Dominica spared full brunt of global economic crunch – PM

economic crisisPrime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has said Dominica has not suffered the full brunt of the global economic crisis.

Speaking at the Pichelin Village Council’s 10th Inauguration Ceremony on Thursday, he said this is due to the prudent and responsible management of the country’s finances.

The Prime Minister made reference to assistance received from friendly countries around the world as another reason why Dominica has been partially spared from the economic crunch.

He said Dominica has not fully escaped the global economic crisis but was spared the full brunt due “in large measure because of the prudent and responsible manner in which we have managed the economy of Dominica, and because of the sincere friendships that we have developed overseas.”

“This is the reason why we have not suffered as our other brothers and sisters in the Caribbean,” he noted.

The Prime Minister said the fact the public servants are able to get their salaries on time is another reason why Dominica is managing its finances wisely.

“Thank God we in Dominica have not experienced a situation in recent time where people are not getting their salaries on time,” he said. “As a matter of fact sometimes we pay, much to the surprise of public officers, because it gets to them about the 26th and 27th of the month.”

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  1. Josh
    June 16, 2013

    “Thank God we in Dominica have not experienced a situation in recent time where people are not getting their salaries on time,” —–Say what !!!! Recent time maybe he means last month alone.

  2. Brains
    June 16, 2013

    alu crying things hard but most of u commenting will find where 325$ is to buy a season ticket for creole fest just for 3 nights not only that plus eat and drinks. every big event alu there… but yet still alu complaining…we make our mistakes and blame the govt for it…325$ is a light bill and a marpin a 20$ topup

    • Malgraysa
      June 16, 2013

      Isn’t that ironic. Those people most able to pay get VIP passes. Is so our country is.

  3. B_Arch
    June 16, 2013

    why has public works corporation workers been threatening labour action? yet this man claims salaries are been delivered timely!

    • Malgraysa
      June 16, 2013

      Not that it makes things better for the people at Public Works but they are no longer government employees since that dept. was turned into a corporation. So strictly speaking the P.M. is correct and Govt. is not directly responsible for paying the workers at Public Works Corp.

      • B_Arch
        June 17, 2013

        then who is contracting the corporation and therefore being their employer?

  4. B_Arch
    June 16, 2013

    in an economy of over 35% unemployment (more than a third of the working population); 29% poverty of which 6% in extreme poverty, yet “Dominica spared the full brunt of the global economic crunch”. Could the PM as minister of finance define economic recession and depression? how long can we survive on hand outs? plus the import/export ratio is so screwed. is this guy really serious or are we as a people serious about who we are and how we want our future?

  5. wassup
    June 15, 2013

    stop trying to con us mr psychologist!!

  6. hhmmm
    June 15, 2013

    well skerrit i hope you reading this all i want is a job plz create some jobs for the youth

  7. Bod
    June 15, 2013

    Erm, British American, Clico … ?

  8. Concerned.
    June 15, 2013

    Sounds exactly like the garbage Obama spouts while our country is going down in flames.

  9. Anonymous
    June 15, 2013

    but mister mad man…

  10. LCM
    June 15, 2013

    PM need to start talking using terms such as GDP and GNP when making his claims. We can all figure it out. He will sound a little more credible and intelligent. Then again i do not expect a psychologist to be effective in financial matters and an accountant/economist to be versed in psychology or health matters. Poor human resource management.

  11. Roger that
    June 15, 2013

    Has our PM started to smoke the Ganga weed me thinks so!! :) The PM has made three statements this week that actually do not make sense. Dominicans owe 156 million EC in Tax!!!!! The wonderful slaughter house that is to be built in one of the most beautiful places in Dominica on a tourist route in Layou Park which also happens to be the water table to the Layou Valley which feeds all the ravines and Springs that run into the Layou river. The slaughter house is costing 10 million US and boasts the ability to kill 2,000 chickens an hour and a thousand pigs a day! Well what a joke all the animals we have in Dominica will be dead in three weeks then what will happen to the slaughter house!!? I mean come on, obviously keep smokin the weed! :) Now this article today is unbelievable! Dominica was suffering before the world crisis. The pay is way below other islands. There are no jobs for people here! Everyone is suffering and the food prices keep going up. How on earth can the PM actually be saying all these things and thinking that this is sensible. I think the PM needs to get out on the street walk about and look at his people and then he might begin to see reality.
    Why would the PM want Dominica to be helped by other countries. Does the PM not want Dominica to help herself!! Let us go into vegetable organic farming let us make something of our island and it’s nature! Help the young people take an interest in what we have here so we can hold our heads up make a proper living and be proud. I am amazed the PM could say we are lucky to be helped by other countries. How are we going to ever pay back the Chinese or the Venezualan’s and the ridiculous slaughter house takes the biscuit.

  12. Truth be told
    June 15, 2013

    Seriously this Prime Minister is a real mess! Does this man not understand economic cycles? With an aid dependent economy like Dominica doesn’t the Prime Minister know that Dominica and like all aid dependent economies will really begin to hurt at least a decade later and when the rest of the industrial economies are long out of the recession? The immediacy of the crisis could not touch us because we are not significantly liked to the Global economy – a factor which works for us in bad global economic times but which equally works against us in good global economic times – we really contribute nothing to the global economy so we are never directly affected for better or for worse.

    • Truth be told
      June 15, 2013

      “linked” not like – The immediacy of the crisis could not touch us because we are not significantly linked to the Global economy…

  13. Discombobulated
    June 15, 2013

    I agree that dominica was spared the full brunt yes. Thing is though, we never had much of an economy to begin with. How can you lose what you don’t have in the first place?

    June 15, 2013

    Tell mr skerrit go down fondcole τ̲̣̣̥ά̲̣̣̣̥к̲̣̣e̶̲̥̅̊ a drive thru newtown kingshill mahaut massacre st joe in the day ά̲̣̣̣̥ŋd §є̲̣̣̣̥є̲̣̣̣̥ the amount of young men that not working. Some people going to say ɪ̣̝̇§ laziness but ℓØ̶̷̩̊͡Ø̶̷̩̊͡k at who working in dominica, hundreds of chinese. Mr skerrit when last ђa̲̣vẹ̷̥̊ û stayed hungry ? Do û ŊỢ̥ what it ɪ̣̝̇§ to be hungry? Well go ask those 40% dominicans that are under de poverty level ά̲̣̣̣̥ŋd they will tell ÿ̲̣̣̣̥oû.

    June 14, 2013

    “Because of the sincere friendships that we have developed overseas, this is the reason why we have not suffered as our other brothers and sisters in the Caribbean”
    Who are the friends again? Morocco, China, Venezuela, Cuba, libya?
    The rest of the Islands have no friends at all?
    After ral Skerrit.

  16. african queen
    June 14, 2013

    london bridge is falling down. chinese will vote for you not Dum in cans

  17. anonymous2
    June 14, 2013

    The full brunt hasn’t come down yet or can’t you tell Mr. PM with your propaganda source.

  18. Justice and Truth
    June 14, 2013

    Dominica is fortunate not to be experiencing a financial crisis. As the PM stated, it is thanks to assistance received from friendly countries. These are appropriate dates when they should be paid, around the 26th or 27th work week. If these dates fall at the weekend, Saturday and Sundays, they should get paid on the Friday preceding those days. They should be given a set date when they hope to receive their salary. Simply program the computer system accordingly and establish direct deposit to the bank. The government could save on issuing cheques.
    The Federal and Provincial governments are phasing out issuing cheques for direct bank deposit. For some years, most Canadians already have direct deposit. Soon the name cheque or check will be obsolete.

  19. stehen
    June 14, 2013

    doctrine of necessity

    June 14, 2013

    If UWP can change the economic crisis and make Dominica make record profits despite the countries around the world making losses I welcome it but if not not what the point argue

  21. stehen
    June 14, 2013

    well done skero Dominican been praying for a king,

  22. thebushmaninda
    June 14, 2013

    He can fool some of the people some of the time but thebushmaninda will not be fool by the slick and slide of the finance minister. Regardless of the economic conditions elsewhere, this globe trotting panhandling finance minister has done nothing to grow the Dominican economy. The fact that civil servants are paid seems to be an achievement in his mind. What about contractors whose invoices go unpaid for months. As a minister of finance his competence is in question. What in his background make him qualified to handle the finances of a developing economy. Really, is he the most qualified/ competence cabinet minister when it comes to handling economic growth in Dominica?

  23. Hate ignorance
    June 14, 2013

    we were spared and so many people hungry , cant pay their bills or even have a job , wow wow wow . what a statement, I don’t want to know what it would be like if we were not spared . So he finally accepts the fact that our bad conditions and lack of economic success has nothing to do with the world crisis. The only logical conclusion is poor management on his part . He said it not me.

  24. Rocky Hills
    June 14, 2013

    Isn’t that place called Dominica better known as

    The Fools Paradise.

  25. Just Reading
    June 14, 2013

    Skerrit not easy….look at the number of children living school with no jobs…we paying our own self through VAT contribution; there is zero productivity on the island; Chinese giving us loan to pay themselves on projects done here, while our people are left to steal, kill and get jailed. The economic crisis is hitting us hard….we cannot eat what we want; we have to cut down our food bills every day to cater for high light, water and SS bills or payments…man, Skerrit get a life or share us some our millions…didn’t I hear you are one of the top three young million in the region….

  26. Vanya
    June 14, 2013

    Hats off to you me you got

    Does he really have a true heart?

    Dominica is the Poorest in the Eastern Caribbean.
    All the sectors in Dominica are dusted and done.

    Think he has a Masters in Spinning issues…

    Only in Dominica could he even sniff the idea of Being a Leader…a dead economy and he has no justifications for his bad directions and policies.

    Change is a Must in Dominica..for Survival.

  27. maindesk
    June 14, 2013

    This Prime Minister Skerrit told us one time we were so well off we gave millions of dollars to St Lucia and Antigua Another time we were so rich we were better off than all other countries and we were sending money to the people who live there. Then another time we could not give the civil servants more than 2% increase because things are bad. Now again we are better off than other Caribbean counties because of prudent management This PM is a stand up comic.

  28. Anonymous
    June 14, 2013

    If I am to judge by these comments it seems like as if Dominicans are finally waking up.

  29. dont edit
    June 14, 2013

    preach to the imbeciles that don’t know better.

  30. keeping it real
    June 14, 2013

    The average salary of a worker in under $2,000 per month. Can you imagine in this day and age an educated individual working in ministry cannot even attain a salary of $2,000? Well if the citizens does not not have a problem with that, who am I to complain?

    • Justice and Truth
      June 14, 2013

      How much under $2,000? Those who owe the government taxes should pay up so that they could probably receive a higher salary.
      If they were in Canada and received $2,000 a month, consider they will have to pay tax deducted on that and government pension deductions. Those who are unionized must pay union dues deductions and whatever else. What income they have left for a country such as Canada with 4 seasons?
      Some people work overtime and also get a second job to make ends meet. As for the fast food outlets their income is minimal.
      Some Canadians would be happy to settle for what some Dominicans get.
      Be advised those countries that help D/ca pay, their staff a minimal amount of income and also have poor, unemployed people, some who receive a menial unemployment benefit and social welfare benefit – assistance.

      • Justice and Truth
        June 14, 2013

        If they have more than one job, their income tax will be higher and obviously must pay additional income tax. This leaves them with less income than they had hoped for, the reason why they seek another job in the first place. They are not spared from that. No freebies here.

  31. St.Joe
    June 14, 2013

    Oh boy! Tell me when Dominicans are going to wake and smell the Cow-down that these guys are pouring in their faces.
    Even Europe is feeling the economic pinch and lucky little Da that is so dependent on foreign aid is making it? Oh Gosh! just give me another Pipe let me smoke!
    But where is all the money that the Late Chavez gave to Dominica Noh??
    Investigate that .

  32. Massacre
    June 14, 2013

    I want to make it categorically clear! Dominica’s economy is the best in the Caribbean.
    This is true because I can travel to what ever country I want, send my friends and family to any educational institution in the world , or medical facility when they fall sick.
    So what are you Dominicans complaining about??
    If you all don’t have it is because you all are not part of the next level, so hold tight and just wait for you all turn.It coming! ok!

    • I love my people
      June 17, 2013


  33. Frabo
    June 14, 2013

    We all shall how “stupid” we are, come next election. We must talk to those illiterates and make them understand, that the future of their children and grand-children are at stake, if they won’t change the present government. They are in the majority, and one hand shake and a hug from Mr. ‘SHERIFF'(Skeritt) is enough to win their votes. Hope the opposition is raising a lot of cash; cause Skeritt has a war chest of China and Venezuela money to spend with no limit. All of you that are crying and weeping and complaining; i hope you all will help (financially) the opposition; so we can take our beloved Country back, and give it back to its people. I don’t think that the PM is a bad man. I just think that he is a bad leader who’s looking for himself in the process. Government should be by the people, and for the people. If the people are not happy with what they got, it’s in their power to change it. We must keep changing until we get what we want and deserve.

  34. New Yorker
    June 14, 2013

    If that is so Mr PM how come that ST. Joseph once a productive agricultural community is now poorer today, if that is so Mr. PM how come Dominica employment rate among the youth which can be considered to be the productive sector is so high, if that is so Mr. PM how come your health sector is in shambles consult Carressa”Gentle rest”, if that is so Hon PM tell us why is it that you can only offer your public servant 1% and finally Hon PM why is it that basic food items ae so expensive

  35. zammy
    June 14, 2013

    Oh Dear! Oh Please! Maybe folks need to take a road trip around Dominica to experience the full brunt of the economic crunch…. Truth be told Trees are taking over the roads and bush all over the place and the place is really and truly most untidy. Nothing is really happening, so this statement from whomever is a bit straying from reality…… Truth be told life is at its hardest hard in Dominica.. Never seen the country like this… so to the Government and its leadership: No pass mark to this point…
    People cant eat roads and President house which are purely grants …
    Around the Caribbean, things are tight, but Dominica is not far from being the most difficult place to survive….. Nothing is happening and its pure frustration and worries…………
    One would suspect that its silly season, or some election campaign wanna get started.. But no matter how things are Dominicans will still vote them back in to continue to squeeze them and mismanage the affairs of state…

  36. Doc. Love
    June 14, 2013

    Why does Skerrit pay so many advisors, if they cannot advise him as to when and where his important speeches should be made.If Skerrit wants to make a speech of such significance, knowing it affects all Dominicans, shouldn’t a press conference be held where he can be questioned. Because public workers are getting their salaries on time, the man tells us,this is one of the reasons why Dominica’s financies are managed in a prudent manner thus causing us to be speared from the global economic crisis. I have never heard more horse manure comming from a Minister of Finance of Dominica before.We have had Ministers of Finance like Timothy,Vic to name a few,I have never heard such utter rubbish comming from them.If this is your reasoning,Sir,what about the approximately 29% of Dominicans that are unemployed.

    • Doc. Love
      June 14, 2013

      By the way this is distraction number two.The first one was the $150M owed by Dominicans.

  37. June 14, 2013

    Dominicans, Skerrit and his government has lack any form of credibility, they can’t be trusted, it’s time for them to go

    It’s your duty to remove this currupt government

  38. real possie
    June 14, 2013

    From some of the posting i see on this brings me back to when we were small papa gone mommy alone there to take care of us,as a child we say mammy i want this buy it for me not knowing what mammy had to do to feed us now am grown with my own kids i can see what my mom went through,but it seems like some of us never grow up.We still asking for things we dont want to contribute to by paying our taxes but when papy go out there and beg we want to tell him build this 1st not this one now thats my opinion who vex lost.Like Marleen wld say booooommmmmm i gone.

  39. Anonymous
    June 14, 2013

    The PM must be leaving in a different country

  40. Jabala
    June 14, 2013

    This guy Simply does not understand or he thinks that every Dominican is from Portsmouth or Viellecase Case – blind supporters who will ride a trolley down the valley of desolation even if the driver is drunk, blind, corrupt, reckless or on an overdose of prozac.
    Let us see how long these idiots are going to blame the economic crunch cause the economic crunch is here to stay. If this PM thinks that scratching, borrowing to pay civil servants is what fiscal and economic performance is about Dominicans better start building their Pipwi. How are civil servants paid ? Strictly by dipping into the piggy bank. We wonder why public workers can’t get paid or that the service providers on the airport road cannot get paid? Let us see how long this pressure hose will hold up.

  41. the noone
    June 14, 2013

    smh….is that what an economic growth is based on? is not feel we not feeling the impact of the global economy, is used we used to the concept of poverty and stagnation that the world can drop to our level and we would say we not impacted but is our level they not yet reach. if it wasnt for a call center in the island….where people would work? in chinee store? if we grew in any finance is in domlec profits and bank loan paybacks as well as your pokets in the government. one day man….one day….

  42. Malgraysa
    June 14, 2013

    “Managing finances wisely”? Maybe I’m getting senile but how comes we received 25.8 million Euro so far from the French for the upgrading of the Pont Case to Melville Hall road and that road in a worse state than before they started working on it.
    Last time I used it was a journey from Hell and the time taken from Roseau was nearly two hours, never mind the suffering of my vehicle. Work has stopped, workers have not been paid and road is unfinished. What happened to that money?
    If you are calling that managing finances wisely I wonder what scenario we would face if the finances of this project were managed badly?

  43. Krazy
    June 14, 2013

    MR.PM are u serious, don’t u listen to the things you say. :oops:

  44. Frabo
    June 14, 2013

    People in Dominica are crying! what are they “feeling?” the “BRUNT” OF THE CRISIS. Boy look jokes…. Bus drivers going up and down empty! people don’t have money like before to go Town and shop. What are they feeling? If i could leave this country I would not hesitate one second. They charged a man $1,200 for a cigarette Butt – ask him what he’s feeling!

    • IPO
      June 14, 2013

      They charged a man $1,200 for a cigarette Butt – ask him what he’s feeling!

      He just called me back, he said he is feeling burnt and high…Holy Smoke

    • Nikee
      June 14, 2013

      And Credit Unions have increased Members and Deposits so where it coming from?Stones from the Beach? Boy leave me alone you hear, my credit union account getting bigger and things bad? Look at all the transport that coming in every month and selling,citizens BLINGING with new latest fashions and you say they crying? Who beatyou nuh,is you that crying about the news,Boy leave us alone you hear-WICKED.

    • Lougaoo Mem
      June 14, 2013

      Doesn’t seem so. All they want is pretty boy Ricky, who doesn’t care and have no clue that his citizens are in a financial pain and hurting. Long Live Pretty Boy Ricky! We the Laborites can’t wait to give him five more years.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 14, 2013

      You are comparing bus drivers to a non-law abider who was charged by the Court. There is no comparison; wrong comparison.

  45. Whose fools are we?
    June 14, 2013

    Whose fools are you? Impossible. Not Dominica. A few, a select few, have amassed wealth, in quick time, much beyond their salaries. All kinds of dubious means. Secret deals.

    Never in Dominica’s history have we seen and heard so much corrupt practices and illegalities, disregard for our Constitution and laws, overt, in your face coruuption. Investigations by patriotic citizens have revealed and exposed their secret deals. They just cannot refute. They spin and twist, but the facts are stubborn. They fraid the truth. So they continue to make empty, unfactual, unfounded claims.

    What has Skerritt and his Govt put in place to boost the economy? Poverty is rising. Unemployment rising. Corruption rising. Standards of living going down, down, down.

    The few, their pockets overflowing, bank accounts dazzling. The nouveau rich sparkling, while the majority of Dominicans catching hell with 15% VAT on everything, goods/services, everyday. Almost total dependence on other countries, finances and resources, won’t cut it for us.

    All you fooling yourselves to believe Skerritt and his cabal care about people? Open your eyes. Check the business in Roseau to see. A far cry from decades gone by. Consturction projects being awar4ded to whom, by whom? Public Works in financial problems. PWC have been told to leave where they have operated from for years upon years, building, repairing our roads. Skerritt’s Govt. selling there to Chinese.

    Development is about people, all Dominicans, not about a few, greedy, selfish minority basking in their wealthy (questionable, obtained by dubious means.)

    A drowning man catches at a straw. Expect more pre-election dribblings.

  46. Morihei Ueshiba
    June 14, 2013

    Skerro u are de best, de other day u say Dominicans owning u 150 million today u saying we survive economic crisis, GarCon u forget what u say.
    Truth is my layba supporters owe 150 million . :lol: :lol: :lol:

  47. dissident
    June 14, 2013

    Pardner de amount of local businesses that close down over de past 4 yrs in Roseau…..can u guarantee me that the employees who were left jobless as a result were able to pick the,selves up in quick time? Do u know why a high skilled man like me is left without a job…..i used to work in de US comfortably…..i decided to come to my country to make a contribution to Dominica’s economy but i cant find work…..i am too highly skilled…..employers tell me they cant afford my salary…….dis is de NEXT LEVEL Sherrit.

    stop talking foolishness like u on a compaign trail for re-election. None of ur 100 days programs have been achieved after over 4 yrs in office….is it because of de global crisis?

    Prove ur worth………go back to ur election campaign 100 day check list and show us what u have achieved……that is de platform u campaigned on…… me ur accomplishments…..IF U CANT DO THAT U HAVE JUST PROVEN URSELF TO BE A FAILURE

    Increase minimum wage nuh… us how bold and forthright u are.

    we always hear talk of skilled Dominicans working overseas especially in de construction business……show me how much u CARE…….put some on a Chinese project nuh……or all u ‘so-called’ Morrocan Hotel

    u are such an entertainer…..u really like a stage eh

    • budman
      June 14, 2013

      are you going to return to comfort in the US with skills or continue down here jobless and bitchin’?

      • octo
        June 14, 2013

        Dissident, answer the question.

      • concerned
        June 15, 2013

        budman,people like yourself that helping keep the country backward with those silly comments .

      • Y
        June 16, 2013

        What’s your point ? This person is in Dominica now and has a right to complain especially for the reason given for his or her return. I think he or she knew it would not be like the US but I don’t think they expected things to be so bad.

    • Justice and Truth
      June 14, 2013

      Was it not stated that this was due to new Chinese businesses?
      Can you not return to the US to seek employment? Or work for less in Dominica? If you were earning what we call a decent salary in the US, you cannot expect to make the same amount in Dominica unless you try to open your own business. You will have to settle for some dollars less until better can be done. This is why many D/cans do not return to work.
      If you remain in Dominica, I hope you find a suitable job which will pay you a sufficient salary for your livelihood. Good luck!

  48. Lougaoo Mem
    June 14, 2013

    “Prudent and responsible management of the country’s finances?” Are those who benefitted proud of their accomplishments? Sure you right. But don’t say that to your poor supporters. Where are the jobs for the locals? Deeds and action speak louder than voice Sir. Remember that eh!

  49. Abitrator
    June 14, 2013

    Not suffered the full brunt? Wow, is our PM sick in his head? Well again he and his regime have not felt it.

    • Jay
      June 14, 2013

      To some extent he is right. After al, if you have not got much to start with, you don’t have much to lose either. Zero from zero = zero.

      • Truth be told
        June 15, 2013

        Well Jay you understand the economics. Thank you for expressing in a few words what I needed all these words to say: The immediacy of the crisis could not touch us because we are not significantly linked to the Global economy – a factor which works for us in bad global economic times but which equally works against us in good global economic times – we really contribute nothing to the global economy so we are never directly affected for better or for worse.

  50. Not a herd follower
    June 14, 2013

    When it suits Roosevelt Skeritt, he makes nuances on the impact of the global financial and economic crisis on Dominica. Three versions he has offered over the last three years: 1. we have been spared the negative impact; we are doing relatively well so much so that we are doing better than the USA, Canada and the UK and we remit monies to overseas Dominicans living in these countries; 2. We are not immune from the global economic decline. We have been affected as evidence by the fall in revenue and economic growth. All the economic woes we are experiencing has nothing to do with the government but everything to do with the global economic situation; and 3. we have been affected but spared the full brunt of the decline.

    • Me again
      June 14, 2013

      Well, aren’t we living in a Fool’s Paradise? So, who is the fool?

    • Dominican overseas
      June 15, 2013

      Let me be very clear. All the time i working in america i sending my money cwapaud bank (national bank of dominica)to save. now i not working i askiing my family to send back some of my money to help me… my friend that not remitance that is my hard earned money i save here, somebody in the cwapaud bank had even thief in it a few years ago and they ketch them.

      most of they people from dominica living in america not getting remitances. they withdrawing their money they had save, how can that be remitances…LMAO… LOOK RORO

  51. Oh My...
    June 14, 2013

    Wow!! Really?? So if we had suffered the full “brunt” we would have physically died of starvation or have to turn to serious and thoughtless crimes to keep our heads above the water. This country is hard to live in; people are choosing between buying gas for their vehicles and paying their light bills!! Cost of living is rising steadily; banks are hiring more recovery officers due to delinquency in paying loans…sir….you may mean well …but the stark realities is that if something is not done and done now this beautiful country of ours will implode!!!

      June 14, 2013

      I would more say explode!

  52. LCM
    June 14, 2013

    Yet. Help from friends and not growth. Now funds have to be paid back so you looking under the bed to see if some money fall there. Your economic policy can be simple called “friends with benefits economic policy”

  53. N.V
    June 14, 2013

    So you mean to tell me PM you hav the balls to continue to say that we have been spared the full brunt of the economic crisis..magwaysah!!!..your administration have neglected the farming communities and the farming industry ..instead of building us an airport you build a state palace ..sorry jus not ready to work as a prime Minister. get to real work or get out.

  54. one stone
    June 14, 2013

    what he really means is because of all the money he borrowed from the chinese that our children will have to pay, long after he as stopped living le vide a loca

  55. Candominican
    June 14, 2013

    Mr PM stop spewing garbage to the Dominican public. We are fed up with your inuendos at this time. Wouldn’t you attribute the following to the global economic crisis?
    1. the closure of the aerial tram
    2. lack of economic growth and chinese take over of Dominican business.
    3. 40 % or less hotel occupancy?
    4.stagnation of small business growth and the list goes on.
    If you say 27 m dollar investment into a state house project is prudent fiscal management, you have convinced yourself that the Dominican public is a colony of fools.
    I cannot wait for your next breaking news!!!!

    • Anonymous
      June 14, 2013

      Sing it loud!!!!

    • Dominiquen
      June 14, 2013

      Yes UWP-DNO thanks for posting this trash!!! Please don’t post this one.Labour Party WILL win the next general election. :?:

      • N.V
        June 14, 2013

        you cannot be serious…are you saying that the labour party administration has helped the economy??..if so give me some facts wit figures..why thank you…lol

    • wespeta ras
      June 14, 2013

      if u fr canada, stop ur rubbish. The entire caribbean is suffering while we in Dominica have it nice and dandy. Stop blaming the PM. He is doing enough for our country and as he say is because of his friendship with the other country that why we havent fallen flat on our faces. U all stay in another man land and want to cry down all u birth country.

      • N.V
        June 14, 2013

        i find it very unfortunate that you are unable to understand the magnitude of this candominican’s delivery with figures to sustantiate eloquent reasoning in making decision to support or not support this administration…lol

      • Anonymous
        June 14, 2013

        If you have it nice and dandy speak for yourself, cause I don’t and my family do not. Right now, no cruise ship until October. That’s another 5 months without work. You call that nice and dandy? Ye generation of hypocrites.

      • Hmmmm....
        June 14, 2013

        There is no remedy for your level of ignorance! You comments indicate that you are totally blind to the economic realities of Dominica. I am guessing you neither own a business or otherwise have any vested interest in a private sector business activity. I am guessing that you are either a current recipient or one time beneficiary of handouts, or “guaranteed” wages from the Government. I am guessing that you have never gone through an IMF country report to acquaint yourself with the label – vulnerable economy, and what it means in the context of the global economic crises and capacity of Dominica to exploit any rebounds in global growth. Whereas, for example, Dominica’s economy is not as exposed to the shocks posed by falls in tourism dollar inflows (as other sister islands whose incomes are more heavily dependent on tourism), it is ill placed to reap equivalent benefits from any rebounds in that industry. As acknowledged above, Dominica remains heavily dependent on grant funds, and has been unsuccessful in sufficiently facilitating productive industries, to promote reasonable levels of economic independence and sustainability, and to prepare for that faithful day when current funding sources run dry. But I am also guessing that you have no idea about what I am talking about, and or will soon proceed to dislike my comment!

      • JUDGE DRED
        June 14, 2013

        idiot 8-O

      • concerned
        June 15, 2013

        you can never be a ras and speak so much rubbish.

      • June 15, 2013

        Admin,is there a way you can put thumbs down by twos?
        …because this person deserves it.

    • Jay
      June 14, 2013

      I’m curious. If the President’s Residence (State House) is an investment what is the projected return on that investment? Does anyone know?

      • Anonymous
        June 14, 2013

        great question; really great question! The will be deafening silence in response though.

      • LCM
        June 14, 2013

        -ve 150 million

      • John Paul
        June 14, 2013

        Mr. Timothy had suggested a one dollar entrance fee to the Palace insinuating that there would be millions of persons who would pay to visit it lol lol lol .

        I should not even be saying this on the radio but you know those people they might just squash the debt / loan for the Palace ” lol lol lol

      • Dominican overseas
        June 15, 2013

        27,000,000 over the next term of office; december 2013 – december 2018. that is 5,400,000 annually or 450,000 monthly. so we squaring off since the revenues collected will be used to repay the chinese, the state house will now be property of dominica. oh we just negotiated the waiver of the interest payments. so this is an interest free loan… just make sure you vote us back in so we can bring more development to the country :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • IPO
      June 14, 2013

      To From a pure financial perspective he is correct…We have been ableto service our foreign and local debt, we have had no debt restructuring vis-a vis IMF and other crditors, we still have positive GDP growth in a small economy, we are still able to source new loans from renowned international institution….So when some idiotic candonothing for himself wannabe canadian comes talking crap its time to check him.

      Let me tell you, the responsibility to develop Dominca is not going to be Roosevelt Skerrit alone. And it sure was not Mamo, nor Edison, so unless we pull up our effing socks and do something about it and start investing in country we are going to be here for a few more years talking more crap…your canadian born kids will even join you.

      What we need is men and women with bold idea to invest…not invest in Q95 and DNO…but invest in real revenue generating projects…

      Unless we can do this the next generation will have moved to another destination of opportunity (maybe China/Asia who knows).

    • I DIE NU
      June 14, 2013

      Trash like this will be published but other comments that make much more sense awaits moderation till the Topic is gone.DNO and Q95 IS 6 of one,half a dozen of the other.

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