PM Skerrit touts benefits of Future Housing Programme

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit says the Future Housing Programme is a product of his government’s housing policy which seeks to provide for the more vulnerable in society.

The Prime Minister said at the official launch of the programme recently, that this programme which is is expected to benefit young Dominicans employed within the public and private sectors, is part of that policy which is “premised on the understanding that the government has a responsibility” to provide for those who have greater difficulty fending for themselves.

“The Future Housing Programme will see the construction of homes for sale to young professionals and young Dominicans who are employed within the public and private sectors and are looking to invest in their own home,” he said. “This can then be used for security to build greater wealth which can be transferred to their children and grandchildren.”

Pointing to a number of benefits in this programme, the Prime Minister said it is a stable investment that will provide the beneficiaries  with the confidence to expand their finances, invest more and generally, live comfortable lives.

“Home ownership is much more than putting a roof over your head,” he stated. “Purchasing a home is a foundational step for building generational wealth and one of the most consistent ways to build a financial bedrock for future generations.”

Skerrit also believes that proper housing provides security for families and contributes to the strength and progress of communities.

“A stable home can positively impact our social and economic well-being and is a sanctuary where families can live in peace and dignity,” the Prime Minister noted.

He went on to say that the homes, upon completion, will be sold at less than the cost of construction.

“This is our way of subsidizing the overall cost of the home so that it is within your financial reach as young professionals and young Dominicans,” he explained. “It now becomes easier for you to qualify at the banks and credit unions [that] have come on board with us.”

The Prime Minister gave the assurance that if the first phase is successful, the government will expand the program to other parts of the island.

“And based on the attendance, I have no doubt that it is going to be extremely successful, because of the interest from the citizens,” Skerrit said.

He said the government will be moving to HIllsborough Gardens and St Joseph in the next step.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister mentioned that another important element of the housing programme is the appointment of an advisory group to guide the government as it develops and implements this programme.

“It is made up of 20 young people who come to us from a variety of backgrounds and fields,” Skerrit revealed. “These young people have been constructive in their recommendations to us; we have considered their suggestions and in some cases, we have had to caution them against some extravagances, because we are older and more experienced.”

He said in the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) 2019 manifesto, his government pledged that the people of Dominica will be properly housed and that the national housing stock would be amongst the highest quality and most resilient in the Caribbean.

“We have, and continue to deliver on this promise to provide new and upgraded homes of superior standards to the citizens across the length and breadth of Dominica,” he said. “We are making these interventions during a period of severe strain on economies  worldwide, including our country Dominica.”

Skerrit continued, “Due to the war in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic, we are grappling with rising inflation and the corresponding increases in the price of goods and services, recognizing also, that this government’s revenue has also been impacted…However, we cannot in difficult times abandon our responsibilities to the people of Dominica.”

Skerrit urged young Dominicans to look into this opportunity seriously.

The tagline for this programme is, “Empowerment through Ownership – a path to Generational Wealth”.

More information on the programme is available on

Government says its aim is to build 5000 homes in 5 years.

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  1. Ruth
    August 2, 2022

    Watch the picture, somebody just asked him to account for our CBI money and enquired when we might have fair elections again.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
  2. Follow the Money
    July 26, 2022

    At least empower LOCAL builders to build, keep some of all that money here instead of exporting it all.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
  3. Tt
    July 25, 2022

    I have a question: is this the best, the very best we can come up with to lead this great nation? Are these politicians the best we have to offer???

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  4. Lin clown
    July 25, 2022

    After hurricane Dominica was wiped off the face of the map.UWP and their supporters were rejoicing about its destruction.I heard one say “I want to see how the major going to bring it back,if he do that he is a number.Three years later Dominica was back on the map.Thanks to the blood,sweat and tears of Skerrit the DLP and DLP supporters.Where was IBO,Pippo,Bwa-Banday,Real country,Beta and the famous Gramoxone Francisco-dog?Today they are like parasites,living of the hard work of Labour.They go to the hospitals and health centers,Labour.Drive on the highways,Labour.Houses for the poor,Labour.$300 for senior citizens,Labour.Yes we care,Labour.Free school bus service for the poor,Labour.All UWP do is talk,talk and more talk,spend all their time in court,have all their cases dumped in the gabbage pail.The most educated person in UWP the Rt hon Justice Gramoxone Francisco-dog QC,MA in the English language,This guy is so smart,yet he cannot find a way for UWP to win an election

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  5. Anthony P Ismael
    July 25, 2022

    The government of Dominica has a deplorable record maintaining public infrastructure. The Marigot Hospital, Portsmouth Hospital, Portsmouth Police Station, Ministry and Windsor Park Stadium, just to name a few. These 20 young people are nothing more than Labah Acolytes who are being groomed to get positions later down the road. Talk to any Civil Engineer and they will tell you that in the early years, at least 10% of the total cost of any public structure must be set aside for annual maintenance. There is no mention of how these structures will be maintained and who will pay for it. Again, low information voters will eat this up like fig and dasheen!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 1
  6. Lin clown
    July 25, 2022

    Visine..if what you say is true,how do these lazy people who do not work pay utility bills,including cooking gas?It is a fact that thousands of people who once paid rent,are now living in $250,000 and $300,000 houses and apartments FREE.That is one of the reasons why UWP can kiss winning an election goodbye

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  7. Visine
    July 24, 2022

    There are very capable people who were given a free house. There are lazy people who sit by the roadside not wanting to work and still get a free house. There are fisher men, with one catch sometimes making more than $5000.00 in a week and still get a free house. all public servants were told they could not get because they are working. Small salaries and still not appointed, the bank will not give them a mortgage and they are same people that help u everyday in ministry yet you want to sell the house to them but the others that hardly contribute to social security and taxes you give it to them free? These public servants need to open their eyes and see what amount of work they produce for you monthly to deserve such poor treatment.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 2
  8. JAH KAL
    July 24, 2022

    Skerrit !!!!!!!! for whom you really building those apartment ,there a people liveing in diffrent part of Dominica living in deplorable condition and you are not helping them .We saw the man from Laplain, the people in Roseau , there is a place in Portsmouth they call CHANCE, that where you have the most POVERTY in dominica. Those people been voteing laba for 60 years, and they have a drunkard a jack and his donkey not doing nothing for this people. Their are people you give apartments or homes , that a child molesters, thieves , drug dealers, and useing the same place to prey on the young girls selling of their drugs . And there a people languishing for a proper roof over their heads . Skerrit you have to pay for it .

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 3
  9. JAH KAL
    July 24, 2022

    Skerrit !!!!!!!! for whom you really building those apartment ,there a people liveing in diffrent part of Dominica living in deplorable condition and you are not helping them .We saw the man from Laplain, the people in Roseau , there is a place in Portsmouth they call CHANCE, that where you have the most POVERTY in dominica. Those people been voteing laba for 60 years, and they have a drunkard a jack and his donkey not doing nothing for this people. Their are people you give apartments or homes , that a child molesters, thieves , drug dealers, and useing the same place to prey on the young girls selling of their drugs . And there a people languishing for a proper roof over their heads . Skerrit you have to pay for it . Kamar.

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      July 25, 2022

      Are you a JAH KAS? Try to make sure your brain is in gear before opening your workers lying mouth by repeating what you hear. UWP will never ever win a court case because THEY do and say things with no evidence for back up.
      Can you ask Lennox , all those monies he received and collected in the USA on behalf of the people of Dominica, monies from radiothons, charities, to name are few, what has he done with those monies?
      Talking of KAMAR, be careful what you ask for. Remember the ALGEEZERA STORY?

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 0 Thumb down 22
      • Robby
        July 26, 2022

        ALGEEZERA STORY…. Tell us all about it. Never heard of ALGEEZERA. Out of interest, how long did you attend basic school?

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 0
      • JAH KAL
        July 26, 2022

        Don’t blow a blood vessel ,people like you who support skerrit BS and hide behind a name. You encorage the child molesting the rapeing of our young girls in dominica, your comment don’t make no sence you must be one of them . The old fokes have a saying all what happening in the dark must appear in the light, look over your shoulder.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 2
  10. Lin clown
    July 24, 2022

    Justice for Mahaut,tell the Dominican people why the UWP former candidate ,and former senator for Mahaut pack up and run away.Later we will talk about the $240,000 bobol.Another Earl,TEETH THEY TEETH typical UWP.Corrupt.Skerrit does not have to bribe anybody to win election.Go and tell your partner bring back de man $240,000.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 28
  11. Lin clown
    July 24, 2022

    More police employed.More nurses employed.More firemen employed.More than 37,000 registered out of a population of 72,737.DCP reopening.Galvanize factory opened.More public service vehicles(buses).More university scholarship.All saints university,Coming soon St.Joseph university.Geothermal.International airport.Tantan sea defence.Windsorpark back road.New Macoucherie bridge.New Natalie bridge.New Pointerounde bridge.Jungle bay.Petrol Caribe.State of the art basketball court(Massacre).New town primary school.Kingshill road.Platt Ma Pierre housing.First pace maker implanted.First commercial flight from US mainland to Dominica.Mahaut primary school.Minimum wage increased.Clear harbour branch opened(Portsmouth).Laplaine housing.New Roseau west bridge.New market bridge,and many,many more.If the blue bed bugs think the majority of Dominicans are as blind as they are,they are mistaken.Skerrit and the DLP is going to be in power for a very very long time.The blues will never B ready.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 33
    • Toto
      July 25, 2022

      Just keep deluding yourself clown. With all this development and advance you claiming why the murder rate is at its highest ever and most of our people so poor then with a wizard guru at the helm of our ship that appearing rudderless. Go on man, take off your blinkers. Loyalty is good but country always comes first. Skerrit is not God.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 25 Thumb down 1
      • Eagle-Eyed
        July 25, 2022

        @Toto, have you ever wondered why America is the richest nation on earth but still have the highest murder rate than any other nation on earth? Do you see the daily mass shootings or do you just close your eyes and pretend that they don’t happen. This should debunk your argument linking murder rates in DA to underdevelopment. Evil exist in humans no matter what their economic situation. Stop talking down your country for a change and be more positive about the future. I wonder what the likes of you will be saying when our brand new international airport (when completed) open up Dominica to the world.

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 24
        • Malatetete
          July 26, 2022

          At the current rate of homicides Dominic’s projected rate for the current year would reach 34.29 while the reported 2022 rate for the U.S.A. is 4.96*


          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
  12. Lin clown
    July 24, 2022

    Those blind UWP.Skerrit and the DLP has turned poor people to owners of $250,000 and $300,00 houses and apartments
    Under Skerrit
    Night landing.New Roseau hospital.Windsorpark stadium.Marigot hospital.New state house.Extension of DC Airport.EO Leblanc highway.NO Liverpool highway.Charles ave road.NEP.Yes We Care.$300 for people above 70.Free medical care for under 18 and above 60.Pit toilet eradication.Clear harbour.York Valley bridge.Hillsborough gardens village.Belvue Chopin city.School bus service.Roseau Valley road.Cochrane road.Kapinski hotel.Land at $1 per sqft.12 new mini hospitals.Emergency funds for farmers.Emergency funds for Fishermen.Free college tuition.St.Aroment- Bathestate road.Scottshead seawall.Emergency medical funds.Removal of hospital USER fees.Sultan road.VielleCase road.Portsmouth fishing complex.Georgetown housing.Grandfonde housing,New Grammar school.Free $250,000 and $300,000 housing.100% water supply.Castlebruce housing.Layou emergency center.Jimmit housing.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 30
  13. Justice for mahaut
    July 24, 2022

    Skerrett continues to tell lies, it’s not the 20 young persons who he spoke with that influenced him to decide on that project but instead the many constructive criticisms from the different opposition groups and parties over the years.
    Lab government have no vision and foresight, they rely on the brilliant information and suggestions from the visionary intelligent individuals who wants to see a better Dominica.
    Lastly, Dominican should not be fooled by those hot air blown by Skerrett in the name of trying to bribe our people to win another election.
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  14. LifeandDeath
    July 24, 2022

    The Culprit attempts to save his subjects from ruin, so as to vindicate his conscience and secure some more votes.
    Simultaneously the man who sells concrete will continue to reap much much dinero from all these housing projects.
    Have they now abandoned the Airport?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 1
  15. JAH KA L
    July 23, 2022

    Whom ever giving this guy advise is fooling him all the time .
    This guys can not do that in their country who ever it is realizes Dominicans accept anything and everything , you putting up building every where and any where . First what about the disposeable of sewage , Roseau have a smell that just can not go away , apartments all over the place in a few month sewage water running down the roads ravines we have left in Dominica all our river look like ravine . No recreation or playing area for the people no parks are been created , and those labor rites and their kids danceing and playing in sewage . When you don’t know better and it’s for free they don’t care about their kids farless them self and that’s a shame. Skerrit don’t give a rats behind as long he put you in those building . He don’t care if you or your kid’s caught any uncureable rash or diseases as long as he have you in there. Sewage water is deadly when it is…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 1
  16. Ibo France
    July 23, 2022

    The guilt on this guy’s shrinking conscience is making him aged faster than the natural process. Look at his fast developing eye-bags, his fast receding hairline. He has started to grow horizontally instead of vertically.

    Karma is real. It has this avaricious, dishonest DESPOT (Roosevelt) in its sight.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 9
    • Sams Gutter
      July 24, 2022

      He does look stressed. You people stressing the man out. You all keep pressuring the man to deliver on his promises and he cannot. Abattoir, coffee processing plant and now international airport, you all think the man can deliver on all that? You all think the man is a miracle worker. Election coming, more promises, don’t hold the man to his word, PLEASE!!!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
  17. JAH KAL
    July 23, 2022

    Skerrit you are a sick man you need help ,the way man make their bed that’s the way they lie in it . Look at your face man you look possessed . You ly so much right now you thinking of what ly you haven’t tell the Dominicans people , time will tell.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 2
  18. Sousey sel
    July 23, 2022

    Skerrit you have a fixation on building high rise buildings/apartments for ministers to sneak in . Your job and that of the Gov’t is to bring a sense of hope for the young people and the masses and you have not done so skerrit. Building homes can’t do that; Maybe if you and the bunch resign…….

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 6
    • Ibo France
      July 24, 2022

      He has a fixation on BUILDINGS. This is where corrupt politicians unlawfully make themselves filthy.

      Most of their ill-gained wealth comes from the no bid public contracts. Many renown political analysts have stated this. The evidence of this is incontrovertible.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 7
  19. Ibo France
    July 23, 2022

    Take a very serious look at this man’s demeanor. It is very revealing despite his bravado.

    I see pain, panic, desperation, and a wretched soul. He knows the inevitable day of reckoning is fast approaching. The handwriting is on the wall.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 29 Thumb down 10
  20. Ibo France
    July 23, 2022

    There is a severe shortage of houses in Dominica. Why is this? The starvation wages coupled with the high unemployment have made it impossible for most citizens to build their own homes.

    Roosevelt has ceased the opportunity to prey on these vulnerable citizens. So he has deployed this vote-catching plan. Give them a house and hook them to the DLP for life.

    What a fair-minded, empathetic leader would do is to create the enabling environment for most resident citizens to build their own houses. This is the Dominican Dream – owning a piece of the rock with a comfortable home for their family.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 10
  21. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    July 22, 2022

    Roosevelt, since your give away houses are suppose to help people who are “susceptible to physical, or emotional harm;” how come all of the recipients are young healthy able body people who can’t dress in any other color beside red?

    You see, you claimed to be a high school English teacher, in Dominica; no wonder you could not graduate college in America; that is because you lack comprehension of the English vocabulary; see little boy, you corrupted crook, to be vulnerable means to be “susceptible to physical, or emotional harm.”
    Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm: it means they are in perilous danger, or jeopardy; unguarded, assailable, open to attack!
    I recommend you take some online classes in English, and stop embarrassing yourself in the face of the world.
    And since you frame it that way, remember supporters of the UWP are vulnerable too; you know a word when not utilized appropriately can render someone ignorant.

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      July 22, 2022

      Lately when you are not talking crap about Montreal Management which is alleged to be your personal owned company and building some invisible International Airport; you disgorged nonsense about geothermal energy, all of which you know will never come to fruition; you also talk plenty of crap about Dominica and some resilient crap!

      Have you seen what is taking place in Europe with wild fires, and in America; fire and flooding; I suggest you give to those nations your blue print for resilient building.
      Roosevelt there is something called manufacturing industries, those that engage in the transformation of goods, materials or substances into new products. The transformational process can be physical, chemical or mechanical; manufacturers often have plants, mills or factories that produce goods for public consumption.
      With that said we are talking about creation of jobs, and employment.
      I hope you are intelligent enough to understand you are inept, and Dominica is doomed!

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    • Wesley to to bones
      July 23, 2022

      How disrespectful!!!!!My God. You are calling Dominica reigning Prime Minister “little Boy. Someone with your fake Masters.. Engineering. Doctorate. Shame on you. Regardless of choice of politics. Where is the respect Old Man…….

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 9 Thumb down 33
      • Blisters
        July 24, 2022

        Respect has to be earned. That one isn’t due ANY respect! I do nor respect gangsters.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 8
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        July 24, 2022

        Mash you damn geriatric, magar-mangie dog!

        You are a mangie dog covered with dog flee, and cattle ticks, you stink oui!


        You rotten stinking walking beast; if you bother me from hear on you do not have any shame; just like that damn little boy; that Dominica Mountain Chicken Crapaud crapo Mentality the worlds most corrupted crook Sir doctor knight Roosevelt Chichi Royer Skerrit!
        If after this you come back for more insults, maybe I will string myself up in order to get rid of you.
        But I will not string me up, because you are not even a person, you have no name, you are a dog oui!


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        • Wesley to to bones
          July 26, 2022

          Let us learn to spell correctly before we bash the other. HEAR…there’s a difference. It is HERE old man.

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 1
          • Wesley Girl
            July 26, 2022

            He is as illiterate as they come, old Makak. But he tells us on each and every occasion that he has a degree in this that and everything. Nobody takes the old goat serious.

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 0
  22. Imputing Improper Motives - The Baptist
    July 22, 2022

    Boy, dat report by Sir Dennis Byron doing wonders in dat government!! Then can run, they can bob-and-weave, they can become sookooyan, and lajabless if they want. They can even bring more men in black to walk the streets of Roseau again, but the one thing they cannot do is to end the eye-opening Wednesday walk, while the reform report(s) are really weighing down heavily on dem.

    With all dat stress coming, de man doh must get fat nah!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 3
  23. D/can to d bone
    July 22, 2022

    Election around de corner what you expect. When they vote him again he going to breathe something else to get de people angry and de cycle continúes. That’s skerrit for you. He did psycology but not on me he playing it.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 2
  24. Pyro
    July 22, 2022

    our middle class is made up of the professionals and business owners, the ones who build residents and buildings, mostly at the age of 40, so when this is taken away from the market, given to the large firms which we know that this administration is working with, what are we locals in the construction industry left with? we are already left out of the larger part of it all, but this is nationalisation of the construction industry. how could you provide housing at below cost of construction, not below market value but cost of construction as stated by the PM. how does this lead to competitiveness and growth within our economy? are we no longer a democratic society as stated by the constitution? what about providing for job security for everyone along with sustainable jobs that could get a wider range of economic participation? we should look at ourselves and question whether this is actually helping us as a society…!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 2
  25. JAH KAL
    July 22, 2022

    Skerrit you must go , you need to go, you are a liar, you are so pathetic . Dominicans looking right through you like a strainer just a matter of time.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 2
  26. Observer
    July 22, 2022

    Will the government be constructing a sewage disposal system for this projrct? It is a known fact that Warner has a hardpan so percolation is almost non-existent. That’s why Planning has set the minimum lot size at awarner at 10,000 sq ft. The pictures show a very dense development with small lots. Is the government setting up another environmental disaster as exists in all the apartments buildings? They all have a terrible stench.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 2
    • Toto
      July 23, 2022

      Observer, more a bedpan than a hard pan but seriously, liquid always follows the law of gravity so expect sewage to come down the hill. God only knows where that smelly stuff will end up.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 0
  27. July 22, 2022

    Ha! ha! ha! “what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive” brilliant idea Dr Dr :lol: :lol:; but what is so brilliant about it nah? What is most disturbing is when I listen to the DLP “mouton batallie” and their enablers go about beating their chest on their despicable radio talk shows pretending that Dominica is the only country in the Eastern Caribbean and indeed the world with a housing program which benefits it’s under privilege is laughable and such an insult to clever listening audiences. What does the Dr Dr mean by “to provide for those who have greater difficulty fending for themselves”; the question I have for you is who made then vulnerable and poor in the first place? after 20 years under your stewardship you own it sir; and your “Government aim to build 5000 homes in 5 years”!!! give me my $10,000 let me do what I want with it; what good for “Laba” is good for everyone else is all of us passport money.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 3
  28. Truth Be Told
    July 22, 2022

    PM you look sick and sad and beginning to look so much like your daddy Cheechee. Time for a holiday but I don’t know who needs the break from who the most, you from Dominica or Dominica from you, because the both of you are beginning to look real bad and sad under your failed leadership!
    Dominica today is high crime and high unemployment with no industry to carry and sustain the economy into the future. PM what will be our industry in 10-20 years time? Do you ever plan for Dominica’s future? You are always caught up in everything now for now, but you cannot develop or build a nation on now for now! Economics is about planning and building for tomorrow! I know, you do not have the intelligence, insight and foresightedness to understand this.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 37 Thumb down 4
    • Nonesence
      July 22, 2022

      Jesus will be backnin 10-20 years time. The Bible said give no thought for tomorrow especially 10 to 20 yrs. Pm looks frustrated because he has to work with a country full of Vipers. NO appreciation. Give the man a darn break. What a selfish an ungrateful group of people we are Generation of Vipers. EXPECT more and more and more. No one but God put you in office PM so ride high with your head up.

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      • Observer
        July 23, 2022

        You are quoting scripture and cursing in the same breath. Who then is the evil doer?

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        • Nonesence
          July 23, 2022

          Observer. Be spiritual and stop being so Dominician Religious… Last time I checked webster…. DARN is not profanity….Is there something else you need to observe. Ride on…..

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 4
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      July 22, 2022

      “Dominica today is high crime and high unemployment with no industry to carry and sustain the economy into the future.” (Truth Be Told).

      Roosevelt thought he is so loved by Dominicans, that he will continue to lie, and the idiots believing his lies will continue to vote for him. I suggest the time is fast approaching, even repeated lies don’t always work, his only hope now is to keep talking housing program.

      People like free gifts, free house and apartments, that will hook a few gullible for the time being, but when they realize they do not own house nor apartment, and hear some so called foreign shell company owns them; somebody will be haunting somebody down to kill them!


      Dominicans don’t seems to understand how desperate, how dire, things are in the country; what happens when the sale of passports comes to an end, what is that corrupted crook going to do for money; depend on Hurricane to smash up Dominica to get hands out?

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    • Me
      July 23, 2022

      Dimples gone, life is for ever but homo mortalis. Reflect upon that.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 2
  29. Roger Burnett
    July 22, 2022

    Sixty year ago, at the age of fifteen, I started a seven year engineering apprenticeship. Apprentices were not overly paid in those days but nevertheless, in the final year of my apprenticeship I had saved enough for the deposit on my own house, and of my own choice and location.

    The Prime Minister’s job is surely to ensure that the economy is sufficiently vibrant so that young workers – professional or otherwise – earn a decent wage that enables them to stand on their own feet.

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    • Ibo France
      July 22, 2022

      The strategy of this administration is to keep the people poor and dependent on the government. The intention is to make the people feel eternally grateful to the members of the regime.

      When someone is financially independent no one would have influence and control over him/her..The last thing Roosevelt desires is SELF-RELIANCE.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 36 Thumb down 9
      • DAFriend
        July 25, 2022

        Exactly right! That’s his strategy. But the suckers who vote for him don’t realise.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 1
  30. Not a Real country
    July 22, 2022

    Roosevelt shut up! In a real country you would be facing the same embarrassment and investigation Trump is now facing. But again you told us very early that Dominica is not a real country

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  31. Juanita
    July 22, 2022

    Is the Honourable Prime Minister still being recognized and lauded for being so handsome? I’m asking this for a friend.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 36 Thumb down 3
      July 22, 2022

      Juanita, both you and that friend, you both go take a look at your face in a mirror and then, honestly answer the question.

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  32. L C Matthew
    July 22, 2022

    This guy is as messed up in his head as it can get. What i read above is a display of one who is conflicted internally. 1st your future housing program is for most vulnerable and those who cannot fend for themselves. This means young working dominicans are helpless after 20 years of your government are under employed. some in thier 40s and still cannot fend for themselves?
    While it is true that owning a home is a means to build generational wealth it has to come with a stronger private sector, adequate disposable income and the ability to build and use equity through rental or sale of these homes. A typical mortgage is 25 to 30 years so this means a 40 year old will be 65 to 70 by time they are done paying mortgage while retirement is 67. People can be home poor when most of thier earnings go towards housing with no disposable income to do anything else. Failed to downright self serving economic policies have cause these young folks to be in this dependency state.

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    • L C Matthew
      July 22, 2022

      Additionally if government is building the homes, what are the sources of the funds? How do you plan on sustainability? What is the role of parliament? What will be the use of returns? After all the government is still accountable to the people’s funds and this is not labour party resources. It is state funds AKA the people’s funds. Devil is always in details. According to Austri one free apt was over 400k so i imagine a home with yard would be more. Lets assume one cost 500K. The bank finance with interest. Even at 10% discount the 20 year $2000 teacher salary stagnation cannot afford. Is the bank paying back the gov 500k for cost and collecting only interest? Is the gov placing 100million in bank solely for housing loans pending loan approval? If that is case then why were banks unable to do independent of gov. Lastly. Why should unemployed maybe uneducated people get free 400k housing and hard working people pay mortgage. Is that not an incentive to sit and do nothing?

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  33. Zandoli
    July 22, 2022

    I think Skerrit needs to go on a diet and do some more physical activity. He is getting too fat.

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    • Nonesence
      July 23, 2022

      How do you make others who are grossly obessed and can’t help it feel? Can we attack on job performance and not at his physical being. You need contact lenses. PM you are okay. The stress is weighing on you but there is nothing wrong with your countenance. Can we have an intelligent conversation. How dear you saying the PM needs to be on a diet. Last time i saw you. You were not all that fine….Go figure…..

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 6
      • Ibo France
        July 24, 2022


        Here is the report on the pathetic and unenviable job performance of Roksevellt’s officialdom:

        *New and good paying jobs – FAILED
        *Economic development – FAILED
        *Agriculture – FAILED
        *Human development – FAILED
        *Tourism – FAILED
        *National Security – FAILED

        In fact, Mr. Austrie has lamented that he is tired of Dominica being in last place. Do you need more evidence than that of a sitting minister of government to realise that Dominica is a failed STATE under Roosevelt’s stewardship?

        Lastly, “Failure isnt fatal but failure to change might be.”

        Roosevelt reminds me of a leopard. He cannot change his corrupt, self-serving ways. Inevitably, he will take Dominica to their WATERLOO if he is not stopped. The man is an abominable FAILURE Change him NOW!

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 8
  34. Beta
    July 22, 2022

    No Skerrit, this program is not to provide for the more vulnerable in society but rather for the supporters of the DLP. With you it has always been like that. By the way, how is this extravaganza funded and who will be auditing the accounts. We are still waiting for you to account for our CBI money.

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  35. Ibo France
    July 22, 2022

    Anything! Anything! – that Roosevelt does is carefully planned for political expedience. The wellbeing of the citizens is secondary in all things he does, more like a side dish.

    The easiest means for corrupt politicians in office to enrich themselves is by no bid public contracts. They siphon off multiple millions for themselves by using concrete and steel (by building).

    Anything that flows from the mouth of Roosevelt I cannot TRUST. TRUST starts with TRUTH and ends with TRUTH. The man has continuously proven himself to be an untrustworthy, habitual LIAR. That statement is the TRUTH that cannot be contradicted by any truthful persons.

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    • Ibo France
      July 24, 2022

      Has anyone on this forum ever heard about Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo? Roosevelt seemingly has studied this man how Christians study the bible.

      He is the dictatorial president of Equatorial Guinea in Africa. His country makes countless billions from its rich oil reserves. Despite this, most of the citizens are desperately poor. Many of them scavenge the landfills to get get their meals.

      Meanwhile, the president and his family live in unimaginable affluence with luxurious mansions all over the world.

      He also rules with an iron fist by using the might of the military forces, jailing and assassinating his opponents, and raining terror on his dissenters.

      Don’t you see a parallel between this despotic dictator and Roosevet? Roosevelt uses CBI funds for self enrichment; lives a champagne lifestyle on the backs of poor taxpayers, while Pennyman and Jimbo live in deplorable squa!or.

      It’s time to get rid of him politically.

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  36. Pipo
    July 22, 2022

    – What is the intended location for the first batch of these “houses for sale”.
    – Will they be sold on a freehold or leasehold basis.
    – Who will be the mortgage provider for the prospective clients and do they have
    a choice as to whom they want as their loan provider or are these purchases subject to financing by a government-controlled body.
    – Who will provide the infrastructure to these sites i.e. roads, electricity, water, communication lines etc.
    – Who will be the builder these houses, which I presume will not be of an individual design. Will it be a government contracted construction company.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 47 Thumb down 8

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