I won’t get involved – Liverpool

Liverpool. Photo credit: Wapedia.com

Dominica’s President Nicholas Liverpool has said he is not willing to interfere in the dual citizenship court case involving Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and Education Minister Petter St. Jean.

This was the response given when members of the United Workers Party (UWP) visited Liverpool to discuss the details surrounding the court matter.

According to UWP leader Ron Green, members brought forward a letter to the president which proves that Skerrit and St. Jean hold dual citizenship. Green said discussion with the president was “useful” however Liverpool made it clear he does not have the capacity and is “not willing” to get involved in the court process.

Green pointed out that the president said he will put his full response to the UWP in writing.

Green was accompanied by Opposition leader Hector John and UWP Senator Ronnie Isidore during the visit to the president.

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    February 20, 2011





  2. Anonymous
    February 10, 2011

    In the Jamaica ruling the judges ruled that it can not award a seat to someone who the majority to the people did not vote for. It will not impose a pal rep on the people. So a by-election will be the best thing the uwp can get out of that.

    I think the UWP is educated enough to have read the Jamaican ruling. So they know they a fighting a losing battle.

    This comes down to their reason for behaving that way and is constantly trying to get Skerritt to resign.

    • Cerberus
      February 10, 2011

      It is not so much what the UWP get out of a by- election but the Dominican people as a whole. If mr. Skerrit is as popular as we are made to believe he should have no problem in standing as an incontrovertable candidate and win his seat. That is the least we could, and should do so we can move forward.

  3. leroy possie
    February 10, 2011

    Wrong is wrong, but i look on the workers bench and i look on the labor bench and i couldn’t find a replacement, so i say we charge skerrit and lets move on.

  4. leroy possie
    February 10, 2011

    let the court decide.

  5. A observer
    February 10, 2011

    Do we really need a president in Dominica?, I say cut that position and use that money to improve education in Dominica.

  6. travaile
    February 10, 2011

    As citizens of dominica we need to get familiar with the constitution. the president was well within his rights, with regards to his response. Yes, the current situation in the govenment is shameful, and low, but Ron Green and the other members of the opposition should have been more tactful in their approach to this situation.

    Let’s face it dominican, from a patriotic point of view, given the current situation here, what does that say about our Pm and Mr. St. Jean? Don’t u find it hard to trust ppl of that nature? Dont you stop to ponder what their underlying intentions are? Is it about them or is it about the country? Is it about power or the constitution? ppl let’s face it; something smells rotten in this our nature island. we are blindsided, please ppl let’s wake up, it’s about that time now.

    • anonymous
      February 10, 2011

      Ron green have more guts than bori ….the man crazy and continues to take Dominicans for fools…

  7. Anonymous
    February 9, 2011

    Patat, tell those UWP people to stop behaving like Internet Children!!!!

    They want Skerrit to resign NOW !!! They want it now.


    Let the Courts decide

  8. Hon Chief Justice
    February 9, 2011

    That President too bussy going around drinking fine whiskey,
    You think Sir Clarence was bad naaa, this present one you can almost call him a real whiskey man, I must have whiskey at my home before he visits and even calls before he comes to make sure I have or he walks with his stock and does not leave untill the last drop so is not the PM he worried abot is his Whiskey

      February 10, 2011

      You are full of yourself and also filled with ignorance about the Role and Duties of your own Preseident. My advise; do some reading and then make an informed coment on DNO. Shame on you and others like you who would love to see the President bring his office into Politics and to intefere with the Judiciary.The matter is before the Couts and like in Jamaica, ONLY the Courts have the authority to hear and determine cases of that nature and the ruling we all have to wait for. That applies to every one who is accused of an offence why do you wish to change the rule of law is it because it is the PM accused?? Do you have the facts, ALL of the facts? NO YOU DONT! Ifthe PM is found gulity he will have tyo face the penalties available to the Judge, why cant we just love our country and help her move upo than get ourselves in making uneducated coments on DNO even disrespecting the office of President. Cant you compare to the qualifications of that man now holding that office, do you think he is a novice in matters of Law? Think again!!

      • MAESTRO
        February 10, 2011

        Gorgive the typo errors.

        Line 8: if the

        Line 10. Can you compare

  9. jbfox.
    February 9, 2011

    It is shameful that Ron and company will go so low by involving the president of DA who is just a figure head.WHAT’S NEXT RON.Election can be called next week and u will suffer a worst defeat than what u suffered last year.

    • Patriotic Dominican
      February 10, 2011

      It is disheartening to say the least, to see what has become of the governance of this country: no accountability, no transparency, a one man ruled and controlled state characterized by open and broad day light dishonesty, lies, deceit and in your face breaking of laws, rules, procedures, principles & protocols.

      What is more disturbing and incomprehensible is the non reaction and indifference of a vast number of Dominicans (many due to ignorance and lack of the ability to rationalize/analyze) on the one hand, and the shocking/unbelievable support and acceptance by those you think should no better, on on the other hand.

      It is pathetic to hear so called educated (some academics) support a one man Government with a cabinet in complete darkness about the MOU with China, the true relationship with Chavez, the truth about the Villas, the garbage bin fiasco, Susan Oldie $400,000.00 campaign money, the hidden secrets of the Red Clinic and so many other questionable acts and conducts.

      If development is the re-surfacing of a few roads, a stadium that brings no economic growth, a Roseau to Portsmouth road rehabilitation managed by a handful of Chinese who bring in their own food & supplies, a dieing agricultural sector (with increased independence on food imports), a staggering tourism sector (while the National Trail Project which should be a gold mine is being sabotaged for petty political reasons), increasing violence & crime, increased prison population, increased unemployment even with mass migration; coupled by massive corruption through white color crimes, a deafening silence by the guardians of our Legal and Judicial System (seemingly for personal gain), our religious leaders who have become blind and deaf to the wrong doings of our elected leaders because of gifts, even our civil society afraid of losing their “hand to mouth” jobs, the dumb and the ignorant who only view life through the colour of a political party (to hell with country) – THEN INDEED DOMINICA IS EVER DOOMED!

  10. Fix u
    February 9, 2011


    • Patriotic Dominican
      February 10, 2011

      Let us stop wearing our ignorance as a badge of honor. Let us start being Dominicans first & labourites second. We will stand idly by and support a party & a leader whose job is to enrich himself & whose hobby is to play psychology with the lives & future of our youth. A leader who supports the bourgeoisie class (Tony Astaphan is his mouth piece); What class does Tony represent? We are slowly becoming economic slaves of the Astaphans, Nassiefs & the Chinese. They will send their children to University, live in big houses, live luxurious lives on our sweat & toil, and guess what; they will deny we their slaves, a merchant holiday we have been used to for decades because it will affect their accumulation of wealth, and we will live in shacks, unable to rent a decent house.

      Dominican wake up & smell the coffee; you are blinded by red & the propaganda of hungry, shameless Charlo – Crapaud would smoke his pipe if he didn’t sell his soul for a few pieces of silver – That man singing well for his supper & you fools not seeing is one set that enjoying the cream of this country.

      WE could remove Freedom Party & UWP from power: but we will not be able to remove Labour because they are trained by the Communist China not to lose power; It will cost the blood & lives of our children & grand children to remove them from power! That blood will be upon upon shoulders! Shame on us who sell our souls or who close our christian eyes – We will pay one day!

  11. love da
    February 9, 2011

    we should never have a president chosen by the government, this is bull shit. the people should vote for whoever they want for president. The one we have now is just another toy on a string.
    Time will tell people , there’s the KING above watching.

  12. 14 karat
    February 9, 2011

    The President won’t get involve but that won’t deter the course of justice. The case is clear they were holders of dual citizenship so it automatically disqualifies them in winning the seats. But there has to be a court process to facilitate this. Naturally the court will award that a.by election be call. The case is similiar to what happen in Jamaica, obvious the lawyers of the oppossing side will have the same arguing statements as in Jamaica. Voila the judge rules a by election as the judge will have the same ruling as similiar cases are used as refrence. By the way I didn’t pass the bar but I know a little bit, just thought Ishould share.

  13. Muslim_Always
    February 9, 2011

    Chapter 10 Section 118 (2) states: Where by this Constitution the President is required to perform any function after consultation with any person or authority he SHALL NOT BE OBLIGED TO EXERCISE THAT FUNCTION in accordance with the advice of that person or authority.

    One cannot coerce the president to speak out on this issue.

    I see there is dissatisfaction regarding the duties of the president; that is another issue. The root problems that tackles the Dominican nation, our people should be united when it comes to the country. People must put aside blind partisianship.

    If Ron Green said the president will give a full response in writing, then we hope we will see the letter God’s willing.

    Lastly, the matter is in the courts, why the haste? If there are concerns about the backlogging of the case then this should be tackled if it happens. The UWP has done their part by bringing this to the courts, time for the party to deal with more concrete issues. It’s time for them to rebuild it’s momentum, access agencies for funding so that the people can get a simple thing as a manifesto. It needs to shift it’s focus off one man and keep the government in check regarding its management of the country. UWP needs to critically examine the performance of the DLP in issues like, security issues, employment, exports and imports, production, gender, housing etc. UWP need to critique and have a viable plan for the people of Dominica. It’s really very simple, they need to listen to the voice of their people.

    • Kubilian
      February 10, 2011

      Finally i can read some sense. You are 100% correct

    • Anonymous
      February 10, 2011

      You’re a great sign, a man/woman or great insights…finally I can see that there is still hope for my Dominica!

  14. page
    February 9, 2011

    With the new developments of the letters , it shows clearly that the men has knowingly broken the law so the president can and should step in. The is no need for the court battle now. Bit if he fails to step in then they can continue with the court. I find we make too many excuses for wrong. That’s why we have so many crimes and other problems. When we love we must love in such a way to you are wrong

    • Funny Guy
      February 9, 2011


  15. eyes
    February 9, 2011

    Who else should know better than those such as Ron Green who have served in parliament that the

    presidency is all pomp with no power?

  16. Fairplay
    February 9, 2011

    Dear DNO,
    You reserve the power not to post a comment but you should not alter it. I have observed that you allow more harsh stuff when it is anti-Labour.

    Admin: This disclaimer (below) is clearly seen on the site. Please read it. Maybe your post failed to meet our standards and some parts of it was deleted.

    Dominica News Online and its affiliated companies are not responsible for the content of comments posted or for anything arising out of use of the comments below or other interaction among the users. We reserve the right to screen, refuse to post, remove or edit user-generated content at any time and for any or no reason in our absolute and sole discretion without prior notice, although we have no duty to do so or to monitor any public forum.

  17. Prophet2
    February 9, 2011

    Dominica should’ve never become a republic cuz now you have the blind leading the blind. Wonder Y nobody has faith in the CCJ?

      February 9, 2011



  18. WENDY
    February 9, 2011

    A moo- moo cannot talk, so forever hold you tongue MR PRESIDENT

  19. Anonymous
    February 9, 2011

    I have some questions:
    i would like ron and linton to answer but anyone else who represent them is free to answer.
    To Ron:
    Do you think that it would be fair for a group of Dominicans to go to the president and ask him to remove you as a senator because the police charged you for breaking the public order act, without a hearing? Wouldn’t you want your day in court so you can explain yourself?

    To linton:
    Would you have liked if all labourites march up to the police station and demand that you pay bubbles because he accused you of deformation of his character? Wouldn’t you like your day in court? Would you like it the gov’t accused you of treason and send you to jail without a hearing?

    • GET UP, STAND UP!!
      February 9, 2011

      Justice delay is justice denied. Can’t you see that the court is playing games. Let me ask you,
      How long must we wait to know who is the Prime Minister of Dominica?

  20. Informant
    February 9, 2011

    anyhow dem UWP people have gutts wi and shameless! How many of their people contested election and won with dual citizenship. Leave the prime minister and Bro peter alone. Toneh. UWP Can never win another election no matter what they try it will not work…All the way with labor party…

    • GET UP, STAND UP!!
      February 9, 2011

      I agree that UWP may never win another election, but don’t I have the right to ensure that my Labour Prime Minister and Labour Minister of Education are honest and constitutionally elected?

    • Viewer
      February 10, 2011

      The UWP party is the opposition and therefor has a job to do, be a watchdog to the rulling party, they are just doing their job. Some of you need to be educated, stop letting politicians raise your blood pressure.

  21. whistler
    February 9, 2011

    dominica and its whole system is a totaly failure!! thats why investors are afraid once they hear the name dominica called…..hahaha bunch of idots…

  22. Patat
    February 9, 2011

    Brovo Mr. President!!!

    Workers, take that.

    • dont
      February 9, 2011

      Patat….watch yourself boy!! many will be covered including you when it opens out….
      Skero must fall more pressure up his skin it just start…he must crack open…
      could be a heartattack but it has to give..he too damm wicked!

      • Anonymous
        February 9, 2011

        Which Englishman you know that moved Dominica forward? None!!!

        Although I never eat a white meat yet, I prefer a Frenchman lead Dominica for I seeing something happening and it is soooo exciting.

        2012 the International Airport from China is on the cards!!!!

        Representatives from Marriott and Hilton Hotels are expected to visit Dominica by the end of this month.

        Keep the faith people. The Europeans are pleased that a Frenchman is leading Dominica!!! More Aid for Agriculture and Manufacturing coming soon.

      • The truth
        February 10, 2011

        So you wishing death on people now? That’s classy. You ever heard of karma?

    • rat
      February 9, 2011

      that is not a workers issue that is a matter of the constitution

  23. rat
    February 9, 2011

    don’t worry Liverpool when the people ready they will hold you equally responsible, just a matter of time

  24. 4th former..CHS
    February 9, 2011

    that president not e z eh??? A capacity of what you want eh mr president?…you need/want a squardron tot ag along with you…..you are the head of the constitution…..and it has been disrespected 100%…what capacity do u need again eh garcon??? no wonder whenever you come to give speech at the Convent High School, the students call you “goggles”….ponder on this for a while mr president and wheel and come again…..guess i wont be listening to yr speeches again and may my school never invite you to speak to the student body…………you need to take your own advice and stand up for what is right man.

      February 9, 2011

      You’re such a liar…. CHS never invite the President to give speeches. So u that must will and come again………..

      • student
        February 9, 2011

        how ‘former” are you…………….i am in 5th form now and i remember him visiting CHS from 2nd form…so tell me please…how former are you? damn liar……no wonder u former.

      • DA overseas
        February 9, 2011

        4th former..CHS: Go read the constitution of DOminica before you start chatting shyte. Get yourself familiar with authority as it relates to head of states in DA.

        • hmmm
          February 9, 2011

          True say

  25. sledge hammer
    February 9, 2011

    Mr president you should dash those fools with hot water i cant believe that the UWP can be so stupid lazy and ignorant go and find work to do the people dont want all you greed selfishness liars crooks thives propargander merchins thats what the uwp is all you dead

    • ?????
      February 10, 2011

      why are you so angry? take it easy dear

  26. de caribbean change, BBA, MBA, CPA
    February 9, 2011

    It is a political quagmire brought on by disgruntled, frustrated, miserable opposition members. Let them solve their own mess. And by the way, tell Norris Prevost to shave his face and comb out his head-hair, dress up in suit and tie, and look more presentable.

      February 9, 2011

      yea keep wearing your ignorance as a barge of honor

    • Viewer
      February 10, 2011

      Ignorance to the highest level lo.

  27. y
    February 9, 2011

    Head of State wont get involved in state matters…..? I tell you,, Dominica special wii!!!!!

    • Grand Bay Posse
      February 9, 2011

      Understand my friend the constitution provide for separation powers. Preseident liverpool cannot interfere in the matters of the court since he has no legal basis to do so. If therefore we find fault with that law then it is the law we have to change and not to drag the President in our partisan arguments. Let us argue, debate and champion a constitutional change to give the President a free hand to do as he wishes with court matters especially when these matters are brought up by the opposition. President Liverpool is not the problem. We are the problem because even when we understand the principle of separation of powers, we still speak to the less educated and tell them the President is wicked for not accepting our plea to interfere and interfere illegally.

      By the way President Liverpool has greater credentials locally, regionally and internationally than a combined opposition. That is the unadulterated fact

      • Funny Guy
        February 9, 2011

        And they had the gaul to send people who committed the same offence to go speaking to the President on this matter, and are making public their actions. These people are so bold face. They take Dominicans for fools.

      • GET UP, STAND UP!!
        February 9, 2011

        Really? He sure does not show it

    • DA to the bone
      February 9, 2011

      the matter is in court so why should the president get involved ..why can’t these men just wait on the courts ruling fist you people stop diviiding our country you all so confident wait …..

  28. .........................
    February 9, 2011

    Boy look a corrupt country…Role models are a scarcity on this failed state…Mark you somne of these leaders are filthy rich, and will rather die rather than to be out of office…CORRUPTION GALORE!!!!!!!!!

  29. Bwa carib
    February 9, 2011

    that man is getting fat on tax payers money. Failing to be a president and become a cowardice. Its a shame in 2011 Dominica Do not have leaders that are leaders and are like cats licking dogs tail get out Liverpool we are ashamed of you.

  30. The truth
    February 9, 2011

    I really don’t understand what Dominicans expect from the president. The president is not above the law nor is skerrit or St Jean. The case is in court and the verdict is to be delivered. The evidence is damning so there is no need for the man to get involved. Why is uwp so eager? Just let the court handle the issue because it is in the process. If the man get involved and the courts reah not guilty then he looks weak and pathetic. I don’t blame him. I am sure skerrit will be found to have broken the law if the evidence is true so be patient uwp supporters

    • GET UP, STAND UP!!
      February 9, 2011

      I agree, but should we wait for five years. Don’t you see what is happening in the court?

      • The truth
        February 10, 2011

        Do your research and find out how long these matters take. It is not plain n simple. The documentary evidence needed takes ages to be released. In Dca they don’t really care for privacy laws but overseas it’s pretty much illegal. So it could well be that any evidence to be released by the french depends on if the offender wants their papers released or not. Would you create evidence on yourself? Now with what is at stake they should have released them but may have taken a while. Then you have the fact that the man is running a country and he has to put the court dates around his schedule. Courts do not interfere with important things. Its just how courts go. Be easy

    February 9, 2011

    I do not think anyone asked the president to get involved in the court system. I think the president is being asked to be the president. It behoves me to understand that the man at the head of the country is so scared of the prime minister that he would cower in a corner when faced with doing the job he was appointed to do. Mr. President you do not have to sing for your supper. They will still give you the palace, your salary, car and security. None of this is threatened because no matter what, the UWP would not gain power with 3 or 5 seats. Whether it comes down to illegality and the seats declared vacant, it will not shift the balance of power.

    That said, it is of no concern to you, Mr. President, who is the prime minister of the country. It is you duty as a servant of the state to carry out the work of the state as you swore to. If the law gives you to power to remove an illegal prime minister, you can do it. The case in the courts has nothing to do with you. The case in the courts is a criminal matter. The issue with you is state law and the law of the country. Even if Mr. Skerrit is deemed illegal by you, it would not shake your foundation. You will be safe. Now that you know you are safe, can you please ensure that the rest of Dominica is safe? Can you please put an end to this nonsense? The courts will take forever to call the criminal portion of it so you know you are safe. Please make Dominica safe.

    • Funny Guy
      February 9, 2011

      So because he is president he has become judge and jury? The law does not say that. The Constitution does not say that. He has his role and the courts have theirs. Let the system work. What’s the anxiety? Is the president to set up a bush court in his office because some people thinks he should? Will that make us a ‘great nation’?

  32. contessa
    February 9, 2011

    the man to worry wit us for all he care go eat chicken feet

  33. truth be told
    February 9, 2011

    There is an old saying ” Don’t bite the hands that feed you” I guess some people hold steadfast to that saying even if the hands that do the feeding are dirty and filthy. I guess if the hands are filthy and dirty there is all the more reason not to bite it. This man has been the president who has received the most in terms of benefits, allowances, most expensive vehicle/s and remunerations from any government in office in Dominica, so don’t expect him to do anything. Further remember this very government bought from him a piece of land under the guise of protecting the Emerald pool forest reserve. Apart from that he has been the most passive and in-effective president at that. Its a dreadful shame too knowing that he should have been the most qualified re the constitution and constitutional functions of all the presidents past. I believe the opposition and patriots of Dominica are being foolhardy to expect anything from this man. I think there comes a time when we have to go further than just civil request for action from him. No disrespect to the office but I think it’s time to let the world know who and what the man who holds the office is about. These guys should be put in embarrassing positions on the world stage where their own reputation would be at stake, maybe then and only then there self interest will kick in and they will be forced to take necessary action that they otherwise would not have taken. Let me reiterate that I don’t mean the office but the man who holes it.

  34. mike
    February 9, 2011

    what crisis? It is wrong for the PM It is also wrong for Ron and others yet some people only talking about the PM. What’s up with that.

    • truth be told
      February 10, 2011

      Why don’t you, the labour party and others like you take up the issue with Ron, like Eddison did with the PM? Take it up and stop your foolish complain and comparison. IF YOU KNOW RON TO BE GUILTY, TAKE IT TO COURT THATS ALL

  35. Funny Guy
    February 9, 2011

    What we dont need is people who put their tongue in motion before they put their brain in gear. Under the Constitution, if something happens and the Government, whoever they happen to be, becomes non-functional, it is the President who has to take over and put things in order. I am tired ot hearing BS from Dominicans who think that because they can talk they are smart. They open their mouth and pure ignorant follishness come out. Geez!

    Politricks makin allu stupid, or what?

  36. John
    February 9, 2011

    Why was Tony and Skerrit at his office or home to discuss that same dual citizen and he saying he will not get involve. Liverpool knows that they are wrong get up and do what you have to do, shame on you . I had the greatest respect for you as a returning Dominican from Grand Bay to take up that job but you let us down badly, but you a shame on you. You better stand down and go to your garden this fellas are taking you for a fool and educated man whom I thought you were on the LAW. It appears that you stoled your studies to get where you are . Shame

  37. Truth, justice & Righteousness
    February 9, 2011

    History will not be kind to these people. Everybody that we looked up to disappointed us. Skerrit is going to bring down a whole generation of so called once distinguished men with him!! What a shame?

  38. natural dominican
    February 9, 2011

    someone enlighten me….why do we need a president again…plz tell me the role of the president of dominica..anybody who knows plz…cause in my opinion if a country is renting a man’s home so he can stay in it he better be damn inprotant to the country and should never respond i don’t want to get involve…tell me mr president when should you get involved; not only with this but with other matters seriously plaguing the country

  39. Truthfully
    February 9, 2011

    Liverpool what are you being paid for at the expense of my sweet, tears and tax money, to eat, sleep andlive lavishly???
    You are the head of state, you need to assume your possition!!

  40. Ibn Gabrioli
    February 9, 2011

    In law, there is something called legal precedence, meaning examples coming before this one. For instance, questions of dual citizenship have been dealt with before in jurisdictions akin to ours. And several court rulings and decisions illustrate how to proceed in our present circumstance.

    Tons of precedence and court rulings around the problem of dual citizenship exist throughout the Caribbean. Not once did they cause or rise to a “Constitutional crisis,” nor were they labeled as such.

    The Opposition is asking the President to use his discretion to resolve a Constitutional matter, even if the Constitution provides clearly that the problem should be dealt with in court.

    The UWP rightly asserts the supremacy of the Constitution in this contest, and for that matter the issue of the rule of law in Dominica. Seems to me, however, that the argument being made in public and presented to the President is oxymoronic.

    On the one hand, the UWP and its supporters label this a “Constitutional crisis.” They have rightly taken the issue to court and is preparing to prove their cause, as is supposed to happen. This testifies to their trust in the Constitution as being uniquely placed to dispose of the problem at hand effectively and efficiently.

    On the other hand, the Petitioners and their defenders cite as “extraneous,” the emergence of letters appearing to show perjury by Mr. Skerrit in his quest to contest the 2009 elections.

    The Opposition’s new argument is this latest revelation (the letter, showing Mr. Skerrit’s intentions to deceive) exacerbates – that is to say, increases in severity his violation of the Constitution. They are calling on the President to ignore and circumvent the pending court case and dismiss Mr. Skerrit immediately.

    Using the “extraneous” argument concoction, they are calling on President Liverpool to violate his oath of office, when the Constitution gives no directive on how a president should proceed on a matter of such Constitutional proportions that is already before the courts, which has sole jurisdiction in adjudicating the matter.

    More than anything else, seems as if the letter by Mr. Skerrit advances the Opposition’s case, by showing prima facie evidence of his intention to deceive and violate the election laws of Dominica.

    In our pursuit of the rule of law and justice in our nation, we should always remind ourselves that no one man/woman or their actions, including of any Prime Minister, Opposition or President, can be allowed to usurp or stand above the dictates of the Constitution.

    It is the supreme law of the land. It must remain so, if Dominica is to become a great nation.

    • walking
      February 9, 2011

      a great nation you say ? :lol:

    • Funny Guy
      February 9, 2011

      Illusions of grandeur, I call it.

    • truth be told
      February 10, 2011

      You try to sound intelligent but dont you know the constitution is the supreme law in the land and supercedes all other laws?

  41. Fairplay
    February 9, 2011

    Does Ronnie have a US passport???

  42. Devoted Dominican.
    February 9, 2011



    • observer
      February 9, 2011

      Devoted RED you should call yourself. Fool:

  43. Aaaaa
    February 9, 2011

    This is the same guy they building million dollar house for. Yeah right he deserve it alright…roll eyes*

  44. Anonymous
    February 9, 2011

    Wrong is wrong, right is right. It cant be wrong for me and right for you. In the eyes of the father almighty it is wrong. Cant you see that dominica is doomed. Wake up and smell the coffee before its too late. Look at Egypt and see after 30 years rule what is happening. The same hands that put labour party there is the same hands that will take them out. They will self destruct and its just a matter of time.

    • walking
      February 9, 2011

      you very smart!!!!! you on the right track.

  45. ALBERT P.
    February 9, 2011


    • Lizavier4Jesus
      February 9, 2011

      Albert P

      You have said it right!

      It really disturbs me, the way some people–Dominicans– seem to decided to bark at everyone else, through their personal judgment, without considering the many ways they, themselves have flawed.

      That is the reason why Jesus counseled about judging another, asking people: “Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye”? Matthew 7: 3

      It apears that people think that they are untouchable through their wrong doing, stupidly believing that they are hidden from the eyes of God. But that is too bad! God is watching! Vengeance is His, alone!

      All sin is at the same level before God. All kinds of attitude and conducts of futility is the same to God; they do not give Him delight! People–Dominicans–should learn to hold their peace and let justice prevail; at God’s time. This happens when we are least expecting; and suprisingly, those who think that they were untouchable, they become the recipients of God’s unexpected wrath. Believe it, or not!

      • BVI
        February 9, 2011

        oh!! gosh you again please. :mrgreen:

        • Hey just giving my two cents
          February 9, 2011

          Lizavier for Jesus always demonstrated wisdom when whe comments but it would seem that some persons do not understand from the realm she answers. She doesnot answer from her own carnal mind. She uses the Word to make her comments and I truly agree with her. In our own carnal mind and being we would want to do the Creator work for him and then vengeance would be ours instead of his.

          BVI What do you mean by ” oh!! gosh you again please”. It is high time we respect people’s opinion and I reiterate “let justice prevail” as the matters are before the courts. We always want to see things unfold in our own quick time as fast as now and we should remember we have one who is looking over us and will do what he has to do in his own time.

          Yes I again!

    • truth be told
      February 9, 2011

      Dont you know the constitution is the supreme law that supercedes the courts?

  46. looking
    February 9, 2011

    even though the President can be pro active as one may say outside of the box…what has he got to work with…hmm

    even though the constitution speak about the 21 day aspect for filing petition etc in the courts the sad thing or lack of vision when enabling laws is that it was left just there!..

    the drafters should have made a clause saying that in that event the said persons cant sit in Parliment until the case is heard or if the took the oath already wonce the cause has being filed their oath would be supsended etc…those are the area we as so call brilliant Pros need to see..

    we must enact laws with teeth…dont write stuff on the books which just give a small tap on the back or risk kinda laws…..i firmly think we need a review of our constitution with more teeth so that in future no government or on person can spin the laws of the land…

    these instance only occur when things of that nature happens, its sad but from a lay man’s view with all the brilliant english literature lawyers and policy makers we have to be much more deeper and indepth with our regulations when it comes to state matters…

    its because there are too many loop holes in the institutions so we cant be firm on nationaly issue…just look at the IPO….a complete failure and then we turn around and boast of how brilliant legal minds and policy makers we have in Dominica…

    We have put ourselves in the situation because of lack of vision and foresight!!

  47. Whatever
    February 9, 2011

    Why on earth would you get involved Mr. Liverpool? You’ve been so quiet I had even forgotten that there was a president in Dominica.

  48. Dominican woman
    February 9, 2011

    I wonder – Legally, can the President actually interfere in a court matter?

  49. Rolle
    February 9, 2011

    If the President is unable or unwilling to act in such a crisis, then we have no need for a president in Dominica.

    Judging from the inaction of the president, it seems clear that he is benefiting in some way from Roosevelt Skerrit & co and therefore would not want to rock the boat.

    The evidence is overwelming. What more does the President want? The constitution of Dominica gives the president the full authority to act in situations like what we now face.

    • jim
      February 9, 2011

      Could you name one country where the head of state has interfered in a court matter?
      You Fool!

      • Rolle
        February 10, 2011

        Jim you must be beefiting from Skerrit and co. too, idiot.

    • hmmm
      February 9, 2011

      Rolle for President!

  50. oh please
    February 9, 2011

    What kind of people do we have in such positions? Its time we get rid of these old men who just drawing on taxpayers money and doing nothing at all. Get rid of this president. I haven’t seen nothing he is doing but attend functions, smile n wave.

    • jim
      February 9, 2011

      If you living in a glass house don’t throw stones.

      • lol
        February 9, 2011


    • Funny Guy
      February 9, 2011

      At lea dem ‘old men’ keepin de peece evn in de fase of aggravashun, so pippl kan go bout dere bizniz an ern dere dayli livin.

  51. Ron
    February 9, 2011

    People, the case is before the courts! Isn’t that what the UWP wanted? Why do they insists on trying this case in the media and getting all Tom, Dick and Harry involved? Be patient UWPites, you will get your day in court. I hope you have good lawyers to make your case because it sounds like you are already looking for excuses for when you lose your case. There are all indications that the UWP lawyers are not prepared.

  52. Roseau South
    February 9, 2011

    As far as I am concerned the position of President in this here Commonwealth is merely a cutting ribbon kind-a-ting. Because all he and his predecessor are most popular for is cutting ribbons, giving speeches and get driven around at tax payers expense. Look now the president even getting a palace from which he can operate all of this nothing from. So big suprise that he has no comment on the issue. He never has had a comment. I guess at this stage he does not want to jeopardise his reappointment to the position or even his new palace?

  53. Anonymous
    February 9, 2011

    File a Writ of Mandamus and COMPEL him and the DPP to do their jobs and take the necessary actions.

  54. Anonymous
    February 9, 2011

    He is not willing to get involved. Of course not. No backbone. ALl these men in high places have no backbone. Just there to collect a salary and not ‘willing’ to do the job.

    One would think that as the President , a man supposedly of stature that to the very least he would ‘advise’ Skerritt that he should resign because that is the only honourable thing to do. SHAME.

  55. Mpress
    February 9, 2011

    The president has no purpose, no voice…so what is his role again???

    • anonymous
      February 9, 2011


  56. Juror #6
    February 9, 2011

    What was the point of that exercise??? Everybody who is a Dominican should know that under the Westminister laws the President is just a figure-head. Is just like the British Monarchy, the Queen has no real powers, she’s just there to open and close Parliament.

  57. Hugo Grotius
    February 9, 2011

    What do u mean u will not get involved? Dominica is in a constitutional crisis, and u telling me u won’t get involved. Now we know who the true patriots of our nature isle, now u see why chavez and mubarak doing what they doing it is because of people like u who allow it.

  58. Papa Dom
    February 9, 2011

    DNO Admin, why do you keep referring to the matter as a dual citizenship matter? this is not about dual citizenship but rather about disqualification to be nominated or elected, please get it right in the future.

    • hmmm
      February 9, 2011

      twisted to suit our selfish self. Of course it is a “dual citizenship matter”. Why do u want to change it?

  59. mouth of the south
    February 9, 2011

    i came to the conclusion years ago that the easiest job on the planet is being the president of dominica,,, u have absolutely nothing to do except go to your garden n plant as a ‘hobby’,,, not even a bill u have to sign into law,,,, at least that would put ur brain box to use,,, but may we understand words carefully,,,, the president said he is in no capacity to intervene etc,,,, so since he’s knowledgable in the law i’d assume that there is no provision in the law for him to do so,,,,but he went further and said he ‘not willing’,,,,hhhhmmmm so the not willing is his opinion,,,, which means even if he had the capacity to intervene i also get the assumption on a personal level he’d not do so,,,, because he’d not be willing to,,, not my words but his,,,, so sad in dominica,,, those we expect to have backbones are like invertebrates,,,,,

    February 9, 2011

    I did not expect any thing better from this president

    • hmmm
      February 9, 2011

      Go read the constitution and know what is the President’s role before you post those kind of comments.

      for starters read comment from Juror #6 below and then you will get a feel on the role of the President. Make yourself knowledgeable before you comment in the future.

  61. Roseau Man
    February 9, 2011

    Why would the oposition not allow the court case to continue? Why are they trying their case in public? They claim that there is more and more evidence coming to the fore to land Mr. skerit in jail. They see a constitutional melee’. Why don’t they just allow the cour t case to proceed? what is their haste? What result do they intend to get from the media bashing? What did they expect the President to do for them – to stop the court case and catapault Mr. Skerrit oit of government. Is that the job of the President? Should the President join the talkshows and rain fire and hail storm from heaven on Mr. Skerrit.

    • observer
      February 9, 2011

      The case should now be advanced.

  62. One Day
    February 9, 2011

    Another coward approach. What’s the purpose of appointing these people when they cannot take a stance on anything. These men are totally useless, they sit and receive a salary and there is no work to show for it. Waste of time, Dominica needs some real people who will stand up no matter who is paying their salaries. How can the president say he is not getting involved. I more confused than ever as far as the role of the President. I have not understood the role because I keep saying they may as well get a blow up doll to be the president.

  63. Well
    February 9, 2011

    Green should have also presented the president with the copy of his own letter seeking to denounce his american citizenship.


  64. linky
    February 9, 2011

    some times i ask myself what is your responsibility as a presiden in my country just to eat good food drink champain and travel on dominicans back.

  65. wow
    February 9, 2011

    Why is it that our people are so afraid to speak out?

  66. yout
    February 9, 2011

    hell no he won’t…

      February 9, 2011


      • Tatty
        February 9, 2011

        You are one of the most stupid persons on this blog.

      • forkit
        February 9, 2011

        yea right, working for his pocket, and i suspect you are one of them that getting the crumbs that falling from their table…
        lies lies lies. that is the order of the day…..

        • GET UP, STAND UP!!
          February 9, 2011

          Well said

  67. kalpat
    February 9, 2011

    Boy Mr.James did not go?Well UWP again?How many of the leaders of the opposition contested elections knowing they had foreign papers?When did Earl got his british passport?isn’t Mr.James affiliated to Barbados?Mr.Green to USA?How many more have?I am in total agreement with the President,let sleeping dogs lie.Utter rubbish.I wake each day,hoping to hear of some form of rejetion from the opposition.If only they could work in silene……but alas.

    • ...
      February 9, 2011

      Are you sure about the non-sense you are speaking. What does the constitution say about holding a passport from a Commonwealth country. You idiot. Keep it up

      • kalpat
        February 9, 2011

        you are sounding bitter,and that makes you an idiot.you are angry,bitter and that is what made you look like a complete idiot.

    • Caribbean chick
      February 9, 2011

      Kalpat you sound so uneducated thats the reasoning you come up with? this is the constitution the highest part of the law..THE PM has broken it!!! attention he is WRONG!!!!!!..before you come here wanting to make a contribution be a lil educated.

      • ha ha
        February 9, 2011

        carribbean chicken? chuppppppppz at you..guess you are full of brilliane why not come help us dragg skerrit out nuh? we cant wait on the courts! we need ur high level learning..put it in gear :-D

        • ha ha
          February 9, 2011


      • a.destouche
        February 9, 2011

        the pot all the kettle black.you are a real idiot.

      • kalpat
        February 10, 2011

        be more educated and spell properly.you idiot.you soooooooooooooo neducated,you are so educated and you come up with lil?idiot.

  68. real possie
    February 9, 2011

    its so funny these guys will try any thing if u put it in the courts y walk around talking just wait boy
    these boys cant wait to be pm dont worry allu will fight with each other when the time come to see
    who will be pm allu will take it to the courts too.

    • Possie? Really?
      February 9, 2011

      I feel so sorry for you. Alas.

      • real possie
        February 9, 2011

        feel sorry for your self first u guys are one sided i will hit labour when they do wrong if any go back
        check my posts on here i got an open mind feel sorry for your self and parl rep they worry about the
        things thats not gona do no good but people like u that have them still talking bs.if they start talkn bout building the economy cleaning the police force bring in investors instead off running them away
        i will back them how can u cry foul when u did the same thing like the guy on bella the other day who
        is a thug he calls people gay yet in side he knows he’s gay too. thats the same thing edo and ron doing am good dont feel sorry for me check your self 1st then come check me.

        • FreeLabWorkers
          February 9, 2011

          your really a real possie!
          dats d latest, Mr. James is “affiliated” with Barbados?
          do you hear yourself?? “AFFILIATED” with barbados? hmm
          u scared of court man? DNO does not post real names pardna, dont be scared!

        • Gwada
          February 9, 2011

          I too, in Guadelolupe feels really sorry for you Mr. Possie, Dominica is Down in the drain with it leaders in public offices, sad!!!

        • ...
          February 9, 2011

          ok then mr. touchy feely

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