Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit has called on the People’s Republic of China to not fall into the “trap” which has been set for it when it comes to Taiwan, saying the region is committed to the peaceful reunification of China.
He was speaking at the Eighth China/Caribbean Consultation at the Intercontinental Cabrits Resort & Spa here in Dominica on Friday morning.
“We would like to see peace within the world, especially among all nations,” he stated.
“And we urge you, madam minister and your country to utilize and to lean on your over five thousand years of civilization to not fall for the trap of engaging yourself in any confrontation and we in Dominica, and indeed the entire Caribbean, will work with you for the peaceful reunification of the whole of China. Rest assured of our commitment.”
The issue of Taiwan has been a contentious one on the international stage. There is historical evidence suggesting that the island, which is roughly 100 miles from the coast of China, came under Chinese rule in the 17th century. After the first Sino/Japanese War, China gave up the island to the Japanese in 1895.
China retook Taiwan after Japan lost the Second World War in 1945. However, a civil war broke out between nationalist government forces led by Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong’s Communist Party. The communists won and took control of Beijing in 1949 while Chiang Kai-shek and what was left of the nationalist party fled to Taiwan where they began ruling.
Since then China has been claiming that Taiwan is an original province and has vowed to reunify it with the mainland. However, Taiwan has been saying it is not part of the modern Chinese state, especially the one that was established by Mao in 1949.
China has been forcing diplomatic pressure on countries not to recognize Taiwan as an independent and has been pushing the “One China Policy or Principle,” which recognizes one Chinese government in Beijing.
Dominica established diplomatic ties with China, under Skerrit, in 2005, cutting ties with Taiwan. According to published reports, the move was apparently induced by a $112 million aid package from Beijing. Meanwhile, speaking at the same event on Friday, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister, Hua Chunying, said the matter of Taiwan is a “red line” for China that should not be crossed.
“We appreciate and commend countries from the region for firmly abiding by the One China Principle,” she said. “We would like to provide a kind reminder to stay highly alert to Taiwan-related false statements and active moves on international occasions.”
She said there are “international forces” who are trying to obscure and sully the One China Principle and indulge in provocation of Taiwan’s independence and use the island to sabotage China’s reunification.
Hua went on to say that she hopes Caribbean islands with diplomatic ties with China stay highly alert on the matter.
“It’s a red line that must not be crossed,” she remarked.
“We hope and we thank you in advance for full support and understanding on this.”
“Skerrit is doing fine for himself and for Dominica.” (ds).
By the way ds; you claimed that ds is short for dog sh.t (dog feces):
In any event I must agree with you that bit of dog feces, that Roosevelt has done tremendously well for himself; however, nothing significant for Dominica!
If Roosevelt had done so well for Dominica; you that disgusting scalawag, would not be in America, or wherever you pretending to be either eating out of garbage heap, or in America, living off Welfare, eating of all me tax money I pay.
So, let me ask you this; because Roosevelt [allegedly] sells passports, enrich himself, and say he is giving away houses to people.
Have you ever thought of questioning the legitimacy of the, of the contractors and builders Roosevelt claims to be Montreal Management. The same as I know how to research people academics, I know how to research companies operating under fictitious manes, and so I can: Continue:
I researched and have not found a registered company; builders of International Airports, nor builders of Apartments, and residential house any place in Canada.
So, my question to you ds: Who owned Montreal Management in Dominica, and the houses, and so called apartments such company built and gave away, some with the occupants not receiving a title dead or a deed of trust; who actually own such properties?
Rather than defending Roosevelt, and trying to assassinate lbo; and other UWP supporters; and me the kid; you should be relentless like lbo and I demanding answers from the corrupted crook!
ds; ask “ds” why there are more Dominican born residing in little Antigua, working money when they can’t survive in the country of their birth.
There are more Dominicans residing in Antigua, than native born Antiguans!
Only an example we are all over the world, we ran from the hardship Roosevelt Skerrit placed on our backs, and shoulders.
Ask why Roosevelt Children are born in the U…
“And FYI, go to the Ole Miss website and check out the list of University of Mississippi alumni under the heading, politics and you will find the name Roosevelt Skerrit.”
Mark in the heat of battle sometimes; people get killed with friendly fire!
“And FYI, go to the Ole Miss website and check out the list of University of Mississippi alumni under the heading, politics and you will find the name Roosevelt Skerrit.”
Mark, I am one who do not go unto Website to get information; in the event I want to find out if Roosevelt graduate any claimed university I know the source to go to in order to get official records.
Been there done that; and you can also be assured that google is very seldom a source for me to look of information.
I will end by saying Roosevelt lack of academics is the cause of him screwing up Dominica; if he had a simple degree in the Liberal Arts, I’d have moor respect for him!
Indeed he done well in accumulating wealth …….. in that short space of time:…
Stop being an as. hole. Is that all you do delving into people’s academic pursuits? With all your fake degrees more than a right angle, what have you done for your country? Nothing but the same garbage you keep spilling on DNO every god given day. Aren’t you and Ibo France not tired of yourselves? Skerrit is doing fine for himself and for Dominica. Dominicans minus your UWP cabals and yourself are happy with Skerrit. Stop wasting your time and your breath. If Skerrit was not an intelligent person as you and Ibo claim, he would not be where he is today. Keep talking.
Speaking of Traps, yours truly the illustrious Dominican Prime Minister has already fallen all the way into the Chinese trap they own the Dominican PM. He does not have enough money to re-pay the Chinese when they come calling and he will have to give the island to China when they demand Portsmouth Harbor for a Naval Base.
Who the hell is Roosevelt Skerrit to give advise to a communists government out of China!
The worst idiot in the Chines regime the communist regime on his worst day is smarter than Roosevelt Skerrit, and I doubt there are any idiot operating in the communist regime of China!
Roosevelt you need to she your slave mentality, and stop crying for you massa: What trap, has been set for China where it pertains to Taiwan; why don’t you mind your damn business, and seek some advise from people who are better academically educated than you to help remove Dominica out of our poverety; we know you only completed Secondary education in the Portsmouth Secondary school.
You were not even qualify to teach English when someone made you some so called English teach.
Of all the Prime Ministers of all the Caribbean islands; you are the only one without an college academic degree.
Your bought honorary Ph.Ds don’t worth fart!
How can you make this giant leap advising your master Chines?
Shut up!
Francisco, for a guy with only a secondary education, Mr. Skerritt has surely made a name for himself. Do you realize that he is currently the chairman of CARICOM? You may not like the man but this to me says he’s no fool unless all the other members are more foolish than he is. You tell me.
And FYI, go to the Ole Miss website and check out the list of University of Mississippi alumni under the heading, politics and you will find the name Roosevelt Skerritt.
Say what you want about him, but facts are facts so to claim that he is not a college graduate is the furthest thing from the truth.
Whosoever you are shut to Fu.. up; you don’t dam well know me, what the fu.. do you know about my educational background!
For your information, only. I am an Electronic/Electrical Engineer by profession; turn medical student drop out of medical school!
I can save your bloody miserable life if needs be; I am one who made a bundle of money in the Real Estate industry; using my brain academics, so know your damn place!
Who the hell are you dog?
I earned a AA in Electronics Eng. went on to earn a BS, in electronic Engineering, and a BS in Electrical Engineering; compounded with an AA in the Liberal Arts.
So, again shut to Fu.. up, because I am not a nobody like you and Roosevelt Skerrit!
Keep in mind I never thief a dime from government, or anybody in my entire life!
I am not looking over my shoulders fearing arrest, or anybody
Everything I own are bought and paid for; when I pass-on die my Children will enjoy my residue and a good life!
Roosevelt did not graduate in any college…
Let me tell you; when Roosevelt told the idiots he graduated in English; people smarter than I am check the university only to find out they don’t have any records of Roosevelt Skerrit.
And so, his alternative was to get some white clown dressed him up in a carnival costume; or a vampire cloak with a sword on his hip in some sort of voodoo ritual and said they “Knight him.” When nobody called him Sir Roosevelt Skerrit.
The dunce sucker went to Punjab India, and paid a non-accredited so called University thousands of dollars for a bit of useless bit of paper with the subscripts written Ph. D.
“Francisco, for a guy with only a secondary education, Mr. Skerrit has surely made a name for himself.”
Anyway: my educational background you did not question I oversight your comments and went off on a tangent, in my first response my response should only be his Secondary education only is the cause of the way he screwed up Dominica.
And by the way one one can be an alumnus (alumni) of an institution, and not a graduate.
Alumni simply means a former student or one who attended an institution.
Hence I am a alumni of kindergarten school in Wesley; though I did not graduate kindergarten in Wesley. So, seening the corrupted crook name on a website does not confirm he attended that institution.
My question is this: How come more than a decade or more ago when they researched him at a certain institution; the reported there is no record of Roosevelt attending nor graduating there and more than ten years later his name surfaces as an alumni?
Strange s it not?
Going off base for a bit:
I saw on Face book a man claims to be less than forty years old; nevertheless, he has a daughter in her thirties!
So, what we have here is that his daughter was born before him!
Relate that to Roosevelt Skerrit.
Francisco, not sure whether the above comment was in response to what I wrote but I definitely was not questioning your educational background. I have no reason to question your intellect. I simply said Mr. Skerritt graduated from Ole Miss. This is a fact, undisputed fact. I told you the university so go check it out and prove me wrong.
And on the subject of money, you think you’re Mr. Big Stuff because you made a little money with your “BRAIN ACADEMICS”. Let me tell you something. People with REAL money don’t talk about it so chill out with your big talk about your “BUNDLE OF MONEY”. Who the hell cares?
You do not even know me so to refer to me as a nobody is just silly talk. Only illiterates use these types of derogatory terms. Grow up man.
Well, I discovered that, and did apologize.
Remember where I stated I went off on a tangent?
I did misread you, and rise hell; it wasn’t long after I submitted the comment, and read it after it was approved I came to realize I screwed up!
Roosevelt Skerrit has called on the People’s Republic of China to not fall into the “trap” which has been set for it when it comes to Taiwan, saying the region is committed to the peaceful reunification of China.”
Roosevelt Skerrit is either the smartest person alive or the dumbest ever to walk the face of the earth!
The man is ignorant of what is going on around him; uninformed he babbles like a ram goat.
The government of Taiwan said: “Taiwan’s government has said that it will never allow China to “meddle” in its future, after a Chinese government spokesperson said Beijing was willing to make the utmost effort to strive for a peaceful “reunification” with the island. China claims democratically-governed Taiwan as its own territory. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has said that a “peaceful” reunification of Taiwan with China’s mainland was in Beijing’s interests, despite ratcheted up military threats against the self-governing.
“trap” which has been set for it when it comes to Taiwan, saying the region is committed to the peaceful reunification of China.”(Roosevelt Skerrit.)
Roosevelt is so behind with his information; and want to be important, one with no knowledge of diplomacy, just running off his corrupted mouth talking nonsense he has inverted what the Chines communists government has said; telling his supporters that Taiwan or the United Stated has set a trap for China.
If the Dominica clown; that mountain chicken mentality, knew as much as he thought he knew, he would have known for years, that communist China is trying to invade and annex Taiwan!
One of the reasons China went all out spending money on the African continent, and the Caribbean, mainly Dominica, the purpose is when they invade and siege Taiwan, puppets such as Roosevelt will go into the United Nations and support the take over of the democratic Taiwan.
If there’s a “big brother watching” eyes should be on the puppet Roosevelt!
Taiwan has a population of about 24 million people. Is it so wrong to have these individuals have a say in their destiny? After all, they have been managing themselves and doing well for the longest time now.
Skerrit trying to pretend to be a boss by mentioning Taiwan in high level discussion!
So de lady had to let him know where he stand….in de corner…so know your place and what you talk about cause you don’t have as much influence as you pretend!!!!!
You may not like the statement, but it is TRUTHFUL.
China must try to avoid this war with Taiwan, which the USA is trying its best to embroil and involve China in.
Mister thinks he’s smart but by swapping Taiwan for China he gave away a vital bargaining chip. He could have made far more for our country by holding out playing one against the other. Not so clever Roosevelt after all. China played on your greed and hunger for power and leaving you with nothing to bargain with at all. You can be replaced at China’s, your Master’s convenience but Dominica will always be there. Shortsighted for short term gain, unlike the Chinese.
The switch from Taiwan to China was a MASTERFUL move, but it was badly managed. There is much more to be gained from a healthy relationship with China than with any other country presently.. Skerrit screwed it up! Even a man like Austrie was on that trip? That’s laughable!!
Just listen to this Charlatan singing for his supper. Anybody out there still thinking that he is the best to bring progress to Dominica. This man won’t stop until he has ruined our beautiful country completely. All this courtesy of these crazy women that love dimples!!!!
Tell China to advance Democracy and stop dictating everything people should do. Sometimes we have to fight. Use their GDP for other purposes than to add to the already overwhelming instruments of destruction
You shall never see China as a liberal democracy. Stop dreaming!!!. The fact is that their hard work and industry has propelled them to be a great power, and the world is embracing thdm.
The most blatant modern day example of thirty pieces of silver, this uneducated guy has NO shame or moral standing, one can only imagine what he has already done in the name of his God money, he can’t bring peace in his own country but he will save china, foolishness.
You know Roosevelt’s supplication to the Chinese is incongruous to what he practises at home. He has declared outright ‘war’ on anyone he perceives to be against his scandal- plague, demolition government.
How can we forget his statements urging the Dominican people to harass members of the opposition anywhere in public ( even when they attend church service); throw boiling water on them.
Charity begins at home. Your statements cannot be combative and gladiatorial at home and then be be an advocate of peace in the international community. Thou hypocrite! Thou forked tongue!
I don’t often agree with you Skerrit, but this time you are 100% correct.
Taiwan better stay as is, and reject being entrapped like Ukraine is presently.
In fact Xi Jinping, in an ominous warning (directed at America of course), to mark the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) stated:
“”The Chinese people will never allow foreign forces to bully them. Whoever nurses delusions of bullying China, will have their skulls cracked and their blood spilled on the Great Wall of Steel, built from the flesh and blood of 1.4 billion Chinese people””. He was obviously referring to America, and its double game being played with Taiwan…
The crazy lady in Taiwan, must look at the utter destruction of Ukraine to smithereens, and rebuke America’s push for independence.
What trap is this mental age toddler talking about? China is on a land gobbling mission. They have done this in Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and the Middle East. They have even built artificial islands in international waters and threaten ships that traverse nearby.
No country should use their military might to intimidate or capture sovereign vulnerable countries. The world presently is in turmoil. It needs peace not more wars.
In terms of size and economic power, China is an elephant, Dominica an ant. There is no mutual relationship. The bigger and more powerful country will always dominate the ‘ friendship’.A lion pays no regard to the noise of a mouse.
It is disappointing to know that Roosevelt is so ignorant; ignorant of the fact that China is the communists country on a quest to annex Taiwan; if there is any trap set for China. The Chines regime is the one who set the trap for the communist government of China!
Roosevelt don’t know you see, and so he simply fart nonsense from his mouth playing smart!
The is a video circulating on social media where a Trinidadian describes that boy Roosevelt as a damn joke.
And went on to talk about Roosevelt denigration of Caribbean women when he talked his nonsense about women should use their money to buy food grown in the Caribbean, rather than buying false eyelashes.
lbo, I would hope someone will make that video available to you.
People are laughing at Roosevelt Skerrit; Dominica is the joke of the entire universe; and that is what happens when people elects idiots to run a country! This Dominica clown advise Caribbean people to buy agricultural products from all islands except DA!
According to you, “”The world is in turmoil and it needs peace”. Good statement. But go tell that to Biden and America Ibo. The greatest THREAT TO GLOBAL PEACE is America, not China. I thought you were smarter than that!!.China is 100% peaceful. How many wars have China initiated over the past 50 years? Can you say that about America? A resounding NO!!
They bombed the hell out of Yugoslavia,
overthrew governments in Lybia, Iraq, Afganistan, etc, etc,etc,. Russia stopped the scamps in Syria.
So just be careful of what you write. Get your facts correct!
China does not need your advice Skerrit. It’s almost universally accepted that “Taiwan” is a PROVINCE of China. There is only ONE China, and this ONE CHINA incorporates Taiwan. It’s even on America’s State Department website. But America is playing a double game with Taiwan, speaking from both sides of their corrupted mouth.. They are saying they adhere to the one China principle, but they are secretely pushing Taiwan to go independent..This is where, and when China would invade Taiwan. But throughout, China wants peaceful reunification. If the Taiwanese leader is as stupid as the Ukrainian clown and criminal, Zelensky, then she will face the FIRE and wrath of China, and end up worse than Ukraine is presently…
But honestly, i don’t think that commander Zi needs your advice Skerrit!
Skerro really signing for his supper
Our PM is obviously very mercenary in his approach to international politics. I see also a the principle of whoever pays the harlot demanding the allegiance in operation here. No, rather, I see the harlot volunteering defense of the pimp regardless of the fact that ordinarily she would stand up for the independence of the weak, the oppressed, the marginalized. I guarantee that if China’s position of denying Taiwan sovereignty was held by some European or North American power, he would be advocating a totally different position. The PM’s position is sad considering Dominica’s history with colonialism.
@Jules Vert
Say whst you want. I am no fan of Skerrit, but the statement is 100% truthful..
China must avoid this trap as much as possible.