COMMENTARY: Is A Blue Wave Coming?

UWP leader Linton                                                   DLP faithful at Grand Fond

With a surge in support for the United Workers Party (UWP) at home and abroad, it’s clear that a blue wave is coming in the next General Elections. Anecdotal projections indicate that there is a very high probability that the UWP will form the next government. By any measure, especially that of hopes and wishes, there is a blue wave on the horizon.

The wave is gaining such momentum that some even say that the current PM’s once secure seat in the Northern mountains is now a toss-up. He is being challenged by a young, popular, debonair and telegenic upstart who has taken the country by storm. Meanwhile, UWP’s boss Linton and others have been logging in frequent flyer miles across the North American continent and the Caribbean isles meeting Dominicans with an urgent push and ‘Call to Action’ to contribute whatever they can to the campaign and to lend other support whenever and wherever they can.

That momentum shift towards the UWP is travelling at lightning speed in spite the David V. Goliath money war chest of the DLP. But where is all that big money coming from? That is a question that desperately needs to be answered if not now, certainly in the future.  Meanwhile, the UWP is running a grassroots dime and nickel campaign which reminds political watches of President Obama’ first campaign in 2008. In spite of the huge money difference between his campaign and his Republican opponent, his blue wave movement beat his opponent convincingly. It was not easy for Mr. Obama and it is certainly not going to be easy for Mr. Linton.

Are there other good signs at this juncture for the Blues? At the Londonderry Labour convention recently the PM fired ministers like he was conducting a swift military court martial.  That action cannot hold well for the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) and probably resulted in some defections in Labour’s rank and file. But some say that Skerrit’s fire wall to prevent defections is money.  Is this a small taste of things to come for Dominica if the DLP retains power?

“How about the economy; how about campaign and electoral reform; how about passport sales to rouges, vagabonds and dodgy characters? How about lack of transparency; how about the  behavior of the House Speaker?” How about a dysfunctional police force and politcal  promotions? How about the dismantling of systems such as Local Government, and the most bloated Cabinet in the region and much more?” These major maladies and much more should add up to a perform storm with all the perfect conditions for a blue wave. Why is not a certain case now?  Is it because of free ‘Jombie’ money making ‘ding-dang’, Hurricane Maria or what?

In this General Election will most of the Diaspora stay put and  pass over the plane ‘vep’ for a vote? Will that short fall be replaced by poor imported Haitian brethren and sisters with names like ‘Jean Claude, Yves, Jean-Phillpe, Jonassiant and Marie-Theresa”? If none of this things occur, then that spells trouble for DLP at the ballot box. Then again shamefully and regrettably, the absence of electoral and campaign finance reforms remain the big and problematic obstacle to free and fair elections in Dominica.

The UWP has an abundance of highly qualified and experienced community service oriented candidates running for office: In the rural east there is a retired civil servant in La Plaine Ms. Sica Joseph; In my late dad’s village of Castle Bruce there a highly popular and very articulate retired Head Mistress Ms. Ernie John-Finn. Grand Fond is represented by Medical Doctor Cuffy. Our First Nation indigenous people is represented by a grass roots Kalinago Medical Doctor Sanford.  The doctor is very serious about dignified and focus representation for his people.

Speaking of Dominica’s most mountainous village of Grand Fond: on Sunday the red brigade lead by PM Roosevelt Skerrit climbed that mountain to start their counter offensive against the Blues’ rising tide. But listening to Mr. Skerrit I was confused as to who was being launched. Was it Gretta Roberts or was it Lennox Linton?

Some accounts state that at one time Mr. Skerrit called Linton’s name 14 times in 55 seconds during his speech. Is it love, obsession and admiration for Mr. Linton masked as hatred and fear? Is it flattery which is the greatest form of respect, or was Skerrit experiencing some form of hypnosis due to Linton’s ascendency in the projections? Or is it a case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Or is it that Skerrit knows that the party that wins the rural eastern constituencies wins the General Elections.

Why couldn’t Skerrit tote his horns on his track record? Even his opportunistic friends from Tranto to Trinidad and from Atkinson to Antigua were disappointed with his performance. Well the ancestral spirits of the Morne Trois Piton mountain range overlooking Grand Fond saved the day by bringing on torrential rains.

Barring an unforeseen event such as rigging of the votes and or other irregularities, a blue wave is or should be coming. One just hopes and prays that the police understand that they are Peace officers first and foremost. Members of the Dominica Police Force took an oath to serve and protect the homeland and the constitution and not political parties and their bosses. At any rate, the battle for Dominica’s future, mind and soul has begun and is well on the way.

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  1. Nobody
    May 13, 2019

    I live in the North and hardly sees skerrit.our parlrep name is see Mr or Dr skerrit at the financial center you have to beg and when you finally see him he humiliates you.this man doesn’t care I heard it from his own mouth he don’t care.clement run for pm alot of ppl are speaking up and slot of labourites turning the table in secret.last election skerro had cry this time u will pea

  2. Constructively Dissatisfied
    May 11, 2019

    In response to the author’s question “Is a blue wave coming?”, my simple answer is yes. I predict the only blue wave that will sweep the nation will comprise of the cadre of crestfallen UWP supporters waving their hands in the air in order to gain some relief after banging them on their tables in frustration following another election loss.

    On the bright side, the UWP’s expected blue mood will match perfectly with their attire while their teary red eyes will be reflective of sea of joyful and victorious laborites.

  3. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    May 9, 2019

    This is directed at Herbert Volney!

    You claim to be an educated man who have never read so much nonsense; the authors opinions are personal to which he/she is entitled. Comparing what you conveyed to the opinions of the author, I consider yours more nonsensical garbage!

    Your comments are designed to play up to Roosevelt; in reality you are like a damn child crying out for a candy, the only difference between you and a child is that you are using flattery  in order to persuade Roosevelt to give you a handout, be it money, food or a place in his government if he win the election.

    You are into self-deception; which is very destructive, as in a case of Roosevelt Skerrit we know possess a shallow and fragile mind, we see his mentality everyday which clowns such Ralph Gonzales used his very own low IQ against him causing him to use bad advise and judgment to destroy Dominica!

    You claim to be educated yet you call Roosevelt doctor?

    • Lenpro
      May 9, 2019

      I thought people were entitled to their own opinions. The so call educated one who has a history of bashing and insulting other opinions. I can clearly see why. Its in your blood. Because those who are related to you are so notorious for causing bodily harm to others even to death. Recently one related you to was sent to conciling by antigua’s authorities. Thank god this gentleman was not standing in front of you voicing his opinion. You would have assaulted him with a cutlass and demonstrate your true arrogance. ( the so call educated one)

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        May 10, 2019

        If you are talking about me; feel free to say my name; call the kid by name I am Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque out of Wesley; I can withstand anything you fire at me!
        And indeed I do know how to use cutlass, and machete to detour violence against me if I am caught between flight or flight you see.

        You can also call the cousin of mine in Antigua name also. If you are talking about Darwin Telemaque, someone ventured to steep on his toes, he defended himself, we are not wimps; and we do not allow our pride get in our way.
        If you want to know our history: Research “Vessey Denmark Telemaque Insurrection” during slavery in the United States, perhaps when you know who we are you will have some respect.

        Now as for kid Hubert Volney, ask him what part he played in the civil war in Dominica in 1979?Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahah!

        Nobody pelted more rock-stone than that kid, our illustrious judge, turn politician eh!
        Be quiet!

    • Discombobulated
      May 11, 2019

      Mate you have issues. Arguing on DNO is such a pointless feat. Wow

  4. John
    May 9, 2019

    Finn, I said earlier the UWP will not win the next general election. And i am right. But it looks like based on the last section of your commentary the blue wave you are predicting is violence after the UWP defeat in the next general election.
    That is why i continue to say Lennox is not the right leader for the party. Lennox will continue to find all kind of excuse for his defeat. And he will continue to do the same inciting violence after his defeat in the next general election. Pay close attention.

    • May 9, 2019

      “the blue wave you are predicting is violence after the UWP defeat in the next general election.” @John

      That is what I am afraid of! Those people sound very emotionally uptight; Dominicans will cause PM Skerrit to return to the Throne of Leadership, but the won’t accept it.

      May God, our Lord continue to protect us, Dominicans.

  5. TJ
    May 9, 2019

    It is time to bring DA back to the leadership role it possessed . The current group has failed. They have earned a failing grade.

  6. Herbert Volney
    May 8, 2019

    I am an educated man and I’ve never read more rubbish being opinionated by the writer. I trash it for it is clearly written by someone with an agenda for the UWP. While I live in Trinidad I follow nearly every media source out of Dominica as it happens. I have also on a near monthly basis seen Dominica’s clear recovery on a stronger and more resilient basis.
    I’ve been on the ground and can say without fear of contradiction that Dominica will easily re elect the Dominica Labour Party to government and the issue now is whether the party led by the popular Dr Skerrit will win 18, 19, 20 or all
    21 seats.

    • Mark
      May 9, 2019

      In your dreams Volney- Stay in Trinidad Mr. ‘ and eat your roti.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        May 9, 2019

        Mark, once I admired that guy, though he is not a Dominica born; however, because his parents are Dominicans, and he might have grown up in Dominica I admired him for some of his accomplishments.

        I knew one of his brothers, we use to lime on the water front, every Saturday, then we would walk over to River Street, and watch the Billy-goats grassed, I think the British in the colonial days before Lawnmowers introduce them. My disappointment came when the illustrious was a minister in Trinidad Government, where he screwed up causing my children uncle to spend more than twenty-five years incarcerated!   They passed a law in Trinidad, which had to do with prisoner exchange. This Montserrat/Dominica/Trinidad boy went and implement the law prior to ratification: So, the Antigua government released all the Trinidad criminals, murderers, sent home to Trinidad. When the time came to release Glenmoor Teddy Matthew and his crew, because of Herbert incompetence the Antiguan’s could not go…

        • Discombobulated
          May 12, 2019

          Bro honestly, go out and get some friends.

    • Robert Mando
      May 9, 2019

      Volney, you may well be an educated man but since coming back you running after Skerrit like a little puppy dog in the hope for a share of the spoils. That tells me you are not interested in your country but rather in your bank account. Go and get yourself another bottle that way the mirror will tell you what you want to hear. I hope you can go back to Trinidad after the election. I doubt there will be any space for the likes of you in DA then. Think!!

      • Pipo
        May 9, 2019

        Well, mister not that popular in Trini either I hear.

  7. Ibo France
    May 8, 2019

    Skerrit , in my honest opinion, and in all sincerity, has forfeited his rights to contest the forthcoming general elections unless he hives a full and pellucid account of the whereabouts of the EC$ 270 000 000+PetroCaribe money. Where did it go? How can any sober minded people re-elect a scandal-plagued administration and an utterly corrupt leader?

  8. Man bites dogs
    May 8, 2019

    I don’t know what medication Dr Skerrit gave to Lennox Lintoon, and his followers well done Pm Dr Skerrit, we have those idiots by their shorts and curly. Please don’t explain the meaning of shorts and curly because so-called Workers followers and leader do not understand English language :One love Dr Skerrit, one love Dominica and the Labour Party 5 more years and beyond 🇩🇲power to the people. Lintoon lazy Lintoon out!!!!!

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 11, 2019

      You see Mr. Dog, you are one of those idiots who believe that dumb boy Roosevelt Skerrit is a medical doctor; even Roosevelt himself believes his bought pieces of papers from Punjab, and Duquesne university, made him a medical doctor.
      That is why he is in Dominica telling people that 80% of their sickness is in their mind!
      You believe he is a medical doctor, if it was not so, you would not have asks that stupid question about what medicine he gave to Lennox.

      I advise you when you get sick, to visit with doctor Roosevelt Skerrit let him treat you.
      Tell you what let Roosevelt proscribe some H2SO4 + H2O -> H3O+ HSO4 and drink it see what happen nuh!

      Anybody into chemistry reading this: Note: the formula above is not complete, some subscripts are missing in the equation,  not even doctor Roosevelt Skerrit and his patients such as Man eat dog would know the reaction Man Dog would experience.

  9. May 8, 2019

    The blue is sweeping this country. The evidence is clear to see.
    People are fed up , tired and disillusioned by this generally incompetent, highly corrupt Labour party.
    These are operating like a bunch of “crack heads”.
    Time for change and the change is soon come.

  10. Danziger
    May 8, 2019

    DNO, pour ki rasion ou coupée Email address Mwen si blog à. Mwen vle sav si mwen pa fit ou pas MOURNE pour participée comme toute d’autres DOMINICAN, Merci. MERO MWEM SORTIE SO DIT POURQUI.

    ADMIN: We appreciate your use of creole. We did not remove your email address. If you are having difficulty you can send a screenshot and description of your issue to [email protected]

  11. Marigot blue turn red
    May 8, 2019

    Is DNO a political social network? Why arey post not posted here. Wait for the blues to win. Smh

  12. Ex Cop
    May 8, 2019

    I find alot of persons including the leader of the opposition love attacking the police. Not every police office supports the ruling party so be very careful in your words. If you’re to come in office today it’s the same police force. I hope you remember that, so attacking the police won’t help. There are neutral officers in the CDPF who work hard to serve and protect. Be wise Mr Linton and your followers.

  13. Young voter
    May 8, 2019

    I’m a young voter and I haven’t heard enough of the issues being spoken about to convince me to vote this election. I need to hear from both political leaders talk about moving this country forward after one of the most devastating hurricane of all times. I see great promises thus far but to much talking. I’m a Wesley voter and based on performance thus far leaning more to red.

  14. Marigot blue turn red
    May 8, 2019

    Let’s be honest what does uwp has to offer the Dominican people? An arrogant leader or promises that they don’t have a clue where it’s coming from. Give karesa a chance to build marigot.

  15. Marigot blue turn red
    May 8, 2019

    But where I be there nah. Dcans should only look at the progress after Maria and go to the poles only on issues. I’m saying 18 to 3 for the reds….dream on the blues.

  16. d-a born
    May 8, 2019

    Oh wow, both of my comments got deleted. I said nothing disrespectful. Ok then.

    ADMIN: As far as we can tell all your comments were approved. Please be more specific about the missing comment or you can try resubmitting it.

  17. Charlie
    May 8, 2019

    If wishes were Horses beggars would ride.You propaganda people must be Dreaming and really walking with eyes close.We Dominicans are not easily fooled

  18. Nacinimod
    May 8, 2019

    Chupes. I may be unhappy with the current PM but Linton is NOT the answer. If D/cans don’t want to fall further into the abyss, I recommend that they stay put with Skerrit. Better stick with the devil you know than the devil you don’t know .

    • Mr. Ben Dover
      May 9, 2019

      Thats why we have elections. If Lennox doesnt work then he can also be voted out. But you not going to stay there taking blows all your life just because after 19 years you are used to taking blows. What happen that alone they put you there for? IF lennox giving double the lashes, then vote him out as a country. Simple. But if miraculously he does exceptionally well, you would have lost nothing. I personally am not scared of change. And i know these people are not here forever.

    • Jack Sparrow
      May 9, 2019

      I don’t understand the last sentence of your paragraph…”Better stick with the devil you know than the devil you don’t know .”
      How can you call someone a devil ( In this case I believe you are referring to Lennox) if you don’t know him.
      Yes I understand you may know a devil (in this case you maybe referring to Skerrit)… But Devil for Devil, should both be given a fair and even chance. How is the Devil… that you yourself don’t even know if he is a devil, be worst than the Devil you know.
      I never know Devil have ranks … like Inspector Devil… Sergeant Devil… Corporal Devil and private Devil? 8-O :(
      Please explain???

  19. Jonathan Y St Jean
    May 8, 2019

    I knew that a blue wave was coming when I heard the bishop read the message from Pope Francis. Skerritt and his henchmen will not give up easily but the tide is against Labour, and their desperate acts make it more difficult to retain power. A house divided cannot stand. Only the UWP can stand in the way of its victory at the polls. The UWP leadership has to minimize mistakes and continue to take their positive message to the people. Even if most of the top brass if the police are stooges of Skerritt, there is such dissatisfaction in the force that I can’t see the blind loyalty turn to indiscriminate force against the citizens. Should that happen it will be 1979 all over again. History has a way of repeating itself. Dominica has had enough after 19 years.

  20. d-a born
    May 8, 2019

    This article is so naïve or just a propaganda piece. Anybody with two eyes and drop of common sense knows that it’s not qualifications and/or policy that win elections in D/ca. It’s all about tribalism and handouts on both sides. These politicians all put on a show during campaign runs, throwing maypwee and making accusations while their followers swallow that up, and scream and shout like is calypso show.

    The current gov’t is ineffective and I’d love to see them go but what does the opposition plan to do for the country, besides making accusations of corruption?

  21. super
    May 8, 2019

    grand fond was huge many person’s were unable to get to the village, however what blue wave most of the people unwanted workers party was appealing to are unable to come down and will sooner see a puff of blue smoke than a blue wave, Its coming.

  22. May 8, 2019

    Desperation, Desperation on the part of the UWP and its operatives. Perhaps a blue wave saying bye, bye to the UWP. If I was not in Dominica I would take this commentary seriously but seeing what is happening on the ground in Dominica, this commentary is just a joke. The DLP continues to attract massive crowds to its events, but for facebook and Q95 the UWP is silent.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 9, 2019

      Anon, you are in denial and you and your so called gang are shocked and surprise to see and witnessed the decency and professionalism f this UWP team, led by in coming Prime Minister Hon. Lennox Linton. You guys are on the run and feel the defeatist fever in your corrupt minds. Labour will go, they have damage our Domininca enough. Failed Skerrit and Failed corrupt Labour Party must Go. Go away, you all have failed us and hurt Dominica by reducing it to poverty. Shame on you all, and your corrupt hopeless Labour government.
      Labour corrupt government failed government must Go. You have failed, now go away. We await the new incoming Decent UWP government led by Hon Lennox Linton. Domininca needs change.

  23. love this Country
    May 8, 2019

    You must be living near the sea and looking at it way too much cuz quite frankly that’s the only blue wave ull be seeing or hearing. Do you even believe what you are writing? the PMs seat is a TOSS UP? Ok blue wave same silly talk every 5 years.

  24. John
    May 8, 2019

    Finn, if you are looking for more potassium that banana plant has plenty to strengthen your hair. The UWP will not win the next general election. Try and articulate it as pretty as you can, Lennox will not be the Prime Minister of Dominica. The one and only way UWP stand a chance, Lennox must step down. He has destroy his political career, and he is destroying the party.

  25. ??
    May 8, 2019

    Waw….what a load of baloney! The same SCL propaganda which has failed over and over again.

  26. Kermit
    May 8, 2019

    Thinking that skerrit is going to lose vielle case is a bit of a stretch and you lost me there.

    • May be Later- not now
      May 8, 2019

      @Kermit the writer said it is now a toss-up- What don’t you understand Red man?

    • d-a born
      May 8, 2019

      Exactly. That’s what makes me think this article is just a campaigning piece. It’s not realistic.

    • carlty
      May 8, 2019

      EXACTLY!!!! We need to be honest with ourselves!! That is like saying that DLP will win Marigot. No matter how handsome, or charming or sweet Junior is, he will NOT win the Vielle Case constituency and the young man knows that. If there is one parliamentary representative that is with his constituents and for his constituents, it’s Roosevelt Skerrit. His people appreciate him because since that man has been in government, he has never turned his back on them.

    • Laplaine Roots
      May 9, 2019

      Thinking that young in experienced Skerrit was going to defeat Vernice Bellony was also a stretch of the imagination. What happened? In politics, nothing is impossible.

      Joshua defeated Ambrose George in 2014. That was also a stretch of the imagination.

  27. Joseph John
    May 8, 2019

    Real good piece of campaign propagander . The Doc must be very cognitive of the Trump campaign attributes. Empty words with nothing to offer. This illusion to convince is like trying to touch the horizon. You can talk till dooms day with your eyes closed, you can write till you are blue in the face, you can fly all over like a blue bubble and burst but you cannot touch the RED HORISON…..”YOU CANT TOUCH RED”
    Waves, Tsunami ……the most destructive forces of nature. The natural terrorists. Is that what the UWP gang bangers want for us Dominicans ?They want to be our natural terrorists ? Is that what they were practicing and rehearsing with all their demonstrations with D-_Day . Is that the reason for their funds raising in North America and the Caribbean. Well we are ready like fready. We en fraid of em, or all their sound and fury signifying nothing .

    • viewsexpressed
      May 9, 2019

      Your dirty Red words are so right:, you clown………”you cannot touch the RED HORISON…..”YOU CANT TOUCH RED” We do not wish, want to Touch this corrupt, dirty, failed Red. It will stain us and has already Stained our Dominica, that is why the decent, competent Blue will cover up that Red corrupt dirty Labour Party away from our islands governance. Th Blue is well prepared, decent and will clean up the RED mess created by this corrupt failed Dirty Red Labour Party colour. Soo Joseph John, thanks for your views in helping us be critical of this failed Red dirty Labour Party. Red has killed our nature isle with a failed immature silly Odd Minister. Skerrit must Go, Corrupt Red Labour Party must go. They have failed us and we need Skerrit and his political failed gang must Go, get out, take your corrupt Red Dangerous party flag and go away, leave us, go mind all you Red Dirty Funky business. We do not need Skerrit and his failed Red corrupt Labour party. Skerrit must Go. UWP will be in

      • Joseph John
        May 9, 2019

        You are so funny. You would make a ok stand up comedian. As a comedian you do not need facts for your jokes. As a comedian you can make all kinds of fake accusations and your audience will laugh even if you are lying.
        I wonder if the credentials you are parading on DNO about your education is part of your humour.
        Do you know why your mentor and patriot was not arrested in Guyana for trying to crash a heads of government conference with his diplomatic passport. Because that was the best entertainment enjoyed. There is still laughter in government cycles from the Bahamas to Guyana. You hear laughter. He has now become the laughing stoke of the Caribbean. And you Sir, has become the shadow and an imitation of Paul King Douglas. And your patriot have become your main subject. YOU CANT TOUCH RED. None of you opposition gang bangers with the mobsters attributes can even come close.

      • Joseph John
        May 9, 2019

        Oh I forgot to add that you are a professional with fake insults…..funny man.

  28. Iamanidiot
    May 8, 2019

    I don’t think the UWP will win this election (sadly) enough people do not have the (as my mother would say) “upstairs” to think it’s over 10 years we spending millions on Geo thermal and geo thermal cannot even light a bulb in dominica or to see every 5 years there is promise of air port and hospital. But i agree that Dominica cannot afford it. We have to find ways to make money, passport and tax can probably maintain what we have, not give any thing new of that magnitude. Is just the sewo and the money in their hands
    So yea, I think UWP will lose again…sadly.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 9, 2019

      After 19 years in power, we have the 3rd highest unemployment rate in the Caribbean, and Dominica is on a trajectory to become the poorest Island in the Caribbean. The social indicators shows, 40 % of Dominican household live in indigent poverty.
      Skerrit have failed and this corrupt Labour government must Go

    • Joseph John
      May 9, 2019

      I do not have much “upstairs” so why should I follow a guy with even less upstairs than me. With my little upstairs I know that I will be better off and more comfortable with the present DLP. I see a change as a kick to downstairs. Just look at the rapid response to the devastation of Maria. The UWP and others fake leaders were a no show. M.I.A.
      If I experience any disaster in the future I know that the DLP have my back.
      Opposition forces are using all kinds of tricks, cons and propaganda to make us forget who rescued us after the Maria. They want is to think that they could do nothing because they are not in Cabinet. But what about D-Day in that same year ,2017. Were they in Cabinet. When they organize for all kinds of demonstrations, were they in Cabinet, but they could not organize to help in our time of most desperation. Bottom line is WHICH LEADER WAS THEIR TO GIVE HOPE , to keep our hope alive. That act of national love must be appreciated instead of uwp empty promises

  29. LaPlaine Observer
    May 8, 2019

    This is a joint venture by members of both parties in an unprecedented effort to rescue Dominica from the debilitating hands of this DLP cabal. After 19 years in power, we have the 3rd highest unemployment rate in the Caribbean, and Dominica is on a trajectory to become the poorest Island in the Caribbean. The social indicators shows, 40 % of Dominican household live in indigent poverty.

    • Joe Linton
      May 8, 2019

      LaPlaine Observer
      1. “we have the 3rd highest unemployment rate in the Caribbean, ”
      2. “Dominica is on a trajectory to become the poorest Island in the Caribbean”
      3. “The social indicators shows, 40 % of Dominican household live in indigent poverty.”

      Can you direct us to the empirical data that supports your 3 statements? I suspect your source is from the Professor of IDIOCY LENNOX LINTON!!!! If am wrong please tell us otherwise!!!

      • LaPlaine Observer
        May 8, 2019

        Source: United Nations Development Programme. (UNDP) 2018

      • viewsexpressed
        May 9, 2019

        These blind labour supporters dont read, no research and only spew out the dirty garbage given out by this corrupt labour Labour government. The days of this labour clowns are fast coming.
        Skerrit must Go……Labour must Go….They have failed us Dominicans and now have us in poverty.

  30. Joe Linton
    May 8, 2019

    Mr. Finn, our elections are based on ‘First pass the Post’ , i know you may not remember that being you in exile for such a long time, please tell us which seats the UWP going to win that will make up the 11 to pass the post.. UWP is trailing the DLP 17-4 Dominicans are NOT UNGRATEFUL as you Blue people think we are, maybe those of you in exile are but we at home are not!!! We love our country and is happy with what’s taking place UWP on the other hand is constantly preaching HATE and inciting violence can you imagine the BLUE leader telling BAWI people to stone policemen? can you just imagine that and you think we will put a Dictator like that in power, on D-Day Feb. 7, 2017 the man said the Police cannot tell him when to stop his meeting and created chaos in the city… he is not worthy to lead us!!!!

    Lennox is the one obsess with Skerrit, playback some of his utterances and count the number of times Skerrit name was mentioned, countless!!!!

    • Johnson
      May 8, 2019

      You clearly know it all! Good luck and wallowing in your ignorance, after all that’s what you and your comrades are really good at.

    • Joseph John
      May 8, 2019

      Remember these numbers…… 21 to 0 for 2020…..There are three 0’s in that formula.
      D =0
      F =0
      P= 0
      This postmodern algebra means that tears and knashing of teeth for the loss of deposits for all those opposition gangbangers. Wow.

      • BC
        May 8, 2019

        You so wish that was the case in 2019. Dominicans are smarter and are in quiet mode. Wait and see

      • Joe Linton
        May 8, 2019

        DLP 17- 1. Grand Bay, 2. Petite Savanne, 3. Scotts Head, 4. Roseau South, 5. Roseau Valley, 6. Roseau Central, 7. Mahaut, 8. St Joseph, 9. Colihaut, 10. Portsmouth, 11. Cottage, 12. Paix Boushe, 13. Vieille Case, 14. Wesley, 15. Castle Bruce, 16. Grand Fond, 17. Laplaine.

        However there is constituencies that are still indecisive and may well turn to DLP namely, Roseau North and Kalinago Territory (depends on the new Candidate), and Salisbury….. but wait that’s a possible 20 to 1 and Marigot may not come home this time but it won’t be the usual walkover!!!!!

        No amount of writing on DNO can change the facts on the ground…. I am now asking Lennox and his UWP to accept and concede to his lost because Skerrit eh going nowhere!!!!!! Oh and also tell him and his followers the election will follow the same pattern that saw different parties getting into office and there will be no violence after we the people get our victory!!!!!!

  31. One Love
    May 8, 2019

    You public annoyances is irrelevant now. On a Daily basis you are ducking behind a symbol %, why don’t you use your time to complete High School. History will not be made in Dominica, because we don’t want an uneducated leader. No Dominicans are very intelligent people. Get a life and start functioning like a person of intelligence, instead of Lin-Clown.

    • Uni
      May 8, 2019

      Skerritt has his degree in begging. The man has no common sense whatsoever. Time for u to go Skerritt

      • Joe
        May 8, 2019

        UNI Skerrit will go when we the voters say so not your typing on DNO!!!

    • Joseph John
      May 8, 2019

      This Doc is a good actor-writer, or script fiction maker. He is a great ghost writer with various fake names. I peg him for five. You do not have to be an expert in methodology to dictect multiple duplicity.
      When you talk about a fake leader do you mean Lean -Oxx Lin-conman, as fake as his photoshop pictures.
      Does his real pictures make you think of the writer who wrote that Cassius had ” a mean and hungry look ” and that such men are dangerous and distructive ?

      • May 8, 2019

        Joseph John, you have satisfied my curiosity. I always thought that there was no such Dr. Emmanuel Finn person in reality–pertaining to this News Blog

        That thought came to my mind a few years ago, when I read something from that so-called Dr. Emmanuel Finn, which is just like the words that I read from a person, who is far from being a man–it had me questioning the writer of that article.

        So your comment has brought me a lot closer to believe that Dr. Emmanuel Finn is a “great fake”. I wonder what is the hidden secret.

    • %
      May 8, 2019

      @ One Love..That’s not Linton at all.I am a lover of Dominica
      I completed high school my friend, completed sixth form college as well with flying colors too. Grade ‘B’ in Advanced Maths and ‘C’ in Advanced Economics and ‘B’ in General Paper…So get a life sir/madam!! Patriot Linton is my role model..
      Skerrit Must Go
      Skerrit Must Go
      LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now

      • Joseph John
        May 9, 2019

        This is the best joke of all. Now I see the sarcastic irony of your comments. You are well educated. You did not eat your school fees, but you claim that a man with an NDE is your model. You claim that a man who went on international television (CNN) to disparage Dominica and Dominicans is your patriot. You are a very funny man. So the greatest joke would be on all Dominicans if we would be stupid enough to remove Skerro.
        Can I add to your scam jokes. Can I add that those non-Cabinet members who went M.I.A. re Maria should be called our heroes. That we should have a ceremony for them and honour them with knighthoods. Ha ha ha ha. Funny man.

      • Joseph John
        May 9, 2019

        So to what good use are you putting your education or have put your education? you write under a fake name and your only coherents are “Skerrit must go”. Then you print your mumble jumble of insults and fake accusations like a first grader. You have no concept of world view or writing in the first, second or third person. So not only do you write under a fake name ,you also make fake claims to a good education. You must be like your fake leader, your patriot and model who was expelled in form one. He looked through a thesaurus to make him sound like Simbot .
        You can insult me till until you get bluer parches in your faceand your body like a rash, but you cannot stop me from posting. You attempts to use shame and guilt like blackmail willhave no effect. I can do worst than you in the insults but I will not stoop to your extremely low level. That low level belong to your fellow opposition gang bangers and mobsters, and looters and scamers.

  32. %
    May 8, 2019

    Skerrit is fully aware that his wicked rule is basically over! . That’s why at Grand Fond, instead of promoting Gretta, he went straight at patriot Linton!! Many people left the rally disappointed at Skerrit’s behaviour. One labour supporter said he (Skerrit) smirked, frowned and was foaming in anger when mentioning Linton’s name! Another disappointed supporter said he mentioned Linton’s name 49 times..I estimated it to be 70 times.. I am hoping Dom inicans get to know the source of this lavish spending!!
    OMG look squandermania!! Look $$$$$$$ wastage while some people are under tarpaulin.
    Skerrit Must Go
    Skerrit Must Go
    LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now

    • Joseph John
      May 9, 2019

      What wicked rule. He was not the one who went on a radiothon to scam people to pay his legal bills for lying. He is asking for transparency :no one know how much he collected.

      • Joseph John
        May 10, 2019

        Then he punish his followers to follow him from Layou to Roseau lie a judas goat making them believe that he was going to give them a reward. This man really have the gift of gab . He can sell snow to Eskimos and ice to the Icelanders. Was he an agent who sold bay front property in Arizona ? Is he training you to improve your fake name and fake accusations ?

  33. jamie
    May 8, 2019

    I am for this change,but my question is,will this same for of government continue,wheras only supporters of uwp get jobs,housing and favors,i know a few that is just waiting for that and it should not be,but when and if it happens,will be saying as i see it,if we want change it should be for all and not some to benefit.Lennox many of these supporters are only in it for what they can get.

    • time has told
      May 8, 2019

      all i want, is for jobs to be created where the majority of dominicans can find work . I want it to have soooo much work, that foreigners have to come in and settle here to in order to increase our population. The handouts have to stop. that doesnt help the country. We need to start producing, at a level that is acceptable for export.

  34. WHAT!!!
    May 8, 2019

    The winds of change are blowing, the question is, do Dominicans have the intestinal fortitude to demand and accept these changes.

  35. Is Me
    May 8, 2019

    Poor pity %, that’s all you can do is dream and hallucinate at the same time. My boy Karasa, is giving you a run of your life in Marigot. Mr. Mad man of Roseau was chased out of Bath Estate. Monel in St. Joe still looking for a boot cham. In the Soufier Constituency the bus driver turned you down. Now look at the Cottage area, you have 5 followers, that you could not even launch him in his own constituency. Gasso me mal tet is that how you are going with the blue wave, but you will drown in the RED SEA. Satan has his followers and favorites%. Your town hall meeting in such a big village of St. Joe was attended by 10 faithful supporters. Run on your accomplishments and not your con artist mouth %.

    • Frank N Stein
      May 8, 2019

      @Is me I was trying to read your post as if it was from a real person but when I reach on Karasa, apart from your ridiculous spelling, I realise you are some sort of retard or idiot. Karasa as you call him will not even campaign cuz he know its a waste of time. Lagoon is part of the cottage constituency but you are too retarded to know that. Your doctor in Sen Jo cant even speak. I mean you have a right to be optimistic but you also have to make sense, So you are dismissed with a laugh :mrgreen: :mrgreen: good thing we cant see your face, too embarassing.

      • Is Me
        May 8, 2019

        My Doc in St. Joe has a degree that is recognized world wide, so keep it up. Your Marigot man has a Bagass Degree, that was obtained by throwing stones, after being expelled. Get a life Frank, this isn’t an English class, stay blue vex with your insane insults. 👠👠🦍👠

      • Joe Linton
        May 8, 2019

        Frank N Stein why do you people love insulting and calling people names?? you couldn’t make your opposing point without trying to insult the writer, The person is no retarded.

        Now you said the Doc. in St. Cannot Talk, but looking at her life achievement and compare to the Senator from St. Joe i think the Doc has done all talking she needs to talk maybe you need to encourage the senator to Rise as well!!!

        Con Artistes are the Best Talkers remember that!!! So it’s not about who can or cannot talk it’s about who can or cannot do the work and by their works we will know them and do the right thing!!!

    • First time voter
      May 8, 2019

      Is me.I think u need to learn your constituencies. Lagoon Portsmouth is in the Cottage consistency so please know your facts.please educate yourself before coming here to make baseless comments.

      • Marigot blue turn red
        May 8, 2019

        He just writing like a man in a hurry but hold on bro election soon come to get all you volay. Think Dominicans stupid. The treasury all you want to drink like 1995 to 2000.

    • %
      May 8, 2019

      You are “,high””.No sir/madam I am not contesting any constituency. I am not a politician. Wake up from that deep sleep..
      I cannot write or speak like patriot Linton. However if my writing appeals to you, thank you, because I know patriot Linton can write!
      Skerrit Must Go
      Skerrit Must Go
      LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now

      • Joseph John
        May 9, 2019

        What has patrinot Lin-scamton has written. We know he can outshine any talking head, but write ? When did you teach him, last night. I am not even sure he can read. If he could read and write even better than a “G-O-Go” student he would know that a diplomatic passport does not entitle you to a seat at a Heads of Government conference.

    • Joseph John
      May 9, 2019

      @ Is me….have you heard of a Judas goat. Well O% (zero percent % is one of the followers of the biggest Judas goat of all. He is an educated follower and his patriot is has an NDE. Lean -oxx Lin-csamton NDE.

  36. %
    May 8, 2019

    “Make Way For The Blue”.
    Skerrit can buy
    Skerrit Can Sell
    Skerrit Can Spend ($$$$)
    But Skerrit Cannot Win Linton!!!
    Skerrit Must Go
    Skerrit Must Go
    LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now

    • Joseph John
      May 10, 2019

      Says the educated man with the NDD while his hero has a NDE. They both went to school at midnight on Saturdays in August.

  37. Pipo
    May 8, 2019

    I hope you rightDr. Finn and perhaps this time David will defeat Goliath. Such things can happen as history tells us. After all, last night Liverpool beat mighty Barcelona against al expectation and all the four goals scored by black players under a German manager. Unbelievable but true. That could not have happened many years ago. Yes Sir, believe in yourself can create true miracles.

  38. Bwa-Banday
    May 8, 2019

    I call it a Blue Tsunami! Once it strikes and the water recedes to a calm state, the chips will fall where they may to ensure justice prevails and the development process begins. It’s going to take a lot of sweat and tears to drag Ma Dominique from the doldrums of hate and evil that have been imposed on her children for the last 19 years. The Republican Guard and Chemical Ali will not be able to stop we the people if Dr.Dictator fails to relinquish office. God is good all the time…

  39. time has told
    May 8, 2019

    All i want to say is that i implore and urge the UWP NOT to make the place look ugly and untidy like how DLP has done with all their red strips of cloth everywhere. The country already not well kept, they have the place looking more untidy and like a dump. The people already know who they are going to vote and who they arent going to vote for. Putting up a set of blue to try and compete with the red mess that is already all over the place will not change the polls. So to me, there is no need to do so. also, that can be used as a tactic to make the red think that the blue doesnt have any support since they not even seeing blue cloth and paraphernalia to try and match their red. But on election day, BAM! surprise! It is also a waste of money in my opinion. we have to be practical and ingenious, and i believe this election doesnt need a set of blue all over the place. The blue supporters have been waiting for elections and no amount of cloth on light polls, red or blue will change that.

  40. SeeNoEvil
    May 8, 2019

    What a pile of horse manure. Where is the empirical data to support this claim? You sound like a rambling lunatic. Blue wave?? Laughable. What’s important in your work of fiction is that you mentioned the uwp now flying all over to meet Dominicans. What ever happened to overseas vote illegal?? Ohh I see illegal for one set eh? David vs Goliath money? Where your party getting money from to rack up air miles as you put it?? A lot of you who living in exile love preaching nonsense eh waiting hoping to return…….blue wave…..laughable

    • Neville
      May 8, 2019

      I know, the truth hurts…

  41. Victor T
    May 8, 2019

    Very well written. I hope every citizen is going to read this and reflect. I also hope that every member of the Dominica Police Force remembers the oath they swore. You are to serve your country and protect your homeland. You are not to protect the interests of a political party or members of the government and that includes Skerrit. Skerrit is a well paid servant of this country and he would do well to remember that!

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