DLP launches seven new candidates

Four women form part of the DLP team
Four women form part of the DLP team

Seven new candidates were introduced at the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) national campaign launch held at the Dame Eugenia Charles Boulevard in Roseau on Saturday night.

The candidates are Athenia Benjamin representing the Wesley Constituency, Catherine Daniel for the Colihaut Constituency, Dr. Martin Christmas representing the Marigot Constituency, Roselyn Paul for the Paix Bouche Constituency, Casius Darroux for the Salybia Constituency, Nicholls “Shanks” Esprit representing the Salisbury Constituency, and the return of Ian Pinard who in 2005 won the labour seat in the Soufriere Constituency.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said he is ecstatic to be the leader of the first political party in the Eastern Caribbean to launch a total of four “qualified women” as part of the DLP’s line-up out of 21 candidates.

“Just under 20 percent of candidates on the platform this evening are women,” the prime minister said. “No other political party in the Eastern Caribbean has achieved that feat…”

Meantime, in terms of financing the DLP’s campaign, the prime minister said this is done by “friends and well-wishers” not by “uncle or auntie in London, Canada or USA.”

“I am proud to be the leader of a party that could produce and provide a campaign launch of this magnificence….a campaign launch of such excellence,” he stated. “And let me make one thing clear, this campaign is not financed by no uncle or auntie in London, Canada or USA. This campaign has been ably assisted by friends and will-wishers of the Dominica Labour Party from across the globe.”

He described the DLP as a party that is taken “seriously by our allies and associates.”

“We were assisted in the past and we spent the money wisely and with transparency,” he said. “And that is why the same persons who assisted us ten years ago, assisted us five years ago are again assisting us in this campaign. They trust us because we can be trusted.”

The DLP leader stated that his party did not receive millions of dollars in campaign contributions during the last general election and confined it to the pockets and accounts of its leaders.

“We spent what we were given on the campaign and we are doing the same thing now. That’s why we are trusted,” he stated.

Skerrit said the United Workers Party (UWP) is not trusted by its financiers.

“That’s why I am aware of every single item in our containers because they are what I ordered and they are what I authorized,” he noted. “Nobody bundled together what they felt like, and sent it to Dominica for me to distribute. For us, those colonizing days are gone. The other people will be waiting, with bated breath for Monday afternoon, to see what is contained in the parcel that arrived at the port on Thursday. The European colonizers said ‘we gave you money in the past, and a few guys pocketed the money…we not doing that again. That is why the election was called since last Wednesday and up to now they don’t have a single poster, a single new T-shirt, a single cap to wear or give a supporter because Big Daddy does not trust them with money.”

Skerrit said he is committed in ensuring that all seven new candidates are elected to parliament on December 8, 2014.

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  1. mahaut roro
    November 12, 2014

    The prime minister keep badmouthing the uwp on jot having money to campaign and also have people badmouthing the uwp that they are ppor but where and since when skeritt become rich? By whose money did his money drop from the sky? I hope the oild coming in the barrels from venezuela is only oil. The americans watching!!!!!! As a christian nation we have become so full of vanity becuase dominican never used poverty and vanity to measure its people if so skeritt woukd have never become the prime minister and further if the holy bible is true jesus came in a cow dung infested straw sheep pen!!!!!!!!

  2. mahaut roro
    November 12, 2014


  3. CDB
    November 12, 2014

    La Cathrine ka ahlae???????

    If Colihaut Bioche n Dublanc know what is best for them they would never vote for that woman.

    after elections see if allu will see her!!!! moi ca veti zor eh

    All skerrit have on his ticket is people who have something to gain and not people looking out for the people on the ground.

  4. Son of the Soil
    November 12, 2014

    I am going to vote for Labour because they have posters, t-shirt and caps. I am not voting for UWP because they do not have posters and caps. What a country. Petty, petty, pretty.

  5. November 12, 2014

    i feel sorry for my villagers thats all i can say. when i take a vacation to dominica and see the state of all my young vieille case padnas eating from hand to mouth and just waiting for skerritt to come up to give them a 50 ec it hurts my heart. 50 ec you real nigga you real ? teach a man to fish dont give him a fish to eat. give them fellas jobs not 50 ec when you come up

  6. I'm Just Saying
    November 11, 2014

    The most important thing to ask is:
    Why change/fire candidates towards the end?
    This is so short sightedness, but this is the MO of the DLP… thanks for handing over seven sure seats to the UWP
    :-D :-D :-D :-D

    • Anonymous
      November 12, 2014

      I thought change was a must and not an option? I thought change is good? sTop making yourself a pappyshow online nah :mrgreen:

  7. Cherry
    November 11, 2014

    “Shanks” I wish you well.

    Do you have the integrity and courage of your late father Ellis Jno.-Charles of Salisbury?

    Ellis Jno.-Charles was a great debater, and politician.
    He had the guts to stand as an independent during elections and the balls to take on Howel Shillingford, when the said Shillingford stole his mother’s/family land on the Grand Savannah in Salisbury over 50 years or so ago.

    Howel Shillingford was a politician (a “gros boug”) who helped himself to land which was not his. It seems, Savan Batallie was not enough for Howell he had to have more.

    This was political corruption at the highest level by the man who represented the village of Salisburyduring the 1950s and 1960s.
    His was not a case of, what can I do for my constituents? Oh no, it was, what can I steal from my constituents?

    Ellis Jno.-Charles lost everything during the struggle and died untimely; Howel lived into his ripe old age.

    Yes, “Shanks” Ellis fought for land, but he fought for what was rightfully his.

    If you are half the man your late father was, you will shine. You will be seen by the wise, but despised by the sharks.

    Good luck!

  8. MAGICIAN PM!!!!!!!
    November 11, 2014

    Skerrit Garcon…You put back the 5% but Dominican public servants were too blind or too dumb to realize the
    re-instated 5%.

    That is what I getting from your speech.

    Garcon stop dis-respecting our hard working people!!!!!!

  9. Anonymous
    November 11, 2014

    “No other political party in the Eastern Caribbean has achieved that feat…”

    That is a big lie!! A simple Google search of the St.Lucia General Elections in 2011 will show that there were 4 women candidate on the St.Lucia Labour Party ticket. This represents 4 out of 17 seats or 23.5 % better and before DLP’s 4 out of 21 or 19.04 % in 2014.

  10. SMH!!!!!!!
    November 11, 2014

    Skerrit Boy….You used our poor people, then the churches and you are still not satisfied now the women our mothers!!

    Garcon you must pay!!!!

  11. Yuyu
    November 11, 2014

    DLP you all made a big mistake by changing Mrs. Shillingford and replacing her with Miss Benjamin. Mark my word the change will cause the party to loose that seat. The Wesley seat is a sure seat for the UWP

    • Truth
      November 12, 2014

      Is it they that change or the woman finish with that?

  12. Truth
    November 11, 2014

    The LABOUR PARTY under Skerrit has fail Dominica
    Socially and

    so change is a must

    • Truth
      November 12, 2014

      But they have won and boosted the country

      by giving People of this country Social Dignity
      by preventing a collapse of the economy
      by making Dominicans proud to return

      So change is not necessary

      • Reverse and ComeBack
        November 12, 2014

        Preventing the collapse of the economy? or perpetuating it?

        Price of living has increased over the past decade- busfares have gone up. Raisin Buns went from $0.50 to $1.50, bread has gone up to $1.25. Coconuts has gone from $1 to $2. The value of the money in our hands has been steadily decreasing. We can do less and less with our salaries and they are going down too and in some places disappearing.

        With the influx of chinese stores in the country who had and still have tax exemptions and government subsidies locally owned businesses were forced to shut down left and right as they could not compete. This actually CONTRIBUTED to the collapsing of our economy because small business owners and entrepreneurs were put out of jobs indirectly by the chinese.

        Educationally…all of the university graduates the DLP loves to boast they have no jobs to return to or have you not noticed? So they leave or seek jobs in their country of study instead of coming home to be frustrated, causing a brain drain.

        I’m sorry, but I see no social dignity in saying that my people are ignorant, that as a young person in Dominica my future in my country looks bleak

  13. Francisco Telemaque
    November 11, 2014

    Skerrit is a man who uses people as scapegoats to protect his very own incompetence! Psychology, by firing the seven, he is impressing on the nation that the fired seven are the ones responsible for his failure. If he wins the election, he will continue in his old ways.

    He plays the victim every time, he pretends is the perfect one, and everybody who revolves around him are at fault; Skerrit has reached his peak: he has no more silly little tricks up his selves. The new seven if they win their seats; Skerrit will use them as robots, and like puppets, on a string when it suits his purpose he will get his Barbadian brain to write a script for him; since he cannot use his mediocre intelligence to think and write anything for himself; then he will pass it on to the puppet of the day he will be using to go on Television, and in general to the media who will read the script as their own. We know that has happened; take someone as academically educated and intelligent as that guy Daroux: a medical doctor by profession, the crap, that man goes to the media reading with his head down, and focus on the script like an inebriated chicken anybody with intelligence will realize the man is scripted.

    People like that when they are through reading the script, if you ask them a question pertaining to what the said, they cannot give an halfway appropriate answer: because the words they read are not from their own thoughts. That is a sad way for anyone to live. Their body mind and sole are dominated, and taken over by a dictator. You take someone as highly academically educated as my cousin Gloria, Dodds (Dods) Shillingford; a woman how is much better educated than Roosevelt Skerrit, she could not deliver anything to the people in the constituencies she represents. So, now he replaced her, he will tell the people of Wesley, Gloria failed to perform; well we know that to be a lie since Gloria has a long established reputation for delivering, she delivered in her career as an educator.

    We know why she could not do anything for the people; it is not a quiz; it is because the government of Dominica is a one man band, Skerrit is “the government, and no minister of government can do anything for anyone except Skerrit dictates who gets what and when. There are a few ministers who are in a position and for whatever reason they know Skerrit cannot touch them, and those are the ones who are as rich as Skerrit; the metaphor states: “Birds of a Feather Flocked Together.” If I know your secrete, If I am aware of your deeds, and can use the information I have to damage you, and screw up your life, even if you caught my hand in the cookie Jar, you can’t touch me, because if you say anything about the crime I committed, I will expose yours too!

    When a Prime Minister fired one of his ministers three of four times, and each time the Prime minister recalls the fired one, and in return deputized him as his replacement in his absents that is something the public should think about. If I am corrupt, and you my boss is also corrupt, more corrupt than I am, what can you do to me? You cannot fire me, if you do, I will take you down with me, and that is what has played out in Skerrit’s government

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Francisco Telemaque
      November 11, 2014

      “a woman how is much better educated than Roosevelt Skerrit, she could not ”

      Well, I usually error you see: the above should read “a woman who is much better educated than Roosevelt Skerrit, she could not.” All-you know how dis kid here perfect, he doh error, like other people this might be my only sin!


      Now I hope nobody believe that crap, cause ah full ah sin oui!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  14. November 11, 2014

    Jealousy is really met sousai

  15. November 11, 2014

    Passports have been sold since the days of Freedom Party, and UWP continued . Why DLP cannot sell passports too?

    • Francisco Telemaque
      November 12, 2014

      Indeed passport has been sold by the DFP, and the UWP, nevertheless in the process neither the UWP nor the DFP sold our national travel document to any known criminals, If they did it is not known!

      However, we now know for a fact that there are criminals, connected to the Italian mafia who have Dominica diplomatic passport in their hand.

      We know for a fact Skerrit sold diplomatic passports to Italian criminals who posses as a Dominica diplomat; and that is the difference between the DFP, UWP, and the DLP, and in particular Skerrit’s administration.

      Not only has Skerrit allow our passports to be sold to criminals; some of the people he contracted to sell the passport have become rich, by retaining more than half the money of all the sale they made, some people such as a China woman escaped with many millions of our money; there are also Dominicans who became filthy rich by selling passports, and keeping the money.

      It is not always “what is good for the goose is good for the gander.” Then you need to ask Skerrit where he gets all of the money he claimed he used to feed so many hungry people in the country. Ask him what is his source of the millions it takes to feed all of his poor unemployed children, and peasants, over which he presides like a god!

      We know Skerrit’s salary, even if he spends it all feeding people cannot sustain as many people as he claimed he has fed, unless he is a liar, he should be prepared to disclosed the source of that money he used to feed all of Dominica.

      You think about that for a moment, perhaps then and only then you will come to your senses!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  16. November 11, 2014

    born again this is just a dream, which may interpret something else. The DLP is and will surely win this election. Wait and u and the UWP rites will see. Today I heard a UWP Supporter said that he is a UWP supporter but the DLP IS going to win this Election.

    • Truth
      November 12, 2014

      I heard that too. Those UWP candidates that have the youths (young girls) all kinds of hours out campaigning all over with them, the girls like the FUN but they are saying that they know that the UWP will not win.

  17. catholic priest
    November 11, 2014

    Here are some reasons we voting our new lord jesus:
    1. We love Skerrit because we got $500K from him even if we knew doing this was as wrong as going to hell.

    2. We love him so much that we marry him even if we knew that it contradicted our beliefs since his wife was previously married and her husband is still alive.

    3. We love him and will continue to allow him to use our holy pulpit even if we know he drinking water all over

    4. We love him because he giving us money now for now, compared to the time it takes to get money from God when we pray to Jesus. We don’t even need to have faith to get from him.
    Just give us money skerrit and we will continue to do and say everything you want us to do for you.

  18. 2bfree
    November 11, 2014

    His campaign financing came from *friends and well wishers* he said. In a democratic world where transparency, honesty and integrity is the order of the day; people who give money to finance a campaign should be an open book. In Dominica and according to the laws of the Honorable PM, campaign financiers should be a well kept secret.
    I would much rather my aunties and uncles and pahweh and nennen send me money any day, to do what I have to do, than to have money given to me by questionable sources…people with hidden agendas, who of-course want something for the money they give. At what cost dear PM? Open the book and let us know who these friends and well wishers are, let us know how much they’re giving, let us judge for ourselves if they are really friends and well wishers of Dominica.

    • Truth
      November 12, 2014

      Because UWP do not have campagin money that is why your mouth open wide talking, but if they had gotten from your source who do not have names either, you would still have a problem. Tell us who are the uncles, nenen and pahwen, these are not names.

  19. God's son
    November 11, 2014

    The hand of God will rescue us from the hands of the labor party they have started to crumble.Dominicans keep your eyes on Jesus not on a man who does nothing for you. Where are the ministers voted by the people of Dominica, why change so many of them at the 11th hour. Dominicans it is time to open your eyes.

  20. Rebecca Theodore
    November 11, 2014

    If anyone took the time to question the credentials and qualifications of some of these candidates, then, with a google search it will be concluded that some of the universities they claim to have attended simply don’t exist or if it exist, there are no records of their attendance….

    • Anonymous
      November 11, 2014

      All you does make laugh :mrgreen:

  21. November 11, 2014

    Alas poor Dominican the man is not talking about jobs and how he’s gonna develope the country,He talking a hand out and these people saying labor working.You people have the internet now,go online and see how life goes on in the world.I feel sorry for my people.God please help.

    • Truth
      November 12, 2014

      Where have u been? He is not a wishful thinker like Lennox. He is giving jobs and saying who sponsored the initiative, not promising with no source of funding!!!!!

  22. Delvin Castro Mills
    November 11, 2014

    This is a bad move by my leader, I hope he does not expect me to continue to support him in destroying my labor party. He is a one man show. I had enough he has the ministers living in fear. I can see him killing the labor party like mano did to the Freeedom party.

  23. who 2 vote 4?
    November 11, 2014

    I honestly prefer Skerrit than Lennox since Skerrit is a people’s person verses Lennox that always seems to be too serious and unfriendly. Partywise, I have been a laborite all of my life and although I do not hate UWP like I hated DFP, I still love my DLP. However, as far as who is better for Dominica at this time I believe Lennox and UWP are better and that’s why I will be voting UWP this time. I see trouble and danger ahead and just to help save my country, I shall vote against my party and against Skerrit I have known in a personal way for a long time, verses Lennox I have NEVER kept a conversation with. I don’t see this election as Labor verses UWP but rather, voting to save Dominica verses voting to destroy Dominica and therefore I voting to save Dominica. I hope many of my fellow DLP supporters will help us do just that because Dominica at this time needs us more than ever before. PLEASE READ EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU THUMBS ME UP OR DOWN!!!!

    • Nzingha
      November 11, 2014

      I agree with you. Mr Skerrit and co. are in the process of reversing and dismantling all the gains that were instituted and built on from Mr Leblanc to 2004.We Dominicans are loosing our land,our self-confidence,our independence,our prosperity and eventually our souls.All those things that Mr Leblanc nurtured and fought for.. They are like the middle men who sold us into slavery except they are worse they have a pretty good idea of what awaits our children in the future.That is what this election is really about, stopping them before it’s all lost.

  24. "Go to Hell"
    November 11, 2014

    As I look at the picture above I could clearly recognized my good friend Roselyn Paul of Paix Bouche. But seeing she is replacing my very good friend, Matthew Walter, I am asking if she really knows why Skerrit and Matthew who by the way named Skerrit “jesus,” fell out. and even faught? Is she stronger than Matthew? Can she fight? Doesn’t she herself have a young daughter? Isn’t she a single mother unlike Matthew who is a man and has a wife? As a daughter of the former EO Leblanc DLP cabinet member I am asking myself why would another villager and church person want to be in in politics with Skerrit.

  25. Gulfstream
    November 11, 2014

    Are the supporters of UWP expressing disgust to the inclusion of women to the DLP team? What a shame!!! Women are the ones that are at the forefront of our economic development…… from the home to school to the workplace. DLP leadership understands this very clearly and this is true respect to our mothers and daughters…. great move PM.

  26. victory
    November 11, 2014

    We have broken all chains of ignorance, evil, hexes, cults and malice about the future of this country. The Skerrit led administration continues to deliver to the people of Dominica. Much was done and much more will be done… the list is unending and his work is rather visible. We show too much hate when we do not support an individual. It is time that we grow up as a Nation and ensure that we put Dominica in the hands of caring and concerned people. Too much negativity pervade the camp of the UWP that’s why we are giving the DLP the mandate again to take Dominica to an international standard. I love my country. Go PM you are on the right track. The masses are behind you. The HEAVENLY FATHER is covering you with His blood always to continue reaching out to the less fortunate. He is blessing you richly because you have a caring heart. We love you PM Skerrit. God bless us all in Dominica.

    November 11, 2014

    your untruthful words skerrit will not take you anywhere. stop deceiving people. UWP don’t have new t-shirts and caps to give their supporters? That’s a lie but then it’s okay with your supporters. You would be well prepared with all your goodies to give to your blind supporters because you are the only one who knew the date of election. Which is unfair . There needs to be a set date for election!

    A matter of fact we don’t need any of these things; t-shirt, caps, posters etc to support UWP Team Dominica and to vote you out.
    Your illuminati! You need prayers

  28. royal boy
    November 11, 2014

    wellsa mrMr.skeritt is ssashamed now? He told Lennox is not his damm business where labour get its monies to campaign now he come telling us is from friends and well wishers across the globe.,not from uncles,aunties etc in London,Canada and USA . who ask him? His very conscience is digging him. We not even shore who those friends etc are . but we are sure of the uncles and aunties, they are true patriots of Dominica so is now we can tell him go to hell.because u know what if he don’t make his heart right that’s where he’s gonna go. God bless team Dominica for pushing hard so Mr.skeritt can be on his pews and cues.

  29. November 11, 2014

    The old people always say don’t leave what you have for something you don’t see UWP was there already people and iwhat we got only one term if they were so good why didn’t they return to power

  30. Brave Hart
    November 11, 2014

    Dear DNO and other media houses in Dominica your job in this campaign is to ensure that our politicians speak the truth to the people. PM Skerrit said that just under 20% (19.05% to be exact) a feat achieved by no other political party in the Eastern Caribbean. A statement further exaggerated by Ms. Kamala Jno. BAPTISTE AARON. Simple research by media houses could confirm that the PM either didn’t have the facts or he intended to mislead Dominicans.
    In the 2013 elections in Grenada 5 out of 15 candidates (33.33%) for the NNP were women. In the 2011 elections in St. Lucia the SLP had 4 out of 17 (23.5%) who were women. Can we trust our PM and Ms. Kamala Jno. Baptiste Aaron?

    • Brave Hart
      November 11, 2014

      Please note he was speaking of women candidates

  31. Shaka zulu
    November 11, 2014

    Friends and well wishers huh!!!! I guess election in Dominica is more important to them cause they are the ones benefiting most from what is going on.

    We have such a long way to go in our thinking. Liberation did not do some of us black people anything good. A man like skeritt that taught critical thinking at CDCC should do better to change the level of political thinking. Instead, he is feasting on ignorance. Crap in leads to crap out.

    • Cah-C-Bruce
      November 11, 2014

      God bless and well said Shaka Zulu.

  32. george Fontaine
    November 11, 2014

    Seven novices?

    • Anonymous
      November 11, 2014

      Fontaine you should take back this very disrespectful comment to the women who are fully qualified along with the men. This is a reflection of blue ignorance & disrespect, no wonder Dominicans are tired of this nonsense & UWP will lose the election again.

    • November 11, 2014

      DNO who are the candidates that Skerrit replaced can you tell us who they are we want to know .

  33. Jaime Lewis
    November 11, 2014

    What does receiving items from containers have to do with future performance? Does it not only continue to instill in us that we are only worth hand-outs? We are not fooled by what the PM is handing out. We do not want 5 more years of hand-outs. We need JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. We need economic development. We need an environment that is welcoming to tourists and returning Dominicans. We need a future for our children. We need safe shelters and rehab centers for the drug users and homeless people roaming the Roseau streets. We need well funded NGOs to help improve our human services. When the empty containers are returned to wherever they came from, what will be left? Mr. PM, we need more than your containers!

    • Mwen
      November 11, 2014

      There must be some jobs in the containers.

  34. former captain
    November 11, 2014

    As a former cricket captain I knew very well that we should NEVER change a winning team. For Skerrit to fire 7 members of the team that he himself said delivered, is further proof that he is admitting that the team failed and therefore needed to drop 25% of the team. Is he trying to FOOL us again? Did he not fire / drop some five of them for the last election? Did that change the performance of the team? If not, why should we be FOOlED in believing that it will work this time around? Mr. Skerrit, are you telling us that the reason the dlp failed the last 5 years is because of Matthew Walter, Gloria Shillingford and Granneau since the other four men you fired were not even ministers? Is Roselyn Paul going to better than Matthew? Will Athenia who does not even have a high school education be better than teacher glo? If for the past 14 yrs, the DLP has been failing with some key players like Skerrit, Regie, Ambrose, St. Jean Blackmoore and Ian, have all been there and holding key positions since 2000, maybe we need to change them to see if that will not improve our fortunes. I for sure will change them!

  35. looking
    November 11, 2014

    Why is it there are so many arguments about who get materials, who get house who get $3000 who get $5000? Its just handouts creating envy and jealousy among the masses. We should be asking ourselves about the impact and the long term effects. Everyone want a piece of the cake, there are long lists of names with the promise, “your turn will come” Can’t the people be empowered to provide for themselves? A sad sate of affairs, smh

  36. Anonymous
    November 11, 2014

    Change of candidates of DLP good for UWP.

  37. DC
    November 11, 2014

    Great job PM! Please show the jokers and losers how it is done. Wonderful selection! Ms. Daniel is exceptional! She is an awesome addition to the family. She has contributed immensely to the development of Dominica, she has set the foundation for many of our successful adults today and I know she will continue to serve from the heart in Parliament. DLP, for the continued development of Dominica!

  38. Its my damn business
    November 11, 2014

    “Just under 20 percent of candidates on the platform this evening are women,” the prime minister said. “No other political party in the Eastern Caribbean has achieved that feat…”
    In one sense this sounds good but it is also very frightening. Well I hope that will reduce the amount of trips to Trinidad and other countries shopping for cow meat, since regie tells us he likes cow meat.

  39. FAITH
    November 11, 2014

    CHANGE IS A MUST. Labour Pa Ka Twavay Pour Nous,
    Yo Ka Twavay Pour Kor Yo.


    • Attentive
      November 11, 2014

      Amen to that.

      • born again
        November 11, 2014

        Last night I had a dream that one of our leading Pentecostal pastors, who is a known poto labor, came to me crying and said, “I cannot believe the DLP lost the election.” I don’t usually believe in dreams but ….

  40. My View
    November 11, 2014

    “Meantime, in terms of financing the DLP’s campaign, the prime minister said this is done by “friends and well-wishers” not by “uncle or auntie in London, Canada or USA.”

    • Anonymous
      November 11, 2014

      you can say that again

  41. Anonymous
    November 11, 2014

    Salisbury people should reject shanks just like how Mahaut had rejected him shanks come in de race to see what he can GET very poor choice for Salisbury

    • Salisbury
      November 11, 2014

      The people of Salisbury have no reason to reject shanks because he is the only one there for the people first time Salisbury has gotten such effective representation… Hector they should reject cause he just there eating government money sit down at his home posting on Facebook five years of doing nothing

      • Attentive
        November 11, 2014

        I am sure you are not from Salisbury so shut up, if you have no contribution to make. Its people like you who have the country in the state it is. Shame

    • Madame Dominique
      November 11, 2014

      No way should we reject Shanks. It is high time that the people of Salisbury begin thinking wisely and vote for effective representation for the Community. Hector has done nothing, absolutely nothing for Salisbury. Its time we make Salisbury be known on the Map again. That’s why we will reject Hector come December 8th.!!!!!!!! Labour Kay Twavay en Bawi……..

      • KD
        November 11, 2014

        Do you really expect Skerrit to give Hector money to develope Salisbury?! Really! Thts how the,PM is working on your empty brains! Handouts and hypnotism…Wake up ppl! Be real.

      • Truth
        November 11, 2014

        The people of Salisbury have not only voted for Salisbury but for Dominica. I am proud of them and am thankful to them for being a principled people

      • November 11, 2014

        Keep dreaming, Bawi pa en bagai Skerrit

    • jean bawi
      November 11, 2014

      Jesus Christ all you those laborites trying hard to make people from the outside think shanks winning salisbury eh. Please do not let these people fool you all. We agree to remain silent and lend them vent because they are hurting inside. Hector is willing and trying, shanks so called party in government they are supposed to help us out by all means necessary because they hungry for our seat. With that said Change is not an option in Salisbury. Stop talk nonsense.

  42. Big Bangbang
    November 11, 2014

    Were those 7 ministers / candidates Skerrit fired had anything to do with Big Bang? Did they issue license to them? Did they help in anyway to facilitate Bigbang? Did the names of any of them allegedly mentioned in any kind of evil such as outside pregnancies, outside baby, money laundering, corruption or sale of passports? If not, why fire them since in the first place we did not vote for them but for Skerrit? On the other hand, are the names of any of those other ministers / candidates that were not fired been mentioned in any of those evils? My God we need help!

  43. Shameless
    November 11, 2014

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Change Is A Must!

    Assertive, NOT Aggressive!

  44. Channel 1
    November 11, 2014

    But what utter madness and high grade incoherence is this man speaking.

    DNO, I ask again – Has Roosevelt Skerrit lost his mind or has his mind lost him?

    • ready to vote them o
      November 11, 2014

      Skerrit well senile

  45. wise verses fools
    November 11, 2014

    But my God, what is wrong with my people? Why have they chosen to be unwise and blind? Seven new candidates? Mr. Skerrit, why? Are you blaming the failures of this current DLP administration on those 7 candidates you fired? Are Dominicans going to buy into this lie once again? Skerrit fired 7 men that could not stand up to him and replaced them with 4 women that are all very weak and vulnerable and three men that are known to be failures. When we compare those 7 candidates Skerrit fired with those 7 new ones he replaced them with, it is no secret that all 7 new ones are much much weaker than those he fired.

    • November 11, 2014

      Skerrit is a one man show the DLP failure rest with his incapability to delegate and trust his team and his incompetence to govern the state finances. The 7 candidate are puppets on a string, to be told when to sit down, and when to stand, when to talk and when to shut up.

      November 11, 2014

      ONE thing i can say is these women are NOT weak

    • Anonymous
      November 11, 2014

      Why do you insist on calling the women weak and not the men? Please have respect for our women!!!

    • November 11, 2014

      It’s shameful to see these ladies would allow themselves to be used to bring hardship on the people of Dominica I just cant believe they would do that they are of no use to the development of the island They are making Skerrit using them to the point that the people don’t even know how they stand on the issues what they would do to bring jobs what they would do for the seniors and elderly how they would stop the dreg lock in the Town of Roseau, Wesley don’t want the women Skerrit is dumping on them she lack the education how is she going to be the Minister of Agriculture if that story is true, she cant even handle Child Care so how do you tell me the educated lady as Gloria is replaced by Athenia Benjamin , Skerrit it’s only now I will side with the people you are a mad man and you will destroy the island,
      That’s why we need change MY PEOPLE TAKE ALL THE GIFTS OF COMPUTERS, TABLET, CEMENTS, MONEY, AND OTHER THING AN ON ELECTION DAY GO , I wish GOD blessing on Dominica and it’s people.

  46. dollar quart
    November 11, 2014

    A.a i thought it wasnt none of their damn business :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • Anonymous
      November 11, 2014

      He, this angry man, is learning a little how to speak to people.

  47. Anonymous
    November 11, 2014

    Labour Ka Twavay 5 more year for a working Government we are not broke

  48. anonymous2
    November 11, 2014

    More pomp and circumstance at the expense of the people.

    • November 11, 2014

      Anonymous you got to be kidding me well you hand outs and gifts are at it’s end the door is closing so you better try and se what you can get now because it’s over.

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