PM stands firm on Alkaline issue

The Prime Minister met with DAEC representatives on Tuesday
The Prime Minister met with DAEC representatives on Tuesday

Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, has stood firm on government’s position that it cannot prevent Jamaican dancehall artist Alkaline from entering and performing on the island, unless he poses a national security threat.

The Prime Minister met with representatives of the Dominica Association of Evangelical Churches (DAEC), which has been vocal in its opposition to Alkaline, on Tuesday morning.

Speaking on state-owned DBS Radio Press Attaché to the Prime Minister, Daryl Titre said the DAEC presented its side of argument as to why they would not like to see Alkaline in Dominica.

“In their argument they insisted that they were not against anyone coming to the island but in this particular situation they are against the lyrics that the artiste presented to the public,” he said.

He said the meeting was frank but cordial.

“It was a very, very cordial, frank, open meeting and they looked for ways that the government could step in and prevent Alkaline from coming to Dominica,” Titre said. “Of course the Prime Minister explained that the only way that a CARICOM citizen in particular can be disallowed from coming to the country is if they pose a national security threat.”

Titre informed that the government has “no intelligence that the Dancehall artist Alkaline poses a national security threat and with the advent of the free movement of people… there is nothing that the government could do at this time.”

He said the meeting continued with the Prime Minister expressing appreciation for the relationship with the DAEC and the important role that it plays in society.

The Prime Minister encouraged DAEC to continue partnering with the government and suggested that they meet with organizers of the show and express their concerns.

Meanwhile acting head of DAEC, Pastor Arlington Wilson, said the meeting was a good one.

“We have met and we had a very good meeting and we will follow up,” he told Dominica News Online on Tuesday. “We understand the situation with the Prime Minister and he understand our situation and we agreed for us to work together.”

DAEC’s next move will be finalized soon.

“So this is where we are at this time,” Wilson said.

The much talked about show is carded for May 2nd at Saaman Gardens in Canefield and Earlan “Alkaline” Bartley is expected to be a head line act along with other local acts at the Saaman Gardens in Canefield.

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  1. Da Word
    April 30, 2015

    Brothers & Sisters, D/ca is not a communist state; at least not since the last time I checked. Just like everybody else the artiste has the right to his music, so too does the people who follow him or listen to his music. PM cannot dictate who comes or does not come into D/ca based on opinion and neither can the DAEC. Every citizen of the world has a God given right to choose their own fate in life. Let democracy prevail and allow the artiste to make his choices, as well too allow the Dominican public to make theirs. If DAEC is concerned then let them preach to their flock and hope that they pay attention; is this what we want in D/ca, for the church or PM to dictate what we can and cannot just based on their own perception and/or opinion? The PM may have his flaws but he does have to abide by the laws and regulations that govern the country and democracy that we beg for every day. This is a simple matter of “freedom of speech”, we need to be more prudent in picking our fights.

  2. Teetee Weisel
    April 30, 2015

    I have never listened to the words of this Artist’s songs. So I don’t know what language the pastors object to. They need to wake up and realize that however profane they think this Artist’s language is, many young people already know all of those expressions. Many use them – and then some. If the Evangelical pastors want to do something about morality in Dominica, they need to start holding rallies and marching against the raping of young girls AND boys, sometimes before these babies reach puberty; they need to engage the Prime Minister and the legal community in discussions about stiffer penalties for rapists instead of the usual slap on the wrist many often now receive; they need to talk about rehabilitation for the convicted rapists because, in my opinion, any grown man who rapes a 9-year old girl is mentally ill and needs treatment; they need to talk about infidelity and adultery in marriage. If Alkaline is their only concern, they are a bunch of hypocrites!

  3. Henry
    April 30, 2015

    I would suggest that the best thing the Evangelical association can do is to hold a Crusade in close proximity of the concert on the night of the show or a week of services to cleanse the environment of Demonic infestation and make it a practice each time an artist of such reputation is to perform in D/a.

    • The Facts
      May 1, 2015

      If you are a Christian Catholic, as you pray you would sprinkle Holy Water :) in the surrounding area where the performance is held; even prior to that – before and after.
      A saint, St. Teresa Avila said, the devil runs away from Holy Water. He cannot stand being near anyone who is blest with Holy Water. I make good use of the Holy Water.
      After all is said and done, we must use our godly resources to drive away evil. Holy Water is a Sacramental.
      Alkaline did not invite himself to perform in D/ca. From what I read there is a J/can promoter in D/ca. He is the one who knows about him and invited him to perform in D/ca. Obviously, he does not care who he brings to Dominica except caring for the money.
      You noted that Tommy Lee has similar lyrics. He murdered someone; was arrested and granted bail. Yet, they did not care and did not rescind from encouraging him to perform in D/ca. This person will bring in anyone to Dominica no matter what the reputation.

  4. orange puss
    April 29, 2015

    If you are not a fan of his music don’t go! Don’t send your kids. Makes no sense agrue of the matter. Respect to DAEC but there are other issues that needs you’ll input

  5. Elliot Ness
    April 29, 2015

    Why wasn’t there a meeting to discuss the child molestation case , the low sentence given to the rapist, why wasn’t a meeting called to discuss the assistance that should be given to children who have fallen victim to child rapist, why isnt the DEAC talking about that instead of an entertainer who is only going to be here for two days. I waiting patiently to see if any protests going to be held on that matter, but I doubt DEAC or UWP or Labour or anybody else care. Wake up Dominicans, time to change those laws

  6. AfellaWi
    April 29, 2015

    they’re expecting a war-zone or flying horse heads? The man is performing for his audience .. if you dont like him dont go to his show and keep your children at home. Protesting like this only gives him more publicity.. youtube gonna take blows :-?

  7. April 29, 2015

    Listen to the Dominicans Welsa
    Can you recall grand bay students
    And p.s.s with the children who got the attack

    This is serious. The church is very importanit is standing tall to protect the youth and island from demon atrocities
    Take warning. When any nation is in trouble. They call on the church to pray and cry out for God to deliver .God of heaven please help and answer the prayers of the church.Amen.
    He go come but the turn out will be poor

  8. Charlie Red
    April 29, 2015

    Fascinating. A religious group meets with the Prime Minister to discuss whether a foreign artiste could perform for, maybe less than 30 minutes, at a show and whether the said artiste poses a national security threat. The group fears the release of demons into the atmosphere.

    This has been a national concern for weeks. Aren’t there bigger things to meet with the Prime Minister to discuss, such as stimulating growth in the economy and educating our youth?

  9. April 29, 2015

    Our owned Triple K is quite graphic in their lyrics and mannerisms when performing and they are now global…. Do you know what that means DAEC? It means TK is international and the the world seem to love and welcome them with all their explicit behavior and lyrics… At the end of the exercise, it is what is is and the majority rules, minority don’t…. So Get a tight vaginal grip on reality and get with the program. Listen to the young man, you may learn a thing or two from his lyrics, you know, like how to manage and enhance your in bed and bedside manners… Don’t think you and the rest of the DAEC Klan know it all about sexuality , if you guys did, y’all would stay away from the young girls and that youthful sexual forbidden excitement, y’all CRAVE so much!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Kid On The Block
    April 29, 2015

    Nice pic! Let’s see what the opposite(opposition) looks like!

  11. cocosec
    April 29, 2015

    Well Sharpliss suddenly don’t have a problem with Alkaline but he had one with Tommy Lee, Same way Skerrit had one and said it was a security threat. Church is the boot licker of state these days. SHAME

  12. Doc. Love
    April 29, 2015

    It would appear Skeritt has not heard the cry of the members of the Dominica Association of Evangelical Churches, therefore, I wish to suggest to them to have Pastor Bull, pray to Skeritt on their behalf, maybe, he might have a change of heart. :lol:

  13. April 29, 2015

    It is such a pleasure to see how healthy and handsome our Precious Prime Minister looks in this picture. We can clearly see that He is capable of leading our sweet Island-Nation into 2050 and maybe even beyond. So well-dressed, groomed and sophisticated, still young and energetic, charismatic, classy and wise beyond his years. The Honourable Dr. Skerrit was born for the seat of Prime Minister. He will NEVER lose an election in Dominica for sure. This great man is ordained and blessed by God. No matter what the other side says, the Honourable Prime Minister deserves all his millions. The man attracts money. Just look at him. Labourites could not be more pleased and happy with our choice.

    • Geez
      April 29, 2015

      May God have mercy on your soul and that of your children . You are an uneducated buffoon – he has extorted you and your people and is hiding millions of the peoples money and you have the audacity to say such things? Shame on you

    • Tjebe fort
      April 29, 2015

      Man, you just made me lose my appetite with that syruppy serenade to a mere mortal. That is sick man.

  14. Harry Mack
    April 29, 2015

    Why won’t the Evangelicals condemn the businesses that are sponsoring the show. If they are serious they should boycott the sponsors, how can the artist be condemned yet the show is sponsored. This is a distraction.

    • The Facts
      April 30, 2015

      You made a good point. It appears that no one thought of it. You have opened our eyes.
      I wonder if the sponsors were approached about that what would their reaction be? They also stand to gain from the profit of this performance.

  15. CYRIL Volney
    April 29, 2015

    Thomas Jefferson: “Erecting the wall of separation between church and state is absolutely essential in a free society.”

    • Gabby
      April 29, 2015

      Great quote, and how sad it is that three idiots (as of the time of my comment) could give it a thumbs down. Evangelicals are really pathetic.

      • The Facts
        April 30, 2015

        It is a great quote as far as Thomas Jefferson and his supporters are concerned including the agnostics, atheists and non-Christians. If he were a Christian or a genuine one he would not have made this statement. His very words could have condemned him for all eternity.
        It is obviously not a great quote for Christians. It means that God is ignored, caste aside and not wanted in the same world He created and among mortals he created. Is this not something? They are not smart enough to know that they cannot keep him out. He is right there taking note of all what they say and do for their judgment. If only many were enlightened about this, they would not condemn themselves.
        Those who approve and applaud it, be careful, your day is coming when God will judge you.
        Our Lord said: “By your words you will be acquitted. By your words you will be condemned.” Hope you comprehend that.

    • The Facts
      April 30, 2015

      I wonder where the soul of Thomas Jefferson is in eternity.

  16. too late
    April 29, 2015

    Skerro dont hold it back ,just send this DAEC to Hell.

  17. April 29, 2015

    Our Great and Wonderful, Honorable Prime Minister gave his position on the Alkaline matter more than a week ago. It is his open-minded and tolerant Christian character that caused him to give an audience to the DAEC. The Evangelicals should be grateful for the opportunity as there really was no need for our Blessed Prime Minister to listen to their idiotic complaints and concerns. The fact is that the Jamaican recording Artiste will enter Dominica and will perform at the scheduled venue. Our wise and enlightened Prime Minister made that abundantly clear. These Holy-Hypocrites need to find another way to get attention and media-coverage. There is enough scandals in their own churches that would easily make Alkaline look like an angel in comparison.

  18. Tjebe fort
    April 29, 2015

    Well pastor Wilson, P.M. does not need your votes this time. You all got snookered last Dec. and surrendered the power you had., in return for what? Dominica is a cesspit right now and your churches must take part of the blame.

  19. Looking in
    April 29, 2015

    Maybe Caricom Nationals are free to travel to other islands as long as they do not pose a security threat, but..but,,but, they can be prevented from working by not being issued a work permit. Who makes the decision as to weather someone is allowed to work on an island or not???? The Government of the day. Skerro may be right that the Gov’t cannot prevent him from coming, but they can prevent him from working.

    • The Facts
      April 30, 2015

      You meant “whether?”
      You are correct. The PM said they cannot be prevented from coming to the island. He did not specify about performing. This should be clarified.
      Just think taxpayers stand to gain from the revenue of the performance but this all.

      • The Facts
        April 30, 2015

        But this is all.
        I am wondering if the computer system of this Website deletes some of my words. Too often I typed a word but it does not show up or is deleted or changed. I find this strange. Of course, I have to re-read my comment and make changes to ensure there are no errors.
        Sometime ago I spoke to someone about that and was given some sort of explanation which does not make sense.

  20. uk Dominican
    April 29, 2015

    Why are you people so negative what has an artist got to do with loans from China. grow up man cha. You Dominicans are sick people why would you want to publically rubbish your own people what is that saying. Sac sort.

  21. uk Dominican
    April 29, 2015

    I am so fed up with the politics around who is coming to sing or perform in DA. If I had my way I would say ban all reggae artists the reason being reggae people do not invite bouyon people to their land that is all I have to say.
    DA people are seen as the under dogs in the Caribbean. Allyou to like to push up on other people to much and bring down your own. If it was not for Guadeloupe, and Martinque people who tolerate our artists we would be doomed.
    if someone cannot sing proper role model lyrics please prevent them from entering to add more issues to our youths.
    I experience the prejudice on a daily basis in the UK from Jamaican people even in your own parties and at the carnival they want to bully other Islanders to paly reggae. Bravo Dominicans

  22. Gabby
    April 29, 2015

    I find Skerro have plenty to say about Alkaline…he must be appearing in the next video…Hypocrite Government Riddim

    But seriously, all repetitions aside, I must commend the rightness of the message here, since Alkaline does NOT pose any discernible threat to national security, and Tommy Lee did not pose such a threat, either. ‘Spiritual’ threats are not real threats that a government can talk about; that is for religious people to talk about, if they believe in such things. Government and religion must be separate so that we can have a fair, equal-opportunity society. I don’t think either Alkaline or Tommy Lee Sparta are special musicians in any way, but if you like them, you should be able to see them perform if you can afford to. So I am glad that here, at least, the correct governmental measure has been taken–which is to say that no measure has been taken.

  23. The Facts
    April 28, 2015

    You let him come to Dominica and perform at your peril. We will be awaiting the outcome of this.
    I only hope you do not give away D/can dollars to this Tommy Lee who saw an opportunity to make some good money from the government of Dominica by telling lies that he was badly treated. Oh yes! He will fabricate a story so as to concoct money to fill his pocket and get rich off Dominica. What else is new?
    Some of us are not blind to his tricks and deceit. If it were me, I would let him take it further.
    The Jamaica Prime Minister, the Jamaican Immigration, his organizers as also the Jamaican promoter who resides in D/ca as I read, who are all involved in this should be quizzed why they contracted, encouraged and allowed a convicted murderer, Tommy Lee to come to D/ca and perform his satanic songs. On this ground alone, he should not have left Jamaica for Dominica. The Police, D/ca government had a right to tell him, do not land and later deported him.

    • The Facts
      April 28, 2015

      They knew Tommy Lee was arrested for murder in Jamaica and was out on bail. He should not have been allowed to leave J/ca. He is one whose lyrics spew of satanism. He is a boldface man who refused to return to his aircraft when told to do so.
      Why did he not obey the Police and return to his aircraft? He committed an infraction and lack of respect for D/can authority.
      For God’s sake and for D/cans, take note! You have a case! You should defend what this man stated. Do not fear the J/can government, that man and his lawyer. Let it go through the Court system and process. I reiterate you have a good case.
      If there is any one to pay him, they are the organizers and the Jamaican promoter who encouraged him although they were fully aware he was not welcomed. Not the D/can government.
      Do not be blinded and deaf. Make sure you put those points across. They are important to this T. Lee case against the government of Dominica. Lodge your own case and complaint.

  24. mandate 2 mismanage
    April 28, 2015

    All he has to do is explain his faux pas in dealing with the Tommy Lee situation, how much it will cost the country and why we can’t afford another such mistake! Somehow I guess he never will….but the sops are satisfied with his response.

    I truly think someone has laced the water in Dominica with meth or tranquilizers. Its impossible for all these people to be so darn dishonest and destructive to the state. Even the darn evangelicals who should draw strength from the most high are kowtowing to this sliver of a man?! Why didn’t they simply print out all the affirmations and laws that Astaphan declared during the Tommy Lee situation? Why didn’t they ask the PM to simply come public in explaining exactly why he was able to act last year but not now?………..!

  25. Brightentree
    April 28, 2015

    Alkaline is good for Dominica. He will deliver you and many D/cans from Acid reflux. No need for peaching and praying.

  26. Dee
    April 28, 2015

    What security threat did Tommy Lee pose to the nation? Your actions are inconsistent Mr PM. Perhaps it’s because you have learnt from your previous mistake. The DAEC needs to understand that Dominica is part of a community and has to abide by the agreements which govern CARICOM. Instead of badgering the PM, how about targeting the public? Either way, this guy is going to come and go and everyone will soon forget he was even there.

  27. no answer
    April 28, 2015

    Will Skerritt tell the Dominican people about the US$300,000,000.00 that he said he signed with a private financial firm in China?

    How many loans have the Skerritt’s DLP Gov’t signed for that new hospital project? Didn’t Skerritt tell us that the building of the new hospital was part of the 4 Pillar projects at the time relations were established with China?

    How comes the Chinese Gov’t, through its Embassy here, washed its hands ,claimed publicly, in that recent signing of that huge loan by the DLP Gov’t,, that the Gov’t of China had nothing to do with that loan. Secret deals Big Time.

    Among the numerous other deals, there is no information, no explanation, no answers to the Dominican people. Bitcoin, Morocco hotel construction stalled, passport sales, carving out 15 acres of our sacred land from our Cabrits National Park and gives to a foreigner, who comes empty handed broke investor? Plus our passports to sell to raise millions for his hotel? Fire in…

    • The Facts
      April 28, 2015

      Your comment is out of place for this article. You did not stick to the issue. It has absolutely no bearing on this article. I am wondering, why was it ever allowed to be posted?

      • no answer
        April 29, 2015

        At least you accept that the contents are truthful. Warped mind that truth offends?

        The Dominican people are pleading, begging Skeritt and his DLP Gov’t for information, for his comments, on those pertinent issues mentioned and many others. People want jobs, jobs, jobs, justice,equality, good governance, honest representation.

        People want crimes, corrupt practices, sexual and other abuses reduced, dealt with. gone. People want justice for All. People want to know about transparency and accountability in matters needing such for the good of all..

        Skerritt’s take on Alkaline is a side-track. Afraid to deal with, talk about, or answer the burning questions re. secret deals.

      • The Facts
        May 1, 2015

        I did not state that I accept the contents. Did you read that in my comments? Why would I accept it, comments which spew of hatred toward the PM? Furthermore, I will not join you to accuse him of anything for I have no idea if what you stated is true. Some people fabricate stories you know, to discredit others. This is obvious with non-supporters.
        As I stated, the above comment and yours are out of place in this article. It has no bearing on it. You should try addressing them on a relevant article; not this one. Do you not know where to bring this up?
        You keep stating, the same thing over and over. Who really is interested and cares? What benefit is it and to this article? It does not make for pleasant, interesting and uplifting reading. I think it is time for people as you to change this topic. Take them elsewhere for they really do no good.
        The election is long time over. Be careful what you sow that your words will not affect you in future.

  28. nigel
    April 28, 2015

    Why is is that every issue in Dominica has to e=be taken up by the Prime Minister. Isn’t there some type of delegating of authority? What is this, a dictatorship. I thought there were about 400 ministers in cabinet lmao

  29. Pray more, preach more
    April 28, 2015

    Go and pray, go preach and go study shows disrespect for people that are supposed to be hearing from God. Yet to the DEC and pastor Wilson, that’s nothing…we had a very good meeting. Indirectly Skerrit told you all that all you not hearing from God and should shut up! It’s like a young Christian boy going to a Christian lady and tells her he loves her and would like to marry her. Then the young lady tells him, “Boy go and pray and understand God’s word.” In case you all didn’t get it here is Skerrit again rebuking all you loud and clear on Kairi this time:. “So we can protest… it is our rights to do so once we get permission from the police…people these days believe they can just protest how they want with no regard for the rule of law, and these are the same people who come and talk about rule of law…” In context he was not referring to UWP but DAEC, since they threatened to protest. That’s the same DAEC that referred to him as the wisest leader Dominica has ever had. So…

    • The Facts
      April 28, 2015

      They cannot retract their words about him. It still stands. However, the issue here is exactly about their concern about this so-called artiste. If they decide to protest – hold a demonstration, so be it. They have every right to do so on condition they receive approval for holding it.

  30. Pray more, preach more
    April 28, 2015

    “We have met and we had a very good meeting and we will follow up,” he told Dominica News Online on Tuesday “We understand the situation with the Prime Minister and he understand our situation and we agreed for us to work together.” Pastor Arlington Wilson, said the meeting was a good one.The DAEC once again made fools of themselves and Christianity. Pastor Wilson, how could it be such a very good meeting when Skerrit failed to withdraw statements directed at pastors of DAEC on national radio, last week? In case they forgot or just chose to wag their tail as a pig, let me quote Skerrit: “Seriously I think the pastors needs to pray more…,” “I think you need to preach more…” He also wants DAEC “to inform itself properly on the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas. See DNO, April 15, 2015. What an insult! What a rebuke! The first order of business was to have the PM withdraw those insults and have Daryl Titre to report it to the nation, since those insultive remarks were made on DBS.

    • jamesd
      April 29, 2015

      Bro your own bible commands you to preach, pray and study. Where is the insult in being encouraged to do that? Or are you guys just ticked off because thing’s aren’t going your way this time :-D

  31. Rabbit
    April 28, 2015

    Which one of you is going to take the arduous task of telling me what should i read,what should i listen to or what should i say? It’s a democracy & freedom should be defended at all cost. Enough with the religious bullying.

    • The Facts
      April 28, 2015

      You are being warned about attending this performance and encouraging others to do likewise. No one is standing in your way. That same free mind and will could either save you or condemn you. You choose the path, either the narrow one or the broad one.
      God offers you no resistance. He gave you your free mind to do as you please. He will not touch your free mind and will, allowing you to either condemn yourself or save yourself. This is, either you submit to him or not.
      The broad path has no impediments. You will run on it and run fast. You should know where it will lead you.

    • jamesd
      April 29, 2015

      They would gleefully do all that if you give them the chance.

  32. Francisco Telemaque
    April 28, 2015

    Mr. Prime Minister; Roosevelt Skerrit you are talking nonsense, if you cannot prevent someone from entering Dominica, then you have sold your personal birth rights, and the rights of every Dominican, to every Caribbean criminal who whish to enter the country because of some dumb CARICOM agreement you signed!

    My cousin Lennox Linton was in Antigua working at Observer Radio owned by the Derricks. For whatever reason, the Attorney-general then Dominica born Justine Simon, and Spenser the then Prime Minister of Antigua deported Lennox out of Antigua. Did you argue Lennox was wrongfully deported from Antigua because he is a citizen of Dominica, and both Antigua and Dominica are members of CARICOM

    Did Lennox sue Antigua government for compensation because they deported him? You have rendered Dominica Immigration powerless, and such agreement must be repealed and rescinded!

    • April 28, 2015

      The PM said unless Alkaline was a threat to “national security” he could not stop him from doing his thing in Dominica. Since when is an assault on the morals and values of the nation not a threat to its security?

      Francisco, you have made a point. If Mr. Skerrit cannot stop Alkaline from entering Dominico Immigration is powerless and Dominica has no need for the Immigration Department.

      When Mr. Skerrit signed onto the Caricom agreement was he signing away Dominica’s sovereign right as a nation to control its own border? I hope he gained more than he lost because it sure looks strange.

      I am not a Dominican but I do have a ministry interest in various nations in the Caribbean. Anyway, this whole situation appears bigger than Dominica.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        April 29, 2015

        Rev Hill, when I was a kid I was thought never to sing anything without first reading it. It is a lucky thing I developed that principal. When I was going through my divorce, my former wife took me to a lawyer, and pile a set of documents in front of me.

        Smiled in my face and said we do have to argue about this, we can be friends, I said okay, while singing she attempted to distract me, by talking: She did not know of my ability to glance and do a little speed reading. I commenced signing until I got to one deed, and I said I am not singing this one, she got cold.


        She was shucked; but you see many people sign their life away without reading what they are affixing their signature unto, and by the time they realize what they have done it is late. As you said it seem our nation sovereignty no longer exists! Only in Dominica Mr. Hill, only in Dominica such things can happen.

        I wonder if the Prime Minister read prior to signing?

      • April 30, 2015

        @Francisco Telemaque April 29, 2015

        Even while you are claiming to have the great ability to “skim read” and receive information, right here, you have written “thought” for “taught” “sing” for “sign” and you continued with: I commenced “singing”; I said I am not “singing” this one. Do you see how many times you laugh at yourself with that Hahahahahahahahahaha of yours?

        Well I am sure that the PM did not have to read anything before “singing”–for he is not a Calysonian–but I am sure that he read clearly, the documents to sign.

        But how is it that you all are not taking into consideration, what happened with Tommy Lee–from Jamaica, as well–were you all along with the Churches take the responsibility of dealing with that “Out of Court Agreement” pertaining to him?

        And if the Churches are expecting to get their way–to say yes or no to what they want and do not want–why not deal with those situations with their congregations in the first place.

    • The Facts
      April 28, 2015

      In all fairness, I have to give you credit for this one. Any government has a right to prevent non-nationals from entering their country.
      If the PM refuse to do this and on the basis as primarily the DAEC and some D/cans oppose, then he has a problem. Something is wrong somewhere.
      The Minister of Immigration, based on his authority, has a right to refuse such people entry to Dominica. When the public is informed, it is always on behalf of the government of the country which will read: “The government of Dominica. . .” This does not mean that the PM had a say in it.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        April 30, 2015

        Facts, please become my referee since I cannot respond to that Elizabeth under her venomous comment about me. Please tell her to leave me along; because maybe I cannot spell, but she cannot read, although she taught school at the ripe old age of twelve years old.


        The reason she is talking about me, is because I fired her this morning, or last night from being my friend, I am no longer friends with her. All she does is hurt my feelings, therefore she fired! Because my own humor causes me to laugh when I write, that yellow North York woman said I am fool oui!

        Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah! Can you take care of her for me, I do not wish to fight with her anymore.

  33. Doc. Love
    April 28, 2015

    I wish to applaud the Prime Minister for the actions has taken with regards to the Alkaline situation. It would appear he has learnt his lesson re the Tommy Lee disaster. It is important that he ask himself some serious questions. The manner in which he has handled the Alkaline situation, couldn’t he have handled many other situation, with understanding, common sense, and leadership. For instance, what business he had putting his mouth in the DON Emanuel matter. What business he had in making statements concerning the racketeering at the Labor Division. What business he had in putting his mouth in the malicious criticism of Mr. Monell. I hope this is a long awaited form of leadership many Dominicans had hoped for, when this young man was given the opportunity to govern this beautiful country.

    • The Facts
      April 28, 2015

      As Our Lord Jesus Christ said, to emphasis ignorance of the truth and not practicing it, “. . . If a blind person leads a blind person, both will fall into a pit. . .” This is what is happening to you.

      Those who encourage this so-called artiste, (an enemy of God through his lyrics which pleases Satan), to perform in Dominica, woe to them. In the end it will be they and God and vice versa.
      Your other comments are irrelevant to this article.

  34. blogg
    April 28, 2015

    If it was election and he needed the pastors support he would stop Acid for less Alkaline knowing that tax payers including his blind supporters would foot the bill for violating the right of the artist. Anything to stay in power they will do. Look how foolish he sounds saying that he cannot stop OECS Citizens from coming Dominica unless the pose a security threat. What security threat did Tommy Lee Sparta pose to Dominica? It was simply political gimic to buy the same pastors support.

  35. Duncekyat
    April 28, 2015

    Good for the PM. Separation of Church and State is still alive and well. The DAEC needs to understand that not all Dominicans belong to their congregation, and they cannot mandate what we can or cannot listen to. We are not all children who need to be protected. We are adults and are free to make choices while accepting the consequence of those choices. Free will, remember?

    • The Facts
      April 28, 2015

      Dominica has always been a Christian country. No doubt about that.
      Dominica does not belong to the State. In other words, the State does not own Dominica. God created it; not the State and not the ministers. Everyone is on borrowed time as their temporary authority. Ministers of the State have an obligation first to God. Woe to them if they lead the people astray. They are answerable to God.
      Some of you do not support what is right to state and do. Those of you who keep referring to separation of Church and State and encouraging the likes of such artistes to perform in D/ca, one day you will find out how wrong you were. I hope you will not live to regret your words and to eternity.

  36. Harry Mack
    April 28, 2015

    Will someone bring some sense to this BS. This show has gotten more free advertising than it deserves, thanks to a group of church men and opportunistic politicians. With all the critical issues facing the country this is what takes the attention of Dominicans? How many people remember the main performer at the WCMF last year?
    This is how absurd this nonsense is. On Sunday morning no one will remember the guy was hear and those of us who will not go to see him, even if it was free, will not know if he was here except when the media gives him some more free publicity.
    This is no more than showmanship on the part of both sides. THEY BOTH HOLD THEIR GROUNDS!

    • The Facts
      April 28, 2015

      It is not absurd and it is not nonsense. It is a serious matter. Your mentality has not yet grasped the seriousness of it.
      If he performs in D/ca and he is gone, he may not be remembered. However, it is now in the limelight and has to be dealt with. In view of his lyrics, they have a right to discuss it, debate about it and to oppose his visit for the purpose of performing to D/cans. It is too bad you cannot see it this way. You mind is still closed.

  37. Bee
    April 28, 2015

    Well I should think Skerrit learnt from the Tommy Lee Sparta Case. He and God knows how much of Dominican taxpayers money Tommy Lee is going to enjoy. Why don’t the DAEC change tactics and appeal to the Dominican public instead. Why not appeal to them to boycott the show…..

    • Muslim_Always
      April 28, 2015

      Exactly my sentiments!

    • The Facts
      April 28, 2015

      I have previously stated that. They should all boycott the show. Anyway, this is not a show that they could learn anything from. Why waste their time and money?

  38. alas
    April 28, 2015

    Daryl u didn’t add anything new to the discussion.
    No organization or person can legally prevent or discourage the DEAC. It has all rights to voice disapproval.
    De organizers have no control over the artist lyrical content in his music.
    De government department that fafacilitated the business license for de event has de power to dwny or grant the license giving de artist de liberty to perform..
    De buck stops with the PM.
    He can overturn ANY DECISION.
    De PM made an error with Tommy Lee.
    Skerrit can’t admit to committing an error.
    He too perfect.
    The last move was strategic. Although an error in judgment…as a former chairman of CARICOM.
    This time Skerrit is forced to go in his corner.
    No muscle to flex or else straight to CCJ …….
    I like it….

  39. looking
    April 28, 2015

    Bravo! Before elections you were in arms with the DAEC. You wanted to be a pastor. Tommy Lee was blocked. How much will the lawsuit cost? Four Million?. Elections are over no need for them again they are indispensable. What a joke

  40. Kid On The Block
    April 28, 2015

    Chat tombey en gleau sheau eh quen gleau fwet! You right PM stay away from that. You got better and more important things to worry about than that. Leave that for Francisco to take care of.

  41. Leftist Kalinago
    April 28, 2015

    I would like to know whats the difference between Alkalines music and the other Jamaican artist who was denied entry.

    • E. Manon
      April 28, 2015

      @Leftist Kalinago

      This would be a good time to get off DNO and do some research for yourself instead of relying on everyone else to shove information down your throat. FYI, a good place to start your research is Enter “free movement of Caricom nationals among member states” in the search bar. I assure you, before you know it, you’ll be having so much fun with the new knowledge you will have acquired. You’re welcome, and I’m off to have a Carib (beer, that is) :wink:

      • mandate 2 mismanage
        April 28, 2015

        A-A E. Manon! I find you come out! Kalinago’s question was quite legitimate.

        The Free Movement of Caricom nationals didn’t just take effect in 2015; it was adopt way before Tommy Lee ever thought of performing in Dominica. Interesting that the gov’t didn’t know that when they deported him. Perhaps you should give the PM a tutorial on using before he allows Asstaphan to come around with his dubious defenses and illogical interpretation of the law!

        Notice the PM never explained their faux pas with Tommy Lee. Taxpayers will pay for his foolery while he and the boys continue to draw their fat checks. I suggest you go enjoy a Kubuli and gain some national pride! Don’t worry about paying VAT on it, just send that $$ straight to Tommy Lee :mrgreen:

      • jamesd
        April 29, 2015

        Before you criticize try to understand the person’s question first. They’re not asking about what you so callously send them off to research. It’s an inquiry into this the reasoning behind the DAEC’s motivation to prevent the artiste from coming in.

        I’ll answer the question. There is literally no difference it’s just his appearance (the eyes and tattoos) that these closed minded bigots are so hyped about. Of course they can’t say that because they’d look like idiots if they said ‘it’s because he looks weird’ so they have to make up some bogus reason so they start talking about lyrics.

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