Austrie shrugs off Panama Papers; says DLP should concentrate on winning Soufriere polls

panama papersHousing Minister, Reginald Austrie, has shrugged off the just released Panama Papers, at least for now, and said the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) should concentrate on winning the upcoming Soufriere by-election.

Some members of the United Workers Party (UWP) have been vocal about the Panama Papers and have taken to the airwaves and social media to discuss its potential impact on Dominica.

But Austrie believes that this is a form of distracting being used by the UWP.

“I am not saying the issue of the Panama Papers, whatever that means, is not an important issue but let us focus on winning the Soufriere by-election,” he said as a guest on Kairi’s Heng Program on Thursday morning, adding that he has no doubt that the DLP will win and win big.

“Let us not be distracted and the United Workers Party has a way of throwing red herring in the ocean and see how many sharks will come around it,” Austrie stated. “We have a very important by-election coming up in the Soufriere constituency, a by-election, that although we are winning it, but we suppose to win it in such a way as to send a very clear signal to the UWP as to where they stand in the political things in this country … let us focus our energy on doing what we have to do in the Soufriere Constituency.”

Austrie believes the Panama Papers will have no effect on the by-electition. Photo credit:
Austrie believes the Panama Papers will have no effect on the by-election. Photo credit:

He noted that winning the by-election will send a clear signal to Dominica and the UWP that the DLP is serious about the development of the island.

“And the people of this country through the Soufriere Constituency are demonstrating the confidence in the fact that the only credible political party, political force that has any interest in moving this country forward is the DLP,” he said. “That is our focus and let us remain on track.”

He stated that a serious by-election is coming up and members of the UWP are on the radio talking “foolishness” and “nonsense,” instead of going to the constituency to convince the people of their policies.

“You should be in Soufriere,” Austrie said.

He is convinced that the Panama Papers will have zero effect on the results of the by-election.

“We can deal with the Panama Papers after the by-election because I am convinced that the Panama Papers will have no effect on the DLP winning the Soufriere Constituency,” he stated.

He noted that the UWP’s interest in the Panama Papers is to only bring down Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit.

“The only interest of the UWP is to bring down one man, Roosevelt Skerrit,” Austrie said. “So if his cousin’s name come up in the Panama Papers, they will find a way to link Roosevelt Skerrit’s cousin to Roosevelt Skerrit and say is Roosevelt Skerrit. If Roosevelt Skerrit’s uncle’s name appear, they have to find a way to link Roosevelt Skerrit …the intention is to bring down Roosevelt Skerrit.”

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  1. Anthony Ismael
    May 16, 2016

    Reggie you’re correct. Just keep on giving them free plywood and galvanize and they will always vote for you. No integrity and no governance whatsover. Business as usual. Keep selling passports and doing what you do best. Always remember that the longest rope has an end.

  2. Tjebe Fort
    May 16, 2016

    What does Austrie know? They make him director rof Petro Caribe and he can not even read a balance sheet! But don’t worry, he will soon his Hon. Doctorate from the Jungle University of Guyana.

  3. Horse Manure
    May 16, 2016

    bordiay……i read a whole article from start to finish…and i burst one big laugh in the end. Dominica is one sick place with a very sick government.

  4. cameron
    May 16, 2016

    Austrie UWP,does not have to take down Skerrit,THE ALMIGHTY IS IN CONTROL AND HE WILL.You and the rest of the cowards days are coming,NO FEAR BROTHER

  5. Benediction
    May 15, 2016

    Mr Ausrie don’t seem to gives damn about the leaked Panama Papers… by see what notable world political commentators are saying another it.

    With a story this big—dubbed by Edward Snowden as “the biggest leak in the history of data journalism”—it can be difficult to understand exactly what’s at stake. The Panama Papers are, unquestionably, insane. But what do they have to do with you?

    If you live in one of the 200 countries and territories that Mossack Fonseca’s clients call home—the story of the Panama Papers is your story. The money the law firm helps to hide should be used to pay for your schools, your highways, your hospitals. The criminals it works with run the most violent illegal organizations your country has ever seen. The politicians who have taken and made bribes, dodged taxes, and amassed fortunes of unimaginable scale are your politicians.

  6. Joan
    May 15, 2016

    I alway knew these men in the LP only interest was themselves . The all got Fatter. All i can do is to pray for th em that God forgives the wick edness thery are doinh against their people and the people are blinded by their spell.

  7. Former Labour Supporter
    May 14, 2016

    Austrie, there awaits a big surprise for you on the 7th of June. Those who are talking the money, rum, ply wood, and everything else will give a gig surprise at the polls. The clock is turning backwards and the writing is on the wall. The days of Labour is soon a past history in Dominican politics.

  8. May 14, 2016

    that man is a couyon.

    • Me
      May 16, 2016

      What….only one? No wonder he walks so awkwardly, poor man.

  9. Anonymous
    May 14, 2016

    People of Soufriere should bare in mind that DLP can’t win the capital Roseau notwithstanding all the handouts. Presently they’re denying Dominicans jobs over Barbadians. How many of your residents depend on construction jobs? How many of your residents could’ve been employed over these Barbadians? It was Chinese now this and with the Panama paper scandal we see that they’re cheating the very government that they administer. People need to focus at the issues at hand the same we seat and listen to the US election debates and criticize who should or shouldn’t win went then can’t we address the issues in our land?

  10. Face the Facts
    May 13, 2016

    There are some nonsensical comments. They serve no useful purpose. No one can learn anything from them. How boring and not educating. Obviously, I did not waste my God-given precious time to read the majority of them. They are mapwee; too much of that.
    It is not my principle to throw mapwee at others especially for another because I do not support him and his Party. UWP people do this very well. You have nothing kind to say. Do you not know you are placing a curse on yourselves, everything you do, your endeavors, your household, your country and nationals when you make such comments which come from your heart? You are an ill-wind that blows nobody any good. The worst is yet to come for you. Wait and see.

    • AAGabriel
      May 16, 2016

      Have you received your ticket yet?

  11. one guy
    May 13, 2016

    Is men like you that the AG loves to protect because you are very divisive. You just there spewing hatred. Cursing everyone who talks truth to power; even the Holy Ghost. You admire indecent behavior and exposure.; that’s why you are silent on issues of child abuses. No wonder you too are encouraging alleged perpetrators to be heading the campaign.

  12. west bank crew
    May 13, 2016


  13. May 13, 2016

    When Reggie Austrie said he was not concerned about the Panama Papers and only cared about winning the Soufriere seat, he was indirectly saying what caused the by-election is not of concern to him and the DLP as well, as long as they win and stay in power. To see how they don’t care a damn about the alleged incident which paved the way for the by election, one just has to take a look at the radio station Reggie making his careless and stupid comments on and one will see where this country is heading. My question is, isn’t the owner of the station Reggie and the DLP using to campaign for the by election also arrested for the same or similar allegations that causedthe by election? Why would the government continue to associate themselves with his station which reminds us of Ian? Is it that they feel Dominicans are that stupid? Or are they all part of it ,like the Panama Papers but we’re not caught? Just asking

  14. Dominican to the bone
    May 13, 2016

    Oh boy well if it is not important tell us why the emergency Cabinet meeting today and the topic for discussion PANAMA PAPERS. Boss you dangerous

  15. Oh La La
    May 13, 2016

    Do these gangsters feel that they sound intelligent when they speak so much crap? We have an election to run…. I would like to know what is the reason for running an election in the Middle of May, when a general election was held just over a 16 months ago. There comes a time when you guys will be alone in uncomfortable conditions to reflect your evil deeds. Only time will tell.

  16. The truth
    May 13, 2016

    Alas, I really excuse mr. Austrie. I tend to believe he do not know better, he did not do any research or he do not worry about Domnica since they are in power. Dominica economy is in trouble and they do not care less. I am crying for my country.The sewo and gift giving is for six weeks after this is, the return to the same misery. My people be wise open your eyes. This election is not party but rescuing Dominica for our future generations.

    • Face the Facts
      May 13, 2016

      Some of you lament too much which I view as over-exaggeration and lack of gratitude, giving others the impression that things are so bad in D/ca. You try to deceive people. D/ca is not as bad as some of you state.
      Who are the people who are affected as you perceive them to be? What is their present lifestyle? What was their past lifestyle?
      How many people are starving in Dominica? How many are homeless – do not have food and a roof over their head and also clothes? If they don’t, they are doing well.
      Some people also create their own poverty, some since they were attending school and became drop-outs. There are other reasons, if you are not biased to notice. This is what you must consider and look into.
      When you read comments you should learn from some of them. I realize not all are worthy of adopting and practicing. Read between the lines. Keep what is worthwhile and learn from them. Discard the rest. They are not beneficial and not worth repeating.

  17. May 13, 2016

    This Panama Papers have caused the resignation of one president, had the pm of New Zealand thrown out of Parliament, and great turbulence in other civilized countries. To heal a government minister say he is not concerned about it is his way of saying Dominicans are fools and are not concerned about truth

    • Face the Facts
      May 13, 2016

      Some of you always put words into people’s mouths. Whenever some ministers talk, you misconstrue what they stated.
      It is not his way of saying that as you stated. It is your way of saying it which gives others a false notion of what he meant. This is nothing new with some of you.
      You always think the worst. Some countries have some uneducated and ignorant people. They are not intelligent enough to read the information, look at it closely, digest it and think. Immediately they blame their government. Some of them lack peace and are war mongers. These are they who create such disturbance to the point of causing the Ministers to resign.
      I would not waste my time to worry about them. Every country is different with its own internal problems. Some members of the public make it more difficult for others, even their government. Be broadminded.

  18. AAGabriel
    May 13, 2016

    Why are YOU talking to us about Panama, instead YOU should talk to us about PetroCaribe. But I guess you have got no appetite for that. The PM should talk to us and the people from the south about Panama.

  19. committed
    May 13, 2016

    Austrie, ,you don’t care whether the country perish as long as you win.

    • A Doubting Thomas In Solidarity
      May 13, 2016

      Committed, your comment reminds me of the saying – Pot calling kettle black.

    • May 13, 2016

      But that was always the motto of this Government and to do so they would find the money wherever to make it happen, but I cannot blame the ppl’s I have to blame the people of Dominica they allow themselves to be bought for what short time gain. Dominica is known to be the Island full of Judas they will sell there souls, it will take a miracle to turn it around I would like to see this By-Election start turning it around but I know my people they will put back DLP and when they gone start crying again but enough is enough let them live themselves
      The only time that Dominicans will accept how corrupt these guys are is when they see them be dragged off to jail one by one by one.

    • Face the Facts
      May 13, 2016

      If you think Dominica will ever perish without there being a disaster, you lack, faith, hope and trust. Dominica has been around since God knows when. It will continue to be there and long after all inhabitants as you are long gone from the face of the earth. Therefore, cease your nonsensical comment and demeaning the Minister.
      Go and do something good for Dominica. Too much talk and no action is generated from people as you.

  20. Zuma
    May 13, 2016

    Johnny johnn yes Papa eating sugar no Papa telling lies no Papa open your mouth ha ha ha. My 5 year old sings this to me sometimes. Mr Austrie. Don’t take us soufrier Citizens for your door mat. We are not stupid and your handouts does not make us think it’s Xmas. We know it ain’t go last. You have failed Dominica you individually and your Skerit led DLP government.there are no jobs, no children’s hospital no oncology facilities. We have to beg for money to go away to hospital. We have no medical insurance, many of us have no running water and some of us still live in rotting houses.. Our kids are being molested. Our women are being treated as nothing.. So tell us why we should vote another dishonest person to represent us. We want you all to take care of us and provide for us but we do not want you all to dictate to us.. Show us respect… We will not vote another Labour candidate to represent us. U all have failed us miserably… Ms Charles has 2 jobs some of us don’t have…

  21. Not Me Alone
    May 13, 2016

    I am not surprised Austrie, Skerrit and the DLP not concerned about the Panama papers and is ONLY concerned about winning an election …………., while the majority of us get poorer, so our young girls could come to them.

    Austrie is concerned about winning the by election but is he even concerned about what brought about the by election? Unfortunately DNO is afraid of being sued so they cannot educate us about the cause of the by-election and therefore the most they will say is, Ian Pinard resigned because of inappropriate behavior. The former Parlrep resigned because he was arrested and charged for a more serious crime towards an alleged minor. That’s why we have a by-election in Soufriere, which Regie wants to win.

    Has any one heard Regie, Skerrit, or the DLP condemning this alleged behavior against a minor? The people of the Soufriere constituency would make fools of themselves to vote them again

  22. AA
    May 13, 2016

    SMH, what a, and that is a leader of the country. And the sad thing about it is that the poor people that are suffering are the ones who listens to theses jokers you know. When will this nonesence stop, when will the poor people of the country decide that enough is enough? Do you all want to get in the state that Venezuela is currently before you all take action?

    When the banks cannot transact business to the US allyou will feel the squeeze and react accordingly.

  23. Business Minded
    May 13, 2016

    Just like everything else just shrug it off. Corruption, sex scandal……. What was expected: well which one is next?

  24. panama
    May 13, 2016

    Austrie i just cut off a fowl head and what it did. The fowl just jump up and down with no where to go and died. I think that is you. This time it is not UWP it is the panama papers there is no where to go. Where is tony astaphan. Austrie time is up

  25. MR Dominica
    May 13, 2016

    according to Austrie’s statement SKERRIT seems to be concerned about the PANAMA papers and maybe not only his boss but himself . What does he have to hide? There is the story of the lizard and the rat . RAT to lizard man ”man is so ugly how do you live around him? Lizard replies ”well i live around him but the difference is i steal nothing from him . The truth is I go to my garden where there are tens of lizards looking at me ,i start cuting a tree and the thief jumps out and runs for life ,he has something to hide

  26. keepingitreal
    May 13, 2016

    no longer can the majority be taken for “fowl brains”..this is a new time and thankfully the slave mentality is finally ending..justice for DA and its people will come..enjoy the ride..soon the bus will stop.

  27. ??
    May 13, 2016

    How many times over the past decade have Lennox, thompson and the UWP given false hope of capturing the PM and DLP in corruption and fall flat on their faces? Some people just aren’t smart. They drink the cool aid and fall for the hokie doke all the time. For those of you anxious for incriminating information from the panama papers, keep listening to Q95 and hold your breath as long as you can….

    • May 13, 2016

      A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE.. now I don’t know if you understand what those words mean go to your to ppl if he cannot go directly to the PM.

    • Face the Facts
      May 13, 2016

      By their comments, they are the UWP supporters. You simply have to read the first line and know that. Not even their first line makes sense which is as far as this reading goes. Their comments lack enlightenment. They are always mapwee with no substance, as if this is all they are capable of. It projects what is embedded in their type of brains.

  28. %
    May 13, 2016

    Austrie your ,……is not shocking…This is your most well established feature…The world has not rejected it, why should we? But your garbage will be largely ignored by real Dominicans who have love for country..We will not ignore PETRO CARIBE either..TIME WILL TELL!

  29. Doc. Love
    May 13, 2016

    Whether he concentrates on winning the election now, or the general election whenever it is called, I hope he is not stupid to believe the Panama scandal will go away. If the DLP was to win the by-election next month, it might be of no use to the party. The Lap Seng case, to which it is alleged the Prime Minister is implicated, will be a very serious problem for the Government. The Panama Papers scandal, again, the Prime Minister has to explain to Dominicans why is it the Government of Dominica had to save money in Panama, unknowing to the citizens. The Attorney General has been talking of what Dominicans refer to as another shut your mouth bill. With this new bill, should we take our minds back to 1979 when such a bill was passed, the Government might have to face some hostile opposition. When you put all these situations together, the concentration of Austie in terms of the by election, might be of no importance to the Government, I suspect it will be out.

  30. trying to hide the money trail
    May 13, 2016

    The DLP Cabal could shrug off the Panama Papers scandal. They could try to pass “Shut Your mouth law”, but they cannot prevent the FBI, Scotland Yard, CIA and other anti-corruption bodies and law enforcement from tracking down and subsequently arresting all of those crooks and criminals involved.

    They form all kinds of companies. T hey soon after forming those companies, they dissolve them, in order to fool law enforcement and make it difficult to trace the millions. secret, more secret deals.

    Through those Shell companies a la Layou River Hotel saga millions pass. A few with all their millions,are laughing at the majority of Dominicans,

  31. LifeandDeath
    May 13, 2016

    Here we go again Dominicans..As I said before ALL the Labour party cares about is winning and remaining in office to oppress freedom of speech and scrutiny of public office..What exactly does the Panama Papers have to do with the UWP? In fact the Labour party should be even more concerned about it than the UWP..
    Austrie Good Luck with winning a By-election for a seat that is already Labour..there’s nothing to WIN in soufriere for the Labour party, what they really fear is looosing..’cause it will show that people beginning to grasp that the country falling deeper into the abyss of corruption and dictatorship.
    Skerrit so want to get rid of Lennox because Lennox is the biggest thorn in his side..even now when things beginning to be exposed on the international scene, they still find a way to pin it on the UWP..Jah Guide us in DA..
    Wake up and realize that these men have gorged on the blood of our children’s future for too long..

  32. natureislandguy
    May 13, 2016

    Well what could he say. The only time a politician is telling the truth is when he calls another politician “A Liar”

  33. May 13, 2016

    It is this level of arrogance and confidence that demonstrates the blessed Dominica Labour Party’s belief that their money, majority in parliament and the use of the police force as their personal protectors makes them untouchable and invincible. As the Panama Papers continue to wreak havoc in the highest Offices of far more developed Countries and Nations, this current DLP Administration dears to ignore it’s implication and instead directs their supporters to focus on an up-coming bi-election which they feel absolutely confident in winning DESPITE the cloud of a serious sex scandal that hangs above their heads and the exposure of very close Government affiliates in documents that carries GLOBAL repercussions of seismic proportions. As the whole world is being rattled by these reports, our Government says “who cares, no one can touch us”!!! Is this false bravado? Or is it the early rumblings of a dictatorial regime? Doesn’t Saddam Hussein’s defiance come to mind???

  34. love I
    May 13, 2016


  35. love I
    May 13, 2016


  36. Proud Dominican
    May 13, 2016

    We will win the Soufriere constituency and we will win it big. So let them go ahead with their nonsense and the Panama Paper. Cause I really want them to remain on the radio talking about this issue and others that they may come up with until the 7th of June. Let them remain away from the Soufriere constituency cause I am sure that their going in this place is a waste of their time. In fact I believe now they are very busy focusing on raising fund from the people they called greedy to buy pampers and other baby necessities for their partner on the west coast. So my dearest Aus Aus, my PM and the rest of the cabinet continue focusing on the positive things for Dominica. God bless you all

  37. Anthony Ismael
    May 13, 2016

    Don’t worry and be happy. No matter what, corruption will continue and your mouth piece will continue to litigate against anyone who dares to open their trap and challenge the daily foolishness that is governance in Dominica. Keep building villas, buying new trucks and enjoying your various trips around the globe. Life is good.

  38. its time
    May 13, 2016

    speedy austrie my boy i want to take the time out to say big thanks to you/ the pm and all the rest people for giving some of us the young people all that TABLETS an FREE Wifi its going to go a long way to help find out all what you all doing to Dominica and Dominicans for so long now i can see for me self why you all dont want some of us to hear nothing on q95 but this time its not q95 its the world eye thats on Dominica so my boy have some fun still as the old saying gos what gos up must come down at some point the big baby starts to cry and calling mama it have more crying to come and its coming with SALT come on my boy! stop it you had fun stop now.

    • H
      May 14, 2016

      Austrie don’t forget…….the longest rope has its end and the longest road has its bend, all u can fool some people some of the time BUT NOT all the people ALL THE TIME………….allu end is drawinf near….true dominicans know how ro prays………….the children of this country tears are under all u shoulders. God is definitely NOT ASLEEP.

  39. no justice, no peace
    May 13, 2016

    reggie, you are making soufriere people look like donkeys,
    you are saying that issues are not a concern for soufriere people,and they will vote ,just like that.
    Oh what a shame,
    you are saying that ,hornesty, transparency ,and good governance is not what the people wants?
    well i want to witness that for myself,
    I wonder ,if there have ever been any thieves i soufriere scottshead which have been arrested and charged for stealing?and would stand right now and listening to these information comming out on the web about you and your government ,and you still have the audasity to stand and insult we the soufriere people like we do not know good from evil?
    reggie ,you mean with two such issues ,one child molestation ,and follow by this huge fraud in this offshore scam ,you are saying to the world that we still will not identify good frrom evil? Man , what a shame , reggie , you should be banned from soufriere, for good, because,you are not only implying that we are…

    • no justice, no peace
      May 13, 2016

      to continue,
      you are not only implying that we are donkeys, But ASSES

    • Concern citizen
      May 13, 2016

      Reggie you should not worry with what the people are saying, U all are going to win the by-election in grand stile, the people are going to vote base on you’ll pass record, the DLP HAS A GRADUATE in every home in that constituency, the ROAD leading to scothead is in perfect condition JOBS are flowing like WATER in that constituency, people are HAPPY, CHILD ABUSE is not any thing for concern in that constituency, the people love the DLP more than any thing else, money is not a problem, Just give them some galvanize, some plywood, and put some money in in the RUM SHOPS for them and every body happy, and then your vote is shore ( say donkey holes la emblege vote ba zot )

  40. Peter tosh
    May 13, 2016

    Mr. Austrie the mills of God grind slowly but when they grind, they grind real fine …….. the longest rope has an end. The DLP must, and will leave office one day.

    • Jean Simpson
      May 13, 2016

      Of course! well said. The UWP will be in government PERHAPS someday. Well said too! we remain unsure when will either of the above scenario play out and who the personalities will be then. Well said and so true, too! What is very sure. The Privy Council matter is not yet over and this is so because of a foul mouth, no face bold face, high expelled bully. The other known fact is that he will continue to pretend that without your contribution, Pinard Byrne et al ants to put him and family out of his house. You feel sorry and rush to bail him out. Just like that. That is a fact too!!

      • %
        May 13, 2016

        @Jean Simpson Who bail him is not your doggone business.It will be Dominicans who know that almost $300 000 000.00 dissapeared, and hotel at Layou disappeared…NO MONEY,NO HOTEL…Your Red idiot,you seem to be proud of that!So when you have your stinking cesspit of filth trying to infect DNO with,remember people who love country more than corruption are also readers on this medium.

    • Face the Facts
      May 13, 2016

      This is needless to say just as one day you have to leave the world and you do not know when and how soon it will be. Speak for yourself.

  41. dissident
    May 13, 2016

    As an honest voter I don’t regard your opinion forscratt! I really could care less about your views as a housing minister lap dog.
    If there was an opinion for me to consider it would be that of the financial investigating unit, or the governor of the ECCB.

    No one who has a position as a result of the pen of Roosevelt skerrit can be honoured with my trust.
    Jah make it such that lennox Linton, Thompson Fontaine nor Hector John name associated with any of this foul play. I can imagine de crusade that would be going on kairi and dbs.
    Thank you Jah!
    De amount of police that would have been at lennox door. Without a doubt you would find an illegal way to have dem locked in a cell. Even priests would be shouting for arrests.

  42. good girl
    May 13, 2016

    What abou Mr austrie when the Commonwealth of Dominica name is on the list then blame who Mr austrie

    • Duggie
      May 13, 2016

      As usual talking nonsense.

      • Concern citizen
        May 13, 2016

        It’s only DONKEY HOLES like U that can turn good talk into NONESENCE, mr. DOGGIE, stop being mr. SKERRIT’S DONKEY HOL,E a big man / woman like U

      • mosquito 1
        May 13, 2016

        Concern, why are you so angry be cool man what happens de police burn down them ganja tree. stop calling your fellow man donkey hole have respect and be respected.

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