Lucian People’s Movement praises Lennox Linton

Therold Prudent said the issue of sexual favors should be discussed
Therold Prudent said the issue of sexual favors should be discussed. Photo by St. Lucia Star

In a rare departure from its stated position to never interfere in the internal politics of other nations in the Caribbean region, the leader of Dominica’s United Workers Party (UWP) Lennox Linton, has come in for high praise from the Lucian People’s Movement (LPM) for his courageous decision to speak out against allegations of sexual favour in the politics of his homeland.

“The issue of sexual favours in Caribbean politics is a discussion which the heads of all responsible and self-respecting political organisations throughout the region should have with the rank and file of their membership and the citizens of their respective nations as a whole,” leader of the LPM, Therold Prudent, said.

He continued, “For decades, we have ignored the prevalence of such demeaning behaviour towards women and have virtually allowed government ministers and politicians in general to employ the trappings of their offices to exploit the social and economic vulnerability of young women throughout the Caribbean region without any serious public admonition or rebuke.”

Linton was praised for speaking about allegations of  sexual favors
Linton was praised for speaking about allegations of sexual favors

According to Prudent, “The problem with Caribbean politics is that it has had a tendency to attract men who are interested in sleeping with as many women as possible instead of viewing their entry into politics as a God-given opportunity to radically improve the lives of the people who have become greatly disadvantaged as a direct result of their socioeconomic circumstances. However, the problem is made even worse when you have so-called diehard supporters who are willing to defend at all cost, and shamelessly cover for, the men in their parties who have a history of sexually exploiting women.”

Prudent also stated that “this business of sexual exploitation, which has been a part of the fabric of Caribbean politics for so long, and in which some Caribbean politicians are secretly, and in some cases publicly, allowed to keep scorecards of their exploits, must come to an end.”


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  1. July 5, 2014

    If you throw a stone at a pack of dogs the one that howls is the one that was hit.

    If you speak in general terms making broad sweeping statements it is not likely an innocent man will retaliate because he was not directly accused, and there is no witness. To defend himself could be seen as an admission of guilt. He has nothing to disprove.

    General terms and broad sweeping statements hurt individuals and embarrass families. Other members of their particular profession or walk of life are brought under the shadow of suspicion without cause and without due appreciation being shown for their dedication and contributions.

    If a man is in a position of trust with women coming to him for assistance the women should be treated with the utmost respect as should all others. The only reason he has the job is because of people who need his help. They are the reason he sits in the office. But politicians are not the only ones who sometimes betray the trust placed in them. Sexual harassment is the worst kind of betrayal. Workers in various careers including my own are sometimes guilty. It is not the entire profession that is corrupt. It is a very small percentage.

    This is why each individual case must be judged on its own merits. Instead of those in higher positions of authority looking the other way they should hear each allegation. The accused must be named! If you do not have a name you do not have a case! If people knew every accusation would be dealt with fairly and squarely with witnesses and evidence out in the open they would be less apt to make false accusations to bring down the career of a rival or competitor.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  2. No Man Is God
    June 2, 2014

    You know, I have been closely following this story and chose to remain quiet about it. But as I continue to follow and read the comments made by some of us I bow my head in shame.

    I not then and now and not in the future as far as I am concerned be the supporter of any party politics. I will choose to support persons whose interest is the development of my land and people and honest representation of themselves and the country.

    In this case it seems as though the concern is who brought this situation to the public as opposed to being about the situation itself.

    For years women are being exploited not just by Ministers of Government but by Pastors, Teachers, Police Officers just to name a few. Most times the exploited ones are to ashamed to face the public. Added to that there is the usual cry from some of us that the women are throwing thereselves out there for whatever reasons and exchanging sexual favours for kind. While I am not disputing that may be the case sometimes it is not the case all the time.

    Some of the persons in the High places that view themselves as gods and perceive that they can do no wrong, usually make the less fortunate who goes to them for a pittance to help them through feel like there is no other way but their way. Sometimes the self confidence of those women are so low and the situation may be such as they feel that they have no other way out……….

    Forget about Mr. Linton and Mr. Skerrit for a minute and think about the women, the situation and what is happening not just in Dominica but all over……..Stop making everything political.

    • Anonymous
      June 2, 2014

      I agree with your comments 100%. Just about everything that happens in Dominica is about the government and politics. Very good article.

  3. Iminit
    June 1, 2014

    Tell me more.

  4. Anonymous
    June 1, 2014

    I have often pondered over our so called Caribbean Unity initiative. When there is some unrest in one of our CARICOM countries the leaders are quick to intervene an send in the RSS; and i would applaud them for that. However it bothers me that when there is inappropriate behavior by one or more of our Caribbean politicians the rest are silent. Guess what the dumb excuse is we will not interfere in the internal politics of other countries. The question to be asked is this the case of “Birds Of A Feather Flocking Together”

  5. Malpardee
    June 1, 2014

    Yes i ! all of a sudden man apraising. I smell a rat. Cover up… Haha haha boy i wish god would make d truth come out to expose this man true identity. The problem is that, some people involve people in their dirty story and forgetting what they say or plot. Then bammmm the secret of deception come out. Time will tell. I always tell always say, when u planning evil against people do it on your own. Once u involve other people , u suck salt. Time will tell. The truth is yet to come. In time…

    • Malpardee
      June 1, 2014

      Correction, i always say….not i always tell always say. Typo error.

      • Simply the Truth
        June 1, 2014

        This could happen to anyone. There are times we are correcting a sentence or a few words and then forget about the other words. It was just an oversight. It was not as if it was incorrect spelling. Even then it may not be the author’s fault.
        I can inform you about that for whenever I type on DNO some words change. I noticed this commenced in approximately November, 2013, if not before. I have to constantly re-check the words I type. It is time-consuming.
        You have heard of the HeartBleed which affected Canadians and now BlackShade, the latter which the FBI relayed, whereby a man devised a corrupt system and sold it over the Internet for $40.00 and millions of people bought it. It was stated that millions of computers worldwide are affected. It was also stated 19 countries are involved. They can also manipulate your computer keyboard.
        I am surprised that DNO has not reported this international news which could affect (also) Dominicans.
        As I heard/read, a man, 25 years old, the originator who devised this corrupt system is from Sweden. He was arrested and is to be extradited to the US. Many were arrested with more to be arrested. Who knows if some D/cans did not purchase it. The FBI is working around the clock.
        Our computer is no longer safe. In addition, the FBI and other security sources scrutinize all what we write. We cannot blame them. They are searching for those who illegally hack computers, steal information as personal information and sell them to others. It includes bank accounts – money and stealing identities. If you have not yet heard/read of it, make it your business to know about it. The overall loss is exorbitant.
        I take these matters seriously. I have spoken to my technician who will soon be inspecting my computer system. I will inform him if he notices anything strange which pertains to this breach of security information as I mentioned, to notify me so that I will inform Canadian authorities and the FBI about it. I will give him those letters and numbers. Those who have purchased this corrupt system better cease using it for in time they will be caught and arrested.
        The FBI provided some letters and numbers and asked computer users to perform a search in their computers and if they find any to notify them. I recorded the letters and numbers for future reference including the FBI telephone numbers. If I have reason, I will not hesitate to telephone all of them concerned. I am an advocate of justice, law and order. It is not only for my protection but for everyone in the entire world.. May those crooks/evil people be brought to justice.

  6. heart
    June 1, 2014

    I am a woman and by no means do I condone that type of behaviour from any man in any walk of life and yes not politicians alone we all know that. But, what about the young and not so young women who throw themselves at the men to get certain favours, Is it right? We are all too familiar with the term “use what you have to get what you want.” Some of these women for whom we raise a hue and cry are not so innocent and a determined woman can go to the end of the world to get what she wants and for some it may involve offering sexual favours. This too should be condemned. The men are not always guilty, some are merely weak.

  7. natural dominican
    June 1, 2014

    I am no party supporter. In fact i detest party supporters that believe their party can do no wrong and stay blind to issues because of this premise but way to go Mr Linton….you have open Pandora’s box on this issue. This is exactly what we need; a leader who is not afraid to address the concerns of the people.

  8. Gary
    June 1, 2014

    It is a very reckless and irresponsible statement by Lucian People’s Movement (LPM) in support of Linton. It is utter nonsense to see Linton as the brave Politician in the forefront fighting for women exploited for sexual favors by politicians. Why are we refusing to look at the context of Mr. Linton choice of words used to address this issue. What Linton has done is somewhat dangerous and exploitative apart from the defamation suit brought against him by The Government.

    Dangerous, because Linton ignited a mass perception on a collective scale getting a response and creating a belief about The Ministers of Government which may be false and damaging to their character and reputation evidence of this belief can be seen from the comments right here on DNO. We all have our perceptions about The People elected to Govern us, but when we express those perceptions we should always be watchful and vigilante of slander, it is protection we all have under The Law of which Ministers of Government are entitled to, the right to protect their reputation. Exploitative, Mr. Linton is a Politician running for office and one of the means of gaining Political mileage is to address certain issues of people who are victimized and marginalized and as in this case it is women who are victims exploited for sexual favors by politicians.

    Are there women exploited for sexual favors by politicians
    yes, are all Politicians guilty of such exploitation, of course not. I think that Linton could have done a much better job with the choice of words used in addressing this issue but he chose other wise and now he is having to defend himself against a defamation suit.

    • Doc. Love
      June 2, 2014

      Gary, are you aware, sexual harassment is considered rape and does not necessarily mean a lady has to be penetrated. Are you aware, unwanted sexual jokes, unwanted cogging, patting on the backside, necking , kissing on the neck to name a few, all these behaviors are considered sexual harassment. Maybe, those behaviors could be doing on during in cabinet meetings, far less if a young lady was to approach a Minister of Government or any Government official in their offices seeking employment. It will be interesting when all those Ministers of Government come before the judge and are questioned as to whether at any time they were involved in any form of sexual harassment.

      • Gary
        June 3, 2014

        What is all this gibberish,What’s your point. As of now no one filed a case against any of The Ministers or made any allegation regarding sexual harassment so why are you talking about something that is speculative. Where do you get the nonsensical idea that sexual harassment is considered rape, wow, wallow in your ignorance.

  9. MeCamem
    June 1, 2014

    Although I believe this statement was motivated by a desire to gain political advantage, and that is what any wise politician should do; yet I agree that no matter what forum was employed, this pernicious sexual conduct which permeates Caribbean politics should be discussed, and I applaud Mr. Linton for owning the testicular fortitude to speak out on the issue.

    I just hope that women groups across the Caribbean, and in Dominica in particular, would take advantage of this opportunity to speak out on the issue despite their political affiliation.

  10. Shameless
    May 31, 2014

    The cancer of prostituting our women in return for help from the public purse has become pervasive and out of control in recent times. Our women have fought long and hard to remove the stigma of being looked at solely as sex objects but sadly, all the progress made have been lost in recent times.

    Look no further than within our very law enforcement department and you will see what is happening. It is alleged that senior officers are disrespecting junior rank women officers and even having children with them but refusing to take on the responsibility of fatherhood. To add insult to injury, they refuse to take DNA. It is also alleged that some women are denied promotion because they refuse to date senior officers who in turn block every promotion opportunity for these vulnerable you women..

    Lennox has finally hit the nail on the head and sparks has flown all over creating a much needed firestorm. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg because women are finally beginning to speak as encouraged by the the famous song by Wave; “I must speak”. In the coming days, weeks and months many will be giving statements lending credence to Mr. Linton’s assertion should this matter really go to the courts. Whie the guilty ones tremble and pray that Tony et Al will not take the matter forward lets us all pray that god will emancipate us all from mental slavery thus enabling us to stand and fight the good fight for what is right. OUR WOMEN DESERVE RESPECT & DIGNITY! DLP MUST GO!!! How long? NOT very long…

    Assertive, NOT Agressive!

  11. HA
    May 31, 2014

    When Linton begins to put a smile to his face and when he comes to pay his domlec bill say good morning or good day to the teller we will think about giving him a vote

  12. May 31, 2014

    Lennox did not word his statement correctly but we know what he meant to say, what he is talking about has been happening since Dominica had estates and women were working and men were supervising them if Lennox wasn’t going up for election he wouldnt see it is a problem.

  13. dno
    May 31, 2014

    I’ve got nothing to gain or loose. I voice my opinion like everyone else.
    Seems my comments have some effect /impact on the minds of the DNO Adm. Who cares? I say it as i see it. Moderate or not;, Good thing you always read my comments.

  14. Poison
    May 31, 2014

    Love it when the devil accuse the devil…I like it..

  15. Doc. Love
    May 31, 2014

    I wonder if Skeritt and the seventeen members of parliament realize the jewboom Tony and Lawrence have put them in. Are they aware every Minister of Government all over the whole wide world are going to take an interest in the outcome of the case. Are they aware, where as Skeritt did not have to attend the court sessions as regards charges brought against him in the citizenship case by the UWP, as the Party was the one who had to prove its case, this time the red shoe is on the other foot. Because they are the ones who have brought a case against Mr. Linton, they must attend court in order to see his evidence so as to defend themselves. I hope God gives me the life to be present when eighteen men and women who maybe Ministers of Government have to be grilled by a Senior Counsel, I hope Mr. Linton will employ to assist him. Mr. Lawrence claims the following statements are meant for this clients which are Government Ministers. “there can be no honor in a Government that habors rapists Ministers and upholds extortion of sexual services from young people seeking the facilitation of Ministers to get personal development assistance from the public purse.”

  16. Luke
    May 31, 2014

    This is what is wrong with us as a people to begin with. Women all over the world have been victimized and abused by men in power everyday since forever. We know it’s happening and we turn a blind eye and whisper when they walk by or snicker. But when someone is bold enough to say yes, it is happening, yes it has happened, and we want to put an end to it, we vilify those women and the people trying to open our eyes. That is hurtful because I am certain that everyone knows of someone who has experienced what Mr. Linton talked about and I DARE, yes I DARE any so-calles “man of God” presently employed in this current administration to come forward and deny that they have never used their position ro manipulate those whose needs they have been elected to serve. Who have eyes, let them see, who have ears, let them hear. We call ourselves a “praying people? ” Start praying for the hearts of men to be cleaned!!! God is not a God of mockery and he will bring wicked and evil men to their knees. No stones are being thrown, just a slice of the tip of the iceberg. Liar, liar, pants on fire!!!

    • Luke
      May 31, 2014

      Please excuse the typos.

    May 30, 2014

    The minsters have nothing to prove. They are the ones being accused.
    The one who accused them is responsible for producing the evidence to prove his case. Even if he mention anyone’s name he has to have the evidence to prove that individual is/was convicted as being a rapist. The case is proving to the court that the Government ministers are Rapists. That’s all wii! Bring it on.

    • No Man Is God
      June 2, 2014

      Take note in the the Legal System, the Plaintiff is always the one who has to prove there case. the Defendant just have to be able to defend themself against the charges brought against them.

  18. brutus
    May 30, 2014

    please do your best to build the LPM after receiving 163 votes in the 2011 election with 6 candidates. let us see lennox defend himself, come down to help him

  19. %
    May 30, 2014

    WHOY! I am just looking at the front cover of “The Pulse” Newspaper. ME MOON in St Joseph. Papi God OH!!!!! and this is just a section of the crowd? Don’t lie to me all you???????
    Well Labour Party House is really falling down. Can the Housing Revolution come to the assistance of the Labour Party House, with a little plywood, galvanize, etc.? The 21 DUNCE CATS must be wetting on their beds man!

    • JP
      May 31, 2014

      Good propaganda %, however it is much too late. It was just and average crowd your propaganda can’t change that.

    • There you have it
      May 31, 2014

      21 or 18 dunce-cats?

    May 30, 2014

    Sir with all due respect to what you have said; You seem to be mixing apples with grapes..There is nothing wrong talking about sexual favors that take place not only in politics but also in other institutions, business places. That is wrong and should be a matter of concern to all; but sexual advance by someone is different from by someone being a rapist. Linton did not alleged but accused the ministers of Government for raping and so they are rapist.
    Many say that they will come forward to testify that they were sexually harassed but were they raped? If so, why didn’t they report the matter to the police and provide the evidence? Why who they reported the matter to (if they did) did not assist them in getting help and also report the matter to authorities concern?
    Sir, do you know what is a rapist? Would you like someone to accuse you as being a rapist with no evidence to prove? While I respect your opinion, some people must be careful of how they handle and say things. Linton feels like he is untouchable and can say and do as he wishes and pleases. So if he can provide the evidence that the ministers of the Government are Rapists, then let him Bring it on and let the court decide.

    • Read More
      May 31, 2014

      You speak for me. This pronouncement by Prudent comes from a place of bias, clearly.

      Linton MUST be made to answer for his charges in civil court. All’s fair in politics, but accusing your opponent of such obscene and high crime is not joke and has no place in our politics, particularly without proof.

      If taking the matter to court and holding Mr. Linton accountable is what it takes to stop this madness, then Senior Counsel has a moral imperative to do just that.

    • Views Expressed
      May 31, 2014

      Fast and Furious, I think you need to slow down, cool down on your pace and try to be educated on the exploits of abuse, sexual abuse and all forms of abuse by people in high places. It is a fact, it happens, fro all exploits and reasons. Focus on the victims, the children, the mother with many mouths to feed…
      You are playing about with words in defence of who or what…? I tell you until it reaches home you never know how black the coffee the is.

    • Anonymous
      May 31, 2014

      Yes and that is where the problem starts , people who think they are powerful believe they are above the law they can do and say what they like ,taking advantage of situations because they feel they are entitled. Power corrupts

    • Anonymous
      June 1, 2014

      Because Labour Party is the law

    • Anonymous
      June 1, 2014

      And someone could also be raped mentally. Sometimes it’s only with hard statement like this we can bring awareness to such despicable behavior by some in authority

    • Anonymous
      June 1, 2014

      Your comments qualify you to be labeled an “OSTRICH” you can bury your head in the sand all you want. In the real world when such allegations are leveled against the servants of the people a commission of inquiry would have been set up headed by a SENIOR COUNCIL oh! sorry retired Chief Justice. Then would you call upon the accusers to provide the evidence; not when it’s convenient for you. The question i would like to ask you is “whom do you report the wrong doing of POLITICIANS to”?

  21. *******************
    May 30, 2014

    Expose all forms of evil.

    • Anonymous
      May 30, 2014

      Hope you will help him prove his case.Alix need to take his brother to court as well, these people are very disrespectful

    • """""""""""""""""""
      June 2, 2014

      @Anonymous WHICH CASE. There is no case to be answered to. JUST TRUTH!

  22. May 30, 2014

    my fellow Dominicans I am Not sure if Lenox allegations are true or false the courts will decide. How ever we all know that this things do happen in our society, and I have to comend Lenox for having the backbone and the balls to bring it out so, now we can atleast start having the conversation.

    • FORKIT
      May 31, 2014

      dress with a skirt, fake breast and lipstick and go and ask for a job and you will see if dey will russle you like an old cow

  23. IFF I WUZ
    May 30, 2014

    Parry, I would congratulate Mr. Prudent. Politicians talk about Caribbean unity and productivity, if we are afraid to call things by their real names like Mr. Prudent and Mr. Lennox Linton, all the talk is just cow manure.

  24. %
    May 30, 2014

    What spineless Caribbean leaders could not do in years, Linton has done it in a few months.
    Call a rally now to see people.
    Keep up the momentum

  25. %
    May 30, 2014

    Because of Lintons fearless spirit in exposing WRONGS.
    Because of Linton’s ability to take on 21 DUNCE CATS, in the Labour Party head on
    Because on Linton’s exposure of malfeasance in Public Office, especially in his WORLD FAMOUS ” Between You and Me Programme”(also listened to on Mars and outer space)
    Because of Linton’s ability to stun and MOO MOO SKERRIT, by exemplary leadership based on “TRUTH”
    Because of Linton’s ability to deliver one of the speeches that will make him break the abuse of women by Caribbean politicians.
    Because of Lintons fight for the::::::::::
    abused women
    I the blogger called % ( a former Labourite) do therby present this man (Linton) to you all and i fully and categorically DECLARE HIM A Dominica and Caribbean HERO
    Hip! Hip Hip Hooray
    Hip! Hip! Hip! Hooray!

    • Anonymous
      May 31, 2014

      Why are you saying that you were a Labourrite when u knew you never was.

  26. May 30, 2014

    My Brother Therold Prudent Well Said. For Such a Time As This. Affirmation! The Authority THE LORD Our GOD Gave For You To Speak. Talk about Desire Of The Heart And Answered Prayers.
    Thank You for Looking In and Sharing Such Vital Contribution. The Shaking has begun. Those Who are Laborers In The Work Will Receive Just Reward. Thank You For Being Obedient and Sharing LOVE, Loving GOD And Your Neighbors. Caring For Your Brothers and Sisters.
    With this Contribution the scope was broadened. We Know, For THE LORD HAVE SPOKEN : ” I WILL not reap where I did not plant.” Will HE DWELL IN that which HE did not build? CREATOR AND OWNER.
    THANK YOU LORD For You Sir And The People In The Land Where You Dwell,Many Blessings. Thank You For Registering In With Us And Early At It Also. Continue To Speak All Our FATHER IN HEAVEN GIVES Us To Speak. Yes, Yes, Yes.

  27. BIL
    May 30, 2014

    Prudent those of no sins cast the first stone. I hope this praising message don’t condemn you.

    • FORKIT
      May 31, 2014

      idiot stop dat

      May 31, 2014

      So what you saying, is that people who may have sinned, should sit idle by and just allow sin to prevail? What kind of callous Christianity is that. Only the devil in hell will be happy with that type of apathetic statement.

  28. john Doe
    May 30, 2014

    You laborite you too dam bias.

  29. Fil
    May 30, 2014

    He is praising lenox for calling people rapist but he never call his fellow St. lucians such name if at all he knows its happening.

    • %
      May 30, 2014

      @Fil You seem to be shocked that Linton had the courage to expose this cancer which seem to be plaguing Caribbean politics.
      Wasn’t it the same Linton those on the Animakol Show called ‘dropout’ and all manner of names. So when will Skerrit break his moo mooism. Has he abdicated his role in favour of the senoiior Cu Cum>?
      HOW LONG?
      NOT LONG!

      • popi
        May 31, 2014

        If this was happening when the UWP was in office, why was it not expopsed by the Investigative Journalist, who was very much alive and well at the time, singing the praises of the UWP. It seems that issues are relevant depending on which political party is in power.

    • A Doubting Thomas
      May 31, 2014

      And he said it is happening all over? What is happening all over?

      Maybe he should follow the UWP leader and do the same thing for his own country and to his own people in government. Let him come forward in St. Lucian and accuse them. In the same way.

      Do you think any UWP supporter would tell him not to interfer with Dominica politics as a former UWP leader told the Americans when they were going to assist us in getting an airport? Or is it okay only when it is pro UWP.

      Which of the UWP Candidates or supporters would tell him to stay away and as he said in the opening about not interfering in the politics of other Caribbean islands.

      He of course, ignore the main issue. The calling of women prostitutes and accusing some one of Rape or a whole group of people of Rape is an entirely different kettle of fish.

      The brother maybe meant well, but he totally ignored the entire issue. That only shows us, although he wants to show some sort of support for the UWP Leader; it was lukewarm. He shied away from the whole issue of Rape and Prostitution.

      I would take him more seriously if he were to boldly accuse the St. Lucians Cabinet Members the way the Dominica UWP accused Dominica’s.. I am holding my breadth.

  30. Out of state
    May 30, 2014

    Sir Prudent, Congrates, If we are speaking of Caribbean integration, we must speak out and support issues like that, since that is a problem affecting all the Caribbean islands. These so call Honorable men must stop that and behave like respectable men. They must stop that they must really really stop that.

  31. T mama
    May 30, 2014

    Hats off to you Mr. Prudent…good stuff, and yes we all have to take a firm stand on these mattes,, its DEGRADING….Lennox was speaking for all of us and to the young people telling them to be careful and on the lookout,,,,nothing wrong in that…..keep strong Lennox

  32. Anonymous
    May 30, 2014

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  33. Anonymous
    May 30, 2014

    Bring it on…….but then you run……son of a gun……..the heat is on……..its been brought!

    My poetic two cents :mrgreen:

  34. ?
    May 30, 2014

    This Team Dominica appears to have a serious following.
    The issue of sexual abuse of women by Politicians and Ministers in Government needs some focus and attention. Let’s not forget the recent cases that the Trinidad PM had to deal with recently. She even went to de extreme by removing de despicable culprits from their ‘honorable’ Government positions.
    Today i read that the Pope is preparing to meet with the victims of sexual abuse……….all de time de accused priests and Bishops sitting protected in de Vatican……..years…..but this is the time… pope is actually going to meet the people making de allegations……..yes i
    I wish i wish i wish
    I doh even have faith in our local priest and pastors…men of the cloth
    to mediate situations like that…when was the last time you heard dem condemning a murder, or high stakes drug cases like de one with ‘shakes’……alas
    leadership in Dominica is wanting on de Government, Judicial and Religious side…….all of dem……..none of dem want to protect us
    none of dem want to stand up and join our fight

    This Team Dominica is working in de better interest of Dominica and de Region as whole
    They have not been in office yet but you can already see a glimpse of what’s to come………in unity there is strength

    • Anonymous
      June 1, 2014

      Couldn’t say it better. I agree with you 100%.Team DA all the way. Very impressive.

  35. combos
    May 30, 2014

    so tell me dlp are you going to sue this Man too? or ask for one million dollars

    • *******************
      May 30, 2014

      @combos Money they like. I would pyut a million thorns in the hands ofeach of the 21 clowns.

    • flight
      May 31, 2014

      @combos, has the man called anyone a rapist? He spoke of sexual favors, nowhere in his satement did he support Linton in calling ministers rapist, so stop mixing the issues.

  36. mum
    May 30, 2014

    start making collection for us in st lucia $10000000. we stiupee…..and say the same about Anthony

  37. fedupdominican
    May 30, 2014

    Dominica need Jesus plain n simple u ppl need start praying for ur country instead of blasted each other with hurtful words I don’t support neither labor nor workers to me skerrit n Linton shaking hands in he same because the same thing the pm doing is the same thing Lennox doing hitting each other with allegations and all sorts of rubbish this country will never change and it will never move to a next level until the so called politicians GROW UP!!!”

  38. Francisco Telemaque
    May 30, 2014

    “He continued, “For decades, we have ignored the prevalence of such demeaning behaviour towards women and have virtually allowed government ministers and politicians in general to employ the trappings of their offices to exploit the social and economic vulnerability of young women throughout the Caribbean region without any serious public admonition or rebuke.”

    At leas one honest Caribbean politician has spoken out; recognizing the this costmary problem. I would imagine that since he noted: “we have ignored the prevalence of such demeaning behaviour towards women and have virtually allowed government ministers and politicians in general to employ the trappings of their offices.” Perhaps we can look forward to see him getting sued by all the dirty politicians, in the Caribbean, including the vaulters politicians in Dominica even if in his statement he has not mentioned any name.

    If St. Lucia politics, is as low, and dirty as that of Dominica; we might just hear the rapist, and sexual predators politicians in St. Lucia filing law suits against him too. He made an open statement, open for debate, the same as Lennox made I imagine; if he named someone in his comments that would have been a closed statement, which may, or may not constitute a law suite.

    It seems to be open season for suing; however, only in Dominica!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Chikungunya
      May 31, 2014

      Man you sound intellectual but still bias to the core. This is a societal issue and not one for only politicians. If politicians would clean up their act only, the problem will still exist. Some women are vulnerable many know exactly what they are doing. This talk came up only after sexual harassment surfaced. Clean up Dominica being biased will not solve the d……. Problem,

  39. kawat Roseau
    May 30, 2014

    He actually said “tell Lennox” ….you are spreading untruths. Check your facts. Peace

    • Francisco Telemaque
      May 30, 2014

      “kawat Roseau”

      If I am not mistaken, “Kawat” means “rat” so, what can be expected from a rodent, a rodent, which lives in sewer systems, which our favorite luxury toilet, better known as the pit-hole!

      He said to tell Lennox what?

      He said to tell Lennox that you are a dunce who does not know who to read and understand what you read, in other words you are ignorant!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  40. Dominican
    May 30, 2014

    I do not condone the behavior or men in high places exploiting young women; however, this has been existence for a long time. There are former politians from every party who have been involved in that behavior. UWP, please do not pretend that your members are squeaky clean; alot of them a guilty of the same misconduct. This is similar to the foreign passport issue. The PM was accused of having foreign citizenship whereas there were many before him from past administrations who had the same. Lennox you will not sit in the presidential chair, no matter how hard you try. The people of DA do not like your style. The UWP need to get a new leader. Only then will they stand a chance.

  41. Sane
    May 30, 2014

    Mr Prudent,
    Linton referred to the young people in Dominica as “PROSTITUTES”. That’s how YOU view young Dominicans???
    Is that your view also of St Lucian young people and are you prepared to brand them as such at your next political rally??

    • T
      May 30, 2014

      You have no understanding. Skerrit has made you his slave, so you are dumb, blind and death on matters to do with Labour Party… You name suits you well. You are even inSane.

      • Sane
        May 30, 2014

        T, if u had even one fragment of sense you would have made an attempt at least to address the TOPIC.

        Burning down the court house doesn’t do away with the law!

        Time to purge your skull. Make room for some brain!!

      • load
        May 31, 2014

        @T, Sane seems to have struck a nerve as I see you have reverted to name calling. FACTS are stuborn things bro. :cry: :cry: :cry:

    • May 30, 2014

      Sane you are a dam liar how do you sleep at night when you haven got an ounce of knowledge, understand or common sense it must be very hard on you The English language is so difficult for the likes of you maybe you should ask Pm Skerrit to open up night classes so you as well as other who think like you attend classes

    • me and urs
      May 31, 2014

      Thats what you heard Lennox say? You have a hearing problem or u are one of them spreading propaganda? What bothers me about you people is that you are not saying well if there is any truth to what Mr Linton has said we are condemnjng that and let us investigate. You need to call on pm to investigate the ministers to see if there is an once of truth to this. Then if there is no truth we then take mr Linton to court. But instead of standing up for women , we defending politicians

    • FORKIT
      May 31, 2014

      you are truly the epitome of idiot, or just listening and repeating…. listen to de damn rally clip, because I listened to it and he did not call anybody prostitutes…

      so if you know you are one then don’t be an A and show it

  42. Morhei_Ueishia
    May 30, 2014

    Lennox Linton is Dominicas hero, there will come a time when all those laybarites will leave skerrit and turn to uwp, just wait and see i just hope that all the praise and power will not corrupt his soul and make him worse than our outgoing pm.

    • hero
      May 31, 2014

      @Morhei_Ueishia, sweet dreams before the nightmare comes.

    • Read More
      May 31, 2014

      What you smoking?

  43. i must speak
    May 30, 2014

    yes i strong words, that made me shiver just reading it. i am so happy that linton is getting outside support.

    sometimes it is good to know that we are not alone in this fight towards respect, democracy and honour. thank you very much sir for not remaining silent and in fear of being victimized, just proves that you have the gutts. hats off!

    • rosebud
      May 30, 2014

      I am in St. Lucia right this minute. You do not want to see the news on TV. I have not seen this man saying anything about the crimes even against young children that are being broadcast this week. This man who has so much values must check what is happening in his backyard first before he tries to clean someone else’s. Who really is he? He is definitely not a popular human being in this “Helen of the West” He should his time to work on his party.

      • T
        May 30, 2014

        @resebud He has to start somewhere, so i thank him a million times for not staying MOO MOO like Skerrit on the matter.

      • Views Expressed
        May 31, 2014

        At least, he is talking about the vulnerable children, poor mothers who are abused………this is his platform, good for him, good for Dominica, good for St. Lucia…….
        We have to stand up to get rid of this surge.

  44. say. wha
    May 30, 2014

    Come on folks stop acting like we don’t know about the sexual misconduct of politicians. Like really? These accusations shouldn’t surprise anyone…. If we consider ourselves as a god fearing island why are we so scared of man, and defending actions we know exsit? Let this play out! But seriously, what is being done about this mosquito virus? Enough about politics, am I the only one not phased by politicians and concerned about public health?

  45. Anonymous
    May 30, 2014

    I hope these young women that the UWP are trying to get as witnesses and those making claims will be able to come to court and present EVIDENCE to support their claim that they were forcibly engaged in sexual acts by ministers (not text messages or ‘you have pretty eyes’ or ‘nice body” or anything to the like since that is most certainly not RAPE). If these individuals are unable to do that then they would be subjecting themselves to perjury charges and even possible jail time. This is serious business and RAPE is a serious charge to make against anyone. I hope that those pushing these people here on DNO and in the UWP circle are able to back up the support for these young ladies and do not leave them stranded like they did to Checko, since this is the modus operandi of the UWP and its supporters.

    • CallAspadeAspade
      May 30, 2014

      My dear I believe in free speech but your comments are so laughable and ignorant it shows the mentality of some members of our society. Let me school you for a second on some pertinent issues young blood, so pay attention:

      When someone uses their position of power or wealth to coerce another into a sexual act because they are in a position to assist that individual it is a form of rape. The offender has raped the victim of their dignity, their morality and has dehumanized him/her by putting a price on their body.

      In many cases the victims of these atrocities are simply looking for a better education or to provide food on their table and already has to suffer in the indignity of going to these men “cap in hand” because of the socioeconomic situation of the island which has left them unable to provide for their needs and they are subjected to the further humiliation of being taken exploited. It is rape and comments like yours simply reinforces in them that they have yet again been failed by a society in which they are meant to belong.

      • hero
        May 31, 2014

        @CallAspadeAspade, are you trying to redifine rape to suit your own agenda? RAPE:the act of forcing a woman to have sexual intercourse against her will. Your schooling on this matter discribes prostitution not rape.

    • unknown
      May 30, 2014

      stupid comment. it is not women who support uwp alone that has been exploited. women from all walks of life has been exploited. Even who has been exploited is politized. Dominican women has been exploited, not red, blue, green , yellow women. DOMINICAN WOMEN.

    • ()
      May 30, 2014

      @Anonymous Making claims about what?. Sot you Sot man? Who tell you this can be brought to court and be heard. If there is one time i would like to be in a court roon would be this time. Just to see and know the so called ministers ministers.
      That is what a school drop out can do.
      TAKE THAT!

    • ??????????????????
      May 30, 2014

      @Anonymous These women will have nothing to say, since tehere WILL BE NO CASE CONCERNING THAT!
      You want a can of worms to be opened in the court house?

    • Anonymous
      May 30, 2014

      Effectively you would be saying the matter shouldn’t be whether Ministers coerce women to engage in sex for favors but more-so whether it can be proven to be true. This is like saying thieves can steal as much as they want as long as they don’t get caught. I THINK Ministers should be held in much higher esteem and their actions should absolve them from allegations.

  46. ATL
    May 30, 2014

    Dominicans, please sharpen your critical thinking skills.

  47. lync
    May 30, 2014

    Wrong is wrong doesn’t matter which party is doing it.. some of you all need to stop trying to play blind.. Just remember we have sisters , daughters n the list goes on. No woman should be taken advantage of… N it’s a shame that’s some women take this as a joke n so political.

  48. truth
    May 30, 2014

    when mr linton was speaking on voters getting paid to come and vote ,a statement was posed to him ,listen; it said
    MR linton ,i understood that when workers was in power,there was a few people that was also paid to come down and vote ,
    Mr linton did;nt deny that nor trashed it like mr skeritt cotinues to do ,but I lke that I like that ,I really jike that, BUt ,he said,If it happened back then ,it was wrong ,just like it is happening now,it is wrong ,
    Because wrong is wrong,inspite of who commits it .
    THAT IS THE WAY A LEADER SHOULD TALK,and this is one of the reasons ,that i have great respect for this man ,
    I really do not allow my children listen to mr skeritt speak ,he is no good role model

    • rosebud
      May 30, 2014

      Any Dominican who is registered to vote has a right “according to the constitution” to come to Dominica to vote. All of us who can read and understand know that. No matter what place in the whole wide world you are, once your NAME is on the voters list and YOU ARE A DOMINICAN no one I say, NO ONE can stop you from voting. So people can talk, scream, cry, tear their hair out of their heads to fool people but, the law is the law. And you should know many of us pay our air fares since we can afford to vote for the party we want to run our country.

    • .
      May 30, 2014

      No wonder i love him so much. He is truthful and fearless to speak the truth.
      Give us another rally!

      • Dominican
        May 31, 2014

        Truthful? Where was his voice when the same thing was happening when uwp was in office.

    • tom
      May 31, 2014

      As a UWP backbencher supporter from 1995-2000 he sat and said nothing while the UWP was bringing in people to vote also again in 2005 he said nothing, What leadership? He also said nothing about alledged sexual favors activities by some members of the UWP. DNO I hope u publish this.

  49. tee
    May 30, 2014

    Dominicas change is realllyy coming!!!! These are the signs!



    • rosebud
      May 30, 2014

      It is time to rise. You all seem to be taking a really long time to do so. Need better techniques. You can only catch flies with honey not vinegar.

      • money money money
        May 31, 2014

        We will say to you: Shew fly, don’t bother us.

  50. May 30, 2014

    8-O :oops: :cry: 8) :twisted:

  51. watermelon
    May 30, 2014

    I told you lennox you have the swag in politics.

  52. Anonymous
    May 30, 2014

    Why all these UWP supporters running to hail their ‘messiah’ Lennox as an ‘upright individual’ trying to defend women don’t ask him to truthfully answer the allegations of sexual abuse which were labelled against him by a female employee at his former workplace?? Yet you guys rush to sentence ‘ministers’ of government for ‘RAPE’ without even having any evidence to support???? Blantant hypocracy I must say. But I guess that’s the modus operandi of the blue party and its supporters. Will not win you guys any elections anyway!!!

    By the way, who is this Prudent guy anyway?? Most St. Lucians I speak to liken him and his party to that of Pappy here in Dominica. Then again, the man is entitled to his opinion and i guess is seeking some form of publicity. To each his own.

    • rosebud
      May 30, 2014

      In St. Lucia right now. He IS HARDLY KNOWN.

      • money money money
        May 31, 2014

        shew fly!

    • maindesk
      May 30, 2014

      You mean if Pappy says Thou shalt not steal you will dismiss it because is Pappy and not God who said it

    • Jama
      May 30, 2014

      Who cares what you or your friends think about his party. If he speaks the truth we cares? As far as I am concern this is the kind of leaders we need in the Caribbean. Mr Prudent is it!!!!!! bravo Sir!!!

  53. roseau
    May 30, 2014

    It doesn’t matter if this was also done during the UWP’s time in office. The fact is that it is wrong whether it was done by red, blue, etc and it needs to be condemned. I applaud Mr Linton for standing up and to the labourites who are so hypocritical saying this doesn’t happen when they darn well know that this is happening, is truly sad. It should not matter who does it when something is wrong we need to say it is wrong.
    People like Sonia and the Speaker where were you when Austrie was spreading his venom about a woman,

    • maindesk
      May 30, 2014

      There is only one member of the UWP that is running for elections this year that was there in 1995-2000.

    • rosebud
      May 30, 2014

      A tailor knows best what a tailor does.

    • Dominican
      May 31, 2014

      That may be so, but they are still referencing the 2000 manifesto.

  54. Tri-State Beauty
    May 30, 2014

    A lie’s greatest defense is to tell the lie and hope that no one will counter it with the truth,

    However Truth crushed to earth will rise again.. Martin Luther King.

    You can’t hide a burning candle under dry brush, the flames will sooner or later come through..

    I stand in solidarity with Lennox Linton and all the VICTIMS who are brave enough to step foward and call this by it’s name. I stand with those who can put party and colour aside and admit this evil has to stop.

    May 30, 2014

    Sir, With all due respect to you,you seem to be mixing apples with grapes. Nothing is wrong in talking about sexual favors that’s taking place not only in politics but also in all institutions, business places and even Individuals. This should not happen and should be a matter of concern;But sexual advance is far different from you being a raped. Linton did not alleged but he ACCUSED the ministers of rape and called them Rapists. Many may or will come and say they were sexually harassed by someone but were they raped? If so, they must provide the evidence and why didn’t they report that to the police?or who ever they reported the matter to didn’t assist them in getting help and report the matter to the authorities concerned?
    Sir do you know what a rapist is? Would you agree for someone to accuse you as being a rapist without coming with the evidence to Brand you as a rapist? Does sexual advance condemn you as being a rapist? Sir, while I respect your opinion,some people must be careful how they handle and say things.Linton is just rude and disrespectful and feels he can say and do as he wishes. He thinks he is untouchable. If Linton can prove the ministers of the Government to be rapists then let him Bring it on.

    • T
      May 30, 2014

      @FAST N IDIOT Lets join hands and say well done to the incoming Prime Minister Lennox Linton, for being a strong advocate for abused women.!!!!!!!!!!!!
      We want another rally now PM LInton. I am sure the next rally will have to be at WindsorPark. I cannot think of a playing field in Dominica that will be able to accommodate the number of people who will turn ou TO HAIL YOU A HEROt!

        May 30, 2014

        @T, I wonder if you really listen to yourself!
        Do you make any sense? Come out from behind the curtains and make some sense. Stop disguising under different characteristics; and who cares about your responses whether you like, dislike or block.
        I’m very happy you always look for my comments because there is always something you learn from them. I’M YOUR MENTOR!

      • Gary
        June 1, 2014

        Wow, it is very disturbing to hear you say that Linton is a strong advocate for abused women. Do you know what an advocate is. I would like you to tell me what advocacy work has Linton done on the behalf of abused women. When a Politician makes a speech of allegations using poor choices of words against Ministers of Government using their office to exploit women for sexual favors and he is facing a defamation suit does not at fit the description of someone as an advocate for abused women. it is very sad if you harbor such belief.

  56. Bee
    May 30, 2014

    Thanks for your support fellow islander!

    Many persons are commenting that the same things happened under the UWP’s term in office. Wrong is Wrong irregardless of who is doing it. If its not reported then it does not come out to the public. The affected persons need to bring these issues/incidents out to the public instead of feeling ashamed. The perpetrators are the ones who should be made to be felt ashamed and in the case of persons in high office, government ministers included should be fired or made to resign.

    What is of dire concern is that with all this talk going around not once has the PM taken a stance and offered to launch an investigation or in saying that it’s not true pledge his support to the women of the land.

    Makes one wonder…. but like I said previously Tony just want to get the courts to put a gag order on Lennox on the issue in attempt to sweep it under the carpet.

  57. IJS
    May 30, 2014

    Wrong is wrong no matter where. That being said what about the sexual harassment allegations against lennox

  58. Fair And Balance
    May 30, 2014

    Thank you Mr. prudent. It really takes a prudent person to echo such truth. God Bless you Mr. Lennox Linton! Always remember that God always stands on the side of truth while the devil stands always stands against those who love truth; But truth has always won and will always continue to win.

    • Gary
      June 1, 2014

      That is such an arrogant comment.. I do not think you understand the concept of what truth really is. Your religious notions are so absurd, pity your arrogance and ignorance regarding this issue.

  59. Ferbreze
    May 30, 2014

    when is this was of the roses going to stop. this thing is going to grow into a monster and get too big to be contained… both Linton and the people he is accusing have these matters over their head. but it is also rumored that Linton is the same as the people who he is bringing the allegations against to say the least.

    St. Lucia its worst so don’t let external influences deter your mind on internal issues. it seems that prudent is not so prudent at all. it seems he wants to give linton a leaf from his page.

  60. As I See It
    May 30, 2014

    We need more leaders like Lennox Linton in the Caribbean…The region is crying out for respectful, honest and accountable leadership… Most politicians in the Caribbean appear to be heading down the road of corruption and dictatorship aided and abetted by crooked and corrupt lawyers.,,,while the rest of us stand by and look on helplessly….
    The time for Change Has Come to the Caribbean. Lawyers

    Congrats to Mr. Prudent for adding his voice to this serious matter.

  61. Me
    May 30, 2014

    Just let Tony sue….I will be in court testifying….I have been a victim. BRING IT ON Toni. Sue him nah,,, sue him..

    • May 30, 2014

      I did not get a job because I REFUSED to engage in sexual favors.

      • Anonymous
        May 30, 2014

        Proud of you.

    • rosebud
      May 30, 2014

      You should be ashamed of yourself. So you allow this to happen to you and you have to rely on yet to be prime minister to come out and say so before you? You will testify you say, but YOU must bring in the evidence. How is the court going to prove that you were raped? You might bring someone to say that he or she was standing guard while the act was taking place, but where is the DNA? You have it waiting in your fridge? So you could not use the big intelligent brains God gave you to tell the rapists that you will NOT be a part of their dastardly act? Did they place a gun to your head? Did they tie you down? Why did you not go to the police if you were raped? No one should rape another. It is illegal behavior that should be abhorred. However, we need to speak the truth always and if these things happen to us we should not wait when there is no evidence to prove our case to come to the public with it. I would say to you that make sure you do not find yourself in any such situation AGAIN. Empower yourself by using your education of whatever kind to enhance your life.

      May 30, 2014

      Hope you testify with proof or you may well end up in jail for perjury!

    • heart
      June 1, 2014

      A victim and you sat with your mouth shut for so long? It took a political campaign for you to report a rape? You will only go to court to save an aspiring leader and not yourself? Come on young lady

  62. Barbara Saunders
    May 30, 2014

    I agree that if such things go on they are detestable. I often wonder though what is the responsibility of the women in these matters? If I go to a Minister in a Government office with a valid request for assistance from state resources and he asks me to come to his home do I need a Phd to recognise what’s coming?

    I also note interestingly, the reference to this exploitation for state help as being a feature of Caribbean politics which needs to end. I agree and based on what I have been hearing recently, was surprised to know that it didn’t start in 2014 because I didn’t think there could be parties shouting now who could have been harbouring these persons in the past. I also think that exploiting women for state resources is a different kettle of fish from the charge of “rape”, an action which is terribly hard to prove in court even when taken up immediately after the event.

    I trust that we will all guard our speech and emotions as we try to eradicate all forms of abuse from our society be it child abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment in the workplace or any other such vices.

    • Whammy
      May 30, 2014

      Exactly! “RAPE” is very different from sexual abuse or favours. His spoken words were NOT that of ALLEGED it was stated as FACT. This is the issue. Reality is there will always be bad eggs in everything. LL has misspoken and this is what now has him in this situation period!!!!!!!!!

      • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        May 30, 2014

        @whammy You really wish that hie had mispoken, but he did say it as it is. You dont hide to speak the truth. You say it as it is. I have more training in law that you, but will tell you not a word.
        Linton is spot on.

      • heart
        June 1, 2014

        You have training in law? Retrain my boy or girl. You should know about the details that make rape a rape and rape needs not only verbal accusation but physical evidence. Guess you have that sealed in your lab. I too am trained in law. Don’t embarrass our field please.

    • Fair And Balance
      May 30, 2014

      @ Barbara Saunders, I tend to agree with some of your points but not with everything. Concerning if you go to a minister for public assistance and he asks you to come home…makes some sense. However, not all of us are the same as some are more vulnerable than others. I bet that lady knew what was coming but you cannot close a blind eye to her need which some of us will sell our very soul to ensure our present needs are met and will also keep an open door for future needs too. Concerning exploiting women is different from rape, I disagree. If we go back to the case of Feb. 24, 1992 where Mike Tyson was brought before the court for rape/sexual assault against Ms. Desiree Washington, you will agree that according to evidences and testimonies Tyson did no rape her, in the sense that he did not grab her and start to push himself against her will. However, he was found guilty of rape because 18 year old Desiree was at a point of need and Tyson used his money to have sex with her. The same is true with President Clinton. In fact just last week Ms. Monica Lewinsky confessed in her book that she consented to have sex with Mr. Clinton but Mr. Clinton used his power to have sex with her. So rape is not just hold and force it in but it also means using ones power and influence to get sex.

      • heart
        June 1, 2014

        Are you for real? A man be it minister or whoever invites you to his home after hours you go and you do not know what you are going for? Why didn’t she seek help other places or report that same minister like she is doing now? All this is political games and she is being raped yet again by politics as she is being used by the party to push their political agenda.

      • Barbara Saunders
        June 2, 2014

        Fair and balanced

        I’m afraid I do not know the details of the Tyson case. I vaguely remember that she was in his hotel room or something when the incident happened. I guess there are technicalities in everything and perhaps he got convicted on one of them. Of course the word rape can be used in different contexts but is there any doubt about the context in which it was used in the instance under discussion?

        I think that we all should be genuinely concerned about what is happening in the society and not make everything appear to be done out of political motivation or convenience. (not suggesting you are doing so, just a general statement). We need to call on all our politicians to responsible behaviour and speech; we have to call on our men to be stronger and recognise that when women approach men, even the married ones, with direct requests in some cases for loans or gifts their motives are far from innocent and a kind-hearted response by giving the requested assistance could land them in a situation of similar accusation down the road. Their word against yours and theirs would more than likely be more plausible.

        We have to call on women to respect and honour themselves so that the latest cell phones and outfits and painted nails do not overtake their morals and self-worth. Parents, teach your children both male and female christian morals and values so that we can have a better society. In other words go to the root of the problem, not the symptom.

    • Anonymous
      May 30, 2014

      There is something called “duress” in law i.e. you consent to an perform an act because you think you have no choice because the person requesting that you do the act is a figure of authority over you, even if it is only in your mind.

      • JoJo
        May 31, 2014

        Bravo, the law does recognise that.. There is also COERCION:” to persuade an unwilling person to do something by using force or threat”. If you can convince the court that you acted under those circumstances it means that you did not act out of your own free will and that would be a good defence.

      • Barbara Saunders
        June 2, 2014


        Just thinking critically and dispassionately, you certainly could not be suggesting that this could apply in the case of an ADULT female!

        What would be the authority that the alleged perpetrator/perpetrators could have over the ADULT female “in her mind”? I can better relate this concept to a helpless minor, dependent on an adult for his/her well-being.

  63. hiker
    May 30, 2014

    The time is now to uphold moarlity in politics in the region. Irrespective of your political denomination, once people regard you as being a leader you should be forthright and call things by their names. Having said so i am apalled that the PM has not commented on that issue.
    Lennox on the other reperesents leadership with change in its ideals just as the PM Kamala Persaud who took rightfull action

  64. Really
    May 30, 2014

    I hope he has made public the wrong doings of those that he may know about who may have exploited women or women who he have been exploited by politicians.

    And hold your comment for St. Lucia.

    • Really
      May 30, 2014

      correction: women who may have been exploited.

  65. sensefromnonsense
    May 30, 2014

    Holy holy holy I Emanuel I selassie I jah rastafari hear our prayers this is real people and it has to come to an end especially for some of u who seek to defend those who abuse their power.sone of u act like Lennox gave u all breaking news u hypocrites.Go ahead make my day and scribble anything u want about my comment anything against this kind of rhetoric is a blessing anything for it is a curse and only a fool would meditate on being cursed go stupid

  66. Pashtunwali
    May 30, 2014

    I am a strong UWP supporter and I commend Mr. Linton in bringing the issue to the forefront. However, I know of ALLEGED past UWP Ministers who did the same. I won’t call names but goodwill is my birth place!

    So let’s all, be it Red, Blue and green, try to rid this maladie from public office, even the highest public office!

    • JoJo
      May 30, 2014

      You are right, it applies to any one regardless of their political preference. It applies equally to religious leaders and people in any position of authority, education, medical. A lot of us have been scolding the catholic church, rightly so but we should examine our own conscience first. Time we stop hiding this and talk about it and expose it.

    • Umm
      May 30, 2014

      Who was the parlrep for good will under UWP… who is there for DLP in goodwill today?

      If you know of any activities against other women they should be reported- name and shame! Don’t care who it is.

    • Clinb we Climbing
      May 30, 2014

      @Pashtunwali… You said it. “A past UWP Minister”. “Goodwill is my birthplace”. Who have ears let them hear, who has eyes let them see and who has brains let them think. That’s all for now.

  67. Anonymous
    May 30, 2014

    Did Mr. Prudent get it right. There was not an allegation. This is an accusation about all ministers of government raping women for jobs. Is he aware that there are women in the Government of Dominica. Isn’t the statement implicating them as female rapists too?

    • Not Me Alone
      May 30, 2014

      @Anonymous, you too fool of it. You know very well that Lennox was not referring to all government ministers and he did not say ALL government ministers either. Wrong is wrong and we must stop covering evil practices because of who did it.

    • Untold Stories
      May 30, 2014

      No sah.. Lennox never said “the Government”, he said “a Government” – which means, anywhere!

  68. Anna Maria Serieux
    May 30, 2014

    So true Prudent but this media personnel/politician in question is not who he professes to be according to my understanding. All he wants is to become prime minister so that he will continue to divide and rule. From listening to the recording one can easily detect anger mixed with hatred for those who oppose him especially the government side. Tell me, is this the best Dominica can do in terms of a prospective leader of a country? Aren’t there respectable, disciplined and educated men in the UWP to take up the mantel. Even if he is very articulate,Lennox Linton is not the right man for the job and that’ s a fact. Be warned Dominicans.

    • hiker
      May 30, 2014

      Whats does it matter to you who takes the leadership mantle of a party you do not support? You can go by any pseudo, is people like you that are benefitting from the trough and will eagerly defend by any means neccesary just as Alix Boyd Knight who defends when it is convenient to her.
      Lennox Linton is more than articulate, he stands for truth and honesty. In a real country Skerritt would have resigned a long time ago after that fertilizer bobol, bin bobol and lots more including the land transfer scandal but people like you stay silent and condone it.

    • clean talk
      May 30, 2014

      You know I have been listening to everything which has been happening and being said about what Lennox said .But as I see it Tony is just trying to help Skerro to get rid of those people he already wanted out of his cabinet . Come on Tony go to court with Linton.Names will be mentioned and those owners of the names will have to go.Mission accomplish. all those who refuse to get out for new reps will have no choice but to bow out quietly. Can,t you see we hook them they have swallowed hook line and sinker.

      • day
        May 30, 2014

        Lennox has said that the entire cabinet of ministers are rapist. As far as I know(correct me if I am wrong), non of the ministers have been charged or convicted of rape.We can cloud the issue by talking about sexual favors and sex in exchange for government assistance, which is wrong. In the absence of a rape conviction against any of the ministers how is Mr. Linton going to defend himself. Remember the saying …inocent untill proven guilty. In this case there is not even pending charges of rape against any of the ministers.

    • Truth be told
      May 30, 2014

      Well give the young dimpled man a chance, that’s what some Dominicans said and see the mess this young dimpled prime minister has placed us and there is still more to come. Hope you survive the mess to come Dominica. Lord have mercy!!!!!!!!!

  69. Anonymous
    May 30, 2014

    I am interested in knowing when the UWP was in office if any of these incidents never took place., and if it did why was there silence

    • Umm
      May 30, 2014

      well given that Dominicans are so silent these days and are ready to drag a man down for speaking the truth I guess we can conclude. All those who could have said something was silent and Lennox Linton who seems to have the voice – was in Antigua at the time (I may be wrong, but I think that’s about the time he was leaving in Antigua) so that would explain why no one spoke out about it.

    • At me
      May 30, 2014

      If it did take place it should be condemned also.

    • humble_me
      May 30, 2014

      Yes it happened in the reign of UWP, I heard it from a UWP Minister himself and this was his words ” I am fed-up with this women they come to me for everything, if their mother is sick, if their man is sick, if their children is sick, it is time that I finish with this politics business, before my office is opened on a Monday morning they are already there waiting for me”.

      So wrong is wrong I agree if this is happening in any party it should stop. But our young women should take some pride in their selves and stop going to the Minister’s and asking for favor’s

      • ??????????????????
        May 30, 2014

        @humble-me Well you are a dam wicked and vile human being. Why didn’t you take it on like Linton has done.? Now you would be walking with your head high. Go bury your big long head in the sand now. YOUR HYPOVRITE! You are just as guilty as those who did it, because you knew about it. SO SHUT THE HELL UP. YOU ARE OVBVIOUSLY EMPTY.
        The women have pride because some of them are talking bout their abuse, but they are deliberately BEING KEEP POOR BY THE WICKED REGIME.

  70. Anonymous
    May 30, 2014


  71. watchman
    May 30, 2014

    Truth is Truth and no one can say otherwise people near and far must continue to speak against this criminal act

  72. Naturalistic
    May 30, 2014

    Well Said!

    Regardless of how Mr Linton said it,we cant pretend like those things does not happen in Dominica.
    But if we are to weigh statements then remember when PM told the opposition
    ” Go to hell, go to hell, It’s none of your Damn business…”
    Lets be fair and call it what it is Dirty Politics.

    • natty
      May 30, 2014

      You can tell me go to hell as much as you like, but labeling me a rapist is a completely different matter.

    • ?
      May 30, 2014

      @Naturalistic And he said it in the way that it was supposed to be said. No matter how much they spin it, Linton represented the plight of poor women throughout the Caribbean region.

  73. Doc. Love
    May 30, 2014

    Sometimes, I get the impression that Tony might be the person who will be responsible for bringing down the DLP, not Mr. Linton or the Geothermal activities in the Roseau Valley. Go ahead, Tony, make Lennox Linton a hero, a deliverer like Moses.

    • Really
      May 30, 2014

      Though I support your comment, we must also realise that the statement of “Rape” is strong. Had Mr. Linton said guilty of sexual misconduct against the young women he would not be in that hot water.

      To say that they are rapist is too strong a statement without police reports or statements to support it.

    • love
      May 30, 2014

      Your statement gives comfort to you and the UWP supporters who are praying for a miracle, sadly for you and them this is not it. :cry: :cry: :cry:

    • %
      May 30, 2014

      @Doc Love I have declared Linton a hero before Tony. If after just a few months as party leader, the man slammed that in the face of his opponents, HE DESRERVES TO BE A HERO. That silent and hush hush policy does not work, and it’s not for Linton..
      HOW LONG?
      NOT LONG!

  74. Umm
    May 30, 2014

    AMEN! Whether you are blue, red, black or whatever – you cannot deny that what this man has stated is a fact in our Caribbean Life – anyone who says otherwise is a SOUTEWEY!

    • post
      May 30, 2014

      @Umm, are you saying that all the government minister in the caribbean islands are rapist?

    • heart
      June 1, 2014

      It would have been a more acceptable fact had he not accused government ministers only. It occurs in all circles and not just there.

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