Maduro invokes memory of Chávez before Venezuela election

Calling himself the son of the “Christ of the poor”, Venezuela’s ruling party candidate, Nicolás Maduro, has closed his presidential election campaign with parakeets, footballers and a huge and colourful rally in Caracas ahead of Sunday’s vote.

Opinion surveys suggest the political heir of Hugo Chávez is on course for double-digit victory in the oil-rich nation, but his challenger Henrique Capriles has taken heart from recent polls that show a narrowing of the lead.

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  1. Dominican Mon
    April 15, 2013

    Simple put without fanfare, a Leader who prohibits Freedom of Speech and creative thought is a Dicator …

    If it waddles in the mud and looks like a pig … IT IS A PIG !

  2. April 14, 2013

    I firmly believe the Caribbean, and the world is about to see the reincarnation of Hugo Chavez, and perhaps an even worst tyrant, and dictator than Chavez could have been!

    ” The son of Christ for the poor.”

    That is what he calls himself, thus, placing himself above normal, and ordinary man in the flesh. That to me is the beginning of trouble, that is the mark of a tyrant, and a nasty dictator!

    We can say as followers of God, and believers in Jesus, we are sons of God, because the Bible teaches ” as many as believe in him (him Jesus) to them gave he the power to become sons of God.

    However, it must be noted that is different to what this Venezuelan politician has said; the way I interpret his words are that he has declared himself Christ to the poor. in other words he has declared himself a god to the poor people of Venezuela.

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    The same was in the begriming with God.”(St. John Chapter 1: vs 1&2).

    What is interesting to note here is that in the two verses where the ” Word” is capitalized it means Jesus, so one must conclude that Jesus Christ is God himself, every first year theologian, and biblical scholars have agreed on that fact.

    So for this piece of what he is in Venezuela to declare himself god, is something our government should be concerned about and perhaps reconsider our relationship with that country from a diplomatic point of view if this so called god wins the election.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Justice and Truth
      April 15, 2013

      Telemaque, we are made in the imagine and likeness of God. Granted, we are not God and should not compare ourselves to God.
      The son of Christ for the poor. What is wrong with that? He is a son of Christ. He did not mean in reality “he is a son of Christ.” He also did not say he is God. My understanding is that he helps the poor and is interested in helping the poor. Our Lord has taught about helping the poor, being loving, kind and generous to all, “That you might be called a child of God and my disciple”.
      How many of those who call themselves Christians help the poor? Many talk of Jesus Christ – of God but this is as far as they go. Therefore, leave the man alone. He knows why he made the statement. There are some people who do not think beyond and always misinterpret what others state. Some of you also misinterpret what is contained in Holy Scripture. You are a typical example.

      • venezuela
        April 15, 2013

        i am a dominican living in venezuela and i wish i had money to bring all dominicans to venezuela for one day so they could see the truth. chavez was no where near being a dictator. in fact i have not seen one president who governed as he did

      • April 15, 2013

        I advised you to read l John, in the King James version of the Bible and see if you can understand it any different to my interpretation of the Word of God.

        Perhaps you will interpret 1 John Chapter 1: 1-2 different to my interpretation, however if you are in the Sprit, and you are seeking for the truth, God will reveal it to you as he has revealed it to me, when I get into the word of God, I leave my intellectualism behind me; and study the word to show myself approved unto God, rightly dividing the word of truth.

        At least that I hope.

        And let me say here When the Bible said we are made in the image of God, that does not mean our phenotype or face is like that of God!

        Jesus Christ is God, and so if this man claims that he is Christ to the poor, indeed he has declared himself a god, as simple as that!

        No if, and or but about it: there is plenty wrong about his belief, what is in a man’s heart (his sprit) comes out of his mouth. ” As many as believed on him to them gave he power to become the sons of God”; in a spiritual sense as believers in God, that is totally different to a man, a politician claiming to be Christ to the poor: in reality he has made himself a god over the people.

        That is my opinion, no one has to agree with me, I’ve had plenty of comments coming to me via E-mail stating that he could be the now elected can be a Christian, my view is that if by any chance he was a Christian, a believer in God he would not have contended that he is Christ to the poor.

        So, right now if Dominica goes to Venezuela for a hand out, the powers that be had better be prepared to kneel and pray to the Venezuela god for that handout.


        You see what you made me do?

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  3. Doc. Love
    April 14, 2013

    During the election to elect Chavez,Skerrit was all over Venezuela screaming long live Chavez.I wonder wether he went to Venezuela this time,long live Maduro.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 15, 2013

      Chavez did some good in Venezuela. If he did not, his deputy would not have won the election. This should tell you something about Chavez.

  4. Anonymous
    April 14, 2013

    Helping the poor is a good thing ; being a dictator, like Chavez was, is another one.

    I hope that “Mad” will loose and that democracy will be restored by the opposition.

    Should Mad win these elections, I hope he will not behave like “crazy Chavez”

  5. Sammy
    April 13, 2013

    Son of christ for the poor? what mockery is this. Alas, the devil has cast a spell on some voters eh.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 15, 2013

      You misunderstood those words.

  6. braaaaa
    April 13, 2013

    i love two of these comments a sot is a sot where in the world venezula have uwp stop that zeze and yup mad u nobut please includ r and seeit like that mad r u no or yes i say yes he cannot now be the christlike son if he is not born again boodoom who win petro caribe still in da skerro work for maduro eddo we go see

    • Malgraysa
      April 14, 2013

      Totally incomprehensible! If this is the product of ten years of Universal Secondary Education may God help us.

  7. boodoom
    April 13, 2013

    big victory for maduro tommorow :lol: :lol: :lol:

    now all u will burst more. cant u all see it….no sensible thinking person wants u.w.p :!: :!: :!:

    • ()
      April 13, 2013

      @ boodoom YOUR ACCOMPLISHED FOOL! Venezuela does not have UWP….. Dominicans including you and me cannot influence what happens in Venezuela’s election. Make Skerrit buy an exercise book and a pencil for you and go to night school… SOT!

      • Zebe Amere
        April 13, 2013

        What does Skerrit have to do with that? You could have corrected him/her instead.Sometimes i wonder why everything seem to revolve around one man like that.

      • macdo
        April 13, 2013

        you are the fool cause you falling for every bait,eh ben the person can say what they want freedom of speech.

      • Anonymous
        April 14, 2013

        Chavez or socialism in general is for the people an more so for the poor thats why they voting socialism again,do you know for who an y christ died?,thats politicians words ny bro pick up some knowlege

      April 13, 2013

      laughable :lol: :lol: :lol: impossible you could be so RETARTED!!!!!! but again you can only see red IDIOT

    • yaaa
      April 14, 2013

      A perfect example of how an average DLP supporter’s brain work. lmao

  8. truth offends
    April 13, 2013

    Maduro refers to himself as the son of the “Christ of the poor.” Is that why those laborites especially the ed minister here referred to Skerrit as “Christ.” One has to be off his mind to do such a thing, No wonder the first three letters in Maduro tells us who he is. In fact we could just pull out the letter R from his name and replace it with N and it would be pronounced Mad-u-no.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 15, 2013

      Another typical example. Small minds think alike. Do some of you ever learn some sense from others who comment sensibly on DNO? Learn from others.
      Some of you fail to comprehend what Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “We are to be Christ-like.” Wherever we go, whatever we say and do, we are to be Christ-like to others, that others will see “the face of Jesus in us, a reflection of him.” In other words, when they see us, they should see Jesus in us.” Our words, also our statements on this Website should be Christ-like. Pray to God for this enlightenment.
      Recall “Blessed, Mother Teresa of Calcutta.” She is an excellent, godly and saintly example. Anyone who helps the poor, who provides for them and renounce capitalism and materialism, is on the side of God, on the side of the poor.
      I do not condone violence and coups and the likes but I condone and support those who help the poor. “…And they’ll know we are Christians by our love…” You should do likewise. Pray to God for enlightenment.

      • truth offends
        April 16, 2013

        @ Justice and Truth, I can tell you are on a mission to educate everyone. You must be getting a good salary from skero for twisting the word of God. I could tell you have some religious understanding and I hope you are not using your knowledge to justify what is wrong. If you had some sense, you would notice that I did not comment on what Maduro said but rather, on how Mr. Skeritte was referred to as “Chist” while the opposition leader to Banabas by a preacher. Can you justify this as well?

  9. IluvmyPm
    April 13, 2013

    Capriles have our vote

  10. Malatete
    April 13, 2013

    Very sad when a man has to subsist, and justify himself in the shadow of a dead man. Christ did not have son, maybe rightly so. What it does show me is that Maduro is not his own man. Maybe he will win the election but it will be Chavez pulling the strings from the grave. Poor people of Venezuela but maybe, like here, they like it so.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 15, 2013

      There is a lot you do not know and which you should learn. Make it your business to do so. Are you a Catholic Christian or a non-Catholic one or one who is a fallen away Catholic Christian?
      I read in the Book Divine Mercy in My Soul, from the Diary of a nun, St. Faustina Kowalska of Poland. Our Lord appeared to her on many occasions, spoke to her and gave her messages. She also received inspirations from him. He called her, “My daughter.”
      Recently I was contemplating on the sudden passing on of a friend which was also shocking to those who knew him, as I prayed for his soul. What crossed my mind was, “My child, pray for …”. His name was called. Who could this have been? Obviously it was either Our Lord Jesus Christ or His Holy Spirit – One and the Same.
      Our Lord said, The Father is in Me and I am in Him. If you know Me, you know My Father. All things are handed to Me by My Father.”
      Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us, “His children.” He may say, “My daughter” or “My son”. If the newly elected Venezuelan President says, “He is the son of Christ for the poor”, he is not wrong. Further he was campaigning and imbedded in his listeners that he will help them. Therefore he used this term. It makes good sense to me.
      Go to Holy Scriptures especially in the Gospel of John and do not only read it, study it.
      Some of you are so falsely indoctrinated and misled that you obviously will repeat what you are told as if you know it all, are more knowledgeable, perfect and experts than others. You are not always correct. The day will come when the truth will be revealed to you. May it not be too late for you.

  11. maindesk
    April 13, 2013

    Politicians call themselves Christ willy-nilly and Christians applaud them.

    • Truth be told
      April 14, 2013

      Because most “Christians” have no sense of Christ in their lifestyle. You have to remember Christ was not a “Christian” – this was not even his name and “Christianity” is a Roman religion created by the last emperors in the dying days of Roman political superiority to maintain power through religion. And so the last emperor became the first Pope and they created “Christianity”! So yes, history is full of evil men who have taken up the name as ‘son of Christ’ or Christ himself!

      • Justice and Truth
        April 15, 2013

        Oh my! Who are you to say that Christians have no sense of Christ in their lifestyle? What about you? Are you holy of holies? What is your lifestyle like? :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
        What propaganda and blasphemy! I read some comments on DNO that I never expected I would read and not coming from Dominicans. I thought some of you knew better. You do need God’s enlightenment. It appears you are un-teachable and far gone. You have swayed from the truth.
        The reason why we are called Christians it is because Our Lord’s Name is “Christ”. We are his followers.
        Our Lord was born of the House of David. His Mother, the Ever Blessed Virgin Mary was a Jew. However, Our Almighty Father did not send him to earth as a Jew. He sent him to earth as God the Son. He came first to the Jews and some Jews rejected him. You know that story and what happened to him.
        In Holy Scriptures: He said, “I will go to the Gentiles and make you a jealous nation.” We are also Gentiles.
        You must study Holy Scriptures and pray to God so that you can utilize the common sense that He gave you which you appear not to be using or lack it which is why you state such crap.
        History is also full of evil men like you who do not know what you stated. Do not exclude yourself. God knows who you are. The pot calling the kettle black.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 15, 2013

      What main desk are you? I hope you are not a staff member of DNO? DNO should prohibit you from using this name.
      Who are you? Are you not a Christian? If Christians applaud him, they have good reasons. They are not stupid to misinterpret him. They are fully aware of what he meant and that he is not placing himself as God or saying that he is God. You need to become knowledgeable.
      When last you went to Church, prayed, perform good works including reading certain religious books and listening to religious Radio and TV? If you do not, it is high time you commence that God will bless, grace and inspire you.

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