Dominicans preoccupied with unemployment – survey

Peter Wickham
Peter Wickham

Dominicans are most preoccupied with the issue of unemployment, a recent Dominica Labour Party (DLP)-commissioned CADRES survey has revealed.

CADRES, the Caribbean Development Research Services Inc., is a Barbados-based consulting firm specializing in public opinion polling, headed by Peter Wickham.

The survey was done as part of the DLP’s mid term review of performance and was conducted in the last two weeks of February 2013, in 13 of the 18 constituencies that the party currently represents in Parliament.

Concerns over unemployment notwithstanding, the survey also showed that Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit was the preferred leader over other political leaders on the island and that the DLP would win a general election if it was called during the time the survey was being done.

Additionally, it showed that Dominicans are not generally preoccupied with the ‘Villa’ issue, which has been the subject of much discussion in the local media.

“It was determined that Dominicans are at this time most preoccupied with the issue of ‘Unemployment;’ this is noticeably different from the major issue of concern in other Caribbean countries at this time, which is the ‘Cost of Living,'” CADRES said in a press release announcing the results of the survey.

“Dominicans are generally most impressed with the government’s performance in ‘Education’ and least impressed with the government’s performance in the area of ‘Employment’. Overall, Dominicans in these constituencies gave their government a ‘6’ and awarded the opposition a ‘3.5’.

According to CADRES, the survey shows that Dominicans have in general, lost appetite in the villa issue. “It is clear from the data that Dominicans are generally not preoccupied with the “Villa” issue since a majority of people were either not interested in it or expressed the view that they had heard enough about it already,” CADRES stated. “Moreover, a clear majority of Dominicans indicated that the facts presented thus far had not altered their opinion of PM Skerrit in any tangible way.”

CADRES reports that its study reveals little interest in a third political party and many were unsure of what should be done to the Dominica Freedom Party (DFP). “There is also little appetite for a third party now in these constituencies since a majority of persons indicated a lack of interest,” the release said. “The matter of the DFP’s future, however, was less-clear since almost equal quantities of people either opted for a ‘Re-Brand’ of the DFP, expressed the desire to see it ‘Cease to Exist’ or were ‘Unsure’ about what should be done with this party.”

On the question of leadership, CADRES said the survey results show 64 percent preferred PM Skerrit, while Opposition Leader Edison James was preferred by 36 percent of respondents and Earle Williams by 0.2 percent.

Earle Williams has been out of the political scene for some time now.

CADRES said although the survey was not designed “to test the national popularity of the DLP, or to project a notion of electoral swing, it is possible to conclude that the DLP would have been likely to win a national electoral contest that took place during the time of the poll.”

The polling organization contended that this was possible “notwithstanding the higher than normal margin of error of this poll.”

The survey was conducted through interviews in select areas of these constituencies.

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  1. haha
    March 17, 2013

    Hay Hay one how had to live D/ mr openeye obdserver don’t be fooled .how can 1stay there own business when there’s is no agriculture?u can’t go to the bank u will not got help . Cos u don’t support mr. Pm
    Don’t fooled urself d money have to come fr. There .doom doom fool :-P

  2. Dominican
    March 16, 2013

    My personal opinion Skewo and the whole bonch of them can go where the sun dont shine,all I need now is work, money in my pocket, and a transparent goverment, sadly but truly fow now there is none of the above.

  3. Easily
    March 16, 2013

    Labour is rubbish til dey start to provide more employment opportunities…

  4. Dominicawoman
    March 16, 2013

    Ask any non dominican about employment. You find them working sometimes night and day and sending money overseas to their people. our young population of about the same caliber, do not want that job, they do not want to do this, they do not want to do that, basically they do not want to work. Even university graduates know that the government CANNOT employ everyone. Let us consider putting our skills at work and making our own contributions.

    • Dominican
      March 28, 2013

      It is SAD when you open your mouth and removed all doubts, but you just did,a new born baby knows that government can’t employ everyone, but in what ever angle you look at it government must create the enabling environment, you can’t maintain your adult children and thair familes but you created the enabling environment by giving them an education,

    March 16, 2013

    Mr Peter Wickham you are the biggest FRAUD in the whole world to make such a bogus claim, i wonder where you got your info from?

  6. Anonymous
    March 16, 2013

    wwhhooyy yooyyooyyyy Dominicans want to work????

    Well well well it seems finally, one can skate to hell because hell has frozen over!

  7. emmm
    March 15, 2013

    boy! all some people worry about is bacanal, skerrit getting on like he doing so much for people im not uwp ite im not labour it nor papi ite this is reality people, where in hell are the jobs??? I WANT A JOB bonjay! all they worry about is leave skerrit alone, the library across for the state palace he cannot fix the library and extend there i telling all u JAH not a police ONE day i tell u one day when God send a message all u will see, see what happening to Clear Harbor all you think clear harbor going to sustain all these people with jobs forever?? skerrit boasting then at the end of the day all these people dont have jobs smh god is good

  8. March 15, 2013

    Ebeh look it. lol

  9. Traveller
    March 15, 2013

    Where was this survey done? In Grandbay, Portsmouth, Vielle Case, Paxi Bouche ? If that is where they surveys were done, what do you all expect the results to be?

    • March 15, 2013

      apparently, cuz he didn call my phone.

    • emmm
      March 15, 2013

      but is true

    • Pipwi
      March 16, 2013

      They did not come to Grand Bay, no one in Grand Bay saw them so tell me if is by phone they did this survey.

  10. March 15, 2013

    hold up, if i am a working person how do i bother with unemployment? And i don’t bother about villas ownership? REALLY? How is it that the GON Emanuel matter was not part of the survey? or was it? Mr. didn’t call me. #just bogus

  11. zye koclish
    March 15, 2013

    Where mr.come out nuh with his survey?skerrit paying mr. to just propagate propaganda and scandal…i doh see no substance in that word”utter rubbish”..

  12. Blessed.
    March 15, 2013

    Is it me or nobody else noticed that PM approval rating is only 64%. It had to have been higher the last pole. Is the honeymoon over?

    • Anonymous
      March 16, 2013

      Sorry to burst your bubble but if that figure is in fact correct and not Labour propganada, that is a very healthy approval rating. Any leader on the planet would kill for that rating.

      That rating, if true, is very bad news for the future of this country.

  13. grell
    March 15, 2013

    uwp needs to revamp.they are out of touch,they need to talk about unemployment and other issues.

  14. SadIndeed
    March 15, 2013

    Why don’t they just make this country a welfare state and be done with that. I would gladly run down to the DSS every week for my $200 Trust me. Under UWP people could manage from month end to monthend now as soon as the money come it gone. Can’t even pay the bus fare.

    • Progres
      March 15, 2013

      So untrue.

      • Anonymous
        March 16, 2013

        ‘so untrue’…u stupid! i working and I am cannot even save!bad the economy bad like dat! i know people that did well at school and they are just home doing nothing and getting frustrated… and plz do not say they can be self employed… tried market!

    • judge dred
      March 15, 2013

      damn true, look more austerity coming

  15. Jazzy
    March 15, 2013

    Just so Dominicans know, this Peter Wickham guy’s surveys are not even credible. My friends and I were recruited to do them in college and we didn’t even do them right, we just filled them up amongst ourselves. That was years ago and he was paying us good money for them. Sooo kids these days got even more tricks up their sleeves so any bogus results that are given are actually not the views of the general public.

    • YAO
      March 15, 2013

      So you admit you didn’t even do your job right? You were paid good money but you still didn’t take your job seriously? Wow that’s great work ethic.

    • budman
      March 16, 2013

      and 15 idiots gave this idiot Jazzy , a thumbs up.

  16. Door man
    March 15, 2013

    Wasn’t Matt from the show going to throw his hat in the political race? Da needs a new leader who will look out for the county not just his. I hope the gears are turning to start a new political party.

  17. My little country
    March 15, 2013

    What’s wrong with mista, so long Earl out of the picture. And y concentrate so much on villas . U need to update your questionnaire, one thing u have it right that the dlp will win a next election cause truly uwp ain’t ready yet, I think they let Lenox mash up the party and they haven’t learn their lesson yet so my vote is for sale.

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2013

      so why is your vote for sale. you should continue voting DLP. Lennox is doing a fantastic job leaving those thieves with a guilty conscience.

    • $$$$
      March 15, 2013

      Lenox really? Linton is not a member of UWP and whether he supports them or not, that’s the mans choise. He’s a independent journalist thus his views are not necessary that of UWP so please tell me how did he mash up UWP again. They did that bad all on their own. UWP NEEDS to stop minding what the illegal PM is doing and start minding their own. And yes I said it ILLEGE P.M cause he is and that IS A FACT.

      UWP need to let the people of this country know what’s their plan for the country if they were to be re-elected. They need to stop focusing on the government and the PM’s shrot comings and start focusing on their own. You are right those fellers are FAR from ready and Dominicans are fed up with that constant “oh the PM did this oh the PM did that” Seriously that bloody song tiered play.

      I don’t support the DLP administration and never will but to be honest I see nothing better. We don’t need new political parties we need new people in those that already exist or at least those that are already there, they need to revaluate themselves.

  18. Aye Dominique
    March 15, 2013

    One thing you must remember Roosevelt Skerrit, the High Court judge nor the Eastern Caribbean Supreme court is going to vote for you come election. Dominicans are going to be your judge, jury and executioner. Pay Peter Wickman all you want but time will be the best judge.

  19. Concerned Dominican
    March 15, 2013

    Surveys are surveys. They contain interesting statistical information that could inform both political parties. It is clear that the opposition is not making any major traction on the ground and they need to do something quick to catch the electorate interest. The attack on PM Skerrit has failed miserably. For a matter a fact it has had a reverse effect. People is sympathizing with the PM instead of hating on him. The Leadership of the UWP is old and clearly out of touch. Hon Edison James has definitely passed him best. He lacks the zeal and energy for the monumental task the opposition has to do to win the next election. Clearly, it is time for Mr. James to do the honorable thing and pass the leadership on a fresh face who has the charisma and the intellectual capacity to move the opposition from the morass it has found itself in to a serious contender for the government. Dr. Thompson Fontaine surely can fit that bill.

    For the government, you all must be careful because unemployment is not the only issue. Dominica is in an economic crisis and don’t fool yourself. If the opposition can attract people who can point a better way than what we are going through your popularity can be short lived. Dominicans need better salaries, lower utility bills and the cost of living needs to come down very quickly. People are begging to make ends meet.

  20. Wiseup
    March 15, 2013

    How did you came up with these figures. I did not even participate because I was not aware of such. Im sure Im not the only one 8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

      March 15, 2013

      to make a survey you have to check every body on the island? You dunce man :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • budman
      March 16, 2013

      are you really this daft? (daft means stupid) its a poll. they don’t contact every single person.

    March 15, 2013

    once a survey against UWP it is a lie :lol:
    everybody know if election call now Labour will win n nobody cannot stop dat

    Until UWP doh start to focus the cost of living and stop wasting money on passport and villas issues, they will never win
    UWP are not fighting for the people but 4 there selves they have there money already so they doe care about the people

    March 15, 2013

    Peter, why so much emphasis is placed on Skerro’s villa in your survey. You came back with your tornado again.

  23. red
    March 15, 2013

    It bothers me that whenever a survey concerning the Labor Party Government or Skerrit, it must be taken by this antiquated fellar.I can remember, just before the last general elections, he was aked to take a survey on Skerrit’s popularity, he gave us the same figure.If Skerrit wants us to believe the survey,why no ask some other foreign agency to do the job.Why didn’t he take a survey as to wether Skerrit owned a French passport.We would like a survey, in order to know wether all the cash that was alledged to have been paid by a lawyer on Skerrit’s behalf is true or false.Why didn’t he take a survey as to what Dominicans want, voters I.D. cards or national I.D. cards.Dont just tell us that Dominicans lost their appetite for the Villa’s issue,a survey should be taken as regards ownership of the Villas, Skerrit or the Crabhunter. It is alledged that the man was paid by Skerrit and the labor Party, therefore,he is entitled to give his opinion in favour of the Government and Skerrit.

  24. anonymous2
    March 14, 2013

    They should be preoccupied with the problem of unemployment. Remember when the British left in 1979, they had things set up so that this island could be productive and self-sufficient. Then the Dominicans began to dismantle everything and now there is virtually nothing left. Take a look at what you had and rebuild it at your own expense if you want to survive and you know that your survival depends on agriculture.

  25. Nature Spice
    March 14, 2013

    I have a difficulty with that survey (poll), according to CADRES it was done in the last two weeks of February 2013, so why was Earl Williams name included on the survey as one of the political leaders when everyone knows that he has not been around the political scene for some years now.

    Secondly the statement “notwithstanding the higher than normal margin of error of this poll” says a lot about the type of survey and survey sample that was used to conduct that poll. This statement suggest to me that the polling organization does not have any level of confidence in its own poll, so why should Dominicans. Polls are normally said to have a -/+ percentage margin of error (For example -/+ 5% margin of error.

    From past polls conducted by this organization, most recently in Barbados where it said that the BLP would win a with landslid victory, we all know what was the results (DLP 16, BLP 14 seats).

    It would seem to me that CADRES polls maybe suffering from a credibility issues.

  26. Huh!!
    March 14, 2013

    I was ready to comment until I reached the ‘in selected constituencies’.

  27. dominican by birth
    March 14, 2013

    never vote live out off dominica but u bet next election am coming back home to put mr skerrit in

  28. adjournment
    March 14, 2013

    this a revolution time

  29. Stoney
    March 14, 2013

    lol dominicans are too foolish period

  30. Owl
    March 14, 2013

    lol dominicans are too foolish period

  31. Lamentation
    March 14, 2013

    Peter Wickam please I beg that you not allow other people to look at your findings cause if Bajans for example were hungry, unemployed, broke while their PM is able to build 8 villas valued at $8 million would Bajans shout hurrah for the PM.

    According to SKERRIT ” in a real country” this ridiculous report would be considered an insult. However considering that the Labor party support base is predominantly ignorant then at 18 -3 why not blow crap ove their heads and all over their faces.
    SO the villa issue turn from false allegation to facts that are irrelevant to Dominicans.
    This is testimony of what people like Wickam and Hartley ,Tony and others think of Dominicans.

  32. Act of contrition
    March 14, 2013

    If Dominicans are so concerned about unemployment, and for the past 13 years their party has been in power with Skerrit being the leader for almost 10 years, why would they re elect Skerrit? If they are concerned about unemployment and their leader, their government, their party took employment from them and instead chose to send job opportunities to China while most Dominicans especially Laborites have to beg their way to their next meal, then how concerned are they about unemployment? Windsor Park was built and very few Dominicans were employed; The Roseau to P/mouth road was re-surfaced and Dominicans were the far minority on the job. Not only that but even cement and other materials were purchased in China while them Chinese got duty free on their many bags of rice from China while they were allowed to build their homes instead of spending a cent on hotel. We could not get them to buy a pair of underware in Dominica let alone fish as they gave our rivers serious blows hunting crayfish and kakados. If Dominicans were concerned about unemployment, why would they want to vote Skerrit and the DLP, when 90% of local farmers were left unemployed under Skerrit as leader? Most Dominicans hoteliers and resturant owners import their vegetables since Skerrit was made the PM. Clearly Mr. Peter Wickham, if Dominicans were concerned about unemployment as your survey sugested, they just would not be able to wait for next election to kick Skeritt out. If your survey is correct Peter Wickham, my country is in serious trouble because if anything, the DLP paid you to expose the backwardness of their supporters, and that you did a very good job of doing. Thanks Peter Wickham for a great job!

  33. Malgraysa
    March 14, 2013

    Mr. Skerrit may well win the next ellection but don’t set too much store by Cadres’ poll. This is the same Peter Wickham whose last “adjusted” poll shortly before the recent Barbados election had Owen Arthur leading Freundel Stuart by 37% to 32%.
    How wrong can one get?

  34. Act of contrition
    March 14, 2013

    Let me give the DLP the benefit of the doubt here and agree them that the survey was correct, though it easier for me to believe ‘the cow jumped over the moon’ than to believe in the accuracy of the survey. My concern is, why would the DLP choose to conduct a survey to see how the villas would affect them in an election when they are telling the nation that the pm has no shares in the villas? After all if it is not a factor and the Pm is clean where villas is concerned, then why waste time and money to see how voters feel about it before they call an election? Why not just just welcome Lenox invitation and go before the IPO and the court if needs be and proove to all that he has no part in the villas? The fact that they keep fighting it tooth and nail and now paying peter Wickham to see how it would affect them leads me to believe that they are very concerned about it. Now if they are so concerned about it and according to Peter Wickham, Dominicans are not concerned then that confirms the ignornace and stupidity that exists in Dominica and therefore tells us why Dominica is so far behind where develpment in concerned.
    Also, if Dominicans are so concerned about unemployment and their party, their government has been in power for the last 13 years, and their beloved Skerrit has been the leader for almost ten years, and yet, under his leadership unemployment has grown more than any other government for the past 35 years, and yet the DLP/ Peter Wickham survey is saying that if an election were to be called during that survey Dummyinicans would still vote Skerrit, then definitely we have to conclude that Dumynicans are not concerned about progress, a brighter future, and a better Dominica and therefore Dominica will continue to fall behind in everything and I should secure a future for myself and family in B/dos or STV, SLU, Anguilla, GND or anywhere people are working on a brighter future. If the DLP is not ashamed of this survey which clearly shows the mentality of the country they lead and how so little is expected of them, then I cry shame! shame! shame! on them and their red supporters who got exposed by this survey

  35. Pro
    March 14, 2013

    Mr.Wickham would find in his survey, that most Dominicans don’t believe in God if that’s what his pay master wanted.

  36. Mamizoo
    March 14, 2013

    Notice Peter Wickam survey says ” the facts about the villas”. So Peter is saying facts while Tony Astaphan and SKERRIT says its all lies. Facts cannot be lies Peter, Tony, SKERRIT. Is that your marble for the next election- are you trying to tell us that corruption is OK and much preferred by Dominicans? Is Peter also telling us that we Dominicans are A holes.

  37. budman
    March 14, 2013

    i dont support any party but i am amused at how some of you dismiss a survey when the results don’t show what you want it to show.

  38. Anonymous
    March 14, 2013

    Poll Star westa chanchill ou tan

  39. looking out
    March 14, 2013

    rember they took two to beat one

  40. Anonymous
    March 14, 2013

    most ppl still focussing on the political party aspect of it. This is not about how uwp was doing and why they take them out, ppl who only see red, with a job and are benefitting from the labour party’s perks as best supporters that will always say that. admittedly, more ppl are given the opportunity to study under labour party’s reign, and skerrit will win the next election no doubt. But whats the statistics on the umemploymen rate, and the number of ppl who have their degree from studying and come back home to a good job making good money with that degree?
    Labourites refuse to see that any party including labour can do right and wrong just as any normal person in everyday life does right and wrong. They think of it as a popularity contest and refuse to listen to reason. they have to ask if you red or blue when you making a point about something happening in the country. is that the only way we can look at each other? Am i stupid if i blue, or smart if i’m red? we need to stop that. Understand that we are all dominicans and not to be branded as blue or red when they have genuine concerns. Note that i support the government, not in everything but i believe that they could do much more. I don’t look for excuses to justify their mistakes or for what they do not do.

    • me
      March 14, 2013

      sad thing is it is not just labour unfortunately all the parties do it that is why we cannot move forward as a people

  41. Doc. Love
    March 14, 2013

    It bothers me that whenever a survey concerning the Labor Party Government or Skerrit, it must be taken by this antiquated fellar.I can remember, just before the last general elections, he was aked to take a survey on Skerrit’s popularity, he gave us the same figure.If Skerrit wants us to believe the survey,why no ask some other foreign agency to do the job.Why didn’t he take a survey as to wether Skerrit owned a French passport.We would like a survey, in order to know wether all the cash that was alledged to have been paid by a lawyer on Skerrit’s behalf is true or false.Why didn’t he take a survey as to what Dominicans want, voters I.D. cards or national I.D. cards.Dont just tell us that Dominicans lost their appetite for the Villa’s issue,a survey should be taken as regards ownership of the Villas, Skerrit or the Crabhunter. It is alledged that the man was paid by Skerrit and the labor Party, therefore,he is entitled to give his opinion in favour of the Government and Skerrit.

      March 15, 2013

      I hope all these surveys,alleged hugely padded legal fees and other payments,where it can be argued that the benefit is solely for a particular party and so on are being paid from party dues/cioffers and not from the nation’s/taxpayers treasury,because tax collection is from everyone,supporters and non- supporters,so one can understand the problems involved in using one’s taxes against oneself….That analysis would apply to all political parties in the country…USE ONLY YOUR PARTY MONEY FOR THESE EXPENDITURES,PARTICULARLY WHEN THE BENEFIT IS TO YOUR PARTY….NOT GOVERMENT/TAXPAYERS MONEY.

  42. yes
    March 14, 2013

    People take the poll seriously. you wouldn’t believe how boderline insane our people are. Anything goes in this country. If elections were called today PM and not the labor party would win.

  43. Justice and Truth
    March 14, 2013

    Worldwide people are preoccupied with unemployment and the high cost of living. For those who are employed they also have their anxieties as many are losing their jobs. Those who are employed also have cause for concern pertaining to very little salary, minimal increase or none at all and salary freeze. We are in a dilemma. Cheer up. Do not despair.
    I have concluded that new technology has taken over many jobs. While technology serves us all, you should consider that it has decreased and taken away numerous jobs. This is how I view this situation.
    Folks, all I can say is give God his dues. Worship in faith, hope and trust. Pray fervently to Him, obey His Commandments and the religious teaching of the Church, be patient as God is patient with us, be loving, respectful to others and be peaceful. God answers prayers in His own way and time; not ours. God never neglects his people. He will provide somehow. He will not allow His people to starve. You will survive. Finally, do what is best for you. Wherever possible, help yourselves. God gave us all legal talents and even more than one. Know what they are and make the most of them. Pray to God to help you and help you recognize your talent. Avoid useless expenditure. Think of especially our ancestors who did not have all what we have today and they made ends meet. They were happy people and did not blame the government.
    The Mother of God, the Ever Blessed Virgin Mary said to a visionary: “Pray to understand the times we are living in.” This is a message for all God’s children which we are. God bless you! Keep the faith!

    • Frenz
      March 14, 2013

      In Canada when politicians are found to be corrupt and use the office for personal gain and self enrichment they are put n jail. Isn’t tht so. Now why don’t you defend corruption you Christian , pope serving hypocrite. Keep praising corruption $$$$$$$$$$.

  44. sadden
    March 14, 2013

    UWP cannot seee to be the govenment. after all, would you put back dominca. we are moving forward under the DLP. UWP needs to do something better for the country with monies being wasted

  45. *
    March 14, 2013

    With all due respect sir, but this is utter Rubbish.Go to your country and do this for you to see CARLOT, you will get in your long oblong head.
    We are not fools. This government is the enemy of the people.Stop taking all you rubbish to Dominica. WILL WE EVER BE RESPECTED?

    • Asterix
      March 15, 2013

      I am amazed that so many people have read this article and have failed to comment on the fact that the pole included Earl Williams as one of the leaders. Is that a joke or what? This shows just how uncredible and out of touch Peter (Weak Brain) Wickham

  46. Anonymous
    March 14, 2013

    I wonder how much that costs -seems there is always money available for non essentials. Furthermore Dominicans are fully aware of the levels of unemployment all one needs to is open the window and see all the young people roaming around doing nothing.

    • Anonymous
      March 14, 2013

      Exactly!! Why the heck is money been wasted on Survey when it can be put to better use like spend the money on some medication for the hospitals or making washrooms somewhere at the bayfront or wherever needs a hospitable washroom for instance; not spent on irrelevant stuff like survey.

    • Openeyes Observer
      March 15, 2013

      There are jobs about. Maybe not many, but people are always looking to hire someone to do a variety of jobs and find difficulty in doing so, when at the same time we see lots of young able people roaming and hanging around on the streets. Sometimes we have to start small before we rise to bigger things, but some if us don’t want to make a start anywhere. Who’s fault is that? We blame the government for every little thing. Ask ourselves honestly, what are we really doing to help ourselves? Why not form specific groups within our communities to work together. We could form our own mini markets, our own tradesmen or domestic help groups etc. We do not have to wait on government for all our needs. Get motivated, get creative and stop being negative and thinking everything is impossible. Growth in Dominica will only happen when everyone wakes up, changes their attitude and start action instead of blaming and waiting.

      • Anonymous
        March 15, 2013

        Yes that is true -but my point is that you don’t need to waste money on surveys.I am not being negative just stating the obvious and furthermore it did not cost the tax payers a cent.

  47. Tempi
    March 14, 2013

    Wickham is right.

    Dominicans on the whole do not care about villas or anything dodgy associated with Skerrit. In the same way a house dependent on a drug dealer cannot afford to think about the damage that person might be doing, a population which is dependent on handouts cannot afford to be worrying about where the money is coming from.

    And that my friends is the Dominica Labour Party and their very hungry supporters.

    • ()
      March 14, 2013

      @ Tempi It’s the result of the mendicancy syndrome that he has created in the country, but trust me the villas issue will never go away, Wickhan can do everything he wants for this failed regime, but the villas issue is there to stay.

    • Concern One
      March 14, 2013

      With these comments how can the oposition bring voters to their party?

  48. wey
    March 14, 2013

    Your survey doesn’t make sense.You mean people are concern about unemployment and they fovour the status quo, well sir you don’t know Dominicans.To say Dominicans are concern with the issue of education over employment is a fallacy.Sir come better than that we know better.

    • fuse
      March 14, 2013

      And educated qualified people still cannot jobs as well.

    • Truth Seeker
      March 14, 2013

      That is one of the more ignorant comments I’ve seen on DNO. Can’t you read and understand a simple report? This is not an acknowledgment by the polsters that they “know Dominicans.” Neither do they have to know us to present an analysis about how the country feels about its politics, current economic situation and government. It is simply a snapshot in time of what Dominicans CURRENTLY feel about the direction of their country in general, based on respondents’ responses to the study’s questions.

      The report states clearly that the people are generally “impressed” with the advances made in education under this government. And that ‘“Dominicans are generally most impressed with the government’s performance in ‘Education’ and least impressed with the government’s performance in the area of ‘Employment’.” It does not say that “Dominicans are concern[ed] with the issue of education over employment.”

      Where is your comprehension skills?

      • Reader
        March 15, 2013

        Ah Truth Seeker, that not nice. How you can use the same language to explain to a man/woman that which he/she does not understand?

        @ Wey – Dominicans checking Skerritt doing good when it comes to education, but, alas, when it come to jobs, he have to come better. Plus, most Dominicans like Skerro more than Eddo. True, they want the PM to do something about employment, but their spirit just taking him more than their spirit taking Eddo. Got it?! Good

    • budman
      March 14, 2013

      Wey you need to be concerned about education because you clearly can’t read. re-read the article carefully.

  49. Valley Rat
    March 14, 2013

    Skerrit can only talk about the offshore call center as his job creation, and the rest of the jobs are for this hand pick labourites.Hard working parents send thier children to college, they come back with a degree,and they still home.”Skerrit” i feeling the pain, as most the the other parents like me.I for one will not allow my children to vote for you, when you don’t care about them?

    • roseau south dame.
      March 14, 2013

      I second u on that comment……my son attended dsc…topped his year in engineering and played part time physics teacher…yet he could not get scholarship nor job here….thanks to the USA, he is now in a much better position… for the rest of my house, we can NEVER vote for skeritt and his goons.

    • favors upon ya
      March 15, 2013

      it looks like you going in the ballot room with your children. you can bring the horse to the water but not make it drink. all you can do is encourage but in the latter end it is their decision to make. learn from that

  50. Steve
    March 14, 2013

    This must be one of the most bogus survey results I have ever read. This is a big joke…….

    • Malgraysa
      March 15, 2013

      I would take that what a generous dose of salt Steve. Peter Wickham is not known as a reliable pollster and obviously he will not bite the hand that feeds him. His client, Mr. Skerrit needs constant stroking. Wickham understands that very well and provides his services accordingly.

  51. D/a
    March 14, 2013

    This survey sounds like something to sidetrack the people.. because what i gather from it is that they are trying to find out if Labour will win the next election and using the issue of unemployment as the mainstream of the survey.

  52. March 14, 2013

    Dominica needs real politicians,and politicians that are business oriented.
    I don’t think that it would supprise anyone,that jobs!jobs!jobs!tops the list.
    Hence the fools have not yet gotten it,that when people are put to work,things work much smoother.
    It’s for that reason, that many just give up on them,and I don’t care what party they represent,and migrate to other nations to be able to fend for themselves.
    They really need to get their acts together,it’s high time…

    • exuwp
      March 14, 2013

      I concur with the author of this message…. 8-O

  53. Valley Rat
    March 14, 2013

    That is political trash talking here, where did this man did his survey, well maybe its all labourites talking here.I live in the valley, and i ehh see that man coming to do no survey.Skerrit need to do an independent survey,and see how the unemployment is high in all villages in Dominica.The big supprise is the unemployment youth must send a good message to him at the next election, we cannot survive on the RED clinic alone.

  54. %
    March 14, 2013

    Next month you will come ant tell us that the unemployment issue is solved, and its the opposition that own the villas…We know the truth!
    Signs that the next general election is this year 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There are more fake polls to come soon.
    Don’t let them fool you all!

  55. March 14, 2013

    in you dream land you from barbados not a dominican what you that survey is lie

    • March 14, 2013

      try we dominican you will know we need change

  56. KUBA
    March 14, 2013

    the most important fact have been left out,which is ‘what is the unemployment rate in Dominica?’

  57. CIA on the Watch
    March 14, 2013

    Is this the same Cadres that predicted a 20 to 10 seats in favor of the Barbados Labor Party that turned out to be 14-16 in favor of the Democratic Labor Party. Is this the same Peter Wakem that the Bajans on Voice of Barbados daily talk show program Brass Talks constantly accusing him of talking on both sides of his mouth, my fellow Dominicans tune in to voice of Barbados and listen to this program BRASS Talks from 10am and one thing that is noticable on this program Peter Wakem is not that person who we in Dominica think is so crediable in his own home town of Barbados

    • Bim
      March 14, 2013

      Yes it is

  58. dragonfly
    March 14, 2013

    LOl. here we go again. welcome back peter.

  59. Veille Case Pregnant
    March 14, 2013


  60. Candominican
    March 14, 2013

    this is horse manure and a ploy to down play the villas. Dominicans are gullible enough to swallow this.

  61. Not a herd follower
    March 14, 2013

    The survey, albeit conducted in Labour constitutencies, revealed Dominicans are not interested in the Villa issue. This finding again underscores the gullibility and corruptibility of the masses. While there is an active and growing campaign throughou the world for good governance (example: Europe, the Middle East and Africa), the majority of Dominicans is not only tolerant of poor governance but has crowned it as the modus operandi. Ethics are being jettisoned while decadence spreads. In this environment, we continue to lag behind others in the region in socio-economic development. The future of the country is being sacrificed at the altar of hero worship.

  62. %
    March 14, 2013

    Stuppessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss..Knowing you Wickham next month you will come and tell us they will win by a landslide. Those who know you know you too well.
    I dont want to hear from Peter Wickham…
    Man stop taking us for clowns……
    You are a joo joo in Barbados, i treat you as one here too. Most Dominicans are not fools!!!!!!!!!!!!
    As i said recently in one blogg, the opposition needs to be more active in all the villages.
    Many Many Many Dominicans are fed up with this regime, and many labourites talk about that among themselves.It’s a lazy bunch of men and women,who are clueless about what the country needs.
    Wickham will come later and give Skerrit (not the labour party) all 21 constituenceis, so while it’s early we Dominicans must know that.This regime has killed AGRICULTURE, THEY CANNOT START THE TOURISM BUSINESS MOVING,EDUCATION is a mess, UNEMPLOYMENT is at its highest since i was born.
    Giving this government any other opportunity should not be an option.LAZY AND INCOMPETENT, arrogant and insultive. They need to go.

  63. lala
    March 14, 2013

    mr have good head nuh so long earl take his money and get out of the game. unemployment is a major issue every where except china but then again it is because the population is too big. so wat the pm gonna do with these findings? donot get ur head sweall up pm and put all ur effort as to how u gonna win 21 sits. rather focus on creating sustainable jobs and bringing investors in the country.

  64. Pedro
    March 14, 2013

    That’s the Labour Party speaking, but the Dominican people knows that life was better under the UWP, when money was meeting money and Dominicans had savings.They had hope in the future.

    • IPO
      March 14, 2013

      So if it was better under uwp, why they took them out after 4 yrs…they werenot forced to take out uwp.

      • Mwen
        March 17, 2013

        Because Dominicans prefer things the hard hard way

    • fuse
      March 14, 2013

      Those were much better times under the uwp. And we never had skerrit 15% vat. My surname is not asstaphan or easydor, they just killing we now.

    • Progres
      March 15, 2013

      UWP left Dominica bankrupt. We were on the verge of an economic collapse. Check the facts.

    • Reader
      March 15, 2013

      So why have they lost three consecutive elections? Don’t you think if most Dominicans believed that they would have been still in or voted back into office? Good grief

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