Ivor Stephenson making ‘tremendous recovery’ says Minister for Planning.

Stephenson was airlifted to Martinique for medical attention in May 

Minister for Planning, Economic Development and Investment, Dr Collin McIntyre, has revealed that the MP for Grand Fond, Ivor Stephenson, is making “tremendous recovery” at a hospital in Martinique where he is receiving medical attention after falling ill.

McIntyre gave the update while making his contribution to the 2017/2018 National Budget debate at Parliament on Monday, July 31st, 2017.

“Yesterday we happen to be… just for a few hours, we went to Martinique, and you see one thing about the government, we have established teams and almost every single member here has visited comrade Ivor, and I will report to the House that Ivor has made tremendous recovery,” he said.

Stephenson was airlifted to the neighbouring French island on Saturday, May 27th, 2017 following his complaints of feeling very unwell. He was first admitted to the Princess Margaret Hospital.

McIntyre reminded the House that “we are all earthly mortals” and so must be careful, especially in the comments that are made regarding the health of someone else.

“Let us be careful with that. I know we say ‘well he was a minister then he was sick,’ wish the man death, sadly, not understanding that we are earthly mortals, and we can drop, and we will drop one day. Let us be careful with that fellas,” McIntyre added.

“He will be alright,” McIntyre stated, reiterating that Stephenson is doing well.

In May, Minister for Health and Environment, Kenneth Darroux, updated the public on Stephenson’s condition saying that his health was at a controllable state, and promised that the government would “do all that we can do possibly to ensure that he gets the best chance to full recovery.”

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  1. Curt
    August 4, 2017

    I miss my palrep/ brother in law. Sometimes the teas just run down. My prayers are forever with him. I am more than happy he is doing well. We are in this together, while u are recovering i am praying.

  2. Tony
    August 2, 2017

    Hello and good afternoon my people. Well it’s good news that Mr Stephenson is making good progress with his recovery but not the Prime Minister or any member of his party has told our people what specific illness Mr Stephenson is recovering from. Now in May of this year when the Prime Minister told the Nation that Mr Stephenson fell ill and he was airlifted to Martinique he didn’t say what medical condition required that he must be airlifted out of the country. At that time I said based on my contact I know he suffered a severe Stroke and that PMH wasn’t equipped to provide the medical care required. Can anyone including the Prime Minister deny that Mr Stephenson suffered a severe Stroke. Get well Sir but I know it will be difficult .

  3. August 2, 2017

    Thanks for the news Mac. Appreciate it.

  4. August 2, 2017

    Continued prayers for a full recovery Mr Stephenson. Your constituents stand with you and your family through this difficult time. You are loved and we await your return to serve for and with us for a better Dominica.

    To Mr. PM and colleagues, thank you for keeping us abreast with these developments. May God continue to bless this government!

  5. August 2, 2017

    Thanks much for this update. I’m sure the Dominicans like myself who still have love and compassion in our hearts, those who aren’t consumed by politics and political affiliation are pleased to hear of this. It huts to see how men cry down their own brother. After politics, all we have is each other, so why all the hate? The man is in recovery and some are still slurring such hateful and vile words. It’s sickening. Can’t we just say thank God and move on?

  6. August 2, 2017

    Blessings continue to flow. Was very happy to receive this news and that of the PM last night. Good to know he is making progress, God speed!

  7. August 1, 2017

    Pray! Pray! for our Brother`s full Recovery, the human side always take precidence over every thing else. our Prayers are with Hon, Ivor Stevenson and his entire family.

  8. John Jay
    August 1, 2017

    Is it just because we saw you all leaving from Canefield is Ivor Stephenson you all went to see.
    Way papa, I believe it’s more than this. If so you all would tell the electorate.

  9. Rayon Austrie
    August 1, 2017

    While wishing good health to the Parliament rep and a speedy recovery, the people of grand fond need representation. A plan to havec then represented should be put forward, whether it’s through election or a time line for the Parliament rep return. Who will represent the people in his absence? When will grandfond get representation? These are the questions that should follow a report on his improved condition.

  10. dissident
    August 1, 2017

    you know i thought that the DLP was a bunch of ‘supermen’……oh so all you mortal den!!!!!!!
    better late than never i guess!!!

    reality bites eh????

  11. August 1, 2017

    That is why we need a new functional hospital with all the modern equipment, and our Dominican born doctors who live over seas , and and doctors from the region and north Ammerikka, and Europe to be working here in the so call new or refurbish P.M.H. ,, so our people wont have to go to the French Caribbean Islands for treatment , this politician could afford to fly to Martinique , what about the regular guy?, Skerro have his wife give birth in Amerrikka twice so what does that tell the regular guy on the street? , we need a hospital for all of the people that will give good care to it citizens, with the money from the C.B.I. we can accomplish that goal .

    • Dominican
      August 2, 2017

      la p kabwit where lennox children born? If he making more where you think they will born?

  12. Haha
    August 1, 2017

    I am sure he would not have been there still if he was paying for it himself. Why can’t he be flown back to the pmh?

  13. August 1, 2017

    Chubby said mine is in front and yours is behind. Only a sick person will gloat about someone’s illness.
    God have mercy on us Dominicans.

    • Anonymous
      August 2, 2017

      I am glad mr. Stephenson is recovering because that could happen to all of us and that is why that kind of care should be available to all Dominicans especially under a socialist government that says Yes We Care. Mr. Stephenson is not paying himself but the government We can not have one level for one set and another for the rest of us.

  14. Shameless
    August 1, 2017

    Get well Ivor. Your family and all Dcans regardless of political affiliation wish you a very speedy recovery. May god lay his healing hands on you sir.

    Assertive like the rod of Moses! :( :(

  15. I want to know
    August 1, 2017

    I am indeed happy to hear the minister is making progress. However, I wonder why any of these ministers not telling us what went wrong, or what is wrong with the minister to cause him to be in Martinique since May, because he complained of feeling unwell. I know his unwell feeling started at a time when some small business monies we’re about to be distributed in his area. So who is now distributing the Mone? Is the Hon. PM going to look for a new candidate to speed the process so that the patan money could be distributed?

    • %
      August 1, 2017

      Well those DLP clowns has really plunged this country into COMMESS..Why waste money so,when the country is only dependent upon passport sales!OMG

  16. Deported
    August 1, 2017

    Why is he addressing the members of the house as “fellas”?

    • %
      August 1, 2017

      It shows you how LOW these so called DLP ministers have brought this country and OUR parliament.

    • Sonny
      August 2, 2017

      You don’t know that government is a ‘wash your foot and come’ party?

      No sense of decorum.

  17. papa
    August 1, 2017

    Prayers for u be well

  18. %
    August 1, 2017

    Dominicans read paragraph 6, in inverted commas I know WE say “well he was a minister then he was sick” wish the man death sadly not understanding that we are earthly mortals……..(TERRIBLY BAD ENGLISH BY THE COLONY OF MORONS,DULLARDS and Simpletons)
    Did those crooks in the DLP wish the man’s death?????????? This is unprecedented on island. I have not known of any other government in Dominica wishing for the death of a fellow minister. No wonder this party is co POLLUTED!!!!!!!

  19. zandoli
    August 1, 2017

    What if Mr. Stephenson was not a member of parliament? What would have happened to him?

    • Me
      August 2, 2017

      A very sobering thought. If course I’m pleased he is recovering but the cost would have been far less.

    • Shameless
      August 2, 2017

      Honestly? Well crapaud would have smoked his pipe already. Bazil is always knocking at out door and the poor healthcare system here is not prepared to delay his entry. Another indication of a failed healthcare system that was once the envy of the caribbean.

      Assertive like the rod of Moses! :twisted: :twisted:

  20. hhhhhhhhhhhhh
    August 1, 2017

    Hmmmm….did not even realise he was still hospitalized overseas. That’s a huge medical bill. All the best to you Mr. Stephenson.

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