Dominica condemns attack on Ecuador’s president

President Rafael Correa of Ecuador. * Photo credit:

Note: This statement was released on Friday, Oct. 1, 2010, but we are now getting hold of it due to technical issues.

The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica strongly condemns the attack on President Rafael Correa of Ecuador on September 30, 2010 by protestors. We are all deeply concerned by this development which is an affront to the security and integrity of the Country’s democratically elected Government and the democratic institutions duly established to maintain peace, law and order and good governance in Ecuador and by extension the entire region.

This type of action is fuelled by a growing trend in the region where minority groups, unable to influence the electoral process, in seeking to impose their selfish ideals on the majority, engage in every unscrupulous act possible to ensure that legitimately elected Governments are frustrated in their efforts to deliver on the Mandates of the Majority.

The Government calls on the citizens of Ecuador, particularly the aggrieved to employ peaceful means in an effort to settle differences within the rule of law, and welcome all the statements of immediate condemnation expressed by Heads of State and Governments, and organizations worldwide of this reckless and cowardly act.

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  1. salRAGE
    October 4, 2010

    @LOS LOBOS!!!: Everyday u hearing a stabbing a shoting and a killing? This was bound to happen anyways.. There is an epademic around the WORLD my friend. Every single country in theis world has a surge of violence and crime. Its taking place N.W.O thing gonna change real soon just u see.. and stop blaming other ppl for dumb ppls actions. You think these ppl dont know what they doing could get them nailed? and dont give me that Dominica law system fail shit.. THE SYSTEM ON A WHOLE FAILS!! any murderer that has a good lawyer better than the victims lawyer can win a case. IF no witnesses were there and the lawyer might have a strong case for the defendant. If witnesses say they think they see or it look it all that can have the case turned to the murderer side. He She could walk if he or she has a good damn lawyer. Learn ppl learn!! so many guilty ppl walk free all over this world like this. its not just Dominica.. Y’all overseas ppl aself worst in allu merrrrrr. Acting like D.a so freaking backwards in everything but allu dying to come here n see news then wishiing to come back home for good times. The countries yall in yall have a way better chance of getting mugged rapped and killed over anything like even watching sumone too hard.. checkk allu scene.

  2. Is that so?
    October 4, 2010

    Hey you hypocrites trying to put the blame on the government for recent upsurge in crime. Come on!!. If that is the case then every government in the Caribbean and I dare say the world should be held responsible, since there is a regional and global crime surge, which is something that governments can do little about. The fact is we as individuals need to take our own responsibilities to ensure that we ALL play a part in stemming out crime.

    Many like the , LOS LOBOS who comment here are just biased individuals to look to pounce on each and every issue to lay blame on the govwernment. This government has done more to strenghten law enforcement than ANY government in the recent past and THAT IS A FACT!! From the purchase of vehicles to increase in numbers of the police force and training of officers to upgrading police stations. In addition the government has gone in to recently strenghten the laws in the parliament against gun possession which MANY in the opposition circles (such as LOS LOBOS) condemned instead of providing critical support.

    The opposition flagrant and blatant disrespect and disregard for the institution of the parliament and respecting the WILL of the majority (even after the courts and international observers have given their complete endorsement) is to my mind more an element of instigating disrespect for the laws of the land than any of the many yet unproven allegations being labelled at the government.

    So let us ALL come together to help stop this rising scourge on our dear country’s image, instead of playing political football with each and every issue while our lovely Dominica keeps on bleeding from all this fighting and negativity.

  3. T. Winston
    October 4, 2010

    @LOS LOBOS!!!: Are you serious
    How in the world you turn that into politics and a whole alleluyah about DLP

  4. October 4, 2010

    @LOS LOBOS!!!

    u talk toooo much!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Marlon Giraudel
    October 3, 2010

    but but but but but reaaaallllly (according to charlo)…what I seeing there nuh boy???

  6. R
    October 3, 2010


  7. CuCuM
    October 3, 2010

    I fully support the statement coming from the Office of the Prime Minister. In the region there is a minority group that is bent on doing everything possible to overturn the will of the majority. This group is hell bent on imposing a most virulent form of dictatorship on the population. That is The Dictatorship of the Minority over the Majority. Every one can remember Apaphied in South Afiica where the minority whites brutally ruled over the Black Majority.

    In Dominica it is no exeception. The Minority Opposition is hell bent on imposing its will on the Majority of Dominicans. The UWP and its supporters has always been a Minority Party. In 1995 the combined DLP and DFP votes was more than twice the then ruling party. Once DFP and DLP combined and remained so there is no way that the UWP can win any election in Dominica again.

    Aware of that fact they attempt to distroy every institution in the country. They acuse everyone of fraud. It is very interesting that only in Marigot and Salisbury where the voters list is OK and election there is free and fair. Had it been in Grand Bay or Portsmouth the outcome of the election would be Fraudulent.

    It is on the very same voters list that the UWP won in both Salisbury and Marigot with no voter ID Card. Yet they accept the results as a mandate of from these constituencies. Why not accept the results from the other constituencies under the same conditions?

    DLP receiced 61.3% of the votes cast and in any democacy the minority will have its say but the MAJORITY shall/must have its way. That is not Dictatorship.

  8. helas!
    October 3, 2010




  9. October 3, 2010

    @LOS LOBOS!!!:
    Hoye chamo,
    wrong! the mayority of the ppl in D/ca voted for the present gov,you dont like it your business!and oooh the mayority!,you are the minority,not by one vote or two,if the buy it or sell it is there privilage

    Hasta lluego,,

  10. LOS LOBOS!!!
    October 3, 2010

    You know,it is all well and good for the Govt. of Dominica to put out a statement condemning the attack on the President of Ecuador. But to blatantly distort the facts in such a political way,is not only shameful but misleading, distasteful,and full of deceit,and misinformation….Who ever crafted those statements is a master at distorting the truth in order to suit their own political agenda.
    This is coming from the office of the Prime Minister,folks. That’s what the statements said.
    Puting out a statement is one thing,but puting out a statement in order to deceive and misinform,is a totally different thing….Here is an excerpt from the Govt.’s statement……”This type of action is fuelled by a growing trend in the region where minority groups, unable to influence the electoral process, in seeking to impose their selfish ideals on the majority, engage in every unscrupulous act possible to ensure that legitimately elected Governments are frustrated in their efforts to deliver on the Mandates of the Majority”.

    Facts: Courtesy of PBS NEWSHOUR ;Which is highly respected and regarded Worldwide.:This is what actually took place:..”Ecuadorian President Rescued After Standoff

    Ecuadorian soldiers rescued President Rafael Correa from a hospital Thursday night where he’d been trapped for more than 12 hours by an uprising of police officers. Correa was in the hospital being treated after being tear-gassed when he tried to talk with angry police officers at a capital barracks.

    The protests by police were triggered by a law passed on Wednesday that would end the practice of giving bonuses with each promotion, part of Correa’s effort to save government costs.”

    And they did not leave it there,they went on further…Check this out,they had more to say..:”

    We are all deeply concerned by this development which is an affront to the security and integrity of the Country’s democratically elected Government and the democratic institutions duly established to maintain peace, law and order and good governance in Ecuador and by extension the entire region.”

    LAUGHABLE! at the very least.Such hypocracy!…I am flabbergasted,dumbfounded and simply blown away. It baffles me that the Govt. of Dominica can be so quick to put out a statement like that about something that happened in a foreign country to a foreign Head of State, but have yet to address the alarming rate of murders in this Country in such a short space of time.And what is quite troubling,is the particularly brutal and heinous way in which those murders were carried out.
    Never in the peaceful history of this once peaceful Island has anything quite like what’s going on,has ever occured…Yet there is no formal statement to address this grave and dire situation, from the PRIME MINISTER,nor from his office,or from any members of his Govt.

    That, in my opinion, is a blasted shame, and a total lack of respect for the Dominican people.Not only that, but it also shows they are under-estimating the intelligence and belittling the integrity of the people of Dominica, just because they themselves have none…zero integrity.
    This Govt. is failing the people miserably….One of the primary purpose of to secure the Rights of the People. And this Govt. has not done that. They have failed miserably.
    Now the trend of violence continues,every day that one wakes up, there is a stabbing,a shooting,a killing…very troubling,very depressing indeed.

    But they are quick to condemn what is going on in another Country.YOU HYPOCRITES!..Clean up the mess in your own Country first. Then worry about someone else’s mess….Cunning,very cunning indeed.
    Address the nation!..The People of Dominica have concerns,and needs…Please Address them about those ISSUES!…NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE LEADER TO TAKE A STAND!…WE NEED TRUE LEADERSHIP!!!

    Also,I have some concerns about what i have been hearing on a particular Radio programme for the past two saturdays from 3pm – 6pm by certain hosts and callers about the ownership of Villas in a certain village .Is it true. Are these Villas really owned by a certain Head of State. Those allegations are very troubling to me. And if they are proven to be true,that would be very unfortunate,to say the least.
    Should we take it that these statements were craftily made to undermine this particular allegations and soon to be investigations?…Nah..just kidding…..Let’s just say i did not mention this.

  11. against all coups
    October 3, 2010

    Is the INDEPENDENT ELECTORAL COMMISSION of DOMINICA a DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTION with the mandate as stipulated inn the constitution, to ensure FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS and to stamp out fraud? How long has the Commission been recommending, begging for the provision of VOTER ID CARDS? Who is not releasing the funds to them to do just that? It’s about seven (7) years now. Who is trying to undermine that Commission and for what reason? The people would like to know. This type of action is really fueled by despotic leaders. By the way, did Chavez stage any coup in the recent past in Venezuela before being democratically elected?

  12. Kalinago Empress
    October 3, 2010

    C’mon.. It’s true that we can’t be ignorant to the issues out there but there are more important issues under the Government’s nose they should address!

  13. only
    October 3, 2010

    Gee, and we all thought that Ecuador was exempt from the corruption of Chavez, Columbia, etc.
    The minority are the people that are fighting for freedom.
    If Correa was elected the same way that Chavez was, it is called election fraud. The same goes for the U.S.

  14. Chavez Jr.
    October 3, 2010

    WE all know who are directly behind these kind of actions. If u are not with them or not adopting their policies, they will employ all kind of strategies to get rid of u. Their tentacles reach every corner of the glob. All dog has their day.

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