Local historian praises DLP manifesto

The cover of the manifesto
The cover of the manifesto

Local historian, Dr. Lennox Honychurch, has described the 2014 manifesto of the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) as being ‘realistic, responsible and relentless.’

Honychurch was delivering the opening remarks at the premier launching of the manifesto to the private sector and civil society at the Dominica State College on Thursday morning.

“The manifesto which is going to be launched tonight is going to be based on three R’s,” he said. “It’s realistic. It’s based on a realistic program. This is not a manifesto which has picked ideas out of the sky, waking up in the morning with another brilliant thought, with absolutely no consciousness of what kind of economy there is and where the money is to achieve these things.”

He said it is also realistic because the people who have worked on it understands the economy and the realities of Dominica.

“It is responsible,” Honychurch stated. “The fact is that it does not make wild promises that cannot be achieved and just sound good. These commitments to the future are actually built in on programs that are already started, programs that are being signed for, programs where funding has been arranged. And it is also relentless, that is a relentless pursuit of goals. I think that in the carrion personality of the Prime Minister, we can see very much the relentlessness. Whether it is here, or whether it is around the globe, asking, persuading, encouraging investment and contributions towards building the basic services to help this country go forward.”

Meantime political leader of the DLP, Roosevelt Skerrit, said an overview of the manifesto was presented to members of civil society out of respect for them.

“I have chosen to present an overview first to representatives of the private sector and other key members of civil society out of my utmost respect for you and the role you have traditionally played in the economic and social development of our nation,” he pointed out. “The manifesto which we have prepared for wider pubic distribution, later today, is a special document carefully drawn up to answer several questions which Dominicans are entitled to ask at this point in time.”

Skerrit informed that the document provides a summary record of the major achievements of the DLP since 2000 and a clear outline of their plans for advancing the process for social and economic change over the next five years.

“We have been the change agent’s for 14 years,” he said.

Representatives from the trade unions, banks, religious leaders, the DSC were part of the premier launching ceremony.

The manifesto will be launched in Trafalgar on Thursday evening.

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  1. Jay
    November 16, 2014

    “Goldenballs and the three bears”

    Goldenballs, the prettiest of them all, was surrounded by grovelers and sycophants who indulged his every whim. They even assured him that there are no such things as bad bears, that they are a pure figment of the imagination.
    But one evening as Goldenballs strolled and frolicked through his estate he encountered three bears who promptly ate him.

    Moral of the story: beware of grovelers and sycophants.

    (Adopted from L. Randall Wray, Prof . of economics at the University of Kansas, Missouri – poly note 1998 “Goldilocks and the three bears”. The full text of the original makes very interesting reading)

  2. Tjebe fort
    November 16, 2014

    Skerrit’s own is a manifest, a ships manifest and not the manifesto of a free Dominican. We must never forget the words of the Redemption song:
    “Old pirates yes they rob I….sing the song of freedom”.
    We can never be too free, too free, to free from mental slavery. Never must we allow to be sold into bondage again by our own to a foreign master. That is my manifesto.
    Courtesy to to the blessed memory of Bob Marley.

  3. Anonymous
    November 16, 2014

    My manifesto:


  4. Anthony Ismael
    November 16, 2014

    There is a clear and present difference between respect, admiration and open debate. Some commentators appear to believe that because some of us disagrees with Dr. Honychurch’s assessment of the current DLP Manifesto, we are somehow disrespectful and we seek to besmirch his character. This is not the case at all.

    Dominica has one of the most rigid “Class Systems” that I’ve ever witnessed. Some of us unfortunately are still wearing the “Chains” of the Slave Master around our necks and in public, although slavery has been abolished.

    Although the “Civil Society and Private Sector” account for a small percentage of the overall Dominican population, their voice undoubtedly carries a lot of weight and it often determines how decisions are made and to what degree.

    Just because someone is great in one area or they may have made contributions in others, doesn’t mean that they are correct 100% of the time.

    Despite his successes, Y. Nassief is dead wrong on the international airport issue. However, just because of his name, the common man and woman is afraid to say so.

    It is simply absurd to believe that this government is realistic and responsible, given the state of our health care system. Sure they have made improvements to various sectors such as new roads, the construction of the State College and Windsor Park Stadium, just to name a few.

    These accomplishments do not ascend them to “Alfa and Omega Status, at least not in my view.” There is much work to be done. We should not rest until a brand new state of the art hospital is constructed.

    All concerned Dominicans must get past the bluster, sweo and good times being doled out by both political parties. I feel sad for those who appear to believe that long standing academic accomplishments somehow means that one’s comments or assessment is always correct.

    This insular mentality is exactly the reason why we’re where we are today. Smart people recognize good ideas and they take advantage of them instead of fearing them.

    Continued acquisitions and partnerships by global conglomerates such as facebook and Microsoft are glowing examples of this philosophy in the business world.

    But in an island nations with 70,000 without a proper airport and hospital, we are up in arms because some of us criticized “One Historian with a PhD.” This sort of “Cult-Mentality,” is wanting indeed.

    I learned a long time go that you can respect and admire high achievers. You can also disagree with them and tell them that they’re “Dead Wrong” if you believe they are and based on one’s interpretations of the issues at home.

    The same “Democracy” that allows the elites to comment as they see fit is the very same “Democracy” that allows the common man to voice his opinions as well.

    Fortunately for me, I never wore nor will I wear the “Chains of the Salve Master around my neck.” I encourage all citizens to hold both political parties accountable during this election campaign. Get past the bluster and take Dominica forward, not back to yester year.

  5. Titiwi
    November 15, 2014

    Dr. Honeychurch nailed his colors to Capt. Skrit’s pirate ship and history will judge him accordingly.

    • patat
      November 16, 2014

      Such a stupid comment. Whose ship did YOU nailed your colour to? you got to respect the man’s choice Titiwi. Did you know that titiwi have very small brains?

    November 14, 2014

    Leave our Lennox Honeychurch alone.

  7. angel
    November 14, 2014

    Very surprised and somewhat disappointed by Dr Honychurch’s endorsement. I find it very hard to believe that he honestly believes what he has said.

  8. Francisco Telemaque
    November 14, 2014

    ” Once again, you are stuck in Los Angeles, you cannot move even if you wanted to–even the poorest person in Dominica has more freedom than people like you–in the USA,”(Elizabeth Xavier).

    Elizabeth, one thing you need to understand is that existing in poverty is not by any chance freedom. I would rather remain stock in Los Angeles for the rest of my natural life, and die here twenty times, than to return to Dominica, and die once in poverty believing I am free.

    Here is an example of freedom in America: wether I work or not I will get a cheque each and every month, okay. I will continue to live in a house with flush toilet, running water, cooking gas, electricity, telephone, both regular, and cable Television. I will still be in a position to own my car. At any age as long as I have a source of income and my credit is good I can go into any bank and borrow money for some cause. My fICO score is at the peak 850, with a fICO score like that it is almost impossible for me not to get credit.

    I do not have to borrow or beg, because I survive of my investments, I make money while I am asleep!

    Secondly, I can say anything about anybody I wish including the President of the United States of America, as long as I do not threaten the man, the FBI nor Los Angeles police can do anything to me.

    In America, if for some reason an idiot police officer would beat a citizen of this country simply for cursing the president or say something nasty about him in the streets, that officer would be in a hell of a lot of trouble, he may loose his job and his trousers in a law suit he could not handle, and in a civil law suit which may cost the State millions off dollars. That is actual freedom!

    We are in the twenty-first century, yet there are people in our country who does not have a pair of shoe to ware, and you cannot say I am a liar about that nor am I exaggerating, because a little over a year ago, I had to send many pairs of shoe and clothes to someone simply because he did not have a single pair of shoe; that is not freedom.

    You claim that I cannot leave Los Angeles, if you are correct, perhaps it was my sprit who visited with you at your home in North York, in Toronto, remember when my sprit eat all your food, and drank all your beer. Well if that happened how did I get there. Keep on trying to humiliate me, but the truth shall prevail! You remember when I was through eating your food, I took you for a ride in a motor vehicle so damn expensive you trembled when I left you sitting in it; when I went to pay for the gasoline, you feared someone high-jacked the car with you in it. I told you already you’ve had your last ride; I’ll be back next summer to eat down all your food again!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • November 16, 2014

      @ Francisco Telemaque November 14, 2014 “Here is an example of freedom in America: wether I work or not I will get a cheque each and every month, okay”. Telemaque

      “Yes that is true, it is so in all developed countries of the world; but as I said earlier many people abuse the system–you are one of those when you applied for money and you claimed it was because of diabetes. I as you again, do you think that Linton would approve to get money from the government of Dominica, because you have diabetes?

      “I will continue to live in a house with flush toilet, running water, cooking gas, electricity, telephone, both regular, and cable Television. I will still be in a position to own my car.” Telemaque

      So what is the big deal here, most Dominicans are able to live just as well–including the people of my immediate family, there is nothing of necessity that we do not have–if you are trying to brag here, you are making no sense.

      “At any age as long as I have a source of income and my credit is good I can go into any bank and borrow money for some cause. My fICO score is at the peak 850, with a fICO score like that it is almost impossible for me not to get credit”. Telemaque

      That’s right! That is why I said you are stuck in Los Angeles and cannot leave even if you wanted to do so, because you are plagued with debts–your creditors would hunt you down and throw you in jail, if they found you–you didn’t read that part did you? And what kind of “freedom” is that? Also just because everything you have is from credits–your asset is still zero–until you pay off those creditors who approved them for you.

      “I do not have to borrow or beg, because I survive of my investments, I make money while I am asleep! Telemaque

      Of course you do, because the checque from the government of California will be delivered to you on the morning of the appointed day of the month–I ask you are again, do you thing that Linton will give you those services.

      • November 16, 2014

        “You claim that I cannot leave Los Angeles, if you are correct, perhaps it was my sprit who visited with you at your home in North York, in Toronto” Telemaque

        I did not say that you cannot leave Los Angeles for a few days, I am speaking about long term absence–like for even 6 months to 1 year, once again, because you are plagued in debt there–you have to keep your creditors up to date–that will take you a lifetime. Hehehehehehehehehe!

        You remember when I was through eating your food, I took you for a ride in a motor vehicle so damn expensive you trembled when I left you sitting in it; when I went to pay for the gasoline, you feared someone high-jacked the car with you in it I told you already you’ve had your last ride; I’ll be back next summer to eat down all your food again! Telemaque

        First of all, that passage above is the most ridiculous and stupid piece I have ever read, but it is not the worse one you have spoken, or will speak; you are a very dangerous and compulsive liar–people have to be very careful in dealing with you; because only God can protect them from the stench of your mouth. I am sorry that I learned this about you, much too late.

        And you really do belong to that “evil twilight zone” world if you think I would ever allow you into my home again. All your talks about summer in Toronto is a lot of bluffing, you cannot afford it. Since summer of 2011 you said you are talking about returning, I have travelled to Dominica and back, but you have not been able to make it to Toronto–who do you think you are fooling?

        You are in the fashion of a human being, but you have no quality of a human being in you. You make a living by the means of compulsive lying, plagiarizing, exaggerating, cheating, and abusing kind people and services–none of these are characters of a normal human being. Just look at that stupid bragging of yours above–you know that I know none of it is true–once again you are a damn compulsive liar! But you will pay in time–if you are not already paying

  9. November 14, 2014

    We Must Be Acquainted, Be Taught, Must Have Knowledge And Understand What We Are Going To Do.

    • Anonymous
      November 16, 2014

      Sorry Giver but I don’t need Skerrit’s manifesto for that

  10. call it nuh
    November 14, 2014

    Anybody who has anything good to say about DLP is an enemy to uwp but as a citizen of Dominica i’m seeing a lot of good to talk about. Thank you Roosevelt Skerrit, thank you DLP and thank you Dr. Honeychurch for having the courage to speak your mind.

  11. November 14, 2014

    Some UWP supporters their comments are to scared people, to say vote for DLP is for more poverty that’s a big lie, and for dictatorship I don’t believe that.I already predict DLP is gonna win this is my prediction it doesn’t mean am a DLP supporter, some folks doesn’t understand prediction and a supporter.

  12. The preache
    November 14, 2014

    Where is UWP manifesto these guyes are all mad men
    hunter you right
    Linton says the 24th ,,, days before a general electionsThe man needs to stay on the talk shows that is where he belong

  13. Me
    November 14, 2014

    I have to remark on the DLP campaign slogan “labour ka twavay”

    It is a jaded deja-vu for many of us, incl. Dr. Honeychurch I suspect and a passing off, if not plagiarism of the famous slogan “Labour isn’t working” used with great success by the U.K. conservative party in the run up to 1979 election. It was designed by the famous advertising agency of Saatchi & Saatchi in London. I wish the party could have come up with something more original instead.

    • movements
      November 14, 2014

      anything to discredit. y’all just sickening

  14. Lord Farterolley
    November 14, 2014

    Well said Mr Honeychurch, I agree with your sentiments 100%.

  15. Mahaut talk roro
    November 14, 2014

    Me can’t vote labour any more after I see money going to waste… Am sad jamaican singer getting money for one night money like rain our hospital needed that sorry my party

    • Shine
      November 14, 2014

      It is sickening when posers claim that they were once supporters of DLP just to make their party seem more credible or appealing..

  16. SMH SMH
    November 14, 2014

    After reading this so called manifesto i was not encouraged rather pissed and disappointed……words such as contiune , support , encourage is not acceptable to me………thats all the government do encourage and support ,contiune ; when will the words turn into action…more action and less words……..stop trying convince people things happening …… Education sector for one is dissapointing……..Students at the various uwi institues and other institues are suffering and embarrassed , fustrated and out of words…. places Such as Barbados , Jamaica , Trinidad and open campus …. only a selected few get approved for such economical fee payment if any at all – ” and we often see the term contributing countries economic fee should be paid by the government ” Clarify please cause we lostttttt , Schorlaship payments are late , finacial assistances payments are not paid , students are given letters and false promise cause fees are not paid………….With this being said we are calling on the government to assist us STUDENTS especially the ones at UWI INSTUTIES and The Hugh Wooding Law School……stop giving letters and start paying instirutes ………Stuents are flying their flags proudly and high despise all of …for the love of country …dont let the future of tomorrow turn away …we are kindly asking to make payments ……If students could afford to pay they would not ask or seek assitance ……

  17. Call it Nah!
    November 14, 2014

    Why is it that the supporters and leadership oof UWP are going mad. If you feel that UWP is going to win the elections then sound like a winnner. When it comes to Manifesto: Remember UWP did not have a manifesto last elelction. This time, Lennox himself siad that he is waiting for the DLP to bring out theirs first so he can go through it and then put his own together. What a joker. UWP has been campaigning from since the last election and they are not ready yet! They cant even get funds to run a campaign, how can they convince me that they can get funds for program and to run a Government. The Calypsonian Bold face no face Lennox Linton said that the UWP gets money from his relatives who live in Europe who have “expensive cars and fine houses” What a joker, not even a 6th grader would speak such nonsence and all you want me to vote for that party!! NONSENSE. Leave Doctor Honeychurch alone, he is the same person all you had so much praise for, just becasue he sees things in a different light from you, he is being called all kind of names! Who are the ones behaving like Dictators now!?

  18. Anthony P. Ismael
    November 14, 2014

    I have no qualms with Dr. Honychurch’s interpretations, as I quickly found myself separating one good apple from a bunch of otherwise, rotten ones.

    I do however, have issues with two words that were used to describe the current DLP’s Manifesto.
    The words “Realistic and Responsible are particularly troubling for me.”
    Examining the current state of the Princess Margaret Hospital, the Portsmouth Fire and Ambulance Station, not to mention the rodent infested Marigot Hospital leaves a lot to be desired.

    The insanity and irresponsibility of the current government in this regard is wanting. How can a government allow the sole hospital near the island’s major airport to fall into disrepair?
    How responsible is that?

    The state of the PMH leaves quite a bit to be desired. We are well aware that all government ministers coupled with the upper echelon of Dominican elitist society, has the means to be air lifted to neighboring islands for medical treatment. But what happens to the poor who can’t afford such luxuries? What becomes of their fate and who stands up for them.

    We read and learned with astonishment, that the Hon. Minister of Health deferred attending a most important conference on the dreaded “Ebola Virus” because he wanted to remain at home, so he could campaign in his district. This was not only shocking, but absurd and beyond comprehension.

    We the common citizenry of the Commonwealth of Dominica have a different standard by which we judge such matters. Unlike our elitist counter parts in the private sector and “Civil Society” our standards are more practical, as these governmental decisions can reek havoc on our lives at a moment’s notice and without prior warning.

    With the exception of wins against “Local Calypsos and their authors for libel and slander,” I can’t recall the last time the local prosecutor’s office recorded a major conviction in a criminal matter.

    Murders are still walking the streets of Roseau after committing heinous crimes against their fellow man.

    Responsible and realistic means reinstating “Death by Hanging.” The Evangelical Association and the Mercy Committee has a stranglehold on this island nation that is in itself irresponsible and unrealistic.

    Law abiding citizens should not have to contend with “Murders freely walking the streets of Roseau because of ineptitude and gross negligence from the prosecutor’s office.”

    The current contract with DOMLEC, the sole electricity provider on the island needs to be renegotiated as soon as possible We cannot and should not sit and wait for the onset of geothermal energy, while the citizenry is suffocating underneath draconian electricity bills.

    Additionally, foreign investors will not invest in Dominica with this current energy arrangement as it is currently constructed.

  19. 2bfree
    November 14, 2014

    Thank you Doctor Honeychurch for your glowing endorsement. It is your opinion, and your endorsement is noted and accepted. You are a well-liked and respected scholar and your opinion is valued…You have taken a stand and have shown the world that you are red, red, ready. “I am who I am, and I approve this message.”

    Realistic, Responsible and Relentless….Fantastic words to describe any book, person or manifesto. My question is…Can you honestly and with a straight face use these same words to describe the present government? Can Dominicans use these same wonderful words to describe The current administration? – Think on these things

  20. PROUD
    November 14, 2014

    Dominica is changing…. I CAN FEEL IT IN MY BONES!


    • ghost face
      November 14, 2014

      of course you can feel it in your bones… you getting skinny from misery..cant afford to eat 3 meals a day so all your body fat melt leaving skin and bones

    • Anonymous
      November 14, 2014

      What you are feeling my friend are your bones liquidizing.
      Labour ka twavay but WORKERS WORK!!!

  21. PROUD
    November 14, 2014

    Yes. What we Dominicans want is coming with the DLP.

    Mr. Honeychurch, because you are a man full of knowledge on the history of this country, and a man of integrity and class, I believe your words.

    Other Dominicans can grudge you and be ashame of you, but know that, your democratic rights is the same as theirs. They will scorn, they will ridicule…. But I support you for not hiding your views and standing by what you believe is right.

    Dominica will continue to move forward, you will continue to survive, and everyone on here who ridicules you will do the same. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED by the negative comments on here.

  22. anonymous2
    November 14, 2014

    If you want a dictator like Venezuela, then vote for Skerrit. The road to no where is paved with poverty.

  23. Dominica First
    November 14, 2014

    It’s nothing strange, it’s time for change.

  24. Past Laborite
    November 14, 2014

    Wow, Mr. Honeychurch, I am very, very disappointed in you and your comments. I had so much respect for you. I am not telling you that you should not support your party, but you as a historian should remain partial in all this. I am sure a lot of us in Dominica will share the same views.

    • Dominican Abroad
      November 14, 2014

      I disagree with you. The man has all the right to critique or praise a document if he chooses to. Isn’t he Dominican like you? Wow you would be saying something totally different if he was praising the UWP manifesto. I am certain about that!

  25. jazz53
    November 14, 2014

    I have listened to Kairi FM most of the time listening to WICE Make me realized how BIASED KAIRI it is a damn shame that a radio station is so one sided SMAME SHAME !!!.

    • Anonymous
      November 14, 2014

      let’s all stop listening to that crap station. They will soon think again!

  26. November 14, 2014

    The international airport will be named after Dr. Honychurch if DLP government get back in office, our something else will be named after him.

    • Titiwi
      November 14, 2014

      Well I agree, he did more for Dominica than Nicholas Liverpool.

  27. huh
    November 14, 2014

    That is why Dice say those historians does lie. What is Honychurch doing in politics, need to step aside

  28. Mr&Mrs. Alfrey
    November 14, 2014

    The Alfreys must be turnin in their graves…

  29. committed Dominican
    November 14, 2014

    Come on Mr. Honey church, I thought you would have been more realistic, or even patriotic than that. Look at the state of your country, are you satisfy for example , with the health ( hospital) conditions in Dominica? Don’t tell me Mr.Honey church that you have been bought.

  30. Aunty
    November 14, 2014

    Dr Honnychurch should do a similar introduction to the other party’s manifesto, if so requested.

    • Rachel
      November 14, 2014

      Yeah when they finally come up with one . . . . .

    • Anonymous
      November 15, 2014

      And if he declines it will prove that is not impartial.

  31. Anthony Ismael
    November 14, 2014

    There is no evidence to suggest or convince me that this Manifesto is coherent at all, nor does it address Dominica’s needs moving forward.

    When a “Neophyte Politician’ campaigning in Wesley area advocates reselling of land to farmers at a reduced rate, when the said land was purchased for the construction of a new airport, one is left wondering about the DLP’s strategy for yet another five years.

    One is also left to wonder about the fate of the unfinished Moroccan Hotel in Portsmouth, while a Memorandum of Understanding was recently signed with a new consortium for the construction of possibly another “White Elephant Project” as a simple, yet sophisticated “Vote Catching Scheme.”

  32. Anthony Ismael
    November 14, 2014

    Page Number one of this Manifesto must include detailed plans for the reconstruction of the Princess Margaret Hospital as quickly as possible and ongoing training for medical professionals who work there.

    Emergency Medicine in particular, needs immediate and continued attention. We have fallen asleep at the wheel and allowed the PHM to continue sinking into the abyss of patient treatment and care.

    There’s a collective fear hanging over the nation’s head regarding medical treatment. We are well aware that all ministers of government and the upper echelon of the “Dominican Mafia Society” can afford to be air-lifted to neighboring islands for medial treatment.

    What happens to the less fortunate amongst us in times of dire medical need? Are the poor amongst us doomed to sit idly by and witness their loved ones perish because of a dilapidated health care system? Do they not deserve better?

    How can the Hon. Prime Minister talk about responsibility with the current state of the Marigot Hospital? How can the Hon. Prime Minister and his surrogates speak of responsibility when “Rodents” chased away first responders at the Portsmouth Fire and Ambulance Station?

    While all “Manifestos” need to be carefully examined in detail before one arrives at any conclusion, it’s utterly difficult to accept the words, “Responsible and Realisti in the same sentence,” given the DLP’s performance in the aforementioned areas above.

    I have no doubt that our esteemed local historian is providing an opinion based on his professional judgment. However, I have and continue to become more skeptical of the DLP’s intentions.

    The sad state of the current health care system is alarming and shocking. There should be daily protest in the streets of Roseau by all concerned citizens.

    When the Hon. Minister of Health fails to attend a conference on the dreaded disease, “Ebola” because he wanted to stay home to campaign for his seat, we have arrived at the lowest ebb of our health care system on the island. Is the DLP Manifesto realistic? Probably. Is it responsible? Definitely not.

  33. Anthony Ismael
    November 14, 2014

    Dr. Honychurch’s comments about the DLP’s Manifesto are quite eloquent and vague. He did not mention any specific examples where the DLP was realistic. I can only surmise that much of the social programs will continue in earnest as they have been in the past.
    I hope “Responsible and realistic” also includes a state of the art hospital. In fact it would be quite feasible to expect one because it was promised to the Dominican citizenry as part of the Memorandum of Understanding with the People’s Republic of China a few years ago.
    I sincerely hope that realistic includes plans for a new airport through the (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer or BOOT approach). The land has been purchased and according the Hon. Prime Minister, experts were supposed to conduct studies regarding the suitability of the area.
    I am hoping that responsible includes, immediate repair and functionality of the “Marigot Hospital.” It’s insane to allow this hospital so close to the country’s major airport to fall into disrepair.
    I hope realistic includes a renegotiation of the current contract with DOMLEC as it relates to their guaranteed profit margins. You can’t talk about the unknowns about the Dominican economy while allowing the sole electricity provider to “Bleed” the country dry as a chip.
    I am also hoping the responsible and realistic means creating an environment to attract foreign investors. Once again, you will never attract them in sufficient quantities with the “Draconian Cost of Electricity on the island.”
    And finally, I am hoping that something is done regarding the judiciary and in particular, the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP). Too many murders are freely walking the streets of Dominica. It’s time to reinstate the “Death Penalty.” I could care less about the “So Called Mercy Committee and the Evangelical Association” who continue to hold this country by its throat. A functioning law-abiding society must rid itself of those who have become a continued menace to society. If you “Murder your fellow man in cold blood and without provocation, a date with the “Hang Man’s Noose” must be your reward.

  34. November 14, 2014

    mr honychurch the three r’s you’ve mentioned is not in our favour because it does’nt matter how enticeing or logical the programs that have already started or the programs that are being sighned or programs where funding have been arranged the reality is that we the people of dominica don’t benifit from those programs.for example look at the state colledge,then the state palace,the road from roseau to portsmouth, the bridge by the new market,millions of dollars all for the chinese… hence the first and second R’s realistic and relentless. relentlessy catering for the chinese. the only resposiblilty i see from these people is makeing sure that we are kept as second class citizens in our own country.I almost forgot. Did you say carrion personality?

  35. smh
    November 14, 2014

    Honey Church is speaking political hog wash also i doubt labourites going to read the manifesto, sadly most going to just page through the pics and smile. and say “See My PM boi” like my comment or not yall will say DNO is workers just because DNO fail to publish posts with cursing etc.. clearly labourites dont read the disclaimer notices when commenting but in reality this website is free to all.. On the other hand However the labourites post that do make it through gets so much thumbs down they are usually hidden anyways! Dont blame us UWP ites for having more credible comments!

  36. Labour
    November 14, 2014

    Hope allu manifesto on paper this time. Not even paper allu could buy in 2009 much less for now. That is why skerrit call elections in de “new way” just following your led fada

  37. just saying
    November 14, 2014

    Get off Honeychurch back, the man give an honest critic to the manifesto and allu want to kill him, he is not a hero no more because he say the truth, well you all will just have to deal with it, jealousy will never stop, vex allu vex, allu have no manifesto again, allu wanted elections and allu know allu not ready not with funds, investors or even manifesto oh oh jokers still not ready after a beating of 20-3.

  38. anonymous
    November 14, 2014

    MR . Honeychurch as your friend, I am sadden by the stance you have taken. Ms. Charles is definitely rolling in her grave to see you taking that path. I know you are getting on in age but had no idea you were losing it! I implore you, do not get involve in this mess. Do not risk it all by letting this guy take you down with him. It’s just not worth it.

    • Rachel
      November 14, 2014

      Please! Stop assuming what Ms. Charles would or would not do. You’re just upset that he is not supporting the party you do. They failed us when they had the opportunity, what makes you think they won’t again? Dominica cannot afford to go backwards. Not now, not EVER!

  39. Nzingha
    November 13, 2014

    Mr Honeychurch is once again participating in this dismantling and reversing by Skerrit and company of all those gains for which Leblanc and others sacrifice.
    They have undermined our self-worth, self-esteem, independence ,courage,fighting spirit our humanity . The only thing left to do is take back the rest of the land we have not yet sold to feed and educate our families.Let’s vote them out and stop the slide back into sufferation!

  40. Dominica..!
    November 13, 2014


    Someone sent me this link. Time to review..!

  41. george Fontaine
    November 13, 2014

    The news reporter had nothing to say…the historian knows that the manifesto is already history…

  42. Not a herd follower
    November 13, 2014

    Why doesn’t Lennox Hornychurch run for the DLP? I would very doubt much the objectivity and impartiality of his historical account of the DLP rule 2000-2014 when he writes it.

  43. Malgraysa
    November 13, 2014

    Dr. Honeychurch, if I say that I feel uneasy your apparent affectation concerning the P.M. I will probably get shot for shooting the messenger but say it I must. If I recall correctly you once were a member of the Freedom party, as indeed was a young Roosevelt Skerrit. My unease was initiated by your presentation of a justification for constructing the new State House, amplified and dramatized with you fist going into holes in the wall, repeated on GIS ad nauseam. You of all people, who put so much effort in the faithful restoration of the historic Fort Shirley, rather than alter it and build an overpowering neo classical symbol by its side. It is almost as if you have a veneration for the P.M., which goes beyond rationality and it makes me question the equitability of your judgment when it comes to the young man, to a point where emotions take over from reasoning. You are, of course free to support whomever you wish but I trust you let your conscience speak when you cast your vote comes the election.

  44. Anonymous
    November 13, 2014

    Skerrit and them doh easy…..Everything UWP do they taking it and change it up a little and then present it as theirs…all of a sudden the civil society important? It wasn’t until UWP started talking about involving and restoring the power of the civil society sector …. what policy or action has Skerrit administration taken that would allow you to believe this:
    “…other key members of civil society out of my utmost respect for you and the role you have traditionally played in the economic and social development of our nation,” He broke the backbone of the civil society which is the local government and community development with his constituency caretakers.

    Now they ripping off the UWP vision statement for a better Dominica: “Making Dominica the best place to live, work and enjoy life” now their DLP manifesto titled: “Relentlessly pursuing the dream of a prosperous, peaceful and just Dominica” These DLP people have not one original idea among themselves.

  45. Anonymous
    November 13, 2014

    These comments are rather ludicrous. I thought I was watching FOX news bashing President Obama and the Democratic Party.

  46. jericho wall falling
    November 13, 2014

    Joshua 6 King James Version (KJV)

    1. Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in.

    2. And the Lord said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.

  47. Anonymous
    November 13, 2014

    Stupes, stupes, stupes

  48. November 13, 2014

    People Of Dominica you Must remember that Lennox Honeychurc h , is not only a Historian but is also aPolitician. in the 1970s Lennox Honeychurch represented the Dominica Freedoom Party as a nominated member in parliament. On what basis did Honeychurch came to this conclusion? did had at the time another party’s manifesto to make a comparison?Honeychurch’s partiality is very glaring and warped .

    November 13, 2014

    Guess Dr. Honey will be writing another History book after December 8th 2014. Change is here.

    • Rachel
      November 14, 2014

      Dream . . . . . zzzzzzzz Wake up! zzzzzzzz yet you still dreaming. It is 2014, not 1994.

  50. Dominicantothebone
    November 13, 2014

    DNO I will use this opportunity to say how disappointed I am in Dr. Honychurch for his blatant bias at his commenting at the 100 anniversary of the first world war when he, I think, deliberately refused to mention the name of Mr. G.O. Emmanuel as one of the persons who had served in the second world war. He mentioned many persons. Not to mention Mr Emmanuel who was not to long ago was the president of the Legion and his comment above proves that as a historian, he is playing a role that is totally political and I for one, and I hope many other Dominicans, will discredit him. If I am wrong about my comment, I apologize. But I listened to the whole broadcast and didn’t hear Mr. Emmanuel’s name.

  51. ????????
    November 13, 2014

    I have never seen a set of disrespectful people…. One of this days, it will be your son, daughters, relatives who will be in the PM’s place. Let me hear you all. You will be reminded of the hatred and slander that was spewed against the now PM. O Lord forgive those persons and convict them that you are love and we should love one another despite our different political support. We should be free to support who we want without being hated, called names and slandered.

    • Not a herd follower
      November 15, 2014

      Stop being so retarded. Skerrit uses the most abusive and obscene words to describe his political opponents. The public recordings of his vitriol keep being played, and you are coming on DNO to talk nonsense.

  52. ????????
    November 13, 2014

    Isn’t Mr. Honeychurch entitled to his own views and opinions?? How have be become especially those who desperately want to come into Government. Is it only your views and that which you support that is?????? This cannot attract anyone to your party. support your party let others support theirs. Don’t care for any negative against my comments. The truth will always be the truth. This is a democracy.

    November 13, 2014

    Where my copy?… I want a copy too!

    • Anonymous
      November 16, 2014

      They give it to UWP first because you don’t need one. You are already converted.

  54. ????????
    November 13, 2014

    And the haters of a fine young Man – Roosevelt Skerrit continues with all kinds of slander. Persons who cannot say anything positive at all; who hates for no reason at all. How does the PM make Wesley poor??? My Gracious but for the Lord’s mercy, we need to let go … stop all the negatives…… don’t sound so desperate that we lose all reasoning. Come December 8th, Gentlemen , the electorate will speak and now it is time to let it go … stop carrying that hatred in your heart…. you can’t carry those things for too long. Let the Dominican populace speak for this is a democracy. And when the last ballot is checked, hope you guys don’t continue to want to dictate who others should vote for.

    Isn’t someone who wants to be elected, show what they have to offer La Population. Not just saying things about one man (a Son of the soil). Lord have mercy on my people!

    • Francisco Telemaque
      November 18, 2014

      I am from Wesley, if you do not know how Skerrit caused Wesley to be so damn poor at the moment, ask Skerrit himself, perhaps he can tell you; he might even tell you how he manage to destroy the entire economy of the country.

      You see the reason you are all over the place crying trying to defend Skerrit is because of your stupid mentality. “And haters of a fine young man-Roosevelt Skerrit continues with all kinds all kinds of Slander.” Right there I can tell that you are an idiot, who are a recipient of Skerrit’s handouts., and by all means even to the day he destroys and bankrupt the country, your kind will continue to defend him.

      In the first place you all voted for him because he was young and handsome, with dimples on his cheeks. Well his youth, and attractive phenotype mesmerized your minds that are why some of you are living and experiencing a mirage these days.

      You talk about people are slandering Skerrit; I suspect you do not know the definition of the word, so let me help you out! The definition of slander is: The utterance of false charges, or misrepresentation which defame and damage another persons reputation, or making a false and defamatory, oral statement about a person. In the first Skerrit has done damage to his reputation and any other person could have done.

      Roosevelt Skerrit has damaged Dominica’s economy, the man has victimized many poor and innocent people, Skerrit has given away five ($500,000.00) hundred thousand dollars of taxpayers money to Malzaire, who represents Rome, and the Roman Catholic church which has members internationally amounting to 1.2 billion. So, that means they have one billion, two hundred million members. Couldn’t Malzaire solicited help from Rome? The Roman Catholic operates some of the largest banks in the world, they have a pile of money not sitting in a vault because it is so much, it is kept in a open room in bales.

      Skerrit’s actions, and the damage he cause Dominica is slanderous; he is responsible for anything people say about him because they are true; only that there are many who display your foolish mentality. Skerrit is the most controversial Prime minister in our nations history. Let me tell you had it not been for some talmud tactics used by lawyers representing Skerrit in court, that sucker would be incarcerated right now, and every decision he made, every contract he signed over the past ten years, or after the time he became a French citizen would be declared nol and void, that is the reputation of the man you revere.

      Talking about hate, who the heck have time to hate Skerrit, people dislike what he has done to the country; people who are suffering must speak out against him; if you wish to suffer in silent and support him because of his dimples on his cheeks continue, your benefits will be the handouts you are receiving from the Red Clinic, while he gets richer, and living off the blood of people like you!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  55. Irritated
    November 13, 2014

    Pity that we place such emphasis on a manifesto in this day and age….and we talk about progress. The progressive thing to do would have been at least 3 debates and move on….we all know the least we will do, is look at the pictures and call it a day. How many of us seriously take time to read these novels. Shaking my head at us.

  56. Nuff respect
    November 13, 2014

    I don’t fancy the cover of this manifesto . It depicts selfishness. It depicts I. I thought there are 21 reps. Just saying.
    A pic of one big face . That is a No ! No! No!. It does not encourage me to open it.

  57. not blue not red
    November 13, 2014

    In truth and in fact you can actually look through a crowed and pick out the uwpits becuz they seem to always b on edge wen ever red is praised b it good b it bad n they never seem to understand what is being explained directly or indirectly smh. The man read the manifesto and is simply saying what he thinks of it and is explaining to the children what a manifesto should be like he is not saying it bcuz its labour manifesto it is a good one. Then again in Dominica with only see red n blue in everything will do.

  58. November 13, 2014

    Time to compare and contrast DLP manifesto of 2009 and that of 2014, and the UWP manifesto This is what Dominicans need to make a decision on who to vote for. Not the sewo or who looking good in jacket and tie, or whose face wax or whose face have dimples.

    • Labour
      November 14, 2014

      And then we will compare allu own after. See where de problem is? Cannot compare a manifesto we never get fada Where them manifesto bring them out. Even if is online bring it out man

    • Voter
      November 14, 2014

      UWP Manifesto…they never had one, we are still waiting and looking for it on the internet and I will beat my last dollar that they dont have one this time around!

  59. Forever Amber
    November 13, 2014

    Dr. Honychurch, it looks like the pedestal on which Dominicans placed you is shaking. Be careful. Step off it before you totally destroy your credibility with such groveling. It doesn’t become a scholar like you; Or, am I mistaken?

    • The Facts
      November 13, 2014

      What credibility of his will be destroyed? Your opinion is your sole opinion which does not reflect that of many others.
      So, you are speaking for him and on his behalf, assuming what you think he is, should not be and not who he knows he is. If he had spoken on behalf of UWP you would not have made such a comment. This is how unfair you are. You do not give credit where it is due.

    • anonymous2
      November 14, 2014

      Looks like Lennox has caved to the DLP. Not a wise choice to be involved in politics here except as an independent.

  60. Forward We Go
    November 13, 2014

    Personally, I believe that a manifesto that affects the lives of all Dominicans should be made public to all at the same time, and not to a selected few.

    What is termed repect for them is actually blatant desrespect for the majority. For someone who has led and intends to continue leading…this smacks of elitism, and not in the interests of the common people.

    Notwithstanding his achievements, this historian is now part and parcel of the blemishing of history for his aiding and abetting in divisive politics. He does not know what the outcome of this rhetoric will be yet he put his stamp on an idealogical menifesto that is most likely based on “pie in the sky” theatrics.

    Sir, to be respected, one has to earn respect and you should not treat this manifesto as gospel. Let the people decide one way or the other. Your endorsement then is deemed invalid. Now go and sing for your dessert.

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2014

      You are a rude and stupid fellow

      November 14, 2014

      Imagine Skerrit talking about respect…this man said in Parliament…”Madame speaker Dominicans are too free” this I consider gross disrespect to all citizens. Do an audit in five years and let us see how much has been achieved.

  61. Voting laybar
    November 13, 2014

    Everybody against Linton, honeychurch, Peter Augustine, eustace Thomas, bishop malazare, Astaphans, aye las, if Linton win de election it is the will of God toneh. I never see so much Dominicans support villas in savanne paix, red clinic, bin bobol, getting rich fast.

    • The Facts
      November 13, 2014

      You are making assumptions which are non-existent. It is all in your mind. What do you think of those derogatory comments some of you made against the PM? You never like reading and hearing anything good about him. It irks your heart to know anything good about him.
      Bishop Malzaire is not a voter. Therefore, please leave him out of your comments. Furthermore, he has never stated that he is a DLP supporter. He would never make that statement. He is neutral. Cease your innuendos.

    • Honest Dominican
      November 14, 2014

      What does Petre Augustine has to say this time about Skerrit being Knighted with these dark age illuminaties?
      Peter Augustine, stop being a hypocrite!

  62. Francisco Telemaque
    November 13, 2014

    Lennox, if for some particular reason; I had to chose between two evils, I would carefully do an analyses, of both evil, and in conclusion I would chose the lessor of the two evils.

    If I could not come to a fair conclusion, my alternative would be to reject both evils, and remain neutral ; hence preventing myself from giving aid to the devil in wreaking havoc on the souls of the innocent, hence, destroying them in the process. Indeed we all reserve the right to personally support whichever political party, or politician we wish to support.

    Nevertheless, we have to be careful, especially when we know that our personality, and celebrity is going to aid the person to succeed. You have proved yourself as an intelligent man stand out as a reputable historian, a writer of more than one book, with that sort of reputation; there are many in Dominica who may decide to vote for Skerrit, simple because you endorsed his manifesto.

    Many of our people’s head are soft, they will get the impression: well, if Dr. Honeychurch say something good about Skerrit, then he must be right, so we are going to vote for Skerrit. When they vote for him, and he cannot deliver, they the ones who voted for him will continue to suffer!

    That man Skerrit has destroyed Dominica’s economy. I am from Wesley, one time I went home, in a conversation I told someone I was thinking of returning home to stay: I was warned by the individual who advised to be careful he told me if I intend to live in Wesley, I had better be sure I have enough money to compete with the guys in the village, he told me “you see them there, they rich, those boys have a lot of money.” And in fact he was right. I was in his rum shop, I bought a beer, he said to me “watch something here, they going prove to you that you are not the only person who can drink beer.

    Before I know it, every bit of rum, beer whiskey, vermouth and wine, that man had in his shop sold out in minuets. I can tell you the man’s name, a cousin of mine, who just happens to the uncle of the Wesley candidate to date. William eventually went back to England His name is William Robin.

    The point here is I learnt today that Wesley has become one of the poorest village in the country, all because of Skerrit, how can you endorse someone like that, are you prepared to aid Skerrit to continue to damage the country? Gone are the days when native Dominicans from the four corners of the country would head to Wesley where they could make some money in order to survive.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • MY 2cents
      November 13, 2014

      Francisco Telemaque You right to say many of our people’s head are soft. Why you think it have some fools following you and the uwp clowns

    • Zumba
      November 14, 2014

      Francisco dodds you must be a school,Karl in every field as you are always commenting on every subject?. You are always contradicting yourself. You said you were told Wesley people rich then you turn around and say it is the poorest village.. Is it the village which is the poor or it’s inhabitants that rich.. Why are you in the US bashing the government come back home and help build your village. Have you really analyze the political issues in dominica. Have you really taken note of what the present government has done.. Be balanced in your analysis, which will allow you to be impartial and logical.. Don’t let your emotions crowd your mind.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        November 14, 2014

        Miss/ Madam/Mr. Zomba and et al., you cannot read, or let’s say you do not know how to read. I describe two different situations, related to two different periods in time! If you had any intelligence you would understand the conversation which William and I had is different to the latest in 2014 where conditions has deteriorated to a point where Wesley has become one of the poorest Village in the country.

        Iterate; when I spoke with William, Wesley people, especially the young were making plenty of money, they had plenty of money to spend, in those days the economy of the country was at its peak. The destruction of the nations’ economy began when the coalition government was formed twenty years ago, and has worsen during the fifteen years of Mr. god, king and dictator, sir. Roosevelt Skerrit:


        I think before you get fired up, and argue with me you should try to understand what you read; if you lack comprehension, perhaps you might want your friends or somebody to read and do some explaining to you.

        I have not contradicted myself, the problem is you read me and fail to get the concept of my argument; I am not responsible for your lack of cognition, maybe if you possessed the ability to think cognitively you would not think I am in contradiction with myself; with that said I invite you to return and read me again; perhaps by then you will understand the concept!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • November 15, 2014

        @Zumba November 14, 2014 “Why are you in the US bashing the government come back home and help build your village”

        Zumba, read my comment below yours, you will see that I have answered that question for you. That man cannot leave Los Angeles for all sorts of bad reasons–especially that he is plagued with debts there, and so his creditors will hunt him and throw in jail.

        All of his negative rambling about Dominica and her government is spoken as an excuse for the reason he cannot go back home. They are senseless, empty, and futile–just like his very character.

        And don’t think that anyone told me about those things, I know by my ability of perception and discernment from God–based on his own writings; that individual in question knows that I am right.

      • observor
        November 16, 2014

        Mr. Dodds as always just continues to ramble like an old motor boat beating his mouth…. on every subject he has a comment…. but as soon as he makes a comment like the wind he quickly forgets and contradicts himself in the next instance… and he tries to be so scholarly … a fool is only known by the words he speak ….

        And I wonder is Dr. Lennox not suppose to view his political opinions now… well. well I thought he was a free citizen of this Country….the man has a right like every other to stand with who he pleases if that makes you hate him then maybe you never had respect for him to begin with.

    • November 14, 2014

      “Before I know it, every bit of rum, beer whiskey, vermouth and wine, that man had in his shop sold out in (minuets)”

      You stupid fool, liar, plagiarizer and all the ugly, black and the other things of futility that belong to your character–just look at the level of exaggeration from you in that line above–when you are not lying you are plagiarizing and when you are not plagiarizing you are speak loud and stupid exaggeration.

      You are the last person in this world to call people evil, because you are the father of evil–in thoughts words and action.

      You could never, ever stand in the shoes of Lennox Honeychurch; your opinion could never stand with his– and so who do you think you are to tell him what choice he should make on behalf of his homeland?

      All of those people who are giving the thumbs up are only doing so because you are on their side–they are just empty and stupid as you are

      You lie as easy a person can drink a glass of water. You came to my home and started to tell me how I could abuse the Canadian government because of my hearing disability, thanks to God I would never accept your filthy advise–and that was the time you told me that you receive disability support because you have diabetes–there is more to it than that.

      Then you go on DNO and talking my name with all your ugly lies–accident that caused dementia–there is no one in this world who is a greater liar than you are

      You are talking down Dominica and her present government; people are poor, this negative thing, that negative thing and the other negative thing–all is negative for you, because you now exist in negativity.

      You are secretly abusing the Government and it social services in California–unless they have already caught you–; do you think that Linton will approve the application of someone searching for money help because of diabetes? “Yes or No”

      You cannot leave Los Angeles, because your are plagued with debt –your creditors will hunt you down and throw you in jail. And neither do you care about the welfare of her people and the development of Dominica. Once again, you are stuck in Los Angeles, you cannot move even if you wanted to–even the poorest person in Dominica has more freedom than people like you–in the USA,

      As I have already said, those people here, on DNO, who are giving you those thumbs up are just as stupid as you are, because the things you write make no sense whatsoever.

      And don’t try to figure out how I know those things about you–as I have said to you, before I have the Devine source.

      • November 15, 2014

        @movements November 14, 2014

        If you are asking me, read the comment of “Zumba” above mine, you will get your answer. There are many people with the eyes and ears of the Spirit who can see and hear, the evils of man–Zumba and myself are among those people.

        And why did you not ask that man, what was his point when he fired so rudely at my comments here?

    • movements
      November 14, 2014

      What is your point exactly :?:

      • MY 2cents
        November 14, 2014

        What happen you can’t read? Or you just the typical fool

  63. November 13, 2014

    after you fail you now going to lunch manifesto to put more hard ship on poor dominicans mr skerit its time for you to go

  64. Blue is Back
    November 13, 2014

    double standard . The president of the DSC did not want a debate to take place in the college because he said he does not want the college to be in politics . However, here he is holding a launching of a political party manifesto. Dominica is very strange.

  65. Mee3
    November 13, 2014


  66. November 13, 2014

    Thanks Sir, first of all I got to applaud you on being being such a great author and orator. Sir, your works are commendable. A person like you of such high standards, would put your reputation on the line, I admire you for making such a bold decision. As an intellectual and a believer in facts I tend to trust your judgement. Your critics will look to dissect you in every possible way, there were many before you who were also scolded. Thanks for you critical analysis.

    • Ras B
      November 13, 2014

      Where is the critical analysis?

      • ????????
        November 13, 2014

        Ras B what do you understand by critical analysis????

    • ########
      November 13, 2014

      you deserve to be slapped, and the reason why is to hopefully knock some sense into you little brain.

  67. M.B. Drapier
    November 13, 2014

    ‘Nothing is so great an example of bad manners as flattery. If you flatter all the company, you please none; If you flatter only one or two, you offend the rest.’
    J Swift

  68. Nevevson st jean
    November 13, 2014

    well Anonymous the manifesto of 2009 was the future which is now 2014. what portion did he acomplish

    • PROUD
      November 14, 2014

      ALL of it my dear

      • Titiwi
        November 14, 2014

        All of nothing is nil.

  69. rainbow
    November 13, 2014

    Stay quiet honneychurch. We don’t need your comments now. change is a must. your labourian

  70. Doc. Love
    November 13, 2014

    I wonder if another multi million dollar contract is on his mind.

  71. Anonymous
    November 13, 2014

    Many of the blue sympathetic hypocrites criticizing the DLP manifesto here are soon going to come back on DNO heaping praises when the UWP presents theirs even if it is likely to be laiden with overly unrealistic promises that they themselves know they will never be able to achieve even if cock starts growing teeth.

  72. Massacre
    November 13, 2014

    Mr. Honeychurch, it is guys like you who want Dominica to remain premitive so that only people like you will remain at the top.
    The assertion that the information put forward by some political parties are wild and irresponsible goes to show that you want Dominica to remain underdeveloped and that we should not have third-world technology and infrastructure in Da.
    But even with the absense of guys like you, we will proper to a new Dominica.
    Continue to sing for your 5 minutes of fame.

    • LawieBawie
      November 13, 2014

      This I think must be the dumbest of all the comments in here. To think that Dr. Honychurch is actually using this to achieve 5 minutes of fame is nothing less than crazy. This man has received all sorts of accolades from various institutions and he is always in the news. What more fame could he want?

      • November 14, 2014

        @LawieBawie November 13, 2014== ” What more fame could he want?”

        I second that question! And you are right those comments are extremely dumb!

        I also think that most of these commentators here are no more than 20 years–not that they could not be just as foolish, if they are older than that.

        So they cannot think for themselves–and instead of putting themselves in a learning corner, they continue to speak things they heard from other people even if did not understand what they heard–the most certainly did not read; for they cannot do that either.

        What does Lennox Honeychurch have to gain for speaking things to be factual if he knows they were not so–for crying out loud!

      • Anonymous
        November 14, 2014

        That is the perversion of it. In a way he is similar to Skerrit in that he craves attentention, recognition and approval. It is a kind of vanity but he does not manifest it in such a crude and offensive manner as Skerrit.

  73. Caretta
    November 13, 2014

    Please tell me why Skerrit is afraid of debating Linton!!!


    • Blue is Back
      November 13, 2014

      because he can’t .simple!

      • DANZIGER
        November 13, 2014

        Simply because Lennox is not Skerro POID.

  74. Jon Carson
    November 13, 2014

    Is the manifesto available online to the general public or do I have to attend the function tonight In Trafalgar or a DLP’s function to retrieve a copy? In order words, do I have to be a supporter of the DLP to be able to get my hands on a copy?

    Also, where is the opposition manifesto any word on when will that be available to the general public as well? To be fair and unbiased we need to look at both manifesto/documents and make comparison before praising over that other. Is Dr. Honychurch a declared or registred DLP supporter because it comes across to me, as being bias, without having the opportunity to review the opposition political document? Don’t hate me just being an Independent observer.

    • Voter
      November 13, 2014

      After going through the 2005 and 2009 manifestos. I can safely say the 2014 one will not even be worth the paper it’s printed on. Filled with catch a vote ideas, and other propaganda and blatant lies. The labour party just killed a few trees and exported Dominica’s money that’s all.

      FYI: The opposition said that it will be launching theirs 10 days before the election…

    • Nuff respect
      November 14, 2014

      Well if you used to listen to Mr.Linton you will be informed that the UWP TEAM DOMINICA’ s will given to the general public at least 10 days before the election .
      Word of advice listen to Q95 .There you will be well informed.

    • Truth
      November 14, 2014

      Why is it that labour has been ready and the people who were invited to the launching, could not get a copy of the manifesto and was told it will be in the mail? Are you people for real.

  75. Rey Miguel
    November 13, 2014

    Well Mr. Honeychurch as it is that any preacher is able to preach it’s about if the preacher can stick to what he preaches. So it’s all well and good that they have a manifesto with the 3 Rs you explained but have they and can they now stick to these words that have been put together in this book.

  76. Ras B
    November 13, 2014

    Disappointed in Mr Honychurch’s comments!!! It was tantamount to a public endorsement of the current government.

    It is however noteworthy that Mr Honychurch used the 3 R’s. He claims that manifesto is realistic, responsible and relentless but not revolutionary. So It seems to me that Mr Honychurch has said more by what he did not say.
    Since he did not find the manifesto revolutionary, Mr Honychurch is telling us that we can expect more of the same…. the corruption, the lies, the plagiarism, the fire bombing, the increased crime rate, the decline in agriculture, the decline in our feeder farm roads, the continued absence of Carnival cruise lines from our shores, the inability to provide jobs for the youths, the increased decline towards Dominica becoming a failed state, the continued wastage of funds from the public purse and the continued fooling of our people with volatile niceties eg. the handing out of monies at the red clinic, the investment of millions into LIAT with no conditions to facilitate increased Entry into Dominica, the purchase of Rum for votes, the act of renaming Wesley constituency as NANNYVILLE by selecting a Canadian NANNY as it representative etc etc.

    • July Gem
      November 14, 2014

      Spot on you !!! Well said !!! Best comment on this article !!!

  77. 4u2c
    November 13, 2014

    DLP Manifesto is nothing but a photo album full of the same things of 2009 manifesto. Some tweeking here and their but NO ACHIEVEMENT!! Dr. Honeychurch praising under achievers and talking about pie in the sky. If maintaining and building feeder roads and creating jobs is a pie in the sky then this Manifesto is USELESS Beauty in words and photos.!!

  78. roseau
    November 13, 2014

    Mr Hornchurch you are a right down shame, to think that you were so involved in MAMO and the Freedom Party, who stood above all things for honesty and integrity. Yet today you are supporting this Government in whatever they do. It is a DAM shame, MAMO must be rolling in her grave.

      November 13, 2014

      Have you forgotten that, that same Skerrit was president of the Freedom Youth Movement and Horney was Mamo’s right arm too. Birds of a feather flock together

      • Anonymous
        November 16, 2014

        Birds of a feather preen together.

  79. farmers cry
    November 13, 2014

    manifesto or malfutionesto just do-sent cut it we the common people has not prosper under Skerrit we all just recently heard skerrit with his Messiah complex say how he feed thousand,to hell with handouts we want jobs jobs jobs
    and the natural gift GOD gave us, team Dominica is more than committed to repair our feeder roads so we can go back to our farms. get it DO YOU GET IT??????

  80. Hammond B3
    November 13, 2014

    Mr. Honeychurch…In that case, please call for a live debate between the two leaders. (One “r” is missing, but we all know what it stands for)… :-D roosevelt :mrgreen: If skeritt so heavy on the international scene, he should be able to face his challenger…..if he refuses, he will be perceived as WEAK….

    • November 13, 2014

      We put Dr. Honeychurch is full of it he cannot encourage Skerrit to come to a debate these are the guys who are helping Skerrit to keep poor people poor so they could keep their stand, well we going to show all of them that we had enough and we are going to change Government like it or not.

    • November 13, 2014

      The horse is already dead, DOA stop beating it. The debate is your idea. It’s a mere illusion. NEXT, My idea of a debate would be for you guys to debate each other, you are all in the same sinking ship.

  81. Anonymous
    November 13, 2014

    I am very disappointed in Mr. Honeychurch. I thought you are a man of integrity and character. Now I hear you speak well of this corrupt bunch. Well, well, well…

    • Papa Dom
      November 13, 2014

      Hatred is in their hearts. They cannot stand the fact the their godess Eugenia was defeated by U W P and in particular that Edison James had the balls to stand up to her.

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2014

      You would not be disappointed if you understood the meaning of manifesto. It is not about the man, it is about party intentions for the future.

      • Anonymous
        November 13, 2014

        You clearly do not know what’s going on. Skerrit is the DLP and the DLP is Skerrit. So what difference does it make? Haven’t you got it yet that he is coaxing us all into a dictatorship? Too many blind people on this island!

      • Titiwi
        November 14, 2014

        You really make me laugh. Those big billboards tell me it is definitely about the man. Hell, they even photoshopped his picture and give him lipstick.

  82. MUST!
    November 13, 2014

    Honey church you are a historian not a politician behave yourself change is coming :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :?: :?: :?: :-x :-x :-x

    • Mweh meme
      November 13, 2014

      Mr. Honychurch is a Dominican first, with the right to choose/support which ever party he chooses…whappen is one set dat can support openly. Leave de man alone…

      • Anonymous
        November 17, 2014

        Of course he is a Dominican. Of course he can express himself, thank God the constitution guarantees that still but it also gives others the freedom to express themselves. When you put yourself in the public eye you must expect not everybody to agree and say so. That too is democracy.

    • Pawee
      November 13, 2014

      I get your point but think of it, Lennox Honychurch is a historian. Someone who knows the historical ups and downs and almost every nook and cranny of our island’s history that we as fellow born and bred Dominicans are not even aware of. Even if he is not a politician, don’t you think that this qualifies him as the perfect person who can accurately analyze trends and the like throughout history as well as make predictions including political matters and do an excellent job at it as to what our country needs? All of us including you are not politicians yet all of us want to meddle in politics more than the political leaders themselves. Historian or not, he is Dominican and a well-educated one at that. You are even wrong about something. Dominicans call him a historian, he is in fact an anthropologist and is versed in other things as well. History is not all he knows about.

  83. IG
    November 13, 2014

    Lennox boi……. I see you technically on a campaign to keep mr. In power. Good luck to you. It seems like Dominica loses cause you guys are only concerned about yourselves. Can’t wait to get my hands on the manifesto. Tsk

  84. youth
    November 13, 2014

    I wonder how much Will be implemented

  85. Channel 1
    November 13, 2014

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ………………………….Like everybody gonna have to sing for their next supper boy…

    I wonder who next that is going to come out singing praises for Skerrit and his Delirious Labour Party (DLP)???

    Dem man trying everything to try to fool people eh. Look a DESPERATE labour party (dlp)…………. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    By the way DNO, is the title of this article redundant? I mean what else would one have expected this local historian to say about the DLP manifesto??? 8-O 8-O

  86. November 13, 2014

    The DLP deserve another term to fulfilled their promises if the DLP failed to fulfilled their promises then we will tossed them out next general election. If the UWP get in office their first term will be a big challenge and that will be a set back for our country.I can’t wait to see an international airport and I believe this government will built an international airport.

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2014

      If this government builds an airport under the model BOOT, (Build, Own, Operate, Transfer) when does it become Dominica’s airport?

      • Anonymous
        November 16, 2014

        Now he wants to build airport under boot? So shoe not good enough for him anymore?

  87. legobeast
    November 13, 2014

    my exact thoughts @SMH why include from 2000 when a manifesto is printed every five years..that says alot about that manifesto,,however a manifesto will manifest itself…….

  88. looking
    November 13, 2014

    Are handouts mentioned in the manifesto? Again Mr. Honeychurch singing for his supper

  89. Oh well
    November 13, 2014

    …so when men who spent their life working hard to get an education and to get themselves awards and recognition in their fields and in their older days when they are suppose to be basking in their achievement find themselves having to defend, ….their minds not telling them it is time for change”?

    So many DR this and DR that have to reduce themselves to criticizing on, personal levels, people who are practicing their democratic rights – for what? surely with a phd, you are suppose to be objective and should be able to have reasoned arguments without stooping to idle mapwe!! Expected better – I have no problem with him openly supporting Labour but atleast bring with you a breath of fresh, constructive air – don’t come acting like the SC has passed his hands in your brain!!

  90. Oh Really
    November 13, 2014

    “The manifesto which is going to be launched tonight is going to be based on three R’s,” he said. “It’s realistic. It’s based on a realistic program. This is not a manifesto which has picked ideas out of the sky, waking up in the morning with another brilliant thought, with absolutely no consciousness of what kind of economy there is and where the money is to achieve these things.”

    Seems the Dr is one of the devotees of the animal program’. Referring to an earlier article on Caribbean News now, the man quotes basically whats fed to the populace from Kairi, As a learned man I know his vocab is larger than that and I know he can fine ways of expressing his views or opinions without having to sound like a stuck record or plagiarist!

  91. John Jay
    November 13, 2014

    Don’t expect anything new from Honeychurch. Labour have been there for 14 years and he as a Dr is saying this .

  92. AA
    November 13, 2014

    Have the great doctor done a review of the 09 manifesto and indicate to us what percentage of that manifesto was implemented. is it 10 5 20 or 0% that was implemented. That would clearly give a track record for the realism of the manifesto or whether its just a lazy manifesto favoring the dumb boujoises over the middle class and poor which have been the governance patern of the labour party.

    Does it contain jobs creation or is it that the former PM is still in panama looking for the international airport eventhough the current PM say that he have an MOU with chineese

  93. smh
    November 13, 2014

    why shouldn’t the achievements be from after 2009 election to present? Isn’t a manifesto created every election?

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2014

      A manifesto is not about achievements. It’s about things to come the future. Get it straight.

      • Country Woman
        November 13, 2014

        And we know that but there have been 3 before and promises still not fulfilled.

      • Mamizoo
        November 13, 2014

        A manifesto of a party in office for 15 years must be based on past manifesto at least for the last 5 years. If your current manifesto is not predicated upon the previous manifesto then there is an awful disconnect.

      • Anonymous
        November 13, 2014

        Well, if they were to review the 2009 manifesto we all would find that it was full of lies and empty promises. No doubt this one will be exactly the same.

      • Anonymous1
        November 13, 2014

        I think that person was commenting on the sections of the article that stated “Skerrit informed that the document provides a summary record of the major achievements of the DLP since 2000…” – hence the reason for the comment.

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