DLP takes credit for developing Dominica

DLP supporters at a rally

Dominica’s 57 year old Labour Party (DLP) is patting itself on the back for the level of progress the country has achieved to date.

“To a large extent, what Dominica is today it owes a lot to the work and existence of the Dominica Labour Party,” Public Relations Officer Philbert Aaron said in a statement on the eve of the party’s 57th anniversary.

Dr Aaron is describing Thursday’s (May 24) anniversary of the founding of the DLP as a milestone not only for the party but also for the people of Dominica.

“Dominica and the DLP have grown together, the major transformation in the constitution and in the social composition of Dominica have taken place with Dominica and country and the DLP together,” Dr. Aaron said.

He describes Dominica today as an independent state within the community of nations able to “lend it voce to the major issues occurring in the world, whether it is on the matter of climate change or matters of peace”.

The Labour Party spokesman also credits the governing DLP with having brought about changes within the structure of the culture of Dominica.

“There was a time when the Creole language was something to be suppressed. Today it is at the forefront of state activities,” Dr Aaron notes in the party statement.

According to him, the freedom of members of society to move up and down depending on the work they do, was also made possible by the economic policies of the DLP.

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  1. Anonymous
    May 26, 2012

    The DLP should ask whether or not Dominica is Developed? with a negative population growth and high unemployment and poverty; how can this be considered development? what has the people of Dominica achieved as a society?

  2. Lower prices THE iss
    May 26, 2012

    There is a tendency in this country to keep things exactly the way they are … who does that suit? The ones who already own everything.

    The prices in the stores are an absolute disgrace … it is worse than rape or robbery. These importers are doing this to kill the working man. Not only are they stealing YOUR money the also pay YOUR wives and friends the worst wages in the Caribbean. “Oh It is the import duty” they say … who are you kidding? 50% at the most is duty plus VAT … those prices are more than 500% sometimes. Disgusting and despicable. THESE are your enemies DA.

    Also every lawyer is stealing your land. Who encourages all the stupid petty court cases against your neighbors? Them … who takes your land as payment when it cost much more that you can handle? Them.

    With a new middle class and some new faces owning a few things (think building contractors and equipment hire) things have a chance to change.

    Don’t let those asses in The US tell us what is wrong with our government. Tell THEM what is wrong with their legacy that they left.

    You think that the Freedom party ever really went away? nah man they are there stealing your hard earned money. Daily life here in DA.

  3. May 25, 2012

    I personally think that the people who live outside of Dominica are the ones to say whether the country has moved on or not.

    Dominica then was soo backward compared to Dominica now. I mean we have access to all sorts of educational fields, good roads, thriving tourism industry, night landing,medical care advancement, empowering people for free speech and ambition and self sustainability, maintaining natural energy, AMI service which is the only one in the region,hydro and fluvial technology, stadium and foreign investment oportunities.

  4. Boyie
    May 24, 2012

    DLP UWP and DFP are all worthless

    From Kurt

  5. Luke
    May 24, 2012

    DLP also takes credit for day break and sunshine!!!!!

    • Anonymous
      May 24, 2012

      Very much so. I muSt thank them for where I am today , when they took power I left. Haven’t looked back. So thanks for that

      • Lower prices THE iss
        May 26, 2012

        Glad you went then.

  6. third lady
    May 24, 2012

    am so happy :lol:

  7. Delicious
    May 24, 2012

    @ Mamizoo; you said:

    “First the government must have the moral authority to control crime. Government must provide avenues for young people to be progressive and the DLP has not done that.” In the U.S. and Canada, they offer avenues for young people to be progressive. Some children can go to primary school till they are 21, there is financial assistance for low income students who desire to attend college, yet, some do not take advantage of the opportunities. Any where is more riddled with crime than the U.S.? even worst crimes than we experience in DA? There will always be an element of society that aspire to the criminal lifestyle, regardless of the positive ideas and excellent opportunities that are available.

  8. Sportsman
    May 24, 2012

    Lets say job well done by the labor party. Some more achievement.

    High crime rate.
    High Poverty
    High unemployment rate
    high martality rate
    High illiteracy
    high Dependency syndrome
    High corruption

    Thank God for Skewo and for getting us to the next level.

    • Lower prices THE iss
      May 26, 2012

      high martality rate
      “High illiteracy” :-D

  9. dissident
    May 24, 2012

    Give credit where and to whom is deserving of it. The achievements stated did not all come after 2004. Give de credit to E O Leblanc, Patrick John, Roosie and Mike Douglas, Pierre Charles etc. De same people who laid de foundation for this party today never get de credit. If one listens to today’s DLP u would think Dominica just got its independence the other from China and Venezuela thru the brilliant leadership of a guy who per haps nevr did political science at school. Give credit where its due before u lose all de crumbs u holding on to. Ungrateful hypocites u all are. Mention their names and give the honored ones who walked before u their due credit. Its not urs.

  10. May 24, 2012

    please can someone explain in every simple words to me what is the red clinic…?

  11. Nassief
    May 24, 2012

    Dem supporters looking poor, hungry & ignorant, thank God i leave that place when that Govt come in office, look at these people lol lol lol lol lol :lol: :lol:

      May 25, 2012

      Don’t stay in another person country and critize yours. They can push you out at anytime, but home will always be home.

      Even where you are now, which I do not know where, ALL givernment have their faults and will not be in favour with everyone.

      So pray for our country to get better and don’t cry down on it.

  12. Calibishie
    May 23, 2012

    Where is such developement? Are you saying that a few building being erected by foreigners is development? There is only developement when the native people are progressing. Until you show me tangible evidence that the people are growing and prospering from the policies being implimented by Gov’t, then development is just another word that is found in the dictionary but does not apply to Dominica.

    • Bluuuuhhh
      May 26, 2012

      Work? Maybe if your people had not raped and robbed the foreign investors you would have some in Calibishie still?

      You were so prosperous and had so much work … THAT is your village fault not the DLP.

  13. big
    May 23, 2012

    that counntry to had pm to much poverty the food prices are to high do some thing about that every body doing what they want in shops and super markets.

  14. as I see it #1
    May 23, 2012

    I am not a lover of the DLP, UWP, DFM, or the Pappy party. However, I have at one time or another voted and supported all three parties. I am not in love with any party; all I want to see is a nation that offers hope and a future to its people.
    I want to give my fear opinion here and please don’t try to tie me to any party.
    I voted and supported the DLP of Leblanc/Patric John. At that time I was party blind. Before the fall of PJ I thought we made a little progress but pride got into PJ’s head and I helped to get rid of him. Then I voted the DFP for it’s first two terms but I felt with the power the Dame had since she did not really have an opposition, she abused it and instead of putting Dominica first, she was all about building a name for herself. I voted UWP in 1990 and 1995. In 95 when they became the government, no doubt what they accomplished in for years was unbelievable and finally, I thought, I could see a little bit of light coming for Dominica. However, I voted them out in 2000 because I was fed up with a ground breaking ceremony every month and nothing was there to show for it. Also, I bought into the story of curruption and voted the DLP in 2000. However, it was not long after I realized the Rosie led DLP did not have a vision. After the death of Rosie, Piere tried his best but he just did not have it. After the death of Mr. Charles, I thought Mr. Skeritt as a young man was the ideal man for the job and I supported him. However,I got turned off by him the very moment he kicked out to Tiwani’s and brought in China. Though China has helped some especially with infrustructure, they have benefited from us more than we as a people have from them because they have not helped in creating employment for our people. In fact they have taken jobs from us. Although I supported Skerritte in his first year, I have never voted since 2000 because to me, UWP was confused and they confirmed it by bringing in people like the owner of Kairi, Artherton Martin, Wilshire, Don Christopher and that Bruney guy. DFP was and still is dead and this current labour party, to me is the worse administration we have ever had in the history of our politics. They are not transparent and only ministers and close friends have become millionaires while the poor have gotton poorer and have to depend on them for handouts. So I don’t see what credit they can take because we have not developed a bit and nothing to make me think we will be better off later. In fact during their reign, we have seen an increase in crime by more than 50%, the church has lost it’s standing because of greed and legal system has crashed from police to the Judge. Is that what we call development? Think again!

  15. ideal
    May 23, 2012

    I hope they will take the credit for all the crime happening in DA, which is out of control lets see them fix this one

    • tommy
      May 23, 2012

      everybody have a brain to know what’s right an wrong. DLP,UWP,Freedom, papi etc didn’t send anyone to do crime. so stop being political about such nonsense. everywhere have crime and much worse than that.

      • mamizoo
        May 24, 2012

        Bs government have a responsibility to control crime. First the government must have the moral authority to control crime. Government must provide avenues for young people to be progressive and the DLP has not done that. The DLP sat by and allowed Chinese to take away jobs from young men and women what else do we expect of the young men but to peddle drugs. Well with unemployment comes drugs violence and crime

    • hmmm
      May 24, 2012

      any Government cant prevent crime in a country.

      • concern
        May 25, 2012

        of course dey can. the reason for the crime is that they is no job for the people who commit the crime to occupy their time

  16. :-)
    May 23, 2012

    development of poverty, unemployment,crime and Red Clinic… wow I’m so proud of that Development in my poor country

  17. ??????
    May 23, 2012

    Mr Aaron can you please speak of the insult that has been delivered upon our Constitution. I say so since you do not have the slightest clue (inkling) as to what constitutes development.
    You should have let that topic to be dealt with by someone else .

  18. Country
    May 23, 2012

    Why don’t you ask every Dominican over the age of 60 what he or she thinks of the last 57 years in Dominica? I bet 9 out of 10 will tell you it’s going to Hell in a hand baskett!

  19. Mary
    May 23, 2012

    Don’t stop there, DLP. Take credit for discovering Dominica also.

  20. %
    May 23, 2012

    Mr Aaron do you know what is development? Briefly put Sir, “Development is a qualitative concept, and is the process by which the standard of living and well-being of the entire nation (NOT SOME) ARE IMPROVED. It is concerned with the quality of housing,education, food, health, security, peace of mind,the eradication of poverty and eradication of inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth, how we cherish or destroy the environment,etc” Development is also a sustained thing Sir,not a one time thing, poor you! I won’t go into the UNDP definition of the Human Development Index (HDI) and the Human POverty indes (HPI), maybe it’s too much for you.
    You must have forgotten that the world was hearing you and not just Skerrit labourites who sees him as God.
    DOMINICA is languishing as one of the poorest country in the Caribbean, due largely in part to what has been done by this wicked regime,and we are almost at the bottom of the abyss.

  21. Gullibl
    May 23, 2012

    Can’t you detect sarcasm

  22. International Airpor
    May 23, 2012

    It would be smart for them to actually develop Dominica and build the much needed “International Airport” with a 9000 ft runway. Melville Hall Night Landing has been opened since 2010 and been a waste since its under used by airlines. St Vincent & Grenadines building the Brand New Argyle International Airport even Tortola (British Virgin Islands) wants to build one. Dominicans wake up please and smell the coffee brewing.

  23. Grand Bay LYO
    May 23, 2012

    Hey congrats to us!!!

    The youth of Dominica stands firmly behind the Dominica Labour Party and the Honourable Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit. We have never seen such dynamic representation and we are very grateful for the achievements of our party. We the Grand Bay LYO, together with the other LYO’s islandwide will continue to show our support in every way possible to ensure that our party remains another 25 years in office…

    Continue the good work guys! We On This Election 21!!!

    • concern citizen
      May 24, 2012

      let us be honest, for the last 20 years i have never seen a high rate of young persons being addicted to drugs. This is as a result of high unemployment. The national stadium was built, the west coast road,the state house is being built, the state college is being built, and the hospital will be built. 98% of the workers on these project where Chinese of foreign employees

  24. Calibishian
    May 23, 2012

    Oh Please,the people of Dominica is where credit is due for their development not a party.As a matter of fact if we have to look at what a party did while they were in power I think the freedom party did just as much in a shorter time compared to what DLP did in 57years…SO SHOVE IT..

  25. waitukubuli-original
    May 23, 2012

    God has blessed Dominica with fertile land and no one wants to work it. Everyone wants to live the American dream in Dominica and it is by that standard we judge the affairs of the land.

    From fashion to attitude we look to mimic the good old USA and we forsake that which we have in the land. We prefer to buy imported goods than to support our local vendors/ businessmen -shall we not then expect to live by the circumstances of our actions?.

    You want to eat and drink? till the land. Learn to “fish” and don’t always look to be given a fish. Stop crying poverty – how do you measure poverty? by whose standard? IF Your basic needs are met, you are not poor! You don’t need to have 5 pairs of shoes, and a closet filled with clothes to be positioned above a man-made poverty line.

  26. Joseph
    May 23, 2012

    Long live about.tanks to pm skeritt.now I proud to say I fom Dominica..labour is Dominica an Dominica is labour.d same people dat used to laugh at me in stmaarten bout Dominica telling me now ..ah u gha good pm now.big things going on in all u country..

    • Giggla
      May 24, 2012

      Joseph come back home things nicer in DA now, boy y u want to stay in SM when so much is going down here nice road stadium high school all dat labour give us u still gwayaing in SM come home boy sot

  27. Anonymous
    May 23, 2012

    That’s a bunch of crock!!! STOP this b political strategy once and for all!! :twisted:

    • Anonymous
      May 23, 2012

      A! A! I find you well modi. You doh like the Laybar peeps WORKING strategy? So what strategy you want them to adopt? The 13-year-old FAILED one that never worked?
      The old people would say: Hadiesse ca dwivay wee!!

  28. mary
    May 23, 2012

    I will say what i have to say in one word”UTTER RUBBISH”

    • next level
      May 23, 2012

      utter rubbish sounds like two words to me. haha

      • wikileaks one
        May 23, 2012


      • Anonymous
        May 24, 2012


  29. Tan Tan
    May 23, 2012

    “the major transformation in the constitution and in the social composition of Dominica have taken place with Dominica and country and the DLP together,” That I agree with Mr Aaron. The major disrespect for our constitution is a definite credit to the Labor Party. As for social composition oh boy the DLP deserve all the credit for the invasion of Chinese so much so that Chinese dominate our commercial sector; the gaping disparity between the have and have not – the rapid growth in poverty; the rapid growth in crime and paraoism; Shall we talk about a society was proud of being independent now reduced to Red Clinic patients; A law enforcement department so corrupt that the people have become very distrusting of the police; the political meddling even in religion so much so that Pastors, Priests , leaders of the religious masses are all mercenaries of the those who give hush hush money to the clergy men and women; Let us not even talk about our passports – our sovereign identity.

    • Delicious
      May 24, 2012


  30. Anonymous
    May 23, 2012

    Some of the achievements include

    National Bank of Dominica
    Aid Bank
    Dominica Social Security
    Woodbridge Bay
    Canefield Airport
    Bath road to Rose Street Bridge
    Hanover Street Bridge
    Canefield housing scheme (john sted)
    Bath estate housing scheme
    West Coast Road
    Dominica State College
    Ross University
    All Saints University
    Dominica Trade Union
    Roseau Town Council
    Dominica Marketing Board (now called Dexia)
    Dominica External Trade Bureau (now part of Dexia)
    DBS Radio
    DBS TV

    • Tiger
      May 23, 2012

      So in 57 years, you expected them to only draw a salary and do nothing? Unless they do something that is exceptional, there is no reason to pat them on the back for doing their jobs.

    • Look row-row
      May 23, 2012

      Also includes ;

      People’s Pentecostal Church …Goodwill

      Life line ministries …… Possie

      Mapua / Krazy Kokonuts

      Savan-paille Seven Villas

      Red Clinic

      New west coast road

      Promised Mahaut /Massacre… by-pass too ?

    • ??????
      May 23, 2012

      @anonymous… Reasons why they should be rejected by the electorate. If these are the only major achievements of a party over 57 years, SHAME ON THIS PARTY..No wonder why PM wants heads to roll..

    • May 23, 2012



      I have no problem with labour
      I have a problem with THIS labour

      May 25, 2012

      And these are ALL in Roseau there 5 members of Government from the North area. Portmouth who have them on TOP from day one when others turn away, come back, turn away. What is happening in the North? You cannot talk about the bridge that was breaking, they made and ADD 2 in Roseau, the school is not an addition the earthquake broke it,so they put it back. everything is only happening in Roseau. Dominica is not just the capital, there are other areas.

  31. texas boy
    May 23, 2012

    congrats to the DLP

    May 23, 2012

    “freedom of members of society to move up and down depending on the work they do, was also made possible by the economic policies of the DLP.”

    Uh !!!! What the spoon does that mean? DNO I went to school under WIAS mango tree in the Mang in Portmouth so I am not a good reader but I have common sense. I don’t even want to try to interpret that statement but it sure seem like a statement made out of desperation. If I didn’t know better I would think that this statement was made by a drunk , Paro or a schizophrenic
    your own writtin

    • Zicack
      May 23, 2012

      U should already know wat dno is about.i surprise to see they publish u.

  33. fromage massacre
    May 23, 2012

    congratulations to the dlp on your 57 yrs of service and still doing your best for our lovely dominica.Well done mr sk and the rest of the labour party government,keep it up,god bless you all dominicans.I love my sweet dominica go labour go jah bless.

  34. Tiger
    May 23, 2012

    Dr. Aaron is correct when he said the DLP has brouht about a cultural change in Dominica – a culture of dependency.

    • Gwen Fig
      May 23, 2012

      You’re so right that we now beg through PayPal and other social network. Just ask Lennox Linton and the executive of the UWP. Oh, how quickly did they learn the dependency syndrome story.

  35. May 23, 2012

    Also they have to take credit for giving us hand out,this is why some Dominicans no longer want to work also take credit for what my children and their children children will have to endure to repay them money back to them chinese

  36. ME
    May 23, 2012

    ok then so where the developement ther what hell dca develop there where the developement that there a few good roads and what not is development nuh

  37. Okay
    May 23, 2012

    Now please tackle the unemployment issue

  38. fireball
    May 23, 2012

    laba hmmmm

  39. CIA on the watch
    May 23, 2012

    I guess the Dominica labor Party of 57 yeras old will take credit for the development of a high level of poverty, unemployment and social decay taking place now in DA.

    • Waitukubuli-original
      May 23, 2012

      Poverty, unemployment and social decay is universal, my friend. Don’t think that the grass is greener in other countries. You only see the good things they show on T.V. there are people who are extremely, worse off in these “rich” countries than in D’ca.

      • Peeping Tom
        May 23, 2012

        Well said, Waitukubuli-original.

      • Met Yo
        May 23, 2012

        Keep telling yourself these things for comfort. It’s like a chorus being sang. Compare small Dominica with less than 50 grand people to big countries with billions. lol :lol:

        Labour power..lol

      • CBSS
        May 23, 2012

        Well said. If you notice the things happening in Dominica is happening worldwide.

      • Brooklyn Resident
        May 23, 2012

        Why compare Dominica with other ‘rich countries”? there is nothing in comparison except perhaps its people. Dominica most probably have a population of one building complex in the United State. So when you want to justify the means, please use another form of textual comparison. Dominica is much too underdeveloped, too stagnant, and I could go on and on, to compare with other countries. Help clean up the mole in our eyes, prior to comparing.

      • get real
        May 23, 2012

        well I live in another country and YES I think the grass is damn well greener..If you want to work and you have the drive to go for what you want,the opportunities are unlimited.So I grab onto that opportunity,so too bad for those that didn’t.So give the people some opportunities in Dominica and then you could compare to development….GOSH

      • waitukubuli-original
        May 23, 2012

        Met Yo – I am not affiliated with any political party. All power belongs to God, not Skerrit, not Eddison. This is not about party. Those countries with “billions” as you mentioned are more in debt than any other.

        Dominicans cry too damn much about everything. The people have been “raised’ to rely upon government for tidbits than to have dreams and work toward them. Teach your children to have goals and go for it. Even if you are in a country with billions and you don’t have a dream you will be poor. It’s always a give me, give me and give me for life.

        Besides, many Dominicans who had great jobs left the country and they are more miserable than when they were in Dominica all in the name of being overseas. People need to shake themselves and stop crying.

      • New Yorker
        May 23, 2012

        Waitikubuli-Original, If you are unemployed in the US you collect uinemployment, added to that the dept. of labor pay your way to school up to bachelors degreein others words you are sent back to school to be retrainned in order to meet the needs of industry, so plinform yourself.

      • Waitukubuli-original
        May 24, 2012

        New Yorker unemployment benefits is contingent upon one having been fired or laid off from a job. These monies that is being paid for unemployment is not charity those are deducted from your paycheck and set aside for this purpose. On the flip side, if you never had a job you can’t collect unemployment.

      • kkk
        May 24, 2012

        and u overs seas, allu ALWAYS saying that but allu only come to dominica for election day

      • waitukubuli-original
        May 24, 2012

        KKK I never voted for Skerrit or UWP – sorry to burst your bubble. I all for Dominica, not political leaders.

    • May 23, 2012


      • May 23, 2012


  40. Real Patriot
    May 23, 2012

    The DLP has certainly played its part in the development of Dominica, as has the other political parties.

    The true credit for our development belongs to the people of Dominica!

    That said… Congratulations to the DLP on 57 years of service… Long live the Dominica Labour Party and long live the Commonwealth of Dominica!

    • Brooklyn Resident
      May 23, 2012

      Totally agree. No one party or organization should take such credit. Where in the world can a few men build and develop a country? The masses is needed. Everyone is included in the development of any country. WOW Dominica is on planet Earth right?

  41. don
    May 23, 2012

    Thats true.

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