work.

    • Views Expressed
      November 9, 2013

      FRIEND:…..Well said, well said….put into perspective…I say no more.


    • Anonymous
      November 10, 2013

      You say, “Education is important however it does not always determine one’s success nor capabilities end of story!”

      Does that mean education criteria should not be set for a job?

      Currently, every job should carry some basic qualifications, such as education and experience. What would be your basic requirements for a minister of government? Do you think these positions should be exempt from education criteria?

      Is there really someone in Dominica who is starting a business NOW (not 20 years ago when everything was much simpler and easier) with no formal education, training and/or business experience and who will be successful five years from now?

  32. ()
    November 8, 2013

    Is it true that Skerrit himself does not have a degree?

    • Positive vibration
      November 8, 2013

      @. (), what crap is that you’re saying???!! If PM Skerritt did not have a degree wouldn’t it be blasted all over DNO and
      Q95. TONEH!!! You UWPites are really sending a wrong message to Dminicans, especially the youth!

    • contact
      November 9, 2013

      he will not produce his sheep skin because the ccj says it will incriminate him.does savarin have one? making 360k per year.after the turnout on friday,da fini bat.why is uwp wasting their time.labor will win again.waiting for 21-0

  33. real possie
    November 8, 2013

    Only on dno dem kinda mind bending things will show up eh in my DA voice,this whole commentary was just crap why uwp people like to tell people what to do?they want to tell u who to vote for they want to tell u who should and should not be educated.The thing is linton was crying wolf all along now its his trn for people to cry the same wolf u all vex but he cry wolf first my God.

    • black jumbie
      November 9, 2013

      the difference is when linton talks it can be checked out= FACT…while when skerro talk we have to wonder where is the start where is the end
      …look at the job situation…400 …300….just numbers…but still people are getting fired…yes it is him to blame…smfh

      • Justice and Truth
        November 9, 2013

        This is what you assume. Who are you trying to deceive?

  34. anonyme
    November 8, 2013

    I am an teacher and it bothers me that we are having a debate over the need for tertiary education. On a daily basis my colleagues and I talk to students about CSME and the need to be well qualified in order to compete for employment. We are in a rural school and we impress upon them most of all, that it is incumbent upon them to view education as their way out of poverty. What are we supposed to say to them when they get conflicting information from home, school and the media? Interestingly we are told that in order to keep up with globalization we must ourselves evolve. Therefore, what may have obtained when Gerald Ford was president or even what obtains with our current president, cannot be used as a yardstick for the current and future development of our human resource. Let s not make a career of confusing our young people.

    • Views Expressed
      November 8, 2013

      Anonyme: I share your concerns and what you say has merit and is correct. The issue is, the question is what do you then after all this teaching and educating a student, two students and academically do not make it but demonstrate other complimentary skills and also developed competencies that you as a teacher may or not ignore because that child failed to pass end of term test? You get my point.
      Continue teaching please these young ones, as the issue is NOT about one should not pursue higher education, but rather if one does not have the so called degree etc, has moved on in life, succeeded in doing a number of quality work, has worked thru out the Caribbean for years, his resources has been sourced, do we then turn around and denigrate him.
      Beyond a degree a paper, or where one has developed the competencies that is the tools to function professionally we must not failed them. There are people who have studied and went to college etc but failed to perform due to lack of these competencies and yes it was also said that was a great weakness of late Hon. Pierre Charles. People within the ministry says he was not well read therefore did not develop the levels of competencies to occupy high office.

      • My constituency
        November 8, 2013

        True an education is always important, but higher education surely does not determine what direction a man will take in life. For example, Dr.Peters an Dr. Aaron are much more qualified than Roosevelt Skerrit,if he is qualified, yet he rules over them personally and directly, and they dare not even suggest to him if he is doing something wrong

      • anonyme
        November 8, 2013

        @views expressed. Au contraire, I do not subscribe to the view that we should overlook the skilled men and women who have moved through the ranks although they were unable to pass exams at the first go or who were unable to earn a degree(including the individual whom you allude to). However we must not allow our students(those who are not academically inclined)to lose sight of the fact that at some point in their career, they may have to present oral and/ or written reports. One might argue that you do not need to have a university degree to do that. But aside from the paper that one receives, one has a greater opportunity of developing critical thinking skills at college or university. Incidentally, I earned my degree after years of being in the world of work and I do believe that I am the better for it. At the end of the day, it does matter. I do not think that my years of work before attaining the degree are insignificant. However, I believe that my training has allowed me to be a greater asset to my institution. In no way should one be denigrated for not having a degree but it is prudent that we not understate its worth.
        Thanks for the discourse.

      • Truth be told
        November 8, 2013

        Just more excuses to support what we want people to believe

      • Anonymous
        November 10, 2013

        so happy u brought that up because the SAME LENNOX LINTON was giving him blows over his incompetence due to his lack of a college degree if you think I lying check MaTT archives or even Krazy tee when he was making the donkey sounds for pierro

      • Anonymous
        November 11, 2013

        Factor in the number of people with degrees who are undermined in their pursuit of success. It is difficult to succeed against a team of underminers. If you understand Dominica you understand what I am saying here.

    • Channel 1
      November 9, 2013

      @Anonyme – No one is confusing anyone except those who LOVE to get confused by any statement put forward by those who are strangers to the truth.

      This debate is no way confusing. The UWP has not told anyone to ignore trying to get an education if they are in a position to seek higher education. Rather the purveyors of untruths are the ones who have injected this idea into the airwaves by portraying the UWP’s selection of Lennox as its leader to a statement of intent that education is not important.

      Well that is a deceptive and malicious agenda by the purveyors and peddlers of lies. After all, it was the UWP who built the Castle Bruce Secondary and Grandbay Secondary Schools, the Portsmouth library close to PSS among other progressive educational projects during their time in government.

      Rather what you all should see by the UWP’s selection of Linton is that if one does not gain a degree, it in no way condemns you to a life of misery and despair. You can still attain much without a degree. Just look at the multitude of powerful people in this world who left school very early without degrees and have attained much.

      I trust all those Dominicans who do not have degrees but who have achieved much will pay close attention to the cloaked insults from those persons who lambast those without degrees and VOTE THEM OUT!!!! Never think is only Lennox they are criticizing; they are also criticizing you and making themselves superior to you. VOTE THEM OUT!!!!

      November 9, 2013

      I am an employee of the Ministry of Agriculture and I must say that when I conduct a rapid survey the division of agriculture has the most qualified people per any department of the government( stand to be corrected). What is interesting though, this Ministry appears to be the most unproductive one. Most of the real work is done by those who do not hold degrees while the ones with the degrees are the ones you hear on the media, they are the ones going on all the trips out of state nd they are the ones who argue and bicker the most while nothing is being done. Do you see the state of our Agriculture sector with all these DEGREED PEOPLE?!! Matter of fact, there are agents in America whose job it is to hook university grads with opportunities that exists out there. In other words these people are more street smart than those with degrees.

    • The Baptiste
      November 10, 2013

      anonyme, just read your post again and it will answer your question
      No wonder we are sending children to secondary school you do not know basic multiplication tables, and can barely read and hardly write, thanks to teachers like you, who make the real hard working dedicated teachers of Dominica look bad.

      • anonyme
        November 10, 2013

        @ the baptiste
        Can you please clarify for me what you deem to be a clear indication that ‘a teacher like me’ makes you ‘ makes you, a hard working teacher’ look bad? Apart from the typo ‘an’ I can’t seem to put my finger on what made you come to that conclusion. Thank you and continue to be a dedicated teacher. I ll endeavor to follow in your footsteps for the duration of my national service as a teacher.

  35. bigsexy
    November 8, 2013

    Way papa. We all have our roles to play. If skerro with his degree gains 11 seats with his team and his Englis degree, he will be pm. If Lennox with no degree and my UWP team wins he will be pm. Let’s all respectfully debate the facts and all those who are 18 and over vote for the best candidate to represent us in our constituency. Not for the PM, that’s for the voters in Vielle Casse and Marigot ONLY.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 9, 2013

      Maybe Lennox should take a correspondence course to catch up on his education? :lol:

  36. Kelly
    November 8, 2013

    Which one do you prefer? a degreed leader who disrespects the constitution and the people, or a non-degreed one who is a visionary, articulate and respectful?

    At any rate, the ‘real issue’ in Dominica is that we have a leadership and political crisis- ‘degreed or non- degreed’ and that is fact.

    • Anonymous
      November 9, 2013

      Lennox is not what you are trying to describe him to be.

  37. November 8, 2013

    Word typo, relating to education ,not ( to not education)

  38. November 8, 2013

    Apologize for word typo,,Dominican, not domain and relating to not education not delaying.

  39. November 8, 2013

    It is so hurtful to see how the whole world is embracing education and for Domains, the people who should all educate themselves to a higher level are all delaying education as non important.
    Folks in this modern era, education is the foundation for the future. There are people who are derived of it and is fighting for it. Look at what’s going on in the world in countries like Afghanistan,Pakistani and Africa to name a few.
    Please, do not discourage the children from obtaining a decent education with your political bs.
    When the world reads this, what are they going to think of Dominicans. We are already being referred to as small island people, don’t u all think they will look at us any differently? No wonder people say dom in i can instead of Dominican..

    • Justice and Truth
      November 9, 2013

      You mean ‘deprived?’

  40. Civil Servant
    November 8, 2013

    There is an old saying that if you live in a glass house do not throw stones.

    The writer of the article seems to forget that it was Lennox Linton, his brother Brian Linton and Hon Eddison James who set the standards for being Prime Minister.

    The writer must remember how Pierre Charles was hounded to his grave for his lack of a university. We can remember the “heart surgeon and the skilled capenter story.

    All of a sudden the standard is being lowered! Pierro had a Teachers certificate from the teachers college.

    By the way the writer conveniently forgot that Hon Skerrit has a degree in psycology and English. When will that hatred of one man Stop?

    • Views Expressed
      November 9, 2013

      Civil Servant:…..Skero has a degree in English and what……psychology……really…?????? ummmmmm… well good for him?
      No standard is being lowered…..we are examining the different levels of success one can attain as far as education is concerned. No Dominican must be let down.
      A wrong is a wrong whenever it started and by whom….lets debate the principle. While they focus on Lennox in their camp are many at ministers level whose education are questionable…

    • Doc. Love.
      November 9, 2013

      Please don’t just tell us he has two degrees. Because of all that talk about University Degrees and leadership, why doesn’t Skeritt print his Degree Certificates for all to see. Until such time the man should be considered a fraud.

    • November 9, 2013

      The prime minister does not have a degree in any of these it is said. He did not complete his degree and therefore did not graduate.He has no papers to show that he has any degree.Where is his transcript? In which file in ministry is it? PM please show us your degree/transcript. The nation needs to know. Thank you.

    • Malatete
      November 10, 2013

      Education is very important and something we should all aspire to. I am sure that both Mr. Skerrit and Mr. Linton are in agreement on this. However, a college degree, or even a formal secondary education is not a prerequisite for becoming a member of parliament, and therefore Prime Minister, as is made abundantly clear in our constitution. To insinuate otherwise is not in accordance with the facts and serves only as a political diversion. I would have thought we can spend our efforts and energy in a more constructive way in these challenging times.

    • Papa Dom
      November 10, 2013

      Hounded to his grave by who?

  41. Anonymous
    November 8, 2013

    I do not wish to enter the debate of qualification for Prime Minister. I choose, however, to disagree with you on the objectives of Education. You have shown a misunderstanding of what a College/University education is about.

    While you shower Mr. Linton with praises for his ability to research and analyse, you have failed to pat attention to the details of Mr. Linton’s conclusions. It is in the details that Mr. Linton is found wanting.

    Mr. Linton has shown a decided tendency to conclude before having sufficiently completing his research and analysis. On a number of occasions he would have concluded differently if he had the skills that are imparted through the fine tuning of a University education. He would have learnt to be more cautious in selection the point at which he goes public.

    He has failed on a number of occasions in that regard.For this reason I would be very cautious about having him as Prime Minister.

    I should note here that there are numerous cases of failure/incompetence from College/University Graduates. In every instance that I am aware of, it was not the result of their education. More likely it was because they went against how the were taught to proceed, by attempting to reinvent the wheel, like working without a plan for example.

    • Abovethefold
      November 9, 2013

      That’s the Kind of Argument I can give credibility to. Even if I do not agree with you, I like how you state your case.

      The questions I have for you, is provide and example of a a case where LL “decided tendency to conclude before having sufficiently completing his research and analysis.


      • Anonymous
        November 11, 2013

        Try the Layou River Hotel resale of land- his comments on the value of the sale- he was dead wrong.

    • Views Expressed
      November 9, 2013

      Anonymous: Please give us examples of what you are saying, and I quote you:
      “Mr. Linton has shown a decided tendency to conclude before having sufficiently completing his research and analysis. On a number of occasions he would have concluded differently if he had the skills that are imparted through the fine tuning of a University education. He would have learnt to be more cautious in selection the point at which he goes public”
      You seem not to have been following the national issues of the Bin Bobol…..passport scandal…..PM`s citizenship etc….
      You have offered an oxymoron conclusion that he and I quote you again:….to assume that..
      “On a number of occasions he would have concluded differently if he had the skills that are imparted through the fine tuning of a University education. He would have learnt to be more cautious in selection the point at which he goes public”. …and later you contradicted yourself by saying….
      “I should note here that there are numerous cases of failure/incompetence from College/University Graduates. In every instance that I am aware of, it was not the result of their education. More likely it was because they went against how the were taught to proceed, by attempting to reinvent the wheel, like working without a plan for example”.

      This comparison is confusing…its like either way with or without training someone like Lennox and others are still weak…..
      No one is perfect and there is more to pursuing a task of research, etc….competencies are learnt….read the opening and closure of the article again.

      • Anonymous
        November 11, 2013

        You need to be more focused when you read. Please read again but more carefully this time.

    • ?
      November 10, 2013

      You sounded very immature,stupid and ignorant there. Where are the examples to show Linton’s premature conclusions, as your piece of garbage reads? Fact is Linton is a very bright person. Brighter than you who obviously sounds empty, brighter than Skerrit and several others in your corrupt gang. I LOVE HIM, AND WILL VOTE FOR HIS CANDIDATE, WHOEVER HE/SHE IS.

      • Anonymous
        November 11, 2013

        You obviously gave reasons for your emotional outburst, in the last sentence. I don’t care who you vote for and I do not seek to please you. You are obviously not capably of that level of analysis to identify the weakness that I described. You should not have need of me to show you the defects demonstrated by Linton if you were other than as you described me you would see for yourself. Somehow I have spoilt your fun and you cannot take it. Don’t worry …lets see if he can win an election first…then I will not need to show you.

  42. truth
    November 8, 2013

    singing for your supper, of course skerro is doing more ,KEEPING YOU POOR,
    OH fool , why dieth before thy time ,GODS word

    wait,;;; you will soon see his true face and your words will come back and hunt you AALAS AALAS AALAS:)

  43. Hypocrites
    November 8, 2013

    if too Lennox education is not important, why send his children to school? Tiway en lecole!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Justice and Truth
      November 10, 2013

      Well stated! Some people lack this insight.

  44. November 8, 2013

    By writing this article, you have unwittingly fueled Dr Peters’ zeal for adult education and you should consider availing yourself of that opportunity.
    Education has never been a requirement for being head of any nation in any country; yet it has been a proven necessity. A degree in law is not a requirement to be a Supreme Court judge in the US, but the informed American people would not risk it. So why must we, because of the circumstances of a fortunate few, choose to march backwards in time? Education is not all about politics and neither should it be the other way around; and to classify “so-called” educated people as less capable than other local professionals who feel so enlightened that they need not embrace a world view is tantamount to selecting a carpenter over an architect. Remember Edison James’ “Angry Man” speech at the UN? Yet Edison is well educated and probably the finest orator in Dominican politics. The speech was a dud.

    • Kelly
      November 8, 2013

      Winston I think you missed what the writer is saying. Please read again.

      • Truth be told
        November 8, 2013

        He didn’t. Good response.

    • Views Expressed
      November 8, 2013

      Winston Warrington…I cincur ….but this article is NOT what started the debate…if I read clearly the article and what you write is raising the same sentiments.

      Didn`t you get it.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 10, 2013

      There are many adults who wished that they had the opportunity to higher education. Those who object to what Dr. Peters stated did miss the point and should keep quiet.

  45. Too Hard Too Long
    November 8, 2013

    Why is it that, suddenly, the importance of education is being down-played? I have children and I will continue to encourage them to go to university and get educated. True, education does not replace common sense. However, education allows you to maximize your common sense, to think beyond just common sense and to expand and explore where common sense on its own will not take you.

    Our leaders should know better than to use the education debate for their own political gains.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 10, 2013

      Today, higher education is extremely important.

  46. #BeHonest
    November 8, 2013

    Couldn’t have said it better.

    Charles Savarin has no degree, Pierre Charles had none, yet they continue to insult Lennox. SMH

    • November 8, 2013

      Well said I’m proud of the effort taken to exposed the subject I only hope that Peter, Aaron , Savarin, Skerrit and others will take the time to read and digest
      Preisdent Garald Ford was President of the USA and he didnt have a degree.

      • real possie
        November 8, 2013

        @ namby boss I have that for u But instead of taking up a professional football career as offered by both the Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers, Ford opted to take his economics degree to Yale University, where he attended law school and also worked as a football and boxing coach.You can google the man then come again when u all hear people say things don’t run with it check for u all self.

      • Justice and Truth
        November 10, 2013

        We know how old Gerald Ford was then and how long ago this was. He probably could be your grandfather, if not your great grandfather. Today, it is absolutely necessary.

    • Original Observer
      November 8, 2013

      You chose to simply forget history. Yes, Charles Angelo Savarin, President of Dominica has no degree, neither did Pierro. But alas! you and the writer conveniently chose to forget that Pierro went to the Teachers Training College and got training as a teacher. He had four GCE O’levels. I am told. You also chose to conveniently forget who it who was who brought the issue of academic qualification (college) as a requirement for Prime Ministership to the public debate. History will judge all of us over our oft feeble attempt to rewrite the facts of history. Wasn’t it Mr. Linton who raised the issue of educational achievements (college level) as a qualification for being Prime Minister? Wasn’t it Mr. Linton who compared Pierro’s qualifications or lack thereof with that of other OECS leaders? Wasn’t it Mr. Linton who made fun of Pierro’s non-university level education? We can all win friends for ourselves if we speak truth always and represent the facts straight. That may assist with persuading some to buy into our arguments.

      Talk of truth righteousness and justice, then the UWP leaders must answer truthfully why the silence over allegations that a certain European business interest was responsible for financing its election campaign in 2005 and again in 2009. In the interest of truth and justice will the new self acclaimed novice leader of the UWP tell us what he knows about the St. Kitts Economic Citizenship program and the active involvement of a former Prime Minister with whom he is aligned. These are still allegations but silence will not make it go away. so let us speak truth to power, integrity and justice. By the way Mr. Linton is quoted in another medium as saying that the young people and people of Dominica were led or commandeered at gun point to come the stadium in other to make naught the call for a boycott of these activities. In the interest of truth, honesty, sincerity and righteousness , this paragon of high moral values and limitless integrity, beyond the earth borders must provide the evidence in support of what is really, and still is – balderdash.

      • November 8, 2013

        no it wasnt linton who brought the talk about piero and qualifications , it was the uwp back then. linton program started long after piero died

      • Views Expressed
        November 8, 2013

        Original Observer – Yes it was said ,,,,,,And he was right because it that concern originated inside the Labour Party, the Ministry of legal Affairs especially when he Pierre Charles was out campaigning for the Prime Ministership to replace Rosie.
        Pierro was limited locally and regionally etc

      • ____________________
        November 8, 2013

        @Original fake Observer You are such a cunning liar. You seem to be dead scared of Linton, but irrespective of how scared you are, he is in your large face. He hates corruption in government, and malfeasance in public office. Nothing you have said about him has stuck, and nothing will, because while you are doing your dirty work, he is keeping corrupt leaders in check. OK. DON’T GET HYPERTENCION.
        have you checked if Skerrit has a degree?

      • Anonymous
        November 8, 2013

        Oh you wicked Original Observer,flee away with your hatred and venom. Go get some integrity.Maybe you will then flee from evil.

      • ?
        November 10, 2013

        @ Observer NO IT WASN’T MR LINTON.Put that in you mind and remember it. OK.
        Skerrit told him to get into the ring. He has done so, and he is pushing arrogant Skerrit out quickly.

    • N J
      November 8, 2013

      pierre charles completed high school ,was a school teacher and a very good one at that and went to teachers college

  47. stephen
    November 8, 2013

    Pure crap .then just say ban all schools

    • Justice and Truth
      November 10, 2013

      You are so correct! If education is not necessary to the fools, schools should indeed be banned. Better yet, those who are of this opinion should not send their children to school. They contradict themselves.

  48. lolz
    November 8, 2013

    for functionally unqualified Skerro doing more than these “functional” qualified persons. God bless Skerrit everyday of the week.

    • November 8, 2013

      what more is skerrit doing? giving handouts to party supporters. living larger than life. go read about what the duties of any demoractic governments are. i pray by then u will understand

      • cheakthem
        November 8, 2013

        I NOW Pray that you too will understand even before talk, and go take a look al the lines of the red clinic and then come back to tell us truthfully the number of UWP supporters in the line. What I want to say is that it’s nota pary thing. It’s a Dominican thing. Skerrit doesn’t look at color, he’s the PM of all Dominicans.serch your heart.

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