Henderson denies using office for political purposes

Henderson said the entire matter is totally untrue
Henderson said the entire matter is totally untrue

Dominica’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Vince Henderson, is flatly denying allegations that he is using his office for political purposes.

Henderson is under fire from several fronts including Dominican based in the US, Dr. Emanuel Finn, who said he is watching the matter very closely and could report it to the American authorities.

“We will be monitoring the situation very very closely and this is to put the ambassador on notice that we are watching very very closely to say that he is abusing the office,” Finn told privately-owned Q95 radio on Wednesday morning. “We are putting him on notice that he is using the mission, the consulate for political activities.”

It is alleged that Henderson’s office was involved in a meeting in Florida last weekend where it is further alleged that US-based Dominicans were being recruited to come to Dominica to vote when general election is called.

But Henderson has said the whole thing is untrue.

“As I have said before this is totally untrue,” he told Q95 in response. “As a matter of fact if the gentleman is willing to go on the record to say with certainty that I am involved in any illegal activities I will take the matter very seriously and take the necessary action … if he is in fact saying that then that is a matter that must be addressed very very seriously.”

When asked by host Matt Peltier if he was actually in Florida at the alleged meeting, Henderson said although he represents Dominica at the UN, what he does in his private time is nobody’s business.

“I represent the Commonwealth of Dominica at the UN in New York but I am also a citizen of the Commonwealth of Dominica who has the right to vote and the right to support any party of my choice,” he stated. “What i do in my private time is nobody’s business. I did not recruit anyone to go anywhere.”

Meanwhile United Workers Party (UWP) hopeful for Grand Fond, Thomson Fontaine, said the party will not stand by while people who works in Dominica’s embassy behave in a partisan manner.

“It is wrong, it is criminal and this time we are putting our foot down,” he stated. “What the embassy of Dominica is doing is encouraging US citizens to behave illegally against another country. That is a serious crime that these people are involved in.”

He stated that even the promise to bribe someone is against the laws of Dominica.

“And yet they go down to Florida, to Miami Florida to do just that,” Fontaine stated. “So they are engaging on US soil in illegal activities against another state.”


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  1. Francisco Telemaque
    June 15, 2014

    “Ambassador Vince Henderson did not use the Physical office or space allocated to him paid for by tax payers to hold the meeting he is accused of. Yes, he is The Ambassador a Government appointed position of which certain duties and functions to carry out and he is also a member of the Party which was elected to form The Government, he has two functions or roles to play and so are members of The Government. In his off time acting as a member in his Party interest trying to galvanized voters having a meeting not in the office space allocated to him as an Ambassador why would such thing is considered illegal act.”(Gary).

    Gary, you need to get one simple thing clear!

    Every Ambassador to the United Nations, are allowed into the United States to function specifically within the United Nations. Assuming there is a Dominican who came to the United States on a visa, and encountered some immigration difficulties; that Dominica, cannot call Vince to look after their problems; that would have to be handled within a Dominica Embassy, and by the consulate if we have one in the state where the person encountered that difficulty.

    Again, Gary, whereas Henderson is allowed under United Nations Charter, to work within the United Nations, he does not have a work permit, to do any work, or participate in the recruiting of people to go to Dominica to vote. Even a regular consulate official would be breaking the law to become involved in any such political activity!

    In he went to Florida, and recruit one single Dominican to go to vote, he may have violated the United Nations Charter, and can be expelled from the United States this very moment. Your problem is that because he is called Dominica Ambassador to the United Nations, he can come here and do as he like: not so at all, he is a nobody here, as far as the law goes.

    If he is not a citizen, nor a residence of the United States, he cannot involve himself in the activities in question. Now someone mentioned UWP, came here talking to people; that is something totally different, if I invite someone to come to talk to people, they had to account to the American consulate in Barbados, what would be their mission here prior to the embassy in Barbados issuing a visitor visa for that purpose only, if the members are found engaged in any other acclivity, while they are here they can be deported. immediately.

    Francisco Etienne–Dods Telemaque

  2. Affa
    June 14, 2014

    That’s exactly what the former ambassador whom he replaced didn’t want to do, and also to seem to accept the gay-rights-for aid propagander at the UN, so the party little but exiled him to NY, hardly communicated with him till his tenure was up; then replaced him with Vince. What a ting!

  3. jo
    June 14, 2014

    Yes Vince, but who pays for you to be in the US??

  4. JoJo
    June 14, 2014

    So Vince too has succumbed to the temptations of Mammon. Very, very sad.

    June 14, 2014

    For those that question diplomats please be aware. Diplomats ARE above the law. They cannot be charged for any crime including murder. They also cannot be ticketed, fined and are not subject to to the laws of any country they serve under or to… hence the reason they are diplomats. In the Us a diplomat drives with special license plates basically telling police officers that he/she is off limits. The person is in essence a sovereign. look it up if you don’t know what it means, example the Queen of England is a sovereign she cannot be charged with any crime no matter what she does. ‘Untouchable’ people that open their mouth against diplomats better watch their ASSets.

  6. Doc Love
    June 13, 2014

    It is unfortunate, everything that involves the top brass members of the DLP, whether it is the Prime Minister, Government Ministers or Ambassadors are always done with a level of secrecy. For instance, we heard on radio, Ambassador Henderson acquired a Doctorate Law Degree, if the rumors are true, why is he hiding such great achievements from the people of Dominica. He has make it absolutely clear, whatever he does on his own time is his business. Therefore, having been accused of using Dominica’s time as an Ambassador to attend college, is that the reason why this achievements, if true, are hidden from Dominicans.

  7. Just saying
    June 13, 2014

    Anyways Vince you must give a fair days work for a fair days pay!

  8. Malgraysa
    June 13, 2014

    Vince please, learn to be diplomatic! You can support any party you want but in your position do so privately. Roosevelt Skerrit’s interpretation of our laws does not apply in New York, especially not if you are accredited to the U.N.
    Vince, you are a good person at heart and do not need to dance to anyone’s tune to ruin your reputation, remember that.

  9. Papa Dom
    June 13, 2014

    If a new party takes office and does exactly what skerritt is doing now it would be wrong, two wrongs have made a right. So, for all those seeking all manner of excuse to justify the illegal activities of this government, I hope you’ll not be chanting down the wrongs of the next government because a wrong is a wrong which is not changed by time or who the perpetrator is.

  10. 100% Dominican
    June 13, 2014

    If only Dominica could talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Simply the Truth
    June 12, 2014

    With all these pros and cons and vice versa, can anyone clarify the reason why the UWP’s team traveled practically in nearly all countries and in winter at that? What was their reason for doing so? Was it not to drum up supporters and votes on Election Day?
    Did the UWP’s team inform D/can residents and those whom they met with abroad of the (real) nature of their visit to North America and the Caribbean countries?

  12. June 12, 2014

    I’m hoping that more Dominican need to speak of what’s going on publicly, more to come change will come

  13. truth
    June 12, 2014

    Your actions shows no sighn of confidence,
    ha ha ha,
    dominicans ,,,stand still and see the salvation of the lord
    the compared skeritt to jesus,
    skeritt said he cannot tell you to go to jesue for help ,
    and he recently said to dominicans , ,to put you eyes on me ,, LOOK UPON ME ,
    I am a jealous GOD ,A consuming fire ,and my spirit will not always strive with man.


  14. Change is a must
    June 12, 2014

    Vince you think diplomats are above the law in America? Read this article to know what the authorities did to the Indian ambassador. It is high time this nonesense stops. Why cant’s Skerrit hold a clean and fair election like every other Caribbean country? If you all love DA so much come dome and live here man!!!!!!


    • Day-Day
      June 13, 2014

      Change! Really? When I was in St Thomas, UWP paid for my ticket to come vote. Me and Bazil went down on the same flight. And you know the amount of Dominicans that UWP paid their flights, and they voted for Labour. I am one of them.

      So when you talking about clean election, ask UWP leaders. What good for the Goose, should work well for the Gander

      June 14, 2014

      Actually diplomats are above the law. They cannot be charged for any crime including murder. they also cannot be ticketed, fined and are not subject to to the laws of any country they serve under… hence the reason they are diplomats. In the Us a diplomat drives with special license plates basically telling police officers that he/she is off limits. The person is in essence a sovereign. look it up if you don’t know what it means, example the Queen of England is a sovereign she cannot be charged with any crime no matter what she does. ‘Untouchable’ people that open their mouth against diplomats better watch their ASSets.

  15. Francisco Telemaque
    June 12, 2014

    Poison June 11, 2014
    “As a dual citizen I have a right to vote in my country of birth….King is a trouble maker.this man know D.A on the internet.He boast about Laplaine so much but whenever he comes to dominica once every 20 years he comes to L A for one or two hours with his rental and head back to Roseau…Every Dominican citizen living aboard have a right to vote.”

    Certainly, we all have the right to vote in Dominica; nevertheless, does one party, or the other have the legal right to provide transportation, and money to people they believe are diehard supporters; and even charter aircrafts to take them to Dominica with specific orders to vote only for the party or candidate who afforded them the opportunity of a free ride, and money to go home to vote?

    Everybody have the same rights; therefore no one should deny anybody of their rights and privileges. If any one party is providing a way home; that ride should include supporters of all party’s contesting the election, anything less would is considered, cynical, and highly devious ploy!

    If only people who ware red are given a free ride, to go home, and vote red; that gives the red party, an advantage over the other Party’s. I do not care how one looks at such tactics, I say that seems illegal to me. That is a way of stealing the election. And when that happens, the wrong people remains in power, they live comfortable on the blood of the poor: the, poor however, remains in bondage of poverty!

    I do not see, how someone in good conscience residing in Canada, England, and the United States, who may not have worked in a long time in those country’s; living halfway decent on their welfare cheque, should be able to return to Dominica, and vote in order to help the undesirables to hold on to power. When that is accomplished, the returnees runs out on Dominica, leaving the majority of Dominicans in the same old suffering, while they return to their prospective places of residence where they can look forward to receiving their welfare cheque!

    Dominicans do not receive welfare cheque’s. They say they have a social security system at home, that system does not come close to anything anywhere else on this planet! I have never heard any Dominican say I will pay my bill when I receive my social Security cheque. I have never heard anyone in Dominica say, I am unemployed, and I need to go and apply for unemployment, until I find another job. Dominicans do not have such comforts. Rather, than somebody having people dressed up in red, and go to some place so that a Labor Party politician can hand them a few dollars which cannot feed them for a month. The government should develop a system where people who are working whereas they contribute to the joke system they call social security, they should also contribute to an unemployment program also.

    That is an essential program that should be introduced so that people can at lease get a few pence legally without having to sell their soul only to receive a handout from a politician. There is a lot crap going on in Dominica, if only people were to take the time to think about it there would be civil disobedience around the clock every day of the year; in that country of ours. As for the money collected from social security, they wasted also on buying Television Station, all of that is money the social security system will eventually have, swallow as a loss! Any Dominican who goes to Dominica and remain there for long after residing outside of Dominica for a few years, something might be wrong with them, as for the Wesley, kid, my longest stay is usually ten days, minimum five days!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • M.J. W
      June 13, 2014

      …. And you talk like you understand the struggles of the Dominican citizen… but you dont even like to stay a little more than a week in your own country… you seem to even state this with pride. You are simply a blogger …. stay out of Dominican politics!!!

    • Smh
      June 13, 2014

      While it is your right as a Dominican living in the diaspora to vote, when you and others like you put persons in power or assist in doing so it is us who live in Dominica 24/7 who are left to bear the bitter brunt of these actions. When you return to wherever you came from after 7 days we are left to suck the salt!

    • rosebud
      June 13, 2014

      What really is your point? Which country are you from? Why don’t you stay where you are most comfortable and leave the people of Dominica alone? You sound like Dominica is not for you so nothing good or bad that happens in Dominica should not trouble you. Tell Thomson Fontaine that he is the last person to talk about criminal behavior. As the bible states “he should remove the mote from his eye before he removes the mote in other peoples eyes” He is so myopic about his own weaknesses and failures how can he analyze and speak about other peoples weaknesses? And remember that Dominica belongs to ALL of us. You have a democratic right to say what you want, so too the rest of us. Enjoy your adopted country.

    • Dina
      June 13, 2014

      FET how is your Mercedes working? When I get to California will you give me a ride in it?. I am glad you left Wesley and don’t have to carry the big basket of bread on your head again.

      One thing- stop talking non-sense my friend and your posts are much too long…..to much education FET

    • June 14, 2014

      you are a full ja

  16. Anonymous
    June 12, 2014

    The man wants to stay in the USA , he loves being there I am not sure if he does anything but he is right to say his free time (I am sure he has a lot of that) is his own.

  17. winston warrington
    June 12, 2014

    The Ambassador is an envoy who serves at the pleasure of his Head of State or country. It’s a fact, that the ambassadorship is a political appointment, and is in many Western countries viewed as a reward for political support or contributions prior to and during campaigns for political office..
    Nowhere is it stated in the Constitution that the Ambassador must follow the code of conduct imposed by the Public Service Commission on Civil Service appointees, for he is not. Ambassadors are not Statesmen even when representing the interests of their countries.
    Finally, an ambassador is a politician for his views may not differ from those of his leader.

    • Jay
      June 12, 2014

      Dear Mr. Warrington. You obviously are an educated person, or at least would like to be thought of as one. I have no desire to go into a long treatise but suffice to say that the conduct of a diplomatic envoy is not so much governed by local bodies such as the Public Service Commission but by international Convention- & Law. In this regard I would refer you to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961, for a first perusal.

    • John Paul
      June 12, 2014

      The Head od State of the Commonwealth of Dominica is the President .Charlo should have told Vince not to be the MC at the St Joseph Rally .We do not have a Constitution like Venezuela ! We know Skeritt wants that but as of now it is not that way !

    • 100% Dominican
      June 13, 2014

      Winston Warrington, where did this nonsense come from boss?? Your brain??? If so, then you need to have it checked urgently bro!!! I have never in my life heard such nonsense!!!! Check you mental health doctor bro……….sounds like you are losing your marbles!!!!

    • rosebud
      June 13, 2014

      Alas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any references for your statement?

    • Ken
      June 13, 2014

      Winston you are missing the point. At issue is whether the man us using the mission for partisan politics. This is not the visa he got from the State Department and if he is using the mission for such purpose then he is in violation of the terms of his visa.

  18. Anonymous
    June 12, 2014

    Who are our AMBASSADORS
    Ambassador to Venezuela = PRO Labour party = POLITICAL
    Ambassador to OECS & CARICOM .. never seen him on political platform in party colours = well done Mr. G
    Ambassador to Costa Rica .. never seen him on political platform in party colours = well done Dr. D
    Ambassador to OAS .. never seen him on political platform in party colours = well done Dr. C

    • Bwa kwayib
      June 13, 2014

      Anonymous, Mr. G was on a political platform in Scotts Head just before he got the position of ambassador, we have the picture to prove.

  19. all must protest
    June 12, 2014

    DR finn you are on the right track please please report this pretender to the state department, we the people will send our individual e=mai[ of complain too.this corruption is getting DOMINICA down the drain

    • rosebud
      June 13, 2014

      I am sure Dr. Finn has more important work to do than that. The good Dr. must be just doing this on the side so, I wonder if he is really has much time to do this new “observation, recording and reporting” activity in a way that his conclusions can be valid? Some of us will believe Dr. Finn only if he designs a a reliable strategy to get his information and to analyze and report his findings without bias. Thank you.

  20. Gary
    June 12, 2014

    This is such a nonsensical accusation. While reading the comment , Dr. Emanuel Finn mentioned “illegal activities”, i thought that The Ambassador was accused of using his office for espionage against The US.The activities of which Mr. Henderson is accused of carrying out whether it is true or not, is not illegal. The statement quote “What the
    embassy of Dominica is doing is encouraging US citizens to behave illegally against another country”. I cannot emphasize again how nonsensical Dr. Emanuel Finn sounds with such a comment. I wonder if he understands what Dual Citizenship means. The context of this statement is also misleading,we all know that The Embassy of Dominica while engaging it citizens to vote some citizens may have dual citizenship and
    there is nothing illegal for an American who holds dual citizenship to prevent them from partaking in the political process of their Mother

    The statement by Dr. Fontaine quote “the party will not stand by while people who works in Dominica’s embassy behave in a partisan manner.” what a naive statement. Mr. Henderson does not have to work in a partisan manner, he is the Government Representative appointed by the Government how silly and naive it is to believe that Mr. Henderson should act in a partisan manner especially when it relates to having his Government being elected.Wow, I’m bewildered by these two Docs.

    • giving
      June 12, 2014

      tell them again

    • Politricks
      June 12, 2014

      This is the problem!!! People like Gary seem to believe that there is no difference between the Government and the Ruling Political Party. This distinction is very clear in the Westminster model – the parliamentary democratic system that ours is patterned after.

      The difference has to do with Matters of State that are financed with public funds verses political party affairs. An ambassador of Dominica as a representative of the State, with salary and expenses met from public funds, attends to Matters of State. Even if he or she is an active member of the Ruling Party, he or she is not a Party Envoy appointed by the Party leadership and remunerated with party funds. Therefore, it would be an illegal act indeed, if an ambassador uses his or her office and the facilities of the Embassy to engage in matters that pertain to the affairs of a political party.

      • Gary
        June 13, 2014

        To Politicking

        Baloney, how naive are you to have such concept without grey areas, why the tunnel vision. I would like to ask you to look at the word “office” in the context you used to come up with your concept. The word office can denote a room, set of rooms, or building where the business of a commercial or Government or of a professional person is conducted. It can also denote The duty, function, or part of a particular person or agency, let us be clear, when you use the word “office” to describe what was is illegal pertaining to
        a Party Member and someone in a Government position.

        Ambassador Vince Henderson did not use the Physical office or space allocated to him paid for by tax payers to hold the meeting he is accused of. Yes, he is The Ambassador a Government appointed position of which certain duties and functions to carry out and he is also a member of the Party which was elected to form The Government, he has two functions or roles to play and so are members of The Government. In his off time acting as a member in his Party interest trying to galvanized voters having a meeting not in the office space allocated to him as an Ambassador why would such thing is considered illegal act.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      June 12, 2014

      Gray, the activities of any Ambassador to the United Nations is legally limited to the confines of the United Nations Building, and the court yard. Any political activity outside the United Nations Building is illegal!

      I mean he can hold a party in his private residence anywhere in New York, but whereas, it is alleged he was in Miami influencing people to return to Dominica to vote, providing them with transportation, that is an illegal activity on his part okay!

      And you had better believe that. He does not even have the rights and privilege, lest’s say if he headed a Dominica consulate in this country. I mean people like you approves of every, and anything, but that’s not how it works. And let this Wesley kid tell, he can deny he was in Florida, if he is a liar, and we wish to prove him a liar there are ways we can find out if in fact he was there.

      Even if he drove from New York To Florida, we can find out especially if he drove a car with a GPS. If flew that is even worst, if he rode on a Greyhound Buss, we can find out also, Henderson had better be quiet,and shut his mouth, and people like you need to shut up also!

      If he rented a car in his name, we can find out too, if someone took him there, as long as he registered in a Hotel, we can find out, and if he purchase gas along the using any kind of Credit card issued to him, or the government of Dominica; he will not be to escape the net!

      Say I told you.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Just me
        June 13, 2014

        What is illigal about encouraging Dominicans to go home and vote when in fact they have the right to vote. If a political party can facilitate by providing transportation then so be it. Americans living abroad are allowed to vote while out.

        This is the same political party that was travelling around the USA, Caribbean and Europe preaching politics. Now when the real thing hit them they complaining.

        What is the offence here, please tell me for I am seeing none.

      • Gary
        June 13, 2014

        There is a word called “understanding”. You have written such foolishness. The actives of an Ambassador is not limited within the confines of the UN that is such a silly statement. Your opening statement shows how little you understand UN. Do you know the amount of eavesdropping and espionage that is carried out at UN. Do you know that Countries Ambassadors at The UN have immunity from prosecution What are you trying to say,why all that gibberish about GPS read and understand something and make a sensible comment.

    • Truth Be Told
      June 12, 2014

      If the political shoe was on the other foot you would be singing another song fool!!!!!

  21. June 12, 2014

    the pm have a boy from lagoon he was a police in DA taking names of people to come home to vote he is a silvester from lagoon Portsmouth mister start taking names since about November or December . but if the pm doing soooo good as he say why he looking for our votes from far away by the way may name is on there list I well want to come home

    June 12, 2014

    They there calling for change…Yes change..The change they will see is the CHANGE in opposition after election.

    • watcher
      June 12, 2014

      too fast you leave your brain at de back. :lol:

    June 12, 2014

    Heavenly father help us here in this Dominica with all that foolishness that is call politics and tricks of the so call leaders of this land. Prime Minister Be a leader for the PEOPLE and not your POCKET. Dominicans are crying out, can’t you hear the cry of your own people. “PHARAOH” LET THE PEOPLE GO.

  24. Sout Man
    June 12, 2014

    Most of the constituencies in the last general election were decided by hundreds of votes; in some cases, thousands, except for La Plaine (2 votes), Roseau Central (3 votes), Morne Jaune / Reviere Cyrique (5 votes) and Wesley (75 votes). It would require 2 plane loads of US citizens to “steal” the Wesley /Woodford Hill seat as alleged. There would have been a noticeable motorcade of rental cars in that constituency. Spending US$1000.00 per head would be counter productive. Why not just give 150 scholarships of US$500.00 each to the secondary school kids of that constituency?

    Labour defeated UWP by more than 10 000 votes. You would need 223 LIAT aircrafts carrying 45 passengers each to handle that many people. Were there that many people quitting their jobs to in the US and elsewhere to vote in Dominica’s election. There may be a dozen diehards but the myth of the election being won by dual citizens, is grossly exaggerated and not even practical. Do they concentrate of specific constituencies, or is it a free for all?

    Finally, I would like to note that the United States is too busy denying Blacks and other minorities the right to vote in states like Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina and Arizona. The US has used the CIA to overthrow legitimately elected governments in the Philippines, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Guyana and Chile and have financed violence in Jamaica’s elections; not to mention their role in overthrowing the elected government in Egypt.

    Dr. Finn, I knew you had some ulterior motive for that brilliant piece on the deceased soldier whose grave was hastily “charpay” to tug at the hearts of La Plainians and Dominicans. Oh, what great psychology! but the soil around the tomb could have been raised and flowers could have been planted. That’s an abandoned grave. The bushes around tell as much!

    • nuffy
      June 12, 2014

      dread there were hundereds of persons flown in on liat from st maarten and antigua. hundreds more on the ferry to st joe and frand fond.. 92 on a chartered flight from new jersey mostly for laplaine a few for st joe and colihaut.. do the maths my bro…3 plane load from antigua to vote in wesley and woodfordhill… don’t even talk about the boat load for scottshead from guadelouope..

      • FORKIT
        June 13, 2014

        and to add boat(canoe) load from Guadeloupe to vote in woodfordhill

  25. wrong crowd!
    June 12, 2014

    I honestly had much respect for Vince. I’m not a labourite but I looked on him as an honest and hardworking guy. I would have voted him anyday. Vince, you have failed me! Allowing Skerrit to use you? Yes, Skerrit will offer the nicest of opportunities but at the end of the day, he maintains that all power rests with him. Vince, you are too educated to be fooled by that guy. What does Skerrit bring to the table? A master’s degree from a U.S. university? The same U.S. that he so hates. The same U.S. where his wife holds citizenship. The same U.S. where his second son was born? The same U.S. where he bought 2 houses. The same U.S. where he travels to very frequently to take on his campaign. Vince, I am calling on you to do the right thing. Move away from that guy Skerrit. You are only a pawn in his game. You are better than that. Too educated to waste it. I trust that you will reflect on my message and let your conscience be your guide!

    • Butterfly
      June 12, 2014

      @ Wrong Crowd :heheheh A master’s degree from a U.S. university? You that give Skerrit the Masters?

      He bought 2 houses? where and when? this is why people like you will not be taken serious. Skerrit have house in the US? and don’t make up any lie about he has it in anyone else’s name either. Stop lying

      You get your month enjoy the ride on Vince. You all must learn to tell the truth and stop lying

      • wrong crowd!
        June 13, 2014

        @ Butterfly: I hope you learnt your punctuation signs very well at school. I have a QUESTION MARK at the end of my question. I’m not saying that he does have a master’s degree but rather questioning his level of education. I know for sure that he has an undergraduate degree in psychology that is why he thinks he can fool Dominicans. About the houses in NYC, just go on White Plains Rd. in the Bronx where he comes to hang out and gain support and you will hear for yourself! The DLP can send for Dominicans to come home to vote but know that many of these voters will vote WHO THEY WANT and NOT WHO BRIBE them to come. I’ve heard first hand too many of them LOLing at the idea of a vacation at the expense of these FOOLS!

      • Notjustthat
        June 13, 2014

        Butterfly you not only that, his wife is NOT a citizen. He encouraged her to remain married and paid a huge sum of money to her ex-husband for a quickie divorce and to complete the greencard. The man wasn’t going to do it, matter of fact he missed two previous interviews because it was never a deal. Skerrit is very sleazy but nothing Crowd has stated is true.

  26. Anonymous
    June 12, 2014

    I consider Vince my friend and I can tell you, I was in a independence celebration in NJ and his speech was soo political; it sounded like he was campaigning for DLP.

  27. Cow
    June 12, 2014

    Breaking News!!!
    Vince Henderson is a Labourite !!!! Who would have thought,,,,,,

    • JoJo
      June 12, 2014

      Well, everybody have their price, why not ambassadors?

  28. bull crap
    June 12, 2014

    i read some of these comments her and i must say that based on some people so called logic and the ridiculous excuses made by party supporters and distracters. the only conclusion is that Dominicans have truly lost their minds. what u saying if someone steal or murder in the past its ok for someone to do it now? its thinking and attitude like that that has this country going down the drain. Wrong is wrong.You all need to stop making excuses for these nonsense that’s happening.
    And just to educate you all…for those that blinded by party colors and cant seem to find their moral or ethical thinking.
    Vince is a good friend of mine but first and foremost he is an ambassador to this country. this is not a 8 to 5 job. so this nonsense about what he do in his private time is bull.Yes you have the right as a citizen to support your party that’s true, No you do not have the right to go to any political function to show support.As an ambassador you are to remain neutral when it comes to politics cause u represent all not some.so this nonsense about what he do in his private time.. am sure he use the embassy vehicle to get to the airport.what passport did he use to get on the plane. am sure it was the diplomatic one that was issued to him.
    As an educated person this should know better. this is a guy when he was teaching in high school use to have so much moral and ethics, politics really does change people boy….

  29. tell
    June 12, 2014

    God knows which party is best for the Island, because he also knows that is in the mind of each individual what he or she is up to. Lord whoever is for the well being of DA let it be, if they are in for their pockets save Dominica from these barracudas.

    • Help Us Lord
      June 12, 2014

      @tell, Yes God knows which party is best for the island. However, God is NOT the one voting or electing the best for us. He has given us that power called ‘choice’ and it is left to us to chose who is best for us. It was in God’s mind to be Israel’s king but they rebelled against God and demanded to be like other nations and have their own king and they chose Saul because he was tall, handsome, and strong. He remained in power until the people decided to put him out. So get that straight please. We in Dominica gave Skerrit 15 years to amend his ways, prove himself, and serve us. The man has instead cursed us, failed us, turned all of us including the church into beggars , while he has enriched himself and those around him. So let’s call a spade by name and vote him out.

  30. investor
    June 12, 2014

    Sorry Vince. Once you take that postyou gave up your right to be partisan..

  31. i love cow meat too!
    June 12, 2014

    Stop being ridiculous people. Dr. Finn and others like him have very little idea how the people are feeling towards the DLP. In dominica the majority are recognising that UWP is not a serious nor viable option their choice for leader shows a lack of foresight and a stagnation of progress. their maneuverings against ronnie demonstrates a immature leadership and approach to governance. Secondly, vince like any other individual is also a citizen and is free within his own capacity to participate in any activity guaranteded by our constitution. And finally UWP has three lawyers tell them to point out with facts and case law where the provision of a means of access to the place of elections is election fraud. Is the providing of tickets not an act similar to driving and bringing disabled and immobile elderly people to the place of voting a similar act of providing access. When we vote are we allowed to leave with a piece of the ballot indicating for whom we have voted. I donot want to hear Matt, Angelo, Arundel or Lennox on this one allow the distinguished Mr. Francis or his colleagues to answer and just in case he is unable he has the support of a strong legal family let them craft a response based on case law and relevant legal information on the legality of the practice. Furthermore the DNO distractors who like to thumbs down or intimidate and cyber bully on DNO blogs and facebook. Be very cautious in what you say because ip addresses can be traced and the electronic evidence act will soon be in place. Discuss with truth to power.

    • whatever
      June 12, 2014

      My brother with labour, it doesn’t matter what the constitution say. so even if you can bring evidence and facts it would not hold in court.

      Just like the Rubbish Bin case, they just piad it back

      Just like the land tax case, they just paid it back,

      Just like fertilizer case,

      Just like the counterfiet money Students got in Cuba, nothing happended.

      Just Like money missing from Marigot Airport,

      and i can continue listing, but…

      So really now law or constitution can stop them boys

      • John Paul
        June 12, 2014

        My Brother You forgot Gon Emanuel! That Firebombing implicates the whole bunch!

  32. Dominican
    June 12, 2014

    UWP, you a such a hypocrite, why are you running all over the place asking for our support and cursing us afterwards. We are born and bred Dominicans. Stop your nonsense. We will vote Labour.

  33. Francisco Telemaque
    June 12, 2014

    “Nations, Vince Henderson, is flatly denying allegations that he is using his office for political purposes”

    Henderson I listened to you on Q 95 this morning, and I can tell you the first time you spoke, and suggest that people are not supposed to harass ambassadors, and if Finn do such and such, you will report him to some crap, or however you term it, is pure nonsense. You should know by now that America is a place where people can say whatever they wish about even the president, never mind you a nodody!

    In America, as long as what one say to you or about you is not a terrorist threat, and or a threat to cause you bodily harm, they can say anything to you okay. And just because you are here under some pathetic name as Ambassador, that does not mean your behavior, and actions are immune to scrutiny. Your business is in the United Nations Building, once you take your act outside of the United Nations Building, you would have crossed the line.

    You would have broken the law, you are not at liberty to bring Dominica Politics to America. And if the obligations are true; that may be grounds for the State Department to have you expelled from the United Nations, and kick you out of the country. Ambassadors of more wealthy, more powerfully nations, such as Russia are expelled from America, as soon as they blink, you are a nobody from an insignificant nation in the world!

    Emanuel Finn is a citizen of the United States, and if he levy a complain against you through the right source, and present evidence to substantiate his complain, you will be expelled; while Finn, will remain a citizen of America; that cannot change! And mind you if the allegations against you are true and correct, and you deny them, you can rest assured some Dominicans will come forward to support Emanuel, this is not Dominica, where people will kiss your Butt, simply because you say you are ambassador to Dominica. I suspect when you realized you made a fool of yourself you returned, and dodged the questions which Matt, ask you.

    Who the hell cares whether you are going to France! Many of us been there done that, whatever you vote on is insignificant, you are just another poppet in the scheme of things. You tried to shift the questions to Geothermal test success in Dominica yesterday. Only a fool would believe such comments. I was optimistic about the plant until I was informed that the man given the responsibility to get the plant off the ground is not even educated in Geothermal Energy, how can some getting out of School in Cuba less than two years ago where I am informed he studied geology which has nothing to do with geothermal energy, be responsible for a project of which he has no scientific knowledge.

    You guys a sick! And if you believe anything I say here constitutes a law suite, since you all believe in getting free money via law suite, I reside in Los Angeles, I am a citizen of this country; sue me, bring it on!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Francisco Telemaque
      June 12, 2014

      “And if the obligations are true;”

      I meant allegations are true!


    • Man in the Mirror
      June 13, 2014

      Ummm, point of correction, the young man of whom you speak left Cuba since 2003. Stop telling lies. He has done enough training in different parts of the world to make him qualified. When you spreading your propaganda, come correct with your information because in as much as I decline to comment on a lot of things, I will comment on the blatant lies. Blessings

    • polibureau
      June 14, 2014

      boy oh boy oh boy .one really wonders about you ‘pseudo-intellectuals’

  34. Poison
    June 11, 2014

    As a dual citizen I have a right to vote in my country of birth….King is a trouble maker.this man know D.A on the internet.He boast about Laplaine so much but whenever he comes to dominica once every 20 years he comes to L A for one or two hours with his rental and head back to Roseau…Every Dominican citizen living aboard have a right to vote.

    • FORKIT
      June 13, 2014

      I think you have a right to vote, but at your own expense, buy your ticket and pay your hotel, if it is done otherwise taking money from a political party) then you’re just a free loader.

  35. grandbay
    June 11, 2014

    i cannot wait for those who are going to Dominica to vote again like the last time. that time around will not be taken lightly.the US imigration and customs will be contacted and also their employers will be informed.
    A long list of names which we already have plus some new ones we are getting will be published.
    stay in your jobs!!!!! alright!

    • Simply the Truth
      June 14, 2014

      What nonsense are you stating? An election should not be a tug-of-war and not for electorates.
      The US government or any democratic government for that matter can prevent and/or punish those who reside in their countries from going to D/ca? Dominicans have dual citizenship.

  36. DualCitizen
    June 11, 2014

    So, “United Workers Party (UWP) hopeful for Grand Fond, Thomson Fontaine” is qualified to run for elections but other DOMINICANS with US citizenship are not even deserving of the right to vote for him?

    • Lonesome
      June 12, 2014

      Thompson Fountain never acquired American Citizenship!

    • Concerned
      June 15, 2014

      This is not the point! The point is that accepting money from any party to come home to vote is an illegal act by both the United States and Dominica or any country. This is considered bribery and it is flat out illegal!! No one is preventing you as a dual citizen from voting. The point is that you need to pay your own airfare to go home to vote if you are so interested. Simple.
      Have you ever asked yourself why do they investigate and interrogate people who run for office once they have proof that they use campaign funds for personal use? If proven guilty, why do they face imprisonment? Because this is illegal! I hope I have answered your question.

  37. DualCitizen
    June 11, 2014

    UWP cannot stop dual citizens from voting for whatever party they choose to vote for.
    UWP cannot stop any party from facilitating their supports in their efforts to get to a polling booth, no matter where their supporters are located, locally or overseas.
    Tell UWP to focus on getting people to vote for them and stop trying to prevent legitimate voters from doing their civic duty!

  38. zane
    June 11, 2014

    Somebody please tell mr. Henderson that he has no private time while he holds that office. He is on call 24/7 even when he on holiday he is still d UN Ambassador. He must relinquish the office to take part in any political actively except to cast his vote privately.

  39. Views Expressed
    June 11, 2014

    Jay Prosper said.: “So when the UWP team say that they are waiting to prevent Dominicans living abroad from voting…….. I hope they have the evidence to show who I citizen or not. .”
    You are wrong, you read wrongly and heard wrongly. The UWP NEVER made that statement. Every Dominican eligible to vote are entitled to come to Dominica on their own free will to vote. The issue is corruption and when the DLP under Skerrit and Vince and Barbara allegedly undertake illegal secret meetings like the one in Miami last week where Vince was caught with his pants down (On MATT in the Morning), are actively breaking the law and using the offices of the Dominica Mission in New York to organise, plan, pay and arrange and buy tickets, pay for tickets and charter flights for some Dominicans to come to Dominica to vote in selected constituencies where Skerrit and The DLP know that they cannot work. They did it well like a thief in the night in the last election.
    This DLP Skerrit government is corrupt and they must be moved..


  40. June 11, 2014

    Stop with the useless chatter, those purveyors of Doom & Gloom. Here are the facts about the relationship between Dominica and the United States.


    The United States established diplomatic relations with Dominica in 1979 following its independence from the United Kingdom. The United States and Dominica have a cooperative relationship. The United States supports the Dominican Government’s efforts to expand its economic base and to provide a higher standard of living for its citizens.

    The two countries work together in the battle against illegal drugs. Dominica cooperates with U.S. agencies and participates in counternarcotics programs in an effort to curb narco-trafficking and marijuana cultivation. The two governments have signed a maritime law enforcement agreement to strengthen counternarcotics coordination as well as mutual legal assistance and extradition treaties to enhance joint efforts in combating international crime.

    U.S. Assistance to Dominica

    U.S. assistance to Dominica is primarily channeled through multilateral agencies such as the World Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank, and through the U.S. Agency for International Development office in Bridgetown, Barbados. The Peace Corps provides technical assistance to Dominica and has volunteers on the island working mostly in education. The United States provides training, equipment, and material to Dominican law enforcement forces, including through the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative.

    Bilateral Economic Relations

    Dominica is a beneficiary of the U.S. Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), which grants duty-free entry into the United States for many goods. The CBI aims to facilitate the economic development and export diversification of the Caribbean Basin economies. Dominica is a member of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM). At the 2013 meeting of the U.S.-CARICOM Trade and Investment Council, the parties approved an action agenda outlining priorities for strengthening and deepening the trading relationship.

    Dominica’s Membership in International Organizations

    Dominica and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the United Nations, Organization of American States, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization.

    Bilateral Representation

    The U.S. Ambassador to Dominica is Larry L. Palmer. Other principal embassy officials are listed in the Department’s Key Officers List. The Ambassador and Embassy officers are resident in Barbados and travel frequently to Dominica.

    Dominica maintains an embassy in the United States at 3216 New Mexico Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016 (tel. 202-364-6781).

    More information about Dominica is available from the Department of State and other sources, some of which are listed here:

    • Anonymous
      June 12, 2014

      We all can read that on Wikepedia but this does not address Mr. Henderson’s diplomatic status with the U.N. You can write another dozen pages of you like, makes no difference. Mr. Henderson is bound by the rules and regulations pertaining to the agreements between the U.S.A. and the U.N. , period!

    • winston warrington
      June 12, 2014

      Vince Henderson is not Ambassador to the US.

    • JoJo
      June 15, 2014

      For a start we are talking about Dominica’s Ambassador to the U.N. and not our Ambassador to the U.S.A. I don’t know if you are trying to divert attention, or really don’t know the difference. Your arguments are irrelevant.

    • Concerned
      June 15, 2014

      Stop bringing your ‘so called’ intellectual quotes on there as if we never knew this empty information which has no relevance to the previous post!
      We already know the relationship with US and Dominica. Per “Views Expressed” – The point is every Dominican eligible to vote are entitled to come to Dominica on their own free will to vote. The issue is corruption and when the DLP under Skerrit and Vince and Barbara allegedly undertake illegal secret meetings like the one in Miami last week where Vince was caught with his pants down (On MATT in the Morning), are actively breaking the law and using the offices of the Dominica Mission in New York to organise, plan, pay and arrange and buy tickets, pay for tickets and charter flights for some Dominicans to come to Dominica to vote in selected constituencies where Skerrit and The DLP know that they cannot work. They did it well like a thief in the night in the last election.
      This DLP Skerrit government is corrupt and they must be moved..

  41. Aie Dominique
    June 11, 2014

    At the time of this blog I am watching the video of “Aie Dominiue” written and sang by Ophelia Marie and honestly I am in tears when I think of the state of my home land today, especially the first verse where she said “chew ka washay” which means Dominica, your heart is falling.
    Where are the patriots that once cared about Dominica? Where are those that weep over the state of the country especially when they see wrong doing and evil practices have become the norm in Dominica? How do some of us who claim to be lovers of Dominica uphold our PM and our UN Embassy to come to Florida to try to recruit US voters when we all know that over 8,000 of our fellow citizens are sick as we speak with a disease called Chikungunya and our government is doing absolutely nothing to defeat it? How do we ok Skerrit giving $500,000.00 to the bishop, while we have to send down a barrel every month to help our loved ones? Do we really care about Dominica? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Vince Henderson and Skerrit had met to come up with a plan to combat that disease? If the seating PM has to come here to recruit voters and bribe them to win the election isn’t that enough proof that he is not serving his people? If he were serving his people well after 15 years he would not need to come hear to bribe those of us that are not attacked by chikungunya to help him win an election. Aie Dominique!!!!

    • Osanna Mowanga
      June 11, 2014

      Dominicans,please, for a moment think of the welfare of the country. Think of the future of our children> please, do not vote Skerrit back in power> he is just trying to secure a fat salary for himself and his friends> those persons he just place in position all over the globe doing nothing> Thimk of the welfare of the country,not just a few>

    • uwp
      June 11, 2014

      aie domininique,is people like u does uwp supporters that trying to kill domininica,dont u know that some of us are now sending financial support to our love ones in America right now.

  42. all shall eat
    June 11, 2014

    Dominicans who are planing to come and take part in this criminal activities the us government should revoke their citizenship is Dominica all you like go back and live there to fell the guway and messay Pm if you doing good why people have to come and vote . From overseas labour party is time to stop that racket and s am all you witness Chinenes were the only one employed in all major projects in Dominica. Enjoy all Us dollar and let make our change in Dominica on our own

  43. ms cannon
    June 11, 2014

    But pm if you doing so good let the Dominica people prove it why do u have import people to vote for you change is inevitable

    • Anonymous
      June 12, 2014

      On one side of all you mouths, all you calling on the “Diaspora”, and on the other side, their vote is not good!

      • JoJo
        June 12, 2014

        Well, you are bold to talk. Isn’t that the same diaspora, the Minister responsible for diaspora affairs accuses of wanting to run the country by remote control? So they are good enough to be paid to come and give the DLP their vote but after that they must shut up? No wonder people outside looking down on us because we are really cheap.

      • polibureau
        June 14, 2014

        no, if you come vote UWP, then all is well ,democracy is alive and well.but if you vote otherwise then you have committed a crime.This is typical of UWP thinking and behavior, once its in their favor then no problem . Anything else they throw tantrums like an autistic child who doesn’t get his way

  44. ms cannon
    June 11, 2014

    But Pm if you doing so good why are you recruiting Dominicans to come home and vote for you and they are not living in Dominica what a shame Skerrit the people do not want you. Change is inevitable

  45. all shall eat
    June 11, 2014

    Vince that so true u are planning why did u ask a certain individual in the virgin island to check the ticket price on sea born airline. But skerrit if you doing so good why are you paying people to come down and vote .Dominicans why do you want to vote a government who does not want to debate issuse

    • Osanna Mowanga
      June 11, 2014

      I understood the Diaspora minister without any work to do has started her recruiting campaign to get Dominicans to go down to vote.

  46. IFF I WUZ
    June 11, 2014

    Parry, I would advise Mr. Henderson, as Ambassador, to be very transparent during the election season especially when he is attending political meetings organized by the DLP in the United States. It is alleged , he was present at a secret meeting of Dominicans in Florida. It is also alleged, the Prime Minister and Mr. Blackmore were present. I would also remind him of the unfortunate circumstances that occured during the 2009 General Elections.

    • Anonymous
      June 12, 2014

      Doesn’t Mr. Henderson have a private life? Was he attending such meeting in the capacity of Ambassador or as a private citizen?

      • JoJo
        June 12, 2014

        Of course mr. Henderson has a private life but that too is under scrutiny, ever since he accepted the post of Ambassador. That comes with the job! After all, he does enjoy his privileges and status even when he is asleep.

  47. Views Expressed
    June 11, 2014

    Metyo…..is bef you like. Lets educate you. H.E. Vince is an Ambassador, a diplomat located at the UN office in New York to represent all of Dominica’s interest. That is DLP, DFP, UWP, Pappites and no ites etc etc……We therefore have a right to ask him without reservation what the hell is he doing in DLP partisan activity during working hours in Miami attending a private political party meeting where it is alleged that he was part of the planning of this meeting where DLP corrupt leadership attended. Vince and Barbara are accountable to us and trying to distract us, divert us about GEO Thermal and disabled people or that he is a private citizen will not work. Vince should not allow his legal training make a mockery of him even before he is in practice. We NOT in court with you.
    Vince get out of this corrupt, dirty political practice.

  48. Jay prosper
    June 11, 2014

    I have been seeing comments about Dominican citizens leaving in the US acting in Dominican election. People should be aware that most of us Dominican leaving abroad are not American citizens but just permanent residents. At the end of the month, we send over 10% of our salary there and also send enough to families to pay bills. So when the UWP team say that they are waiting to prevent Dominicans living abroad from voting, I hope they have the evidence to show who I citizen or not. Remember, the US government do not and will not give that information without the consent of the individual that the information is request of. We all still carry a Dominican passport. Just ask Ron about that.

    • Just In
      June 11, 2014

      And just wait when US Immigration “reform for the worse” start sending all you non paying tax butt back down to Dominica to experience THE HARDSHIP all you make Skerrit put on us.

    • Butterfly
      June 12, 2014

      You are mis-guided and uninformed. Many, Many Dominicans in the US are citizens so you should speak to what you know about yourself.

      2nd. while some send barrels and cash few send it monthly as you are trying to get mileage of. Maybe you don’t even send a dime to Dominica, however even if you did, that doesn’t give you the right to leave the US and simply return on a free ticket (bribery) to vote and return. If you so desire to vote in Dominica, buy you own ticket, stay on island 5 months prior to the elections, vote and stay there, since it would mean you believe firmly in the political party you voted. Why come in vote and fly out if life is so sweet?

    • anonymous
      June 12, 2014

      if things are so good here in Dominica, why don’t you leave the US to come and live and work in Dominica? You say you send enough money to families to pay bills…if things were so nice and dandy, tell us why it is that they can’t pay their own bills? Why you working in another country must send money every month end to Dominica to other people’s bills? Come on, stop being ignorant to the real issues and open your eyes.


  49. AdultED
    June 11, 2014

    Vince should know better than to dignify Q95 with a response to the point even after giving a response stay on to allow that Matt to ask the same question over and over and off course continuing to help with the propaganda!

    • Truth be told
      June 11, 2014

      Vince was caught with his pants down. :-P

  50. By-de-bay
    June 11, 2014

    Finn think is he alone that know law…smh…..stop pretending like you soo care abt Laplaine pple Finn, what have you contributed to llaplaine as a community you in the diaspora for years as a dentist…jean Laplaine pa mem konnet ou…smh..Laplaine pple are not intimidated by your crap….you can’t stop and won’t stop dual citizens from voting. Stop Wasting your time…

    • Martindale
      June 11, 2014

      well said BY DE BAY.

    • White City
      June 11, 2014

      Point of correction fool, you can’t stop, won’t stop dual citizens from putting you back in misery.

    • LaPlaine
      June 12, 2014

      Pepper that is your last term .you can write under all kind of names .sorry sir that’s it.

  51. Malgraysa
    June 11, 2014

    Please Vince, do not make yourself look ridiculous, particularly in the U.S.A. You are Dominica’s Ambassador to the U.N. twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. If you don’t want that, simply resign. You may be able to bamboozle some people in Dominica but not the authorities in the U.S.A.

    • Osanna Mowanga
      June 11, 2014

      Vince, you better be careful> Do not be Skerrits puppet.
      Be a man and do what is right and honourable

    June 11, 2014

    Sorry Dr.Finn, your BS talk wont divert our attention and intention from serving Lennox Linton his papers.
    Let’s hope Matt questions him(Linton)of his where about when he is back.

    • White City
      June 12, 2014

      Negro please!!!!! All labour schemes against Workers won’t work, it’s honest Dominicans that putting UWP in power with the help of God. Change is a must not an option. GET USED TO HEARING THAT!!!!!!!!

  53. Consumer
    June 11, 2014

    When in 1999 or thereabout Mike Wallace was appointed Dominica’s ambassador to Washington, was Mike a neutral? When he returned to actively campaign on UWP’s platform and suddenly disappeared after the results was known. was he a neutral? I tell you Pappy can speak about good governance and transparency etc. Pestaina can do the same, Michael Astaphans can also do the same. The UWP and its agents have absolutely no moral credentials to speak to the issue of good governance and pointing fingers after someone else UNLESS THEY ADMITINPUBLIC THAT WHEN WE DID IT, IT WAS AWRONGAND DAMN WELL WRONG. A wrong back then (1995-2000) was wrong as it is today.

    • JoJo
      June 11, 2014

      Two wrongs don’t make a right. We can not change the past but only learn from it. I have to dismiss lame excuses like these.

    • Fair and Balance
      June 11, 2014

      @Consumer, you don’t seem to understand a clue about the subject matter. To make mention of Mike Wallace here just shows your ignorance. It is alright to compare what Mike Wallace did in 1999 to what Vince Henderson did at St. Joseph on May day when he was the MC of the DLP rally. They did the same thing because they were both in Dominica. However, the subject matter is Vince Henderson, still in the US, where he suppose to be representing Dominica at the UN, was seen violating the laws of the US as it pertains to the role of UN officials while serving as embassy. Is that what Mike Wallace did? Was he seen recruiting and bribing US citizens to go vote in Dominica?

    • %
      June 11, 2014

      @Consumer If the honest, respected, loveing, team called UWP CANNOT TALK ABOUT GOOD GOVERNANCE, this is to show you how remote the corrupt Labour party, to which you have made yourself a slave is from any shread of honesty and moral standears. This Labour party is competintg for the NUMBER ONE position in the world as far as corruption and corrupt activities are concerned is concerned.. Greedies like you once you can feather you nest will say like Skerrit ” Go to Hell” every other Dominican. SHAME ON YOU!
      HOW LONG?
      NOT LONG!

    • Anonymous
      June 11, 2014

      Is Mike Wallace running for office in this election? If “moral credentials” are to be applied to all current candidates based on the history of their parties, then we should expect new political parties every election season.

      Call a spade a spade. This behavior was WRONG if/when Mike did it; it is WRONG if Vince is doing it. Going back into the past won’t solve this present problem! Stop excusing ridiculous behavior…our country is too small and under-resourced to have folks at the helm doing less than their best, and making excuses for them!

    • Views Expressed
      June 11, 2014

      Consumer….you have consumed rightly and you are correct. Two wrongs do not make a right and Lennox Linton has said so. This is a new team. A new day has dawned on us in Dominica with Team Dominica ( UWP, DLP DFP…etc) and the focus is on good governance, accountability for Dominica, our children and development.

      • concern
        June 12, 2014

        you said change is a must of course it is, any time you go to the bank there is always change. and that’s the only change you are going to get

      • Anonymous
        June 12, 2014

        Oh please!

    • On the beat
      June 11, 2014

      Yes if it happened in 1998,1999 it was wrong.just the sane if it happening now it is still wrong. Wrong is wrong.wrong can never be right no matter who does it!
      You talking about morals .people just have to let things continue without saying anything?

    • Sane
      June 11, 2014

      Well said !I

      • Sane
        June 11, 2014

        …………… when I say “well said” I’m referring to the enlightened comment of Consumer

  54. %
    June 11, 2014

    Report them to all organisations, institutions, governments, agencies, NGO’s etc, that is humanly possible. Let Skerrit and his crooked team bite the bullet at home. I know the electorate has a serious plan for him at the polls!
    how long?
    not long!

  55. LaPlaine
    June 11, 2014

    We the people of LaPlaine are not going to allow that nonsense that happen last election to happen this time.Many of them voted and left, the next day and put us in MEZZER.No No not this time .We must stop that.CHANGE IS A MUST NOT AN OPTION IN JESUS NAME. AMEN.

    • Let's Blame Skerrit
      June 11, 2014

      If change is a must and not an option, prove that by having Lennox Linton contest against Skerrit in the Vielle Case Constistuency.

      You and Lennox are anxious to have Skerrit removed, let your Leader remove Skerrit, if “Change is a MUST and NOT an option.”

      Guess its not long to prove your point.

      • JoJo
        June 12, 2014

        This is silly. You as well say let Skerrit contest against Linton in the Marigot constituency. Meme bagay, no?

      June 11, 2014

      The change you will see will be the “Change of Opposition!”

    • John Stewart
      June 11, 2014

      It will still occur!!!! Mouth, mouth, mouth.

    • ??????????????????
      June 11, 2014

      @La Plaine I would be happy if somehow you all can stop it.

    • La Plaine too
      June 11, 2014

      Both parties brought in people to vote. UWP voters came from Antigua with their suitcases at the polling station. IS A CASE OF WHO HAS MORE MONEY TO BRING IN PEOPLE. HYPOCRITES. LABOUR HAS MORE SO WILL BRING IN MORE.

      • Anonymous
        June 12, 2014

        I don’t care if they come with their grip or valise. Wrong is wrong!!

    • Martindale
      June 11, 2014

      Dont forget Mr Green daughters were the first set of people too vote, all you cannot stop reggae.

      • GF
        June 12, 2014

        Mr green daughters paid there own tickets. Stay there and beg.

      • Laplaine too
        June 12, 2014

        Well they pay there tickets, they in DA 3 times a year, you jealous man?? Wish, go ask skeritt for money, rather go beg him.

  56. %
    June 11, 2014

    Let me take the opportunity AS A FORMER LABOURITE, to commend in an inordinate manner both esteemed doctors ( Dr Fontaine and Dr Finn) first for their love for country (inpoverished Dominica), and the actions which they intend to take if the alleged activity is or can be proven.
    This is desperation time for the wicked, inept, crooked, corrupt, evil and DUNCE Labour Party, and they will do anything possible just “to keep their God wearing the crown”.
    It has been pellucidly clear to anyone including those with just HALF A BRAIN, that since THE PATRIOT AND STATESMAN Lennox Linton came into the ring ( on the invitation of Skerrit), that the CORRUPT LABOUR PARTY, has been disintegrating moer and more everyday.. Election wise, they are in serious limbo. Call the election now, they will LOSE, prolonging it is NOT WORKING IN THEIR FAVOUR.
    Wherever and whenever complaints can be lodged, these have to be done, with increasing speed every minute, hour, day, week, month, etc. WE NEED TO GET FREED FROM THE SHACKLES OF SKERRIT AND THE DEVELISH LABOUR PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
    This Labour party has turend thousands of Dominicans into beggars, and has insulted the people in profusion..TO EVERY GOOD DOMINICAN LIVING ABROAD THIS IS THE SITUATION ON ISLAND.

    • Consumer
      June 11, 2014

      If I was not living here with a few years behind me, I could be swayed. A first time voter who cannot really compare back then and now may be swayed. Your efforts nevertheless, is simply pathetic. The UWP has a record, a dismal record that they cannot run from. Can you answer that question? If the UWP was so capable and able to lead Dominica as you have so intimated, why has Dominican voters not given them more than 54 months in office? Why? Why is it they have lost more general elections than any only Pappy? Why? They have lost three consecutive elections led at the time by individuals who were more linked to the rural community and with national appeal, and they lost. Why? Can they now win with a person who is increasingly becoming unpopular even among his colleagues? A person who with a life size ego that needs deflating? A person who was the subject of a serious allegation of sexual misconduct in the work place? Why do you think that two days after what you referred to as a very successful youth activity (smart move) he suddenly booked his passage and instantly left Dominica to destinations unknown now for two weeks now. Remember his bravado remarks as he walked to the waiting and on time flight out of Dominica? Does the expression “bring it on” mean anything to you. I am sure that was the last you heard from the one you say is such an enigma? Ha!! ha!! ha!! Think again.

      • %
        June 11, 2014

        I wonder how much you can presently consume in this poor and impoverished coutry.!
        Are you a first time voter, or a GREEDY LABOURITE who realises that the carpet is being pulled fron under you two RED feet.? Are you still grabbing from the dumb, deaf, blind, incapacitaed? WHEN WILL YOU STOP THE GREEDINESS? Shame on you, and shame for being an accessory to corrupt practices.
        I am proud to be associated with PATRIOT AND STATESMAN Lennox Linton and Team Dominica. Linton is a visionary, an extremely brilliant statesman, ONE WHO STANDS AGAINST THE ABUSE OF OUR WOMEN, ONE WHO STANDS AGAINST THE ABUSE OF CARIBBEAN WOMEN, one who hates corrupt practices in government. Now this stings your corrupot flesh very deep. ISN’T IT!!!!!
        Do you know that even the Holy Blble tells us ‘There is a season for every thing under the sun”? So you really thought corrupt, wicked, evil, insultice, inept, DUNCE leaders would continue to rule this land forever? Simply because you want to fatten your pocket.?
        HOW LONG?
        NOT LONG!

      • Who
        June 11, 2014

        About your 52 months…Just remember it took a a collision Government inspired by Mr. Roosevelt Douglas (may his Soul Rest In Peace) to get UWP out of office. If I’m not mistaken, UWP may have handsomely won popular votes that time. Rossie was a key component in the 2000 election and campaigned strongly on the count of corruption which by the way has been unproven since. In 2005 the nation including myself campaigned to give the “young man a chance” and in 2009 there was no real opposition. In 2014…

      • June 11, 2014

        you labourite they never lost any election all you steal it and want to steal it again. it will not work give uwp a chance wicked dlp.

      • Anonymous
        June 11, 2014

        If I did not live in Dominica, experience the abuses of power and the public purse, and witness the fraudulent activities of the DLP first-hand, your comment may have persuaded me that the DLP has governed Dominica well.

        But…I know that the reason why DLP won in 2000 was due to support of the DFP and a slate of truly charismatic candidates; in 2005…to give the young man a chance after the death of two PMs…in 2009 largely due to voter fraud…a bloated electoral list, bribing folks from overseas to vote. THAT is why the UWP lost in three elections. DLP candidates know how to “win” an election using every nefarious tactic necessary…they first tried to deny, then excuse their reliance on overseas voters to win the 2009 election.

        Be balanced in your assessment. UWP certainly did NOT have the best record of governance and were rightly voted out because of that. That is how a normal functioning Democracy works. When the DLP wastesmillions of dollars on non-essential projects as citizens rely on other nations for basic services such as healthcare among other things, they should be voted out. If that does not happen, citizens should be worried about the state of their democracy!

        And why did LL a candidate and private citizen leave the country? Simply b/c he can…is their a civic responsibility his departure has left unfulfilled?

      • Truth be told
        June 11, 2014

        Consumer you are pathetic, you want to keep skerro in power to heap corruption on top more corruption. You think given five or fifty more years he will change for the better, dream on pathetic consumer!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s gonna get worse and your children children that going to pay for it.

      • voter
        June 11, 2014

        consumer you are a big joke! the labour party won in 1999 because people like toney were continuously saying the uwp government was corrupt and some people believed , however, it was not the majority. They were not thrown out because they were incompetent. This labour government is both incompetent and corrupt. people are getting the scrubs from their table. so much of sustainable development that could be done with the many resources the island is blessed with. But no, that is not happening. The ministers only fattening their pockets.
        sexual misconduct…. so many sexual misconduct is happening now . What you are saying about?
        It time for change!
        the more labour party stay in government the worse the country will become….no lie.

      • dafriend
        June 11, 2014

        Anything at all is better than this Labour Administration. They will destroy the country if they are given another term!

    June 11, 2014

    “Henderson is under fire from several fronts!”
    DNO, One is interested in knowing the several fronts(plural), Henderson is under fire from. Is Q95 or Matt several fronts?
    D.Finn called Matt show on Q95 and made his allegations against Henderson. Finn said he called Henderson the day before to have a talk with him(Henderson). Dr.Finn seemed not to have been pleased at the response he got from Henderson called Matt and alleged that Henderson is abusing his office by using it for political purposes because,Finn said, Henderson attended a labour party meeting in Florida; So because Henderson was alleged to have been at a Labour party meeting does that mean he is abusing his office?
    Dr.Finn, take a look at the leader of the opposition(Hector John)face book page where he has the picture of the First Lady of the US telling Dominicans not to vote for the Labour Party. Isn’t that a matter of concern to you and you should call Matt and DNO to talk about too?

    • pat Aaron
      June 11, 2014

      find the other half of your brain and come again

      • Anonymous
        June 11, 2014

        Pat please, I’m trying but have patience with me, I’m suffering from Skritzophrenia.

    • T
      June 11, 2014

      @FAST N IDIOT. I wonder when you will make a sensible contribution on DNO?
      I just love the stance of Dr Finn and the son of the soil Dr Thompson Fontaine.

    • June 11, 2014

      I really don’t understand why some folks cannot see when something is wrong We are not is saying they shouldn’t support the labor party but how do they live with themselves knowing what PM Skerrit is doing is wrong, this haven got anything to do with parties it’s about Dominicans and Dominica , they don’t listen to the messages instead they are to busy killing the messengers.

      • FORKIT
        June 13, 2014

        the people can see the wrong, the problem is that Dominicans are not politically mature and does not realize that governments should fear the people and not the other way round..
        when the people fear government/politician(a few men) the there will be nepotism, victimization and disrespect for the masses

    • 4u2C
      June 11, 2014

      You lack y=understanding of politics and political position and ambassadorial position. Read and educate yourself. watching TV is not helping you.

    • voter
      June 11, 2014

      The man, Vincent Henderson not suppose to be from on any political platfrom. It is ethically wrong. Just like public servants they are not allowed to be actively involve in political rallies. The only thing they are allowed to do is vote.

  58. Anonymous
    June 11, 2014

    What a Joke!! What a laugh!!!

  59. Grandfond
    June 11, 2014

    Thomson I do hope you gave up that greencard.

    • Grand Fond
      June 11, 2014

      Hope he helps us in any way possible to remove this deadly and corrupt Labour Party out. They know they are on their way out. DESPERATION TIME!!!!

      • Consumer
        June 11, 2014

        ASk Dr. Fontaine the following questions. When did he make a financial contribution to the SMA Building Fund? Who was the official who received it on behalf of the SMA? What was the amount – US or EC? How was it recorded in the DAAS records? Why after all the controversy with “transfergate” and “Lands gate” he is yet to bring the law suite against those who call him dishonest? When and how he answers these questions his credentials for public office, in the engine of the money, will be reassessed.

      • %
        June 11, 2014

        Why should a GREEDY Labour party puppet and slave like you asking others to make contribution to any institution, or organisatioon? So after you are cheating and robbing the poor, dumb, blind, death, retarded incapacitated etc, why can’t you make contributions to all the organisations and institutions on island? ARE YOU TOO GREEDY TO DO SO?.
        The esteemed Doctor “Fontaine is doing enough. If he cannot contribute anything, THAT’S FINE……… The fight to free us from the shackles of Skerrit and the corrupt, Labour Party is worth MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
        I JUST LOVE THIS MAN CALLED Dr Fontaine!!!!!!!
        how long?
        not long!

      • fil
        June 12, 2014

        Why did fountaine left his big post with the IMF?

    • White City
      June 11, 2014


  60. Labourkatwavay
    June 11, 2014

    smh All now Obama have to worry about Talibans taking over Iraq so you think is Finn and Thomson he have time for smh. You all said that last time and what happen.blahblah blah focus on all you campaign and what all you can do for people instead of worrying about Vince et al. You guys were up here telling people take the ticket and come vote Labour out so that tune change. You forget all you tell us buy our ticket and we will be refunded at the meeting in New York. The same person that went on tour with all you from New Jersey where is he now? Going up independent in La Plaine and he is saying is true you guys were asking people to come down to vote and you will repay them.smh

      June 11, 2014

      Nothing can be more true than that. UWP want people to come down and vote, but is for them. If not for them, well they got a problem with that.

    • June 11, 2014

      it would be better that you educate yourself regarding the laws of Dominica stop being stupid Dr. Thompson can provide for his family and himself without taking hand outs from your friend Skeritt you should do the same try to work for a living .

    • 4u2C
      June 11, 2014

      A surprise will be awaiting you Dominicans that deciding to come put misery on our backs……NOT again Boss. I can’t buy sadine down here and all of you up there eating steak, chicken Breast, mutton etc…. See how Skerro and his boys getting fat and we close to Malnutrition…. NOT Again!! If all you really love us stay where you are!!

      • Realist
        June 12, 2014

        You cannot buy sardine? Damn goat

  61. formerstudent
    June 11, 2014

    Oh Pleas,Obama have enough on his hand right now to worry about little Dominica

    • June 11, 2014

      And by the way their are different house committees that goes thru the complain before it reaches the President for his signature, It’s not like what is happening in Dominica one man calls the shot.

    • June 11, 2014

      you’d be suprize :-D :-D :-D

  62. my constituency
    June 11, 2014

    Somebody needs to explain to Mister Henderson, that like a President, or other head of State, or like a Police, you are a 24 hour representative, so stop that kraaappp he talking about his own time and he can do what he wants. So you can be an ambassador Monday to Friday and be a drug dealer, or a thief, or some kind of part time offender, and is kool? you were a good minister of government, and you so fraid of Skerritt, who was afraid of your growing popularity, that you let him fling you all over the place now he has you destroying your credibility, your conscience and good intentions. Bro you should redeem yourself while you still have a little moment in time, because if not, you will be permanently tainted and your law degree will not be worth the paper it is accredited on.

    • Anonymous
      June 11, 2014

      You are absolutely correct. Mr. Henderson enjoys diplomatic immunity and privileges 24/7, regardless of whether is is working on U.N. business – as he should- or going to the restaurant or rest room, or even during his sleep. He obviously wants to have his cake and eat it. Not so your Excellency!

    • voter
      June 11, 2014

      totally concur with you

  63. Me
    June 11, 2014

    I thought Mr Henderson worked for the people of Dominica under the Leadership of Mr PM, who clearly is a party that he is part off and the reason why he has this job to begin with,,,, if we are saying that Mr Henderson cannot attend or it is illigal for him to meet with his boss on a personal or public matter,, then i also would suggest and think that it would be a crime for Mr Henderson to go to the bathroom to take a piss. ,,,,

    • my constituency
      June 11, 2014

      Sir are you not forgetting who his boss is? Dominica!!!!!!

      • What?
        June 11, 2014

        “Sir are you not forgetting who his boss is? Dominica!!!!!!” you just wrote very good rubbish. Mr. Henderson position is political and the PM can recall him at anytime, that makes the PM his boss.

    • Malgraysa
      June 11, 2014

      Your sarcasm is no cover for your ignorance. Vince Henderson is at the U.N. to represent Dominica, all of Dominica and not just Roosevelt Skerrit or his party. If he can’t be impartial in fulfilling that role he should not be in it.

  64. Not Me Alone
    June 11, 2014

    “What i do in my private time is nobody’s business.” Vince, that statement is synonymous to this statement made by Skerrit “It’s not your dam business…”. However, the difference between what Skerrit said in 2009 and what you said this morning is, Skerro was in Dominica where he no law no constitution could stop him but you are in the US, that’s governed by law and constitution sir. FYI, as our ambassador what you do in your free time is my business just as what president Obama does on his free time is my business. In fact like the president, you are not an 8hr. a day worker, and therefore you carry your office with you wherever you go and what you do is our business as long as you carry your office as ambassador.

    • yo
      June 11, 2014

      I guess Mr. Henderson should have no time for his wife or he should ask permission of Dr. Finn and Dr. Fontaine whenever he needs to have some quiet time with his wife.

  65. Not Me Alone
    June 11, 2014

    Mr. Henderson, the USA is not Dominica where everybody knows everybody, and everyone knows what car to look for, on a one lane road. This is a very big country, with a lot of cars, where we drive on a 3way Highway without taking note of you just past on the road, and who is your next door neighbor, be it in a hotel or elsewhere. Furthermore, we are under constant surveillance whether it’s in our car, home, hotel or just on the street. Vince, as your good friend, a friend of members of the DLP and a resident of Florida, I want to let you know that I have you, Skerrit and other dlp members from NY and NJ attending a meeting on Sunday June 8, 2014. I have that recorded sir. So you could deny as much as you want but we have you covered sir and stay tuned to Utube where a video may be made available sir.

  66. Jay
    June 11, 2014

    I’m sorry but mr. Henderson is wrong in his assertion that any activities he is engaged in outside his diplomatic duties are nobody’s business.

    U.S. law pertaining to U.N. envoys makes it crystal clear that his status is dependent on him undertaking diplomatic activities on behalf of Dominica, directly related to U.N. matters at our U.N. mission on a full time basis only.

    • JAAY
      June 11, 2014

      @Jay, does that mean that he cannot speak to Dominicans about their right to vote or not to vote? Freedom of expression and the right to vote is one of the cornerstones of the UN mandate.

  67. Browne,C (Rastafari)
    June 11, 2014

    LOL, clean them up, one by one

    • lark
      June 11, 2014

      Your comments are usually short and the oracle of old type of answer. It’s not for and it’s neither against. Sounds like you studied psychology

  68. 2 cents
    June 11, 2014

    well If The UWP did there home work when they travel all over the US a few weeks ago ..what are you guys ramping about..Emanuel Finn haven’t been to Dominica in so long..how comes all of a sudden he care who vote for who or what…I tell Fountain to be carefull of all those fellas that just waiting to see if he getting in power to eat de country

  69. Channel 1
    June 11, 2014

    It is absolutely wicked for people who are leaving outside of Dominica and who are not qualified by the constitution to vote in Dominica to return home just to vote in order to impose a government resident Dominicans just don’t want. This is pure blatant wickedness.

    I am trusting that the US government is put alert about those Dominicans who are residing in the US who are seeking to engage in this criminal activity so that they could be prosecuted if they go ahead and commit this crime. Revoke their US citizenship and deport them back to Dominica so that they can taste licks the DLP government is putting on Dominicans.

    If the Dominica Labour Party government is so good, then come back and live in Dominica under them. Don’t practice to hit and run.

    Let’s go Workers; Get all the relevant law enforcement agencies both in the US and Dominica on alert for these people who intend to commit this heinous crime against Dominica.

    • Just In
      June 11, 2014

      Did you all notice that all those that came down to vote in the last election, when they went back to St. Martin, Anguilla, Tortola, ect things got so hard. Most of them had to run back Dominica. You cannot do illegal voting, impose a corrupt government on people back and expect things to work well for you. God is not a policeman.

    • Anonymous
      June 11, 2014

      Like that. If it so sweet come back home

  70. Views Expressed
    June 11, 2014

    Good. Mr Vince Henderson, Question: Where you in Miami, Florida at the said time, at public political meeting involving the PM and maybe staff of the Embassy in New York?
    Question: If you were in Miami and it was political not diplomatic, who paid your air fare, hotel accommodation, meals, per diem, entertainment etc etc for this trip…? Was it your pocket, PM`s pocket, states pocket, a friends pocket etc etc.
    We need to know!!!! The election bobol that took place last election, the election before that will NOT be allowed to take place this time, so your days are numbered at the UN.
    We did NOT ask you about GEO Thermal, we on top of that one….big time……We did not ask you about Paris……we know…….we did not ask you about Disabled people……we are asking about the Disabled activity going on at our Mission at the UN.
    The question of your whereabouts in Miami got you by surprise all of a sudden you are a private citizen, to be align to any political party etc…..etc. Do not attempt to tell us things hat we know of , please Mr. Vince answer the question. We are feed up with this Skerrit Labour Party Bobol corrupt government. Lies…lies….corrupt…deceitful.

    • anonymous
      June 11, 2014

      @Views Expressed,I did not hear the concerns you mentioned here when Mr. Henderson was in Dominica on May 5th, chairing the DLP rally at St. Joseph. What has changed?

  71. New jersey
    June 11, 2014

    This morning Vince u were RUDE to Matt just hung up the phone when the question was asked it’s no body Buisness what u do with your private life well I hope it’s not your BUISNESS to know if I will vote Labour or UWP

    • Anonymous
      June 11, 2014

      Maybe rude, yes but, wise guy simply did not have an answer!¬

  72. Metyo
    June 11, 2014

    But wait them fellas is real cartoon characters eh…….What emanuel finn beating his chest about he monitorig eh? who is the “WE” he refered to when he said we are monitoring? are these clowns serious really? Lennox and all his blind mice been traveling up and down “meeting” people and what now they chastising HE Henderson for attending a meeting in florida? I mean really? what moral leg do these gentlemen have to stand on? eh? You now so morally correct you want to come now and suggest because the ambassador attended a meeting he is some way according to you commiting crimes on “US Soil”? SMDH I waiting to see if DNO publish this…..I wont hold my breath…….

  73. Woodfordhill/Bense
    June 11, 2014

    Vince stop lying. This is the hard truth. A few people that I know have already been contacted and these people were offered money and a car rental.
    Let thepeople in dominica decide the election – The people of dominica should not allow Labor Queen with her purple lip stick on White Pains Road to come influence our election

    • AAA
      June 11, 2014

      Labour queen Jackie girl told Matt that Labour Party did not hold a meeting in Florida this past weekend. These people are so blind and uninformed but yet they will sell the soul for a few pieces of ply wood. She is the queen of the prty

      • Ohhh Dominica!
        June 11, 2014

        Labour Party could not ask for a better labour queen. This is the best campaigner for Labour Party. Allow her to open her mouth a few times and labour will get a lot of votes.

      • JoJo
        June 12, 2014

        Well, well, is so they are even fooling their own supporters. They really don’t care is only your vote they want. but despise you for being poor and barefoot.. I was fooled like that in 2005 but never again!

  74. CREOLE
    June 11, 2014

    UWP please do not spread propaganda if you do not have hard concrete evidence. The party do alot of that lately that have them slowly burrying themselves…………..

    • John Stewart
      June 11, 2014

      You are fooled by Labour Pary Bobol.

  75. There you have it
    June 11, 2014

    DNO, maybe, the headline should read “partisan political purposes”?

  76. June 11, 2014

    we all over america will be joining mr finn on the lookout to stop that injustice .Dominicans like those are going a round (playing smart and a donkey in the animal kingdom is smarter) why people are so wicked?(dominicans) why did they get educated?they should use the education to function effectively in there field rather than tend to think that they better than others.

  77. Anonymous
    June 11, 2014

    Private time on political platform in party colours whilst being AMBASSADOR to the UN!!! How’s dat umpire..

    • Anonymous
      June 11, 2014

      lolol.. i like that :lol:

    • preppy
      June 12, 2014

      He is not the first. The last ambassador did it too. Dominican ambassadors really need to be more objective/neutral like the days gone by.

  78. uwp
    June 11, 2014

    And fountaine what were u guys doing when all u went to the us.

    • Thanks Lennox
      June 11, 2014

      They were engaging Dominicans in a discussion.. It was announced where they would be and when. Why can’t the reulling labour government be as transparent? They
      We’re not out offering ppl ticket to come vote

  79. sue
    June 11, 2014

    Mr.henderson is an honest gentleman. What he does in private is not anyone’s business as he said. He is a Dominican from St. Joe , so he has a right to talk about any party that he supports.

    Uwp afraid!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep doing your job Mr; Henderson. You are doing a good job so don’t worry YOU CAN’t COME DOWN!!!!!

  80. Doc Love
    June 11, 2014

    Mr. Henderson can deny allegations as regards recruiting Dominicans to vote in Dominica, but he cannot deny that Skeritt, Blackmore and himself allegedly met at N.W. 555 Ave. 62 St. Cypress Creek, Fort. Lauderdale at the Sheraton Suites on Friday. It is alleged, he, along with the Prime Minister were their to meet with certain Dominicans residing in the United States in order to discuss strategies relating to the next General Elections. I agree with Mr. Ambassador, when he says, ” what he does in his private time is nobody’s business, ” however, when he meets the Prime Minister, a Minister of Government and other Dominicans in a foreign land at a hotel, as a Dominican, that becomes my business.

    • Anonymous
      June 11, 2014

      Oh so well put!

    • Realist
      June 12, 2014

      Who cares? Your Business? Who worry with you? We still going to win. Boyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I can’t wait to celebrate with my PM let allu pooh pooh peas.

    • JoJo
      June 12, 2014

      That is so interesting Doc. Isn’t that just down the road from Tony Astaphan’s residence in Weston?

  81. black sister
    June 11, 2014

    I do not know why a government who is doing so well in the country has to seek outside voters. Why waste money to recruit voters to come to DA. All those people who are campingning out there is wasting money. Let those who are residence in DA Vote for their government. You all vote for Obama and Hilary Clinton

    • Outside voter?
      June 11, 2014

      Am I less of a Dominica because I reside off island?

      The beauty of these statements is that all Americans irrespective of their current location are allowed to vote during presidential elections but I ( diaspora) should sit by and shut up? Apparently, I revoked my citizenship and right to vote when I boarded that plane so long ago- there is no constitution that makes it so….no recruiting necessary, I know where my home and my heart is…..Dominica!!!!!

      • Malgraysa
        June 13, 2014

        I would have no problem for our Govt. to arrange voting for its absent citizens world-wide if they they did so in exactly the same manner the U.S. Govt. does. But that does not include inducing people to come home and vote for your party only by bribing them, doesn’t matter which party it is.

  82. Frank Talker
    June 11, 2014

    Vince can deny all he wants, but his conscience is loaded with guilt. It has been known for a long time now that Vince is the successor to Skerrit as the Leader of the DLP and, hopefully, Prime Minister of Dominica. Vince was deliberately removed from Dominica and given the nation’s highest ambassadorial position to prepare him to succeed Skerrit. Vince involvement in partisan politics is still very active. Didn’t you see him at DLP convention in St. Joe? Didn’t you hear him facilitating the mepwe and hate coming from the lips of Skerro and his team? Vince involvement and influence even in the public service of Dominica is very evident. Recently, someone from outside the public service was recruited to be a PS in a Ministry. This new PS brings no unique skills or knowledge to the office except that she is known to be or have been very close to Vince. The appointment brought upset to some folks, even resulting in the resignation of a senior official.

    • Shameless
      June 11, 2014

      That appointment was disgraceful and absolutely disrespectful :twisted: to say the least. But change is on the way..
      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

  83. Reader
    June 11, 2014

    OMG! If this wasn’t so pathetic it would be flat out funny. Where do these UWP operatives come up with these? Encouraging US citizens to act illegally? LOL. Sign of desparation

  84. Positively Dominican
    June 11, 2014

    This is blatant corruption and bribery!

  85. PetProjects
    June 11, 2014

    Concern Citizens and The United Workers Party have Skerrit and his DLP cornered……..One thing America don’t allow is electoral fraud in their Country or others…

    • Realist
      June 12, 2014

      Really? Hahahahaha all of a sudden America turn heaven? You fool shut up.

  86. So blessed
    June 11, 2014

    vice p.r.o. said politics does not deal with truth, do we expect truth hence forth?

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