PM to launch fruit-planting and exercise programme in his constituency in an attempt to reduce NCDs




In an effort to combat the rise in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit will be launching a fruit-planting and exercise programme in his constituency of Veille Case which he hopes can be expanded to other communities in Dominica.

The Prime Minister expressed the hope that such a programme will “poke people’s conscience” about the need to be more mindful of the foods they eat and the time they spend exercising.

Skerrit voiced concern about the increase in chronic ailments like diabetes and hypertension in Dominica when he made his remarks.

“This is a major major threat to our survival and to our economic well-being and to the welfare of families and citizens and residents of this country,” he pointed out.

The prime minister continued, “these things can be prevented if we engage in certain practices. We have to watch what we eat in Dominica. We must increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits and we have to stop the use of salts, oils, and fatty foods.”

“We have to cut down on our consumption of carbohydrates and sweet juices, there is no need for us to add sugar to juices,” the country’s leader added.

While he acknowledges that treating those who develop such diseases adds to the state’s costs, Skerrit emphasised that reducing the numbers before the situation becomes uncontrollable is of more significance.

“And this is why I’ve been talking about, for example, the arrangements we have at primary schools and secondary schools and the State College and other places where there is very little appetite these days for physical education and a greater propensity towards academics and children sitting at the desk for five hours. If we have our children sitting alone at the desk for five hours a day, we’re gonna have a problem in Dominica,” he opined.

Skerrit acknowledged the need for a reassessment of the government schools’ feeding plan, and an increase if needed, but he emphasised that at home, parents must also pay attention to what is being fed and supplied to their children.

“Because when you go to the hospitals and the health centres, and you look at the records and number of cases of diabetes and hypertension, and it is at all ages, it’s not about old people, but a lot of young people are suffering from this as well,” he revealed.

In closing, he exhorted individuals to spend more time outdoors, eat more homegrown food, and regularly check their health as he promised that his government will increase its participation in fitness programmes through targeted health education campaigns to lower the risk of NCDs in Dominica.

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  1. Watching
    March 3, 2023

    After you come with your vaccine and many people are left with after effects now tou comong with your druit planting. All the time you didnt know about natural remed we have in the nature Isle. U following Americans that eating junk food. .Anyway all my fruits in me yard already. .you well late sar skerrot

  2. Lin clown
    March 3, 2023

    All the prodigal sons should know there is more fresh fruits and vegetables grown in Dominica than Dominicans can consume.Dominicans prefere to eat the stupidness Francisco Etienne- Dods Telemacque eat in Los Angeles.Right now tomatoes is on the market for almost free.In Dominica everybody with a spare piece of land have a backyard garden.Francisco must understand it is this level of stupidness coming from people who think they are smart,why Skerrit is in power for so long.The majority of Dominicans do not listen or act on negative stupidity.

  3. OneLove
    March 2, 2023

    Fruit planting? Papa Woi. But PM already knows the curse he has brought on Dominica is affecting and killing everything from our Bananas, plantains, dasheen, yams, Babawoilay, citrus of all kinds, coconuts, boy everything dying under Skerrit. So the exercise of planting fruit plants is already useless and futile. I have never seen such a curse on a country that killing humans to fruit plants I have known all my life. I wonder if they didn’t spray something in the air without our knowledge to kill all those plants Skerrit now wants to plant back so they could spread the non communicable disease to get rid of the people

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 5
  4. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    March 2, 2023

    “In an effort to combat the rise in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit will be launching a fruit-planting and exercise programme”

    How ridiculous, and idiotic are his goals?

    This man is so desperate to be called doctor, that is why he is prone to indulge in such nonsense to impress his semi-illiterate supporters that he knows about medicine.
    Roosevelt your bought political P. h. D’s does not make you an MD, you do not have any knowledge of medicine; so shut up!
    I will brief you Roosevelt on the concept of nun-communicable disease, I can do that because I have a solid background in medicine, learned in medical school prior to dropping out.
    The term NCDs means conditions that are not caused by an acute infection resulting in long term, health consequences and often cause a need for long term treatment and care: these chronic conditions includes cancer cardiovascular chronic illnesses such as diabetes, which require long term treatment.

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      March 2, 2023

      This guy Roosevelt has a video where he stands talking a lot of crap about he want all of Dominica to be on it with him, and went on to talk carp about “we must eat more fruits and vegetables.
      I am here to inform Roosevelt that fruits and vegetables cannot cure nor prevent nun-communicable disease. If that was the case chronic diabetics would not have any need to visit a doctor to obtained proscribe medication such as insulin. Most vegetables contains a tremendous amount of starch and sugar. Every fruits is saturated with sugar, so advising a diabetic to eat fruits and vegetables you might be condemning that person to death!
      If one is hypoglycemic they may be able to tolerate an moderate amount of fruit; however, if the patient is hyperglycemic and indulge in too much fruits and vegetables they will never be able to control their glucose level.
      Fruits and vegetables can’t cure any form of NCD’s cancer or the likes, since the are hereditary.
      Follow Roosevelt loose your life!

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 8
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        March 3, 2023

        Let me correct something here; by saying not all forms of cancer are heredity!
        One can get cancer by being exposed to certain kinds of chemicals, heat radiation and other means.

        Now I don’t see how the doctor of fart Roosevelt Skerrit Fruits and vegetables, can be used to evade such illnesses.
        First of all, inherited cancers are those caused by a mutation in a gene that was present in the egg or sperm cell at the time of fertilization. Such cancers make up a small number of common cancers such as breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
        One simple point I am making is this if there is a mutation in a gene, how on earth planting and eating fruits and vegetables are going to cure these diseases. When scientists and doctors are talking about gene, and mutation, they are talking about something in one’s deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

        In the event anyone besides Roosevelt Skerrit cold get in the helix to repair a gene, there would be no nun-communicable diseases!

    • positive peep
      March 4, 2023

      Instead of telling me plant a tree you come on here talking about Phd. What we do today will impact the kids of tomorrow so open your eyes and stop focusing on Skerrit. If you don’t have a better plan to offer people keep your negative comments to yourself.

  5. Ibo France
    March 2, 2023

    If water stops flowing because there is a blockage in the pipe, it is no use to the consumers. All these great plans Roosevelt presents to the public get stuck inside the pipeline. They never come to fruition.

    This is a party that has been in government for twenty three years, and planting more fruit trees and growing more green vegetables is something novel to this inept administration. This is a damning indictment on the leadership of the current regime in power.

    The exponential rise in NCDs is directly related to the widespread poverty. Many poverty stricken, unemployed Dominicans can only purchase cheap, starchy, sugary, cholesterol laden foods. Their health is secondary, a ‘belly full’ to ward off hunger is primary.

    Livable wages, more employment opportunities, lower taxes on vegetables and fruits, education, and of course, growing more of what we consume should help reverse the trajectory of NCDs.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 4
  6. Wardell
    March 2, 2023

    I see the PM just had his Vieille Case garden professionally landscaped. It’s amazing how far a prime minister’s salary can stretch.

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    • Beta
      March 3, 2023

      Oh jes, the evidence is there for everybody to see, but the majority of Dominicans don’t care as long as they get the odd present.

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  7. out of south city
    March 2, 2023

    It is a ripple effect when there are not adequate jobs for the citizens. Inflation is on the rise, causing some people to resort to purchasing unhealthy foods, thus causing unhealthy diets. It’s good to say all of that but it’s another thing to put things in place for the people to live a quality life.
    When our parents annd grand parents tilled the soil and planted and harvested, all these illnesses were mot prevalent. Where are the factories that were once in operation? How much do we export? When we have to import foods from overseas that are grown in Dominica, something is extremely wrong. I can see our once lovely Dominica getting to her knees and all I am hearing from the head is talk, talk, talk and more talk. When our children are feed pòor diets, do we expect good health? Mr. Skerrit, you have some citzenry looking up to you like Massa and they turn where you ask them to move. That dependency syndrome cannot continue, so you need to free the people so they can prosper.

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  8. Frank N Stein
    March 2, 2023

    I read this entire article which is rare for me. I did not see anything that addressed the topic/ I will wait.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 5
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      March 2, 2023

      The reason you did not see anything relating to the topic, is because Roosevelt doesn’t know what the hell he is talking about!

      Nun-communicable disease means one that cannot be transmitted from person!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        March 2, 2023

        This is laughable:

        Skerrit voiced concern about the increase in chronic ailments like diabetes and hypertension in Dominica when he made his remarks.

        We have an idea what causes diabetes, nevertheless, the actual cause of hypotension, and hypertension is not actually known what causes that disease.

        The only kind of people Roosevelt will impress with his crap are people like Man Dog who calls him doctor, which he Roosevelt I saw him reading off a piece of paper talking crap about fruits and vegetables, to cure chronic disease, the man is mad!

        People who are diabetics had better learn how to count calories, in addition medication to get it under control.

        And one should be reminded there are no amount of bush in Dominica one can boil and drink to cure or control diabetics.

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 3

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