Police upset over their medical insurance status

Jefferson Drigo

As the need for heightened security for the Carnival 2019 activities increases, police officers around the island are expressing concern about their medical insurance status.

Dominica News Online (DNO) has been told that the police are upset because their insurance company, Colonial Life (CLICO) has been struggling and is being liquidated and has given the Police Force a February 28, 2019 deadline to accept increased premiums or face termination of their insurance plan.

However, the Police Welfare Association (PWA) executive chairman, Jefferson Drigo said that the deadline was “flatly rejected”.

“We are pleading for several years for government to amend the Police Act so that they can leave the financially collapsed CLICO, due to late refunds and failure to provide other benefits….however, government has failed to honour their promise to amend the police act so that they can change their insurance,” he remarked.

According to another police official, “Now as of the 1st of March 2019, the Police Force has no insurance for themselves or their families. The policemen are vex with government’s disregard for their well-being.”

He said certain people all over the country are treated better than they [the police] and are given money to buy and spray bikes and duty free to buy motor vehicles plus plenty cash in their hands to spend and sewo!!!.”

There have been calls for policeman to take protest action against this development. Messages circulating via social media have made claims that a massive sickout is planned for Carnival Monday and Tuesday.

PWA Chairman Drigo said police officers are very concerned about the Police Medical Insurance.

“They, CLICO wrote us asking for an increase in the premiums and we are opposed to it. They are also not honoring claims…we have claims in excess of nine months,” Drigo said.

He said CLICO’s request for a 10% increase in the premium was rejected and they wrote to the PWA via letter of February 5, 2019, saying if the association did not respond to the agreement, their policy would be terminated.

“We copied the letter to the Chief of Police and also the government and [they] now have responded to us,” he said adding that they would be having a general meeting of the PWA on Fiday afternoon “to chart the way forward.”

Drigo refused to speculate as to what action is being contemplated.

“All I will say is that we are meeting with our membership later today and from there we will know where we are heading,” he stated.

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  1. smh
    March 6, 2019


  2. max
    March 4, 2019

    Well when protestors out is for the benefit of all including those needing a reliable insurance coverage. So Mr. Officer, when the powers that be sick their backs covered ..bam..air ambulance. but when people protesting to save all you skin, all you arbitrarily fighting them. So Mr Officer let us sing…whose side are you leaning on…..you leaning on your mischievous leaders side. Then you need to lean on your members side. THINK ABOUT IT.

  3. BMB
    March 4, 2019

    “As the need for heightened security for the Carnival 2019 activities increases….”but TEN of the SSU Officers around MP-S’s Carnival Band ALONE….!

  4. Chienlarie
    March 3, 2019

    Ouyoouuuu who vex bussss!

  5. Badbaje
    March 3, 2019

    These same police are gassing protesters, who do not like their current situations and are trying to voice their opinions and make changes.
    This I say to them, the police. Go stage a protest regarding this issue, then gas yourselves.
    Happy for you all.

  6. Bee
    March 3, 2019

    Well is the same police that tear gassing people when they protest. So guess who don’t care about Dominican police and their plight? The masses that’s who. Take what all you get! All you better don’t protest either because that would be unconstitutional. :mrgreen:

  7. Dr Clayton Shillingford
    March 3, 2019

    To; Tony Astaphan, Parry Bellot, Petrolina Savarin, Police Chief Carbon

    Welcome your comments on what is reported here from DNO on Police Welfare Association (PWA) executive chairman, Jefferson Drigo

    Here is the statement.. below. See reference to SEWO ..what has the Productivity consultant got to say about this SEWO CULTURE.. Is that CULTURE preventing the implementation of having political DEBATE on the country’s issues. ???

    He (Drigo) said certain people all over the country are treated better than they [the police] and are given money to buy and spray bikes and duty free to buy motor vehicles plus plenty cash in their hands to spend and sewo!!!.”

    • Joseph John
      March 4, 2019

      Is that the best a Phd graduate can do ? Where is the research evidence ? Where is the ethics ? Where is the logic ? Is this an op-ed ? What kind of genre ? Is this an attempt at an accusation by a fake Phd. I notice the prefix “Dr”, but those with that title do not refer to themselves as such. They are addressed as Dr but you never hear them calling themselves Dr, execpt if they are fakes.
      By the way, in what subject did the good Dr write his thesis . Has he written any books. Maybe he wrote an unpublish novel on “Skerrit the Visionary” and is afraid of backlash. He does not seem to understand fiction from non-fiction.
      I understand he was manager of the Jamaica Banana Board, the largest banana export in the whole West Indies. This industry has disappeared in Jamaica.

  8. March 2, 2019

    Hello and good evening my people. Well Mr Drigo I did twenty four years in law enforcement and I retired in 2009 therefore I can give you some time tested advice. On Sunday at 1500 hrs, have half of the officers schedule to work call in sick with the flu in that way they will need a doctors note to be reactivated. Then have the other half engage in a rule book slowdown. Now Monday and Tuesday are holidays therefore the Government is going to have one doctor at PMH but he won’t be able to evaluate all the officers to put them back to work. Then you tell the government that your members don’t want to do business with a company ,CLICO that file for bankruptcy protection and they must find another company to provide service to your members. Also remember you can’t stand behind the podium and tell your members to call in sick so have someone else whisper to them in that way the government can’t go to court and say the union told them to call in sick.

    • Barbara Saunders
      March 4, 2019

      Hi Tony

      I guess you do not live here because guess what? we could have Tony Senior, Tony Junior or Tony’s little girl or Tony’s sister or mother or father being attacked and no police on duty to protect them.

      Guess what again? Skerrit has personal security so he will not be the one in danger.

      Guess what again? I have to get the full story on the police insurance because something in this one doesn’t add up in my brain.

      One day, some of us will wake up and realise that Dominica is bigger that the government in office and guess what? It may not even be this present government. We want change right?

      • Joseph John
        March 5, 2019

        I have the same thought. Something does not add up in my brain. The posters who do not support the government will always slant their point of view against government. The Executive President’s body language in this header picture and the words of his comment lead me to think that he is actively supporting the opposition. I may be wrong but that is my impression.
        Then who is coordinating activities /association between police and the insurance is not doing a good job in light of the nine months non- payment of benefits.
        An other thought is that if the police is familiar with the procedure of law and order, they should recognize that the insurance co is liable in civil law.
        Have they saught legal advise ? have they even approach the Attorney General for some friendly and unofficial advise ? All I see is some posters are trying to establish that the government is not treating the police unfairly. That someone has been advocating contention between the police and government.

      • March 5, 2019

        To: Barbara Saunders.

        Hello and good evening my people. Yes I don’t live in Dominica,I don’t vote or take sides in politics rather I respect the law and who ever our residence put into office. I have confidence in our citizens and the crimes are being committed by a tiny number of criminals who should be arrested and if convicted they should be put underneath the jail. I have six members of my family who are police officers in Dominica and I was a union delegate tasked with negotiating our contract with the City of New York Government which we did with two different administrations. My parents build their home in 2006 and they had a full home owners replacement policy with CLICO and they still haven’t paid for the damage their home sustained during the hurricane. I know I am quite qualify to give advice to Mr Drigo and I hope the officers get what they are asking for or most of what they are asking for. Please my people have a safe carnival celebration.

  9. It's My Damn Business
    March 2, 2019

    WOW!!! Police not happy with their medical insurance? Boy with the kind of work the police do they should have top class medical insurance. But then again Mills and Hunter don’t care because if their toe gets hurt they know Skerrit will fly them out the same day.

  10. March 2, 2019

    Sorry to hear that the useless police have no insurance for themselves and their families. My advise is to pay the 10% increase and get your coverage. Too many have no insurance coverage, the discussion should be about a national health insurance plan that will be in the intetest of all not only the lazy police. Everyone without insurance coverage should take action against their employer..so lazy police please go on a sick out so i can park where i want in the town.

  11. Bwa-Banday
    March 2, 2019

    With all the tear gas u all have been throwing behind people children for Skerrit one would think he would jump and make sure u all have good insurance. Apparently he see u all as toy soldiers for his own use. He and Chemical Ali needs to be taught a lesson. Sick out to hell and back until all grievance are met. I promise u he will soon show up as Rescuer In Chief and make it right cuz he needs u all vote and Melissa needs u all as personal moose- boys when she prowling around. No insurance no Popo for carnival. Period!

  12. Neville
    March 2, 2019

    I’ve got NO sympathy for any of these members of Skerrits private army. Your boss only needs all you to do his dirty work, when it comes to looking after you, you are on your own. All you bet on the wrong horse, you’ll see!

  13. SN
    March 2, 2019

    If the company is being liquidated, why should it be asking for more premiums? Such liquidation would not be done before informing the government and the firs thing the government should do is to address how the company plans to service its current contracts and what plans are being made to transfer these contracts to another viable insurance company. The fact that it has come to this tells how callous the government treats police officers. This is yet another example of inferior treatment of the police. We have seen the deplorable conditions of the Portsmouth and Marigot police stations, among others, under which they had to work.

  14. Chienlarie
    March 2, 2019

    He said certain people all over the country are treated better than they [the police] and are given money to buy and spray bikes and duty free to buy motor vehicles plus plenty cash in their hands to spend and sewo!!!.”

    Haha when I see money I see money… ..ouyoouuuu!! Who vex bus sss hahaha… we taking all.what we get … more vehicles on the way.. Kg for comissioner haha .. all you will stay broke doe… boboo

  15. North bound
    March 2, 2019

    All hands on deck can move mountains. No respect for the police. Nonsense. No police no carnival

  16. Unity in progress
    March 2, 2019

    The Commonwealth of Dominica Police department is not United. If the security of the state can’t be treated as they should then something is wrong. Unity is everything and stop playing politics and your welfare is most important. Police need to unite and get things done. Only in Dominica.

  17. March 2, 2019

    if you are vex, use your X.

  18. Annoyed
    March 2, 2019

    That CLICO, that CLICO. Still owing Domlec workers and DOMLEC and CLICO silent on this issue of people’s hard earned money.

    • Joseph John
      March 2, 2019

      That is very good information. CLICO is the bad guy. CLICO is the insurance company providing group insurance and not providing good customer service. Stealing from the people and not meeting their expectation. This matter should be taken to court. That is a breach of contract and a betrayal of confidence.
      Cpl. Drigo said this none payments have is on for nine months ( almost a year). So what has the Police Association done about that problem . The association represents the custodians of law and order and when dishonest behavior affect them they do not know what to do.
      Someone is advocating strike action. How will that cause CLICO to pay? They want to strike against the government and the safety .How is that going to make government pay them. Government is not the one with whom they have a contract .
      By CLICO not paying the contract is null and void, therefor the police should stop paying and sue. Meanwhile the police should seek free medical treatment at the hospital.

    • Badbaje
      March 3, 2019

      They have to remain silent on the “CLICO” issue. Investors are government officials, in other islands and other governments too. Nothing will ever come of this.

  19. Iamanidiot
    March 1, 2019

    I thought I was the only one seeing the rise of Nice cars and nice bikes from a certain community .

  20. Annon
    March 1, 2019

    What a mess. Where is Skerritt when the walls are tumbling down?

  21. Ibo France
    March 1, 2019

    Not only the DLP is in trouble, the entire governance structure is in disarray. The nurses are working under deplorable conditions, the port workers have many grievances, the police are at breaking point, in fact, the whole public service is languishing in dysfunction. The DLP’s political bandwagon is disintegrating. It has been poorly maintained for nineteen years. It’s time for these mendacious kleptomaniacs to exit office. Skerrit often calls on these police officers to put down every innocuous demonstration, to illegally arrest innocent people, to teargas innocent women and children, yet, Mr. Skerrit treats them like vapour.
    This is a question for the dwindling supporters of the the Skerrit’s regime to ponder. Can you name just one set, group of government employees who is satisfied with their present wages/salaries or working conditions? How can the country continue this way? Skerrit and his parasites have to GO!!!!!!!!!

  22. Joseph John
    March 1, 2019

    Professionals negotiate. They do not strong arm an issue with “flat rejection. ” They do not try to start a political roro by blaming government for a decision made by an independent entity. If you are not satisfied with a service you find an other provider..
    Here is a solution: Negotiate with the Social Security to provide medical (industrial) insurance for the Police and all government employees. This should have the same cost and the same benefits as what you enjoy with clico today.
    This should be great for S S. This can be a start for SS to diversify and expand. The next step would be for SS to provide this service for the public. Medical insurance for everyone.

    • Badbaje
      March 3, 2019

      Joseph John, keep reading with your eyes closed.
      Have you not read where they are not allowed to seek other insurance?

      • Joseph John
        March 5, 2019

        My first reaction was to ignore you. Drop the mike and put you on ignore. When you start by saying that my eyes are closed, it tells me that you are blindly following the negative opposition gang members and you are behaving with their attributes of ignorance leading to wickedness and fanatic terrorism.
        I try to approach an issue with research prospective. That is why I keep asking for the relevant section of the Police Act pertaining to the restriction you are postulating.
        I have not read ” where they are not allowed to seek other insurance” . So since you are smart enough to read with your eyes wide open, could you please post the relevant section of the law so that I can be smart like you and my eyes will be opened with the truth, give me some real factual evidence.
        What I see is the elements of a contract: offer, acceptance and consideration. For nine months the provider ignored the consideration (payments). That make the contract null and void. So the insurance makes

      • Joseph John
        March 5, 2019

        the company make a new offer, a new contract. So the police did the right thing to reject it. Because the new offer if accepted would void the present contract. That would absolve the company from all liability. The company have not been paying for nine months because they do not want to pay. They are stealing from the police and are not being arrested ( my exeration for emphasis). I mean if you sell goods or work you should get paid. That is common law and coded law. That is legal legislation and human practice.
        So anyone twisting this issue to fault the government is blind to civil law and the law of contract. So Mr Bad Page find the Police Act and read it, or go to a lawyer. Because the police is trained in criminal law. There are people who want to sow contention between the police and the government because of hidden motives. I wonder if these people and their gang wanted the police to strike because they wanted to loot as they did in May ’79 and Feb 2017…just wondering.

    • Joseph John
      March 3, 2019

      It is amazing that officers of the law does not know anything of the law of contract. I think they should be taught civil law, so in this case of breach of contract they would know that they should hire a lawyer. This is a private business matter and should be treated as such.
      The police claim that the Police Act should provide guidance and government should be responsible. I am not familiar with the Police Act. So maybe someone may quote the relevant section of this Act. An act of Parliament so selective for providing insurance ONLY to the police may be unconstitutional.
      I think the Police Association have no idea of what action to take and has not seek legal advice on this civil and private business matter. They should know too that they are not a trade union and it would be illegal to take any industrial action.

    • markey45
      March 4, 2019

      “We are pleading for several years for government to amend the Police Act so that they can leave the financially collapsed CLICO, due to late refunds and failure to provide other benefits….however, government has failed to honour their promise to amend the police act so that they can change their insurance,” he remarked.

  23. Jenny
    March 1, 2019

    Well officers is all u to take the goverment out its now or never dont be the victims all u working to hard

  24. %
    March 1, 2019

    All over the country people are being given money to “””buy and spray bikes”””, ‘to sewo’, “they are being given duty free on imported vehicles”, but policemen are not being listened to . Yet still Drigo some of your own are wantonly teargassing peaceful unarmed protesters for this very bad and evil leader ..To see how huge the police force is, just let the opposition gather for a public meeting…Since after that teargass scenario, i don’t sympathize with CDPF men/women..To me all of you are the same..
    You all can’t take any doggone action about it!!!!
    Blows them Skerro!!!:Blows them from their heads to their toes!That’s right Skerro!
    Skerrit Must Go
    Skerrit Must Go
    LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now

  25. Kermit
    March 1, 2019

    He said certain people all over the country are treated better than they [the police] and are given money to buy and spray bikes and duty free to buy motor vehicles plus plenty cash in their hands to spend and sewo!!!.”

    That alone that going on in the country right now instead of building the country. If that hand out business stop Dominica would be far by now.

  26. Groopy
    March 1, 2019

    “We are pleading for several years for government to amend the Police Act so that they can leave the financially collapsed CLICO, due to late refunds and failure to provide other benefits….however, government has failed to honour their promise to amend the police act so that they can change their insurance,” he remarked.

    My God that is a governemnt? That’s what u do to public officers Mr skerite u dogon bofon why don’t they kick this man out… waste of time governemnt. .. who votes for a waste of time governemnt like that? Thelse guys need to be dumped. You mean to tell me so Mr them treating there police oflickers nurses teachers but mr have to be a damn fool.. what are you people wacting for to put this garbage by the road so the rubbish truck can pass and pick them up and dump them labars wher the fire keep burning ? Omg are you people fools?

    • Joseph John
      March 3, 2019

      Does the Police Act mandate that the police should use CLICO for group insurance ? Can’t members of the police have individual insurance ? I would really like to see this Act which restrict freedom of choice and gives a company a monopoly on providing insurance to one group. Could you Sir quote the relevant section. I know group insurance is cheaper than individual insurance, but is simply B S for CLICO not to pay benefits for nine months and for its customers to blame the government. I think CLICO is in big trouble for not honouring its contract.

  27. Bwa-Banday
    March 1, 2019

    Government have no respect for you all and continue to treat the police like useless soldiers until the need you all to throw tear gas under the direction of Chemical Ali or drive Melissa around during her campaign efforts. Jeff you all must take serious action at the peak of activities when you are needed most. SICK OUT STILL WORKS the last time I checked. Teach them a lesson

  28. Braindamage
    March 1, 2019

    Garson, all you all have to do, is fire de Skerrit Government on election day and the problem is solved.
    Have no time for government who gives ” One for you and two for me”
    We are all struggling too… vote them out .. and don’t let them come up with some strategy to blind you all or mamaguy …

  29. Texas
    March 1, 2019

    Sometimes the only way to get the message across is through organized disobedience. The police are correct “certain people all over the country are treated better than they [the police] and are given money to buy and spray bikes and duty free to buy motor vehicles plus plenty cash in their hands to spend and sewo!!!.” As usual the Labor government’s priorities are twisted like a twizzler candy. The only thing important to them is winning the next election, whenever it comes around. I say Strike! You deserve to be treated with respect. I bet all the government ministers and spouses have excellent medical insurance.

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