James promises to take presidential controversy to court

James addressing the media at Monday’s protest

United Workers Party (UWP) Leader Edison James says his party will fight until the end and go to court to seek redress as the brouhaha continues to mount over the election of Eliud Williams as president of Dominica.

He has also called on the OECS and CARICOM to intervene in the matter.

Williams was elected by 21 votes in Parliament (opposition absent) and will be sworn in by Justice Brian Cottle at Parliament later today.

“I am waiting on the Chief Justice and or her nominee to see what happens since they will be the person to swear in the next president,” James said at a protest meeting on High Street on Monday.

James continued, “And we are saying to you that we should continue to stand up and there is a suggestion that we should be back here this afternoon when the swearing ceremony will be taking place. People have asked me where we go from there … we will do things within the ambits of the law. So I have discussed with our lawyer and the next step is to seek a declaration stating that the constitution has been breached.”

According to James there was “The Constitutional ( kool wosh)” stone throwing brigade in 1979, which he said people want to revitalize. “We will do all we can but you the people have the power. I am calling on the OECS to intervene, I have written to them and I have been ignored. I am calling on the OECS and CARICOM to intervene before it is too late. We will make sufficient moves until our demands are met,” James remarked.

Meantime there were some minor clashes between police and protesters during the protest on Monday but no one was injured and no arrest made.

The skirmishes occurred after some persons attempted to remove a police restricted barrier in the area of the protest.

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  1. Period Of Time
    September 19, 2012

    Well why am I not surprised? Simple…

    Edison Chenfield James is a sore LOSER.

    He has been lost in his ‘recent’ political life.

    He is a bitter old man, filled with rage and envy. Dominicans do not trust him, they do not like him, and will never vote him into Prime Minister Office again in his life.

    It is sad that we all one day must die, but we all come to a period in our life if we are lucky to grow older, where we try to enjoy life a bit, age, relax, enjoy our fruits of our labor, our children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, wife, girlfriend.

    I wonder if he or many others who talk have actually read our constitution?

    I have, and while I think there are changes that can be made to it, it had been doing the job for over 30 years.

    Do you know that at this point in time the DLP has the majority in the house to make changes to this document, changes such as dual citizen running for office and there is nothing that the UWP can do to stop it?

  2. knowledge is key
    September 19, 2012

    so i placed an article to educate the ppl and dno didnt post it look bias ness

  3. peeping
    September 18, 2012

    I have a strong feeling that Dominicans just DO NOT LIKE EDISON JAMES. I also have a feeling that Edison will do anything to overthrow Skerrit. Just my feelings :mrgreen:

    September 18, 2012

    EDISON,We are watching and the WORLD is listening.
    IS THIS THE WAY YOU WANT TO LEAD AND GOVERN?by preying on the less fortunate and illeterate to instigate trouble?Is VIOLENCE always the answer?You playing smart but we Dominicans are clever.The Nation is not the TEA-SPOON of followers you and the UWP have brain washed.Seems,the only legal things in the country is what YOU,LENNOX LINTON,Q95,and UWP agrees on….YOU AND YOUR CARBAL are wrong.It’s we the majority that decides.

  5. "O" STRESS!
    September 18, 2012

    D.N.O. I not complaining when my post is struck out,cause I have options only in Dominica. But I love my country.

  6. tactful
    September 18, 2012

    lolol….Edison calling to go to court again. And go beg supporters for money again…lol

    These supporters make me laugh,Eddison have all is money, just open another cottage, banana and how much property yet he not helping none of his, instead he sucking them dry…moeny and brains

    One thing for sure….De man very crafty, all the way back to bugging time..LMAO.

    I support no man, I support development. lets talk about how you goign to make my disposable income increase and I’ll listen

  7. AP
    September 18, 2012

    Going to court? After all of that they have money for another court battle. Didn’t they just recently said they needed some money to help defray costs of their last court battle? Do the opposition think that they literally have to oppose EVERYTHING just to live up their parliamentary status!?! Wow!!!

  8. I'mWondering
    September 18, 2012

    Honestly…why is Edison inciting violence?

    WHy can we demonstrate and protest peacefully.

    why the need to try to incite the people intpo violence? Is kool woshing the answer? DO we need that type of reference and someone attempting to rile the people into viloence.

    Ok, so you say the COnstitution was disrespected – i agree that if you feel so, you MUST take your issue to court, granting that there is merit for the case. You have your evidence – i don’t.
    But alas…why not ask the people to rally and demonstrate peacefully…why try to incite them to violence?

    Is this what Dominica needs?

    • anonymous2
      September 19, 2012

      Unfortunately, the court has been bought off.

  9. Francisco Telemaque
    September 18, 2012

    You know Edison, I understand your frustration, and why you want to take the matter to court, but I do not understand why you are inviting outside intervention!

    We need to be able to resolve our differences internally; after all we are supposed to be a sovereign nation, capable of taking care of both our internal and external affairs.

    Is it written in our constitution that when things go wrong in our country we must run to outsiders in order to get help to settle our arguments, fights, and injustices?

    A lack of confidence in ourselves, and people has cost Dominica big time in the past, all due to inviting people to give advise and in the interim the advise the gave us only turn us against our very own self!

    I will not remind you of what Gonzales of St. Vincent did to the Labor Party, and Dominica.

    As far as we know the leader of the opposition Spags, John whichever we prefer to call him, and whom I know will not object to whatever we call him was consulted by Skerrit on the nomination of this very old man.

    I suppose he agreed with the selection of Williams, if Spags agreed to Williams becoming the President of the country, in spite of your position, I believe the trivial’s can be ignored at this point.

    You see the power in the country belongs to the people who elects the politicians to serve them.

    When the politicians blunder, or behave in an unfair, corrupt, or unscrupulous way, the people who are the power house of the country must take action, sometimes a small rebellion where people voice their objections to a bad situation may get the problem resolve much faster than within the courts and judicial system.

    In a democracy that is how it works!

    Unfortunately, in Dominica once the politicians are loved they cannot do anything wrong in the sight of their supporters, anything goes, that is the mentality of our people. You take the matter to court, chances are when the matter is resolved Williams, Eliude or whatever his name will still be president, only a figure head (a token) without any significant power.

    Now I am not say if a constitutional law is violated we should not protest, but we need to do it in a way that will result in a resolve, and not simply cause confusion and unrest in the country.

    If the entire country calls for the resending of the appointment of Williams, the powers that be would be unwise not to yell to the wishes of the people; as it stands the people in the majority seems contented with this old man as president of the country, if they were not satisfied they would have expressed their objections, and the government would have to bow to their wishes and do the right thing!

    Courts in the Caribbean especially the higher court usually favor the government in power, because those who serve are like puppets on a string dancing for their survival, and they fear if they judge from a legal point of view, then may my have a job, so the politicians remain all powerfully, and mighty.

    My views here are none partisan, I do not care about the politics one way or the other; I have nothing to gain or loose where it pertains to the politics, I am a Dominican, who cares about my country. Some people told me to my face to keep out of Dominica thing because I left a long time ago, and do not know what is going in Dominica.

    My response to that is I contribute to my country by constantly sending money home to support both friends, and family, thus that gives me every right to voice my opinions, on any subject matter taking place in the country of my birth, if there are those who do not like my way of speaking out, all I say can say to them is ‘ oh, well! ‘

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Anonymous
      September 18, 2012

      @ dods y u keep sayn this old man the constitution called for old men.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        September 19, 2012

        Well, I have not read the nation’s constitution, however, I doubt there is a written paragraph in the constitution which specifically states that the president of Dominica must be an old man!

        One of the reasons that the British in the colonial days retired people at age 55, is because by then the human mind becomes less sharp, by sixty-five in some people senility begins to take effect the mind becomes less active, and many of our thinking ability diminishes, we fail to function due to a lack of memory.

        Everyone of us contends with remembering because our long term, and also short term memory fails us.

        I know someone who went to Elementary School with me Wesley, I might be two years older than him. I spoke with him in Canada last summer, the disappointing thing about it is that the man did not remember me from Adam.

        He had no recollection of anything we did as kids, nor the names of the other children who grew up next door to him, he did not remember I am the kid he almost severed my big toe on my right foot with a cutlass.

        Yet speaking to him he seems to be a person in a sound mind!

        I have nothing against the aged, old and feeble, nonetheless, I maintain my firm opinion that the Job of the Presidency belongs to a younger man or woman. And if you are sure that it is written in the constitution that the head of state must be an old man here is my E-mail: [email protected] kindly send me a copy of the constitution so I can read for myself where it states that an man must fill the position of president.

        If that is true, then again will be yet another first ” only in Dominica.”

        Convince me if you can!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  10. Eagle-Eyed
    September 18, 2012

    Not sure what the fuss all about! The PM contacted/consulted with the Opposition Leader (not Eddison James), which was what was required of him by the constitution. The fact that they couldn’t agree on each others choice of candidate for the soon to be vacant post of President for the interim, meant that the PM had to take the matter to Parliament via the Speaker of the house to vote upon a suitable candidate. The leader of the Opposition was happy enough with the process until Eddo (who is not the leader of the opposition)decided to butt in with all his negative political gimmicks and tried to halt the process and hold the country to ransom, without a head of state.
    The leader of the opposition should probably discipline Mr James for his naughtiness and restore the dignity bestowed on him by his party.
    Having said that, I’ve known Mr Williams over the years as a person of integrity and dedication and feel satisfied that he is 100% suitable for the job.
    Congratulation to you Mr William on your appointment.

    September 18, 2012

    UWP is not a Political Party. It is a Mental Condition Group of People seeking for power.Everything in the country is Illegal for them and has to be taken to Court.Soon they may say Dominica is illegally situated in the Caribbean. Edison and Lennox say the country poor and we are begging;every court case calls for thousands of dollars,yet they come to us the poor ones to foot their bills.Who is more wicked?

    • nice
      September 18, 2012

      u cannot be more true..disgruntled bunch of people

    • Integry
      September 18, 2012

      Simple proof that Dominica is filled with ignorant people who refuse to understand the contents of the constitution which is the reason your leaders continue to disrespect you all. Edison James will stand up to defend what our forefathers have taken their time to write. There is no explanation, no addition or subtraction from what was written in there. Keep up the fight Eddo.

  12. ANON
    September 18, 2012

    I think the late Pierre Charles said it best that D/cans wear their ignorance like a badge of honor. I think Mr James and the other members of the oppositon should just throw in the towel and let D/cans handle the running of Doninica’s affairs on their own. Too late shall be their cry!!

    • Facts
      September 18, 2012

      Bonnie is the individual who wears her ignorance like a badge of honour a midst all the meg of all acts. Roll the dice again.

  13. Nudibranch
    September 18, 2012

    Why don’t you concentrate your efforts on trying to move the country out of the economic downturn and stop crying like a child who has dropped his cookies.
    If there was no opposition to the election then that’s because the duly elected officers of the opposition have neglected to take their seat in the house. A job they were elected by the constituents to do. Quit wasting our time and yours making noise after the fact and go and do the job people elected you to do. Or get out.

    • Well Lookit
      September 18, 2012

      I think this is getting contagious now (The crying) we asked Athie who beat him stop the crying now it is Eddison’s turn now,poor guys they just cannot understand what is happening to them.

  14. too hard too long
    September 18, 2012

    I read through the news piece and through the comments and I still do not know exactly what the breach of the constitution was. DNO, please enlighten me.

    – What did the PM do that was against the constitution?
    – What went wrong in the process?
    – Are we talking about Liverpool’s letter of resignation?
    – Was it ever sent to the right people?
    – What exactly is Edison going to court about?

    I need some facts and I need it in order to take a side in this matter. Please, can an attorney or similar qualified person tell us what is going on?

    • Papa Dom
      September 18, 2012

      get lost, if after ll this time you still do not know what the breach is then maybe you should just keep quiet. One does not have to agree with either side but to come here and say you do not know is pure B/S.

      • Eagle-Eyed
        September 19, 2012

        Well, if you think you have a better understanding of the words written in the constitution than the legal brains advising the Prime Minister, then be my guest. Why not offer some of your hard earned cash to Edison James to take the PM to court over this issue?
        Put your money where your mouth is! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  15. Anonymous
    September 18, 2012

    So Dominicans are fedup with Skerrit yet they never turn up for demonstrations, why? Because they are fedup with Eddo too. Solution? Forget Edo, build a new opposition.

  16. Anonymous
    September 18, 2012


  17. sphynx
    September 18, 2012

    tout moune cé politician an lè DNO.mé yo piès pa en governement.yo tout ni conseil,mé yo ka séwé dèyè DNO!yo tout faché mé, yo piès pa en piblik.pa séwé.vini douvan épi palé!domnichen ka critiké domnitchen,pendan la tè ka gadé nou assi koté.Jeff di:mété sa en pipe ou epi fiméii.bonne journée

  18. ras
    September 18, 2012

    What DNO did not report was the very irresponsible comment made by Mr. James, that if the courts did not support his claim that there was a breach of the constitution, the people should take to the streets for a repeat of the May 29, 1979 event!
    I wonder why he did not see it fit to file an application in the court for an injunction in an effort to prevent the election process from going foward, instead of asking people to protest outside of parliament!
    It would appear that he is bent on creating chaos!

  19. DESIE
    September 18, 2012

    EDDO and all the rest of demm fellars doh have work to do man, walking around with banners making a set of noise in the town.

    I hope IF you win is not fig you going to give young men to plant nor money to buy van to carry fig.

    Eddo stop creating confusion in the country, i know you are a smart guy so get some strategies that will actually work.


    • Papa Dom
      September 18, 2012

      Surely planting fig would be better than what they are doing now which is nothing at all.

  20. Midget
    September 17, 2012

    DNO where can I view the Constitution of DA on line. I would like to read the part about this this fiasco that is happening in DA right now. Matter of fact any one who knows how to access the document on line can so state. It would be hard for me to think and believe that the PM would nominate the president without first checking the Constitution or at least ask his legal (lawyer/s) to check it to make sure that what he is doing is right. He has been around the UWPites long enough to know that they would challenge him in court. And lastly I would like to congratulate Mr. Williams,,keep your head high do not let James and his gang pull you down.

    • Papa Dom
      September 18, 2012

      You see DNO,you will not post my comment but allow this silly one when you’ve posted a link to the constitution on so many occasions.

  21. Pundit
    September 17, 2012

    Sour Grapes, Edison, will do anything to be king. That is why we do not have an international airport today. When Mamo was going to have the US build one, he stopped it. He came in office no airport.

    Sa sa la, pa ardar.

    • Papa Dom
      September 18, 2012

      more uninformed stupidness.

  22. legit
    September 17, 2012

    Well i prefer an illegal president than no president..could you imagine what could go wrong ..no president for 2 weeks..hmm,well Mr james should have explained what could go wrong without a president firstly.or explain his intentions for that 2 week period.then we would have supported his section 19 cause.

  23. Reader
    September 17, 2012

    So sad … the ramblings of a mad man. Eddo’s obsession with the Hon. P.M. has caused him to go crazy. Sad indeed

    • September 18, 2012

      AMEN, AMEN, HALELUIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. lee
    September 17, 2012

    Here he comes again Mr. James should be present
    in Parliament to express his views he refused,
    so what ever decision that was made he should
    accept it because he be in parliament to stop it.
    You all are taking his words for a joke but I
    think this man might do something real bad in DA.

    September 17, 2012

    I read a contribution by a very concerned citizen which states;

    “—As soon as the vote is taken and the Speaker signs the Order, the process is irreversible, No Law, No Constitution, No Court can take the presidency away from Eluid Williams until he resigns or his term expires next October. So the Opposition has to reel and come again, another battle lost!”

    To concern citizen, I say not so fast cowboy! Don’t be sucked into Tony’s lies. The constitution is not that empty and weak. For every legal or constitutional act there is a presumption in law that it is done properly and executed regularly and in accordance with due process.

    The good thing about such legal presumptions is that they are always rebuttable to the extent that the one who challenges the presumption can adduce sufficient and relevant evidence to show that the presumption cannot hold true- thereby making the process challengeable as contemplated under Section 103 of the Constitution.

    Please read the requirement in the constitution calling for ensuring due process when electing the president, which gives jurisdiction to the High Court as opposed to the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal with regard to the challenge of the qualification of the president.

    I also do not buy the hogwash that there is an apparent contradiction between the jurisdiction given to the Court of Appeal and the High Court under the constitution to entertain matters related to the election of the president.

    Go ahead Mr. James!. If the court decides that you if has no jurisdiction to look into the matter- then it will be the court saying so–not Anthony Astaphan.

    Roseau Valley

    • Papa Dom
      September 18, 2012

      Roseau valley, when one sees comment like the one from this “very concerned citizen” one realises how difficult it is for good judgment to prevail in Doinica. Those are the people who decide the future direction of my country, no wonder it is going no where fast. I still live in hope though that there are enough intelligent people left to turn this place around.

  26. September 17, 2012


  27. Tutunee
    September 17, 2012

    Word of the year ,”Constitution” ,haha , all dog and cats in d word, some of them dont know half of wat d word means,, lol

  28. Anonymous
    September 17, 2012

    James save yourself the stress……if you don’t slow down you’llget a masive heart attack…and not every one at your funeral will see the need to buy you flowers, and even if they do it is already too late, you won’t be able to smell them..go drink some coconut water…………

    • Facts
      September 18, 2012

      That’s why the past president resigned, though he is in much better health as compared to the present president.
      I hope you will not fall before all of them. Death does not choose. You should know that, unless you are a baby. And innocent babies do leave the earth.

  29. Anonymous
    September 17, 2012

    Edison and your UWP people, give your heart to the Lord and let Him direct you. All you talking is a bunch of nonesense. Stop fussing and let the Lord have his way….You Edison CANNOT do nothing about this, only the Lord God almighty can. He has ALLLLL the power….not you

  30. Dominican
    September 17, 2012
    • No Name No Warrant
      September 18, 2012

      LOL..Ou to sot..html…lol

    September 17, 2012

    Whatever they say, whatever has been done, the majority of people worldwide remains absolutely convinced that in spite of the machinations, maneuverings, scheming, theorizing and postulations, the process adopted to elect Mr. E. Williams as the disputed president of the Commonwealth of Dominica is illegal and unconstitutional.

    Until such time that the provisions of the constitution is changed, we have a duty to strictly enforce its provisions through its literal interpretation. It the AG and the government were of the view that the provisions of the constitution were unclear and ambiguous, then the AG should have solicited a judicial interpretation or seek to ensure that the provisions of the constitution is given a the generous and purposive interpretation that he so unintelligently advocates by simply following what it say in Section 19.

    Whatever these bright and intelligent people may say—-ROSEAU VALLEY reiterates and remains resolute, steadfastly and obstinately convinced that the process adopted by the government to elect the new president was and remains flawed, illegal and unconstitutional.

    Don’t be fooled by Mr. Astaphan and Mr. Peters with regard to his false interpretation of Sections 22 (5), 40 and 103 of the constitution. I agree with Mr. James that this is a matter for judicial interpretation, if only to supplement the dual citizenship case before the Court of Appeal, as evidence in its own right, that the prime minster believes what he declared says . No law, No Constitution will stop him from doing whatever he wants.

  32. Integry
    September 17, 2012

    Mr. James, don’t bother with de-masses, The truth is not a popular thing. You are standing up defending the constitution and you will die doing it, regardless if you are alone. Do not be discourage, do not give up. It’s just like the highway to heaven, it’s almost empty as compare to the highway to hell which is over crowded. Keep up the fight, you will be remembered as the man who stood up for justice and truth, defending and standing by the constitution.

  33. ?????????????
    September 17, 2012

    Boy everything illegal for Mister wee! Just now he will say that the country illegal! He will say the Supreme court illegal and the Chief Justice illegal. He say the regional body did not take him on, I sure they illegal. EB bey look illegality! LOL! Everything illegal. Please pen a Kaiso for me …. Everything illegal!

    • Citizen K
      September 17, 2012

      I doh like your comments but i had no choice to laugh. It’s funny and true. So I wont give you a thumbs. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • HATE
      September 17, 2012

      i coming down da with my crew to jump up on road match, “all dang ting illegal” that is d road match 2013!

  34. Reminder
    September 17, 2012

    Do you all know not electing/swearing in of a President would cause confusion and war etc in the Country because there would be no one to put a state of emergency etc to stop the confusion. The guys know dat was trying something it eh work. Let peace reign in our beautiful Island please. All you please educate the people before sending them to the battle field.

    • Papa Dom
      September 18, 2012

      So if the president resigns or dies while in office, what then would be the situation? How would you avoid there not being a president within at least 14 days?

  35. pydana
    September 17, 2012

    I’m a supporter of uwp for years I still won’t support skerit but it seems mr james is a useless man with his big moves of no bearing. he always go against things he says skerit is doing wrong but can never prove by reason of doubt that he is going to stop it. skerit keep moving on like a dozer with no real debris infront of it to come to a stop.If mr james cannot prove skerit wrong infront of the dominican people that he skerit is not worthy to be the prime minister of dominica because of corruption or of going about things the wrong way then mr james need to stop trying to be a comedian because not many persons laughing his jokes.I don’t think he mr james is fit to run the country either.I do not know Eluid myself but thank god he is a dominican and not a chiny or venezuelan,

      September 17, 2012

      Just by your name pydana..you are a liar. You were never and you are not a supporter of the UWP or Edison James. This is a made up post simply to attack the credibility of Mr. James.

      Come off it.

    • September 18, 2012

      u sound like someone who has given up and i dont balme you cause nothing seems to be going the uwp way but must i remind you that nothing happens before it time and most time power destroys the proud man. remember it is easier to fall than to rise cause u will struggle to get up there and u can fall in a blink of an eye and the god i serve will let me live to see when the labour party will fall to pieces and it will not be some big sherade that will destroy them but the power they hav will destroy them

  36. Aye Dominique
    September 17, 2012

    Dominica is in a mess thanks to Skerrit

    • Facts
      September 17, 2012

      Corruption, corruption and more corruption by the leader, and so the citizens follow. Soon cocaine will come in by the billion kilograms, if it is not so yet.
      Should I become a criminal because it is considered a good thing by the Government. What a sad situation.

    • September 18, 2012

      aye dominique mwen ca hailer es ou ca tan mwen

      September 18, 2012

      Dominica has become the biggest mess since the UWP came into existance. I was not there as yet when Freedom party reigned but from what I heard politics wasn’t like war in Dominica. Just because UWP are the opposition means they got to oppose EVERYTHING the government does! They’re all about crime and making war and distruction, can’t you people see what’s happening? When the UWP got only 5 years to show what they could do they went about using up the state money having fun, making all their supporters rich and happy, WE the Skerrit regime met the ministry with NO CASH, and that’s what you UWPWEE are missing the monies you all were getting. Skerrit is doing alot if you put politics asside and look around you, and the red clinic is helping needy pple like alot of Workers that going there too. You pple keep accusing him of doing this and that but what did Edison James do to improve Dominica? All they did was ground breaking ceremonies and never built anything but our PM puts his plans and ideas into action.

      Stop being bias and start thinking of ways to improve this land pple. When Skerrit wrong I say he’s wrong, when he’s right I say he’s right. Not bcuz I support him I give him credit when he does wrong, that’s how we should look at things here.

      • Papa Dom
        September 18, 2012

        from what you have heard, who from? certainly not labourites who lived through the seventies. I feel sorry and partly responsible for your ignorance. I failed for not educating the youth about the history of Dominica

  37. weh
    September 17, 2012

    take a look at the back of eddo? who do you see? young? old? Is this the future of our country? I mean do you guys really think Labour party (i.e Prime Minister Skerrit) does not know the constitution. Dont you guys think he is aware UWP will oppose no matter his decision and take it to court. Who would want to lose a court case with evidence against them. The PM know what he is doing, stop beating up allu self.

    Honestly, I will be there for any party that runs my country but really, I don’t see UWP coming in to save Dominica. How? When? Where? Who? They’re a bunch of Hickory Dickory Ducks.

      September 17, 2012

      I congratulate the Labour Party’s propaganda machinery.

      As part of the new Labour strategy…..supporters are requested to flood DNO and other social media with strange characters like you.

      I commend the Labour Party for recognizing the power of social media and using it well with the army of labourites who have hi-jacked DNO.

      Brian Linton (the PRO of UWP) must organize his army to do likewise rather than limiting their message to Q95. Let the skies literally be the limit in spreading the message. It is a cyber war, I see.

      • OOOOOOH
        September 18, 2012

        @ Roseau Valley, the supporters of the LABOUR PARTY were not requested to flood any social network to say anything, we speak out because we have our democratic rights too, just like you UWP supporters call flood the radio station (QFM) and DNO.

        You also said the army of labourites, well you’re correct cuz we’re and army and we stand firm, and our army is BIGGER than the one you want BRIAN LINTON to form cuz you all are a bunch of LOSERS and learn to accept that.

        We are young, we are vibrant and we are LABOURITES who will support this leader of ours cuz if you “the crazies” come into power it will be total distruction!


    • September 18, 2012

      I agree with you totally. If one reads President’s Liverpool CV, there is NO DOUBT that he is one of the very best legalmind in the whole Caribbean. I am very sure he knows what he was doing and how he should have done it. Edison cannot believe that only his lawyers know the law. At court, lawyers for the defence and the prosecution interpret the law. No one lawyer can think that only his interpretation of the law is IT. As you rightfully said Edison and his followers are jokers and must be more organized and serious than that. They have NO RESPECT for the LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION who is a member of their party. See how they PUSHED HIM ASIDE and he Edison is in the forefront shouting and inciting warfare. They have not allowed Mr. John to do his job which is a very important one in a democracy. It is tims the opposition let the people know by their behaviour and pronouncements what they reall want for Dominca. mAY God protect all of us.

  38. Anonymous
    September 17, 2012

    I am a young person looking at this situation,and I have some advice for the opposition. I think they should come together and prove to dominica that they can be a solid government and they have plans to better our slow economy. I have seen too many unsuccessful protests, too many court cases dismissed. Can’t they see it is not working?
    There are alot of dominicans that would give them more sopport if they present them self as a more solid alternative.
    I think most of us want change in dominica, but people will not follow some one who seems to be runing in circles doing the same things over and over again. Because i think we all know how this court case is going to end.
    You want change, be the change cuz we all know who in power will do what they want untill the right person put them out.

    • 1979
      September 17, 2012

      untill the right person put them out.??

      and just who is that person?? who are you waiting for to fight for what is constitutionally YOURS AND OURS???? so it is not ONE PERSON…..Its ALL OF US.

      • 1979
        September 18, 2012

        those SCRIPT KIDDIES come here and try get thumbs up from their friends, Is that what they teach at the college?? that one man has to fight for all of us freedom….LOL well slavery would have never ended if our forefathers were as SELFISH as we are.

    • September 17, 2012

      You claim you are a young person but I will have to say you a lacking the basic education needed to understand that the fight of the CONSTITUTION have absolutely nothing to do with any political party or parties that’s the first thing for you to know and secodly if you had listen to persons like Sir Brian and others explained the documents maybe you would have a much clearer sense of what it’s all about, now who is going to fight the battle for your generation not any illegal PM or President, and do you honestly believed the ex-President is so ill that he couldnt carry on his duties he was forced out of office with all the money he wanted to leave, by the way I thought their were three different groups at the demomstration today.
      Dominca is in trouble and you a correct we need a change no matter what.6

    • Logic or psychology
      September 18, 2012

      ow would you feel if skerrit pulled your gold chain and ran away with it. Wouldnt you take him the court? No, you would go so low by accepting 2 million dollars hush money versus he sending a false witness to say that you are lieing.
      That’s how the system works for him and people like you are encouraging it; that’s the reason sekko is not in Dominica.

  39. ?????????
    September 17, 2012


    DLP,DFP,UWP and whatever your affilation or preference.

    If the constitution has been breached then,
    I support you Mr.James and so should all Dominicans who care about law and order especially the rules of our constitution.

    Let’s not forget, I country needs rules and regulations/constitution to keep things in order thus preventing lawlessness.


    • 1979
      September 18, 2012

      nice point, right on target, but 14 illiterates can’t COMPREHEND the ENGLISH that you speak.

  40. No Name No Warrant
    September 17, 2012

    I understood the Chief Justice of the OECS was present to as witness to the signature.

    Did Edison James knew that…Alas????

  41. Anonymous
    September 17, 2012

    Our constitution is not worth anything now. We are like jokers in the eyes of the world with an unconstitutional Prime Minister and now an unconstitutional President. I wish a few Dominicans could travel overseas now and fell the effects of all that nonsense happening here.


  42. Well well well
    September 17, 2012

    These comments bore so much hatred and no educated talk about what can you do as a citizen to make Dominica a better place to live.I look at all these political leaders and after reading and studying the ethical manner in the way business for the country is conducted it seems everyone is out to get what they can get from this struggling country to put into their pocket and state funeral when they die…There are a few individuals who comment on these threads constantly using abusive language but how many are really looking at the big picture.When dame Eugenia Charles came in power she did not want a salary,she just wanted to take Dominica from the hole to put it on the map.How many of us are willing to take away the personal gains and make a difference in the country.Dominica needs a new political party but not people that are looking for limelight but really trying to move Dominica into the direction of prosperity..The world is changing my people,the young people minds are moving so fast it is amazing.We have great resources to work with so instead of bashing each other,come together to work for your country…..Peace and love…

    • Naturalist
      September 17, 2012

      well said! At last I read a comment that makes sense.

  43. Bee Gee
    September 17, 2012

    Hats off to MR Edison James and his team for putting on a public demonstration today. The constitution should be respected by all citizens especially those in authority.

    The government has to RESPECT the constitution no matter what. It is there to guide us and it must be respected.

    On the other hand, Mr Edison James and his team should take up his rightful place in the parliament and represent his PEOPLE and stop staying out of parliament.


    This is one way you will be able to command some respect in the parliament again.

    my advise is free and I hope someone will take it up.

    • supporter
      September 17, 2012

      what did they achieve by goin public??????????????? what difference has it made????????????????

    • Naturalist
      September 17, 2012

      I could not agree with you more. I am not a supporter of ANY party however I think the opposition is disrspecting the people they are supposed to represent. They voted the members to represent them in Parliament and to voice their concerns. The island has only ONE Parliament and members hold meetings at the House of Assembly and NOT on the Streets of Roseau or any other part of the island

    • September 18, 2012

      Edison’s demonstration served him or his followers nothing. Where were his strong PATRIOTS? Where were they hiding? Who did you see up front in contention with the police? Only the proletariats who

      Edison’s demonstration was useless. What did he actually gain from it? First of all: Where were his stong PATRIOTS who send hell and damnation on the people who do not follow Edison’s views? Who did you see at the front getting into contention with the police? Not those who philosophize on the radio and newspapers, but the proletariat, who follow the so-called educated ones blindly. Edison must allow Spags to do his job as leader of the opposition. Give the young man a chance to develop and find himself. He has a wonderful opportunity to learn and serve his country. But Edison and his followers must remember that they received 24 monhs salary from taxpayers money for doing NOTHING. WAS THIS CONSTITUTIONAL? How were they feeling after collecting their cheques from an EMPTY TREASURY (according to them). Could they sleep well at night? They should think about that.

  44. Good-to-go
    September 17, 2012

    The struggle against unconstitutionality should not be fought only in the courts.

    The struggle for doing things right and respecting the contitution must also be waged through other peaceful means such as civil disobedience.

    For starters:

    1. Always refer to the illegally appointed individual by his name and surname. No “Mr” no “President” infront.

    2. Flock to official functions where this illegal man is due to attend and refuse to stand when he enters and leaves the function.

    3. Do not attend any of his parties. (a difficult one I must admit, considering how we Dominicans like free food and drinks. But it is worth the try)

    4. Withdraw your membership from any organisation that he is patron of.

    5. Hold one-man demonstrations ouside his “official Residence” and office with written signs calling him illegal and asking him to go in peace. This should go on indefinitely or until he resigns with a sign counting the number of days of protest such as “10, 100, 200 days of an illegal man as Head of State”.

    6. Leave your homes and go for a walk outside anytime he is due to “address the nation” on radio or television and do not return until his speech is over. Organise these events in mass and let in be known that this was done immediately after his address.

    Please include others.

    • jojo
      September 18, 2012

      You will get 35 supporters

    • September 18, 2012

      Where ignorance bliss is it folly to be wise. Keep these for yourself and yourself only. :lol:

    • Same here
      September 18, 2012

      You took a page from chapter 2 of my book.
      ‘The land of the illegal vertical PM and the illegal
      horizontal President.’
      The house crumbles when the horisontal looks up and sees the droppings falling into his mouth from the vertical. It ends with the speaker joining in the free at last cry with absolutely no baigay.
      Alex will get a copy for a good play.

  45. Hungry
    September 17, 2012

    Democracy in action…..Something is not right about this nomination/election. Dominica is not a dictatorship so Edison go for it. Teach some Dominicans how to stand up and fight for their rights.

  46. Kabuki
    September 17, 2012

    This man they call PM is a DICTATOR, I hope it’s not to late by the time we open our eyes. God only you right now

  47. ebeh look it.
    September 17, 2012

    well well workers…ebeh allu love the court papa. your lawyers really smiling. But not my money allu getting to pay them if is one thing I’m sure about.

  48. MeT Yo
    September 17, 2012

    I am laughing so loud at all the nonesense I’m reading from these idiots on here, I am not even sure if I should waste my time and make a comment on the matter. :lol:

  49. Dominican Girl
    September 17, 2012

    So you mean to tell me Eddos and his team didn’t think that they could better serve the people by voting in Parliament? I am not disagreeing with his stance on the breech of constitution, but as as the Opposition shouldn’t you be IN Parliament in order to serve the people who believe in you instead of always staying outside and getting nothing accomplished? Instead of getting people fired up about it, actually DO something.

  50. Morihei Ueshiba
    September 17, 2012

    Young people i hope u watching & listening, break the law without mercy…. Follow Skerrit!! When crime continue to rise i want to hear those hypocrites say is not skerrit. :lol:

  51. Wander
    September 17, 2012

    the president only cuts ribbon and feeds on snack
    With his wife so what’s the big deal st upesssdd
    Fed up

    • HATE
      September 18, 2012

      is that self. the president is a useless man.. we need to change that. Dominica to poor for a president. less use that money for something else. Skerrit is the president and everything already. so why we wasting time and money with some “head of state” that does a job any school child can do?

      Cut ribbons? seat in the front row at events, never saying a word… what is that? any idiot can be president.

      Give me the job, i can do it half price.. lol..

  52. ROCK
    September 17, 2012


  53. parjue
    September 17, 2012

    isnt brian allyne still sitting on some court and is not supposed to get involved in all that political walala???????? jeeeezzzz all edo doing is talking shit n the country busy n he not catching up…

  54. Very concerned
    September 17, 2012

    Which court? He doh hear de judge going to swear de new President today. He waiting three years for the citizenship case, instead of going to Parliament to stop de process he go protesting on High Street.
    Just imagine if those guys had gone in Parliament with their supporters to fill the public chamber, then after the Speaker ask to confirm the agenda they had moved in to take control of the proceedings?
    Edison James would then read his message to Caricom and all the others he was appealing to, the Speaker would be saying ORDER, ORDER, ORDER, but Edison would continue to read, then the Speaker would call for the Sargeant at arms and Edison would continue to read, when they drag Edison out of parliament, remember they cannot arrest him, Spaggs would continue, Spaggs dragged out and the cycle would continue until the last man remained standing, I would suggest Prevost. Then the public gallery would be emptied.
    By that time the entire proceedings would have become a mockery and any attempt to continue with the election of Eliud would be so tarnished that Nicholas Liverpool would cry and Skerrit would BAGAYE (stammer).
    But poor UWP has failed again. I would have liked to volunteer my strategizing skills but they will not listen. They really believe that they can win an election against Skerrit with this type of timid leadership.
    Skerrit and his boys are ruthless, they take no prisoners, anyone captured is executed by the firing squad and Edison want to go to Court, AGAIN!
    Man I vex, I was looking for action, high drama, I said at last we going to see Skerro buckle, instead Edison and his boys go on High Street, not even Q95 carry them live.
    The time has come for a new opposition movement. A new breed of fighters not a group of guys with no direction.
    Those in favor of a new opposition force raise your hand.
    Be not afraid, Dominica has the men and women with testicular and vaginal fortitude to take on Skerrit and his boys. Be counted.

  55. LOLLLL
    September 17, 2012


    • Anonymous
      September 17, 2012

      he will not get pressure. u people to stupid!discuss the issue!

    • watchdog
      September 17, 2012

      my question is that a issue towards the development of dominica. This shows again how the uneducated politions uses the uneducated ones that do not have a clue as to what is going on but out there protesting. Mr James again we are out there watching, becareful in the way you speak.

      September 17, 2012

      Mr. James fights for our rights. He does not need to rest, who is going to fight on behalf for us and our children and grandchildren. Who will take that stand! Martin Luther King took the stand for civil rights, Rosa Parks for blacks to have equal rights as white to sit on the BUS! who in DOMINICA will make that move.

  56. jayz
    September 17, 2012

    You know what makes me mad at mr.James, why was he absent in the parliament? He should go in there and fight for the people. Now he saying he going to court when the damage is already done.I don’t get his point

    • Anonymous
      September 17, 2012

      why shud he go? even if i had gone in parlaiment nothing will be done.so?

    • ELLA
      September 17, 2012


  57. patriot
    September 17, 2012


    • Anonymous
      September 17, 2012

      wat is that rubbish!

  58. Know Your Role
    September 17, 2012

    Mr James. Why don’t you and your team find work in the country to do by working with the people of Dominica that have elected you to represent them and stop wasting courts time!!!! It’s high time that you start doing something constructive with the people of Dominica. Enough is enough all this court battling and fighting against each other. Education my people because you are making a fool of them and a fool of yourself and your party. Do something positive for a change and then you might get good results… :lol:

    • watchdog
      September 17, 2012

      Finally for the first time I have seen some constructive reasoning. He was Prime minister and place the country in more debt. But again the high school drop offs cant see that.

    • Know Your Role
      September 17, 2012

      Mr James. Your party will fight until the end and go to court to seek redress as the brouhaha continues to mount over the election of Eliud Williams as president of Dominica: according to the report…You as the opposition had the opportunity in Parliament to make your voice heard but what you did as usual, you all did not show up. And then, you rounded a group of fools to go and protest half of these people don’t even know what they are protesting about and asking for the OECS and CARICOM to intervene! What nonsense. Stop wasting everybody’s time and please in the name of God get on with the business you was elected to do, for goodness sake. This subject is becoming annoying to talk about, to comment about or even think about. People are getting tired of it…

      • Know Your Role
        September 17, 2012

        And fed up, so move on….

  59. Anonymous
    September 17, 2012

    People leave eddo alone do his nonesensessssss please

  60. Shirley
    September 17, 2012

    Ou manti we Eddison,ou pa kay faire mwen ba zor l’argent encore. I gave on the “we the people of Dominica.com” program with Lennox already. Sy yeah zor uni lay take it to the courts,take it to the courts then.
    AHAHA Pat Aaron having a field day penning those songs boy. Let’s go Pato give it to us for carnival 2013. WE DIE NAH

    • ??????????
      September 17, 2012

      Go learn to write English and stop spewing sheet. Wonder if you know what Skerrit and his gang is doing to this country.

      • Anonymous
        September 17, 2012

        The PM did more good for dominica than Edo i know one thing he doing is keeping DA afloat while some trying to sink it.Ok ????????????

      • ?????????????
        September 17, 2012

        Stop using my signature commentary name. What has the PM been doing? and his gang??? Point out some of the things that he doing, then I can respect your opinion. You commented on the prevous comentary and asked the person to”Go learn to write English and stop spewing sheet” but let me correct you a sheet is the thing one lies on a bed (what we cover the bed with) and also one refers to a “sheet” of paper.

  61. linky
    September 17, 2012

    where wereu all with thos stupid question of allu all of a sudden edison james be comes the problem.

  62. Trueman
    September 17, 2012

    ***IS THAT REALLY SO****

    DLP,DFP,UWP and whatever your affilation or preference.

    If the constitution has been breached then,
    I support you Mr.James and so should all Dominicans who care about law and order especially the rules of our constitution.

    Let’s not forget, I country needs rules and regulations/constitution to keep things in order thus preventing lawlessness.


    • da real hmm
      September 17, 2012


    • ?????????????
      September 17, 2012

      Trueman spell out the constitution and say what section of the constitution that has been breached. I await your comment please.

      • 1979
        September 18, 2012

        “If the constitution has been breached”

        NOTE: IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IFFFFFFFFFF messieurs ifff

        god work on your comprehension you jackssa

  63. Rule
    September 17, 2012

    If the constitution is breached, then the people should show their displeasure.

  64. wth
    September 17, 2012

    but but but! big nose James wasnt already in power nuh and he didnt do anything for the country…now he fighting to take over again? gosh get a grip!

    • Anonymous
      September 17, 2012

      the constitution do not need to change!

    • Truth
      September 17, 2012

      It have money in the tereasury now,mi deyba they fighting tooth-and-nail to get their claws on it. Not easy so with Skerro.

      • 1979
        September 18, 2012

        WHAT MONEY??????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL In that empty oil drum??????????? better allu take the treasury and make a steel pan….because 13 years now it empty….. LOLOLOL boy that was a good laugh ….it have money now?????? and the treasury cannot disburse a 100 dollar cheque. SMFH

    • Standards & Poors
      September 17, 2012

      What would U say if you found out about his other pianos? Would you go off topic too? wth=SH=dotish=sorte
      Is peeps like U so ugly in mind that u make D/cans look ignorant.Why on earth did they allow u to purchase a laptop or P.C or domlec allow to a potshead like U use electricity to plug ur laptop and KFC to feed U. U are one of the living dead, dead wt on Ma Dominique.

  65. Mi Debas
    September 17, 2012

    I think Eddo feeds on this sort of thing! Good grief!

    • Jokers Wild
      September 17, 2012

      Empty vessels make the most sound!!

      • 1979
        September 18, 2012

        like the treasury that empty like a steel pan bass …

  66. Anonymous
    September 17, 2012

    Eddison James continues with his aim to cause bloodshed and civil unrest in the country and is now looking for every and any issue to seek his violent wishes. Why all the reference to ‘stones’ and ‘missiles’ and talk about 1979 (an ugly chapter in our history which most of us seek not revisit)?

    This man is in deed dangerous and the security forces need to put up surveillance on him and his team. These guys are really getting desperate now. we can no longer take their utterances for granted. the government needs to put these violent prone ‘hasbeen politicians’ on a watch-list since they seem to now be seeking political power through the bullet since they jolly well know that they will not and cannot enter through the ballot.

    • MC
      September 17, 2012

      i beg to the differ! the event of 1979 was revolutionary it brought about change! change we again need today! wen dominica gets wat it gets they would have noone but themselves to blame! change is coming for better or worse?

    • CIA on the Watch
      September 17, 2012

      And yes 1979 was an ugly part of our history but that served a good purpose that allowed us to do exactly what persons like you are free to do unlike what is going on now where Dominica is on the verge of becoming a one party state where a few of the party friends are the sole beneficiary

    • ?????????????
      September 17, 2012

      Well said Anonymous but we must pray against such uprising. People are you listening to the International News? With all these riots and uprising, it will be our sons and daughter who will suffer. Eddie get a grip and it is high time Eddie that you realise that there is a God of peace. Sleep well and plan things to move the country forward and work with the people of the country not against the country’s development. It is time to move from neutral to drive or first gear. Vehicles don’t move in first gear. Hector please advice the Political Leader that these tatics are not going to get us nowhere. Time to have some development plans if your want to be of value to your country Dominica. Emancipate yourself from hatred slavery it is yourself that you are hurting the most. You will be booway all the time and the time you will booway without a smile on your face. Eddo and el al even if you want to become PM support what is good in the country and when you say something then persons will respect you. God help us in this country. Put a hand over us and protect us from strife and hatred. Touch those who are heavily burdened and turn them to you and give them a heart of flesh so they can see clearly and not thru their own eyes that is only filled with worldly hatred. We thank you Lord for all what is good in our country. Protecting us through this season. And we know that you will protect from strife, demonstration and ugliness (death etc) that we hear worldwide. Let Dominica be the peaceful island of the Caribbean where person will want to visit because of our tranquility. Touch our people and give us a spirit of gratitude so we can have an attitude of development and then we can together – Government and Opposition work with one goal to move this country forward in the Name of Jesus.

  67. rolling eyes
    September 17, 2012

    and den allu will turn around to ask…according to allu own..” already poor people of dominica” to foot the bill! smh..get over it already! pff

  68. JJ
    September 17, 2012

    I feel like Edison has his hand in peoples pocket 24/7 with all that court business. I hope Brian Alleyne is helping with the cost since he has been advising the UWP cabal. When is the next telethon so we can send Eddie our hard earn money to fight another losing battle?

  69. LawieBawie
    September 17, 2012

    I don’t live in DA and I am not clear on what happened. Did the opposition once again refuse to go to parliament and this decision was therefore taken in their absence?

    • FBI in mayro
      September 17, 2012

      this is not an opposition issue. the issue is the breaching of the constitutions of the land. some see fit to attack the messenger for speaking on his country and countrymen. Dominicans make this a political issue, but I wonder if those same ones getting assistance from this gov’t which is an embarrassment to Dominica. Students being “promised” assistance and nothing…….

    • Standards & Poors
      September 17, 2012

      you really from same place with the new Stowaway President lol

    • ?????????????
      September 17, 2012

      Yes Lawiebawie

      • LawieBawie
        September 18, 2012


    • ?????????????
      September 17, 2012

      The Opposition Leader Mr John was consulted and had meetings with the PM but as we all know Eddie had to use his influence to look for all kind of issues ecetra to create the kind of fiasco that he likes to have – Absence, demos and all the likes. And to make mattters worse the nominee is a man of the soil of Bawie. So now Eddie now doing civil unrest in Bawie.

      • LawieBawie
        September 18, 2012


  70. Anonymous
    September 17, 2012

    Yes Eddison james u making war good example fr DA

  71. Anonymous
    September 17, 2012

    Watt is going on in dominica . Is mr williams not a good man fr DA

  72. FED UP
    September 17, 2012

    This is so silly. Move on and let’s address the economy, crime, education, unemployment, etc.

    • waypapa
      September 17, 2012

      TO the people who disliked this comment.. u clearly do not have the best interest of d/ca in mind… there are so many other things edison can speak about but he dwells on a stupid president NON-isssue…if its not voter id card is president….

      Wake up uwpites…maybe majority of dominicans really want skerrit and his corrupt government gone but are you really going to elect UWP, >…a joke dat man..
      we need a new party, new blood to address issues and not cause silly raucous

      • Anonymous
        September 17, 2012

        ?very true not UPP again we need are change

      • d Man
        September 17, 2012

        I ARGEE WIT U 100%

      • faceup
        September 17, 2012

        I AGREE TOO !!!!

    • Shameless
      September 17, 2012

      Cant do that until we as a people address the insult and total disregard for the supreme law of the land, The Constitution Of The Comm. Of Dominica. When will we stop putting the cart before the horse in Dca?

      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

    • Anonymous
      September 17, 2012

      so we not suppose to respect our constitution!and all those things u mention are gon down rapidly!and who to blame?

      • waypapa
        September 18, 2012

        So you want Dominica’s progess to stallwall because of one man being elected to serve for one year.
        We have the opportunity to vote Labour out in just over a year but ure party dont seem to be concerned about what truly going to make people life better…
        they waiting last minute so they can put out another online manifesto….oir maybe their same arguement will be voter card.

        if they win on vote card…by the timetey in power dats when they will start to better analyse issues and waste another 2 year soing so.

        Meantime, jobs not being created and we have no more economic partners ….

        Dominicans need to wake up…..NEW PARTY I say

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